Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1910, p. 5

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_ 2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1910. § Sen iia ---- on A Lp pe, I -------- : cen SEs __-- re eR tr me------ RICH RED BLOOD HELD FO MO THE SPORT REVIEW. THE CIVIC BUDGET try, $500; grant House of Providenve, np': . 2100; _prant General Hospital, $1,500; The Baseball Teams Getting Ready 4 grant Hotel Dien, $1,000. pn "On You Will Never Have It as Long as : for the Season's Play. m------ { phans' Home, #175 #nng Childreht's You Have Dyspepsia. (HIGHWAYMAN WAS BUSY The hockey season is over now | WATERWORKS TO SUPPLY EX- {Ald Society, $50; grame--Woipe: . dt] " ' IRR baseball is all the talk. The difiere Spl aan Friend] Women and Uhjldren + ' . at 2 Fak WY we dvsp URD { A all the 1 ifierent 5 < 3 C A, 8 . Tau t ax long as y 1 Yiave « t LDAY NIGHT teams are getting into shape for u TRA SCHOOL NEEDS. 4 « oritnt Poor Relief Funds hat the best body-building Lod fd not properi 3 ", | -------- ne hi gy : : ditridous elements th iSnatched Purse From One Lady, and great summer game, and practices . grant Mechanics' Tnstitute, $60( yer » > i 3 * Bot Yo-axtracted. « a1 Then Gave I Bace. to Her When 12° already been called. 'ibe dia- ; 19° Dame Rate of Taxation as last} yt Victorian Order of Nurses, 3150; and strengthening tonic for atid stsisversshod water . ~ mond in the cricker field is in fairl Vear--ioard of Works Gets 31. grant feachers' Institute, ¥25. Ni ype tinh 1 ter She Identified Him--Other vady good condition and will not require | O00 Less Than Last Year--More {grant General Hospital (contagious di vouditicn may nut Ee appar Had vo Money, and Was Allowed very much fixirfy, but what is required Money for Street Lighting. cas |g 82.500; Kingston Yacht Club, but it will come just & to Go. will be attended to at once hy Lhe A IEC. post mortems, ete, $50, coffins } : city baseball executive. From "pre a The budget w il he presented to the lund ntérments, $7% pauper pas A young man played the * bold WP. appesraces' things look expuptionally JULY. S00 ih ths evening. It recgm-faages, SH, postage and telegrams game," in the city, on Saturday nig bright for baseball here this coming mends the same rate of taxation as 8100, reporters' fees, 87(4 removing re sth will se again tomech stlpent, in hiding all forme of indigtation, can be promptiy eared b usiog Mona tablets, a cintihe treatment apsurpassed : v . 3 ris 1 Ivises 59.000 f wat ¥ § 3 pad Sourehes, i soaps fermentation, belching of Bix trou ble; "Two womet)- Wels the Vie Amateur Baseball League. om ag of water works], rout nuisance ground, $200 mel : ee tims, and the "holdups" occurred funds. ter dump, $250; cab hire, $60; selec teurly in the evening, ' both between A review of the budget shows that tion of jurors, $6; registration of ! 3 Hpior licenses this year will vield | births, marriages and deaths, $214.50 nearly ¥1,200 less than last year. The | telephones, £50, delivering tax de- | police department will cost S400 moret | mands, $20 city registry office, $O50 but in the two cases which have been 00 0 last. vear, but in order to cover th: | fuse from streets and harbor, 8H re reported, he secured nothing for all \ extra amount required by the schools i gistrgtion of by-laws gan and tasie of sour food nlmost at { McFedridge, the president, ce, : rdock. The 3 presided at a meeting of the executive he mighty power of Mi-o-na to ine | 0® and ten o eoex, the young he of the Kingston Amateur Baseball vigorate and restore the stomach to! Who did the work ie elinved Lo be league, held at thé College lin cigar periect condition is known every: | the poteon, who, ear ra Le Lo store, and also present were Vee! 4 Cl $7551.18 gore, divie salaries |) 8100: band a & ¥ Anil oft 1 his re ¥ Abie a ih = > »" . " Bs aw PX PDETINOS, KS \ ris whore. : {ine ole aise an Te ¢ : n ol Fre whent Joseph Ahearn, Secretary. | Gn be shout S400 yaore and ontin on risen ~ an Sone Miony cures by building up-- A ig at the / ign or s fe own Freasurer R. J. Tierney. William hen Yop dos nearly S600 more jo voix } pr %d > Y oo > rT) bin hing the cause, For thin peot by a farmer named: Webb, living at nudy and W. Laird represented the v= » a' : a w | Moenials, Wc .Y., to y + he + ' way Aas Seng » he The hoard of works gets nearly £1,-'¢ $10,207.12 . i 3 : / eit 14 u great flesh builder, be |Mount Chesney. The outfit was miss: LC, ""Moper'" Matheson and R. Ti- gloss than | works g 8 easly $1. al, 3 It ies i - Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round cause it causes the stomach to give ing all night, but on Sunday morning son the Irishmen, and Stanley Trot- year, otal controllable expenditure, $70, and plump. Chikiren love to take it. RY : # x . wittee pets the same as spent in 1908- | 746 3 mare snd purer nutrition to the word was received that the horse bad tr and H. Nicholson representing the pe . sit tie 13 iy ef pro- Heil pois tncontrollable expendi ire Col E « ne, ¥. Ee, S128,590.8 8 B30 Lr an i : : We return pe 's money without 11 Vinol blood. It cies sea and car sick- found its: way home, alone, showing Vietorias. There will be theee téims : - : total estimated ex ole question ' had deserted the ani- perty $47 less and nothing for heat- | penditure, $199,536.91. does not all we claim for it. Try it, please. nos and vomiting of prghaney al- [that the thief in the league, the same as last year, ing and remodelling the east winz of 3 . 5 I y is i as » 8 » u a ¥ 3 Ml tren ame eres * most immediately. G. W. Ma ood imal. Report says that the outfit was the Victorias, the irichmen aud the © iy buildings; $360 extra is al- AT THE GRAND GEO. W. MAHOOD, Druggist, - Kingston, Ont. rele Mo mr or -Be a large box and i not-damaged, to any great extent. CL.C. There was a large attendance A tor further street Jighting . goarante sit to cure or money | Shortly after nine o'clock, so it is of the players, and the business aris ay ald ghhng. To-Nigl Ee " : Back. 9 stated, Mrs. Blakey, living at 830 nz our ot the games last 'season was } Report of the Committee To-Night "Fluffy Ruffles" Will be Princess street, wis on har way home wound up. it was shown that there! | ; i . ' the Feature. street, near Fron- was a surplu@mod $14 on hand. It The finance committer veports that} (ne of the merriest musical comedies when on Princess t . tenac, she was stopped by a young Was decided to ask the iy council i tha bonded debt of the city, including aver sent out upon the road will be ; man, who jumped out of a rig, and IOr a grant towards hixingz up the delinéuree hot yet jasued, bus, otha seen at the Grand to-night, when snatched her purse out of her hand. digmond at the cric ket eld, and the i #% hy Bw, Wa 1,240,5¢ lg hin "1 "Flufly Ruffles" is presented with Naturally, she was frightened, but it eXeculive has als0" ordered new s.and- (YP 8% 10HOWS ater works, SAB, {plane Gear in the title' ty ght works, $274,725, is, i oho knew the fellow, by ard: league bases of the best qua "Plafic Ruffles' o Ta ats {FRIED NIGH OME ix stated that she knew the fellow, b as vagus quiLLSY, 34g' 5: local improvements, 1. Flufiy Ruffles" could win recognition sight, and the fact that she showed home base, the same as role. ? a 4 ir AR vs dy alone. The addit i A hy eral . 621.46, general purposes, 426,465.08 AS a romed, » dhe addition of CURES .CATARRH, ASTHMA, great presence of g sind, saved her used Jn th ig le pues; ad here Sin total. ST 240.590 on pose 3 clever lyrics and' tanelul music makes' " slsa-be a marace and toul flags. Lhere "007 FT rest ma +. 34 binati MISE, Lg - ' : : ! a combination that undouht n Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or I "1 know von, all vight," she said witl be a staff of not less thon theee! The amofint of the sinking fund is wloubtedly en back : RIS 500.0 ox sures its being a favorite with the . KO a 5p : < 2 g a favorite with theatre money Sold and guaranteed by to the fellow, and with that the raf wnpires 10 be paid for by the league, 18,503.01 and of this amount $105, | ' ' ng : Co lgoers for several seasons to come, 1 (i. W, Mahood. and appointed by the president, ths 05.41 is invested in local improve me. The : 3 \ <1 great success ¢ ry > ET MINING purse, which contained a wim presid = also to have nll charge of ment 3 onds of this city and 313,- 5 Miss Gonr npt Sttended, te sour i 1 NING. ' : ' i we he : 3 game Sver 4s } " : KR wid : ? ; money; threw it back at her. Then be pi, eg the games. . Every "of HN Mary" is being duplicated this sea We have selected fsom the best makersin drove off, we p TAAY ad ' axe ola ioatson. With her unrivalled master 1 1 ¥iod - . ganwe start on time, | The amount of taxes to re load n : nriva mastery of Canada and th ] y ate . "n ofl ey n -- that all schsdul- for the sinking fund this year |i =. | style, her glorious voice and her irre a ! © { nite d State 8 all that 18 td games must be played on the date | 176:10, the property own rs specially jsistible' charm of face and figure, Miss BeW,. fashionable, good-looking and long- advertised, - except in case of rain, or i benefited paying $4,001.26 and the city {Gear makes 'Fluffy Ruffles" an exact wearing, and we are sopviocod that 'with wonorally $3,501.84 | fulfilment of what the author and his any ofthe se OVE ¢ e lsagus y ) " . x iY OF 0p SEU Yer Which the, lsag {The increase in the amount demand- [associates must have - had. in . their your feet clothed from our stock you will his no con ro ay * About half an hor after this occur The cup presented by W. R. Gives ted for schools is ¥7,554.1K, and, to mind's eve when they collaborated: in be decidedly well shod. . R. Giveas | % 2 : - red, another ° case waw reported oni pr.ancipal maticr talked of at avoid increasing the rate of taxation, !the work. A large company of care : oh t B Cour committee has deemed it g- fully chosen principals and chorus NEL Beverly street, and it is believed that 3 aps ; ' s 06, - . the meeting and those wi _Ve § : elect that the waste in sting ius, the same fellow pulled off the two od i has OIL able to ta%e nine thousand pillars support Miss Gear, { i o s et w 25 =, S55 Sea z the cup have no hesitation in saving ' : i G00 tons an 14 was between "1 "hold-ups. Misi Turnbelt, who rye ap 1 lion in, Wing of th: funds of the water wor '- a ck---- : HOLD and 250,000,000 tons, ani od t 300 King street west Wa it is ie Randsomest trophy ever pug ' partment, a 1 has plaed t) M In ¥ : Q Shah fides HE ing strdel PRL, as ats : : 2 a Wnt, ane as pilaectd ths amoun Most emarkable El i a coal oas t hard "mi y KMS A WBS Lp for competition in the city. : i temarkable Eloquence. hat the woul easily at hu} ty be) aking along Beverly street, which is |! ! : y n ths estimated recone for | : » ' i fian, who had taken possession of ber o on special deposit in the Seeking to Save Waste in the Fuel [got into the rig and | Supply cise was reported to the police, but sv by that time the man had ample time From time to time statistics havel.n ou, good his escape. No person heen published to' show that the coal happened to be near at hand, at the supply is dacreasing, once ntly time, so as to give chase, rublic interest and anxiety have been : aroused Thr United States geologi- cal survey has made statements to the swiusted about the mide ott ting N The following speech from "The Ser. nuxt century." But the government ! a nd oe § hin entered upon work to Jessen | WBS stopped by a man who was driv wast Thy publy: demand for in| WE. Miss Turnbolt carried no Money, formation on the coal question has and when he found this out, he allow brought out the estimated value of sd her to proceed on her way : coal tunde in #lacka and classification It 'ie believed that two men were in necording to value, the rig, but that the one rematu i 10 The ae ogical survey testing [watch the horse, while the other did ont near the Grove Inn, when Sporting Notes. Lear vant In The House," has almost be va amounts asked for by the | come a classic. Tt is called by many | 2 % I'he committee has been oblizd to Hho Western Ontario baseball league oo 00 1} i wili be rovivesi { several committees in ord to main. [conservative erities the most 'remark ET -- Ihe forward pass and omeside kick qin the present rate of taxation | ble piece of genuine eloquence to be ROSS-BALLARD MINES LTD are Likely to be retamed am United Pha commities found in anv play weltten in the Eng by "tates rugby. rate of 204 mills be placd (on th lish language since the days of Juying and Selling Orders promptly executed for this Stock vear's pss ssment { Shakespeare. The lines are spoken hy to join the Detroit than and Jenbings Signed by BD. Couper, mayor, | Mans , the Hindoo "'servant," in re coal at' the testing station at Pitts | his work. 1s meh perturbed 1 Chown. Jokn Cer oh, Pp. A Sp to the Bishop of Lancashire's Hennessy & Gilmour burg for the purpose of discovering TASTE a J ote of + ag fignt 3 t ! f : \y of Slang al econonie ie TWO HOURS IN ICE JAM. Fhe promoters of the big fight have (7, J. Rigoey, R. E. Kent. | requ that he tell him something of Members Montreal Mining Fxel : . the wonderful church he s built out S68 NOTRE DAME STREET w, MONTREAI | | { inured the lives of both Jefines| andl Ho Debentures ate inte jin India. Manson, of course, speaks of 'Phone M 7204 | | 1 | red mene ls fy Coby cannot be prevailed upon and using waste in form of hriguets it: is found fhat tests on gas en ines First Trip of Steamer Pierrepont to aohnson for 850,000 wach { i . . Manager Edward Barrow, cof tha " Lea he : daw welopment of ar horse Cape Vincent, Mor hu baa ul oh wi oe i "light department, 82,396.91, the Universal church, but the bishop i re nl : il : snp s he &is describi Ase power pothird us much coal asl Jha Cape Vinesnt route is now open men are at Columbif, 5.C., for spring dram deposit, 3617.91; trust fonls, \Ppass w ig describing an actual bused in average steam engine, or traflie, the veloran lerbvd ab egining | $3,100.00; unpaid accounts, $1,500.30; | "OH + v ' asad i 3 i yr. HY eh according to George Otis Smith, A Haprepont, making the trip on X Foothall changes in the American bills payable, $25,000.00; extens on _ of rector of the United States Geologheal | uiday in remarkably good J yale 00000 cS anf | Manon You mut remember, (0 [piding and Wilt won. Sometines | MMMM, x of] Ee x ay. § Hes games are proposed and designed to {atreots, 3 HET; Smking fund, BI" | inenninz Gmber. His a living td the work goes forward in deep dark : Survey, writing in Popular Mechanics | onsidering the ice she had to con Giningts mass plays to a large ex- 70. Total liabilities, $57, 2, Wem ot RE 1 a ving thing. ness, sometimes in blinding light, now The Wret h d for Murch cn "How the Goverment | ind with. E: + on tent, and in other ways to reduce the Ansatu--Lash $18,992.64; hilix_- re. L - He vou heat a sound-- theneath -the burden "of wmitternble cheaness is Solving Our Fuel Supply. isl The Pierrepont Jeft Kin zston il s.a0 danger of injuries to players. cewvable, $267.28; taxc $2,100.00; . we List o oe mighty poem anguish, now to the tune of a great f Co Ht ti also pointed out that the federal gov- Lam. and arrived at the Cape gt 1130 The Canadian Wheelmen's ~Assoeia- local unprovements, #20,243.68, sn. | SHEL £ aston ong enough, and you laughter and heroic shoutings, like the o ns pa on errant has ban buying its fuel on} gy 'The biggest ice jam was met oo, Go eeking for @ man to organize dry accounts, $406.62; stock yunts, (Will learn that it is made up of the | : eh ; fo ! 3 2 i ) cry of thunder. Sometimes, in the « . "the Pritish thermal ba i, or geord | ith at the foot of Wolfe Island, and bicycle clubs throughout Canada. The 21 824.76: Canadian Losometive Co, | beating of human hearts, of the name- t wilonce of the might tina, one riav hear Can quickly be overcome by ing to itz heating valug The Bows | here the vessel was tied up in the ice " 4 | portion Earl street, ¥3.500.00. Mon {lose music of men's souls-"that is, if ithe tinv hammerings of " ¢ ntl CARTERS LITTLE ton chamiw r of vommeres has appcio-}* r two hours, put eventually managed j treal street subway, $301.41, Total | vou have ears. If you have eves, you at Work , " 4 re ] . "i " LIVER PILLS ted a committee to investigate th § 35 make her way through it. When I 8 we com ' 40. Balance deficianey, | Will presently see the church itseli--a |, ; i 59, leficincy, $ rades that have ¢ " head. conl eonmimption of New England and } year the C another bad jam of ice | 210.13. { looming mystery of many shapes and ave climbed ahead Purely vegetable the method. of buying en the ther | sus met with, coming out of some of Referring to this apecch \ i | shadows, leaping sheer from oor 10 [view of "Ihe Servant i. the House." Rudy 2 2 * is "rt : : pr De { t © Use mal basis, Home persons and mani: he bays, but very little difficulty was Estimated Revenue 1910. dome. The work of no ordinary build. 1m i ouse, peatly on the cipal departments of New York and aperlenced with this, The return trip | on headed the poll for the council. Sunt" : ) ithe New York Sun said: "One of Cure g : , "Th Panta. QE=(L. J "ter! The pillars of it go up like the | (joe a : g Boston already buy coal on this Lins | was made in three hours, the Pierre lhe convention resisted all efiorts to ents--Bank, #550; waterworks, | these dreamers is Charles Rann Ken ta. In this way one pays for mst | ont arriving back about 4:30 o'clock weakea the residence rule, and decided | $300; light dept., $200; city hall, $350; | braway a Fi : Pl Jura A the sweet {nedy; one of these musings is in \ i sew. senior serie 3 8 300; Bell Telephone . = n.men and women" 18 The Servs i he H i i hat he gets. : wy adi "to apply it to the new senior series, | market tolls, #1,300; H opi Shans: ; ; | ant in the ouse, which A Miialth Rs m------ ih guite a number of pa ers an applicants for reinstatement who | Co, $700; smelter site, $90; portion' of moulded about ing (ulwarks, strong, loomes to the Grand on Wednesday Dizzi- Sn Actor Hl in Hotel Dieu. Bn freight {played in the old C.L.A. senior series se i £1. Toul, $3,491.75, } impirega se; She ings ot lite chil | March 30th. ' ness, and Indigestion, They do their duty, ' 3i % i ¢ hp s " {were accepted, but N.L.U. players Jdcenses--Liguor, $7,200; auctioneers X ; m every corner- n Fhomas Sinclaire, wito took the DID NOT SIGN THE REPORT. J wry areal i 8 $190: cab and livery stables, $155; | Stone; the terrible spans and arches totum uy Son pn, Suall eikee Sema Priam, part of i Suet het Hd Ald. Elliott Ob ts tc Finance Com. Walter Molson was elected president | carters, $360; second-hand shops, iof it are the joined hands of cofn- | You have no moral right to sit Wino) Was roduc a i EB . bjects to ANCE { at the annual meeting of the Montreal | $210; shows, $300; butchers, #80; vie | annual meet this year will be at | Waterloo, Ont. J. K, Forsyth, of Toronto was elect ed first vice-pregfdent of the Canadian | laerc association, and Dr. McGib- rades; while up above are inseribed the e down and leave matters to the Lord Sys, Hodse on Frigay and Saturday: mittee Pings. | football club, while "Tommy" Stin- | taullers, $10; milk vendors, $40; billi- rumbles pc flr of all the dream- |as long as you have health and two Doz well on Saturday, and "filled vole} The name of Ald. Elliott does nit son was re-elected captain of the; ards, $150; laundries, $300; plumbing ers 0: the world. It is yet building-- | hands. i , ittee - i 1 ot retur i oti 250; railway tax, $126.84 3 for 5 0 appear on the finance Lommittee re sanjor team. The financial returns |inspection, 3250; railway tax, $120.50; | cme at the Suturday peforniucts with fry although he was present at the sFowed that the sport is not a big | fines and fees, S500; non-resident land ph 8 ' Re Span ihe HE be. neetiny on '1horsday evemng. It is! money-maker. The club reported a de- | tax, $150; dividends on stock, 3800; in- | cy or ee, LL ry N ht k mderstood" that he objects to several ficit of $1,985, most of which was jterest oa taxes, $560; waterworks de 8 > ow i , jo Sy.1n agtor a Joi Th f 'the financial arrangements, and charged to thd rughy club, the re- | partment, 80,000, Total revenue from Cie wh he g iy Ne sp yd - vill state his objections at the city |ceipts for matches showing a consid. | sowmces other than taxation, $34, . anjax E od y ouE To ra : wouncil meeting this evening. It is erable falling off. 523.64. Sa Compan w ne an understudy = for} cq (hat he opposes taking the wa-| ---------------- 3 Assossnent--#8,907 478 at 20§ mills, each of the other three parts. Unfor-§, 0 oke funds for one thing. . The 3:4. Hotel Arsival { 8152,693.30; (less remiss anil uncollect- tunately thers was none for the role : { BIA. Hotel Arvivals. } R10 aa ately ; s none for Ro payor also opposes touching the wy-| : i wile. B Geal we sle, $12,000); dogs, 2960: statue labor, of the doctor, * 1 or surplus, Poh Purser Ris ite, Benham - | $650; street watering, $2,800--8175,- A The inane committee was unable to Lang, Carl i¢knchern, J. W. Wiliams | G19 3g Potal est'mated revenue, $199, , : . and wife, Foronto, Mrs. J. Lendson, ' In Police Circles. nake any contribution to the Mowat Now Yorks A NX. Chon, Vankleek | 094. be | Memorial Hospital or-to the Or, lhe Mrs } 8. Btalker. and daughter . i F 1 hans' Home for extemdons. It gave Hills Mrs. 5. Stalker and daughter, Expenditure, 1910. ' : : + Montpelier, Vt. A: C. Cronk, Brock- he Yacht Club $100 for its hig re ville: A:T. Batstone, Sarnia, J. ¥ atta next July, and the Kingston iy ti . in Je@nod C eo Cleland 4 Library an extra 3100 to aid it nits | oot, REE y hee Ty sf straggles. Those were all the extra _-- -- EE Investment Syndicates zz < « syndicate plan ? propose . to operate---waiting until market Here it is in a nutshell. conditions are right, and we buy or jel, wi , . « the case may be, 100 shares of some security on a uve Jab or Boy = an bat YOU which conditions are ripe for 4 change We have ip invested $100 of Syndicate B's money, and have $2. You take the $100, for instance, and put in 400 left to protect the $100, should this market go some places--eminently safe, of course--and at the adversely. The market changes one point, and we end of twelve months you will have $108, or 3 per have made $100 for the syndicate, or 4 per cent. on cent. for the use of your money the syndicate capital, less our 1-8 commission of ? . $12.50. It changes § points aud $500 iy made, or 20 per cent. on the capital - N" our contention is that your money should We are in close touch with the market by Three drunks were gathered in by the police, on Saturday night, and spent Sunday in the cells. One was arrested on Princess street about nine o'clock, and his attempt at securing his freedom caused quite a lot of ex- O you understand clearly our Investment WwW this capital of $2,600 of Syndicate B we 1210.13; debentures, $2 AJ: interest, A : pet , 821,893. Tots 251,326.76 Paul; W. H. Savor, Timothy Duck-| 21,503.33. Total, $51,326.76. to iley, Cardinal, Harry F. Cole, Mon- | y ) citement, as the street was crowded frants given, itreal, Thomas 1). Falkn, R. R. Ma- i C. Po L. Jmp., $3,501.84 Sinking fund, provision for payment with people, at the time. Four Glad Lent Is Over. ikon, Cornwalh, J. W, Shields, Hamil-! Administntion of ue, Jorn 2 : bea : 4 PRS 42 o iC, knights of the road, who made ap- > . , ton. " i Jury ex} 8, a2 of ja { pk : CR 1 P. 'M. Cooley, manager of the . 1 $3,165; portion of cost of maintaining plication were given sheltor Saturday foo ¥ i) an) he------ ! gman : Fluly Ruffles' company, which ap court house, ete., $769.18; rent, divi | night. , + CA ! Completed Organization. : i . wars at the Grand Opera House . : ston court room, $75. Total $4. - this afternoon and this evening, | The Camden Rural Telephone com- | i660. U RE THIN : says he's glad Lent is over, for | pany, with headquarters at Moscow, Police department, police magistrate, 1 L dq ! $ of a » WHY YO A ' the past two weeks were very dull has completed its : Srfanizution and | $1,400 chief constable, $1,000; police you could have $50 or more to show as the earnings Of the syndicate from the market until, in our opinion HOW TO GET FLESHY.| show companies. Bven Ottawa Will start with twenty su becribers. It { constables, $7,615.50, clothing allow: | of your $100, and still have the §100 Intact--you the conditions are ripe for another deal. we found to be full of religious Wil build ths season about nine |... $798: repairing, ete, $100; cabs, | would be glad to consider the plan Ls : wople wha shied at the theatre dure miles of line. Joseph Foster has se | 0 G0 $35; telephones, $i; fuel I the meantime, while the capital of Syndicate B s vs : , S40; i Rad i earn you more than that, and {If someone special wire and close out the transaction with $500 could show you how, at the end oi 12 months, to the good for Syndicate BB, and withdraw the capital i i | Uncontrollable, deficiency, 1909, $1. | 1 | | i i | Discusses Causes of Thinness and}ing the closing of lent. He had coved the contract for building the, gq one, $235. Total, $11,143.50. | Shas dor ant, .e eB 6 per cent, on the money. Gives New Method of Increasing fixed is ante to tiike Ottawa on Ins aw} furaishing the £ntie egnipe { Schools, public schools, ¥36,779; Col E know frour personal observation that money Joesn't this look good to you 'Weight and Rounding Out the Sao, ide in Shining a | ratio hy the oy of Yall P-{ legiate lnstitate. RILOM: separate judiciously used on the New York Stock Market ESIDES, there are these galient points you éan » would be wood ut found it bad. | eration by i > . farhools, $5,623. Total, ¥56,102, will earn easily 50 per cent, and many times withdraw your credit balance at any time by F * ; Kingston is the first Place the com: | Controllable, interest, %2,000; election much more. : giving a three-day notice--you will receive itis ES shes > Wonders: pany visits in the aMer-Lenton sen | MAKES HAIR GROW. lespenses, E500; insurance, $651.60; each week statements of the fransisctions of the Prescription Af roniph ton The shanpany itd by spetal | 2 | printing and stationery, ¥2,106; com- | We also know that small amounts of money are syndicate you are interesied in---you can investigate Pullmangggo-night for Peterhoro. {G. W. Mahood Has an Invigorator mittee on industries, $200; street |g mah ost in this line because the trans. 'h€ books and check up the documents of your syndi- That Makes Hair Grow In Abund- | watering, 30% A sollection, | actions lack sufficient each capital to protect them SIE 8% ANY meLsud Jou ean withdraw. yeur profits antly 'or Money Rack. . Po re nd of insu, Ho 3 won. | lf during sudden fluctuations - - p x i ard « ' er er, 3 [¥ yr . » i I HM your hair is thinning out gradu- i rrr ' iispactor I: incidentals i ACH syndicate will deal in only 100 shares at a ion ot Anyone he is tow hin and Canada 10 sell homestekers' excursio ally it won't be long before the bald $150 Total. 8150. #e . " Bie, thud alwdye having us 25-point protection. le 1 puts fle on those Who LNrs . 0%, C3150. otal, $06, Q aa lk i YY BO . surer fe can only Le 10 . Z fo rn Bosh i A AT Whether trom | tickets {o points in Western Canada, Spot appears. | Pasin,. catetnker, $550: appropria- T HIS weak point covered and there is no surer, e can only wake money by handling the busi: nM * A treatment "which anyone can pre- pare cheaply at howe, has been found » lnerease the weight. improve the Homeseekers' Excursions, health round out scrawny figures, im- ¥ . : . prove the bust, brighten the eyes anc The Grand Trunk railway has issu put new colof inte the cheeks andi, seenlar authorizing all agents disease or natural tendency on. those fo... : tea : The time to take care of the hair is . 3 gre safer, of quicker way of making big money DES of many of these syndicates, for our charges are ¥ho by. Heavy cating and diet have in This a Jnlarmation for when you have hair to take care of. tiom, £1,500. otal, 2.050. S100: } than by investing In accepted listed securities, the regular commission of 1-8 each way, or $12.50 Joh gil ft he yw oon dering. ake, admins of {Sh Th Sin he thet Fo or PVH fil a eo, $50: 1 an tins cacy wha our maleate prim dogg (oF SCL 100 sr menle, those whe have' tried every known a Sesto G10 The Grand dy known to maniind is Parisian Ee Ey A aUIng TAs cover--it furnishes a 25 point protection on all UR New York conneciions are * ith the most ye method in vain, It is a powerful akd{ April to September, 10, The Gram or JE dn compounded cientifie 3220; appropriation, $300. Total, 82, transactions, and by thus eliuinating the Hig: element Hable and eonservative hotife , to digestion. nutrition and asstmifas Trunk rote is the ost interesting, ! ge, PO Of SCIPRUAC oo : t risk akes tl opouitio ore certain In- : PORAGEYA live Motif s=imem boty {ion Ji assists the blood and nerves), pi. sonar through. the: pope principles "and. furnishes, to the hair (= J of . : fs i of risk makes the proposition a more ® i the New York Stock Exchange, who hive never ls distribute "all over the body the fA PaxTSRgcr Long POPE sot a nourishment that acts quick Hoard of works, assistant engineer, |B cestment undertaking than a big majority of business faflod in business and are of the highest integrity fleslt elements cortuland fa fu and | lated centres of Canada, through the and promptly and cases (ha hair to B50. telephone, RI; appropriation, |B ventures that are applauded and recommended by os , ! faxes the thin person the same a Bef pfetropolis of Chicago, thence via Du | . £12.500. Total, 313.900. the ultra-conservative T ig no time like the present. The market qualities possessed by the natural- ad grow. or ; *iluth or through Chicago, and the twin Alle ; Five department, wages, $9 0% is splendid for trading. Wateh ft yourself, wr » & & Bot remember this: HW kills the | ¥ dey age : snd Jet us show you what we can make for exhy. : Everybody is shout the same butieities of Minneapolis and St. aul. 4 water, £100; appropriation, $1.48, To- - ta elements And i A ! andraff germ, the pest thal appro- | Water, E05 ¥ 3 Bhydtie. 10 Ww ! i toubt : eres are Tt Sa wa hi Ask Grand Fravk agents for further ooucee all the natural nouridwnent | YL 14,250. 0 we say to you, send us your $50 or #100 or Fou a prafits. If still in doubt, ask us for further ; 8 h ub pr 3 A 3 particulars : Larih Ril tag BUA ohne Parton a 3 {that should go to the hair root. Lighting streets, $9,300. $5600, and we will put #t with the money of . # separation hy oh Alamiive AA Se a-------- Parisian Sage i= sold by GG. Wi Salaries, allowance to mayor, S800, _ several other investors until we have & sum of Send ux your New York Business, even if you don't nstead of passing - ihrough unused. . Celebrated an Event. Mahood under 8 positive guarantes to ty clerk, SLI, assistant, 3150, 2.509, which we will call, for instance, Syndicate B wisly to join a syndicate, MH oy yrs te treatmaat of Mend. On March 15th, Mr. and Nrs.'bansh dandeafi, stop falling hair and . Lypewriter, 2; city treasurer, $l, ne Th ethan thin who uses it. tor Jobn KR. Ralph, 'of North Augusta, itching scalp in (wo weeks or money 885 a. a: collector, $1,108 sup) @ Tong felt Bo celebrated ¢ golden anniversary of mek. : jelerk, E. Moore, $1,200; clerk, W Mix in a halt pit Dottie! hres Sances their weddhng, The nd- | It gives fo women's hair a onkion Reariand, $1,000; city engineer, 81, of rhubarb. Then add one Children assembled home to and radignce that is most fascinating 000; city solicitor, $500; cite assessor, on rd ' | yl ; nd anu Jt to wow abundantly. | $1100 assistance, $200; suditor, $500; : Patriarche & Company 31 Beott Street, Patriarche Block, Sage Is now sold in every nessener 2600; court of revision, | TORONTO, town /n Canada. A large $130. Total, 313 j 'Phone 7307-7908 Main. "

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