sss AT IH TRICKS | rms WHEN THE KING FORBIDS 18 id i (rown Heads Do Not Fall in With Cupid. Ii Not a little surprise was felt in {some of the courts of Europe when it was aunounced that the Infante lfen-o of Orleans, couin of King {fonso, had - been deprived of f « and all 1s privileges arsl to stand trial before « art. The story of the prince who, having {given his heart to a maid of low de martes her, jn spite of the threats of the king, is as old as the Phillis: but this case is one of another ford r, as Princess Beatrice of Saxe {Coburg is a daughter of a roval {house, the prestige of which as [great as that of King Alonso him- ised | At the root of the matter lies the religious question. Princess Beatitce, Al his order fed : | forree, refuses to adopt the Roman Catholic faith, wnlike, st will bp remembered, Princess Fna did when she bxtame a | (ues 15. | 'Apothir instanee of a prince being i deprived of his honors for marrying a Princess of Saxe-Coburg was that of the Grand Duke Viaomurovitch, who married Princess Victoria, an elder sister of Prinvess Beatrice, without the consent of the car. The gramd duke was deprived of the privileges of his rank, but recently a reconciliation effected, and the "deprivation was cartelled, Seven years of exile wag the pumsh- "ment meted put to the late A * hduke winry, who, although was forbidden by the Emperor Frans osweph on marrying an tress, a member of the company of the rl thatre, Vienna: there was a reconciliation. Most people will remember the case . ! «f the Archduke Leopold of Austria, a ¥ oy brother of the Crown Princtss of Sax- was insisted Ar WALTER EVERETT SEVERAMN MISS ANH York, up March tricks 14 again New apd Here ben to wha bas been \ ew girl fn hut dollars have an ears i York department 1) marry with & that sly think a man probably of ne to Money An stre ie Miss 121 Fran'din rnd hes LerRn Ih Faster Monday Low ging shoppers a of t, Elizabeth, Walter | are ta be and Miss lun h « It ¢ however, ad fortune ago she a Kraus Bancee = ' married Iran to her serving nen bom waitress, that she ow her . Four years was emploved as SPREAD OF MEN AND CHILDREN MOSTLY THE VICTIMS. Women Protected are by ftabies=A Dog Under Should he Watched, Suspicion While rabies is most frequently in dogs. wolves, foxes, cuts, ete, it is linble to spredd widely among any animale 'who use the teeth as a wea por: Ones inoculated, all warm blood. wd animals contract the activity of travel greatly favors Men and children ave mostly the tinge wherever there is an outbreak, woman's skirts heing her protection, Not oy ery heady contracts the by theing bitten, the clothes sometimes seen and it. Vie disease wiping the virus off and allowing the person bitten to In other cater persons are oot bitten until the animal has made a samber of which sometimes cleans the fore the animal bites, escape, terth be- In rabies there furious and the other usually succeed each other in developed the prominence one of these forms over the other to some 'extent determined by perm derived from a previous lull dogs and hounds are especially subject to the furious type, house and pet dogs geverally fected with the paralytic form premonitory symptoms in ain the same. The first obvious va- riation of. bealth the marked change in the disposition or habits of the animal, and in a. district or coun- try where rabies exist, any such change should be the warrant for in stant seclusion before there is any ine elination to bite. The lively, amiable dog may become suddenly dull, apa thetic or taciturn. The quiet anexeit able dog may become unusually afiec- tionRte, fawding, and demonstrative, with sudden capricious changes from fawning to sullenness or the opposite, The noisy dog may become silent, the silent animal may -take to howl ing, restlessness, watchinlness or ner voushess, with a tendency to start with the slightest sound. lt also gels a morbid appetite. The animal may £0 to yeep in a dark corner and growl i disturbed, making the night hideous by baying at the moon. An early chapge in the voice, is also marked, First it takes the shape of hoarse n well, like a ery of distress, He may be dumb from the start, move about like a caged lion, and jurap and run at imaginary objects, in spite of such abstractions as walls, to the furious stage all these symp 10.18 are more pronounced. Cowardly animals become narewive ani rel ome dumb, 'which fully o is CHSE, af- Fhe the get are ie ome prominent and recdensd, there is un te it, and if the animal wo.nd, it mes wrritated. flows Hecely snd adheres to the mouth in a barking © seapping. shri s of rest, but these 'wally tory Bld. The dog mav aring SNCY 10 Vom ted has not be able to swallow and breathing be- e mes rapnd followed hy panting, the mouth rema'ding open. Sudden wnoives or approaching objects produce imme. diate sions of rage, from no apparent to A 1! the! : ter jaw dow and is bathed in sa in grasps, af- cosine. Yoon he beepmaes unable maa The mouth remains opon, Pro, Bresthine comes tw which dexth soewdi follows, © Tha dorstion of ilies ¥ mitoms Gre: develops, is fortuhate- CE 1 havinz RABIES Their Skivts When Attacked by a Dog-- An Haplanation of Two Forms of disease snaps are two forms, one of the while 5 then changes to a distinet puppy quar se and want to roam. They have a will unaatufal expression; the eves and a Saliva thy muss, due to constant It may have are ony, who, in 1903, renounced his mal rights in order to marry lin Adamovics, an actress of origin They took the name fling | he emperor ordered his name to be erased from the rell of Knights of the Golden Fleece and dismissed him from hs army. That the sacrifice was hard lv worth while in this case was proved hai 2 few years later, whem Mme. Woel that ping adopted the simple life, discard: wo Years lg her fine dresses and ornaments and nothing of each other. (0 wearing a sort of sack, with pent that time wv andals on her feet, and nothing at all , s« of the country, on her head. Her husband obtained a . louis and Florida anid divorce, and the unfortunate finally w emploved in a department |, judged to be insane restaurant Leopo'd Woelfing was recently a pe- i F. Severane, "titioner in a case in the Austrian courts, during which it was stated that one Johann Orth had loft 'a for- tine of between £1,250,000 and LI, $70,000, I'his revives another romance of an archduke of Austria and a general in the army. - Because the emperor op posed his marriage with an actress, named Milly Stubel, the prince resign od his rank and station and was mar vied to the lady of his choice in a Lon don registry office, y *hortly after he qualified for. a mastor's certilicate gnd bought a ship in Liverpool. 1a the\Santa Marsherita he and his wife sail for South Am im Frau- humble of Woel JA KRAUSS © w hotel the Ruissesumon visited there for an « r while living at his fat'h farther alcnz the the girl hp RIL: n ummer tke Placid My ji everanoe di sHmmey and to marry, Ie tonal n hone lake, there he met dives together followed " went thin and hoy hranss part ) in gang resorts, was fipal- here, who enty-thre are old, and an alumnus of Corpell miversity, is providing for his bride, comforig ME very limited, death resulting in' nont two to ten days. Most frequen: Iv death comes on the third or fourth day, but the damage a dog may do m this brief space of time is very grea soon as the are noticed the dog should be fined as quickly as possible. A dog suspected of having the disease should be confined em! watched, and the symptoms do not become agp: wvated in from four to ten days, it ray be presumed the animal not affected with rabies, Fheraiore, as symptoms! "on \ : is * A {nn board, from that day to this n* fs I, end it is believed she foundered with her owners, I'bat th: princess The Critical Age. Height of vigor 1s past-nature's power away---entiurance decreasingt Stop the for Cupid's sake progress of decay, tone up the weak ened nerve centres, impart vigor to visti noerg, the tiring body, prepare for the cris- ¢f age, the princess was a recogni is. Best means for rebuilding is found lead r of Viennese society ard in Dr. Blair's Tome Tablets. They mous beauty, but, at p brighten up the whole being, lupait Live, +h» renounced power, strength, vigor. Old a; with her chauffeur. pushed back twenty years, the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and pew life restored. You'll try I. A Fortune for an Idea. Blair's Tonic Tablets in 25¢. boxes at! Technical World Prouse's Drug Store, opposite Oye million dollars awaits dhe inven- Andrew's church tor of an appliance, no matter how simple, which Will consume smelter smoke. Smoke consumers are used In a school house in the north of with success in many large cities, but Scotland the schoolmaster keeps J « the smoke in such cases issues from hovs grinding steadily at their desks ordinary heating plants burning coal but gives them permission to mithle OF wood. Smelter smoke contains from their lunch baskets sometimes fumes and gases from the roasting ores they work. One dav, while the niw.- and the human mind has failed to find tor was instructing. a class in the an influence that will combat the rule of three ho noticed that one of poisonous effect of the smoke on the his pupils was paying more attynticn atmosphere around every smelter. to a small tart than to his This million . dollar reward for the "Tom Ban," said the master, successful inventor is no fairy. tale to will ye?" "I'm listening, pipe dream. The big smelting com- sir," said the boy. "Listening, are panies of the United States have spent ve 7" exclaimed ; the master. "The: many times that amount fighting dam- listening wi' one ear an' eating age claims or settling with damaged pie wi' the other" and disgruntled neighbors. A year ago the Liuggenhein interests, which prae- tieally eontrol the smelting trust, pub- licly offered $500,000 for a' successful smoke consumer and the offer was duplicated, though unafficially, by the Amalgamated, which runs some of the largest smelting plants in the world, : As an illustration of what a costly proposition this smoke business js the the as 'well as the instanced last "ur be the case of Princess Amelig of ¥ Only twenty-four years WHS a a the dictates of all and elopad = A Hungry Ear, lesson ten lessons, ye re No Excuse Whatever. With a remedy available such Wade's Iron Tonic Pills there no excnse for complaining of illness larising from foagral debility, im- bloc nervousness, poverished | sleaplessness, ete. A _ treatment {Wade's Iron Tonic Pilly will rio « robust health® by toning wp the sy. tem, Price 20¢., at Melead"s dng Amalgamated Coppef company, or store. Ansconda Copper Mining company, . subsidiary concern; is still in the Donation of Fifty Thousand Dolla =. throes of a deadly straggle with a Thanking the Armstrong CoMege, portion of the population of Montana Newcastle, for hating named the wey Over smoke damage. True the com- char of Eng literature and lan. pany drew' first 'blood through a re guages "after the late Joseph Cowen, cent court decision, but the: people the two of his family bave have asked for a rehearing' of the vent a donation of $50,000 towards case aud if it is refused threaten to the endowment fond. appeal to the supreme court. Recently Be + um eight million dollar smelter was Harry Fravok has resgned his posi- closed by the people of Utah on the sion with the C¥bbard Co. Napanw, grounds of smoke damage. Smelter and will spend the summer 'wn the OWReErs everywhere await with anxiety west for the benefit of his health, the final outcome of the great Mon- Patent hair curlers to form fash- tana suit as a precedent. \ jonable: Marcella wave, do not break! the hair, comfortable to sleep in. | Sole agents, New-York Dress Reform, 208 Prinpess streot. - Miss Helen Finkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Finkle, Newburgh, left, Monday, for Boston, to enter an Bospital for .a nurse in training. ns i i Another Plot Impossible. Watertown Times The late T. C. Platt leaves only memory of something to be avoided end to make another Platt impos sible. He struggled and worked nll iis life for power, avd power alow. { the denied himself everything in the - way of personal gratification snl Dollars Re- 'wleasure that he might ralbby the w . wat for any 'atarrh that can- farce mizats v not be ured by Hall's Catareh Cure of organization by F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Wa the und si have known ¥.}'"® Jd. Cheney for 1 ¢ last 15 years, and be- Heve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially! able to carry out any obligations mas.e | by his firm.' { Walding. Kinnan & Marvin, Whetesie Druggists. Totdda, 0 Halts Ostarrh Cure {5 takes interes. ally, weting directly upon the blood asd muons =Mriuces of the svsiew. Tes - -. montals = ree pire 35 cents BF renal weliare. 3 be ah tle. Sold by all fats cf . ith he e Hall's Tamir Fis Yor constr. Lies and opportunities t,a record tion, "Mir. Platt might have made. a _ How's This? offer Que ae perfected by His life ended disappointment; with the loss of wer and everything he had striven er, turping to ashes. Did it pay ? Speak cn'y good of the dead 5 a god motto, but the lives of men + Fo have had great puwer are sm cx- emvie to be emulated or avosdd, and thir wcad: snd accomplishments rust be spokin of in the infers {pred and sellishness. Loot Al! military { who i® a niece of King Edward VII. J the wedding | Eventuaily | criva with a large amount of bullion! has ever been heard of the ves: | slowing down--vitality ebbing rrince may forget the duties of fank | | or | al i BUILDING NEEDS, | Fhe Drydock Proposition is Endorsed py nnp--hingston Has Great Need wi # Large Ship Repair Plant. ston, March 18.--~Toé the Edi tori tmnk the saippaiiding by-law has been quite ull) Mmscussed on lhe SPER ana Mm private, pat conversing @ Oa Uke streed about the question 1 surprising how many eating ote appear «0 be al sa over whe mal anu especially #8 10 charges lor dockage, advaaiage or disaaventage jto workmen interested, also 10 Other shipping in and apout un aty. it may be that I can clear up a tew of the points over which some people are stumbling. 1 --Doeximg charges will no doubt re- main as at present fixed by govern ment, with advantage to the siipowna m this respect --At present a vessel eners dock which requires 2.350 tons, paying 20 cents a ton or a total of aot), which covers use of dock fou twenty-four hours. The finds his ship has to pay | wichition to the above charge a sum ranging from 315 to #10, according © size and tonnage, (in above $40) and this coupled with the reauim charge of ol, makes a most depress m1 dockage charge for simply getting inde the gate and dried on. Take the case of the small steam with a tonnage of 1% she must pav a mmni- who 1s ns tes industries owner Misia er or tons vessel or less and mam charge of 320. Mr. Turcott, nas been iurtunate enough to reap tne doexing harvest 10c ail the past yeas since the docs has been put m open 3lo | placing the vessel on: blocks and shor her up. vou can easily {whore tne wrong comes in. Wh lo {big felon doesn't feel it, perhaps not iso much, the little fellow 1airly junder the pressure. | then aga after the repairs are to | be made what do we hind? A {gang of men, often Gf an inferior type --mechanically comtrollixd and hamper: ed bv umion rules--takes charge of the work, and often d antl las many days pay out of it as {gible. 1s it any wonder that | passes Kingston day after day {each season ? What makes cities grant? i Industries of course, and noting {our continent any other more to build merc | tion, comes on and charges V ling So e small ag along get Po work during on has don Jd or up « | tha 1 shiphuildin » fi ani tis above {troubles are multiplied many times { when we touch the steel shin £8 it is the towns a well known fast thionghdul lake r gion that Kia ston an' handle igtee! ship-work without groan! delay inr the vessel and increasing cost of | has been asked, repairs thegby. ~The question {the men are not here now to do twork on ships coming mn dock, twill the new company keep up to thew | agreement with the city; to employ 'only Kingston labor * That is easy. it 'very often happens that workmen are, ant become, memeient for want I prope: guides or instruction and while {in mingston today there are a lot ol good mechanics without a proper and {traifed head they could do nothing at modern shipwork, where with trained head they would became skill- el workmen. This is our position the shipping world today and with the now, company here and trained foremen, manager and machinery right on the ground, with an interest in getting work to come here, don't you think Kingston will be a lot better, {and rather than mjure the men inter tested at present will make better {wor men them, give them stead: employment aud present bosses {foremen stam] a good chance if the how ol in of and of be com coming lenders with the new pany. i 4~Will the new company in an) [way hurt present shops, docks and private workmen contracting and job {ing along the wharfs, No, and simply | because better facilities doing will bring the better class of | work to the new company, who can care lol it both to theif own profit as well as to the vessel's profit py giving dis | patoh, etc., and some who |patch work wall continue and alwavs be able willing pick up the men who don't want | sieady job, and sorry to say, we "have juite a number im our town of that | type, and as for shops now in. the j ety, what have we as citizens got to {dy with that? It has been shown | many times that these are not able {to ao the work demanded of them and {why turn away first-class proposi | tion for an old worn-out one. Lhese {people who are comung are doing to make a success of what we haven't tgot, never had and never will have if | we let this chance ship hy. Kingston 'people let us look ahead for Kangston, work for hingston and | keap the tax rate down hy voung m- dastries such as the Kingston ship | building industry to our town, 'The dry dock pays us nothing now; ship repnirs are driven away from our [ety through lack of facilities, and j wehiy turn away 8 paving proposition which will employ every skilled work man and many laborers, to suppoit | possibly a pet hobby or ome or two | individuals who say it will be failure, aml they know hetter. 1 Joow sométhing about the pin» industry of Canada and Iv hope Kingston will show her wis 'dom on Monday by supporting the thy-law and have this most promising { industry here. i> M DAVIS, Goverament boat Inspector. for work only to do To 80, and fo a a ship | i Steam i lL ~ | Beautiful Stock to Choose From. | Prevost, Brock street, has a fine as isortment of tweeds, serges and che- 'viots. Anyone in Iwill do well to call on him. mide clothing and vever better assort : dict church, . Napanse; was cordmily invited to return as pastor jor pext conference year, In a few bright and happy remarks he acerpt- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1010. INSPECTOR DAVIS [POINTS OUT KINGSTON'S SHIP- JUST ABOUT EGGS. Very Stale, and Rotten Dispos ed of. - nowadays h are used f leather goods market w There a for rotten the manufacture Those which are very stale, Gite rotten, are broken receptacles and sold in liquid ro cheap bakers Moderately ones. find a market, at reduced pr'ce, among the poor. Whieh likewise true of the "checks" or crack- ed eggs. Most of market go even eggs, in J you ™ imo su a the eggs that through a process called "camdling," each one beng held io a moment between the and the lizht of a lamp specially made for the purpose. A good cgg is traoslu ent, but a rotten one is absolutely opaque, 2 Menv eggs thus examined are found to be more or less soiled. These are Foown to the trade as "dirties," and soil at a reduced price per dozen. the big egg houses in New York com to eve "utterly failed insofar SPIRIT OF THE PRESS 1 An Ungrateful! Lot. Taronte Telegram Toronto' never neglected the Whit party as the Whitney government neglected when four cabiget ministers were at the. public accounts committee 10 protect a government department against enquiry, and not a cabinet mimster was at the private bills committee to protect a munici pality againat outrage. ney Toronto, The Strike a Failure, Gazette "Eat mo Picton 1 The Meat" movement has as the attempt to break prices of live animals in the United States is concerned. The cam paign produced a temporary flutter in j American markets but prices, to-day, tare higher than they were then, cattle {in Chicago b ing ten cents higher than "at that time; hogs, are a dollar higher in Buffalo, while sheep have gone up iend Chicago employ scores of expert [ninety cents in Chicago. i captam ard that | . Barton sincere. | | ; | gents" farpishing { a i } i py cardlers, and 1t is surprising. to soe the rapidity with which they work aml the few, very few, eggs that are ken tn the handling. § ( MAY | HITED. 'May Renounce Allegiance to United !, ¢ { States. ENT G to i G.T.R Montreal, will be Hass, rEnouD es td ject, No prise Charles M Frunk, In caused here presiden hoe Grand to the British | sub This was Sir William Van ~hanghnessy, he a then knighted, done t of Homne and thoma the Canadian Pacific Mr. Hays has apparently his lot definitely with th road, ard will probably |} with it for the He is to all intent and purpose a Camdian, vet 'he is still a the United States, and first presidential at tions States, and in omes is ® Cases Nir identified 1 areer vest of his otizen © his "hi missed vote the last Saving the Fruit Trees. j Technical World Profi. Leopold Trou vard University, hw sithkworm. He afdier breed of the produced, and velot, of Har interested iy, thought that a insect eould be experimenting a that Ime. attack ing the commercial silkworm, in the United States and in Professor Trouvelot imported spinning caterpillars, in stages development, and clusters of In the conducted was was ong Disease was both Europe silk- Various of among egus from village ns experi cuterpillars To keep the them th 4 Medford ments, pla Wig a shrub mn his yard specimens from becoming scattered bh covered the bush with net The New England states would to day be - free from the gypsy moth curse if a wind-storm hadn' come along and torn the net asunder, lib erating the caterpillars and moths and scattering them bevond-recall In its caterpillar state the moth most It thing fruit, ol Psy mott ol he the on does eats every shade trees, vegetation, en damage its path sort in almost every tire forests Japan was gypsy moth, not felt in scemeck to and prevent parasite, ly fed Tour ravaging poww conswl-general in this, and sent of paras the United in the infected Englani . g watched promises affected but that with the Hs ravages were land. Same horce hoki the moth in its destructiveness minute as to without a magnifying upoh the moth state, ani checked its propagating The United State: Yokohawa learned port the Then forty hrought i districts check, A "or he bare- seen glass its caterpil a to wrtment ricultar thousand 1 wwe Te nto State leased New The experin if t Mad Dog! St ls A ais Post crowd gathered at Tenth and street watch a handsome thal was rummy ahaewmt, air. White froth was run the dog mouth mod ! fat man fox terrier in the centre group, wide-open too mad too nghtened 10 fox terrier nose wm the nung from " He' The th: eather move, At this jmectare, the policeman riverl. A began to well him that the dog was mad; that it must be killed; that it had been snap- pinz at the children; that it began to froth when it passesi a pool of water, and how Fest to. shoot x A tall, quitelooking woman pushed ¥ « velledd a stood of with or ar dozen voices need of cloth'nz | through the crowd and started toward Heady | the dog A doam men vellel at her, two or three men grabbed af her. She picked the dog up aml stacied out of the crowd, The policeman stop Rev. W. H. Emsler, Western Metho- ped "her with & "Madam that dog is mad. He must the he shot. Look atl the fonm coming out | of his mouth." "Foam," whe od, expressing st the same time the "That's a cream puff be was eating." happy relations that existed between himscdf and his people. "Seid'ity powders," the stren- kind, are sold in Kingston at Cigs doag stow, At oa meetin: of Nap ne the ar rats for IIR win feed 244 milly on the dollar, 8. mills schol purposes and 165 wills : enn til need Tt at is so Reading, so anticeptic, « for alleviate all for Hamilton's Ointment yourself, Sik. per Had Bed Bar Tronbie. The «kin became hard and dry, cane son's Red ed frightful itchiness and nothing help ed till Dr. Hamilton's Ointment was enred known that ire to Fre Pr. Nothing din Frritation. box, at all deslers. said contemptuous | {Ontario Wants Wide Open Inquiry. Toronto Telegram | Toronto never neglected the welfare fof party which was &t the public accounts committee, ves { terday, these four ministers of OWH | the represented by Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. W. J. Hanna, 4 Dr. Reaume, { Frank Cochrane, | A. JJ. Mathesod, ba RR a pity a mobilization of four cabinet ministers be to protect any department of the Ontario {government from scrutiny in a publi committee, Every department of the Ontario {government should challenge scrutiny The department of land and mipes, {above all others, ought to be run {the principle : | "Whatever We never BECeSSUry accounts on record leaps to light, shall be shamed." What Ontario Lost. Hamilton Times the Gillies Limit which was withheld from the public and on the sale of which a number of "fortune" purchas Whitney government have hundreds of thousands of within short time, has not proved the for the province that was expected. Yesterday it was shown before the public accounts com mittee that the amount spent the fimit by the province was $M 271, and the amonnt realized from the sale of lands was S128.018. A single "fortu nate" purchaser from Whitney's gov ernment realized something like 300, 000 or $400,000 on his deal in few days the people's assets handled Whitney tion. ers from the made many dollars a bonanza on n Thus by are the administra Room for Economic Reforms. Montreal Witness On April lst, the Dominion Iron will pay over to its preference share holders thirty-one and one-half per their stock, years' dividends to date. That is great work and there are few who would object to be Aprildooled in a similar way. Con idering the pressure the privileged in inwardly upon ministers when any privilege is threat the government be con gratulated upon having placed he abolition of the iron and steel boun to with the Brit few other mat extinction of Hs own But--without in tending to be ungracious, or unthank ful for small mercies--thvre remains good deal of similar of economic or All Fools' and Steel day, company cent. on or four terests hring to bear ened, may thes ite credit, also ish preference, and a ters, tnelnding the Lerman suriax a scope for Oris reform The Trogble in Alberta. Toronto Globe There some incidints alread, made publ that will arouse suspicion of efther bad judgment or official mis cenduet on the part of members = of 'hs government. It is not usual and it should not have been necessary to endorse the bonds and permit them to be sold before the legislation author ing construction of the railway was perfected. 'The securities sold in New York at par jumped at once Lo a igh premium in London, giving ris the very injurious suspicion that some in connection with the pro- vincial administration was well paid for the administrative recklesen ss with which the transaction was car ried through, Of course there will now be a thoroughgoingz investiga tion, but meanwhile it becomes 1m portant that no apportion ment of the blame will prevent the province from being a heavy loser if he bonds have passed beyond recall th: situation would have been less ups wisf. *tory if the names of substan tinl incorporstors in the proprietor slip of the railway had Liven to the public, and # those who greent thm had not nt to av invite, al he made in the hostile public fire we io on to note given re been so willing {to allow, n ons: to schemes opinion | by "It {that faorestal Voted Against the Bill. al Horald ix, after all, of the opposition unanimous bar W. F. Muclean, against the bill » provide for a Canadian naval ser ice. The members had all worts of differences as amongst themselves, but they had that mueh in éommon jall voted against the measure | Some talked of cash contributions; tht they voted against the hill Some talked about being more loyal than Laurier; but jvoted against the bill, Some talked about getting cil of the empire; but they against the hill. i Some talked about a fleet unit: but ithey voted against the bill. Some talked about adding Dread [noughts to the present programme: bat {they voted agamnst the hill. Some talked about offering money which they thought the Rritish gov ernment wouldn't take; but they voted lagainet the bill, Some feere frankly against doing anything: they voted against the bill. Some, and Mr. Borden amongst {them, are on record as in favor of as {Canadian navy; . but voted i : jagainst the hill. Some voted for Mr some voted for Mr. Bordén's motion; 'some voted for both Mr. Monk's tion and Mr. Bordon's motion; but they all verted avainst the bill some significance voted 114 iy, i | { { t v They much they 2G a coun voted they Monk's motion: mer Phone, 542 and have your carpets | cleaned; sewed and laid. H. Milne. ------ ni: PAGE SEVEN. Davis Launches and Motors. When get one factory The Da Engines are sure 10 go under all + you © that uy a motor boat is sure to be satis- 1910 Model Gasoline always ready and ron smoothly conditions In any weather, any sea Put one in your new launch and you will have success All engines are given a thorough test before leaving the shops, and they are guaranteed work satisfactor- ily We are Manufacturers of High- grade Launches, Gasoline. En- gines, Water Tube Boilers and Steam Engines. Ask us for prices before purchasing elsewhere We also carry a fall line of Gasoline Engine Fittings and Supplies fo 420, "Phone HE UNDERWOOD IS THE ONLY TYPEWRITER THAT AB- SOLUTELY PROTECTS THE FACE OF THE TYPE IT IS IMPOS- SIBLE TO STRIKE THE | FACE OF ONE TYPE AGAINST THE BACK { OF ANOTHER, OR OF ANY METAL PART. THIS 18 AN EXCLUSIVE UNDERWOOD FEATURE » ¢ pS UNITED TYPEWRITER C0, LTD, J. R. C. Donns, KINGSTON. INVESTORS Do You Want To Make Money? We, can make cent. per RRnum '8 our system of Sym in New Y pro \ if paid month with u Patriarche & Co., Stock Demers, Patrinrche Block, Scott Street, Toronto, Cayada. we count NOY GORMALY, TILT & GO, Brokers, 32-34 ADELAIDE STREET E, TORONTO, Exchange. Write on us for up-to-date information listed and unlisted stocks SH LHLLLLLLLE. vey eveyee Sowards Keeps Coal AND Coal Keeps Soward: HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? 'Phone 1545. HOLL yyvee LAMA L SASS os aa ba ah a TIPTTIVTIVIVTIYTVYTTTTS SELLA 65080008 VITITIVIVIIVIVIVITIYSVYVTeY Nothing Too Good That's why wi take CABCARE howels It's not advertiping but' merit---the great, wonderful, lasting merit of CASCARETS that we want you to know by trial. Then you'll have faitn - and join the mil- Hons who keep well by CASCARETS alone S04 for you yant for liver you and talk to ] CASCARETS 0c week's treatment, ail druggists Biggest seller in the world. Mil fon boxes a month. a box for a -- Clothes Wear Better A nd aad when casionall 4 Inst longer pressed they are "Xperts the than hed nails tisfact toy clenne ren they Hives R. PARKER & CO., Dyers nad Clraners, 0 Princess St, Kingston, Ost. JUST A w worn" 4 A of the porte vy & Dey Beall Golden Lion Bleck with §% ighiand ti Satie ty Phone # Members Standard Mining and Stock a ¥ ® DAVIS DRY DOCK COMPANY *