ck sa b---- ------ For Decérating Homes Aluminum Enamel. Bathtub Enamel. Floor and Furniture Stains Furniture Polish. Gildin Powders Liquids. ¢ Gold . Enamel, our Favorite. Gold Paint, ready mixed and Washable, Japanese Leather Dress- ing. . Radiator, Gold and Silver. Stove Pipe Enamel. Varnish és. Varnish Stains. ONLY THE BEST CORBETT'S. en MN Ii HL Both have morte Both have auvocates-- f If you @ontemplate installing either system, be sure to se- cure our figures before act- ing, because We Can Save You Money, circumstances, but:the venom of Rl pensive addition to the new institute. i the first forms--more than the inspec Bl tor thinks each teacher or class should DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Jubilshad st 206-310 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, ! at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4; o'clock p.m. WEERLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 ublished in Monday u bed tat are postage Inites ates, or to be added making price of Dally §3 and of Weekly $i. ger year, Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in 3 IR and cheap work; nine Improv EDW. J. B. PENS anaging Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 d 20 Qu Cit, Cham. bers, 2 Church a Foronta, EB. Smallpeice, J.P, representative. Daily Wibig. A COMPLETE VINDICATION. Ion. Mr. Turgeon, president of the Quebec legislative council, has replied to Armand Levergne respecting the purchase of land by one Dussault, and alleged to belong to the Harbour Com- missioners. Mr. Turgeon's vindication is complete though tardy. The land did not belong to the crown or com- mission, and Mr, Turgeon purchased a part of it inf business transaction, The *"'Gobe's" Quebec correspondent fo Mr. Turgeon's explanation "has n accepted by the conservatives as well as liberals, who frankly admit that he has been badly used hy his | teaducers." The law ~ or condition which exempts a member of parliament from prosecution for slander is grossly abused. Mr. Lavergne, one of Bouras- #a's pets, was audacious in his states {ment about Mr. Turgeon. The well known purity of the ex-minister saved him from some the injury which would have followed under ordinary the assault is unquestionable, and it should not be allowed to pass unno- ticed. Mr. Levergne owes it to = the house, to himself, and to the decenciea of debate to offer Mr. Turgeon an ample and sufficient apology, VERY ARBITRARY OFFICIALS. The city council cannot question the wisdom of the Board of Education in asking for the use of the old Collegi- ate Institute building as the only es- cape from building a large and ex- A couple of classes are crowded. There are in attendance--as pupils in have, and in his own imperious way he withholds "approval." This means that the institute here will be subject to certain examinations from which OU CAN ADD TO YOUR PILE BY PURCHASING YOUR SASH AND FACTORY MATERIALS From Scan «9. Anglin & Co., Foot of WELLINGTON ST. Bis Roal Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. Where you can Buy or Sell ¢ Property. Also Insurance written in best companies. GEO. CLIFF 95 Clarence St. 990 7556 0F con TONS OF COAL © mined yearly, We did not BLE GOOD COAL TOO And what's = more. our customers are satisfied. NO WONDER f For our cost Ja the best which knowledge could select from thse 350 million tons. IT IS HEAT CONDENSED HEAT NOTHING BUT HEAT A Crawford HM the scheme, by the way, over which the pupils of high schools not as well equipped and managed as Kingston's will be exempted. Two defects were visible to the in- spector a while ago. Physical exer- "5 "To! Imorging at 11 a Year > dito the credit of the government A. | the discussion. . There was an Frenges. | ing Co, Iid.| THE DAILY _BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1910. THE WHIG, 77th YEAR!jct, and its insistence uoder the cir- | gislature, by (hs premier, and be cumstances - did not seem to be tifiable. jus- After the trial of endurance were proiwiscd, It would have been submit these plans at once or defer night siege--to no purpose. Se ------------ MAKING A CLEAN SWEEP. Mr. Miller, the chairman of the Anti-Gambling Committee, has insert- ed a clause in the bill which is de signed to put an end to gambling un- der any circumstances. The clause re< ferred to provides that any man who "records or registers any bet or wager, or sells any pool upon the re- sults, (a) of any political or municipal election, (b), of any race, (c) of any contest or trial of skill or endurance of man or beast," becomes liable for a year's imprisonment or to a fine of $1,000. This, says a contemporary,.is re- gorded as an interference with the liberty of the individual. It surely is. But any law is an interference which says "Thou shalt not," when the dis- position is to do the very thing which is thus forbidden. The race course is not the only place where the betting is carried on openly, flagrantly, ruinously. Hockey is becoming as exciting ns a horse race, and betting upon results is occasioning as wild a resort to money making by chance as anything that can be suggested. Betting is a craze, and-something (weighty [there was a surrender, and the plans, weighs about 200 pounds. The same gentleman, "jumped upon' the proposal to look into and report upon the labour question. Does this to, mean that the leader of the govern- ment has no use or sympathy ~ with all- the workingmen ? Mr. Fripp, M.P.P, elected as a i supporter of the Whitney government, bas intimated that there is a limit to the docility of the average member of the house, and that unless there is more independence - there will be a third party. ¥t is understood that Sir James Whitney sat up and 100k notice as he had a right to do. So -------- A LAST APPEAL Made to Kingstonians to Encourage Enterprise, Kingston is on the eve of an im- portant polling day when its property owners are asked to ide whether they want this city to have one of the best concerns that has ever been offer- ed to this city, or whether some other city shall be bevefited by a shipbuild- ing plant that Ki failed to ap- preciate. It is, therefore, important that every qualified voter should calm- ly, iously and finally weigh the case in the balance of their own judgment and settle once for all whether the old Limestone City is to grow by adding industries to ite muni oocupy a position of splendid com- mercial isolation among the cities of Ontario that are growing by leaps and bounds ? Here are the cold, hard, con- crete and honest facts regarding the dry dock proposition : must be done to check it. The com- mons' committee has exposed it, in the losses and the crimes the race is not responsible for all the follies to | which young men are subject. The | plan is to put a stop to the habit of betting on everything, on the contests | in which men or beasts are engaged, and the prevention of the one .is as reasonable as the prevention of the *| other. Interference with the -indivi- dual ? It is time something inter- vened to correct one of the greatest evils of the day. NOTES. EDITORIAL question, but he has worked through | the Banking committee the Co-opera- | tive Credit bill! The retail merchants / did not accomplish much, then, during | their invasion of the capital. -------- The finest speech of the session, the Ontario legislature, was delivered by Mr. MacKay, the leader of the op | tion. It should be printed in pam: phlet form and circulated among the labour unions, a : Sade ' cise was hot provided, and hence the erection and equipment of a gym: nadium at an expense of over $7,000, The time spent in the gymnasium is taken from the clas study, and so much physical exercise is prescribed by the regulations that the more im- portant work is scamped. Against this teachers, pupils and parents have! good reason to protest. The seco defect is the want of accommodation. Now the Board "of Education does. not see its way to dsk the council for $20,000 with which to erect a wing to the institute, nor does there seem to be any necessity for it. But more room must be had or the school go without the "approval" and all that it implies. With all the facts before it the council will have to act as the circumstances suggest. © A GREAT ELECTRIC SCHEME. |" The engineers of the government de partmen's have reported with regard to the scheme of the St. Lawrence Power company, and they remove some of the objections which formerly existed. The integrity of the Corn: wall canal is preserved, and the ex- istence of so much power, 600,000 horse, means a trememdlous develdp- 'ment of industrial wealth. But some things have got to be done to safe guard the public interests. A huge lock, 1,000 feet long, be low Hollow Quoins, 80 fet wide | and 25 feet deep, must be put on the Cendlan side; a timber slide and piers must be erected for the pro fection of the lumber industry, the location and position of the power house and dam on the Canadian -side will have to be adjusted; guarantees given that board Me and frazil will not be allowed to form at the head of the dans Canada must have fifty por cout. of the power, held in re serve if not put to use, and the gov- ernments of Canada and the United States must be agreed upon the work and have entire supervision of it. { The report removes some of the ob ,secticns to the project but leaves it so that parisment will have to se- viously consider every detail. This isq opposition for plans tions which the government ' or would not produce. There There will be no back down so far | and | 'question. There could not be, (Canada retain its self respect. When the Aldrich-Payne schedule goes down about a third, to talk about reciprocity. : Me.. Tait in. pictured as - looking] about for his big stick, while glowers menacingly towards Canada. | Yes? Who's fraid, "Jack" Canuck fident they cah operate a plant here of solution, and would result in collision (that will be a credit and benefit to bulk of the is a husky fellow, and a with him will make more of a than a collision with Pinchot. jar In Montreal the police have under- taken the task of stamping out the | 1-The dock property is valued at $650,000, on which valuation the city does not get a dollar of any kind of | tax from the Ottawa government, Nor course has begotten, but the race track does Kingston benefit to any great ox- tent by the presence of the dock in this city. Only a few men are em- ployed and the salary roll is a small one. . 2--The new shipbuilding company guarantee, by the terms of the by-law, to pay $250 a year as school taxes. 3-To pay out $30,000 a year in wages for the first three years, and $40,000 a year in wages thereafter, This is what tl antee, but they will, inside three years, be able to pay out double what their agreement calls for. 4-The shipbuilding company must put $50,000 into a construction plant of each your at dnast $50,000. >The ¢ ing company must employ iui this pa com- mence atiotis at ofice, carry on a shipbuilding work in this city every day in each year that the exemption asked for will run, doing a general pairing. No concern, in its infancy, eould pay taxes on the $650,000 assessed position. It was on technical educa- yalugtion, of ithe. present dry dock three per cent. at the e property, plus $50,000 for plant which woul mean $700,000, and the usual tax rate on this amount would mean about $15,000 =u year, which would run up over $1 a month, besides school taxes. Now, add to. this $10, as Candas concerned on the tariff (000 a year rental to the government, lfive per cent. in the cost of $30,000 a year wages; maintenance of at least a $30,000 plant, insurance, interest om investment, cost of mater- ial to work with, etc., and you have a tion from general taxation until they can get their industry put on a pay- tax of $15,000 a year--for we are not getting a cent now--and they are con- Kingston. No bonus is asked. Nota single dollar of money is sought from the city. We have nothing to lose and ev- erything to gain by passing the by- law, Men will be put to work on cipal programme or whether it is ta. The best thing you can do for your ¢ throat is to use Toe Shope THE CANDY CURE ; It's a real insurance red and bor. hw of throat-health you Five Cents: get when you buy PATERSON'S + COUGH DROPS The Candy Cure Made by Paterson of Braatford PRESIDEN I"S DAUGHTER Assists in Raising Fund to' Endow College. MISS HELEN HERRON TAFT," Washington, March 19.--Miss Helen Taft, daughter of the president, is as- sisting in raising the $1,000,000 eun- dowment fund for Brya Mawr Col: lege, at which she is a sophomore year student. The movement origina: ted with the alumnae and it is hoped that the money will be in hand in June, when the school's jubilee cele: bration will be held. OPPOSES BILL. | Legislation for Few Would Have | Disastrous Results. i Ottawa, March 19.-G. M. Murray, general secretary of the Canadian | Manufacturers' Association, made a {strong protest against the Verville Mr. Monk is not much on the navy and maintain a plant worth at the end [bill to make eight hours a day's work on all government contracts. Cana- dian manufacturers were opposed to the bill because it was the thin end of the wedge to make eight hours a working day in all lines. |" He described the bill as a creation of the Dominion Trades and Labor in shipyard business of building and re- Congress, which, he contended, repre- sented only a small fraction of the workers of the country. Would it be fair to legislate for the benefit of the nse of the (other ninety-seven per ceNt. ? * He argued that it would be impos- sible to confine the operation of the bill to factories in which government contracts were carried on; that it would involve an increase of twenty- tion; that inspectors would be requir- ed on every job; that the effect would |be to deter manufacturers from ten- dering and to create a monopoly of it will be time enough get of figures that tell you why the !government contractors; that it would shipbuilding company ask for exemp- involve constant friction and produce perpetual strikes; t it would be impossible in transportation either on ho ing basis. Relieve them "of the heavy [land or 'sea; that it would be injurious {to the farmer in that it would make ithe hired help problem more difficult the contracts going to. for- eign competitors of Canadian indus- try. This Happened Out West, They tell a story of a farmer, grown fired of wheat-raising, who social evil. So far unsuccessfully. The Tuesday to instal the company's new |' d 10 trade his farm for a bunch of chief desires to abandon the struggle as futile. His idea is to segregate the evil and let it alone. Things have come to a pretty pass in the finest city of the dominion. , The only defence of the auto desl-- the sale of a couple of old machines by Engineer Southman and Mr. Becifa brother to the Hydro-Electric Commis- sion~is that it wes made by "an ignorant foreigner." Ignorant ! South- man is learning the ways of some folks in this country pretty fast. Hamilton fears to float a loan of £500,000, to be covered hy debentures, lest the securities "become a drug ow» the market." It's a promising sige when the municipal legislatofs hesitay about loading up the city with % debit. The people have too long re garded the proceeding placidly. Hon. Dr. Montague, in Winnipeg, absolves Rogers and Roblin, of the Manitoba government, from. all con: nection with the Union Trust land deals. Well, they have scandals enough without this one, and certifi- Montague may not do them any good, Some time ago it was announced, with bated breath, that the king was pot having. anything to say to Lloyd George, that he was not entitled to royal favours. Yet the first grea) dinner party of the year, after the opening of parliament, given by his majesty, is graced by the 'chancellor of the exchequer. ° 3 few days, thai in all the years he had been a member of the legislature he have been a great deal that reascnable in the contentions 0 | oppositon--it would not be iteelt if it did not carry things. to extremes-- but there was aleo common simse in # its clamour for ell the light that sould be shd upcn the subject. The 'government was unduly iots to make progress on the "| had never had to recall or apologize cates of political health from Dr. | 3 | The premier of Ontario boasted, a | plant if the by-law passes. And now for the last point of im- tance for every voter to remember, and it is this. Every man who has put his hame to the shipbuilding com- pany's books has placed money in the concern, and every one has a clean, untarnished, commercial record. In commercial life they are above re- proach or suspicion, and they come to Kingston with their honor, their mon- ey and their experience, and offer the use of both for the privilege of doing business here, and it is fo» you wo ray "yes" or "no" on Monday. Say "yes and add credit. to your name; say "no" and you will live to regret it, for no concern will ever again seek this city if we refuse the shipbuilding plant. CUT AND REUNITED. Rare Operation by Which Diseased Portion is Removed. years old, of No. 36 Summit street, Brooklyn, is stubbornly holding to life and ly will continue to live, al- though one end of the severed vein have to be cut i an upparliamentary expression. | But, he fell from grace badl- on Thurs- (day. He applied the word "slippery" to Nr. McDougall, of Ottawa, and im- mediately recanted. sub- hour day was "sat upon" in the Ye - isd iis 8 11h $s | city lots, says the Saturday Evening | Post. He went into town and saw a real estate agent and arranged a trade, The agent hitched up and drove the farmer out to sec the lots. When they {arrived at the destination the farmer looked over the lots and made no comment. "Now, then," said the agent, as- {suming the trade to be made, "let's {drive to your-farm. Where js it?" "Oh," replied the farmer, "we puss- «d that about a mile back coming out here." | Every man has a duty to Himself, {to his neighbor, to his city and to his ootintry, and, if married, to his family, You ean discharge everyone of them by voting for the by-law on | Monday. Vote early and then get out {after your friend to do the same de |timé ago, but has now brought it to The H. D. Bibby Co No matter how carcfully you may dress on other days of the year, Easter Sunday always calls for your best. It's splendid foresight to make Easter prepara- tions early so as to secure the b. st. Overcoats | | BEE OUR $12.50 SILK FACED BLACK VICUNA CHESTERFIELD STYLE. SEE OUR $8.00 GREY.CHEVIOT THREE-QUARTER LENGTH PLAIN COLLARS. rrr Leer b res PPE L EE vite ese SEE OUR GREAT $15.00 SILK FACED BLACK AND GREY CHEVIOT CHESTERFIELD STYLE, SEE OUR ELEGANT $18.00 SILK. FACED . SERGE. CHESTERFIELD HAND TAILOREDGARMENTS PEP ee Tesssessns PPP 0 000% PPP PPP ee Nd » Be @ $10.00 Will buy a fine Tweed Syit, well made, properly cut and trimmed, of new shades of Brown, Green and Grey. $12.30 Will Buy a Sult English Cheviot in fancy patterns, or a Suit of Fine Blue or Black Serge. All new style Kinks. PPP ot ee PPP Petes P2040 e000 ee +» | | e000 09%90 4 $15.00. At this price we Show some Beauties. See our Fine Blue Worsted Suits in the Kennel style. See our Fancy Worsted Suits in the Wenthworth AE Style. $18.00. Suit perfection Fabries are Worsted and Cheviots, " New Shades and Designs. Masterpieces of Taflors" Art. Don't miss seeing these beauties. PEPE SEPP 29499 PPPS + \ For Boys : Our display of Boys' Suits is, worth coming miles 10 see. See our $3,50, 4.50 and 6.50 Boys' Suits. The H.D. Bibby Co. SUBMARINE WITH FINS. water. By working the fine at a pis different angle the submarine sank like Rise or Sink When Not Underi, stone. The whole of the movements Way. were governed by electricity. A submarine which will sink or rise - ---- in the water at will, without forward $3,000 Limerick Prize or backward, motion, was, yesterday,| The winning of it can't: ease demnonstrated by H. Middleton, its in- [the pain of the cots, but "Put ventor, in the swimming bath of the |nawm's" will ease, ture and prevent Northampton Institute, E.C. It was corns and warts. Guarantee oes only a seven foot model, but it fully {with every bottle of "Putnam's." bore -out the claims made for it. Mr. [Use no other, Middleton work out the idea some Avalanche Descends on Village. A telegram from Reykjavik, Iceland, said that an aval had over. whelmed Huifsdal, of the Jen Fiord, sweeping away two houses. Twenty: threo persons perished in the disas- ter, perfection. The submarine is provided with two, "find" on each side, as well as a pro- peller. No rudder is wanted, as the propeller shaft can be turned at an angle, directing the boat to port or starboard. The fins vongist of curved flexible metal plates, and, like the propeller, they are driven by electnc motors running from accumulators. The submarine model cu be propel ed by the motion of the fios alone, and it then appears exactly like some large fish swimming gracefully. By bending the fins into the correct posi: tion the boat goes under and travels at any depth below the surface. There is no "purpose" motion, as in so ny actual submarines when running under water. The most intéresting feature of the boat is its ability to "sink 'or swim." It was loaded with weights and sank to the bottom of the hath; then the "fins" were wet in correct motion for Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itehing, blind, bleschy or protruding piles in 6 to 14 daye or money relunded, 50s. Austerlitz was Napoleon's greatest victory and Waterloo his overwhelm- ing defeat, then came exile and death. Let Monday be Kingston's day of vietory by passing the shipbuilding by-law 'and not its commercial Water loo and industrial exile and death. Get out on Monday "and vole; never mind the weather or the knocker, Both are uncertain anvhow, but you make i thing. Kingston's last call to better things commercially. Don't miss it b Spring, 1910 the election sure. Vote for the Ly. law. riding, and in a few seconds it had In spite of these wintery mornings, Spring is sure fo come very soon. We are now getting ready for A BIG SEASON. We promise youn all the new things to be found in Up-to-Date Footwear for 1910} Our Spring Goods will be shown this week, and invite your inspection. Tt F sm NV 4 is wh hae PN EB i» L a