1910. OF ACTIVITY di. | WILL RESULT AT KINGSTON'S tor) c+ At the trial of 'the nw steam] BIG DRYDOCK 3 ta ata: : - fire engine to-day 1 noticed severgl! ---- year: 0 Queen's Um ty i = ie «wi > . ars Brey it That, Wie Tighter There Will be Interesting Themes shefesss eh £8 dope a. FOI the Exemption By-law is Passed-- od | Cesore | : mon 8 al Gc Whe ol i and more youthful than. the St. | Considered and Excellent Music a -- * pe money is pai ld bol A Chance to ..ake the Dock more Michgel's. _- bs the intercollegiate | Will be Presented--The Gospel's . od with asbestos, having wooden! Than a Mere Hole i the Grouna. ampionsiyp in the senior series, and | Call. cheeting, also covered by Russian | Kineston. March 15~{To the Edi on Mositreal ice defeated the MeGill | iron. we bros. Ths & vay nts or ar Tu past two A a team which then had Lindsay ak goal! sary, éspecially in our climate, with | ,. ce been answering many questions and the famous Phillips, W. Gilmour thy mercury at or below zero, and oardng the hingston Shipbuilding and Frank Patrick on the line. The snowing atl the same Ume. lr my ( 0, addressed to me doubless becanse score at that time was 7 to 0--just opinion it would be a hard matter , Lv. gpec.al knowledge of conditions think of it, and on Montreal ice. , to keep up steam, also, at awy other| oo neei for the Dominion Marine Queen's 'then had, setae ane sighs time, the plats of Boiler Toeitig ex! Association, an organization which teen-year-olda such as "Ma * al od to the air, saving the ef-|: im bg , George Richardson, "Dick" Wilson and ot of corsaming more fuel, ar ref og bes Le ui gg oe bbb others. :..._ {> ab obliged ducing the puss of She Rehior, - hi | rading on the inland waters of Can- Queen's are very m iged to is a serious malter and 'show "AL ada, and it seems to me that t { the Toronto Telegram for the state- tend: d to. Although there is a small nil -- apa, 10 will Frond the ment that they were in a class by % an . water tank ur the driver's seat Be ; F themselves as compared with the other | | First Baptist hutch Rev. Douglps it is not connxtd, either to injertor|iefekting to Your tenders before Moa seniof intercollegiate taama. That's a Laiug, | Hirose $e Could Not Save." hv ater Somnection of pump Bis | To begin with, the Kingston Dock hard crack at poor old "Varsity. In oy A N to 'Young Men." Should also be connected to oil-1, os always been of i : y . i Mm. lo , . : : ys been of comparatively little No doubt there are seasons w id easags tn YOUN er with a small pipe to keep d from] . ; : : ' Bible school at 2:45 p.m.' Strangers To value, It can accommodate any hockey in the Intercollegiate ok ti invi i freeving on a cold day. The aux-| 7. 1 invited to all the services, (.° h, SYA which can enter Lake Ontario throug the highest all round, "4, paul ing {iliary feed oc injector, although con-i "prevent Welland or 3 i | St. Pauls church--Moruing prayer, > the present and oc' St. Lawrence but there's generally - one team that , "oo preacher, Rev, W. F. Fitz nected ® path ten pend, water canals, but that is not enough. The «enger of defeat, but they had {0 [shows class, and thet team this year corald, M.A. vicar. Sunday School , Spat sol here 1t might get water, |" is docked for repairs, and these w hatd every minute, because they |gave the 0.H.A. 'champions all they and Bible Class, 5 ..1 : evening pray- any piace where sb i 2 § * are not made by the ship's crew or were being closely watched. The play | could do to pull out a five to four +3, 1 o'clock, pre wher, Rev. W. VF. und id be ch te Noir od Pumps by the staff in the dry dock operating of the tollegiatts Pum jicasant victory. . > 'Vitigerald, M.A. vicar. Service every ---- to hoard until oi injection Stution. Without an up-to-date ' plant onl rg OT, teh bas cerisfn y = The Satie Hats NG bh ligtle of even'n as wee'. in the schoolroom, { would bo supplied with: water, either with all Whe machines au Ingilities Ie vig . w y say a . ichael s ha t 8 o%l . ; fine a 1 . nec ssary lor prepanng material, ang intercollegiate championship was | Queen's "all in" when the gong > First Church of Christ, Scientist-- fram the tank Lufore memtioned, OF & | ojyhut an expert stafl of men ready wen, their style of play last evening | sounded. The fact is that Queen's Sunday services, 1} am. end 7 pm, Par', ; oh Ie 1° 11 4 «Lat all times to do prompt and effici- being o big t on previous § iam ke Raabe of "ow : 4 d:feets are made good' th: engine is ® k " : ng were just beginning to waken up, and Subject, "Matter." Wednesday even or cent work, a dry dock offers no ad performances. Every man on the los | the rugh that Dobson, Campbell and 'ns, testimonial meeting, 8 o'dock. " o Somplete. Both the Merry weath- | antages to a ship im the busy sen ing team seemed to be giving every | George made on the Toronto net dur- Free public readibg room every after- i RI ore MN he cori n " oi 4a the game, Playing ing the last three minutes of play was noon except Sunday, 2 to 5 o'clock, ton Aen a g nee. a y A ithe fastest bit of combination and Monday and Thorsday evenngs, 8 to arian alow Se ation Little hard luck, at critical moments, | (be most vigorous made by either 9:80 ny All are cordially wel . lhe steaming is too slow. Of course the score would have bern closer. The duri h . ba d th vi ad 'ibe Teadin if ths boilcr were covered, as before K.C1. style of play gave the Pron team during the entire game. Somes to the services a e g suggested, there would be rome im- freight of say 5 cents a bushel on 7 * 3 om, x OVE t. - Mer . tire say 5 o 1 « 5, lenace que aking up: The Col- Sporting Notes. | Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock ee Th old Marrywon hue a, 00) bushels of wheat, and the loss also leginten wor 4 Sioms and checked stilt, At Los Angeles, Cal., the twenty-five Street--Rev. W. S. MacTavish, Ph.D, (00 4." 1co the Chatham in four|cf a corresponding freight that might when the defence soot a chance its] found fight at Vernon, between Lang- Pastor. Rev. Dr. Torramce will eon-| i i0y = From (hs time of Fght.!be carned on a returh cargo to the weight was uscd oT adenAde ford and Flynn, lasted only eighty duct the morning service and G. ing the fir, from cold water, the! West. The fact that in the past few F 3 ; 1 nds, and it was largely due to the = hearer, of Queen's, the evening ser- == vine 160k eight and one. half | veers boat after boat, stranded or 'or the . Collegiate ® Stewnit, | rounds, gely he * : new (ngin ght and on alf | D Te a J ' ' vice. Svnday school and Bible | "Lau 2 { otherwise damaged within the proper the new wing man, pla the most |negro's forbearance that the contest : + iminntes. This is too long. A Jot ex i i : y i tlasscs ot 3 p.m, Young people's ! ve: mi . sphere of usefulness of the Kingston nei vi me, sh lasted more than three rounds. : a of dumage might be done by a : ive game, and he should have " 4 t 8:15 p Strangers al g a i Poe the position all season eo] There is a move on foot to restore MMA At 5:00 pan, N gers. 8 in that time.--AN ENGINEER dock--and indeed boats damaged on was, always ab it, snd checked buck | Hockey to amateurism. Officers of the "47 Come: © TAXPAYER. the St. Lawrence river below Kingston \ det: various clubs apparently recognize the ' ing up some very dangerous looking |fact that the "pro." game will soon : a ? Beth 1 Congregational church, ecor- --have spent time, trouble and money determina 2, b . ' y a fntion All evening, \revk WHIG'S FASHION HINT, rushes and saving his team goals.|{be.a losing proposition all around, ner Jchason and Barrie streets--Morn- to reach other places to effect repairs ing service, 11 o'clock, conducted by in order to enjoy the ultimate ad- Gaodearle, Reid and LaRush were | the Wanderers, and Ottawas being the good, all playing their usual game, | anly clubs. to show a surplus this sea- Charles J. Stephens will preach. In 1903, against the vigorous pro- man and brok some dangerous ! and making it a two-section | ( halmers, Presbyterian, corner of impose a. envy duty' upon the Value . { . i THE "SPORT REVIEW FPONTENACS (BEAT COLLEGI- ATES 6 GOALS TO 2 . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, reports they: will see for themselves | ! ENGINEER CRITICIZES | Ten ERT SUNDAY SERVICES! ~™ [SCENE four goals to two in the first half of The New Fire | Engine--He Points the Allan cup. game under O. H. A. | | Out Defeets. i rules. Wherein lies the superiority of THE FILLING OF THE PULPITS| .. ... Nauh 1S--(To th the O.H.A. hockey leaders over the ON SUNDAY. senior intercollegiate champions? | ESTABLISHED un The Standard Bank of Canada Head Office: TORONTO Record of Business as at 31st January, 1010 ~ PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT $M ETE Dividends paid ut the rate of IF per cent. per annum Rh ew BOI | Cuntribuied to Oosns Pentién Pend + + 5, nw | Transferred to Beat Aochunt from Profits For the Junior Championship of Ostario-The Game Was a Filoe Bthibition--Some Comments om the Allan Cup Game. The Frontenac OHA. j cham- pions defeuted the Col , Junior até ollegiate champions, at the cov- owed sink on Friday evening, 6 Soaks w 2, thereby winning the. city pion+hip, and the junior amateur Av half Balance forward W January, 1 Not Profita for the yaar (being st he Tate of WOK per onal ot Avera paid-up Capital) Prosts from Premimes og Now Shock 42 . send Times A 08.00 » ¢ . New Sreek . St. Andrew's--Morning service, "11 yiien of Pak Pienky am. Evening, 7 pm, service of praise, the Lenten cantata, Maunder's {""Penitence, Pardon and Peace" will be sunz. Strangers and students wel- i Liasnirms | Capital paid up Ty | Rewerve Fusi and Profits - Notes in CHuistion - championship of Ontario, come. | First Congregational church, corner time the score stood 3 to 8 Wellington and Johnson streets--Ser- vices: 11 am., Rev. Ernest Thomas, Merrickville; 3 p.m., Sunday school and adult Bible class; 7 p.m., Rev. T. E. Burke. Loam rie Call second Bells Dison ied Governtnens Deposit 8 9oc tire Clrentation Pank Premises, ole. - moe Ulet Assets - GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, foronto, Slee January, 1910. w General Manager. Easte patrons. . The Fromtenacs won, in fact alter the first ten minutes were never in IS THE TOPIC THIS WEEK | Stock ; Complete should #00. Time is valuable. The season is {short. The loss of a day is serious, for expenses of crew, ete, continuy with- "out profit, and the loss of 'two or three weeks may mean the loss of In everything new and Fashionable. Altogether the finest display we have ever made. D M. Spence, fire AND The Leading Mil- linery Store, Rev. Mr. Mooshi, of Kmdistan. Ev- vantage of speedy antl = efficient = ser- «nr service, 7 o'clock, Evangelist vices when in dock. and that says enowgly and plenty. Wil- . scheme is to amalgamate Qubicet. *The Bible--Its Subi i . y liama In undoubtedly & good dence (the St. Lawrence and Interprovincial Common Use" Seats are fres. Strom tons of Canadian vod Swot, the gues, admitting the Ottawa se 'gers cordially welcomed. nate) a . 2 of all repairs made in a foreign port' except in cases where the vessel would pot be in a seaworthy condition to reach a does in Canada. This amend- ment was said to be intended to em- courage the building ' of Canadian docks and shipyards, but in the mean- t.me and until taken advantage of meant a monopoly for the Colling- wood plant, as Kingston was out of the ruming and there were no other competitors on the Canadian side of the lakes. Now, but for this customs duty, the damaged boat will be sent to the nearest dock. Many owners will say that in spite of the duty she will un- der certain eircumstances still go to the nearest dock; and that Ogdens- burg, Buffalo, Cleveland and Detroit will continue to repair Canadian ships. But it goes without saying that if the Kingston dock is vendered cap- able of undertaking a repair contract | the boats damaged within its proper radius will prefer to keep it busy. (Canadian vessel owners are looking forward to the building of docks and ithe ¢stablishment of efficient plants at | Port. Arthur and Sault Ste. Marie, | but they recogmize fully that condi- ° Pithes. "Bl" M amtion was Shire with the goody, g out stiff | league with 8 ke, Westmount, 'Barric and Earl streets--Rev. M. Mac- oh al to hia "'Hatter's Bay | Grand Mere and Montreal in the east- |yil ivray, D.D., pastor. Services, bl friend," *Bcotsy'* Davidson. But the | érn, with Cliffsides, Ottawa seconds, [a.m., 'Story and Insdent by little boy that saved the K.C.L team [Toronto A. C. and Victorias in the | Sailor = Missionary", 7 p.m., | again and again wes Sliter in the | western. "Light Breaking in the Fast," by the nites He played 'a cool steady geme| Ottawa has been invited to place a Rev. Mr. Mooste. Sunday school all/ through. ; " team in the new ball league, which is [and Bible class, 3 p.m.; prayer meet "Tho wibners wets all Every | 46 bet formed in Western Ontario. A |inz, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Students player "played giltdged hockey ©! | Hamilton magnate has written, sug. [ond strangers cordially invited to all gesting that Ottawa join with Hamil. the services. ton, ot Guelph. and Brantford in| St. George's cathedral--Palm Sun the grgatisution of a professional day. Holy communion, 8 a.m.; choral | league. Ottawas will consider the celebration, preceded by mating, 11 ni . nd depeirle alb-4he food question 'at next week's meeting, but 'a.m., preacher, Canon Starr; Sunday ngs 1 are ng sa SRONL 13% is not likely that they will join, 'school, 3 pum.; Bible class, 3.15 p.m.; them by everyone near and far. Every- 1 . jon, on : 4 =: {basebal oving a losing proposition baptioms, 4.15 pm.; evensong, 7 ote on the team from Marchand out b oy o'clock, concluding sermon to students, ' i Ottawa. 'A city league is about Ot- Played fing: hockay heey dnd 10 or | tawa's limit in baseball. by the Dean of Ontario, subject, * The wed on every side. The Cornwall protests the final game for {Bible and Inspiration." Services dur- Davidson were 'the teatutpe the Stormont championship, {ing Holy Week, daily at 7.30 a.m. and won Williamstown, because of the {9.43 a.m.; evensong, 5 o'clock. a ringing of Currie, of the Cq.| Broek street Methodist church, Cor. ' of Brock and Montreal streets--Rev. HG ii T. E. Burke, B.D., pastor, will preach "MUST GO TO SCHOOL. at 11 a.m.; Rev. E. Thomas, of Mer. rvickvilley at 7 pm; 10 am, Class All Children Under Fourteen Years|Meet'ng; 3 p.m., Sunday School and Must be Sent. hibla Class; Monday, 5 p.m. 5 P.S,; 4 dnesday, 8 n.m., Prayer Meeting; The lad whose father was before the Friday, 7.20 poy . Bove Brigade. otis magistrate on Friday, for : eeping his boy from school on the Music : Morning anthem, "1 Will Lift ' 5 8 : Un Mine Eyes," solo, "The Palms," | day and Saturday evenings and Satur- | 10P% at Kingston call for immediate excuse that he could not afford to get him » pair of boots, was taken in the Miss F, Davies evening anthem "0 | day matinee, The piece has been pro- | improvemunt, aid are very dusizots ot Praise The Mighty God," solo, "The | duced by Joseph M. Weber, and is said | "702 1 TIT Cries. Ther i afternoon to a boot store and his Prodigal," W. Eva. Strangers made]to be an' attraction that is really | receive and fulfil orders. y promise feet were clad in a pair of leathers, : Constable Amiel then placed him in *hamgions! {p . talibed, and played it oll. even ng... The boys went out to land another 'Wictory, ha liad apather bistary_and by qoud Stock of Stationery, Magazines, Books, Fancy Goods, Post Cards, Novelties, Prayer Books and Easter Novelties. SALE STARTS SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Everything to be Sold at Your Own Prices: wee he ddl an a wt wit im uptil he gets Yin wed wi Bot 'quit before. © Ho played a wonderful game last even: ing, Boyer, the new man, also play: ed a fine game, showing up to ad vantage in his first game with the new champions. It was. a beautiful fight to watch Millan = and LaRush on the wings. Thiy battled it out all evening but the Frontenac boy had a shade on wiay tulle toque with algretie. "The Climax." ' The Climax," a three-act comedy- drama, by Edward Locke, is scheduled to appear at. the Grand on next Fri- J oh : "0.0 no damaged ships but the records of welcome. worth while. It comes with the ear the past prove that repair jobs will | Spider," mainly for the reason that LaRush was not Paying the as much as Le should and was Leo too close, but on the oth: er the K.C.I. boy had it over his mark in checking. It was a mice friendly battle all evening between the two. When Leo got away for one of those igining rushes down Gosrds it was a job 'to him. All the boys played ' a game, -addng another well-earned to their long list, as a fitting stop fine vie end to a most successful, gratifying up their veason, and they can hang i without a twinge of sticks and pads been and was not done durin the season. Everything possible, apc a few thi seemingly impossible, wera accom dl and now that the the | vegrot for, anything that should have dome school. 'The lad is in the fourth class and wishes to continue his studies. It seems that the public school inspector some time ago informed the father that the board of education would bear the cost of getting his boy a pair of boots: There ave very, very few children in the city who do not go to school now. The inspector and Secretary Macdonald know of 'every boy and girl in Kingston under. the school age, and keep close tab on each one. At a recent meeting of the board it was reported that less than a dozen chil dren under the age of fourteen years were not attending school. A few of these were absolutely unable to at. tend on acdount of home conditions, having tp. help widowed mothers, In Queen, street Methodist' church Rev, 8S. Sellery, M.A., B.D, pastor. 11 a.m. Rev. F. A. Cassady, BA, of Japen, will preach. 7 p.m., the pas- tor; subject, "The Beet Definiticn of ( hristianity of the Fingdom of Ged." Sunday sthhol and Young Men's Club as usual. -. The regular weelk-night services will be held: Music: Favorite h-wns, anthems and solos. Miss Hinckley will sing. Everybody made welcome. St. James' church, corner Union and Arch streots--Ven. J. Ker McMorins, M.A, DD, rector, 350 Clergy street west, Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A, vicar, th: parsonage, corner Union and Barrie streets. Sixth Sunday in Lent. 11, morning prayer and holy com: munion, sermon subject, "The End of Temptation," 3 p.m., Sunday school emphatic hit at York. With the breaking of the streets too late at ter ten o'clock. the bourd of education that unaccompanied. * What rents thinking, about ? ing to pass Because it marks of suonus, pa¥ing made a most eber's Theatre, New Lads on Street Too uate, spring, little lads are once more appearing on night, many being around the cheap theatres beg- ging for money to get admission. Nu- merous others are in these theatres af- | It was understood by lads are not to frequent the theatres |pyery are their The most selfish . tan in Kingston to this extent but we will see ought to be the most active in help the by-law on Monday. | when the new Welland enables {not be wanting. The prospect of a new Welland canal and of the appear {ance of the heavy tomnage of the Up- ! {per Lakes in Kingston harbor renter, {it all the more desirable to have the | Kmgston dock put on a working bas | {is and to establish the nucleus for { larger undertakings. Record. of the past year show that exclusive qf the | | tugs and other small boats , engage in local operation a vessel passed the {Lime Kilm Crossing in the Detroit river up or down bound on an average fifteen minutes between the Pa- | middle of April and the close of navi {gation in December. We in Kingston will not have the coal or ore trade ROME thing. of the fleets of the upper lakes them ? Frank O'Gorman, 352 xine EE FOR WHOM IS LIFE INSURANCE? It ia not for the rich nor the independent, nor the selfish sponsibility It is for the nan who recognizes re- will who needs fer other things and put it in , for the will take the money he Life man who discriminate Insurance because he 8 Why ? will pat money in | to come oyr way: There is no reason his pocket directly and indireotly. The | why Kingston might not sometime be- business man, workingman, landlord, | come another Bufialo. in fact everybody must benefit, Vote | It was at first natural for a vole ! that the protection of departure 48 great need of insuring, and such a man should be sure of his insurance The Dominion Life Assurance Company his all end Bible classes. 7, evening praver and sermon, the sixth word from th: cross, 'It is Finished." segtion is ended everyone is happy and contented. The teams : Frontcoacs (6)--Marchand, goal, Davidson, « point; Hyland, cover, VYrouse, rover; Hunt, centre; Millan, one cas€ the child. had to attend a mother who was in feeble health. There are no children now not at school 'without reason. Kingston 'utands at the top of the list as re: gards school "enrolment and average daily attendance. loved ones after his the Such a man is worth os i: Sweet Huthudist ionch-~ and work for the by-law, to fear that the negotiation of the astor, erie' 11, Sproule, AX. Ser. The airy of a selimade man are | present lease meant an effort on part vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday i school 'and Bible class, 3 pm. Pastor mesily of the fresh or hot brand. | of the Collingwood owners to render Sh Jm. Ol effective, left wing, Boyer, right wing. Collegiate (y-Sliter; ng oli Wil- liams, nt; McCammon, cover; Reid, ro ver, wi iL Stewart, left: wi TL " . N. Steacy gave entire satisfaction as referee. ad i ; Dartdson; 5. min te, Reid, 6 min. min. min. Roe 0 centre, LaRush, right Fire Call This Morning. The firemen received an alarm from box 27 at the corner of King and Beverly «streeis; at %:10 o'clock, this marning. The Suits, department made an over fine nk. only to find tl needed when they arrived. William hey were will preach at both services. Junior Christian Endeavor, 10.18 a.m.; class meeting at close of morning service; Epworth League, Monday evening; roads in not Ir- at the M on™; prayer. and praise service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Morning anthem, "The Lord Is Shepherd." Evening gathem, "Arise, He Calleth Me™; duet, Miss | Grace Mitchell and. William Mack; solo, ' Miss Arnold, of Queen's. Alfred Sykes, B.D., pas- . Wiliam Craig, church secre jor and X. se 11 am., public the interests af the society. Theme, tor, tan. 10am. j ww's Bible service, sermon in ong ap m., Be moc) and Men's Club ible class. 7 p.m., public service, sermon for men. Theme, "The Un- gameable Crime." Special services cominue each av Weak, Subject, "The the Crosse.' Everybody welcome. Union Tove feast and fellowship mext- ing Good Frida ny aljertuch at 3 o- clock in Sy m street church. kd thy tepuest), Eva. PAu hem, "Ye Shall Dwell in 1 and' solo, "Fear Not Ye, O Jarael," Mrs. James Small. | Two Dollar Derbies. The . largest assortment, newest Jerusalem." 2:45]. of Passion Words From enthem, "The Lord is Ris *'Daughters of Jerusalem," ng The A man is apt to get his back when he is told to hump himself. May! up | their 'What A Face ! monopoly absolutely | Against this we have to set the state. iments of the promment Kingstonians | wientied with the proposals, the un lidentitiel with the proposals, under | takings oa the part of company given ia | coomection with the by-law, and the Leold facts that 310,000, a vear rental, #30,000, or $40,000, a year in wages and salaries and the interest on' the | capital investment promised, together | with other incidental charges, make up | a pretty large annual expenditure for |' the privilege of keeping the dock idle. } Surely all will agree that Collingwood | is more likely to divide the work with Kingston. A cold-blooded view of the case have 'now ne so far that the (scheme will probably go through, taxes or no taxes. On the other hand the lease is not vet signed, and we have 'the definite assurance from the | parties, which we are entitled to ac | cept, that the failure of the by-law w.ll mean refusal to sign the lease The free sample of Stuart's Calcium Wafers will clear and forfeiture of the fixed penalty. As one interested in the provision of facilities for repairs om Lake Ontario, I therefore say that it would be well to vote for the by-law on Monday. As a Kingstonian interestetl in see ing the present dock trafinsformed from s hole in the ground of merely occasional value nto a centre of ac tivity amd usefulness | say airain that it would be well to vote for the by-law awd 1 ivtend to vote myself ingly. d'sregarding = the - ohiee- tions made by the "'stand-patter" that by waiting and doing nothing we may get something better. Yours FRANCIS KING. en e truly, Waggoner's for hints new patterns in might induce one to say that matters | Will give such a man all that is desirable in life insur- ance Consult -- Jd. K. CARROLL, District Agent. 14 MARKET STREET, CITY. FLEMING & MARVIN Members Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. Cobalt New York Stocks Special attention given to unlisted s>curities, and all inquiries promptly replied to 58 VICTORIA ST., HOME LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO. $ Phones, Main 4028-4029 APPOINTMENT HELD UP. John Gibson May Not Registrarship. The Ontario government has held up the appointment of John Gibson, of Inverary, as registrar of Frontenac county, owing ta friction among ses tions of the county conservatives. W, J. Paul, M.P.P., has registered a pro- test against the appoiotment of Mr, Gibson, and asked that Melzar Avery, ex-M.P., Sharbot' Lake, receive the position. It is understood that Mr, Avery is favored by the government, and that it in likely he will receive the regisirarship after the clouds roll by. At any rate the appointment of My. tiibson is mot to be made, al though he was the choice of the Fron- tena¢ conservative executive. Part of the Addington. riding, which Mr. Paul represents, is in Fronitenae, sad that section was fot represented when Get County the recommentiation of. Me. Gibson wae LEAVING LINDSAY, Popular Practitioner Will Take Up Residence in Napanee, Lindsay, March 19.--Dr. Cameron Wilson, practising medicine and surgery in Lindsay for the past year, has dé. cided to make his home in Napanee, where he will have a wider field. Oy, Wilson, proved himself a clever practic tioner. Mrs. Wilson has been a valuable acquisition to the musical talent, be- ing a violinist of considerable ability, and was ever ready to sessist in local functions, where her charming num- bers were listened to with a high de gree of pleasure, When The Probs Say Rain Campbell Bros', say umbrellas. Spec. ial values, S0c., 75c.. $1, $1.25, $1.90. All hinds of bixycle repairing, at Miloe's., Bagot St. Bee Waggoner's ready-to-wear spring overcoats, *