2 a hops very fortauate in securing ices of Miss - one whom the leading Mi turers of the east, say | valuable Taylor, of Montreal, in@ry Manufac- 'been of very service to them for the past six years, She has taken charge of our work room and from the flow of pretty creations _tarned out every day, we, think that the ladies of Kingston will pot have to go out of town for their Milligery this season. 5 y Bros. You Pay ii 4k £ a Less Here X DINNER AND TOILET SETS AT A BIG SAVIN oR ' 5 se, ¥e0 Wa Cambination ly Tea and Berry Set, Blue 'and Green' lating. s tiawless and poss = tape. tio gh in pretty floral des! Your has rock pattern, sdged with soi, nige. he | hes Your choice. . ; - We hkve other handsome Sets up to % hy . 8 for Sniy, extra lar, ong your Bets, HE ie tha Heed sans UX YOUR ST. PATRICK AND EASTER CARDS HERE, £ iby Melntoanh Bros. "MANAGER, PERCY, JESSE. . + ¥ 2 is fifty ors cent. m more f vilugble as'a food than bread. Why not use the Goreal that gives { © 'the best value or every known test. " Orange Meat and Mytk isa Perfect Food. " mw | liable concern coming here. to OF ------ sping 4 Suiting and ion bagi JUST ARRIVED TO-DAY. A. C WAGGONER," TuNDERs Pom MACHINERY, BELT Ana SHAPTING,- SRA. AIR "f whose % 4 y person whose tender is accepted ana Sathin ten Jays after the a o contract, specifi iH and Snacks Rhy Tass of re te Por | lat. a for such ref and 'all oh rights Cuma on 15 ance of sthe (ender shall be fore AR HH are ER ye ra of Canada performance Ry for 1 the ER id in Rt me i reaved is reset any on By order, P. E. RYAN, ary, The Commissioners of the Transcontinental Ballway. ond 2nd March, 1910. Newspapers. (nserting this advertises ment without authority from the Com- (uF ing of » Hit is throbbivy with shippi i fast, the Pride of the north of Ireland, . A financial standing . dort THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG; FRIDAY. MARCH 11, TO BROOME '| A GREAT SHIP. BUILDING CENTRE. Let the People Support the Drydock Exemption By-law and Allow the Kingston Company to Establish a Big Plant. i , Ont., March 10.--~(To Editor) : Some of the bi old world Some been what are to-day by the immense shi ing interests that have been pistes and conducted in their midst. Glas gow is' a sample of what shipbuilding the cities of the {ean do for a city. The river Clyde i» Inrgely a manufactured river and from its estuary to almost its very source ing life. Bel: is atiother tity that: has been mode great' ~ through shipbuilding, without which it would searcely be known. Many other cities along "the waterways of England are great shipbuilding cen- tres w are thousdnds of mien "are con- tinually employed. - * Now, 'whenever the Moritreal Trans- portation company, or aiy other big shipping concern doing business on the great lakes, is wanting an up-to-date freight or ger boat, it must zo abroad. v not 'build these ships, or as many as we can of them, and give employment to *Kingstonians ? We . |have one of the finest Harbors om this continent and we are favorably situ- ated at the gate of the St. Lawrence and at the foot of the finest chain of lakes in all the world. Then why should we not © aspire to become a shipbuilding centre, furnishing any and all kind of craft that may be needed ? This is just what will be done if we pass the Kingston = Shipbuilding com- '| pany's by-law that will be passed upon by the citizens of Kingston on the 21st inst. We have the location required, and is there any reason why we cannot secure brains and mechanical ability | for such an enterprise.. Ouigiders with shundance of money have willingly come forward to finauce the undertak- ing, land all we have to do is to vote the company an exemption of taxes to the extent of the actual valuation of thé property acquired from the government, and the company will do the rest, and give us an industry that will make the city a hive of industry and open pr B possibilities - of employ- ment to hundreds of men and boys, We want industries. This hae been ow éry for years, and this is the © first we have had to our demand for anu bonest effort to make Kiagston bigger and better. At present, the dry-dock is not paying the city a cent of taxes, so that we have nothing to lose. The educational advantages of our city will be made greater by the school taxes on $50,000 which the company, is only foo glad to pay. In a few years we should be laying the keels of big ships here, and we will be known as a slapbuilding city. This Kingston shipbuilding eoncern is not ng on the possibilities of possibilities of the merchant service of Canada. Let' us build our own ships and build them right here in King ston. My what music there will be in the sound of 'the hammer of the busy builder' as 'we build ' ships for ' river and lake, and then man them with sailors and crews that will be led to make their homes in the good old limestone city. Pass the shipbuilding by- av. and show ei property owner the value 'to the ity of a good, clean and iv do business with millions behind it, and that is good ugh for 'anything they care to un e. The twentieth century ' ie Canada's century, and the year .. ol 11910 is Kingston's year, and we begin with a new shipbuilding plant if you, say so with a vote for the by- of will law~LOYAL KINGSTONIAN. Easter in History. Faster comes March 27th. "The earliest date upon which it may fall |i March 22nd, but in. 4 period of over 200 years it has fallen but once on that date in 1818. may come as late as "April 25th, as it did 'in 1886, but will not do it again until 1943. The next early. Easter , will be 1913, when it will fall upon March 23rd. See Bibby's $l "pleated ted shirts. The Buby committee of the legisla- ote lture has approved 'the Ontario tion act. 3 PROMPTLY BAN From "Man's Malaites') 1 Aeaain so! thi iinery : eet use man 10. beco - manner Humid suspicious and t real wi Rn readily I oaalaned kT rae 'matic et be fotlowed out in he privacy of home an restoration 4 a pormal o hatural condit. iy snes and knows wh 3, ¥ nities, loss of % AT control, Jack of i pa of head, Shoeting pata. P ne hollow" . eyes, sun lips, di elec { 80d, Devo § _ MAN'S MISERY Amdsements. | "gram ) MOUSE fren GRR Bo ER Ta pedi PAGE THREE. La ¥ The People' ws Forum tines, 2.30. on. P. Ble erion prt Prescais IRRESISTIBLE GRAPEWIN Tn His Comedy Success, Above the Lir 6 A Lough Eyery Hime fhe Ciotk Ticks. ren MEER BILJOU Sc. TO-MORROW 5¢ "A Squaw's Sacrifice" Or "The Devotion of Women," a West- ern drama different from all ethers in Great Trick Comedy "A Wild Ride For Dinner' one most remarkable ever shown. "How He Tamed His Mother- in-law" Another good comedy which will ap- peal to all Young husbands. To-Day 0) br of the The same comedies and a thrilling Western 'play, "The Cowgirl and the indian." Friday, March [1th Preliminaries, 3 p.m. Admission, 15¢ Finals, 8 p.m. Admission, 25c... Covered Rink CLIFFSIDES ¢nterprovincial Champions) a QUEEN'S (Interceljegiate Champions) SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, 1910, Game called at § p.m. Admission--Geut's., 30c; Ladies, 25c; Reserved Seats, 50¢ extra. Plan open for Bale of Seats and Tick- ats on Friday at 10 am SATURDAY, MAR. FL ---------- First insertion lc a werd. Each cons secutive insertion (hereafter half cent ol 2 Minimum charge for ome In- insertions, $0c.; six, §1; one month, $2. wertion, 235e.; three HELP--WANTED. IENCED HOUSE- N EXPE A his office, Apply at MOULDER WANTED AT ONCE, maid. FIRST CLASS fice. AN. FXPERIENCED SALESLADY. AP- ply, The Somerville Co, Wellington Btreet FIRST-CLASS DRIVER FOR DE- livery No. 1 Apply, Jas. J. Lackie, Princess Street. White girl.and an Indian maid as riv als -- APPLY, IN GENE L, SERVANT. GENERA M. Gibson, the evening. to Mra G 31 Frontenac Street. GOOD, SMART YOUNG MAN TO learn the shoe business; must be ui good appearance and well recom- mended. J; H. Sutherland & Bro A YOUNG GIRL... ABOUT, 17 YEARS for heavy work. Box 310, Whig of- old, to assist with infant: best ree ferenc required Ca et ween ang 8 in the evening to 141 King : Street SALESMEN FOR THE BEST AUTO- matic Comprensed -air Hand Spray- er made? liberal terms; sample ma- chine free to approved agents. Cavers Bros, Galt. T RT ELULIGRNT PBRSO --_-- Nu nionthly for newapapers No Send for particula cate, 3,969 Lockport, AN N MAY BOYS AND GIRLS CAN MAKE MONEY in their spare time seeling our goods; send 10 cents in silver for samples and particulars. Phoenix A 0; $87 Siarket St. Newark, NJ. SITUATION WANTED, GOOD REEDLEWOMAN WOULD like work. by the a at ladies' houses. Apply, Box Ea Whig office WANTED--GENERAL. BIRDS, BIRDS, 'BIRDS. wah SERMAN CANARIES, n Each bird is guaranteed se Tocted songster or money refunded. Come in and hear them. Driver, Cor Queen and 'Barrie streets. 'Phone 611. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURE! Godwin's Msuranoe Empo Market Square, Kingston. Phone 424. 8S. KIREPATRICK, GENERAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Street, Telephone 668. S0 Tele: oC LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Kingston. IR Bera! Hictes and 4. moderate 3 Fetes es. Ben Agent, T150 W en ig street GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Rut your Invoices in an envel- ope With a one cent. stamp on h and drop in the nearest letier box We do the rest. Al kinds of Fire jusurance pla aced on short notice Shenae e396. 67 Clarence St, Kings- on. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Firé Insurance Som mpany. Avallable assets $61,187, n addition te which the Policyhoiders have for security the unihuited liabilitr of all the stockholders. rm and city property insured at. lowest posible rates. Before renewing old or giving asw husiness set rates fr range range, ents. Phohe. 326." 8 £ ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, § King street, 'Phone, 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 1851 University Ave. WM. NEWLAN tects, etc. "Phone, "608. LANDS & SON, ARCHI- Office, 268 Bagot street POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- ohants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 312. Shhh RR RRR : FOR SALE, Yaeht Invader, hull and sails In Al condition; complete racing and cruising outfit, dinghy, new last yar: everything in first. class order; in commission in spring, $900.00 J. H. FEARNSIDE, familton, Ont. FERRE EEE RR RPI Ped " * o : 4 : <4 3 : R : 4 N SCRIP eCann, 51 ONTARIO AND BA VETE jo buy for cash, J. 8 R. rock St. Who said 'Sour Kraut? It od" now ready for use and you can de on on | its being clean and properly 1 made it myself HJ MYERS 60 Brock St. "Phone #70. WILL RE-ELECT J. BERNEY As Grand Master of Drange 1otge of ' Ontario East. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, March 11.--Several Kingston delegates will attend conventions here next week, local committees have ar- rangements well undes- way for the provincial Royal Black Chapter meet- ing, which some seventy-five delegates will attend here on Tuesday and Wed- nesday morning, and which the grand Orange lodge of Ontario Fast will at- tend on the afternoon of Wednesday and all day Thursday. It is expected 300 Orangemen will attend the latter. Grand Master James Berney, of Kingston, will be re-elected grand mas- ter. It is also probable that "Sandy" Grant, of Tweed, head of the Black Ch y will also get a second term. It is probable the school question will be one of . tHe important issues dis- cussed. SPE. and Blood. Toronto Globe. The Navy, the organ of the British Navy League, in a recent isstie said : "The shortage "men is very seri- otis. Alt grews are with- in the limit, there werg-al the end but 1,600 men in Portsmouth pavel barracks, in- cluding stokets u training. This is about one-third iP juin num- of Portsmouth is a Similar Chatham obvious that spoken of 'donations tr asaes which it builds. test to To the gilt of a small vessel seamen on it TO RENT BY THE FIRST OF MAY, A five or six room house. Address, W. M. Burton, 184 Alfred Bt. City. AT ONCE. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, in €bod oh ition, also > good ne rho not over per 5 "J. De Lo 108 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, garpgnter and Builder, 265 Division for reasonable prices on all Rings of jobbing. All work done promptly. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. Carpenter and Jolner, 2€2 Senha an eh RETR for reasonable Prices Address, Street, HORSES TO PURCHASE. I iLL Buy horses. Will Kingaton for the entire RE y king. #87 Princess St. Tele- pnone No. 960. jro RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW and May 1st, small house, with modern = conveniences; downtown district preferred. A Box 131, Whig office. FURNITURE COVERING. ETC. DONE y the day at customers' h For pA particulars, 'enquiry at 2 Ontario street, or eis will made in response to letters. Address, ee te epee House. IN GOOD CONDITION, NOT less than 8 rooms: mibdern conveni- ences. verandah or balcony pre- ferred: rent about $20.00; required 1st of Ma APPLY, Geo. B. McKay, Bank of Toronto TO BRING THE! EN baa and have It made up rr 18 ate Suita. ice and workman- guarante ease. Preast and Spairing" a nk on the short ox oway, a ext A BID Livery. sd Brag OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE. ASHCRO. Edna Farle As fort, 1 8 radu: Sehoo ¢ Osteopathy, K kavilie, 1 Missouri, ob incess st a 'Phone 447. No charge for consultation and 1litera- ture regarding this new a enipula. BS, neatment, "Heplth Wihout LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & oa and Solicitors. BARRY arence St. w Office, DIAMONDS ARE , WE VENTURE THE STATE- 'MENT THAT NO OTHER ES- ' TABLISHMENT IN KINGS- TON OFFERS SUCH EXCEL- LENT VALUES IN DIAMONDS Formerly Spangenber's WE MEET COMPETITION BY THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR DIAMONDS. - | DR. ' f lopbi ng. All work ently. MEDICAL. 18x40 WOOD, M.A, M.T), (Eng.), F.O8 and surgeon; o 2to4 CM, MRCS, Edin), Son ant ce hours, 10 to 1 263 King St. E. 'Phone 7 J. F. SPARKS, BA, M.D, and Burgenn, Orth hours: and 7 to 9 pom PHYSICIAN foo Wellington Bt 10 to 12 a.m, to 4 "Phone fe? HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL ONTARIO ST, goposite G.T.R. station, one block rom CPR. on. street car line; otel lately remodelied; charges moderate; cial rates by the wee Jonn Cousinean, Prop. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW open. Service A La Carte. Open day and night, Up-to-date service at popular priges. Private dipin room. Entrance on King stre next to Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. Con. Haag, Prop. BUSINESS OHANCES, OPENING IN Agency Business young man; single GOOD ESTABLISHED for a capable preferred; ne investment Fhquired Address, Box 31. Whig office . ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN ox & mall order buSinsas at homes « AKOR gur own Berd for ig LW let. Tells Jone. port, N.Y. 9 1 DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS igh Princess Bt, Kingston. "Phone ENTIoL mx ©, C. NASH, J. Gibson kuin street. 'Phon ESTABLISHED 1860. FOR SALE. A "NATIONAL" CASH R PGISTER, worth about $150, for $55 at Turk's, 'Phone 706. LEAVE YOUR ings and Tents ut F. X. Bazeau. BEAUTIFUL TWELVE-STOP GAN, good as new, in splendid cond fmt argain $40; worth honestly Call 1¢ Russell St Po ONE SECOND-HAND MANURBD Spreader, in godd shape. AlSo Saves ral heres and colts. I. J. Hay, 136 Clarence street. % ORDER 152 FOR AWN. ontario St MOTOR BOAT READY water: bullt last fall; i length, 23 1t Apply, BE Lee, Kingston. FOR THR engine 1 beam, 7 Snake St, $1,800 WILL. RUY DOUBLE a house; seven rooms each; w.c.; Nos. 236 and 228 Raglan Row rent. $21.00 per month. Ap ply, 258 Division Street FRAM bath a GRAVE LOTS FOR BALE AT LOW prices Ih Chrigt Church Cemetary, ataranui' perpetual care taken at reasonable rates. Apply, W. Hart Lancaster, or John lieaton, Church Wardens. B.C. AND RC. RBRROWN Pallets: also a fow Bull with cockeérel of each, brown am Dufrs prize birds at 'local show, 1810; leaving city: must sell arly. F Siradiing. 10 Russell St, LEGHORN rnd White TO LET. $10.00--8TORE i PREMISES ueen' and Wallington Chas. Bell, 171 1-2 W CORNER Avril dat, $7.00--FINE 7-ROOM eos ES. sion, at nee Heal Estate Agent, tan ONE FRONT ROOM OFFICE AT 34¢ Stfest Centrally located, Ape x Forrest, Gents' Furnishen, -- py 57 Youre, Sen rent gmi $5.00-SPLENDID $-ROOM DWELLING with. we and cellar, § James St; April 1st, R. Chas. Bell, 171 1-8 Wellington DWERLLING, FURNISHED AND Ung furnished. Stores. Storage for Fuse niture. ete. McCann's, Brock, Cos, King street. > FOR UNEXPIRED TERM, BIX<ROOMs ed house, newly papered; fan bath, gas, eto.Y will also sell farn or ture cheap. Apply 87 Stuart 8 CL STORAGE FOR FURNITURE dq abs Mutely, ry, airy rooms, m peoot, your own Jock and noth ost's C SK Btorage, 29% Queen St Phone FROM MAY 1st. THE ROOMS AN Dwelling on Wellington St. over Roughton's office, for last 6 years occupled by Dr. Baker, Denti gow to C. Livingston & Co., Broo it. A LARGE BRICK BUILDING, CORNER Queen and King Streets sultabls for boarding house or roomers; Joukession iat April Apply to Jas atarney, Carriage Maker, ane Princess Btreet FOR SALE OR TO LET, i HOUSE, 47 BROC K 8TRE BY: ALL modern fmprovements; fourteen rooms. Apply, 249 Brock St A SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, BATH and w.e clothes pre ane , ood cellar and large yard, No + Rag= lan Road, near Division ad . a sion May 1st; sale price, $1,460; rent, $12.60, Aobly 256 Division BL BOARD AND ROOMS, COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, th board. ye i lighted and heat« ood table board Hh Fale. versity Ave Apply PERSONALS, HEROD, RECOMM INDED BY leading physicians of Kingston: face and scalp massage; oxzyn balm gives marvellous resul i. i Shampa manicure, pedicure YWCA } Johnson St. MRS, » i BIRTHMARKS, removed permanently Twenty years axe erfence. Dr. Eimer J Laks, Nye bar, Nose, Throat and Ekin Bleme ishe Specialist, 2568 Bigo t street. HAIR, MOLES warts, ete, without scar 1AIR DRESSING PARLOR Bt, face massage, manic treatm 109 BROCK uring. chirgs amy Jhoer. scalp ng, halr dressing, superfluous pt removed; 'satisfaction guaranteed: appointments honed Hest's Dr Store (58) will receive prompt ate tention, UESS WORK Does not : Pay. Discernin coal people get XO W WOOD at of bemestead -ity AEachuding red to earn Romes cultivate fifty acres extra. homesteatier who bas exhausted ve of, y Unauthorized Oo bHaat this advertisement will not be pal THE CLUB HOTEL but note approach the Club ff homelike Bre