Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1910, p. 8

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NEW ¢ APL ¥ SYRUP. NEW MAPLE SUGAR. NEW LAID EGGS. "Pure Milk and Cream de Hvered every morning to all parts of the city by milk wag- gons, also with grocery orders. A full Stock of Fresh Groceries to choose from. Prompt de- Hvery. S. T. KIRK, 277-881 Princess Street. 'Phone 417. Agent for Asselstine's Yarn, ° Our strongest argument in favor of our Ch $1.15 & §2.00 Shoes is the Shoes themselves Therefore, our best argu- ment is Jost unless you try a pair. They are built strong and have plenty of style. Ws Wa ine § Home IRE In Kingston Lighted With AEE RSE EE It is economieal, it is handy; vou can havo such infinitely beautiful effects. Let us give you prices and advice. No cost to you. Our specialty 1s home light ing. LW, Nomar fet Go, 3 'Phone, #41: 79 Princess strest: B000000GO00DOO00V0000L HEAD oF QUEEN. STREET. $ Term " Tele | gecured tions with one ott largens "raliway "Corpora: er a. Oall or write tor or aa tie H Wi OALFE, DOOTOOAGTOOOTOOOOOOOOOC THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. --cen There Aré other hotels, but no. approach the Club for homelike sar roundings. Located. in: céfitre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. are moderate. Special rates by the week M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. HALLEY'S COMET May be hard to find witheut a tele Scope; but you do not need one to the auctioneers commission. Te # big thing--too big to lose, You cau save all S3ionses and jhcaiyuniencon ot public auction BE selling your effects to me "en Antique raftare and Odd Articies n yaeinn y. + Come and. see I buy, ei nd Trade al kinds Of household goods, : L. LESSES, Cor. I avd Chatham ; INVEST ONE CENT INA POST CARD For a Sample of Gin Pllls If you have Kidney Trouble--if your | Bladder is* inflamed and you have to | urinate every few minutes--if your back | aches--if your hands and feet ate sore and swollen--if you are all crippled up with Rheumatism--won't you give Gin you? free sampie of Gin Hamlyn did. French River, Nov. 10th, 1908. "A short time ago, 1 metived You sample of Gin Pills which 1 er Oh with such good effects that 1 Berewith | enclose 50c. for a box of them. 1 be- lieve they are just the thing for me." RICHARD HAMLYN. Gin Pills proved to be just the thing for Mr. Hamlyn. They will prove the thing for you, if you will give a chance to show their value. Invest Pills--just as Mr, the National Drug & Chem, Co. 1 t. B. Toronto, for a iree sample, Then, when you see that Gin Hills re domg good, get the segulas 0c = dealar's. IGE Recom- N mended by phy- - sicians for nervous people. Taken at night, it acts as a harmless and ®ery effective hypnot- ic, nourishes and strengthens. Palatable and without any dis- agreeable after effects. n 0) AGENT, James McParland 339- 339-341 King 1 Kingston. Troubled Every Winter With Severe Colds. ' Dr. Wood's Norway - Pine Syrup Cured Her. Bg Mrs. W. J. Hammond, Tamilton, Ont. writes: "I beg to say that | lave used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Sy rug: for my irl who wis (rou! ded every bronebitis wml ery severe colds. At might she woull heep us all awake with her coughing until I' tried your Syrup, which give hor instant After the fivst hottie was finished I more, and always kent a Lotte in room at nizht. "Or Wools Nor way Pine Syrup is certuiniy a vonderi! thing in » case like ile «love mentioned Do one can praise it too highly. | have taken every oprortunity to recom- mend it to all my friends and relatives." There is nothing to equal * Dr. Wood's' for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis Croup, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throst, Pain or Tightoess in the Chest, and al! Throat and Lung Troubles. It prevents Poeuinonis and Consump winter wit! Put ap in a yellow wranper; pins trees the trade mark; price 27 oemta. Manufactured only Ly The T Milbara Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont J. KILPATRICK & C0. three CORES LC 5. We Sell the most Artistic J and best Material for the Prices. Give us a call. Sowards Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? "Phone 155. $ -FOR SCRANTON COAL : All Kinds of Wood & Lumber, Try 8. BEXNETIT & CO. & Cor, Bagot and Barrack "Phone B41, * Se wlio abe Pills a chance to show how they can help | Don't L uy them--simply write us for a | one cent ina postcard and write today fo | ibs THE DAILY LY mrrren wie, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1910. cin I, er DELI GH TED AND ASTOUNDED Wa TCHERS MONS. PB GROUNE, AY JAMAICA. BACE COURSE. New York, cosaful' flights, daring French aviator, lighted and astounded the Pacific coast, vitertnined the watchers on every hill and promontory near the Hiamaica race track, Long stand, He was cheered from all sides as with i nsy grace he first sent his biplane up Lito a height of 600 feet, easily circling in the radins of the rdce track at the rate of thirty to thirty-five miles an hour, and then in a second flight he went to a height estimated at 1,000 foot, Scientists, newspapermen and photo- graphers numbering 300, were gather- ed in the track enclosure, but thou- sands were scattered over the sunlit Handseape and these added their cheers [to those of the invited spectators when the "manbird" began, gliding swiftly -- SMOKING GOOD, March 21.--In two sue- Louis Pautham, the who has de- ain sos, HE SAYS. 1 Doctor Finds It Preventive of Spinal | Troubles, Paris, March After all the abuse which has been hurled at the practice ol tobacco smoking it is refreshing to find a medical man asserting that he has discovered, and can prove by statistics, that smoking is good for the health. Smokers, he says, are ghost immune from meningitis, ! Dr. de Kermabon, of the French army, is the author of the new theo- ry. © He 'has patiently gathered sta tists and' watched the ravages of the cerebro-spimal disease among the votng recruits of the French army, and as their habits, among others that of smoking, are carefully noted in the reports he was astonished to that xo' few of 'the habitual smok- ers were attacked by the disease. The proportion, as established by him, one to twenty, that is to say, for one vase of meningitis among a giv- en number of smokers there are twen ty of the disease among an e unl mamber of pon-smokers, What will societies agninst the afmse of tobao say 0 ths? Their chief r rum nt hevetofore has been that ¥ oling is i epetully bad for the young, , Kermabon. codld ar ge rs 2h the contrary, and thie what he does. Rather than diccour- tg: young men from smoking thes t to be encouraged, especially i thoy ave liable to brain or spinal troubles, a i cousin Hugo and the Barber, When Victor Hugo lived in Paris in the Place Royale he ised to be [shaved by a barber named Prassier. A friend of the poet asked the barber one day if he was busy. "1 hardly iknow where to turn," was the reply. if We have to dress the hair of thirty {ladies for soirees and balls." And M. Brassier showed the list to his friend. 'A few days after the friend returned and enquired about the thirty ladies. "Ah, monsienr," said the barber sad Iv. "I was not able to attend half the namber and T have lost many through M. Victor good customers appears that poet i Hugo!" It the when about to be shaved was sudden- ly inspired and seized the first piece of paper he could find to write a poem, Hugo hastily left the shop with his unfinished verses, on the back of which | were the pames and addresses of the thirty Indies, many of whom waited in vain for their coiffeur, . « LOME PHYSICIAN Liv. Morse's Indian Root Pills Carc Mest of the Family's Ills. Perhaps if the children, snd the *sgrown-ups" too, a ways 'ate exactly the right quantities of exactly the right things, at jus. the proper times, and in every other way } Sayed the rules of health, there would be no sickness in the But they never have and probably Thos Dr. Morse's Indian Rost Pilli | around a théusand feet in the air. The afternoon sunshine was reflected from hix vellow ailskin costume and at times he civeled around in a streak of flashing ochre, Paulham wsed one of the three Farman biplanes he had at the track. Present by invitation was Wil bur Wright and his counsel, De lances Nicoll. "My. Wright was present to note any' infringement on the patent JEFFRIES' FORTUNE. Will be Worth Halt Million Beats Johnson, it He Whan one stops to consider that fries just picked up 362,000 for ing the people that he ton to night Joimsou a X0.000 more even ff he battle and possibly WILE, "One ound Ihat is what one money quiek. Hut the Jol show condy of the big 500,000 if he Lh Envious would eatl making Vo i 13 tosses ire is bi URINE sams whi bt -both cefirics and alr aly pulled down tererve mothe fature pas of the increasing sports. Why, there are would po to see Jeli in . take in 4 of 'money Johnson have and are going t are good exam popularity of people whe a vaudeville tury one might ohuson's show the wt, dater on see them light, then view the moving pictures of the battl and {inall§ pay 'an exorbitant figure t sce the wimmer go on the stage and ow to a vaudeville audience wl ther in $000 o wenk. Such is life Ameren to-day, The average college professor spent years in preparing himself nts honorable eaveer is fortunate if he recaves ax much money salary for one eur dn Jetivies. and Johnoon get for shgle Wee's, And just think of the nany high positions of trust held by 'itivens 'who govern this great country of ours which pas loss per annum than Johnson and Jefiries will receive for a single night's worl. next July. Truly, one would say it is a funny wort i mel some of us will labor on for veary vhile the Jeffs and the will pring up and grab the money which willingly out of hard and wage, WHIG'S FASHION HINT. gu m who for Johnsons we give our Smbroidered while cloth gown. The Major's Last Wish, The old major was weaving his oud, end those about hom were saying copsolatory things says Harper's Winkly, "Nevuh mi nd," anid the dying maw, "1 have but one regror." 'What is that, major 7' tftiergvman at Ms side. 'thut 1 did uot have a T asked he shot at | "lorgyman, much hoki: "Pray, vhat that old seotteedrel, Col. Dekipey, said the major. "Heat me, maior ah," reir d the has. Usol Dabney done this * » "Noth ag, vei, sob." vepiid © the "Iu for he josulits thay will mo bis obituary of we, sh, that 1 would Ax: me mys,' . to descrve (rights guaranteed him and his begther by a recent courl decision. Aff the first flight counsel for Mr, Wright as serted Mons, rudder, which is the crux of the lega ipoint, Mons. Paulham said he had | wt used the rudder, although it was jon the biplane and was not lashed. le said that he used the four flaps of be plane for the purpose of steering fon the turns eS --------_ | THE VATICAN GUILLOTINE. 'A Gruesome Relict of the Temporal Power. Pope' Pend ng Patriotic tie base wl il ri some his to 1 uele the completion of the new Museum now being erceted at of the King Victor Fomon monument, an interesting, gi s relic of the temporal power been transferred from the Regina prison to the Vittorio Fmman Lebrary, the temporary habia: ti n of objects of the pericd of * the Risorgir t+ he relie hi n ©, is hie guillotine Je latter dans of the ment, served to carry pi nce. The death instrument HrOUses muny Ltn of bud which, in papal govern out the eapital of thas in tw library memories, for the guil served not only for pudis brent worst erimipals and MASK short also Carers ol Locatelly, collection tire cut patriots as and Toguetti, mstrument Phere are the ladder and the triangular which the celebrated <utionsr: Bu- arti worked." Tle was succeeded $n Baldueei, who beheaded Toquetti and Monti, and exercised his dreadful functions undil the liberation of Rome, In addition. to the are aso perserved the cap of the the such Cesare, Manti Ih complet will = be exhibited platform, the knife with ex guillotine thers red blouse amd executloner, together with the blouse and eye-holder cowl by his assistant. Pesidos these is the dagger with which the tient, in. case sity, his victim the grace. worn ther | ext of nw gave de so-called "eoup i Pleasant to Look Upon. | A smooth, rosy, healthy complexion is pleasant to look upon. Pimples, blotches, carbuncles and all skin dis eases are removed by using Wade's Ircn Tonic Pills. They are great blood makers and nerve sirengtheners and the best tonic pill obtainable, Price, 2ec., at McLeod's Drug Stores man who is unahl in thy midst of st to take adv ather when condition The craft fail and We fitakde. he tike a to. wail his ms, usually of wind are pro- antag man who ha ship with all aim in life 3 anil "tt ard no no ruddy Otstacles in the rosd to strength «har vee of much to develop WEAK KIDNEYS MAKE WEAK BODIES Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Com- mon Aches apd His of Kingston Peopie. As one fo weak body down, Overwork, strains, colds and other causes injure the kidnsys, and when their activity is lessened the whole body suffers from the excess of uric poison circulated in the blood. Aches and pains and languor and urinary ills come, and there is an ever increasing tendency towards dishetes and fatal Bright's disease, There is no Peal help for the sufferer except kidney Booth's Kidney Pills aet directly on the kidneys and core every Kidney - Kingston ures are the proof. Mrs: J. Stivland, of 283 Sydenham street, Kingston. Ont. says: "Some ten years ago Mr. Stirland suffered with go broken shoulder through a fall. The shoulder became weak again 'and his back was weak. The kidneys being badly afiected and there were many symptoms of Bright's dicenze that rapidly developed. He became weakened and could not sleep. The desire to urinate was so frequent that he would Jeave his'bed many times during each night. The urine weak link weakens 5 chain, kidneys weaken the whole and hasten the 'final breaking brick sediment was always noticeable. | Nothing seqgeed to benefit hig condi tion until he wyed Booth's Kidney Pills, obtained at Mahood's Drug Htore, on advice of a friend. He soon | found relief in them, and it was ¥ very short time until the wine had cleared and the secretions had been reduced to normal." Sold by dealers. Price, 50c. The I. T. Booth company, limited, Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents, Pualham had used hes was scant and scalding and a hea vi : $ t i TEA AT ITS BEST -- in all its garden freshness and fine flavour "SALAD sealed lead packets are proof again tea can't be contaminated --and it a no more than common tea. ~ ror anything you use "paint for, or varnish, indoors or out, more lasting, more durable, easier to 'apply and more sure to satisfy. Surpasses as a floor finish, and is just as excellent for a hundred other uses around your home. . Dries overnight, glass hard. Keeps its looks, too. Costs little --a gallon coats 500 square feet. Comes in tins of handy sice ~17 pretty shades in solid Enamel; 7 hardwood colors in Lacs; and M L Transparent for natura! finish. Make all your woodwork, furniture, vehiclen, look new again with M L Floorgleze. Write us for FREE book you ougit to have, and mearest Floorglage dealer's name. ' Imperial Varnish & Color Co , Ltd., Toronto. Recommended and Sold by all reliable dealers, including 'W, A, MIT. UHELL, 1. Ww. MARSH, AL L. J. B. Bu NT & OO. ( GRANULATED SUGAR The cleanest. and most sat- i* factory. way to buv Granulated Sugar is in 20 pound Oc ttén Bags, Kvery bagless the registered brand as shown on this cut. MANUFACIURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining C o, Ltd. | .... MONTREAL. - Ssssses000ssst ess ces EE "China Log China Lac isa perfect varnish stain, beautiful, brilliant and"dur ble, it cov ers up all marks and scratches, and produces a lasting finish. Use China Lac and make your furniture look like new, 17 VRINVLESS ar ELLIOTT BRO CO0OPNNN0VONOPRN0PEPORNNON0NRNOOROPOPOOOROOES 0000000000000 OOOOOIORPOOOROOROIRTS 000000 PCCOOPOORNONOOOOOIOOOOOIRRRRYS Se6 Our Window Dislpay of Combination Bed Couchts / " A COUCH BY DAY AND BED BY NIGHT OUR BIG CLEARING J ames Reid, SALE The Leading Undertaker "Phove 147 PT 3 You Can Have One Sterling Silver Pattern Orange Spoon or Knife With Each Dozen of Oranges and 10c. . No need of saving wrappers or sending away stamps. 10c gets the spouvn or kuife They can be had at gur tore. Call in and see them. " wr nt R. H. TOYE, 302 King st. Phone 141 1 a NNN NIN II APA CSSA IAEAIIAAERS LASS a SospPEsRLEESRERES SESE, § Brass Castings, Brows Castings, Mlomimues Castings. y WRITE YOR PRICES. THt CANADA M* TAL CO, Fite NTR, any. LTD. HAT PIII TSI I II VorIIesererIIIIIetIY fang Wetamer "Phone

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