BANK OF TORONTO Oo" RESOURCES ARE LARGE AND OUR EQUIPMENT FOR THE HANDLING OF ALL DE- SCRIPTIONS OF BANK- ING ACCOUNTS AND BUSINESS 18 COMPLETE, WE CAN, THEREFQRE, OFFER TO ats Denes lo Business Mea EVERY FACILITY FOR SAFE AND CONVENIENT HANDLING OF THEIR BANKING BUSINESS. IN- TEREST 18 ADDED TO SAVINGS BALANCES HALF YEARLY. Capltal. . | : Reserved Fands-. . . $4,818,871 KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, a cm. George B. McKay, Manager. THE PRESENTATION OF TRO Is TOOK PLACE, ~~ Ladies' Club to Hold a Week's sociation Games to be Played H The winding up meeting for vear of the Kingston Curling ( was held in the club rooms on T day evening, the president, Prof, presiding, Over fifty members present. The cups and prizes through the year wore presented, 1 speeches of reply being made by receipts. The handsome which = without doubt one of great erodit Rogers dnd Wright, was the rink skipped by A. sides the large team, 1. M. Shaw, Bails and A. sterling sibver resented Strachan. of Ww. np each one 1. Douglas, Strachan, shields, mounted mission oak. The large trophy he held by the skip for the year. The Carruthers medal for the was won by W, H, many close battles. wan presented te J. M. Macdonald « the Ogilvie shield to Rev. Prof bert Laird. While the cups were ing presented the selves up to the spirit gion and the time quickly, The Stewart of the passed all to "Eddie" Lyon, the ellicient secretary of the plause was vigorous, ending with singing of "He's a Jolly Good low." A hearty vote of thanks also passed to 3S. R. Bailey, ter of ice. A A letter was received dies' curling club of the wink for a held a bonspicl west, The request of the ladies grantbd with great pleasure hy members, will do in t power to make the afinir Fhe matter of all the Central socintion games being played here the one tme, instead of travelling be Hevi'le, Napanee, Prescott anid Be ville wis also considered. Many « side clubs have also spoken of thi all seem to favor it, Jt will likely through at the next genial, club, * the the uw from the asking for the week next winte from the east okt cm ss _-- We have everything to make your boat complete. Don't. worry about tke price We give you manufacturers' prices better than you can send away and get. vho all First Comes, Copper Paint for the Bottom, Chats, Chocks, . Lamps, Fenders, Rope, Anchors, « Cellenlold for Spray Heads, Modifying U.S. Rugby. Flags and Paddles, changes have i the United States ( loge Rugby mentors They wil be perimented with until April 29th, w Estimates Furnished on complete out. the committee will meet at Phila phin and their final" decis W. A. Mitchells Hardware, =r oo » 85 and 87 Princess St. | 1 ftemoval The approved by following make of the five-yard Spring Dress Goods The very latest ideas in French and Eng- lish materials. Something different to what others are showing. All the latest shades in Ashes of Roses, Violets, Purple, New Greens, Blues, Wistoria. Greys, Taupes, etc. Prices §0c to $2.80 yard. SPECIAL STRIPED VENETIAN BROADCLOTH, worth 75c, for 60c yard. All Wool Bengalines, in all co-~ lors. Regular 75c¢ for 65c yard. New Spring Suits and Coats Also the latest novelties in Military Capes A pleasure to have you walk through our establishment and examine the extensive stocks. singl Montgomery, after members gave th PH- Bous- piel Next Winter--All Central As! ore. the hubs Gill, wera! wn rent the new trophy frecéived at McAuley's. the | finest trophies in the city, and refl te day, handling the on the designers, Messrs, to | Pa the | NM. each received | on | will os cup and | Ro- be- em- HCH 200 ! When a vote of thanks was' tendered | and | aps the Fel: Wik AS In. Sa | rio and wa the heir fn Rueeesy, as- at to ek- mt and gO annual meeting ween ol xe hen del- sion, restric! FE i 4) "New Fancy Collars, I New Stocks and Bows Over 1,000 to select from. Prices 26c, 35¢ and 8§0c. The latest ideas in Shirt Waists - Your exact size can readily be found in goods. New York designs. $1, 1.50; 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00. ~ tion against the wan who receives the HE CURLERS FINAL £2 ffm he mapper boke | 2-There shall be only sven men in, ie line of scrimmage. 4--Prohibition of the flying tackle. Division of the game mto : then Bn munite periods. { 5 There shail be no push ing or poll ing of the runner with the bail, LE milation of outside kick twenty yard + mag. INCIDENTS OF TH: DAY. '| Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re' porters On Their Rounds. | Visit Knox's during their week of April 4th, William Swaine, piano tuner, Phone very busy, crowds returning spring sale, Orders Tis The railways were 145 from the Easter vacation H. Cunningham, piano tuner {Che ckering's. leave orders at Aulty's bookstore. The to-day registered | sixty degrees. Citizens ave remarking upon the mild weather for this time of the year. i 'The government dredge Sir Richard | and the tug Trudeau have been taken lout of the dryv-dock. They will 'hei engaged in work in this district this summer. | Prof, James Soall, Mrs. - Small and ["tervey and Harold Angrove will leave for Montreal on Tuesday to fulfil two iprofesdonal engagements, The King- {ston soloists are in great demand this year, from thermometer SEVERELY CONDEMNED. Hard and Fast Routine in Teaching in Schools. Toronto, March 30.--~A feature of {this morhing's session of the On- tario Edueational association was the frankness: of the language used by a number of those delivering in the various sections in regard to eduecatdonal methods, The slavery to form and the strict observance of hard and fast routine in the the schools were severely condemned. It wis urged that the greatest scope to indivduality in the tether should be given, Inspector Standing Brantford, and Principal Denny, of Uttawn, were. among the principal speakers take this view of the i : | k addresses teaching in to matter, i i Want Commerce Committee. i Toronto, March 30.--Fhe thr: wich Of /the Ontario Retad tion] 1 it the annual meeting held [night, passed a resolution expres | the opinion that the Ontario {ment was not devoting {and attention i« with commercial matters and asking i the provincial board of the association {to interview the government and urge jupon it the advisability of appointing a committee of commerce. Faronto associa last ing govern enough time legislation dealing | ------------ + i To Settle in Hamilton. Hamilton, - March 30.--It was nounced, this morning, that the lan Ainsley Lumber company, Leamington, and Sarnia, to locate in Hamilton, has purchased property end with a frontage of will erect two large fifty, hands will company will saches and office an Lud of had decided The company in the 500 feet buildings. be employed. manufacture furniture, east and Xbout The doors, Car Jumped the Tracks. y Jackson, Mich.,, March 30.--While rounding a curve at high speed early, po-day, a Detroit-United Railway In. terurban car jumped the track, killing an unidentified man and injuring five others. The dead man was mangled beyond recognition. Al of the injured probably will recover, A Strike Inevitable, Chicago, March thousand coal miners in Iilinois pre paved, to-day, to strike next Friday in the general movement of bituminous miners in the United States for wage increases. Both operators and miners regard the breaking off of negotiations which had been on since March Sth in Cincinnati, making the strike in evitable, 30.~Reventy-five as Earthquake in Italy. Rome, March 302A severe quake oceurred, this morning, in Cala- bria. The shock was most severe at Catanzro and Meleto. Inhabitants of both these towns fled to the surround- ing country. Houses were shaken down in the second of the series of the shocks extending over several min- utes : earth- . ' Received by the Clerk. The resignation of Ald, W, Gi. Craig was received by the city elerk to-day, but Ald. Cralg notified Mayor Couper that he would serve until the res g- ination was acted upon, and €t will ibe taken up at the next meeting of the city council two weeks hence. Died on Same Pay. St, Catharines, March 30.--Mr. and Mis. Joseph Tovey, of Betier township died of pneumonia within an hour of each other. Mr. Tovey was seveatv- eight vears amd his wife seventy-six years old. They had beam married for forty years. Acvording to the information receiv. ed by the Ontario police, the provin- cial government was defranded during the past year of a sum approximating £6,000, paid in wolf bounties, Over twenty dominion land veyors will be working out of dm ton subdividing a lands this omring. They will cover a total of several million acres Mayor (Gaynor, of New York, vetoed the ordinance providing for a system for recording dates when food pro- ducts are placed in cold storage. A Detroit United Railway inter-ur- ban car is reported blown up by dynamite, east of Jackson, Mich. Many sare reported hurt. i Best's palm room "has been opened for the season. The Newfoundland Oil Fields, Limited, is about to offer S000 £} 'shares in Londen. sar- - 5 beyond the line of serim- | £1 Act i | Twnlve hundnad { Buropesn MARCH_30. 0 "AGREE IN RELATIWE POWERS OF COM- PANY INCORPORATION. four | {Dominion and Provincial Representa- thes Deliberated-----split was on Method to be Adopted Regarding Jurisdiction. | Ottawa, March 20.--Tte conference [between the federal and provincial re presentatives with respect to relative powers of company incorporation | wound up last evening without any agreement being reached. t I'he point of difference was as to the , method that should be adoptetl in {order to determine the jurisdiction of the Dominion mad provinces respec Htively in the matter of incorporation, On the one hand the ywovinees oon- tended that the British North America should be amended in the direc { tion of giving legislative sanction to the jurisdiction claimed by the pro ft As agminst this view, the Do- Jan representatives proposed that, as in all other matters iowvolving a feonstitutional issue, the matters in ji spute should be rol ferred in the shape {of a stated case to the Supreme Court | and if necessary, carried to the Privy { Council, in ortler to obtain an suth- oritative judicial decision that would be binding on all parties for all time. { In discussing the proposal of the { Dominion, the provincial representa tives laid strgss on the fact that a judicial decision might lead to greater | confusion than that which exists at present, and that if the courts decid ed against the contention of the pro- viness there would be a loss of reve nue from the fees charged for incor porating companies. Both the Minis ter of Justice amd the Secretary of State combatted these arguments, and it was pointetl out that when a de cision of the Supreme Court upset what Fad been the practice of the Patent Office for over a quarter of a century, the Dominion government promptly had legislation passed vali dating all paten's that were affected by the decision in question, and it was further pomted out that it Wm the flcase of companies the court should decide against the jurisdiction claim by the provinces, the Dominion parliament could again pass legisla tion validating the incorporation of a | provincial companies incorporated te ore such decision was rendered, and whieh, but for such Dominion legisla- tion, might be held to be invalid. The conferenve adjourned to permit the {provincial delegates to confer upon the subjects under discuesion. At the afternoon sitting the provin- cial delegutes presented a resolution that in the public interest the powers exercised by the provinces for forty vears should not be brought into ques (tion and that foreign corporations {should not be accorded in any pro vince greater powers than companies incorporated by sister provinces. They expressed willingness to join a cop | feremce to draft amendments to the B.N. A. Act more clearly to define and set at vest the respective rights. Sir Wilfrid Laurier expresse| {grot that some conclusion conitl not pe arrived at Hon. Mr. Aylesworth stated that before the cowlerence dis- solved he desired to call attention to a statement in the resolution that the powers in discussion hed bear exex- cisad by the proviaces for over forty years without question. The Minister of Justice time of Confederation, from the of Sir Johin Macdonald to the pres- ent day, had repeatedly calla the attention of the provinces to acts in- corporating companies wherein the provinces had gone beyond their jurisdiction in assuming to confer on provincially incorporated companies powers not within their jurisdietion under tFe British North Americs Act. He also stated that in the early days of Confaleration the provinces had not gone beyomd their powers which various ministers of justice con sitlered they possessed, as they have heen doing during more recent years The statement in the resolution tfat the jullgment of the Supreme Court in the Canaflian Pacific Railway vs Ottawa Fire Insurance company, which is reported in the resolution as { having upheld the contention of the | provineis, was commented upon at an {earlier stage of the proceedings, and the remarks them made indicate that i this statement was not correct. Twa | judges of the Supreme Court = upheld tthe contention of the provinces, two upheld: directly opposite views, one did not pass an opinion on the gener al' question, but restricted his judg- ment to the case between the private litigants before the court, and the sixth judge did not take part in the judgments, stating that that was not a proper case in which to dispose of a serious constitutional question i eel re- the time from Increase Stipends of Ministers. Toronto, March 30.--The Augmenta- | tion committee of the Presbwierian General Assembly devitled yesterday, owing to the increased cost of living, to recommend to the General As. serchbly that $50 be adiled to the min- imum salary of all ministers, which mean: that 8550 would be the mini- mum in the east and $950 in the west. They suggest that this increase take effect from Januar] of this year. The receipts for the past year amounted to $13. 217.52 and expenditures totalled $28.367.50, New Goods Bargain Prices. 15 nutmeégs, 56. 1 10. tin Durham mustard, 5 Be. 1 doz. large oranges, 3,larze pi , De. 4 10¢. packages lly powder, Je. 1 Ib, good veoeoa, Ie. 5 Ihe, figs, 25e. 5 lbs. prunes, 32 1 Ib. 40c. Japan ¢ or black tea, MWe. 1 Ib, 40e, coffee, 2 i 1b. cooking butter 22e. Mullin's grocery, corner Johnson and Division streets, Settlers From United States. Winnipeg, March 20. --The inrush of settlers from the United States con tinues unabated. © During February, {1,207 settlers entered Canada at this int, as compared with 605 for wary, 1909, and there were 126 cars of settlers' effects, ax pared with forty-five for February last year hundred Britich and Northern So 1910. ---- RESCUS ED FROM Flak. : Woman Gave Birth to Child in Ex- citement. Chicago; March 30. Fifty women | and children were rescued by with ladders in » fire panic four storey Chatham 46th street firemen | in' apartme: and Cottage Grave avcilie. to-day. One fireman was serioush in juresl by an explosion which shatie ed a large plate glass widow. Mrs | James Wilson, thirty vessrs old, : hiith to a som on the third floor in| her apartments during the excitement. She and the infant were carried to | the street by firemen and hastened to} an hospital. Over 100 persons were the building when the fire started. Lie ini Charge of Attempted Murder. h Taronto, March 30, Wood | ward, a real estate agent, living atl 75° Rewilworth Crescent, was eomnyit-| ted in the police court this morning | for trial on a charge of (attempted | murder Frank G. Imber, a painter, 9 Duvernet avenue, was the plainant, Imber testified that ward ealled at his place March and after some casual remarks a ravolver saving as. he did "Frank, 1 am going to shoot Imber grappled with I'm struggle which followed the weat off, the bullet head, behind tha ear. terwards fired "a went wide, son he John €, com- | Wood- | thi drew 80, you," { the weapon and io entering Imber's Woodward af | second shot,: but it | the only rea Woodward's the man to he. having too much atten- wife Imber saic give for had ordered from W's place; could was that he keep away heard he was paying tion to his (Imber's) act { ---------- Child Performer Hurt. Brantford, March 30.---At Theatorium here, yesterday afternoon, | before a crowded house, one of the pair of Rasmussen children, aged four | and five years, while sliding down a] wire from the rear of the hall 10 the stage, suspended on a rope. with her teeth, Tell on dn empty seat just in | front of the stage and was seriously | injured. The rope on which she was! suspended broke. The police state that | action will be taken to prevent the employment of children of this age in such dangerous work, the Gem! --------------. Fire and Skating at the Bijou. The great picture drama, "The Burning Of Rome," was receiv at the Bijou, to-day, and proved one of the most splendid dramas ever re ceived, and to-morrow, "Ae companied by Servants And Masters an extremely good comedy, introducing the "Apache Dance," - and comedy, "Prison Rather Than Star vation." Accompanied to-morrow bv a drama, "The Wild Woman of the | Castle," and "Stunts On Skates," by Geogge Lamy, world's champion skat er, "Nero," or To-day a second Merger May be Blocked. Hamilton, March There is still said to be a possibility that the mer- | ger planned by the Hamilton Steel & | Jron company, and which will take in| the Canada Bolt and Nut Works, with factories in Toronto, Brantford and | Gananoque, will fall through. It is | reported that the charter of one of | these companies makes it possible for any stockholder with a hundred shares to block a merger, and this is given as the reason for which the Hamilton company is taking such pains please the minority shareholders 30. toi ' A Sad Tragedy. It often happens--your is stopped on. Why not nam's Corn Extractor.' one day. Absolutely "Putnam's.," Use no sore corn 2 "Put- cures in pain with | other use It no The seventh 'death, | let fever outbreak, occurred at Lon- don, Ont., on Tuesday. Two move arrests have at Montreal in connection Rattray failure. Something special * each day week during Knox's spring sale. | A rough-cast house near Belleville, | snid to be a century old, was burned | yesterday. lee cream at Best's palm room. Navigation will open at Ottawa on Monday. This ix the earliest date in | the history of the Ottawa, river, THE QUEEN'S Toronto, the City of Canada, has much of the ful. It is found | in the wi handsome churches, artistic | ic due to the sear been made | with the next | are many; Aout, tt, approaching } the Queen's for perfect service, quiet comfort, and homelike surroundings, and the iar excellence of itscuisine. Ite fame is far-reaching, and many re- pleasure the hours spent Within ita hospitsblie walls. Ths charges are based on European plan, and are as follows: am wichout bash {amssions Plan) Amtthan ar Re yg per day wp; (Ruropean Plan) $1.50 per dayup Bost 84 Boot» In Kingston Come in and inspect it, and compare quality and price. PATENTS AND TANS, $4.50 to $5. "Repairing Promptly Dene. 70 BROCK STREET. 6000s 0scctoosscensee It is easy to ¥ooh the home looking clean and bright when you can send your curtains, drapes, elc., here to be cleaned or dyed. * *® * . ° ° . " . * * * . ° . * . . OUR SALT IS ALL Sar ts arrived here fast | If you want that kind bags or br rels, Tine or comrse, call ai. gave} To forget this stock when looking is to deny -your choice from many desirable styles and mate- rials not to be found elsewhere. ; We have a collection certainly to be reckoned with in selecting the New Spring Gown. All Wool French Worsted, All Wool Striped Serges, All Wool Satin Prunella, AHl-Wool Venetian Cloths, All Wool Serges, All Wool Broadecloths. Each of the above in the popular spring shades. Prices range 75¢c, 99¢, $1.25. ALL WOOL CREAM SERGES, 49¢, 56¢, 75¢, 95¢ Black Dress Goods At prices that mean a saving. Black Cashmere, 49¢, 59¢, 65¢, 75¢, 99¢. Black Voile De Paris, Black French Poplins, Black All Wool Armure, Black All Wool Taffeta Cloth, Black Lustres, 25¢, 49¢, 65¢, 75¢ up, Black All Wool Broadcloth, $1, 1.25, 1.89, and many other materials, ranging in price From 25c¢ to 75c. New Kid Gloves Specially attractive are the New Gloves this spring. The Smart Cut, the perfect fit and the fine soft skins of these gloves helped us to a large glove business last week, the best in our history THE GLOVE is the finishing tonch to a well- dressed woman's attire and we: suggest the par- chase of the best makes, namely owl § PERRIN'S, in alkthe wanted shades for spring, $1 and $1.26. DENTS, $1 and $1.25. REYNIER'S, $1.25. Special Values In Girls' Kid Gloves, 50c, 69c¢. Boys' Kid Gloves, 69c. A a a Pa tll tl iN ANDREW a We have had experience and we have the stock. Almost everything for children you will find at The Lockett Shoe Store ° And at lowest prices.