Safe Storage Vila: Furs Avoid worry-- Telephone 489 or send a Post Card Onr Fur Waggon will call John McKay, 149-155 Brock St. BUY Ft RNITL RE, CARPETS, CUR- TAINS, ov Before the spring rush is ou. will deliver whenever you want COUCHES, a" great line, . $4.50, $6.00, $7.50, $10 up to $56.00. Old Couches reupholstered on short notice We PARLOR TABLES, $1.50 up to $35, all leading styles, in #Mard- wood, Oak, Mahogany. . SE---- pt PE. CURTAIN STRETCH- ERS. Don't break or sag kind, $1.50 to RUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, Ol, CLOTH, CURTAINS, COVER- _ INGS, ete. Old Furniture Uphédlstered and Re- paired. 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. Never in the history ¢ @ of the store have we shown such High-Class ) Designs and: lower ¢ R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOU 3. Your Money In Real Estate. There is no safer investment on earth-- In fact, it is the earth. Get A piece of it. : More fortunes have been 'built up on shrewd and care- 'ful Real Estate nvestments than on any other founda- © tion. pr 'We have on our list some very desirable sites and pro- pertles. Come in, look fit Gold in Guilight | - o-oo. Easter Tuesday was as gay with social Dimetions ax it was bright with sunshine and laden with the warm sweet Breath of spring. Several host- ewes chose it for entertaining at hin beon and tes and all afternoon, women and girls, in spring fmery, were moving about the streets, from ove gaiety to another, That popular Kimg street hostess, Mis, Hugh Fraser, was at home at the tea tour to about twenty of her friends, marrigd ladies chieflx. Her daughters, Mrs. Charles Tavior emi Mre. Montague Strange made tes and eut the jees, Miss Madge Taylor amd Mise Miltlred Jones dispensing refresh: men = Among the guests wire © Mrs, Clarke Hamilton, Mrs, John Mackle- stom, Mrs. pbs Cochrane, Mrs. Noel Kent, Mrs, Charles Gildersleeve, Mrs, James Gildersloeve, Mrs, Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. Fdward Tor- ranee, Mrs. . E. Purstall, Mra Hiram + Calvin, Mrs. Hubbell, Mrs, Carman, Mrs. Fward 1. Fortt, Miss Annie Muekledon, Miss Macnulay and Mise Nan Skipner, a western ourner very pleasant eg an jo able hour for mang , for Mrs John Fairlie, Rrock wus at home, Miss flina Fair % of the was Up in the city' another Proving p one "treet, le hol days, was aml everyone reeiving with her mother bl the pleasure of a little chat with per. In the tea room, where muny golden daffadile brighten- wl the tea table, Miss Lillian Mowat, and Misz Ninn Faguson disnegsed tey and coffee. with Misk Mav Ross cut ting The girls assistione wore Mise Avnnm and Miss Margaret Fairlie, Miss Alice King, Miss Marion Fesslie, Mise Diss Ferguson. Miss Kate Craig and Mise Wonewood Mackenzie - - - Gladys Sweatman, of the late was married, Church of the B College, eax Miss danghter Toronto, the to Rev, J Trinity Niagara officiated, youngest Archbishop of vesterday, at Messiah, Toronto, Fotheringham, M.A., of he Lord Bishop of Canow MeNab and Rev. Mr assisting. The bride wore ivory messaline with lace ' and pearls, the veil held by the orange blossoms her mother wore. Mrs. John Walton, her «ister, was matron = of honor, and she lace gown with black - picture hat, and carried pink roses, A pearl star was her gift from the groom. Mr Jack Sweatman gave hix sistér away, » we we Ne Mrs. Walter Macnee gave a «mall luncheon at the Country Club, vester- day, with Mrs, Frank Botterell as guest of honor. The others present were Mes. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. Carman and Miss Lily Norton-Tayvlor. - - - - Yesterday, Mrs. (i. Y. Chown, Barrie street, entertained at tea, with Miss Kathleen Wade, of Renfrew and Miss Margaret Maclesman, of Toronto, the most important guests, the others present being the schoolgirl set. rw a we The school girls are having 5 gay week. On Monday Mrs. James Hender- son, Gore street, gave a tea for Miss Milly Hentlerson's friends, Miss Mabel Henderson being guest of honor. - - . "w Mise Macaulay's luncheon, on Mon- day. for Mrs. Botterell, was a very pleasant one, made particularly so hy the presence of Mrs, Charles Abbott, of Stratford Losgrave wore a - -> -> - To-day, Mrs. Samuel Bailey, Univer- sity avenue, is emtertaming at tea, for her nieve, Miss Ida Smith, and the schoolgirls home for the holilays. - - --- To-morrow, Mrs. James Hendry, King street, will be hostess at a tea for the vounger girls, with Miss Mabel Hewoderson as raion d'etre. -> -~ - To-morrow evening the Rev. Pro fessor and Mrs. Jordan will entertain Queen's graduating class in divinity at dinner, Mrs, - G. - Jordan, - Barrie HIGH-0-ME Ww. street, ) | That's the Way to Pronounce Hyomel, the Money-Back Catarrh Cre. As doubt exists in the minds of many readers of the Whig let us sav that the above is the proper pronun- ciation of Ameriva's most wonderful eatarrh cure. - 6G. W. Mahood ix "the agent | for Hyomei in Kingston and he will sefl you am inhaler, a bottle of Hyomei, and full instructions for use, for only $1.00, And if it fails, to cure acute or chronic catarrh, asthma, brouchitis, croup, hay fever or coughs aod colds, he will give vou your money back. The person who suffers from eaterrh after such an offer as that, must like to snuflle, spit and wheeze, and generally disgusti Read what Mr. "Hi inbotham, a re ro Ont, ways svected citiven of G of Hyomei. - % "1 have the:best kind of reason for giving Booth's Hvomei hearty en- dorsement. 1 had suffer with an itching sensation in my throat, swell- ing of the nasal glands nd wlan loading to my eves, in genuine catarch for several months. 1 used several remedies but received no relief wntil I used Booth's: Hyomel. | am glial that there is on sale a remedy that relieves like this ome and also glag to endorse the use and good 'word for Booth's Hybmei.""--X. Higginbotham, 63 Queen MM. ~Siph. Seo Bnia's uaring wale; af next wok Tor of Mrs YAohas, down from Toronto for the Easter | Lto bid gave a little luncheon, to-day, in hon- i of Toronto. -> King street, Mrs Heard Ey gave YOUNG NAY KILLED - a small ten, vestaniay, for Mrs, Frank 'SAUNDERS A. FRAYNE MET Hs Botterell. - -~ Ms. HW Richardson, Stuart street, cave a little tea, yesterday, for Mes, Edwin Chown. - - - George MeKay will peceive but not again thix season. - > > o- \ Norman Tavier, of Araprior, is Nathan Dupuis, Uni - 1 Mrs. morrow, Myre. the guest of Mrs. versity avenue. Mrs. Charles Abbott came down from Stratford to spend Faster Sun- day and Monday with Miss Macaulay, King street. She went home, yester- day. Mr. Mrs. Herbert Horsey gone to (Mtawa, Miss Constance Cooke came from the east, to-day. Mr. Arthar Martin has: returned Hespeler. | Mr, Robert Meek, University avenue, will give a tea ou Friday, in honor of | Miss Florence Sellers Miss Sellers is the interesting cause of u tes to be givem by Miss 1.| Wa'sh, Ulergy street, on Saturday. i > a -> Mrs. John 1. Madill, of Napanee, ih town for the Collinson Sands wed- ding. | My. and Mrs. Frederick Ransom and | their children have been down from | Deloro to spend the Easter holidays with Archdeacon Macmotine, Clergy street, Miss Beatrice McGill bas returned to and have home to i i% Foronto Miss Dow, very charming English girl, who is travelling through Can adi, spent a day, this week, with Mrs, Arthur Jugh, Wellington street. Mrs. "Wo I, Hart has been up from a spending Faster with her mother, Mrs. 1. Savage, Montreal street. Mrs. R. Morrvisan has returned Toronto. Mrs. street, n to Campbell Strange, William i= in Toronto. Mise Gertrude Coutlee and Miss Mare Coursol returned to Ottawa, Monday. on . Toronto, Dyde, > Mrs. Hobart, guest of Mrs. street, Mrs. Frank Botterell, Moutreal, to-day. Mrs. Henry Betts, Earl street, got oli on Easter Monday for her .visit, Miss Willa Waggoner, who has been Miss Mabel Milo, returned, to Toronto. Mrs. Ray Merrill, of Carthage, has been staying with Mrs. T. Barnett, Queen street, Mrs. WW, Chipmah, of Delta, coming up, this week, to visit Mrs. Sellery, Colborne street. Miss Eva Rogers will be home, uglit, from 'Téronto. Mes. Edwin Chown has returned Toronto. -- of Hobart the Johnson returned to visiting to-day, N.Y. A S. to- to - - Lhe engagement is announced of Miss Muriel W. Webster, daughter of Mrs. George Webster, of Hamilton, for- metly matron of Rockwood hospital, Kingston, to Mr. G. A. Richardson, manager of the Bank of Hamilion . at Midland, - ' IS - oe 2» oThe cngagement is announced Mis< Evelyn Leaby, daughter of Mr, William Leahy, Cleveland, Ohio, for. merly of Kingston, to Mr. (Clayton Elmer MacBermott, cof Cleveland, Ohio. ACTOR LIES DYING IN THE HOREL DIEU OF HEART DISEASE. Thomas Ninclaire, of "The Climax" Company Stricken With Fatal 1. ness--His Mother Here From New York, : Thomas Sinclaire, of "The Climax" company which appeared here last Fraday and Satumay at the Grynd Neca House, is very ill in [ote thea, of heart disease. Hie physician, br. BR. W. Garcett, has very litule hope of his recovery. The actor's mother was telegraphed for yesterday, ant she arrived the afternoon on the Cape Virent steamer and was met at Foga's wharf by DD. P. Branigan, manager of tae Grand, who has beem mo-t attentive to the sick actor sine he was taken to hospital after tue puformance by the company last saturday night. Mr. Swmelgire is thirty-five years of | age, and a fine fellow. He asked the doctor this momting what chances he hasl and when told he begged to be given something that would at least keep him alive until his mother arrived took the part of tue doctor in "The! Climax" and gave a faithful presenta- tion of the role. He 'was far from Well i him farewell. Mr. Sinclaire | when he arrives with the company Kingston last Friday afterndon, and] was wholly unfit to appear on the stage that evening, and much less the pexi, but as the company hat fo un: derstindy for his puri, he acted through three performances in tie two duyvs, ani ou Saturday night collapsell, and had to be removed to the Hotel Dieu after the play. It was thought that he would be out in 4 week, hat he | Lrew worse, This afternoon Dr. Garrett said that Mr, Sinclaire might possibly recove: hut would never be able to do any. active work again. Good News. At the request of many cust Best's palm room has been opens Hh the season. This is a full th eatlier than last year, but the present warm weather hac rushed things. Re- gular patrons of this popular retreat will no doubt receive this news: with a great deal of pleasure. H. Hunter, deputy sheriff, was boy to-day io the county serving summonses for the jurors and wit nesses for (he coming setting of the Ligh court in A As a rule, minjstery and editors are |' as the "King of $2 Hats." cowards so far as just convictions are comeerned. We are all more or lesx inclined to fictitions estimation, #0 far as self is concerned, Yaur money will go a long | = (from Rib Lake, in Mrs. I Earl street, 1 come of | " DEATH ar RIB LAKE. Was About Nineteen Years of Age, and Had Been Engaged in Mining District--He Left Kingston Little Over Year Ago. "Saunders H. Fravne killed here. Notify relatives in Kingston." The sbove telegram, was received by Mavor Couper, on Wednesday morning Northern Ontario, was sent via Temagami. The news came as very sad news to Eglily , Frayne, living at 244 #s it turned out to be her who was killed. Although che had mot receivig a letter from him for some little time, he bad written reglafly, and the news came ax a son, | great shock to her. tnly mweague particulars have been creceived of the accident. It oceurred about wine o'clock, on Tuesday ing, aud #1 ix believed that he killed on the sailway. Deceased abolit nineteen vears of age, and was engaged in the mining district. He left Kingston a year ago this winter After having deceased's mother loca- teed, Mavor Couper telegraphed back, stunting that relatives had been poti fied: Tt is not known as vet whether the reniains will be brought to. King ston or .ned, PERSONAL MENTION. even- was was Movements Of The, People~--~What They Are Saying And Doing. Canon Starr, left on Tuesday, New York, Moses [llenson day, ou business, TT. D. Fallot: returned to his home in Cornwall, to-day. F. Conway, of the K. & went to Toronto to-day. George Bawden and' wile, loft Tuesday, on a trip to Toronto. Mies Grace Bajus, returned from a trip to New York, on day. Mrs reeve ill. F.R. Jamison, anee, after gu this eity, RW. Uonner, Visor at Toe dny, LK. Sharpe, Westhuntington, Mounta'n Grove. leon Long, who Queea's, has been spending dave in Ottawa. John Dunn, the city, Ogdenshurg, Norval for went to Tweed, 10 IM railway, on Pues of the 18 Very John E. Irish, wife of Vesmachar township has returned to Na p- visit with relatives Vennachar, was a wel the Whig office, and chilliren, Faster wife spent at attending a fe Ww has returned to his home in NY. Hodgson, left for today, after spending Faster city with relatives. J. K. Carroll, of the Dominion Insurance company has gone to ante and Belleville, Mis. Annie Goutrey, after hes home at Mountain Grove, tured to Buffalo, N.Y. (i. W. Godirey, Albert College, ville, ®ent Fastertide nnder he ental rool, Mountain Grove, Frauk Welch Fart strest,. oft day for Fort William, where he s-curel the rneit'on of agent of Canading freight line. Dr. Cave, wife aml ¢hild, beer iw ting the former's father, . Cavs, rétapned to their home Coenen. on Toesdny, Mrs. Robert Marshall and little son, Bet. who snent the Easter vacation with her mother. Mra. Smith, sion sirest has returned to her in ( 'nton. Ont, Ne'sen Atkinson, the junior hockey player, on the Ports- month tem, is awite seriously ill, and threatened with pneumonia. His of frievtls hope that he will speedy recovery. Toronto, in the ife visiting has re- Belle- to- has the who have / ~~ Pe wel nown have 4 ST. PAUL Ls TEA AND SALE. Was a Success on Tuesday Afternoon and Evening. On Tuesday afternoon and evening a successful ten and sale was held by the Anglican Young People's associa tion, of St. Paul's church. The spac- ious church hall was tastefully decor ated and when the different booths were arranged, a very attractive was presented. the hall during the afternoon, and the many home made articles displaved for sale at the different counters were quickly bought' yp. The young ladies in charge of the tables were kept ver busy. : In the evening the hall proved toe small to pecommodate the large crowd that gathered to hear the concert, Charles Bunt was chairman and in his opening address made" ever: one feel perfectly at home. A fine Pro. gramme of vocal and music was put om; the vounger child ren taking a great interest in the | afiair. sCane » = Knox's spring sale, all next week. , HAVY "The best $2 hats You might as well know Are now sold in Kingston By George Mills & Co." THEWAVERLY HAT A Two Dollar Hat that takes two-and-a-half or three at most stores--a good looking hat that feels good on the head. The WAVERLY is known home © spending a few days in | Nap- par-y The audience was not as larg D. | Mivi- | home | 24 host | A large fflumber visite | instrumental | ithe good wishes following them je sestnnecercrnetnnsesennsactesive. vrs tetesateatseee esnrcsssnsned a special price, Call and see our © 000000000000000000000000000000 = If You are a feeble Old Person we have an offer to make you. Because we khow that our cod liver and iron' tonic VINOL con- tains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting bodies -- ward off dangerous colds -- and replace weakness with strength--we make you this offer: -- Come to our store and get a "bottle of VINOL. If it does not help you wonderfully -- you need not pay us for it. That is-- we will refund your money. VINOL has actually prolonged the life of many old people for several years. ~This is a fact. * Mahood's Drug Store, I'rincess & Bagot Sts. A NATION In_ CONCERT | GIVEN IN QU KEN STREET | METHODIST CHURCH. Addresses on the Scotch, Irish, Eng- lish and Canadians--National Music Was Given. The Nationality concert evening in Queen street charen so far as the programme SUCCESS, held last Methodist was concerned was a pronounced as the the Programe Seren: very of A. Cassidy spoke in a bri, hr 'and interesting wav on "Eng land and the English." Rev. T. W, | Pavidson, right from Peliasi, gave a | neat and witty speech on "leeland and the Irsh."" Jast feast that he will give even | ing in Sydenham "The Lights and | ie." The pastor of the absence of Prof. Morrison "Scotland and the [A Svkes gave a very el | statesmantike ackdress end the Canadians." The snzing twronghout | high order--nd was very much od, Miss Hinckley sang "The Veseran's Nong" in her usual charming style. Mavor Codper delighted the audience {with his Irish song, "The Harp That {Once Through Ta Hall," Mrs Small did a good thing for Scotland, in the singing of "Scots Wha Hae" whils Mis. Evans charmer the audience with her singing of the Dominion i song, and gave as an "Where E'er St. George's Pavmer Waves." The choir '0 Cangala" and The concert was rch treat uualiny re, a taste of the Thursday church, Shadows on street on of Irisy chureh, in the spoke for Rev, *. and "Canada Neotea," (ent of enjoy was a As new encare, ging mm good style "The Maple leaf." Pronpuy peel very COL L INSON--SANDS. A Young Queen's Doctor Kingston Girl. A very quiet wedorng {performed at the residence of the bride' mother, Mrs. 1, 6. Barnett, 300 Queen street, on Wednesday morning, when her daughter, Miss Alice May Sands, was married ta T. Jefferson Collinson, M.D, of Lvons Falls, N.Y., by Rev. Charles Svkes, BA, BD. The voung © couple unattended and the guests were confined to the im mediate relations, The bride wore her of navy blie hroandeloth, with {waist to match, and a turban blue straw with pon-pans of Weds a } COremony was were travelling suit silk of > Works titles are A Fair Insurgent, The Web, The Danger Line, by The Black Butterfly, Bushigrams, by uuy Unmasked at Last, Pharos, the Egyptian, gooa opportunity fc books at remarkably low by Geo The Girl in Waiting, by Lawrence w by of Fiction by the best' British Authors bound in cloth and sold In England at 6G shillings net. lace Curtain Special We are selling a special Lace Curtain this week, extra large, w orth worth $1.25, for 95c. Silk Waist Special We are selling a Black China Silk Waist, fancy front, new sleeve, at $1.95. Millinery TRIMMED HATS. we will put same away until required. CORRIGAN'S. Alexandre Kid Gloves. By paying $1. 00 on any Hat $1.50 Books, Special Price 40c THIS WEEK ONLY We have just received a shipment of 500 English Copyright These are beautifully Among the Horton Archibald Eyre by Paul Urquhart Lynch A. Mackenzie Boothby by wr The Girl Who Had Nothing, Guy Libraries prices, by Mrs. '. M. Williamson by Headon Hill Roothby. « to replace old with new 260 PRINCESS ST. P0000 000000000 0000000000000 00000000 THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 'PHONE 919, Shantung Silks very serviceable. Natural shades from 396 to $1 a Yard ular shades in and Black, at Natural or smooth weave, su able for Coats or 3-pie Special $1 a Yard Headquarters for t newest out, So popular and 80 at All this season's pop- Shan- tungs, including Navy, Old Rose, Nile Myrtle, Brown, Old Blue, Grey 90 and 75¢ a Yard Shantung, extra clear shade, rough ite ce suits, 31 inches wide. he hustard vellow., Her gilt from she igroam was a beaotiful gold watch and {Fetetaine, and her bouquet of ty of the valley. IN Pontes, ferns, white carnations and white tulips decked the rooms wiwre {ihe pretty yvoyng bride was given away iby her grandfather, J. C, Mitchell, iMrs. Chapman, of Seelev's Bay, the {groom's grandmother, was the guest tof honor at the marriage, and the wedding party included the lgroom" # wheter, Mrs. Ray of + I¢ Carthage, X.Y. { Dr. and Mrs. Collinson left on the. {Cdpe boat for their wedding trip. The groom ist. graduate of Quéen's and the bride ds a girl of whom all her fricads are very fond, so many are was also Merrill, A Great Public Benefit, However prejudiond some Pecple are agaist advertined medicines the pen eral public is greatly benefited by «am» For instance such standard re | medies as the Cod Liter and from pre 'paration called Vinol. Its ingresbents are printed on every bottle and its worth has been proven sv often in eases of severe coughs and colds and to create health and strength for the wenk and run-down that ite ssle will continue to increase in the futnre ae it has in the past. Geo. W. Mahood, { FARMERS, ATTENTION! 5 | We carry a full line of MILKING TUBES. TEAT SLITTERS. TEAT DILATORS, and CATTLE SYRINGES, © | | Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist and Optician, '185 PRINCESS STREET. .. "Phone 343. a on '7 HS S4S40SH4UATISIINII S444 0A NY Ay m PIII Ear Attractive: Spring Productions Or Cn River, Cut onsgidering anything for int when ster worth ih GOLD, Pon®nts "Ne Brooches, Riige, Bracelets Pins Tels irk "oer ASK Vanes be Sandy Hates Ole vad ravs AMporLs Bowls, ak VER oC hiengn ates Helish Comports STERLING Pots Sandwich Marma) al Irish Butter Pls SMITH BROS, Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Remodelled and Good System "Good system Is not a ques. tion of doing well, doing the utmost 'In This Laundry we do ouf utmost to avold errors in deliv- ery, amd it is seldom very seldom that mistakes tn this direc tion occur; but when they do, we gquick- ly remedy them but of | Cor, Priscess sad Sydeukam Sis zz . | Kingston Laundry | i En 0000. repaired, also stored for the summer, WwW. F. Gourdier. "7 at