Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1910, p. 5

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Sale Saturday Morning, 8.30 O'clock. ---------- a A a 2:100 Pieces White Muslin .. Underwear. Nightgowns, Muslin Skirts. Regular 90¢, $1, 1.25, 1.50, ~ For 48¢ Each. A AN NP BA NNSA NN i mi a Corset Covers, Drawers. Regular 50¢, 60c, 75¢, For 25¢ Each. This is an extraordinary offering, which we secured from the largest manufacturer in Canada. In spite of the enormous ad- vances on all classes of Cottons we mark these goods at actually less than other merchants are PAYING for the very same articles, Every garment neatly made and trimmed. Ample fullness and width in every picce. 480 Allover Net Blouses In the latest summer styles, White, Cream and Ecru. Regular values $4.50, 5.00, 6 00, 7.00, . For $1.98 Each. a See Window Display. AA tl Ss A ANN, R.WALDRON » Eh at ep oe + [NATURES lines are graceful, - 4 Vgmooth flowing, healthy lines -- like the Venus Medeci -- not. approval. - Welooked the (sion conte the wodd over in our quest for a perfect corset. Our designers studied the styles at the Longchamps race-ttack Paris, in the tea is and New York, in the great dressmaking establish- la Paix. Then our ideas were developed on the human iva' Renaissance is the result. ."- and "Syelte™ Kingston and Yarker. We never presented a greater range of such pretty DRESS HATS as will . bd on 'exhibition to-morrow morning. All the energy and resources of our workroom are directed to this end. Each HAT bas its INDIVIDUAL STYLE treatment. = . Come in Early, Please. + ~ Pearsall's Millinery sald Sour Kraut™ It is now can ok EIS ALL SALT. if rels, or coarse, call ANDREW MACLEAN'S, 3 Ontario Street. i The world is full of people who catinot sucoessiully stand prosperity or praise. The after {a rt ie mr Fa ci of {motes will be negotisble at the King- OUR SALT | want that kind, SIE or bar. A at HAVE BEEN PAID THE COURT | BY TIPPLERS. The Trouble Experienced by Magis. trate in Dealing With Cases of Men on "Prohibited List"----Men Nearly Always Want to Shield Person Who Served Them. The way of the transgressor is hard, likewise the way of the man who has been placed on the "prohibit. ed list," that is if 'he still endeavors to "secure liquor. Kingston has quite a. large number on its list, and quite a few of them are 'continually getting into troubie. During the past few years a large amount of money has been paid into the police court, by these unlortu- nates. However, the fining does not appear to be a cure, as the person who has the taste for strong drink will dé almost anything to secure it, The suggestion has been thrown out by some, that instead of the imposing of fines, that there should be some place where these people could be taken, and given a cure, that they should be taken where they could be iven treatment, and time for the Et to get out of their system. (H- tefi times, a person is brought before the magistrate, a heavy fife is impos- ed, it is paid into the court, and, "perhaps, Lhe very same night he is again found under the influence of : ¥ 1 $ IN. AN ENDEAVOR 'TO TRACE | SIMON DYMENT, BARRIE, ELECT. - FALSE FIRE ALARMS. "© ED PRESIDENT , Every Effort Possible to be Put Forth to Catch the Guilty Ones-- sum of $50 to be Paid for Informa- tion. A reward of $50, will be offeresl by the city, for miormation which will lead to the arrest of the person or pe.sons, who have. beem guilty of sending in false alarms, to the hire de! pal tment {Owen Sound; Capt. 'Alexander Mebou i There. have Iden so many false gall, Duluth; J. M. Smith, Colling : alarms sent into the fir of 1a» wood; Hiram A. Calvin and Ww. +. | tint both Mayor Couper' ald AM. (Fair, Kingston. The first business | Rigpey, chairman of the fire and wag the election of officers, which re- | ugn: committee, believe tha. 4 13 | qulted as follows : 3 | Lah time thal some steps wer: taken, | President--Simon Dyment, Barrie. to find the guilty party. and ibe mai-| Viee-president--Hiram A. Calvin. ter of offering a veward for informa Secretary--W. J. Fair, Kingston. tion, has béen taken, hs the first step Many private matters were discussed The advertisement, offering the by the directors and everything was vord, aswel signe! by Mavor Couper, | found satisfactory and a fine future ix | appears jo the Whig. of to-da,'s ssue, i ccured for the new enterptise. { and will hold good at any time. There] NM Smith was seen by the Whig | ix a heavy penalty, of many veirs ml so the meeting and he said the | the penitentiary, for such a «rive. an | gieciors were quite satisfied with the | it is to be hoped that some cliawidif everything was going and they | be peck) regarding who has been the would be in good running order in al respontiye perl, £.- . v weeks. The foundation for the Tracing a {ales alan is a very dif- [50 TENET dou and the steel | ficult 'matter, as the person who framing and machinery is on the way. doing the work nlways has it ar Inside of 'a. month the new company ranged 10 be near the box when. no Iwill be able to repair ships in a sas person is. around, wid of gourse runs |. factory manner, and the concern is | Of the Kingston Shipbuilding Com- pany--The Plant Will be in Run ning Order in a Few Weeks. The opganization meeting of the | directors of the Kingston Shipbuild- | ing company was held on Thumsday ai- | terpoon in the British American hotel, the lollowing being in attendance : Simon Dyment, Barne; H. B. Smith, | ee higuor, and has to be taken to the lock-up again. ! The one great trouble that the court has to contend with in dealing with these cases is the securing of informa- tion from the accused as to where he secures his liquor. Naturally, he wants to shield the man who has given him his drink. If he does not; be knows that the next time ) he wishes.to quench his thirst, there will be "nothing doing" for him thens And s0_he holds off. And for this same reason many a man has had to spénd a week in jail, on remand, just because he will not tell the magistrates where he secured the liquor. | All sorts of stories are told the court, about where the liquor was se cured, and some of the stories are ridiculous. The old story, about meet- ing a man on the street, who had a bottle, has been told so many times that the court has become tired of it. This kind of evidence will not do, es- pecially * when the names of parties cannot be given, and Kingston's magistrate has come out strong on this point, stating that a person must give the name of the person who gave him the liquor. | "A man I met on the street gave me a drink, out of a bottle. I do not know his name, he appeared to be a stranger." How . very, very often a story like 'this has been told the magistrate. It' might go for a couple of cases, but after that there's nothing to it, and so there must be "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," in regard to these liquor cases. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. |The Girl Question" to be Discussed on Saturday. Fresh and preity, funny tuneful, Snappy and dashing, is the new music play, "The Gin\ Question," which H, H. Frazee presents at the Gra on Saturday, matinee and night. Like "The Time, the Place And the Girl," the book and lyrics for "The Girl Question" were written by | Frank Adams and William Hough and the music by Joseph E. Howard. The {jokes are witty and original, the situations funny, and though at mo- ments there is a dramatic situation for a tenderly pathetic line, which igenerally svemis incongruous . or bor- dering on the melodramatic in a {musical comedy, they are introduced there with a tact and deftness which only heightens their enjoyment, as a contrast to the fun of a woment be- fore. Another merit of the play is that it is clean. There is not a sug- Jgentive line or sceme in the play, "and if "The Girl Question" is 'a yuestion of girls, ité rating must be 'A 1., for no prettier, more chorus was ever assembled. The show girls are regally beaujiful, yet have no lack of animation, while the little broilers are childishly edger and happy inf their delightful dances. B.A. Hotel Arrivals, W. R. B, Leslie, Wm. JJ. MeMas ter, Montreal; J. RB. Cadville, Brock ville; Geo. H. Hill, Wm. G. Davidson, 4. T. Carlind, Montreal: ©. H. Rus sell, Buffalo; 8S. W. Crosby, New York; 8. Dyment, Barrie; W. A. Filson, Montreal: W. M. Piper, Toronto: H. W. Marshall, Syracuse; W. T. Samp- son and wife, Jack Sampson, Ganan-. oque; Chas. H. Binks, Montreal: J. Towusend, Horace Shaver, H. Logan, Toronto; John Porter, Montreal; Alex, McDougall, R. A. Melelland, Duluth; 0. Asselstine, Owen Sound; W. J, Stewart. Toronto; Geo, B. Jones, Montreal: C. F. voane, Washington; R. S. Hutton, Sheffield, Eng. Accept British. Postal Notes. Beginning today 'British postal S. ston post-office, and it is presumed 'he same condition of affairs will prevail throughout all Canadian cities. Hith- erto people here presenting these notes at the post-office they th, antl occasionally these banks re- sed to accept them, with the result that the notes had to speedily re- turned to Britain, as they are only valid for one month. Face value will now be allowed for these postal notes eee Attend the Meeting. youthful or merrier | at twenty of the leading post-offives of |" Canada pos nny af soon as he hus st. in the now looking for contracts, with al IT . {hope that by the time the buildings lon me. lake alarms hosp up uch are ready the men will have an order "We will have to hate a hew avetom to start on at once. Inside of Swal installed. We will Have to have the weeks over fifty men will be VT » fire Boxes arvunged so' that when they [30d the force will be gradua iy ~ LHe open them to send 'mn the alarm, there creased until hundreds are employ ed. will be something to hold the hwnd | The new building will be built on the | in the bot until the fireman arvive, | Vest side of the dock, and will be at | who will know the combination. and the start 125 by 62 feet, two storeys | then be able to release thé hand. This | Migh It will be built so that it ean | would be one way of entching the [Pe ® | to and extended out furths enilty party. but, of course. if some |i necessity demands it. The ships knew that this was arrafiged for. they will be"built here and will be launc h- | mwicht be afraid to pull the box" ed either into the dry-dock or into the Sending im a false alarm ie not (Slip at the other side. only hard on the firemen, and the ap- paratus, but it is also a very danger- ous practice, as when 'the firemen are rewoniline to a false alarm in one section of the city, un real fire wav Freak out in another sertion. and in this way a great 'deal' of damage might be done, hefore they could ar rive upon the scene. ES APRIL FOOL'S DAY. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "The Merry Widow" Was a Brilliant | Production. i A second ricit was paid by "1 he | Merry Widow' company, which ap-| peared at the Grand last night, al large audience being present. Among | those © who witnessed the prodi® tion! were the directors of \the new King-| ston Shipbuilding compyny, who were in session yesterday, on occupied | two boxes. "The Merry Widow' one of the most delightiu} of musical | comedies. It has a group of talent | ed principals, of whom Charles Mepk- | ins and Frances Camiron are the lead-! ers. 'The former, once a church tewor! soloist, is now a clever comedian, and | recognized as. the most graceful dancer on the American stage. Miss Came- | {ron can act as well as sing and | However, a-great many. jokes, were |dance, and is thus more successful than pulled off aveuind the &ty, and the | the ordinary musical comedienne. With- | j little folk were nat, by anv means; re. out doubt the best actor in the play] sponsihle fog it: all. Several got fake (is John Thomas, who takes the role} messages ent fa. them , over the [of an embassy messenger. Two other | 'phone, and. had to take it all good |HinRers of note in the company naturedly when they realized what day | Miss Anpa Bussert and Misha Ferenzo. | it. was, . . 1 he staging is magnificent. Maxim a One joker was standing at the cor- |! the third act, was simply gor- | ner of Princess god King strects, when | geous, No other company has ever | he hailed. a friend." + shown such brilliant costumes. i "Bay," the said, "the soldiers < barracks* are & very Hired lot; They All Like Kingston. morning." ¥ Kingston has the reputation with | "How is thal ¥" anxiously inquired all big theatrical companies and at the other, ! : | theatrical headquarters of being the "Well, 'don't wou think they would {best one-night stand place in Can- | be after thivtv-one days' arch ¥' re. jada. and equal to the best of the | plied the joker, at the same time mak- | smaller places in the nited States. | ing a hasty retreat. | Charles Meakin, the leading man of | The. other fellow: then realized it |The Merry Widow" company, in talk- | was April Fool's * day," and he, too, [ing with a Whig representative, last | made a hurried departure, declaring evening, said that Kingston audiences | that be would fool 'the very first per. [Were known by theatrical people to be son that he came across. | most appreciative of good work, and There was one man in the city this | that was the reason why so many en- | morning who was not at all in good | ©OTe responses were de. Mr. Meakins Eumor and he considered he had a (and Miss Cameron must have " i right te be so. About 3 a.m., his tele [about worn out last night when they | | phone rang, and he was informed [got through responding to repeated | ! that a relative of his was seriously ill recalls for their Merry Widow waltz. at a down town hotel and he l -------------- wanted. He dressed hurridly and ran | It's Plainly Apparent. i Gown to the hotel. only to find it] Judging by the splendid hat busi- | dork and Jocked up tight. Ho began to pest we have done. this spring it is | rattle the door, and whem it was plainly seen that the mien are thor not opened he kicked and pounded un- [oughly well pleased with our til he ronsel the proprietor who came [styles and good values in fine down to sce what the trouble wns. |New derbies, $2, $2.50, $3, $4. Needloss to, say there was. no sick per {hell Bres.', Kingston's foremost ton and po-one knew who telephoned. |store. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Fake Messages and Frrands Were Much in Evidence. To-day was April Pool's day and fake errands © and messages were much rips tevidence. © "Bid 'yon get stun, vet?" was the quéstiol*many a oe boy asked another. 'I'hig is always a great day with the children, but 'as the schools dré not' in! session this week, the fun was curtailed somewhat. is are in | this was new | hats. | Camp | hat | Attached as Nurses. Misses Bessie A. Hatch, Whitby, Louise Brock, Margaret M, Mill Isabel Mclntyre, Ottawa, and ney May Pugh, Kingston, will be at] tached as nursing sisters in a corpse! of instruction to the military nursing hospital at Halifax from May 2ud, for | a period not to exceed a month Coal Vessels Will Soon be on Their Regular Routes. The steambarge Hinckley was due to leva Oswego, tewlay, with a cargo of coal for. Alexandria Bay. The tug Thomson, of M. T. Co., went into the government dry-dock, to-day. A voung man working on a steamer near David' dredock, Thursday after noon, lost his balance, apd had a vold dip in the "water. Only for the timely arrival of some of the men, he would have ting out, The steambarge Sowards and the schooner. Major Ferry may leave to- night, for Oswego, to load coal. They have their clearance, papers, but were unable to clear, yesterday, as the ice was too heavy. Christy's Scott's and Buckley's World renowned hats, at Campbell Bros." : and Mu Y. W. C. A. : and see what's, April 5th, at 196! Johnson street, 3 to 6. 10¢c i had 'a difficult time get- i } } Beef, iron and wine made from fresh | beef and won and best quality sherry wine, pint bottles, 50c, 1 Prouse's drug store, opposite St. drew's church. On Thursday evening quite a scrap occurred at a local five cent theatre The proprietor and a patron were mix- ed up in the argument that was quite interestine while it lasted. Bibby' $2 hats are dandies. The gutter seams to be the natural place for the man who is content stay there, Come, come, come, doing on Tuesday, The devil always baits the trap of temptation sparingly, at fist. to a ha 232 PRINCESS STREET! ; square - - square b may be played as an or- That mean give away prices We are stock clearing in PIANOS AND ORGANS! All overhauled by an expert ; and put in good condition at 3 Any of this stock may be bought on terms of payment to suit your income PIANOS ORGANS , li BELL, 5 octave, 11 DUNHAM & BON a | gotg of reeds, 19 stops, $40.00 powerful tone, hand pump, suitable for a church $110.00 FODERICH. piano case, 6 octave, 11 stops, knee swell $50.00 KARN, 5 octave, 11 : stops, knee swell, $35 00 dinary piano; suitable GODERICH. 5 octave, for a restaurant or a 10 stops, knee swell summer hotel - $200.00 4 $25.00 ELDRIDGE, 5 octave, | 8 stops, knee swell | | $200.00 1 ER I ERE GREAT UNION, a $30.00 AUTOMATIC, oper- ated by Electricity, or ERNEST GABLER, a square - $50.00 Wormwith-Weber Piano Co. $ LIMITED KINGSTON WY $ WY YR TY YY TTT TY YY been Special for Saturday AT - The Montreal Stock Co's Selling 300 Out Sale inches wide, very evenly woven with a fine lustre finish Yards French Wool Pop- lin, fine medium weight quality, leading spring shades, 44 inches wide, Regular price 3 Special for Saturday 45¢ Regular Price Hoe Special for Saturday 32¢ 500 Yards 8-4 Unbleached : Sheeting, best Canadian make, splendid wearing and washing quality; very evenly woven and easily bleached Regular Price 30h Yards ladies Batin Cloth Dress Goods, in all the Spring Shades, medium weight, suitable for Spring Suits and Dresses, 44 Inches wide $1.06 Yd. Special for Saturday 59¢ 30¢ yd Special for Saturday 19¢ A limit of 16 yds to a customer Regular Price A Special Lot of 200 Pair Curtains, 3 yards long, 50 ree gi inches wide, manufactured from selected Egyptian Cotton, finished with overlock stitch edge, very handsome and fiew designs Regular Price 50 extra large Crochet Bedspreads, hemmed, reddy for use, handsome pat. terns, guaranteed larg? enough for 'a double seize bed. size White $1.25 Pr. Special for Saturday 75¢ Soe samples in window Regular Price $1.50 Special for Saturday $1 MEN'S SWELL SUITS. See our Men's 3-butioned, Single Breasted Sack Coat with long lapels, made of English Worsteds andeNavy Blue Bot: tany Cloth, made oy the lead- ing Canadian manufacturers Fit guaranteed Regular Price. . ss ee tl - 50 Mens Craveneite Coats, made of the best English Rain- proof Cravenette Clot in a Dark Grey, the most fashion able shade for the spring, well made with a heavy Venetian lining. : $16 and $17 Special for Saturday $9.98 Regular Price, $10.50 and $12 Special for Saturday $6.48 There are many other bargains awaiting you for Saturday, therefore come and convince yourself for your own savirig benefit. The Montreal Stock Co, 180--PRINCESS ST.--180 =

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