Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1910, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WIIG, MONDAY, sin . os yt -- - 1 ident, * oecupied the chair. Norman : Machionald, Queen's, took the devo {tional exercises. Miss Hinckley sang | , with sweet expressicn, 1 Koow that | OBSERVED IN THE M, Redeemer Liveth." a hk ' HES ON SUN . T Rev. F. A. Cassidy, return mis- CHURCHES ON SUNDAY. un Sapa: gare 28 interest: | ak Large Congregations Were Present at '"% gg iy rien a aes The Weldon Family Came Home to Services--Music Was Great Feat-| "Vins Wo, U0 et the Japan-| Find Their Abode in Ruins--It ure--Description of Services Given ... tsuching on their characteristics Was in Flames When Firemen Ar Briefly. land customs, The Japanese, he savs, | rived. 5 ELECTRICALLY CLEANED AND There were special fies i their Swarr Ju looks Span 1 When Frank Weldon and fau: lv. kit JN J ATELY ON WIRE}. « divine and su My LBB ha i od]: BhEot. HANGERS 18 OUR STOR \GE DE-iin sll th bontate ta sowpt any othr religion]their home ou Hair ch ing a PARTMENT. 4 ARE TT large congregations of devout Sthat 'would si¥or of treason to their [AY evening, for CHurth Ti vse shippers were present morping and emperor. They consider it the height | Wes in perfect order, but when the, Telephone 489 MARCH 28, 1910. ge GLAD EASTER DAY | WAS 0000000000000000000800 rm 0000000000000 00000 [Lace Curtain Special We are selling a special Lace Curtain this wed k, extia large, worth worth $1.25, for 95c. - Silk Waist Special We are selling a Ilack China =ilk Waist, fancy front, new sleeve, at HOUSE ON MACDONNELL STREET | DESTROYED, 4 'ALL PURS ENTRUSTED TO US ARE SeTVIO snd Faster churches on Sunday ever ng. The weather was beautiful, | 4 valcr amd honor to fight and die (return. d at 8:45 o'ddoek they found or mail a Post Card Our Fur Waggon will call John McKay, BROCK STREET, KINGSTON. ed. ing, the vicar, Rev. T. W. Savary, spoke om 'Resurrection Certainty and Resurrection Fisher's Te Deum and Simper's Jubilate were sung, and during the offertory Mrs. (i. Hare beautifully rendered "The Lord Is basen" (Arthur Sullivan). In evening Tours' evening service used, and the choir sang the anthem, "I Am He That Liveth," by Simper. The subject of the evening sermon was *1he Crucified Risen." In the aftornoon instead of the re gular afternoon lessons there was a special service for the combined school, at which the mite boxes, which the children have been filling during Lent, wire presented. A great many of the Faster hymns were heartily sumg by the (children The church was beautifully decorated with Easter lilies and other lovely flowers. ! Joy." st. John's Church. At St. John's, Portsmouth, Easter service was conducted by Rev. Canon Loucks, who is in charge of the par- ish, in the absence of the rector, An eloquent and interesting sermon was preached by him in the morning, on the subject of the resurrection. Rev. Canon Cooke was the preacher in the evening. The Easter service was ex- cellent as it always is in this church, Simper's "Te * Deum," and two an. themis by the same composer, "Halle lujab, Christ Has Risen" and "I Am He That Liveth;' were very well sung by the choir, Miss Henstridge taking the solo in the latter very acceptably. Large congregations were present at both services, as well as many com- municants. The chancel was beautiful ly decorated by the members of the congregation Ada.' URE, CARPETS, CUR- AINS, ci Before the spring rush is on. will deliver whenever you want. COUCHES, a great line, $4.50, 6.00, $7.50, $10 ap to $50.00. Old aches reupholstered on short uotice, BUY FURNIT T " We PARLOR TABLES, $1.50 up to $35, all leading styles, in Hard- wood, Oak, Mahogany. CURTAIN STRETCH- Don't break or sag kind, $1.50 to St. George's Cathedral. The serviers a in St. (George's cathe dral were very impressive. At choral celebration and evensong there were large congregations. In the ev- ening the cathedral was filled to the doors. The band of the R.C.H.A. as sisted in the musical morn: ing and even ng. Its rendition during the offertory in the eveming of "The Hallelujah Chorus," with organ ac comprnument, was grand. 'The an then was "Behold | Show You a Mystery," which was rendered with plendid effect, the band assisting. The evening prearher was Dean Pidwell. A Vicor: RUGS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, INGS, etc. Old Furniture Upholstered and Re- paired. 'Phone 90: Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. LINOLEUM, CURTAINS, COVER- Queen Street Methodist Church, The Easter services in Queen street Methodist chorch were esceptionally bright aml interesting, Rev. T . Davidson, of Belfast, Ireland, preach- od a very eloquent and helpful ser- mon in the moreing on Influence" from the standpoint of the Resurree tion of Christ. Mr. Davidson is a very vieasant and forceful speaker, and nade a line impression in his sermon vesterday morning. He will represent Fedand at the (Nat'enality concert to- morrow evening. The programme ol Faster music for both services was very choice. Thr beautiful Easter humns were sung" with great hearti- ners, The anthems, solos and quar- tettos were well rendered and were very much enioyved The choir as a wiole is giving splendid service and itr work is very much appreciated by the congregation, Never in the history @® of the store have we ® shown such High-Class Designs and lowe ---- Sydenham Street Church. Sydenham Street Methodist church had large congregations at both ser: vices, yesterday. The excellently two Easter It Began To Dawn," Risen." A Spirit," and "Slowly Ie Fading" were very effective, the voices blending well together. Mr. Eva sang Spence's "King Of Love," with feeling and sympathy. On Monday, April 41th, the choir will sing a sacred cantata, "The Great Light," and will be assisted by Mr. Trethewey, violinist, from Toronto. anthems, "Ax and "Christ the Daylight R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUMRE, ---- At Cooke's Church. A pretty Easter recital was given in Cooke's charch Sunday evening, un- der the anspices of the Young ple's Guild, Peo- H. W. Newman, the pre- EL Ta AA NN" ~ Your Money . In Real Estate. There is no safor investment on earth----- in fact, It is the earth, Get a piece of ft. More fortunes have been bujlt ap on shrewd dnd care- ful Real Estate nvestments than on any other founda- tion." 2 © We have on our list some very desirable sites and pro- perties. Come in, look it . over and talk over prices and teres, HE ot ) -- stomach gases. The free trial package will convince you. En day. 5 * pack: stores. ; F. A. Stuart Co, ASTER wv permitting ths vhurches to be throng: fg, their counters In St. James charch, Sunday morn: Y thet was' both choir rendered/] Is The two quartettes, "God Is | eo . : 3 1 (dents winning championships in the appeared before the magistrate on of . Their women are {the place a mars of dian wi hh te cated as servants, and not the ag@Rlh Sremen Pouring xg er in Mout ul of men. 'The Japanese are a highly | windows. Practically 5 puytiing wi intelligi nts ~~ gressive people, and | ost, 1 only nz sa will soon tgke an important part the affairs of vations of the world. Miss Edith Urser sang in beautifu papers. How the fire started ic a mys } tery, and will remain one, as rere voice, "The Strife Is Oer," by Menr lis no way Ao wssectain the sali. Fhe delssolin. Master Alfred Harvey, won 1elief ie that iat started from an over of Instructor Harvey, RM. the healee ove ) i twelve-year-old boy soloist of >t. | At 817 o'clock an atarm Shu Gieorge' s choir, touched the hearts of ['Fom box 24, at the corner Ti the audience with his sidging of *"1[ces® and Victoria streets. % be 4 Need Thee Every Hour." rs. Evens Ove of the longest, wl hare eat Wi sang effectively, '"Fhe Resurrection |!" the eity, but the remem mac Moin." in iin is it : 7 Shure : fund. | smoke and fire pouring from doe ry the Queens studety' missionary he |and windows on the first flat and 'be service with the ben: diction. {windows upstairs. 'Ihe, themial (r- Miss Lottie Walker, the efficient or- [Ring was. first drawn up, but as | " dered i 3 i = back to wAD} Nellujah [could do nothing was seng : pai in brilliant _--_ Re 14% lithe hydrant on Durham strect, about orus vie. » 1,500 feet away. The chemical imot have enough hose to math fire, and waited until the hose gon from the lower station arrived to secure enough hose to reach the burc- int house. When this was d ne it was found that there was forty poaads pressure at the hvdrant, anl steamer was coupled on ard did fie work. The line was then run to the the wag. At Chalmers Church. A beautiful display of white was arrangel ir. fiont of the puloit of Chalmers chiwch for Easter day. At the morning service, Rev. Dr. Mac olivray prea bed on "Jesus and' the f'n e'ander, and: the Church and the Bystander," pointing out that oaly | lilies been no Easter day. It was the by-| no joad being put in the front and stander for whom Christ died. Ancient 1, in the side. The firemen fnew Rome neglected the bystander and <o they were fighting a losing fight fom did the rich man Dives when he over-| 3." 00 4s the house looked Lazarus. What is the churdhi.., destroved before they arrived doing about the bystander? The choir | oot ob olece the men worked for all rendered excellent Easter Susie. At [that was in them and after tw > hours tha morning service Miss Reid «ane po. work had the fire out. "Christ is Risen." The anthem was "| Only the walls are standing, the in- Am He That Liveth. terior being a crumpled mass I fur- initure and burned wood. Who dis St. Andrew's Church. loovered the fire and pulled ihe ale m Special Easter music was rendered 'is not known, but at any rate file p St. Andrew's church on Sunday |flames must have fern going merrily at both services. In the evening Rev. for sowe time b fore heing kK.cover- Dr. Mackie occupied the pulpit andled. About half an hour after the delivered an eloquent sermon from the firemen arrived the roof fell in, a text, **He Is Risen" Two Easter an few seconds after Captain Stratis 4 thems were rendered by the choir in'and Figeman Cockade had iuft the good form. 'The solo parts in building. As sgon as the roof fell it " heist Is Risen From the Dead" were was only the work of afew minutes taken by Mirs Ardelle Elder, Arthur to quench the flames. Craig and G. B. McCallum, F'n he con'ents were ir sured Thomas Mills, apd the occupint's loss will be slight. The house, ownisl by : . . Sal Joh Gowdey, valued at #1500), was The Easter services at the . Salva-| 1," oucred by jreirance, the nolicy tion: Army Citadel, Sunday, were well joins in the Atlas company. 1he fin attended, a very large crowd being | oe a 'great whork to the Weldon Lon- present. at the night moet tug. hn the | fathor, mother and six "Liidren morning, at seven, Sixty persons as ph. ctricke ily wire ken in and sembled for knee drill, and thirty-five Shih by nn Tor the wy bandsmen and soldiers took a march 4) will © remain . with them unl srourd the city. Those who attended | ino are straightened out. th: early service received g pretty Fas-[ 4 he fitpems had: a Verv hard vied ter, book mask, being handicapped by. lack of Fnign Lightbourae, of Bermuda, the great distance fram the hydeant stoke «sn the meetings Sunday and; (he house and the weak water [ros- thre: persons came forward for sal-{..0 before: the steamer was vetion. work. The ensign has kindly consented to give a lecture on "Bermuda, the Land At the Bijou. of the Lily," to-night. He will speak | A wistern war drama is the topliner of it slavery days, the advent of the at the Bijou, to-day and to-morrow, army to the island, and also of Hs yy ix entitled "Company PD. To' The secnery and quaint customs. All are page" and tells the ators of the welcome, {daughter of a rich ranch man who was pursued by a band of hostile In- jdians, and after many thrilling adven : {tures rescued by soldiers. To-day this Souvenirs for the Winners of Various (picture will be accompanied by a fine Championships. com dy «rama, entitled "The Burglar By Otir Queen's Correspondent. And oF he Actress, "The Stage At the meeting of Alma Mater, | Note." The part actress Sattirday evening, the following gen- taken by the celebrated Florence tlemen were appointed as a city Lawrence, who is known as the ori committee in conjunction with the {ginal biograph © girl, and ix regarded athletic association during the sum- [as the queen .of motion picture act- mer months--George Richardson, G. resses. To-morrow the latter picture A. Platt, 8. M. Polson and W. Pob- {will be replaced by a Pathe produe- son. tion "In Castle Walls," 'or "Saved By Seventy-five dollars was voted A Wild Woman." He members of the hockey sudeyre fitting momentos as cognition of their splendid during the past season. The just Wii Salvation Army Services. he se, PL te BE THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. of the is to | team | ne ------------ a i Attacked in the Park. On Saturday girls, well-known re work evening, two voung stu- in the city, who recent boxing fencing and wrestling | ocasion, were rather roughly used in tournament were presented with me | Victoria park. From what can be dale. Miss Mae MacDonald secured {joyrned the girls met two bovs at the recognition as champion in the lad- park. Later on two or three older ies singles in the tenws tourna-|n., appeared and for time ment. W.. Dobson received a Q' 88 ithings were quite lively. The girls tennis champion- | cy co a the rugby and as-|.. Bi --~ witnet of She little excitement with . oi but finally sucgaeded teams together Li x 2 . layers were al- |" getting away Ye ran home, snstion tal from the men and iy "iyo People passing alopg the ru presented with 8. street were ihe when they went to investigate found {only the men. some SNEAK THIEVES WERE BUSY Good Health Week. All this week we will sell one dozen joramges. ard one dozen banenas foi In City on Saturday Night--Thefts | From Maggons. the "hidden con some young meh who were recently that of a basket of fruit, taken from | the delivery w (livery jpatriotis songs, by Kmgs' n'y i mosical talent. Tickets 2%. Pon's miss this treat. Sneak thieves were busy in ¢ity on Saturday night. While the driver of Henderson's gro- ery waggon was deliverin some goods at a house on Montreal street, some ong paid a visit to the waggon, antl made off with a dozen bottles of ale. Later on in the evening, ten bottles of the missing ale were found in a cellar in the rear of Brock street church, The thief thieves had evidently consumed the two bottles, and left the others there to quench their thirst later on, per haps on Sunday; when all the bar rooms are closed. Suspicion is placed {2c. Sunkist cranges from 5c. up. Carnovsky "Om the Corner." George Powell, Belleville, fell from a ladder, brealing his leg. I ----------------------------r in police court trouble, but no action has been taken as yet. Another case of theft reported was of A. J, Rees. such work as this continues, the de men will have to start a cru wade inet such thieving. Perhaps a lively Bulldog left in the rigs would help some. : Queen street Methodist day 'evening, March 20th, Brief, spicy, « addresses om i, . Tre , Scotland and Camda. 1 hue bert ££ Aj in small trunk. containing some 'aiuahbic "ps | in good time, and when they arrived | old | the {| for the bystander thefe would have yo and siameses at the entrance, was pracy by the noise, but | {feet from the barial lot of the Schafer | a special price, $1. V 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 Call and see our TRIMMED HAT 3. we will put same away until required. CORRIGAN'S. Alexandre Kid A goodly sum was raised in aid of found the residence a mass olan, 0080000 000000000000000000000000000007000000 Ce00sesRNRRIRRNIRROE 95. ; Millinery loves. By paying $1.00 on any Hat 000000000000 000 S000 ANONNN000RO0IS i4 {1 H i | i} We are selling a special line of Throat Atomizers at a special ||| price, only 50c. This is extra value at any time, and now ow- ||| ing to the advance in the price of rubber we cannot replace at this price. Get one while they | last. Only 50c for a first-class | Atomizer. We have also a fine line of the De Velbiss Atomizers, re- | commended by throat special- | ists, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. MAHOOD'S ios: | { i ih LADIES' HOME JOURNAL FOR APRIL THE APRIL HOME PAGES OF SUBSTANTIAL REA ING TO WOMEN. CONTENTS JECTS. ON SALE THURSDAY ING PLACES GIBRSON'S RED © BEST'S DRUG THE COLLE Easter a In Easter lines we are show and Post Cards in the City. 260 PRINCESS ST. AT THE POLICE COURT. Had to Pay Fine For Disorderly Con- duct. It does not pay to get drunk, and cause excitement on the street, George Free, who was gathered in by the police, on Saturtlay night, found ths out, to his sorrow, in the police ort, on Montlay morning, when Muynstrate Farrell called upon him to pay a fine of $10 al costs, or spend two months in jail. > 1. happened in this way. Free was quite tipsy, when walking along Prin- ves street, about 9 o'clock, on Satur day night, He was very free with his language as well, and besides, he wal not particular as to what kinl of ;anguaze he usual. And all tbe time, the street was crowded with busy Saturday night shoppers. Constable Mel arey came along, and walked him off to the police station. The magistrate gave Free a severe reprimand for Eis conduct, aml told nim that such language would not be tolerated. The magistrate was able to give evidence in the case, ae ne remarked that he noticed Free fim self, earlier in the eveming, and he knew how he was acting, at that time. Albert Wiseman made his third * ap- pearance before the court, in six Fmonths. The big book showad this to be the case. Drunkenress was the harge. ne was fina] £5 and costs. Michael Hogan admitted being « drunk, and also admitted beiny 4 member of the "prohibited list." When befor tha court the last time. he pro mised faithfully that ke would keep Htraight. However, it is very hard for some people to keep their word, Michael was very very sorry, but his sorrow was not sufficient to secure his freedom. 'When asked where he hal sccuretl his liquor, Hogan said "Your worship, | met a couple of boys from Toronto, who were on their wav to Montreal, to take a liner over to the old country." It was the old, eld story, and the magistrate remanded Hogan for , few days. - also Asked the Wrong Man. Philadelphia Times During a Methodist Camden some time ministers was staying in one of the hotels. At the same time one of the magnates of a big New Jersey corpor {ation was in that town on business land was staying at the same hotel {This magnate affected clerical dress to a great degree, but his intimates and the men who worked for him knew {him to be the reverse of clerical, es {pecially ax to profanity. { After the morning session of the conference the group of ministers went {into the dining-room. It happened that the _clerical-lonking magnate passed in just ahead of the party. A waiter, judging from appessances, gave him n seat at the head of the clergymen's table. conference ago a party of in attending the conference, perhaps visiting brother, thought he of their party. The "Brother, will vou sav grace "What's that ?" the magnate re | plied. "You'll have to speak a little ; Jouder. I'm so deaf I can't hear a thing." > a was ong | ore one said : or Dog's Funeral. In wu small, ploch-lined, espe sully | made coffin, covered with white velvet | and fitted with ornate silver handles, | Jerry, a Scotch collie dog, belonging to Mrs. W. H. Schafer, of Minneapolis, | was buried in a lot across the street | from Laymen's cemetery, and fifty CLR I0000000RSA00000000000 family. A hearse, drawh by plumed black horses, carried the corpse from | the Schafer home to the grave. A closed carriage, confaining the mours- | ers--Mr. and Mrs. Schaler and their | Hiarold-completed" the faneral The ministers, believing that he was | cesses . Come in and see the big range of Nobby Suits that we areshow- ing at $10.00 and up. The style, fit, finish and materials are the best that noneéy can buy. We have range of a great now realy for your in- spectioan., 95¢ AND UP. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. JOURNAL da > SEEE0ERRLLESLARRRSRS ve FARMERS, ATTENTION! | : : ¥ We carry a full line of MILKING TUBES. TEAT sLITTERS. TEAT DILATORS, ard 4 CATTLE SYRINGES. | Dr. A. P.Chown, Pruggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. «© * « ® | (PVP IIVISVIIIIIVI SII III III VIII ---- ---------- CONTAINS 1:4 LARGE DING ESPECIALLY INEREST- COMPRISE 85 DIFFERENT SUB , MARCH 24TH AT THE FOLLOW- GLO CHIOPPIO0 ROSS DRUG STORE. STORE. BOOK STORE, Goods ing the most suitable Gifts, Cards Prices lower than elsewhere THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK ST ORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 'PHONE 919, Attractive Spring Productions Of Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and Gold. dering anytl or Home 1 Best new ye to pre 1 sterHng worth GOLD, Bromsches, Plus, CUT GLASS. Vanes Bamdwich Piates Bread Trays Pendant x Kings, Necklets vracviets, Stick Comparis thls Rawls STERLING SILY KR od 'heese Pots Sandwich Plates, Relish Dishes Marmalades Comports Butter Plates SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 830 KING STREET. 1Remodelled and repaired, jalso starcd for the summer. W. F. Gourdier. tyst Good fystem Good system Is not a ques tion of doing well, but of doing the utmont A In This Laun ary we do our atmos! to avold ervors in deliv- ery, and it is seldom sery seldom that mistakes In this dire tion occur: but when they do, we gquick- iy remedy them Kingston Laur dry i Cor. Prideess and Sydeahsm Sia RR

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