Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1910, p. 7

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5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 28. 1910, TE EE ------ -- RE a Report of the Directors OF THE Sp -------- - -- . ------ at the close of 1508, and the outlook | little noticed here, but I may draw .have been taken or are being taken, COURSE } is favorable. Dairying exports are | your attention to the fact that the for'renewing the charter. In these un- | =>4 i diminishing every year The total | mineral production of Canada since the certain times of Government one hard- [Given Prince Edward Farmers For | | value of the export in 190% shows an | year 1886, when complete reports were ly knows whether anything will be Three Days i important decline from the figures of | first prepared, has shown a remark- done satisfactorily with regard to en : ! five years ago--a decline amounting ; able increase. In a paper recently vapital. The charter 1s aun English Ameliasburg, March 205. Amelinsburg to not less than $7,000,000 --represent- | published in the "Engineering and one, and I would lke to know whether has just fnished the first short course a : } { MB] ° { ed almost entirely by the decreased | Mining Journal," of New York, a re- Steps are being taken. or are econtem- convention in aeviculture. For thre export of butter. This i= due not to ; view is given of the progress of 1! plated, with regard to the renewnt days the farmers attended in hin : any decline in the industry, but to ; industry, from which I take the foi- he charter, because this is more im i : . 4 : 3 the growth in population. The home jowing figures: --In 1385 the total min. | POTtant even than big dividends Ie dreds. The first forenoon light horses, | demand for consumption is overtak- | oral production was $19,600,000, and in | the charter was not renewed, it wou'd and in the afternoon heavy horses | | Ing the production. The iron and | jes $57,000,000, and the tabular state. Mean that the trustees would have to were shown and judged. The speaker P . « | Steel industries have been a<tive, but'! me nt shows that the increase has been 71! thelr shares. bMeause they cannot 'and judge. was Dr. H. G. Reed, of resen e to t e ¥ roprietors at their! It must not be fgrgotten that the re- | stead and continuous The total [AKe any risk, however small. There Geargetown one of Ca a's feading i : vision gf the bounties is close at hand. | sour x arte J one thing, which 1 have mentioned 3° a 1 : is S . (Here I may mention th . oo : figures for 190% are not yet available Defame. ion rexmtd finan tie ' authorities on horses. le was ploased | " : A al sihce ib we know that the nerals of we Ee to the resery t ent } eventy-Fourth Yearly (General | wmte vat it hae been announced Bortish Cotambla yielded 55t ats.om | You have some of it tn the Nationai . With the cxeellenl quarters, in which | id : ow from, Ottawa that it ix not the pre- about the same a8 in 1908 and 'that War Loan due to be pald off In a fe. the horses and stock were show and || Meeting Tuesday, March 1st, 1910. | fob. of she Government Ta | fi hanson: camp. gave Siu of puoi, 70 sr sinse 3 BT Dik complimented (Ge farmers of Prine | . ' site Bat . BW hose ou 3 | gold, approximately $500,860 more than | ore is Apri 1st. : ese ob- Edward county on the excellence "of | 3 ' . . ish \ 4 Em wy i . : fAkriculture must Gaim the first | last year, but still far below the owt- servations 1 wish {0 pangratulate >on their horses. He was surprised to ace in this review, © Department | put of the years preceding 1%%. The | mans ' pf ; ny hnd I 1, hes i , : - : an NEE oe direc - such good, heavy draft horses The ordinary general meeting of the | these hungry. accounts, but I must Of Agriculture at Ottawa estimates | great 'ditch of the Yukon Gold Com- gy Ree BA jrerton 5 shown. A te Amn of geldings of - li Rroprietors of the Bank of British | make it quite clear to you that this is (he Value of last years field crops at | pany, 62 miles in length, was in opera- | poirs, and Jor giving us such a satis. quality and weight as the impo: North America was held on Tuesday, | a windfall, and must not be expected | $532.000,000, or £106.000.000, for the ! tion t season, and it is expected paitory dividend I wil eh a satls- quality and weight as the impor March 1, at the office of the corpora- | another time. whole of Canada. The crops in On- | that e output of the camp will bith Ti 3 Ro ro ay n Son, Bo 5 Gracechurch street, Lon- | The net profits for the year amoung tatie Wars excellent, and that pro- | henceforth show a steady. recovery. | farmer ons before I have been no bring from siding *y Eng, Mr. E. A, Hoare pre- lo Joeruz, compared Mh $419 - ta a i" to al roduc: i he silver mines of Conan, re vut shareholder now for 45 years * ronto market. { 4 y 2Y--an nerease of $77.0%6 00 of 3200.900.500. | little known on s side, . bu is ari in The forenoons of the secon anid | The Secretary (Mr. A. G. Wallis) | --a result which we consider satis | L ® 10 the three Central Provinces interesting to note that through their = MT Clark--l wont to support what | - & ' "i that the attention of the world has | i . my friend said as to the report 1 third days vere devoted to seed and | having read the notice convening the | factory when we remember that, for been chiefly. direc a8 | increasing production Canada now happen to be the only Canadian pro- erat ining under: the direction of meeting and the report of the audi- | nine months of the year the rails of n chiefly directed, for the import- | holds the third place in the silver- | °F 1 % nh grab jaeging and y 4 tors, interest current both in New Yoo and | 1h, of the crops grown in these pro- ' peoducing countries of the world prietor present, ang | should ltke to Wy, Sounirrel, of the Ontario Agricul P 2 an vine . wensi Ver re: Pha e takes . ss at the report is ; XC y The Chairman said: I. will not wait | 'n London were exceptionally ¥ow, as fits is nen ig > ry year. The (Mexico stands first, the United States ay that 3a ral Ra A Ame ingly tural tollege, Guelph, and it w to read the report, which you have all | I shall point out more exaclly later | weather follosred the dios of spring second, Dut A aa 19 tawa or Toronto could not obtain a ; seen, but I will proceed to refer to | On. Oui of these profits we have al- | wheat, oats and barley. The rainfall | 1ake the fourth place). In 1309 Cobalt . . jcourste estimate of conditions tendance. The afternoons some of the principal items In the | ready distgibuted $146,000 as an interim was ample te ti} f Ra, | Produced JIZ0M.400 worth of silver, balance-sheet, comparing them - with | dividend. and we now propose to pay en einer Lr June, aud, and, as the output is steadily inereas the figures of December, 1908. The | a final dividend of a like amount, to- | Javed, the cro R ONS were d@°- ling, it would appear probable that dt fae Gh ¢ . + . aved, Ps were reported to be . : 'i yaa: wou pe a great pity if the informa- addition of $97,332.33 to the reserve fund | gether with a bonus of 1 per cent, or | nearly as well any as in any | Canada' will year by year take a more | .,., " ion was not published in a _ shail refer to later on. Deposits and | 345,666.68, making a total 'distribution | previous vear, and. the final resus | [TPortant place as a silver-producing | o.oo that every proprietor ywould || . ROTI ' current ageounts show the satisfactory | for the year of $340,666.98, | showed that the sangline anticipa- AE now watching with interest | Dave the full advantage of this infor- tiarmers' Institutes fop Ontario, ha Ircrease of $4,266,620.26. Notes in circula- | forward $99,986.71, ¢ | tions of the Western farmer had been | yo a an AE fa new fndustre in | mation, which must have tuken a great (charge of this work and"his servic tion show an Increase of $485,194.50, bills | 26247--an increase fully realized. Early estimates of the | Bh ia of a { deal of trouble pains to collect. (were mich sppreciated parable show an incredse of §1,181,232.46. Lave. 1g. ask. you once more to sane- total wheat crop were about 115,000,- | ure There is 'no longer any doubt With regard to the charter, I under- in the évening of the second day r sa er OL oo benefit of Ra aT Eroptiations for the 2 t bushels, but, finul TEPOTis state hat both the soil and climate are | stood Mr. Powel) to refer Io the an ithe town hall was filled to the doors | forms, snd from all diseases anmng i \ an , h , . yb this year we at th total reached 121.000.000 | wall suited for the growth of fruit | an act, which is before the Cana- with farmers and their families tes | (rom it. are, as you are aware, in' respect of ope that you will approve of a bushels, in addition to which there nd the industry appears to be estab | dian Parliament. and as to which ,. > i the Ontario, Bank and the Sovereign bonus of 5 per cent' on their salaries. | Was a crop of 160,000,000 bushels of A e Ea ry appears ae 0 0 | there will be no conditions hamuper listen to a. A. Putnam, superintendect | gdpdpdp-bdb Mrs. Herman Bank. In anticipation of this meet-'| At our meeting last year the chairman « ©ats and 30,000,000 bushels of barley, troduce scientific hE. of cultiva. | Ing any of the banks: but I am toja of Farmers' Institutes fog Ontario, Mi | + Dickenson, Ben ing, 1 have made a special inquiry | expressed our great regret that the | the total value exceeding $160.600.000.00. | io "50 +" ihece will no doubt produce | Ne referred to the company's char- Squirrel, Mr. Bailey and' several | 4 Can Eat 4 N.B, writes: "1 have from our general manager respecting | Profits did net permit of giving this | Not only was the quantity large, but | zood resuits hereafter. The difficulty | te. Which is a royal charter here, local speakers. Good music was fu ¢ Anything 4 used Burdock Blood the prospects of these liquidations, and | bonus to the staff and also the hope (he quality was excellent, and the | Appears to be that of labor. and, con- | though still subject to Canadian law. | ihed In local talent. Frederick | Now, 4 Bitters and find that in reply he informs me that no loss is | that we might soon be able to resume | T2de throughout was higher than | sequently, it is noticed that the land | WIth reference to Mr. Powell's In- {o °0 % pon cone Coin in the | # + few medicines 'tan anticipated. Cash and specle show an | it, and it Is a gremt pleasure to us to hat of the 1%08 crop. Nor was the Ring 1 3 quiry as to the methods of agricul- © 1 ENC . He, 2 pti : } \ bh relief. § j ern fo t sg to! © . is Wing parcelled out in small hold- | } 1 SORTA | +44 44444 give auc i nerease of $351,519.33. The cash he feel justified this year in making this | 00d fortune of the farmer "exhausted | ings. such as the owner and those resid- | tire, I may say that the Government Programme. . | yspepsia and - elo» equivalent to #8 of our immediate | recommendation It would be im-| by these favorable conditions, but, in | ing with him may be able to cultivate | ©f Canada have taken most elaborate Great credit is due to A. | | mach troubles. I was troubled for a Habilitles to the public. Cash at call | possible for me to speak too highly of addition to a large crop of high-grade without hired assistange. Improved | Pains with regard to it. ihey have Vanna), instructor ip agricalinre, | amber of rears with dys is anc. could and short notice are $2,560,061.33 higher, | the excellent work which has been done | ¥ heat, he realized for such part of it | railway communications throughout | ©Xperimental farms in the Northwest, | Picton Collegiate luostitute, for { o im ol x I Coppa X Blood As regards investments, you have no | bY the staff throughout the year, ana #% he chose 10 sell a comparatively | the province will give greater facili- | 3nd most accurate scientific Informa- | (ues of the short course, for to 4 E ho te 4 ttl nd became doubt observed that we have sold | !t Will be a great satisfaction to us [EM Price. a price which varied in | {ies for bringing the fruit to market, | ton is being furnished to farmers. You efforts were mainly due its succes item. 1 took thisg hott wrk i $681,332.33 of our Consols, 'We are weary, | If We are able to inform them that this CUTTent districts, but which Igather | and an mcrensing business may con. | may rely upon it that the farmers | 8 cured and I can now eat anything without and so, no doubt, are you, of the fre- | Fecognition of their work and loyalty Fram the reports of our managers was | sequently be expected. The salmon | there, who are about as intelligent as es - it hurting me. I will highly recommend quent necessity of making provision | toy the bank has met with your ap. | "Of ¥ lon S6c per bushel on the aver- | canners, especially on the- Fraser | Any in the world, are not.going to kill Far Fetched Stories. it to all who are troubled with stomach from our profits for the depreciation praval 1 a iis = 2 good price, Dut it River, 'were disappointed 1909, the | the goose that lays the golden egg : Ne York Times trouble." in this security, and, therefore. we de- © year 190% opened still under | , ot sufliced to tempt the farmer | fourth year from 1305, should have The Chairman--In the first place, cided to make an exchange into Ex- | the influence of the crisis of 1907 and lo pan with his whole crop, and a | been the big year, but the yun of fish | let me thank both the gentlemen who chequer bonds, which are not so Hable | 1908, and for some months the condi- Ye nai erable amount is still rese rved | wag late, and consequently the catch, | have spoken for thelr kind words of \ g A to fluctuations in price, We hope to tions of business were not favoruble fOr Sa In the spring The condit ' | especially 'on the Fraser River, was | appreciation We shall endeavor to that scurrilons he a, gr hn i complete the exchange as soon as a for banking profits This you wil] in the al Why favorable for agric considerably below expectations arrange the report in a form which Fravels mn America Hy u Ly favorable opportunity offers. The War | have observed from the report and | (pn perations, and, consequently, Before I conclude, you will, no | will, perhaps, be more acceptable. It say that /f Mrs: Frollope's book | meee the t . amt i ¥ Lean probably appears for the last balance-sheet to June 30th. The profits he farmer postponed the realization doubt, expect me to say a few words | hag always been a verbatim report ¢ true, then the story of the I a certain sonator to whom a Wash time, as it matures for payment on | for the first six months were disap- of Dis wheat in order that he might { about business prospects for 1910, and | but I think it might he April 5 next The Exchequer bonds I| pointing, but in the second half of prepare for next year's crop, and at { | feel that 1 cannot do better than | as regards the shape 0 laani , i o l6aning Ladies' Clothing ton hostess said at din We dive. of : : ANY Senator, what kind of fish dove é ' of dies ¥ ie he . hy have already referred to. . The Dom- | the year the results were more satis. Hie ame time, he doubt, the expecta- | quote a paragraph from the biftcial | sc nd it out As rards the second inten of Canada bonds are unaltered in | factory, and particularly from Sep- | po por Still higher price appears to | report of the Department of Trade | question--the method of farming--I amount, but you no doubt observed | tember onwards when better rates 1 SL unreasonable. . and Commerce for the fiscal year end- | am very glad that Mr. Clark replied that in the June balance-sheet we ha prevailed both in New York and in v Migration ito the Central Pro-| ed" March 31st. 1905, on Canadian | to that question, because farming is written them down from 95 to 93, so | London. Even after three months of | "9% na pecially from the United| trade n submitting his report the | not my trade. When I have been my- | Pref! ' ox ¢ the cil as to bring them into line with the higher rates we find that the avers + Nas been on a large scale, and | Deputy Minister says that while it | geif on the prairies I have constantly " Flaice, madam, thank yon,' vith rippt pay chanch f #polll he shape {the | R. PARKER & CO., * Ah, senator, still a place hao Dyers and Cleaners, nS a Princess St, Kingston, Ont, " ate at which we employed oy ny y not less than 75,000 persons : official quotation. Other Investments | © 1 A ployed our call ; d SORS would appear that for a time there | spoken to the farmers on the subject | serator answered politely, show a decrease of $97,386.86. Bills re- | money In New York for the year did | PYoPably more--have crossed the bor-! was a halt in the great expansion of | M Powell introduced to our notice, | 'A gentleman on the other fide o What's that to you, you d CT ME TEETER ' exclaimed the snatu ---------- --; ' - - Borrien Ar ve Shrines. Sua FIST, Mungtsr. rt ------el "To Be DYSPEPTIC Is To Be MISERABLE. v the ors a is the prevailing malady of time well spent by the farmers in ut | avers It te ly oe to 3 in Canada than has been given by the cond and third days were fully taken a io dist, Gveratity, 308 axing the. stomach with incfigentibie food, eating too mpidly without chewing the food suffie jengly, indulging in hot biscuits, pastry, , confectionery, «$5 i Clydesdale mare shown would, he sad, | S800 to 31,0080 on fo | chairman, and it seems to me it up with the dany vow, several mals of fine tvpe being shown. LU. Bailey, assistant superintendent 1 5, a8 a positive cure for dyspepsia in Lincoln," san v veteran Chi journalist, to laugh skept tu For sale by all dealers. Manufactured only by Tha T. Oo., Limited, Toronto, Ont. improved upon and the platce was gospel i in which we | story---lancoln often told twas abhor | Cleni celvable show an increase of $3,230,682 not exceed 2.05 per cent, while in der, with the intention of takink up| the Canadian trade during the fiscal so far-as I have been able to ¢ol- > the Premises account shows an increase of London the average rate was below = ie in tae Central Provinces. They| year 1909, frum the latest figures ob- So fur 4s I have heen able io e- She tomm . then with ia h $34,608.86 after placing to the credit of 1% per cent. At the same UUme, |! he. to the country well equipped, tainable, = conclusive evidence has | farmers are fully alive to the import the account from the profits | money in Canada throughout the vear With implements, stock, general outfit] shown that the current fiscal véar-- | ance of not exhausting the soil Re- of #the alf-year $73,000. There has been abundant. and strong bor- nd sufficient capital, and also with] that is, to March 31st, 1910--will cognizing that the virgin soil is ex- are still some contracts not | Towers have been able to obtain a re- = experience which is, perhaps, the| compare favorably with the best | tremely fertile, it is, I should say yet completed, and upon which duction in interest rates from the Shoat valuasie asget of all In this years in the history of Canada, and, in | their prime object to Keep it So. and { {stranger further payments will become | DANks; so that in every department | 5 ment have confined mysell to| support of this statement, he points | believe it would be correct to say | dignantly, avd whipp'ng out due, and we therefore felt that it was af sur loan business there has been | asceriaineq facts: and figures. but if} out that as regards the imports and | thar they look largely to the Intro. | revolver. he shot the punster *ICST A WoRnh imperative to make this Appropriation, ne Troan a iiinised profits ars of the fate Ral the rvet 3 forecast a Jor he SIX = onths » nded | quetion of mixed farming for this pie "But atteswmids, whin the inks wa : » hing bs moh especially as last year the profits did | CO oo oo Co ol would read like a Toman we. #Th Th Sepiember, bs ie NEBures SHOW a 1 page, Mixed farming is on the th | axplaimed to hi the vaitor had } 1d Gas Ww ' "it's the an: rovision d x read Ii a nee, he time | large increase over the correspond- | crease eo : ov . Ci hug, Lh tor att ¢ ee lan. 4 or JDEmniL of malig ARE bank The abundance of money illus- ey ¢ posal does not permit of | ing period of the previous year, clear- en ata]. 4 analy Tnmk rp good laugh, and confessed that 'he hi d |) i n seent : Ane premises ia one of urgency. We can- trated by the fact that the t al doe stateme Hy 1 confine myself to one} ly indicating that the figures for the | to mixeq farming that they look. With hein rather hasty, and, indeed, " » ty wetin not possibly allow 'ft to hinder us | POsits In all the Canadian bar s cur- | C0 nea L. referring to" agricuiture | full year will compare favorably with | roearg to the war loan, to which. Mi how thit he bore the humorist y | fled wit Sold from extending the bank's operations | IDE 1909 showed the remark ole in- § > is estimated that the acreage | the best in the history of the Domin- | powell has drawn my attention on a | asting grudge he went to the man's!' ie dén Lion Hine, and influence, but at the same time | crease of $138,000,000. This ncrease Rnder uiti vation, today in Central} ion. These wards, which may be re- previous occasion, the result: will be funeral" n : we are reluctant to see the account so | Is due in great measure to .ne large bey pd not exceed 7 per cent. of | garded as a 'statement of fact rather | fot 1v will be PRIA Off Br pheaums. | a -- contingally Increasing. 1 may add to | amount of capital remitted by the thi oa available area. Assuming | than as an expression of opinion, | on the due date. It stands at 90. and, this explanation that the building pro- United Kingdom to Canada for Do- of mate to be even approximately | carry us on to the month of April, therefore, there will be a surplus to | { gramme already authorised for 'the | Minion Government. loans, Provincial { STERect it Is impossible for us to ro-| and by that time we shall begin 10 | come to the credit of the thvestmént | ! Surrent year, and which does not yet' and Municipal loans, railways and in- Alize te vast potentialities of the fu- |. hear something respecting the acre- | pocnunt at Tate: Satie hy Sen Mr. MNeNuabber, say the London f inciyde the inevitable claims of the dustrials. The total, which does not Lute, e can, however, realize the! age planted, the conditions of seeding the charter, 'we are fully alive ty the Mail, has just told his pastor that he | three Central Provinces, already ex- include the (last issue by the Cana- uty which this prospect imposes upon | and the general outlook for the har- 4 : ---- ---------- --" ------------ DLR ROOSTER BRAND OF TORACLO if Swoking and Ohewin, at forty-five sols a pound, 8 & good tobmoce hy pay eighty-five cents Andrew Maciess, wiaria streat The Better Part : : " " " as lanning a trip to the Holy . ve | dian Pacific Railway, amounting to { Us today, not only for ourselves, but| vest. As I have so often said before, | CXIF¢Me importance of the renewal of | Was P ha the Te a a for $35,283,333.33, because, although the | for those who are to come after us-- | the harvest is the keynote of the tia the charter, but it would not he expe- | Land. ; or have hus » en able d issue was made in 1909, payments did | the duty of constantly pressing for-] tion, and the progress of the ecoun- dient for us to take any steps to- "And whiles I'm there," he contin: | thie PHIDOAE. | ha reserve fund here so | NOt commence until 1910, is approxi- | ward and extending our sphere of in-| try--of the Central Provinces espe- | wards that end until the Bank 'Act is | ued, "I'll read the ten commandments | at may follow consecutively upon | mately $136,266.666.66. These figures re- | fluence. During the year 1909 ye open- | clally--depends entirely upon it, Should settled in Canada Mr. Clark has In- {| 4loud frae the top o' Mount Sinai." | Wah tha hav ald respecting the pre- fer to public issues only, but, in ad. | © six branches in the thref Central] we be again favored with such a | formeq the meeting that the Bank Act "First what I ave 8 rt ne Eas of the dition, large sums have been sent to | Provinces, and since January 1 we harvest as we have seen in 1909. there which is now up for revision and re- srarvals "tk atlvice tide \ mises account. pt are urgent the | Canada privately for investment in |bave added four more, Such exten-| can be no doubt that the present year hewal in Canada. will be passed with. | Rra uly, 'tax my Revie aw air tang premises eeu erve fund are, per! Various ways. but particularly in real | sions mean a constant strain upon the| will again mark a great advance in out any material change. When that | hame an' keep them between Bi claims of the seser for. as our labi- | estate and mortgages. That so large | staff and the premises account, and | ail our industries. Is done will be the time for us to ap- | , re nme mem. et haps, even Inote So. increase, so is it | ® sum should have been readily sub- | you must further understand that a During the year Mr. J. H. Brodie | Pro®ch the Treasury for a renewal of | = lites to the public in reserve fund | 5ctibed marks the confidence felt by | new branch is seldom immediately pro-| visited Canada, devoting his time and | 0¢ charter, but it would not be ex- Jmpsrative that he rofits of | Investors here, not only in the pro- | fitable. Nevertheless, we feel such| attention chiefly to the Pacific Coast. | PEdient in our opinion to do so before should Incteuse alle, an ie divin To gress of Canada but in the discern. | confidence in the future that we re-i He went as far as Prince Rupert, the that, but, Mr. Powell, you may rest i e % Long's Laundry "MeXNabber," replied the minister vor gin red ang submitted these varied investments ! superintendent whenever possible, al-| Railway, so that we now have the | POTtance of it, and that it is constant. already sssu fom NE for their approval. It means a great'| though the difficulty of supplying an| advantage of direct information re. |'¥ Pefore us been able to place § her It responsibility. efficient staff is immense. specting that point. Mr. Mayne The resolution was carried unani serve fund from another Source: ast I may now briefly refer to some of Railway construction is proceeding | Campbell also visited several of the | Mously. was found that ave a n pas the principal industries which are | rapidly, and during 1909 the roads add-| branches In Ontario, and we are great- The Chairman The directors who provided more than was Becoanary * | contributing to the present prosperity | ed 10 per cent. to their total wileage.| ly indebted to both our colleagues | retire by rotation are Mr. J. H certain doubtful 'accounts, and from | ., ho Dominion. The lumber trade, | 24.000 miles of road are now im opera-| for their valuable services. 1 now | die, whose re-election for both accounts, but, as you have ment and integrity of those who have | spond to the recommendations of our] terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific | 2%SUred we fully appreciate the im- Your Easter iro has been pro- posed bv Mr. J. H. Mayne-Campbell, but as Mr. Mayne-Campbell is, unfor- tunately, abs , I will propose him in his place: Mr. Glyn, I have pleasure in proposing myself, and Mr. ¥. Lub- bock is proposed by Mr. Kendall These names were submitted in there are so few ners here are large | dividually. to the 'meeting and ap THE BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA mn 7 fhe nin Wha Sake 3 | ped Rreat Seren hy 5 and | ixouid Usk The Chairman----The next business Is a e report o 1e meeting be cir- BALANCE SHEET, 31st DECEMBER, 1009 vulated at greater iength than has | or been usual in the sheet sent, If it was | relelection: * This TB the Tirst meet Jent in book form, as done by other | ing of this company which 'I have at- | anks and companies, it would be | tended, but I canr uite i re t rer seivared 4 S080U5.00 Bh Shd Specie ¢ Bunkers ang t 5.352.833. 42 more easily read, and more conducive | my 'triend there Th repieticn a year. : . "ane eh Ege fc to the comfort of the regfers. If the | there were » Teri bid » ' 2.530.608.06 By Cash at Call awd Short Notice . oo. 10.T74,045.58 h 2 f ere Were not mare mei big present, To Deposits and © 80.460.044.31 y $16,126, 851.98 directors would do this, am sure the | because 'I think it shows thd] absolute in Circulation . By Investments Atanas i AK shareholders would he extrem confidence of the propridtors in the To Bills payable and other Liabilities, Consols £163,000 $658,411.33 grateful. I do not know whether ard. When 1 attend they seem rather lon for Contingencies .....c «..veee. 9.870.004.45 | National War Lean, £50,000 whole report is published in the sheet astonished to know I am a sharebolde \ i ts sd & v hore awatt Wo ReDALS, ACCOUDE...s .ovve srressessscassscrss 10020078] at 90 C... 219,000,00 which Is sent round afterwards, | at all. We appear to have arrived the United States are here awaiting To Liabiiftles on Endorsements .. ...... $802,171.56 Exchequer Bouds, £115,000, at The Chairman: In recent years it has | 41 a prosperous state and 'I hope it ' ' RR htt PRE evar Sanegsaere «os. BOD 866 68 always been a verbatim report. | will so continue. the sums thus released we have, with | (0. o period of depression, which | tion in Canada, about 1.000 miles more| beg to move that the report and ac- the approval of your auditors, made | oq wai ne PR to the reserve fund It into the year, began to | than the entire railway system of | counts be adopted. (Applause) this a on to the vi u i! improve, and since August firm prices | Great Britain and Ireland. Mr. R. H Giyn seconded the resolu- is 'a great satisfaction to us thus 10] pave prevailed, contracts have been It is, perhaps, owing to the absorb-| tion, bogable to do something, though not | made at prices ranging from 5 to 10 | ing interest in agriculjure that the Mr. M. Powell: I am sorry to gee so all that we could wish, for both of | ner cent. higher than those current progress of the 'mining industry is| small an attendance today to hear so interesting a report, hut although Shoes Are Hee the election of the auditors i Never before have we been so well Mr. D. Hapkey: I will propose their prepared for spring business as this Shares of £50 ea Te Reserve Fund.... The very livest- Shoes in Canada anda Liability under guarantee In res Tr he 00 Cat' is anticipated To De. « Deo To Profit and Loss Account Balance brought forward from 30th Dividend paid October, 1900 ........ Net profit for the half-year ending this date, after de ducting all cur- rent el and providing for bad and debt... ..yiiine sereeen BAGS 411,823.98 Deduct Transferred to Bank Premises Accoun a : HT1T8.58 Balance available for April Dividend aad Bonus... iiasa werves SB6.204.35 146,000.00 ----en | ART.0TT.00 Dominion of Capada Bonds, £195,000, t 93 Sa, wane SK2.570. 00 380,358.16 " t . . Other Investments ..... «cco cocvenee eee 700,008.15 By Bills Receivable, Loans on Security. and other Accounts ...... By Bank Premises Branches ...... xavh 917.2360.60 By Deposit with required by Act of Parliament for Security of General Bank Note Clreulatlon ,.....vvv renvvareisnnres 12,101.58 R.5TO.N0OR 43 NOTE~The iatest monthly Return received from Dawson ls that of the G0th November, 1900, and are iatroduced the transactions December with that Branch has been carried to a suspense Accouat, pending the receipt of%the December Accounts. $51,305.414.71 Ssnmasin--" Mr. Powell: Then let the verbatim report be In a miore copvenignt form' for readers; the cost Sout not be very great There is one point I wish | to put. We hear about the prospects of the farmers; I take it that they are new farmers, golag into new lahd. which gives large crops, and | would like go know whether they simp me | 0K y simply us { men are. antl these two gentlemen I up the virgin soil, without any form of manuring. because the danger is that they will leave the land like the done with. Of course. there is any amount of virgin soil. which, by just scratching the ground. yields crops for some years, but that cannot go on. and might come to an end in about 10 years, leaving waste land, which would not be worth manuring. Let us have some assurance as to that. and know whether there ix some sclentific agri- cultural working and knowledge amongst the farmers. so that they will not work the land for some years and then sell it to some unfortunate man who would not be able to make anything out of it. I have asked, this questian: with regard to South Aus- tralia and recelved 3 quite satisfactory reply. You can easily make inquiries, and find out whether real. sound farm- ing is being done in Canada. But the Mr. Powell: As no names have been mentioned I will second the appoint ment of Mr. George Sneath and Mr Nicholas * Waterhouse as' auditors I always Insist that we shall have | real persone aponinted as auditors, and not a firm. We have no hod apon a firm; we want to know who the know very well The resolution was carried anand waste tobacco lands of Virginia ana | MOUsty other States, which were formerly ¢ used up and left, though that is not | The Chairman: That concludes the business ' M= Powell: Before we separate, may | 1 move a word of thanks te the direc tors and I believe the officers of the | company are usually associated, in one resolution, We have to thank the staff, both here and in Canads, for their successful efforts in the past year in the interests of the Bank, and therefore, in our interests. Mr. Clark: I would like to have the privilege of seconding that motion. We | have the results of their work here, I know a good many of the officials in Canada, and I may say they have the highest reputation. The interests of the proprietors are well looked af- | ter by the staff throughout Canada The resolution was carried unanil- mously. e i The Chairman: We are very much | your inspection. and loek over unt J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, THE HOME OF GOOD SLOES EASTER CHOCOLATES lar est Assortment of most important thing I want to agk | obliged to you for your kind appre- \ ", to Rate 2D , : ot Amputee THE 1 oat 9 atk | shied to you for your wind spore: | & Cadbury's Easter Eggs 1 expirts in a year--whether any steps | The proceedings then terminated. d 6 for 10c 6 for 20¢ 6 for 10c - 4 for 40¢ 2 for 10¢ 1 for 40¢ Decorated Chocolate Eggs, 25¢ Eggs in Baskets, Heun's, Chicks, ete. A.J. REES, 166 Princess $ oly sold a fine horse to W. Frisk, Lucas spent vesterday ib Florida. | wife, at 'A. Brown's; U. Asselstine. at has changed from a desp heavy tone crowded bazzars of the » where | J . R ES, cess t ily ho = an addition to Lathan Clark "has rented his brother, 10. ©. Storms'. H. Snider at Mr. Wood: to shrill falsetto. The colonel atiri- | thousands gather together ate hagele 2 Phone @ va Gallagher, of Walter's, far for a year. Walton jruff's, Coleébrooke; Mr. Anglin, Brewer's butes thie (0 the nolee und datior of {over priess, the <hrill note ie fe ss pas a Mills, and Miss Grace 5s {wry is very buvy in the butcher busi- | Mills, at' L. Gullagher's. : i streets, which dompely Eng: [diately evident, i BIER EEE . selstine, } , are home to spend ness. Visitors: 0. CO. Storms and | Chaage in the English Voice. lishmen to shriek in order to make | Starms' March 26.<W. | Easter vs with their parents. J. Hamily, Mr. Littlejohsi, Gananoyue; W. | A retired Pritich colonel who rears. [themselves heard. Frown bas returned home to apend Wallace is quite ill. Mrs. RB. Asselstine [L. Storms, Florida; FE. Sider and ed 10 London alter an sheenio [} Among ihe Boers of African and the | the Summer with his parents. R. As visited fied fatger, BR. Metaler, who is family, at J. E. Storms'; BE. Perry at thirty years, smav thai during | mountain races of India the male ; ooo very low with typhoid fever. Mrs. E. 0. Babeock's: R. Hollingdale and 'period the average Englishman' voice voice, howavs, is alwaye devs but in

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