Wholesale Prices. . John McKay, 149-155 Brock St. TO GET A BIG SHIPBUILDING | CONCERN. it Ai mm--y The Men in the Enterprise Stand High in the Commercial World--- The Counipany is Asking for Next to Nothing. Owen Sound, Maréh 15 (To the Editor): On Mouday next the rate; payers of your city will decide by their vote whether the Kingston Shipbuilding Company, Limited, is to become a live business concern or not if the by-law is carriell the company will commence operations at once and will establish an industry in your city which will afford employment for a large mumber of skilled workmen and laborers at fair Rates of wages Special LA Line of New and bring to your city many steam- ships, vessels, barges and other eraft to be repaired and fitted out. The Kingston dry dock was built many years ago hy the federal gov- ernment, and, as is well known to the citizens of Kingston, it has been of very little benefit to them, as it has not been operated in a way to emcour- age the development of a shipbulld ing industry The Kingston * Shipbuilding com- pany was incorporated for the pur- pose of acquiring the dry dock, and if has completed arrangements where- by it will take immediate possession of the dry dock property, provided the city exempts the property from muni- cipal taxation for a period of ten years and gives a fixed assessment of $50,000 for school purposes, If this is done the company agrees to expend at least $50,000 in buildings, plant, and machinery, to be erected and placed upon the property during the first year and to expend at least $30,- 000 in wages during each of the first three years and at least $40,000 a vear in wages thereafter So far as Mr. Calvin, Mr. and Mr. Fair are concerned, 1 can only say that their foresight and energy in endeavoring © establish in Kingston a dry dock and shipbuilding industry, such as we have in contem- plation, should carry the commenda- tion and support of every one who has the welfare of the city at fieart. They have associated with them Captain Alexander Macdougall, of Duluth, who is, without doubt, one of the hest posted men on the great lakes in all matters pertaining to shipbuilding and shipping. = He has established a number of dry decks and shipyards, not only on the great lakes, but also on the Pacific coast, and there is no one I know of who has built as many steel ships for the lake trade as he hag, James M. Smith is a practical steamship builder, and has built a number of the largest and finest Can- adian steel ships on the lakes. His advice and assistance to the Kingston McKelvey I . THE DAILY BRITY WHIG, THURSDAY, -- ST. PATRICK'S DAY perty from tazatl truly--H. B. SMITH. MINISTER AXP VZAM-BUK. 'ured Him of a Bad § Sore Which De} fied all Remedies. Rev. Uharks E. burg, Ont, saves: troubled for Stafford, of Bridge Over tw of salves and lotions, but nothing | procured seemed to have the least bit of efiect towands healing the Hearing of Zam-Bok, | decided to give it a trial, aad see if it would bring about a cure, as so many Other things had failed, | purchased a supply, and | commenced with the treatment. After several applications, to my great joy, Zam-Buk hus effected what for years I tried in vam to bring shout a complete cure." Case after case could be quoted, which as in the above instance, Zam- | ehee tried had failed, There is son for this. of Homan a rea- gladistors, secret balms bats, whish Then came a period during external balms were neglected | salves and embrocations hud as their base animal fats and oils. Zam-Buk marks a new epoch. It is absolutely devoid. of all animal fats, all mineral | coloring matters, and ix composed en- | tirely of rich medicinal herbal ex- tracts. Rkin diseases, such as eczema, worm, salt rheum, and prairie are speedily overcome by it. it ix fine leasing the pain and inflam mation, and hastening a cure. It also cures burns, sealds, cuts, ulcers, child- ren's sores and eruptions, blood pois- oning, seratches, old wountls, varicose ulcers, ete. All druggists nnd stores sell at Be, a box, or post free, for price, from Zam-Buk Co., Toromto. CITY AND wv IC ICINITY. ring- iteh, Peary at the Bijou. Commander formance this night, Peary at week except ovRY per- Saturday Cooke's ( hureh Banquet. Toe Ladics of Cooke's church, tendering ap banquet, on Friday ing, to the men of the Congregation. Among those taking part in the pro granwoe are Mavor - Ueuper, Nickle, MPP Prof, Prof, Laird. are en - rR Irish Play Tosmnight. "Con. the Shanghran." Irish play, in three acts, SCOR, a benutiful and sixteen will he presented at the Grand to-night onder the auspices of the | united Irish societies, the A.O.H. and V.LOC.B.A. Trish songs and spec: For piles; ] Moreison aml Lo hting ln and Brighter days. : i 3 Jind beens much | years with a} sore on my left cheek. I tried all kinds | sore! J MN ARCH OBSERVED IX ST. MARY'S CATH- EDIAL THIS MORNING. Sermon hy Rev. Father McCoghlin, of Ogdensburg Diocese -- Fine Music Rendered by the Chair. There is to-day gladness io 'the aod in the hearts of citimns of ar Irish | blood, anel indeed amon: all classés of {of the Sons of Erin being Iwo | i repose, in| When «nest blessings shall cease to be Buk has worked cares whes everything | Away back in the davs Yale is equally so in were used for the healing of cats awd | | juries sustained in the arena and in Hs followed by a period in which allthhe the people. i { { i i { 1 | embraced | ean { That Once Through Tara's Hall | the community, the warm henrtpviness ] the unfaibiug magnet "of mény broad sympathies Was it not Moore once wrote = The thread of our life would be dark heaven kKaows If Ii were not with friendship and lov intertwin'ds And 1 care wor gow soon I may sink to ar to my mind But 'what was precious in the days the nativmal poet of the emerakd our ime and nence it ix in Canada, we obkerve with sride such eelebeations as. St. . Pat St, George's, St. Andrew's aod St, Jesn-Baptiste, drawing the at tention and support of all sections of Ths mouning, nm St Mary's cathe dral, pontifical high mass in honor of Ireland's patron samt was celebrated bw His: Grace, Archbishop Gauthier, assisted by Rev. A. J. Hanlay, vector, | as deacon and Rev. Fr. McDonald, a «Ahedescon; the high priest helug Rey Fr. Meal mul the master of ceremonies Rev. Fr, Meagher. A number of visit ne clergy were also present. The large edifice was well filled with as cistants, whilst emblems of their race! and religion, 'over the middle aisle, greeted the vision and, in their silent symbolism spoke of the fervor and faith of 4 patriotic as well as sincere ly devoit people. Rev. Fr. MeCoghlin, of Ogdensimry diovese gave the sermon, ( fine physi ane, clear eut femtures and with: pic tures que phraseology, he coon won the sympathy of the large cougregn tion present. Of course, ireland with her sorrows ad well az her jove. the immortal ovine of hor sons aml the) pare. affection of ber daughters--let the never dimming glory of her sainted apostle--over forms a theme a entlless ax i ix attractive, hat in the hands of the day's orator the subiset seemed to aenive fresh interest, the! path-way of the past gine alone me showing The music, as was to be expe selections «npcin the altar bovs, upler Fr, ETAT rendering felicitonsly rn Harn antl the choir sine ne the hvmn "A Prawe (to Saint Pate'es" with effort, Prof. Pant Pony pede the | dav, ever] nt Forgin with his wotited hbility AE 17, 1910, ceececesestsssteteencatacssssiessastsstntisasittstesssesecsatiteseee | No two alike. requir AoTHiMA WEATHER Sudden changes from cold to mild and damp'are torture to the asth- matic. Breathing becomes more diffi- cult and wheezy, and natural sleep impossible. Cripp's Asthma : Cure Relieves the hard cougn. Relieves the suffocating wheeze. | Relieves the heart oppression. Gives easy breathing Gives fresh energy. Gives wholesome rest It is a tonic and contains no nar- coties. 50c large bottle MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE PRINCESS and BAGOT, A TEA AND SALE. Home Was Remembered 3y Many. afternoon Mes. W The Infants' On Wednesday H A A PAL PANN Nt to $1. i Faster Cards 1 Post Cards city. i on size from miniature to carbonette. MILLINERY Come in and see our fine display of Ladies' Trimmed Hats About two hundred different styles to choose from. By paying $1 we will lay aside any hat until CORRIGAN'S. _sssness 2800000000808 080080000800008008000000800000 $00000000000808820808088¢ Artistic Photo Frames at Low Cost Wé are showing an artistic line of Photo Frames in forty different styles of Oval and Square Metal frames, Easter Goods Gift Books Praver Books The College Book Store ) VOP000IVDILO0L00000000 Attractive Spring 2000000000000 00 Prices from 15e. t. Patrick's Post Cards, the best assortment in the Opened for these days. You company will be invaluable Mr. [inlties will be given hetween adts. Macnas, West street, put the spmciouws are cordially invited to spend a while viewing them. "Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. Dyment and myself have been for -- many years interested in steamship and shipbuilding companies, and with the experience of its directors and the capital at its command | have no hesitation in stating that the Kings- ton Shipbuilding company can build up an industry that will pot only be a ) With the crowd and see the newest : Draperies, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains ~Nece aries. for your > House Cleaning Sea- Yeah R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. OC OOOO FOES ERPOIEE eredit to all connected with it, but that will be the means of bringing such a trade to Kingston as will make it one of the greatest Inland sea-ports of Canada. Most of the ships now engaged in the Canadian lake trade were built in Great Britain. Are Canadians to con- tinue that poliey and purchase their ships abroad? Or shall they make an effort to keep this business where it belongs and build their.own ships with their own material and with their own workmen? if Kingston wishes to have her share in a great shipbuilding industry now is her op- portunity. Increasing at an enormous rate, and when one reflects that the yield of wheat, oats and barley of the Can- adian North-West in 1900 was about 32,000,600 bushles, and that the yield of last year was estimated at over 313,000,000 bushels, being a tenfold gain in nine years, some idea may be | formed of the possibilities of the! country and what may be expected | during the next ten or twenty years. If the size of the Welland canal is | mcreased so a8 to admit of the pass- ing of the larger ships from the (to Napanee and Newburgh from Steel ships on the great lakes are |) fof Earl Comes to Kingston, ¢'. HH. Finkle, of Newburgh, ing to Kingston. He has purchased the livery business of A. Mellquham on Princess and Clarence streets, and intends to run his automobile stage this is mov- place as< he did last year. me Kind of Poverty. Though many may be rich in pocket, iif their blood is poor they are sick, uniappy mortals. A pallid fare and wrinkled skin result from impoverish- ed blood. Wade's Iron Tome Pills make nw, rich blood, the svstem and nerves, At Mcleod's drug store. tone Price up Getting Ready for Ottawa. The senior basketball team, at the Y. MCA, is getting into trim for the game with Ottawa, at the Ottawa Y, M.C.A., on Good Friday. The boys have held several practices, and are now in good shape. It was expected that the local team. could get a game on with Belleville, hut they were un- ahle to do so. Bringing Body Home. Cromwell Thursday Uramer left Chicago on for Glenvale with the body Bennington, killed in the avalanche at Wellingion, Wash., on March 2nd. Deceased was a fireman on the express engine and (wenty:-nine upper lakes to Lake Ontario, Kings- ton should be the port of trausporta- tion where the bulk of the export | grate from the North-West will be! elevated from the great lake ships and | transferred to smaller boats and vailges adapted for the purpose of transporting it through the canals of | the St. Lawrence to Montreal for ocean shipment Large additional elevators and store houses will be re- quired for the purpose of handling and storing this grain at Kingston and in conneetion with this trans- rtation question will be the estab- ishment at some port on Lake On- tario of a dry dock; shipbuilding and repair yard; and 1 may point out to you that the first shipbuilding yard! to be established will in all likelihood | retain its precedence and control to al large extent the shipbuilding of Lake Ontario, The directors of the Kingston Ship- | building company decided that Kings- ton is the place for such a yard, and they are ready and willing to back up thelr judgment by the immediate ex- penditure of a large sum of money in! establishing such a yard at Kingston i as will be sufficient to give the best possible service to the lake trade, provided the city offers some en- conragement and exempts the pro- 4 How's This? We offer Jue Hundest Dollars Re- ward for an a a can- | Hot be cured by Se ial = 3 CHENEY 4 TO Toledo. O. k Shean for rales LE aria out any ligation made Walding. hE, Kinnan & Margin io. 1 Halvs re Is taken interns aly. 'actin a irae Pon the and Sn sr Ra ling. Vokn Bedore, Olden. yours 'of age, a son of (i. K. Benning- ton, (Henvale, The body will reach Kingston on Friday at 1:40 p.m, The ressnins will ormetery. bon't Pick at Pimples. You are sure to poison them and make fuatters wokse. Annont them with Dr. Hamdion's Ointment it cures them minty fast. "For a clean smooth skin, | know of nothing better to rub on than Dr. Hamilton's Ointment writes J. K Percival, of Middleton. Tt heals sore fips, curves pimples, relieves chapping and prevents skin troubles of all kinds. 1 have used many ments, but none to compare with Hamilton's," Get a He. box from your druggist. Civil Action Tried, I.) An application for breach of an in- : junction was heard before Judge rice, in chambers, ©n Thgrsduy morn- plaintiff, and ylivhent Mel herson, a defendant. . Whiting appeared for the defen sh "and DM. Nelntyre for plaintiff, The application wax for commitment for breach of order of the cougt, re- strad the defendant from 1 ing on plaintifi's lands. Three wit were examined, and Judge Prive. found for the plaintifi, but the jorder for committal will not be is sued unless hy mutual consent or for further breach or trespass. Executive Meeting. A meoting of the executive of the Eastern Ontario Dairvmen's Associa ion was held in the Dairy School on afternoon, the president, ng, Manila, presiding. matters were din --_ be interved in Cataraqui nt today | Bright Eyes, Rosy (Cheeks. That depressing "used-up" feelin: and pallid face can be quickly ex changed for happiness anid rosy cheeks by a cowse of Wadd's Iron Tonie Pills. They huild up the constitution make new, rch blogd; strengthen perves and improve digestion. cents, the Pee 2H at Meleod's Drug Store. See otr shotlder braces, He. a pr. Prevent cuevaturs, © Children's hy, gens waists of every deseription and price, New York Dress Reform, 200 Prineoss street Mes. (Dr) R Richardson and son, of Toronto, who have been visit ing friemeds in the city for week, have returned home. Have your carpets cleaned in vacuum cleaner, on. a our H. Milne, Bagot St Smart Dressers Like | "Hobberlin" Clothes : Perfectly tailored and gua anteed to fit fault- Order NOW in time for FFTFTTIIRTTTRTTTYTTTTYY - * Loecasyon, {of the bome. { Carcon poured tea and Hnitiation of th fap nd; d effect th {For tamed Miss Laidley ia Green Tearionds ill for sev Ciiman's. 4 Red Cross ib taps. La. 8 at the commit: that they drawing rooms of her residence disposal of the management tes of the Infante' Home micht hold a tea und sale. The room very prettily decorated fof the the different booths where dainty homemade articles were offer ed for sale being neatly arranged. The t a and sale was most stot $125, being realized for the aid The following ladies were of the different. tables: H. Wade, Mrs John Carson, were in cha Work table--Mrs. T. Steacy, Mes Jams Rignes Haan wonie table Mrs. H. McPhervon Mrs. H. Robin-on, F. My Ms Db Mrs. J. Gowsly, Mis. DG Laid Phelan, tahle~N::*E. J. B Heopet, Mrs J Birmingham Wa. Cady Pense Mrs Mis: Guaska wril Mrs R coliee other assistants, the Misees. Vera Car son, Eve Rogers, Madge Dawson Marjory Pense, Marjory Mervick, Hilda fb Ken! al A New BDepartiire. kenten Sry in Sydenham Methodist church are a for tha: church, but are wart of a plan by which church and Bible vhoal ar Mir together for spiritual life of The street departure ers Ten the deepening of the people and young into -a hie I he prstoy charge of the or choir He religious hin sol in Vives, assisted the huch boon speaking "CTOs who i= 18 by the cach upon sabeects in COR the Passion of ! and th: meetings eerininly ore wng In intercst, uscfuln ss. each being the { Hato'd 'My VERS hg ha noction with y mn and AT attendance evening, last evening and best so im sang the hve, First 81 AL" with Tonight Mr. Sykes' "The First Word From Fathy Forgive Them, Not What They Do." will song, "There ls Hill Far Asay." On Fi lay evining, while the moetimg i= fn acvhbody, a special wmvitation is ex tended to the young people and that ght th: meeting TH oe largest Angrove Saviour wil be "My Know subject ross, They oprus al Pay ol onnection with the Prayer. Fay special lente ISOTVICes DOW In progress at Sydenham Steeet Methodist church, Friday, {March 15th, will be observed as tday of prayer in the ible School Wal) from 10 am. to & p.m. Anvone will be welrome to come at any hour and to withdraw at any time, but the meeting will be in progress all day. The folowing will be in charge: 'I® a.m. fo 11 am. Rev, F. A. Cassidy; Il am. to 12 noon, Rev, Wiliam Craig: 12 to | pom, Rev. Chal A. Sykes; | pom. to 2 2pm to 3 pm, Rev. p.m. 10 4 pm, A, Shaw, NS. Sellery: 3 Patent | hair curlers fo form fash ionahle Marcella wave, do not berak the hair, comfortable to sleep in Sale aments, New York Dress Relorm, 209 Princess strect, "A defightiul treat" for Kingston . Nelson's ice cresem bolicks, in perfect condition, at Gibson's Red Crowes drag store, | hone 208, Rev. Dr. MacTavi who has beer days, was re purtcd fo be doing micrly to-day and it i mow believed that he will wake rapid recovery, "For. Easter iving." Met orkeds 'wt Hayler's high-dass sweets from Phono successful; | = having | @ p.m., Elmer Davis; * Opening Week. 2 Be sure and visit our | 1 Ready-to-Wear Depart- | : ment and sce the new ¢ creations in ! _ WHITE WAISTS, © COATS, SUITS, CAPES, Etc. o & : Newest popular prices. 3 sections are a treat for 5 the ladies. Take the & time to see the display. ¢ Only New @oods to i show you. & Shaw THE AL WAYS BUSY STORE. { Smoked Glasses Now that the sun 8 begin- ning to shine stronger our eyes feel the strain of its re flection on the snow. When that is the case they ought to be protected by a palr of Colored Glasses We bave these in different shades from a slightly colored glass to very dark. As these are plain smoked glasses here is no danger of hurting the eyes In wearing them i 25¢ and 50c Pair. Dr. AP. Chou, Pruggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 43 SRR styles and g : Our WooM)ress Goods | and Wash Dress Goods ! Tuy P9000 900000000000 REAR RRR SEE ® Sabissassatattasserses hh tht hh dh db VIVIIIIRIVIV IVER IIIIY' Of Sterling Silver Productions Cut Class and Gold. R for Ye Want when OTEN Goan LEE eh STERLING Pat Neen wie 1% dEnin iX. Hrace led Rite k port Howls SILY ER wd "honse ' iat en Relish Comports SMI TH BROS., Jewellers, 850 KING ST REBT Issuers, of Marriage Licenses. Feather Boas Io all colors and sizes. Pri ices from $2.50 up. Novklets,: viel \ |W. F. Gourdier. SOME AUNDRY D oN'18" SCORCH CULL (3 We don't scorth Hinen'~ We don't break collars! We don't tear ee crotaine! We don't shrink woollen! We don't half wash' We don't disappoint! Isn't that the Kind of Lana dry you want"! Give vs a chance to prove thie don'ts, Kingston Laundry Cer, Privevws and Sydenbinm Sin, Se a SRR RR RE