THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SORADAY MARCH 22, 1910. GOOD SUNDAY WORK Fimusentents. yl pi Faster MADE FOR PEACE, ORDER AND eo [7 The PP Cop le's F O ru m ! | GOOD GOVERNMENT. 78RAND "J OPERAL HOUSE ) HOUSE . oy vy Po Styles . ie io ot ate fa FRIDAY & Y & SATURDAY, Mar. 25 & 2} coxvrxse ADVERTISING RATES BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. POR SALE, : Sg) . » 4 TINER SATURDAY AT 2.30. # "N 4 ANALY CAR AEGIST Seeking to Mave the Rush-Bagot| MATINEE SaBipL ats IMPORTED. GERMAN CANARIES, IN A (NATIONAL: CARH Te Treaty Reyisedy The Gremtest Play in Years, bt insertion le u word, Each con. song. Bach bird is A A wd so- Phone 108 3 . C M secutive insertion thereafter half cent }ected songster or money refunded. Special te the Whig I IM AX a word. Minimum charge for ame Ins Come in and hear them... W. J. 4 : ' i h Driver, Cor. Queen and Barrie]. o.oo vou A RA Ottawa, March 22. <Pefore the orders | mertiom, 23e.; three insertions, 506.3 streets. 'Phone S11. LEAVE YOUR ' ORDER FOR AWN. Easter above all sea- lof the 'day -wers called, Mr. Lounox i ings and Tents at 153 Ontario St. son's of the year calls for | * &' (South Simcoe), called attention to |Origiamt New York Cast and Produe-| six, $1; one month, $3. F. X. Bazeau tien. ithe press despatebes re ¢ to the -------------- : LP--WANTED. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. ty our best apparel. \ |conterance ut er braver the { . hildren. lseat mow ou Sue. a ee A §0-FGG CHATHAM INCURATOR, IN wt, $150. I= s ¥ " --_-- : : Arg Hat, 25 0, $5. w* AN: | FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, GO good condition: Wl séll cheap. | nadian Songs minister aud Preside fre Eve. 25 06, 75, BF 4 POC MAN te Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Apply. 1 College Strest i Taft, in regard to the tarifi question. ] Market Square, Kingston. Tele- re mi ~ The rfection of He asked 'whethér the reports we nies -- a Se phone 424. . Bog Canadian, Ams > ¥ i + INR erican, new and second hand. prices « So stibstantially correct and whether GIR Ls 5 JO WORK ON CHILDREN'S right. Up-town Bigyole Depot, 393 was a fact that a conference bitwes £ the lndepended Ah Mew er Apply da AST Wels loo prpE PATRICK. GENERAL IN- Princess Street. St Style and; we on | President Taft and Mr. Fielding id [Under ake auspices of the Independent ¥ ron, i ; . surknce Agent and Océan Steamship y i take place on Sand: 1y and, furtl Order of Foresters, - . GERI FOR GENERALY Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Street, jake I ant nig MONDAY, MANUH ist at § wm. 16 TOMPETEN IRL PO Tred Kingston. Telephone 585. ONE SECOND-HAND MANURE the invitation of Mr. Taft for a Pra ne. with be supplied b : RowseworX; lites To Juire Spreader. In §90d Shape. Aso weve. Our S Ere it ill | Sunday conference. HiAe kT ey. J.C Moga YR "Day k. | at oh iY Janie hn. REL Sp ral horses and colts. D. J. Hay, 1 wi 4 « Yieldi i jon of 3 | others. heme --------"--- TR pe IRE. LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Clarence street. ar pring ui 8 | Hon. Mr. Fielding--By invitation of My ve wh Comic Bietnrest Ius-$PWO {ANDB F OR ! Libera! policles and moderate rates " meet the demands of the | President Taft I visited Afbany. I had} Foy Hoe $49 ¥ "7 dressma epartment. AUDIF (of In" first-class companies T. J | the pleasure of meeting him hoth on Adu dseion by In itatios ty Rob Co. Limited, Nap-{ Boon, Agent, 158 Wellington street. [$1,900 WILL BUY DOUBLE FRAME most exacting, | St saturday and Sunday. We had a dis ! house: seven rooms each: hath and i ff 1 | if thes ORPHEUM. Hot TE we; Nos. 2 326 and 22% Raglan Road; 4 § matters, ane 'a re ! 1'SE ». 'REFEREN " . 32 4 cussion of tariff matters, and i € Matinee Dilly; commencing}? ; aah REF RRENC] ] RE-{ 00. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK rent, $231 20 per month Apply, 258 E : es for the {7 SALI . : ci Division Street, And the Prices Only § i=. pe itt ot | FURRDAY, NAIC Sud ge nly Mu ETC MEAG | Ty a put your Invoices in an envel oe ¥ 4 a Y the two pations, 1 day there could be RAMGIA 4 Lan BRING, : and drop in the nearest letter box Headliners In Qperatl 8i ete. | % 5 = We do the rest. Al kinds of FirelA 20 to 25 HP. PROLUCE RB, HAS : Si | 12.50 §) ino better Sunday work. {Applause y 3 its ST : -$100-00- WHEEKL Insurance placed on short notice apd plan, in good cond ' } ' . Cel. Sam Hughes read an extract PHIL LIPS = Nu WE ) fa + i i our goods. sa ary She ne 396. 67 Clarence St, Kings- ] operate 18 hou § i from the New York World, which par From Shea's Thet sin Buffalo : wi ah . J a 23, Whig office ported to be the text of the proposed The Siro = Man (AREW Oe) 'N . {realy between, the United States and . Shoecnbergs, : L fy . BOAT AND BOATHOUSE AR AR IAIN: 1 ¥ iH >» 1 whether the Cava Novelty Juggling Act A YOUNG GIRL ABOUT 17 YEARS LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE boat 20 fi. long 4 ft. beam tud-~ }, Bpan @ asked whether the.) : . oe old, to assist with infant; best re- Fire Insurance Company. Available ing two bat wing walis twa dian government had taken any steps FRED FRE y. { arenes required 'all between § assets $61,187,215. In addition to pairs of cars; boathouse 25 ft. by Tul I ey TOS t Jecuard Canada to the empire in somiedy Musital Af, and others i @ in the evening 141 Kiang which the policyholders have for 12 ft. Collinson, 1% Russell Street {te saleg po RAI A Hr new Pie whine has arrive et security the uuflmited labilitr of ns ------ - « frien of this proposed treaty. 1 Ne York, ® can now pre- | é -------- - all the stockholders. Farm snd [GRAVE LOTS FOR SALE AT LOW 00000000000000000049 Rir Willsid laorier said the gon nit to our patrons 1 ' A ne sured at josvest prices in Christ « ch Cemetery ' vinable y Ee VANTE OR "FASTEST e rates. Before renewing o Cataraqui; perpetual care ti a pent had no information frem the in } : By fel \ +5 v i adit or giving new business get for paar Pr Apply, WV "harth, {perial authorities as to any such . | 1 capital required; 100 ! Eh ok Strange & Strange, Agents Lancaster, or John Heaton, Church itreaty. per « i Write. Berkay, one; 326 Wardens | br, Sproule - (East firey) asked Htatiag x 34. Mantroal NORTH.WEST LNT ATL © Eon i a ---- wr -------------- . & s|T ad » Sas ; N Fehethar the fivhince minister could yet ARCHITECTS. part of the A) in Alberta, ower give any information to the house as ZALESMEN FOR THE BEST AUTO- i... wy the late Michael Conroy, | to the Progress mi wie in the tari ne LR will a 1 i matic Com) yressed-air Hand Spray- land, being situated near Edmonton ! T ¥ ¢ the | te: liberal terms; sample ma- and guaranteed first-class farm igotiations with President Taft. po The | er made; liberal terms: sample War | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEGT, ETC. Jana: 'Drives Yow: terms easy. For Hon. Mr. Fielding--1 don't think the Astn . _ Cavers Bros., Galt. Ont, ® Bape 258 King sreet. Phone M5. further particulars v to Mrs, good * purpose which Dr. Sproule has aes rma-- M. Conroy, Walfe nd, Ontario, . , would be served by making a oh Mh ARTHUR ELL - ~ OFF sects ---- a mene Be watchful for bargains and grasp them with the prudence that is n bh Re the house. The m arc "e INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY . and Rs ACH OT RICH DI ho CHER RY STRERT. Sono. To the thrifty these items will strongly appeal :- Any 'statemngnt to the RINiEN. 1] i earn $160 monthly corresponding k 3 33 ft.; runs lL, shape; the other 1 térs remain for questions of friendly All parties w 1d jocker keys mu for 1 Ly sDapers. y No r canvassing 190 x 5. i well fo need Rb the nt mien a future . ret ther o the office on or { end for particulars. Press Syn FLA. , SEO IE LO DUlic and dr Poe. 'Handsome Ching Berry 15¢. Scrub: Brushes, sale price ... le. RO y Dat BE fu . iin ; the above daté to get the refund, cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. bo T+ oh ot a5s Ba ARCHED rt A ys ol phreg pg . = a 10 s able te ive the house tur here will be no refund pé ter March - 3 b ce, 0 ree! ), we che ar ete plum Dishes, Sale price . r 23¢. | Mop Handles ...... ..... l0c. and 1be. _ Rr * EB a a vill : fund pald after Mar v 'Phone, 608. ' ot soil in good state Of cultiva- Regul P v . f o or . " y . 1 » Yet on; owner will sell A Ap- prs Joe Bosaratud Pre ad and ib He. k Teible tips, Semple wish A. €. Boyer (Algoma) called attens AY grass « order of the Mana Ager. {wv AN re f Ags Ly GROW AML EH. Wh a ine Street or "Paritish ' spe DC, rass burners, Sale price .. we Ho, Lion tes report current i negotia- are By aa. wi dd 3 Whig office ors 41 yard, garden or farm can be made | 15¢. Bross Extension Rods i... 10e. | g5, Gue Burners, brass, now 286. lions or correspondence having taken | Tebduce from $15 to $25 per week |POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. 10¢;» Telescopic Sash Rods, 2 for 15c. ' 7 : he C : i 'the nnu 1 lay Rrite for Hhustrated booklet chants' Bank Butlding, corner Brock White Enamel Porterie Rods, 10c. 25¢. Gad Burviers, brass, for .. 5c. Place, between t io nudin an i full particulars. Montreal Supply 'and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. TO LET. Sfor orci = 1 White Canvas House Cleaning | Pritish governments, as 10 the aro: | Co ontrea " And ig xalus, Baw 3 lor Toe. { Gloves, 10¢, pair, and 2 pairs for he. gation of the Rush-Bagot tréaty look ecita pe on : ? : ing to permission being given for i CW ANTE CARPENT ONE _FRONT ROQM OFFICE AT 34¢ POSITION WANTED. INTERS AND BUILDERS. King street. Centrally located Ap- ply J. P. Forrest, Gents'. Furaishes, found a fine assortment of Bed Spreads, Window Muslin, Prints, De' Laines, [lakes--a rivildge which had hithe rto APABLE DOMESTICS ARRIVING : --- w-- awellings, Towels, Flannelettes, Cotte Shirtingg, Creioniits] Table Oil been prohibited. MARCH 25th, at4 P. M. : from old country Ebutit March 23; | PROP A CARD TO C HAS. W. KELLA This week we open a new Sepurtment of Heavy Dry Goods. Here will be [armed cruisers going up to the great CHALMERS CHURCH, ete ar first choice, apply how for reasopable prices on all modern; hot water Keating: electric The Guild, 71 Drummond Street kinds of jobbing. All work done Hght. Apply On premises Montreal. Tel Up. 2261. promptly. * £¥ that an invitation has come from the Assisted by 2h y {ovelties Yap p 3 : , y sisted by Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson Right here for Easter Novelties and Cards. United States with a view 'of having {yes maith Orser, Messrs. Arthur the Rush-Bagot agreement revised, but {opie RR. FP. "Harvey, and C. B. s.1 ? i . i i I " . nothing more has been done Harvey. ; C n OS 0S. The house then took up the comnsid- Silver Collection at door en fe nal aban rare, ele eration of private bills. In connection | oe. on all kinds of jobbing. All work with Mr. f'onmee's Rainy River Radial ¢ ONTARIO AND B.A. VETERAN SCRIP done promptly and neatly. MANAGER, PERCY JESSE. Railway company bill; the minister of County of Frontenac. Lo buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, 51 FURNISHED ROOM, BOARD OBTAIN- EE railways expressed the opinion that in La wl i . able in immediate ylcinity: onky ow ACY Ev future parliament should refuse to al FENDERS SrAben TR op 1vED ar s MEDICAL. young lady need appl Apply to THE CLIMAX low railway companies to oXPropriate | atris oy Gonuiy Clerk Gomes slouse, | HORSES TO PURCHASE. 1 WiLL, BUY . . water powers of anv kind. Ki _-- n up 10 noon on Frid Xs April | i nds 2 lorses. Will be In AEE BS soit : 4 Br PC : gale or ON 0 g Seid n rey or the entire winter. 1. + CORN an 3 5 wil be Exent at the Grand Opera Mr. Turriff (liberal, Assiniboia) said LLL fone Mire Han 18 h » wih) enkins, 687 Princess St. Tele- and ra | office hours, 10 to 13, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. CLEAN, 23 & A. = h y wi : ' % dry. airy rooms, absolutely moth ~ _ Bynopsia. 'of Canadian. Worth west. dr onssy 1. wid he swans glad. to hear the view express drive bait » table. to run rock crusher, paone No. 960. te 163 King Su. E Phone 13 o Took and key. od a3 : z on a on Gg pt 34 fi Lounty t Btorage; 999 Queen Land Regulations. The amusement-loving public of this [ed by the minister. He hoped that an- |=, SEEOEC SHG gatifiel, Qn. 4.0 Phone 626 i. " DROP A CARD TCJORN R MAYELL | 7 titan, Brcioe: Dpiage for Tony > p CAR » JOH) ! AY EL) urnished, Stores, Storage for Fare WANTED--GENERAL. Carpenter and Joiner, 263 Sydenham niture, ete. McCann's, Brock, Cor. | { Cloths, ete Sir - Willrid Laurier--] understand By Chalmers Church Choir, | cooks, housemaids. nurses. generals < arpgnter and Builder, 255 Division | TEN-ROOMED HOUSE, #4 O'SILL 8T.; ' - . p i : | -- ok 0 1 Roa Systéy Te rer to for. who 'sols Bead of a city will be gratified to learn that |other session, when railway companies rl ey "Wagson ond Competvai | TO RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN Now|% F. SPARKS, B.A. M.D. PIVSICIAN Jauy male ovr 183 18 years oid, Joseph M. Weber's brilliant New York [applied for powers, the minister Would | en (Also state price per, day of | A May AN aL house. with an ce raron, 108 Welllagion Bl THREE OR FOUR PARTLY FURNISH- uarver ir of | yuccess, "The Climax," by Edward [lay down the prine iple that parliament J : Y eaired for fultii-1 district preferred. i ddrosn Box and' 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone 386 ed or unfurnished rooms, with use ion ia n nitons, Locke, "with incidental music by Jos- [would grant railway powers only and {4 o : re ohh of tod work! 181, Whig office. 4 . Jitehon. Lor {ight housekeaping. eph Carl Breil, is the attraction an: lwould not grant to railway companies x tondes not Hodes. HOTE 4 . Earl Street nounced at the Grand for next Priday |water rights of any kind whatever, Sny TENGE Dl meee: {FURNITURE COVERING ETC.. DONE E18 AND BESTAURANTS. and Saturday evenings, and Saturday The bill passed. ) LE. J. w BRADSHAW, | by the day at customers' homes. For | BRUNSWICK HOTEL. ONTARIO ST.|(A. SPLENDID WARM. SIX-ROOM matinee. The story of the play is said - nirman. sumy 'Clerk. | further J2htieulars, enquiry at 23 opposite G.T.R. station, one block house, with closet, No.s334 Montreal to be refreshing and charming, a wel = ORtantc stidel, jo Salis w 11 be made from CPR. on street car line; Breet, April 1st, $30. which come drt from. "the ordi EY B.A. Hotel Arrivals. i sponse lo letters. hotel lately remodelled; charges cludes water rate BR Chas e Oo ordinary ' NOTICE. | moderate; special rates the teal Kstate Agent Wellington stories one finds in plays.. There is no | R. G. Wright, Foramto; Soha laid It is here oy nes. that the} week. John Cousineau, Prop. Street Aon 4 x rin . Jifies- [ens Belleville; 'A. McDougall, J, N, | Partnership between Jesse Henry Gage » "YN : dma with B idhed past, i a I Young, Montrea R. W. Marcigan, {and Willlam Humtbach, farm fy HOUSE in 3 I as ON. aio oken, ory so set | Xoung, Mostreal TL NH. NOTA Hiaiiersea, Ontario. has Been volun aril loan than 3 ronms; modern convenl-{ JUS HOTEL . RESTAURANT NOW . FOR SALE OR TO LET. off with appealing humor and pretti- Si bo fl. Stele tock he tethinated by thy retirement of said ferred: rent gout $20.00; , reauired open. Service A La Carte. Open | mm --- ness that it finden responsive chord | Montreal; + Dtephenson, Hroch¥l 8 [Ey Willi Hantbilch tas ad ad ral Ist of May. Apply, Geo, Me day and night. Up-to-date service jn the hearts of its auditors. The piece | Miss Agusta Hyatt, Picton; Capt. logrtnership his brother | Bank of Toronto Kay, at popular prices. Private dining |" : ROOM F rAME HoH » ATH : George Henry | = . / room. Entrance. on ' t 1 =. clothes suk 00H will be presented by a splendid cast |Holmes, Napanee; Charles J. Mussen, [Huntbach, and they wil collect ail ac- | ads Se-- - ext to Gibson's Hea Cries" Drug gellar and large yard Ng) 324 leg- : d 1 g UE oronto: E.. W. Pawson, Londom; =, Jeounts and pay all debts chargeable i store. Con, Haag, Prop. lar Round, near Divisfoh BL; pouses- of Broa way players. ROE Be AV, AHR BOO: Ps Teurred hy the { ership |GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR sion May 1st; sale price $1,450; Si M. Walsh, William R. Hicks, Toronto: CTLLIAM HI PAC I c loth and have it made up Into up- rent, $12.00. Apply, 355 Division St, ¥ + I; J.C. Webster, Lans ENR NTH | o-date sults rice and workman. ISIN Y {CES "Fluffy Ruffles, ing, E Malt; Nalle.. Toro: ¥ ath lattersea, Count ror , a ahi y guaranteed to please. Pressin BUSINESS CHANCI i sa y 2 x Fou aroh ; | rd repairing done on the short - > H you would: gather laugh than cry, Fairbbonue, Brookville; Sv: Pine, : A notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock AN YONE, ANYWIIERE, CAN START Vv PERSONALS, and if you enjoy fun and frolic" mypre Belleville: George King, Cornwall: .H St. next Bibby's Livery. a mall order business at home. No 2 canvassing, Be your bo {ton JagubLiousueuss you. will be at the [py wnetein, © Montreal; John Lone ASSOCIATION OF VE VETER Send for Tree booklet. Tells 'how a rand on aioe Monday, matinee und Belleville: A. D. Cameron, Goderich; Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. MRS HEROD, RE JOMM ES NDE D BY night, when orence Gear appears in br w Ricks . Sh oh OSTEOPATHY, NE a ade dah Ee me oats, |T: W. Wichasdoon, Boston: I. "Arc | 14TH P.W.O.R, 1885. oo HY Rp. BE a oa PA amin of ARE oy CORY, ment that moves swiftly from ene iioeak ing will be he Armours ARD AND ROOMS. manicure, pedicure. Y.W.CA 156 aah ME i. tt] anh. tothe: Herb' one, with a. liberal : jus OR | ROBE RT GARSBIDE ASHCROFT, D.O., Johnson St + Elected Officers, Edna Earle Asheroft, D.O., Grad wil not be paid for admixture of catchy songs and : Thursdays the 24th inst. ates of the American S#hool ul COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS ree | sprightly danees: As in "Marrying | A good attendance was present Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri, 406 with board. Well lighted and heat- | HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS Mary," last season; Miss Gear is this the anoual meeting of the Prince a he: report of Princess street. 'Phone 447, No ed. Also good table board, Apply warts, ete, remgved permanently i Sovin disti satd County Reform Association, hel 5 : charge for consultation and litera. 814 University Ave. without scar. Pwenty years ex- senson achieving a distinot hit by her watd Lounty SRMBLOIA SN W. HOBART DYDE | ture regarding this new manipula. rience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, highly individualized personal charm, {on Satirday week, The! following Secretary ive are atment, "Health Without Bar, Nose, Throat and Skin Blem« her unusual sense of humor for & wo- |ficers were elected : BOARD oF " Pomme ----ue wi DENTAL. ~ 1she Specialist, 258 Bagot street, man, her gloriously sweet soprano | President~D. B. Cole, Picton Wgdiinn Ne Wit: IH PECReD m-- -- - iter voice, as well as by some of the most Vice-presiden t- Nelson Parliament, e nidereigned "Bh Lo T ¥ ! ah BY LEGAL. 8k Aa Tbh gs LL PRIVATE TUITION fetching gowns and hats ever display- Ameliasburgh. oh th CEE NY and 3s . ¢ { | ST. LAWRENCE CANALS, ed upon the stage. Second vice-president--W, 8. Blake [PRIDE In connection with. the i-1 x | : | ! -- -------------------------- ~~ wwe Te Wy " SHORTHAND snd Typewrit} t tem of Typewriting: itman's horthand; CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- [DR ©. C. NASH. D = PE lecitire ta fra neerthed and oC - ENTIST; 1 ds of Ly it ¢ work done ers and Solicitors. Law Office, mw J. Gibson, assistant, 188 Prince at rews : [aro ~ kB - 20 at reasonable at R ' rotd Clarence St, Kingston. street. 'Phone. 735. University Aver a, 134 sss L . X Publi Sang 4 J Iv, Chetry Valley, Speciliegtionsat Board Hopms : Cornwall Canal, ! ¥ ' Treasurer--. B. Allison, Picton No JOUN 1 : --0 Bo Allison, 1 HN ACE 3; ¢ we Ay Foran SEALED TENDERS PP REED Help You To Remember Secretary=Arnold M. Platt, Piet to the or ti pif Uhper Shdurted Addresses were delivered hy Mes to Tosh No AP ecciad at SE W. B. Teavens, ex-Sherifl Gillespie, I. UBKL ESTABLISHED 1866. hia office Simp 16 Yo clock on Monday. | Tells How Fergetfulness, Poor Mem- |(i. Wright, and Dr. Currie, the . WANTED-8 ING CALVES 8 Aprit 1th, 1810, ' ory and Loss of Words sent member for Ottawa Must. he four' 'weekg Old or alaer. | S . l 4 oa comit 3 Qiang io Ae oa €an be Cured. Tr a lest prices paid for themg If you have | pecia pt § - -- ) : date u the affice of p >. Chand Had an Entertainment. any for sale, drop 'Y ) and §] thi "Shia Freie tof he De Artment The experience of George P. Chand an ale, drop me § card and || Gifts t i the flor, who is a wellknown resident of | The (npheum Theatre had a large fwill call for thems H, BLATT, Mou < Y : 8 3 "esident En- | South Plainfield, is convincing evi ome on Monday evening, when gin Grove P.O. Ont. : n Formerly y 100 Tons Cannell, Anthra- "onto rece Canals |jence that the untertain memory of {the Independent Order of Forresters a For Spangenberg's cite, Stove and Nut sizes, de- elderly people is something that can be [held a complimentary entertainment. . | , livered at lar, y. overcome. I'hé theatre was crowded, every avail / East was forgetting really important [able inch of room being taken. Dr. A. er duties, and my occasional inability to |B. Ross vecupied the chair. Speeches Wo ad : Hr : $6 T supply. a certain word that would [were given by Dr. C. Clarke, supreme e Are Re >. ' WE ARE OFFERING MANY | |We Guarantee Every per on. make my i plain~thess were |physician; we J. Lowry, high chief | § To Give 10 AN ESTIMATE ox LITTLE INEXPENSIVE GIFTS Load. sighs that something was franger; G. N. Rickenson, high trea SUITABLE FOR EASTER with' Hot 2 be Bonkiders very wrong with my nervous system. |surer, and J. A. Morgan, saperinten- , GIVING, AMONG WhICH ARE ' an TE 1 had always been an alert, capable [dent of the Orphatis® Home. Wiring Your House \s . WI S A theiman. capable of doing things as well | During the evening solos were ren PRICES RIGHT. BP IARKS eR, oo RB PE ES ei dence | 18 the average man, but it began to dered Miss Mae Hinckley and Miss ' " olan look as if 1 would have to abandon | Ads Rosevear, STERLING SILVER SPOONS ai ne { nay Fam my work, 1 did not like te consult lo- pc eee WwW. A. Spriggs F Toc to $1.50. isd The Rebound of Trade. will be fa for ey is cal doctors, being desirous of hid : A Vetesan Boy, This. : a Montreal Herald Denver Star v. trouble. 1 wah in another city a Chicane Nowa, Hiect ad Contractor, PLAIN AND PEARL SET The total import amd export trade! Jo wish H. Choate, the brilliant al he PAY = decided to see a physician. He told ir. uriivall; veteran English Bars 1607, PRINCESS STREET CROSSES, $2.00 to $12.00. fér February, for example, was eight | learned . Oate, illiant amd "our Doors above Bagat, this lawyer, said recently, at » hint § be returns] oel:had poor blood which caused an | yan and man of letters, is 86 years ne 68: 5 AND A HOST OF USEFUL millions gremter than in February aofdinser in New York, apropos of the riles whose tend. Jhaeinie condition of the brain. My | id can row thirteen miles and has no / NAN nar? | AND MORE EXPENSIVE year ago, a guin of over a fifth. For | movement towards barring insanity 5 was thin, ill nourished, incap- | intention of relinanishing athletic ex: PII] Sirs 25 Rian as 3500.00 eleven months the gain has been "alns a defense for murder x hb of maintaining the strength = and | goise---to say nothing of his intelloe - > hendred and four millions, again al "The insane, you know, ate too {activity of the body. What I needed | aqi activities--until be "takes to bisf Editor and Office Devil. oJ | good fifth. OF this the pain in exports | prone to take advantage of their was a blood fo and nourishing deasthbatl." Both Gladstone and Dis | Enmged owe something the loeal! i . was thirty-two millions, in imports | weakness. A Jupmtic, out walking with om h etided FERROZONE: was | raeli- were voung statesmen at' £9: newspaper had printes about him, a | er & i sixty-vight. The eustoms revemus has | his keeper, saw a cave of beer in front the buts and took nine boxes before I} { ord Roberts after "Fortyone Years subsoriber hare Bd afitor' s of- J increased at the rate of 5 million alof a grosery. He broke away, ran to cured. When the third bot had |, 1nd™™ (and writing about ity made {fies in search of {he spouse re- month. The excess of imports over ex-| the ense, and opening 4 bolile began woe a difference 6 {3 pew reputation in Kis 70 : a | 347 KING ST.. KINGSTON rts| ie the sign, easily recognizable, | to drink it down, at She same time 'better, had an ens * rn [ "Who are oo Con dpsnded, i renewed inflows, of dgvestment | ramming, with the other hand, other kine My oolorf Westport will shortly 'vote 61 a lpglariog at the editor. wha was al # i ea ital, which is exerting "#entimulat | bottles into his pockets just as fast my appetite | bydaw to srant-a bows of $12.80 + the main stockholder, 0 | infhiferion "upon Judustry aud com: | ax he could up-building, fotti- | 4 stock company, whe intend to 1a: "T'm the newspaper, wae © the} : se that permwates to the farthest | © 'Here, here," sid a policeman 3 effect of Ferrozone was all chase the buckle works snd manual : i { : [rofners of the Dominion. Phiegs are | 'this' won't do.' é a patent gas lighter and other "And ? oo : . . : { moving. Men and money sre comp] Uo away,' wds the réiply. 'You promises fo fouired, turning ' 1 mo w-- " this way, and markets are opesiing ap. | can't do anything lg aE mm Miva in wages. he ; ; , small boy's ides of an entertain | Jt is true there is a much to be ana: tie and I'm not responsitile for acs fi amy kind of gathering where | themand disposition to dase one] tions. 2 market but that danger may pass. a : . : rr ; : "Free samples of nerve medicine, of 3 " Taking Advantage. | i I te