You' Sleep More Soundly! H You Keep Healthy With Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills The man or woman with a good appetite, sound digestion, and bowels and kidneys warking right, is never troubled much with ly It is when the bowels become sluggish that the trouble begins, Lazy liver and sleep by sctive and regular. The headaches the digestion becomes good blood is purified and perfec Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pillshave been a favorite household remedy in Canada for over half a century, and they are in daily use throughout the world. Being purely vegetable they are safe for young and old. by W. H. Comstock Co., Lid., Brockville, Ont., and sold by all dealers at 25¢. a box. $ Chiver's Marmalade All izes. Ready Cut Macaroni Fine June Cheese, Fresh Oysters. D. COUPER'S, Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. TURN OVER : That 1s what we are going to do to our Stock of Grand Old Antique Furniture and Odd Articles tion while the Bock ts complete FREER Everyone Thought She Was Going Into "ling across feaming seas, TALK OF KNIGHTS!--THESE BE DAYS OF CHIVALRY. Girl Students Resort to the Duel With Pistols to Decide Who Shall Have a Dashing Lover. Cracow, March 11.--A duel between two girl students took place the other day, at Presterlitz, a small village close to the Austrian frontier, and con- tinued until one of the combatants was prostrated. The combatants, who were studying medicine in this city, had fallen in love with a dashing young medical student named PBreitner, who made love to both of them in turn, and avoided becoming engaged to either. The rivalry for his affections excited violent hatred, which led to a with the exchange of blows a hair pulling, The girls considered themselves bound by the same rules of chivalry that held good among their male com- panions. In these circles blows de- mand the shedding of blood, and a duel is the inevitable consequence of a hand-to-hand conflict. much uarrel, |} Consequently, llonca llnetsky, who received the first blow, challenged Olga Metzeroff, who struck her, by sending two other girl students as her seconds. Olga Metzeroff obtained two more girl students as her seconds, and the four seconds arranged that the duel should take place in German territory, the duel the combatants and party returned to: Austria haste to avoid trouble with man authorities, The conditions arranged were pistol shots, at fifteen paces, to be exchanged until one of the two combatants be- came disabled. The four seconds ar- ranged an interval of three days, to enable the duelists to practise pistol shooting, The duelling party crossed the fron- tier at sunrise, and proceeded to a se- cluded spot in the forest. The princi pals took up their positions in a very solemn and business-like way. Then, one of the seconds gave the word' of command. "Fire !"" she cried. Rapid- ly the two combatants exchanged four shots without either of them being hit, At the fifth shot, Olga Metzeroff re- ceived a wound in 'the left shoulder, and fell in the snow, fainting and bleeding profusely. Two girl medical students had come to render first aid in case of necessity, and, after bandaging the wounded girl, she was conveyed back into this country and taken to her home. The victor, llonea Jdlnetsky, was the recipi- ent of enthusiastic ovations from her fellow-women students. in Great What We're Coming To. Utica Globe. Senator Depew, at the recent bache- lors' coiillon in Washington, praised the growth of advertisement. "Advertisement," he said, "has made many a man, many a book, farther will 3 "Yerily,' can in near future, it go? a Senator Depew, "I a stormy night in the with March winds howl and with hard-pressed ship the captain of a from the pshotting to ' his mate " Ty that Punk's Pills ?' "Aye, aye, sir, with Gibraltar Pants shining to le'ward,' the mate will reply. " 'We'll weather Peerless Typewril- er Rock, then, after all,' the captain cries, "That we will, sir, heaven be praised,' says the mate cheerfully, "for already Cann's Cod Liver Oil Light is beginning to show up on our lee.' " Girls With Bad Complexions. The skin should really be so soft and transparent that the blood in the ves- sels ath can impart to it the pale, rosy tint which is the ideal "bloom of health." Often, however, the skin becomes coarse and rough, and its cells filled various impurities, which should be thrown off. This re silts in those "muddy," sallow com- plexions, spots, blackheads, ete, flirls who are troubled in this way will find Zafhi-Buk a perfect skin food, Smear it lightly over the spots, the eruptions, t sallow patches, at night, and notice how quickly your appearance improves. As the rich, re fined, herbal essences sink deep into the tissue, the hard, scurfy-like patch- es are removed. The cuticle is soften- ed. The cells beneath are stimulated to healthy operation. The pores re- sume their work properly, and a good complexion results, Isn't this better than atlempting the impossible task of improving your complexion from the outside ? Sardines Suggested It. Boston Herald. Ri haved Croker, at a Palo Beach, to | evade the Austrian authorities. After | itself for making cowards of us all. their | the Ger- | many a commodity. But how much THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, ON A HUNT FOR HAPPINESS, New London Club Formed to Pursue Husive Dame. London, March 11.--So popular is Maurice Maeterlinek's poem-play in London tiat a new woman's club has been formed which is called the Blue Bird. The membership of the club ix strictly limited, in fact, the number of members is cabalistic of one mean ing--happiness. The whole object of the new society is the pursuit of hap- pines, : Any wmetobers who, aftér a test per. fod, show that they are incapable of appreciating the act "of belng happy are expelled from: the club. Men will be admitted to the club precincts only four times a year, when dinners will be givin just to show them how happy and comfortable women can be without their assistance. The clubioust has already been se" Here, according to the rca izer, "any member can co fer to what ever makes her happiest. 1 it is a good cry she needs, she will be encouraged to sob her heart oug. Ii she vearns to walk down stairs on her hands and knees, she has permission to do it." 3 London is awaiting interesting de- velopments from this latest club. Thomas Hardy has been elected president of the Authors' Club in place of the late George Meredith. . a The Christian lawyer may also Aourcetul in tact and cunning. onscisnuce ought to be ashamed be of who The man grins and bears it | usually has to. {AND RAILROAD UNSAFE ~ NEWBORO - COUNCIL RE- QUESTS AN INSPECTION, Horses Narrowly Escaped Drowning up the Ridean--Rural Telephone Agreement Held in Abeyance, Newborg, March 9.--The muni ipal eoicicil met on Monday evening, A resolution, passed al a public meeting was presented asking the council to draw the aften- tion of the of rallweys and the railway oners io the fact that the le LE ard North-Western does not ap pear safe for and asks 10 have the roadbed inspected, particularly the long, wooden trestle" near Brovkyiile, which! was built over twenty vears ago. After consideraliv discussion the resolution was passed and the clerk was instructed to write Hon, Mr. Gra ham, minister of railvayy, at once The agreement with the South Crosby Rural Telephone company was left over until next meeting and the com pany will be asked to age to a time Limit. The appointment of a road commissioner was loft unt next meeting t A AH. Tett defi on Monday for Win: nipeg, where he has received a luera of citizens on Saturday, mn commis travel tive position. Mrs. (Rev) FE. Wood and son were in Brockville on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who have beén here for a few days on a with relatives, left for ther home in Syracuse on Fues- day. F. W. Leech returned on Monday from a trip through Western Ontario. honevmoon visit, A Little Diapepsin Now Will Make You Feel Fine. Every family here ought to keep some Diapepsin in the house, as any one of vou may have an atlack of indigestion, or stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless, preparation will di pest anything vou eat and overcome u distressed, outiof-order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't templ you, or what little you do eat seems to fill tyou, or lays dike a lump of lead in your stomach, or if von have heart burn; that is a sign of indigestion Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent cave of Pape's Diapepein and take a little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of Boy wits BuckeT IN EAR LACK: | ED WIRE FOR PERSONAL ON HI TyPES OF Nagves oF ONE DOSE RELIEVES WOBESTIG, ~~ GAS, ON STOMACH ND HEARTBURN. undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gay or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizviness intestinal priping. This will all and, besides, - there will be no food leit over in the stamach to pois on vour breath with nauseous odors or go, sour a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food 'and digests it just the same as if vour stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all mach misery is at waiting for you Pape's Diapepsin is slo any drug store, These large 5H0-cent more than sufficient any cases oases contain to cure almost uf dyspepsia, indi- gestion or any other stomach trouble, chroni ENGLISH SUBJECTS IN BRITISH EAST MARCH 11, 1910. {and Miss Rev. J. CC. Btanion was a visitor in Brockville on Monday A horse driven by dropped through the ice in a bay in Indian Lake on' Saturday afternoon. but was rescued little the worse for its cold plunge. A tes of horses driven by Nelson Matise, dropped through the ice ju the Rideau Lake near Westport on Thursday - and parrowly escaped drowning. The soft weather last week weakéned the ice in many places and travelling on it was extremels dangerous, but no fatalities are re ported. ¢ Miss Frage: Lewis returned on Sa turday from a week's wisit with iriends in Kingston. George E. Fos- ter, travelling 10 the maritime proviu- cen during the past few months, re turned home for the week-end on Sa- turday. A number of local farmers tapped their sugar bushes on March Sth. This is the earliest for sugar-mak- ing operations in this locality in many Vears. : K. 0. Leggett } A meeting of the Newboro branch of the Woman's Institute was held on Saturday afternoon and over fifty tadies were in attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. R. G. Loggett, presided. Educational papers were read by Mrs J. Richards Gn "Home And Country" Luella Green, "The Educa- tion Of Our Daughters." A solo ' by Mes. Wilkam Topping and chorus by a number of ladies present were much enjorved. Miss Mary Tett presided accompanist as Miss Margaret Morviarity., the guest of relatives herve for some time, re turned 'to her home in Rochester, N.Y on Monday. Misses Marv Moopey and Lena Tobin, who have been spending the week with friends in Westport, re- turned on Monday- to resume their du- ties here. Mise Maggie Brown return- ed to Watertown, N.Y., after a short visit at her home here. George Baw- den spent a few days last week with friends in Kingston. Messrs. Martin Murphy and Adoseph Burns, of Toledo, were the guests of Mr. and Msgs. M. Murray, on Saturday. Lucy Grey's Need Was Past. Harper's Weekly Had the new 'clergvinan been voung- er he might have suspected some- thing; for his parish' held not a few horse raisers who had been known tg race their stock. But fortv-pine is oft en unsophisticated; so, by request of one of the deacons, prayers were ffer- ed upon three successive Sundavs for Lucy Grev., On the fourth Sunday the deacon aforesaid told his superior just before the morning service that need no longer be repeated. [ "Indeed ?"" queried the good parson, with an anxious look, "1 hope Lucy's not dead ?"' the praver "Oh, no," came the reply, "but she has won," AFRICA. ROM THE ADORINMEINNT. sPueme. Sg gd ON THE ZAMBESL BrRiTisit East Armica East Africa Is that part of Africa lying around the shoves of Lake Nyame amd extending to the The PAGE SEVEN. FEEBLE OLD PEOPLE may have strength and renewed vitality. contains the eleménts necessary to nourish every tissue and replace weakness with so Should it fail to do so in any case we ri money paid us for the medicine used. Please try it. GEO. W. MAHOOD, Druggist, - Kingston, Ont. and Lemons Are "Sunkist" We pick, pack and ship over 20,000 cars of California oranges and lemons each scason from @ir 5,000 groves, These ore of varying grades. From all this vost euantit Jf eclect the finest--the superior grades=--which we wrap in i tissue paper bearing the {amous Sunkist' lobe! so that you may know them es the choicest fruit. So be sure to get Sunkist" oranges aad lemons ct your dealef's. He has a fresh supply today. 'Sunkist' oranges ripen on the tree. The warm California sunshine gives a tender, sweet pulp, matured and made cxe quisitely juicy by Nature. . "Sunkist" Navel Oranges Are Seedless These oranges are distinct, full-flavor, thin-skinned, They are picked by gloved-hands; thoroughly cleansed: wrapped in "Sunkist" tissue paper; packed carefully to insure firm, unbruised fruit. «x How to Tell "*Sunkist'* Each "Sunkist" orange and lemon is wrapped in tissue paper upon which is printed the " el. Lemons or oranges without *Sunkiot" wrappefs are mot "Sunkist" brand. | Free--Rast Roders® Orange Spoons--Send us 12 "Sunkist" orange or lemon wrappers end 6 (wo-cent n stampa for postage, packing, + BIN send free, & Wm. Rogers & Son | standard, AA plate orange spoon. For each additional » poon lf send 6 twocent stamps and 12 wanpers, You M can easily have a full set. Got a doven "Sonkist™ § oranges or lemons and send for your first spoon. i Address y California Fruit Growers' Fxchange 32 Church St., Toronto, Gut. Sunkist" leh 1 we will First Showing Of New Spring Shoes Our buyer has just returned from Boston and New York, having visited the best American Shoe Manufacturers. The liberal orders placed have ar- rived and we are now showing the newest up-to- date effects in Paster Footwear, including The New Queen Quality Shoes For Ladies. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect the new lines. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES eee sss Wess s vn nse nian dee NE . 8 CLIK 3 H ¢ Florida Grape Fruit suban Grape Fruit Malaga Grapes New Cocoanuts AN HON NT : A.J. REES, 166 Princess St Ptoae 5%, ; STL Hite i Ae 1