The Daily YEAR 77-NO. 67 TURNED DOW Speaker Cannon Did Not Carry His Way CONSIDER NOTION THIS WAS DECISION CONGRESS, IN US The Vote Came Off on Saturday-- The Membership of the Rules Speaker Not on it--The Insurgent Republicans Have Democratic Ald. Washington, March 21.--~The house of representatives, by a vote of 152 to 160, on Saturday repudiated Speaker Cannon andl his organization. By this unsxpectedly large majority it over: riled his decision and insisted considering the resolution of Norris, of Nebraska, providing for a reorgen- ization of the committee on rules, with the speaker eliminated. Representative Norris offered a sub- stitute for pending resolution, finding upon | name. MURDERED THEIR SON. Aged Polish Couple Then Committed { Suicide. { Vienna, March 21. --The discovery, today, of the bodifs of an- aged | Polish couple named Przenikowski, {who had commited suicide by hanging; {revealed the fact that they had taken {their lives through remorse over hav. ling murdered their own son. The couple lived in Zidony. The son returned to' his home two days ago after an abgence of ten years in Americs, The' aged couple did not recognize him, so the son, in a spirit of fun, pretended to be a friend of their son and asked for Hodging. This was gladly furnished. The lod- ger told the parents of the good for- wane that had attended their son, and said that he himself had saved $1,200 in America. After the voung man retired couple decided 10 kill him for i money. Przenikoswki and his strangled the young man while slept and then went through his papers. They were horror-st®icken to find a passport bearing the {amily A further examination of the documents on the dead man and marks on the body disclosed the full horror of the crime. The murdered man was the couple's son, Overwhelmed with remorse, Przeni- kowski wrote a letter to the authori- ties and then he and his wife hanged themselves, the hiv wife he GIFT FROM HETTY. Site Opposite Central Park Valued LADY FOUN Miss Olivia Smith Did The Talking IN THE LEGISLATURE SHE WAS AN ENGLISH MILITANT SUFFRAGETTE, LA And Had Spent 1yme in Various English Jails--Chained Herself to Door Posts of Asquith's Dwelling-- Came From Cobalt, Where She Had Been a Nurses Toronto, March 21.--Miss Olivia Smith, of Lendon, England, a British suffragette, is the woman who invaded the legislative assembly a .few min utes before prorogation, on Saturday, and called on the legislators from the speaker's gallery to give votes to wo- men, A Word reporter found her at 26 Alice street, late on Saturday after noon, where she launched into an ae- KINGSTON, ONT. ---------------- Sh -- monn WHAT IS AN ARID PARK? A Good Deal Like a Dry Town-- Garfield's View. Washington, DA, March 21.--Early in the examination of James R. Gar field, President Roosevelt's secretary of the interior, before the Ballinger- Pinchot committee, reference was made to the temporary withdrawal of land in Colorado at the request of Senator 'Guggenheim for an and park. 1," asked Semator Root, care fully removing his eveglasses and speaking with his usual care, "is am arid park?" "I suppose, ssmitor" returned Repre- semrtative McCall, from the other side of the table, "that an arid park is the same as a dry town" Mr. Garfield aimed a swift kick at the atlministration bill to issue $300, count of her record as a militant suf- fragette, which included three impri- sonments in England in Holloway jail, first for disturbing the House of Com-] mons, second for interfering with the | satisfactory. ARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1910," LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST Ios. Matters That Interest Everybody--- Notes From All Over--Listle of - Everything Easily Read and Re- bored G Rev. 8. WH. Fdwards; a retired - Me- thodist minister, died in Torofito, The Allan steamer Tunisian, from Liverpool, arrived at St. John on March 19th. ' Toronto carpenters éxpress ,dibsatis- faction with the increase of wages of- fered by the employers. Differences have arisen between the Montreal and Toronto shareholders of Scarboro Beach park. The "Allan steamer Hesperian, St. John, N.B., was reported 129 west of Fastnet, on March 19th. Dr. Goldwin Eig continues very e spent a gpiet day Sunday and rested well -- might.' The Somerville gum factory, employ- | ing about one hundred hands, will be from miles a ---- GOING SHORT ON SUPPLY. Stimulate Production, ' Says Railway President. Rochester, N.X., March 21.-"A most careful mvestigation of statistics shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that unless production wn be im mediately and powerfully stimulated, within five years comswmption of food stufis in this commry will have over- taken production snd this great agri- cultural nation will be looking with anxious eyes for a place to purchase the necessaries of life." This declaration was made by Presi- dant W. CU, Brown of the New York Central railroad in his speech before the Rochester chamber of commerce. Mr. Brown pleaded for more intelli- gent farming, a more cdreful utiliza tion of the country's resources in the bands. of the individual as the true conservation wouls-which demands at. tention, "There is no altemative--we must increase production per acre by more intelligent methods, or we must face the relentless, certain coming wf the day when we shall not produce food enou,; to supply our own * necoessi- ties." Must A COMPLETE SURRENDER, ------ Insurgents Gain All From Premier Rutherford, Fdmonton, Alb.,, Marek 19.~The government made final and complete surrender to the insurgents im the legislature yesterday by gramting an adjournment of the house until the royal commission had completed its enquiry into the Great Waterways LAST EDITION WEATPER PRORABILITIES. Toronto, Ont March I1--Ottawa Valley amd Upper St. Lawrente 18 am. ~Sirong wes winds: Tine and mid Tuesday, strong south-west and west winds: showery A Presentation -- OF -- Easter Fashions adhd Adhd Although last week was the time of the formal Spring Opening, yet the Easter dis- play will continue right along The remarkable exhibition of authentic styles will increase in interest as Easter approaches. The showing of approved new fashions has again demon. strated the leadership of this store and clelrly shows our ability to present the -- latest word on correct apparel deal. The legislature will stand ad. journed until Thursday, May 26th, when it will again be called to hear at $500,000. police, and the third time for chaining New York, March 21,--Mre. T. Bris- [herself to the door posts of Asquith's ai, an officer of the Christopher Co- residence. moved from London, Omt., to Toron- to. Sergt. J. Oliver Jalbert died Thurs CHARMING STYLES, UNRIVALLED VALUES BLP I Canon the membership of the rules commit- fumbus University, which was founded by the Countess Annie Leary in 1907, said, to-day, that Mrs. Hetty Green will give the university a plot of land in Fifth avenue, opposite Cen- tral park, valued at $300,000 for an Easter gift, The Countess Annie Leary was re cently given her title by the pope. It was announcéd Tuesday that | made plans to found a great memorial to Christopher Columbus, No further details were then available, Persons in the confidence of Mrs. Green have no information of her intention to part with $500,600. THREATS. HAS MADE {Crook Says He Will Get Detective--| 4d, shortly after the occurrence, "The Sent Down for Burglary. London, Ont., March 21 "1 intend to get Detective Down if T ever get out." This is what "Texas" Burdell sent 40 Kingston penitentiary from London for fourteen years, is credited with saying there to a fellow-prisoner tee at tem ins of fifteen as he originally prop and similarly 'hemp _ Clark, the Democratic lead- or, led off the debate, Norris yielding the floor to him. Mr. Clark began! with a refefétice to his warm personal regard for Bpeaker Cannon. This was generally applauded Mr. C not give his colisent to any proposi- tion which did pot provide for the! elimination forthwith of the from the committee on rules, "awl," he said, "I speak for-the Democrats! and inmurfientgs He spoke briefly and Was Wi 1 as he finished. Mr. Martin Rebnican) spoke in support of his resolution fixin: the me p of the rules committee at ten, six to be republicans and four | democrats; Lo be elected by the house, and including the amentiment provid ing for the speaker's elimination after March Sed next. This was the measure on whith the conference split, on Saturday. POLICE CHIEF IN TROUBLE. Official Awaiting Trial on a Serious Sv Charge. Belleville, Ont., March 21.--George Snider, at ohe time a member of the | Belleville police force, and of late chief ol po at Trenton, is accused of obtaining by false pretences a sum of money from a party who resides in 'Trenton. It is alleged that Snider secured the sum of $50 from a man to be given to another party as hush money for some transaction, and, in stead of giving the money to the party for whom it was intended, he gave him but 85, retaining the 2415 balance. : : : Since the affair Snider resigned his position as chiel of police. ---- DAILY MEMORANDA. LOY. snterlainment to-night. Board of Bducation, § pm, Tuesday. : "band concert, 8 p.m. i and power committee, 4 ly at Armouries lis Regiment. By. ton Tha Mi Of course the opea stock you oan get matched at delicate green flower who has just returned here after the expiration of his term. Burdell was sent down burglary J he Vi ¢ repo v y RO Hil 5 } ' lik } serve the fall tern:. What he Js. on Foc) with Detective Egelton, in the arrest of DBurdell. WHOSE HEADS WILL DROP? k declared that he would St. Kitts Hotelkeepers Are Worrying | hich is £66,068,102, an About It. St, Catharines, March 21.--Six city speaker | hotels are 10 lose their licenses when [costs £14,064,677, £400,000 more, and | the licenses commissfoners meet by mandate of tha electorate. These days there is a lot of anxiety among the hotel men as to whose heads will drop into the baskei. Some of them are getting™ap petitions. It is quite likely that the Keense fee will be raised on the remaining ten hotels, ARE TO NEGOTIATE TAFT AND FIELDING HAD MEET- ING IN ALBANY. And Talked Tariff for Several Hours ~The President's Statement---Ne« gotiations are to be Resumed and Remedy Sought. Albany, N.¥., March 21.--The threat- ened tariff war between this country and the Dominion of Canada, stepped one pace to the rear, vesterday, after President Taft, W, S. Fielding, minis ter of finance of Canada, and Charles M. Pepper, commercial advisor of the |state department, had conferred to- gether for more than three hours in an attempt to find some solution of the problem which has vexed both nations. While no agreement was reached and while none was absolutely promised by the conferees, it was the general opinion that the meeting of the president and Nr. Fielding had been indicative of a solution. Nego- tintions, which were practically at an end when. Mr. Pepper retuned to Washington, from Ottawa, several weeks ago, have been resumed and every effort will be made by President Taft. and the state dipariment, and, it Was said, officials of the Canadian government, to avert a battle over the tarifl schedules. President Taft following the confers ence, caused this statement to be given out : "The president and Mr. Fielding were in conference in respect {o the tariff, to-day, for several hours, No conclusion was resched but the sit- uation remains that of friendly nego- tations." ; The president, according to those in close touch with him, is seeking for' some way in which to interpret the tariff law, for some quid pro quo on which to base an agreement with the dominion. If this is found there will be no tariff war. It is now poi I ------------------ Heiress to a Million. Battlohoro, Vermont, March Mrs. Harriet B. Howard, a Jer, has been notified that gent and pleasant face. she Hormed to fings, Miss Smith arrived a few days ago from Cobalt, where as a trained nurse she cared for sick miners. Miss Smith is about thirty years of age, has dark brown hair, slightly tinged with grey, and has an intelli- On her breast she wears the sufira- gette badge, which is of silver, and represent prison bars, sig- nifying that she has been in jail for the cause. Miss Smith said that her only re- gret was that the people of this coun- try might consider her action vulgar, but the practice was so common In England that it came as second na- ture to her. Sir James Whitney is alleged to have fool, 'T wish somebody had been there to throw a bucket of water on her." Allan Studholme, the labor leader from Hamilton, who has been vainly trving to introduce a woman's suffrage bill into the house, stated that he had had no notion that it was going to happen. He did not know the lady; A] N London, March 21.--The cost of gov- erning the country for the year begin- ning on April 1st, is shown in the civil service estimates, the total of increase of £3,179,5800, ¢ Education in England and Wales old-age pensions for the United King: dom have increased by £470,000 to £9,220,000. Despite the increase of the president of the board of trade's sal- ary from £2,000 to £5,000, the total of salaries in his department hasAall- en by £2,404. But labor buildings will require £131,000, other costs of the exchanges and trade boards come to £127,805, For ad- | vances to the unemployed £2500 is, allowed. There is no unemployed grant | for pext winter. - i Royal palaces and parks need £189, 500 and the secret service £530,000. The police estimate has jumped up | from £39888 to for the public trustee has fallen from £600 to £10, while for the county vourts only £5 is required. Of course of income. 5 The government takes again £10,000 for hospitality, but only £54,250, as national advertisement at exhibitions. The new development fund amounts to £400,000. While most of the items of govern: ment show an increase, the secretary for Scotland asks £214 less for his of- fice. ---------- GETS KNIGHTHOOD. Chairman of Conference Recognized by King. Montreal, March 21. Canadian mem- bers of the imperial press conference, which met last year in London, will be interested to know that the chairman of the conference, R. Kyffin Thomas, of the Register, Adelaide, South Aus tralia, bas received 'the honor of ighthood from the king. Mr. Thom: as taken an active part in public airs in South Australia, and the elbourne speaks in terms of warm approval of the honor which has been done him. Mr. Thomas created an excellent impression at the confer- enc, presiding with much tact sad ability over many imhagtan t gather Sand by his win v making friends of all the mem! of the con- ference, He passed through Canada on His way from Australia to and the many friends w him his visit will be glad learn of | honor of which he has been the réoi Big Sale of Claims. + March 21.2The Wilson: t. 4 Expenses of the| der the ation. these deparfments have other sources |wages shall not be compared with £60,000 a year ago, for | AMES RUDOLPH GARFIELD. 000,000 of bonds for irrigation pro- jects. This seemed to interest the sen- ators on the ocommittee, some of whom supported the measure, which recently passed the senate, "It goes far beyond the certificates { which' were issued," said Mr. Garfield. "1 did not believe it pocessary or wise to ask a lump sum to complete all the amoynts received from public lands. 1 think there is no need for an issue of bonds." N------------ KING MAY ABDICATE. Ruler Objects to irresponsible Army League. Rome, March 21. Crown Prince Con- stuntine is authority for the \ State ment that the next three Rita il) decide whether his father, thg George is to « retain the Hellenic throne. Evervthing depends om whether the Greek national assembly succeeds in carrying out' the army league's orders : direction of an irresponsibl body ke the league. . > MINERS MAKE OVERTURES THAT MAY SETTLE STRIKE. Resolution Passed Giving Authority to Committee to Treat With Own. erse--A Peaceful Settlement Likely. Cincinhati, March 21.--A direct over- ture for peaceful settlement of the diffi- of the country was made by the spec- ial convention of United Mine Workers 'of America. At the request of President Lewis, of the organization, the gathering adopt- led a resolution giving its representa- |of George, Bullman. [tives on the joint scale committee of |quarrelled on a sireet ear. the central competitive field, authority £110,312, but that {to docanything necessary to teach an |g agreement with the operators; the re- solution, however, being predicated upon the promise of the miners' lead- ers that the demand for increased eliminated entirely, The action puyes the way for a com- promise, > : ONE HUNDRED PERISH. Heartrending Tales of Suffering and Privation. Victoria, B.C., March 21.-Advices from Dawson say that upwards of 100 Indians of the Dogrib nation have this winter i of starvation at Great Slave Lake. Mushers just arrived bring heart-bresking tales of the sul- fering in the native villages, the au- thentidity of which is all too fully con- firmed, Died in Qalifornia. Toronto, March 21.--The . death is announced from Los Angeles, Calif, of J. A. McMahon, son of Justice Mahon. Deceased was bom in Torohto forty-five years go and was formerly connected, as an sditorial writer, Mth leading journals in Philadelphia, New York and other United States cities. Tuberculosis trouble was the cause of . McMahon leaves a widow but no children. Cr -------------- Sent a Yankee Cruiser. Washington, March 21.--The Urited States cruiser Pirmingham has been ordered to proceed forthwith to Mon- rovia, Liberia, upon the iw in revolt against it. * Standard Oil Man Dead. 4 syndicate have sold thirteen their twenty-six = claims, i i of claim with the large dome Ao interests ing the United States Long Beach, Cal, March 21. --Alex- MeDonald, cightytwo years ident of several i hotel here McDonald 'several weeks ago day at the age of eighty-four, after serving for fifty-four years in the Que- bec police foree. A Toronto post office emplovee was arrested with a bundle of letters in his possession alleged to have been stolen from the mails. The trial of Thomas Gorman, the American crook arvested after the safe- blowing episode at Wright, Que., lust fall, has begun at Hull. Rev. W. H. Graham, for the past four years pastor of Victoria avenue Methodist church, Chatham, has re dgned to accept a call to Strathroy The Allan steamer Virginian, for Liverpool, sailed from Halifax, on March 19th, with IR first, 41 second and 88 steerage passengers. Louis Chatterson, Woodstock, Ont., who, last week, confessed to firing a building and then robbing the fire men's quarters in their absence, was allowed to go on sugpended sentence this morning. : David Mitchell, Hamilton, unconscious om A mattreds in room, died at the city hospital this morning. The upiortunate man never had & vhahee of recovery, his barns a Sh The Cobalt ore cases, in which it is alleged that o number of men stole ore from various mines and sold it to parties in Toronto, came before the judge in the Toronto wessjons this morning, Peter G. Truss, a letter sorter at the Toronto post office, appedred, this morning, charged with the theft of thirty-aght letters belonging to the T. Eaton company. He el to go to a jury and was committed. The buying of the stock of the Mon- treal street railway, which has been oing on vigorously in the stock market for some time past, is regard, ed, in the best informed vircles, to be found his exchange culty between the operators and the looming from an American syndicate, and 'union miners of the bituminous mines which seels control. The Lincoln spring as.izes openid at St. Catharines this afternoon. The principal case on the list is that of William Bradley, charged with man- slaughter in connection with the death The two men J Since Sunday morning 3,000 immi- fants' passed shrough Momtreal for the Canadian North-West, of whom ninety per cent. were British. There are now on the Atlamtic bound for Uanida - some 6,100 immigrants, of whom the bulk are also British, ARE AFTER TERMS. The Trainmen Will Resume Efforts : For New Rates. Moutreal, March 21. --The Brother- hood of Trainmen, whose efforts to obtain an increase of wages antl other concessions flom the railways, follow- ing their five weeks session hefe, came to an unsatisfactory termination some time ago, will resume theif efforts to- wards the end of thie week a coner- been arranged for. In the termination of the former negotiations men were divided a to, the course to be taken, some favoring drastic measures to secure tieir demands while other counselled further negotistions. It is understood that the men, before tak- ing up the matter with the railways, will decide whether they will apply for a board under the Lemieux set, if such a course should be natessary. re-------- Confessed His C ime, Sandwich, Ont.. March 21. As the result of a three days confihement, ui- ter his arrest on the charge of ob biny a Wichizan Central freight ar, of twen'v two tie of butter, some crates of egix and cheese to the valu of $500, Archie Trrolard, MeGregor, has confessed. He fire un horse and wag con which he sted abost' five nmi alse the city near the wv. He then returned to the MUR . 10] broke i and rr bluster : horse and waggon he thew stuff he had collecied at the car door. -------------- -- ence with the railway officials having | ¢ {of the Dominion Steel the report of the royal commission. Immediately after Easter the an quiry into the railway deal will begin. The insurgents have gained all asked for. The government has showed no fight in anything, granting concessions all along--the line. Premier Rutherford further made the statement that no money would be paid to the railway company and no portion of the route to a further extent than Battenburg, twenty-eight , miles from Edmonton, would be approved until the investi gation is fimshed. HOW LURING COST HAS GROWN. Labor Gazette Furnishes Some Tater. . esting Figures, Ottawa, March 21.--The Lubor Ga zette, dealing with the special investi gation into the high cost of dities, shows that the lowest barley, oats, wheat, corn and have reached in and 1897, A movement has obtained the wholesale prices in 190% being about seventy per ceni. higher than in 897 and, about fifty per cent. above the average prices of the last decade of the mineteenth century. _ Commo point hay 1896 upward years was in pronounced since, ---- THOUGHT HAT THEY WERE FINE Says That He Lost $13,000 on Twe Horse Races, Trenton, N.Y., March 21.--J. Bart, a Ternton_railroader, was arrested here to-day on the charge of bigamy. Hi married Mes. Lillie williams, a comely w dow, last Christmas, andl 4-day his wife, who had left him four vears ago, confronted him while he was at work: Bart hed been told that the woman was dead, he asserts, and wife No. 2 believes his statement. SHOT SISTER DEAD OLD GUN HAD HUNG ON KITCHEN WALL FOR YEARS, Mr. William Lewis Takes Weapon Down to Clean it, and in Snapping the Trigger Shoots Mrs.. Esthe: Gallup's Head Nearly Off. Centreville, N.B., March 21.--On Sat urday, William Lewis, a prominent farmer, accidentally shot his sister, Mrs. Esthér Gallup, dead. Lewis took his gun from the kitchen wall, where it had been hanging unused for years, with the intention of cleaning it. Not knowing it was loaded, he snapped the hammer, and the charge of buck- shot blew his sister's head nearly off. The victim was sitting in a chair with her two-year-old grandchild prattling by her side, when the accident oocur- red, and the little one's escape is a miracle. Lewis, who is sixty-seven vears old, is prostrated with pvie Twenty-five Killed. Reiobeck, Jlowa, March 21.--Many persons are reported killed as the re sult of the wrecking of a Rock hland train here which was detouring over the Chicago and Western tracks on account of another wreck on the for mer road. Barly reports say the death list may reach twenty-five. The train was a doubleheader and went into the ditch. Both engines turned completels over and all the enginemeén are be lieved .t0 have been killed. Chicago, March 21.--An incomplete official report from Conductor Worst to Rock Island officials, here, states that five or six persons were killed in the derailment near Gladbrook, Iowa, and that twelve or more were injured, -------------- Connected With Grafting. Pittsburg, Pa., March 21.--Five for mer city councilmen And one "present member, to-day, confessed to Judge Fraser, in open court, having been connected with eouncilmanic grafting The men and amounts they confessed to having received are: Thomas F. McGrath, $150; J. N. Parnell, $206. \ F. Savage, #200; Jrwin Rothplets, £3,000. William R. Richie, $100; J. H. An explosion in the bist furnaces company wt Sydney unroofed the building and jo IX men. Get wa wink Tor pold fsh wt : + in SUITS, DRESSES and COATS. Headquarters for - Easter Gloves sg BEAUTIF EASTER NECKWARE, ete, SILK UNDERSKIRTS In all the Spring Styles. TT FANOY HOMIERY FOR Easter Millinery In all its glory awaits you at our store, az ©} DIED. GOOD EARLE~An Kingston 21st, 1816 Cant. Sohn Sith year | on March Goodearie, In from his late residence, 157 ot Bireet, Wednesday, st 10 am Y--In Kingston, at Hotel Dien plial siareh 20th, 1910, MeAviey Funeral from his late residence to 8t, Yarrick 8 Corel, aiden, wWeniite- day morning, at $30, where a solemn requiem mass will be sin for the repose of his soul. Friends actusintanies are respectfully ited to atten At Hotel Men, Sunday, March 201th, Gibson, aged 233 years Funeral Tuesday afternoon, from his late residence, 13 Alma Btreef, at 12 o'clock. Bervice at the ree Methodist Church on Colborne St at 280 pom. Friends and acquaint - ances are invited to attend ROBERT J. REID, The Undertaker, 'Phone, 587 227 Princess Street. JAMES REID RR SED, bulanee, Phone 147 for am IFBSON Kingston, 1910, on Deibert New Maple Syrup Pure and Good. Jas. Redden & Co., Importers of Fine Groveries. TAKE NOTICE, : Two Mahogany Bateaus ons. Side board and one largs Oval Pedestal Table. rheap for cash buyers, at Ti Phone 703. Calls for More Babes. ' New Orleans, March 21.-The de mandi for babies hers is so great mie insistent that the New York Found ling and Orphan Asvium has decided to smd on another carload. Many women were disappointed at the distribution of New York infants last week and filed their applications in advance of the pext shipment. i -------- A former Vi souniman, son virted of grafting, ha: made a con fession implicating sisty other pre wnt of former ony Knox's, % your ordered spriag overcost,