tpi ae rm pm -- r---- ITWO BODIES FOUND... rere SWOOP OF POLICE... rose OHN LAI so ' Two Scliool Teachers Shot by a Mask- MV : Is w Nightly for Change JOHN DLAW & N. ' ---- ed Burglar, 3 ------ < . im Zones, . = Ee SR RESOURCES ARE IN THE LACHINE CANAL NEAR| Springfield, Mass. Ap:il 1.--Miss [MADE ON STOCKBROKER'S OF-{ x4y that the planet Jupiter is = 7 ; Sr xX 1 : : Martha B. Blackstone, daughter of C, FICES 1X TORONTO. well placed for observation the | che MONTREAL, g : ! LARGE AND DUR J. Blacketone, was murdered by 'a argo, gustrvatorics pt cughout the BEQU ] FOR ¥ masked bu r in the home of Mrs. a : world will 'watch this king of plan- HANDLING OF ALL DE- Thomas E. Dalton, Bigamist, Didn't|Sarah J. ar Roundhill, last even. | A Number of Froguenters, Wene a ta nightly 'to note any "change in SCRIPTIONS OF BANK- Think it Proper for his First Wife ing. Miss Harriett Dow, deughter of | Pested--danager and his zones or belts. The following ING = ACCOUNTS AND to Feed Him on Buns. the Mouse, way shot in the head, and | ~----Books and Papers Were Seized. data 388 esl. the esa] observer the , Of Ant : : woh i g | BUSINESS IS COMPLETE, Montreal; April} Thorns Bs Dal. [Ann dying condition. The murderer |. Joranto, April I-A Posse of Polieti(ance, Jupiter'y mean dibtaite from WE CAN, THEREFORE, ton, the Point St. Charles man who | Mrs. Dow and her daughter, Miss {and detectives this moruis Boop the sun is 477 millions miles: OFFER TO was recently arrested on a charge of Lucy, were able io give but 'a "alight ;down ou the offices of P. T. atria his orbit around the sun is - 3,000 bigamy, was brought into court, 1o- | description of the J x. The che & Co, stock brokers, Scott andi ini, piles and he accomplishes day, to permit of the pressutation be- |) a iy] Nellington sraets, with Spent for (he entire circle in about twelve fore the court of the two marriage {lice aay ¥hat ing ofa way Ihe 'arrests on charges ot hewing "bue- years. This vast body, whose dinien- certificates. Dalton pleaded guilty the [terrorized the city last fall o ket shop." They did ot ache, [ions ace about eleven times that other day and still maintaining that | The 'murder id S-Most: wanton one. thead 1a a, Toft Sono eve of the earth, rotates on his axisin ples, stated that the reason he left IMry, Dow, her two daughters an pa: i is alleged for Lon. [nine hours 55 min. and 49 sec, his first wile was that she fod him on | Miss Blackstone, who a. t fi oo i ed Ro . umber of thus in the time we have one day buns. The day he left, he had a dozen : » Ba guest lor (don, and, but a MW Per land night he has two, each about EVERY FACILITY FOR : : ok 'the night, were seated in the living {sons werg taken into custody charged Bb abit ] bina for hoy" Thuoees He face | mah pore Shit radi] aes Lasth bing fracuaters.. All the pric Ios _ pours __ Jong, Sith "bow Soi BAFE AND CONVENIENT think that was the way for a wile to solving a picture puzze. Suddenly ors ning takan to the -C A moons, seven in number, apparent HANDLING OF THEIR treat a hungry man. He was sent Up [there came a demand for money from [police stition, where they were sub- x flying across his heavens more BANKING BUSINESS, IN- faz tril. : the dining-room, just in. the rear. The sequently released on bail. E. Strach- {0h YC C0 fast an the 'Yelestial TEREST 18 ADDED TO C. W. Bennett, who organized the {women looked up to see a masked man | an Cox, a weil-known city broker, and bodies apptaz to he eA a SAVINGS BALANCES string of Bennett theatres in the lead: in the dark doorway threatening them |a member of the Standard Exchange, |: any ants hv- HALF YEARLY. ing Canadian cities devoted to vaude- [with a revolver. Mrs. Dow retained [was among those taken into custody ng at a Sopavarial saglons hot ville, is back in Canada after a long her composure, and lied. "We have jon the frequenting charge. The man- i : : i h i 3a [ S 1 Siege of typhoid in New pi Ban {no money," but, Miss Blackstone, He [ager of the office and ot the lurks ate of S80 nls per hw; ah 12 t rments or pring nett, who ongs to London, Ont. |fright, jumped t . were held as witnesses all thell =. © : : : + SAIBBTL | [wan separated from his string oF thea: | ub amine mee he reroption room. |Dodks and Papers in the place were Roial inhabitants of he earth, 'aps WE have an abundant stock of smart, stylish : 8 y i a he carried. The deusity however, is on- . ia . . : KINGSTON BRANCH; tres, but is not done, and is about to The burglar said, "Hf you want to be ly about one-fourth that of the things suitable for spring wear. We invite you to start another theatre to be called killed keep on screaming," and fired The raid was made simultaneously th + Xi 0 a ed Sain a. ' fois ~ learth, bu tl ceed water, - 107 PRINCESS STRERY, | [Dennett's in this city. Dennett was gq he spoke. The bullet entered Miss {with one on the Buffalo office of the |'} 2 Py ABtiry a < come and look over the New Suits, Dresses, Coats A ------ at one timé reported dead. | Blackstone's =~ left breas company. Among those arrested was oh 3 : : d ists. Georee B. ear, oe toe spore du thas lh bra, dds Stroy mang [bok RUBY The uh Tue we i only gn mar] | an€ V1 os Manager. Lachine canal, to-day, for repairs, the hardly paused to see his victim fall had come here to juke charge of the of seasons 'which ~ experience i | Suits for Women $1 | 50 | 2 50 -- SY) Bodies of lwo sen "Thi ound, Tighe before he turned the revolver on the Toronto office. - a diversity unknown. to this planet, : 3-1 dws ! a, ly ecomposed. is broug the group, shooting Miss Dow in the head. ---------- owing to the axis being nearly per 1 3 75 up to 25 00: . . . . % Wi timber or hodies 40 Se orgie up 3 He then jumped through the fom OVER NIAGARA BANK. pendicular to the plane of the of : See Our indo : y WO 0 » others being dead gor, leaped over the piazza railing, = bit. Should the les be inclined s 2 : infants picked up, one on a doorstep |. yan away. Both of the victims {Otto Slengl Has Remarkable Escape |. © 0 our globe, it would ex- The remarkable suit selling that has come to TE ------ ' display of Mote ve Tins by 4 Hr {LoS yuieee. Ya he feeisn yesune ~¥rom Death, ince a winter of six yews in| | this store proves one thing beyond' the shadow of Displa oto other three, one was killed by a street | ,po01, . Niagara Falls, April 1.--Otto Sieg! |length toward its polar regions, The a : Xlcar, another committed suicide and a|™ daa ia fell 1 feet over the Niagara Kir pleat * Plainly visible in our east a doubt --=that Kingston women approve and ap- . m-- | thicd, that of a woman, fell dead. THE CHARGES DENIED bank lest night, and still lives, al-lern sky h i and i i N ; : , y . . y each even can eas: reciate the style, material and work of our Ne Boat Supplies. Doctor Play at the Bijou. Clarry That H ot 0 Looe Ye op watin nvr fly be . distinguished 'by the wake] Dorie Suits. yo 4s e By L. F. Clarry t He Secu a injuries. Slengl was walking along leve from others owing to its bril- - 4 a. > Everybody has read of blood trans- Rake-off. the bank on the American side, pear |liancy, and with telescopic aid its CW > We have everything to make your | fusion, and how men have folly) : i The oh 1 {the lower steel arch bridge, and fell | moons are always an object of in- COATS FOR WOMEN, $5.75, 6.50, a boat complete, Don't worry about|given up their life hl re som | Ottawa, Apel 1--The charges mace}, spre ipi fel : > i 5 y given up i pod te, save some hed be. Mr. Lon nt over the proipice, He fell a «sheer |térest. long list ap to $15 the Dies ¥ © give you manufacturers' | dear one from death. This is thé turn- iT 3 ay rior of Hastirigs !one hundred feet, then his descent g P : Juices Retiar than you can send sway| ing point of a drama at the Biioh io iyjjaging. a. sak Looll in connection with yas impeded by stones and bushes. Perpetual Motion. We excel in Coat values and we ask youn to . morrow entitled Transfusion, "OF ih i t of certain claims for | The unconscious man was brought up| Little Jimmy had arrived at the! : ¥ . ' ps v Ths Pliokamith's Blood." in - which 100 aettlement o_ceciaih cmp: land . conveyed = to the hospital by i a a del see these New Spring Coats To-Morrow, a brave workingman sacrifices himself damages caused by flooding _ from the two policemen. Slengl is a Pole from oc oraing ha _-- ys i : Copper Pain for he Motom £0 on who hb nh rs "0 et sot Lv in. He wl nt in nq" concerning peal me-| | Dornember Chats, Chocks. en in love. The transfusion scene was p,; ig. Mr. Le \nined | ante "No," said his father, "nobody has | n ; Lamps, Fenders, : R fg Jinent Phywicions of . MATH: a are Suicided at the Soo. ever discovered perpetual mation got Even if not prepared to buy . New York, nnd - is scientifically' cor- |}, 44 veceived pay from the claimants | Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., April 1.--F.| But Jimmy was not quite satisfied; | y jus ; " 5 \ Rope, Anchors, rect. It is not at all unpleasant to while' at the ne time he represented Lamore, a Frenchman, of Blind River, | "What is "perpetnal motion like, | you are just as welcome to Some Cellenloid for Spray Heads, withiess, and the play is an excellent gh government in connection with committed ° suicide, yesterday, by | dad 7" he asked next. | and see these new . things. aud : one. The wecond drama. for to-morrow je damage claims. A blank retainer sho-t'ng himself in the head with a | His father thought'a moment. "Why, ! Should you see anything that Flags Paddles, of ee ee, entitled "A Victim | qq produced which Mr. Clarry ad- 'vevolver, Lamore and his wife had |it's pretty hard to say, Jimmy," He! appeals to vou, have it placed Estimates Faraished on outs 5 ge ist." It is a particularly mitted had been sent out to one, S. just arrived at Blind River. An alter- | replied, "but it's "something that PF A J ' F 0 complete out-| interesting and amusing play, 8nd a'Geabam, but thought it was before he, ention took place, this moming, be- | keeps going and going forever. Here is | aside if not ready to buy. burglary which is brought in gives an had acted for the government. He tween wife and husband, the latter at- | an illustration. | once saw a woman tits. eloment of excitement. To-day's pro- sated his side of the case and made tacking-h i i ' : . 5 $ ill i "" wiusion."" | ® g-her with a piece of wood "and |in a train who had put on her gloves. | ; W i. Mitehell $ Hardware, gramme, will include "Transfusion," | 4 general 'derdal that in numerous oth- wounding her severely. He told her to | She then tried to Po on her right % i QM "Stunts on Skates," and "The Wild- {er cases, in which he had acted, which 'get out of the house or he would [hand glove, but she found that che : 85 and 87 Princess St. woman of the Ruined Castle." were also brought up, he wae acting! shoot her. She immediately ran to a hand hy fF her loft hand glove to 1 ovVes : Laforest Pleaded Guilty for the government. id neighbor's house and 'later heard two |do so. She took it off and buttoned ; Chatham, April 1.--E ; 0 " ITY shots. The first had been fired by La- | the right hand' glove. Then she saw THE CLUB HOTEL iatham, April 1.--Fdward Laforest | INCREASES IN SEVERITY. moro in the bedroom and the last in | that in order to button her let hand] Gloves from 3 of the best Glove makers in arrested by Detective Cotter in De- ------ ithe woodshed, the bullet entering his | glove she t take off her right hand WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, | troit, Wednesday for the Chatham Mount Etsa Kruption Sends the peed and killing him tantly The es rohiet aha 6. Then she Pot the world. ----- police, on charges of arson and bure- People Flying. deed was witnessed by Lamore's six- [on her left hand glove buttoned it | ; J INT 2Y » Phere 'we other hotels, but nome do ene aired this Haru. 2 ps ula, ap 1.--The eruption of: year-old child. and put on the right hand one ogain, | PERRIN, DENT, 'REYNIER, anda Club for homelike sur- | sentence was reserved until il 6th. -_ m wits of id ar: Hie Robbed a Comrade. But she. couldn't button her ight, Are now herein large assortments, and at a3 id: h s h hand glove with her left hand glove . . p Leforest said he 'snd an accomplice | ening in the advance of lava The red | « "Beli i il h 1 { d k . enn ] . Toront Ap! --~"Beliove eo. | on, so she took ofi--~That, Jimmy," he |: rices usually charge or ordinary wages, 1 in centre of city and close | \amed Cedar stole two guns from the! hat stream gain: ed ground faster than jt deel po a: - 14h i f - 3 3 t, ¥ P g y y : . id after a pause for breath, "is what : Joy Club house. They then poured |ény time in the last week. Advices re- cant," "pleaded = a FP At $1.00--We are showing a splendid soft kerosene around the interior and lat- | ceived to-day from the vicinity of a] he lio Ba ie is woulg in Yeo i yout Kid Glove in the most a shades of er both touched matches to it and | Berilli say that omly a sudden stop in i 1 : Ea a oe re a tilaotion. Bf the. Java, eves motplag on. tha ch ao Modes, Greys; also Black and White. be tenced, This over a year ago. La- | can save the town on which the streams |; i omng tin" ¥He Barrieficld Budget. forest bas vrvod terms in Montana | have advanced Tor tw days steadily Eine ad we "™{ Barriefield, March 31.-Dr. Clara ; : and Utah since he left Canada. at the rate of two feet = .minute.| "He was not a friend of yours and Ryan, visiting her sister, hus returned At $1.25--Our New Cloves for 8 ring at k Heart From H The inhabitants of the town have fled 'he did not say so," retorted the ma- [to Loomis sanitarium. Mrs. Hutton 95 the high at "Pook Heart From Body. Lor been driven by the polite to out: (vistrate, ds he committed Gorapeau |is having ber house renovated. R. $1.25 are the highest grade sold at this Hiv Sock, Api fellate the ying Hintricte or neighboring towns. {to jail for thirty days. Goraveau, Patterson, will leave, shortly, Jo the price, and you will be delighted with the dy of son she loved was robbed |{ The terror of the peasantry about the who had been in the aty for only a [west. He will be greatly mis by r the ive of Bin heart, Mes Mar Menard ht or oe sop cho. had onde ooo [bro a. Maire afer _ pein dip in Ww or $25, af . | Regala, an i » whom he -ha * rink t u to ontre after = Timothy Lehane, a oi Jiydician. today to be in danger, and the plight into a doorway a Front cr AER Easter with his mother. The many Mrs. Massard charged Dr. in | of Nicolosi was declared no better. he made him empty out his pockets friends of W. Milton, are glad to see . lorming an autopsy on her son's nr et -------- and share his money with ham. him out in. R. Portell has bought | ° i Long" ede wifhe illegally abstracting and re- Laborers; Buk at Hbusiiven, "eo - Nr. Dalons house, and will ni o-Morr W rst-class work guaranteed, Drop | taining the heart. - Hamilton, pril 1.--Betwoén occupy it. Mrs. Saunders and little O ? 3 fard ana i 4 JL prom, tl fy land 00 foreign laborers, employed by | Embrace Cost Her Life. . pun spent Easter at her : fae Brock and LAN Sts. " Rector of Hawarden Dead. the Hamilton Steel and Iron Co. | Utica, N.Y., April 1.-Mrs. Fstznia |mother's. A. Medley is building a . 3» . . FT ----------eeeees | London, April 1.--Rev, Hary Drew, went on strike this morning for high-|Pec, mother of several small children, {brick house. Miss K. Allan has re- Girls Kid Gloves, special 50c : Louwlnvilie Strikers Riot rector of Hawarden since 18%, died | POY They had receiving fif-Idied at a local 'hospital, yesterday, as |iurned home, after spending Easter in r : 50 yesterdny. He was curate of Huward- teen tents an hour, and recently the [the result of injuries sustained in re- [Torento. St. Mark's church was B * Kid Gl ial 69 Louisville, Ky. April 1.----Rioting | en 1383-93, and served as first warflen company gave them an increase of pulsing the; embraces of Stanilaus |peautifully decorated for Faster, and 0oySs oves, speck C. broke out in the strike against the |of St. Demiol's Hostel and Library, [O0e ont an hour. That increase was | Czepec, 8 boarder. The man threw his | the singing of the choir was much sp- "ig 4 ' : Tobseco company, to-day. |founded by Mr. Gladstone for the 0 have gone into effect to-day but gem about the woman while ghe was |preciated. Much credit is due Miss L. 200 Pais... Children % Real hundred men, women and girls | promo®.on of sacred study. the foreigners demanded that they belyi work near the top of a flight of Pugh, and the Rev. A. H. McGreer. : are. seeking a wage increase, -------------- paid twenty cents an hour in the] oir, She pushed him from her and Cham » Gl 'stormed the plant at Eighteenth street Died at Brockville. futut. id sompagy refused to ue po fall backwacds, dragging her with Western Canada Land Sales. : 01S oves id way, 'They attempted to | Broskville, April 1.--Lewis Smith, a |" Toques him. He was painfully hurt, while her | | .4on, April 1.--Westeétn Canada enter the doors and start wu stampede | pioneor of Brockwille, dies] yestérday, Found Dying 1 1 Dying fi Hotel. neck was broken, ¥ tand sales nT 1909 amounted to 1,371 MADE BY DENT. These Gloves im tha factory, but were driven back | smeumonia: He was 90 y . I 1 : x : i ' by the police. Several women wore --_ OT a2 Yyoats cid Vancouver, B.C., April 1.--A logger Lawyer Got a Hard Crack. acres for £7,813. The average price in wash perfectly and are very *CHIO." . q ) : ' hurt by rig slabs, There wre {man His widow, to was named Amel Shibou Now {cum Co Montreal, April Yilustph Drouin, a the zcotul- del of 00 ark wn T M g u rike. i oars rt conscious in the Iroquois hotel, or- « Montreal, was n a , ai A ho a 3 is + manriel 36 years age, survives. dova street. He a removed to the mentee a thm practios by 3. The directors have sraifed lo oO orrow Only 50c. A crowd that went to the charavari E general hospital, where he died. | "The [ipo council of the bar for improper Raf the om nr Ph on a and yl : ' + of Elipgh 8S t, at Athens, Ont, Buckley Hats. police state that Shibben had been! . duct in dealing with a client, He ny ital to the at oi £30,000 will were Tecel AH the groom with a| The hats that ave guaranteed. Sold | drinking heavily, and fell back on his |}. 4 his case re Dane, yesterday, to capi ul to i X shot gun. a constable came [only at Campbell = Bros, Kingston's head on Tuesday wight, Six Yoggers| mo. new evidence, when it was found | pro . disarmed man and dispers- | foremost hat store, carried him to a room, where ho Was} pi; ovidence was 'doctored. To-day | 5 A found. The license commissioners 'at! Co" onihe suspension was Western Crop. boots from $1 up; | Phone 930" for house cleaning |® special meoting suspended the hotel, ys sentence of thé bar council, Ninnipeq. April 1.--Hiram Haunah, boots, from $1. Save needs. - Gibson's Red Cross drug store Keense pending. delelopments. making thirteen months in all. of Waskads, Man, this week di our boot club, En-|has prompt delivery, : mg i lof part of his crop, about 16,000 bush- on's Shoe ~ Stose,| The locomotive engineers meeting at Attacked by Dog on Stage. Trying to Get Coal. els, for which he received a cheque for Ottawa will petition for a law to ve-| New York" April 1.--While a sou i iti $15,000 from the Lake of the Woods sister | strict trainmen's hours to fourteen brette, Gladys Clifford, was singing on every interest will he aficcted by a Milling company, Hannah has still left 3 p 3 il last > i ay comet wpe {these of, ie Geran Sinem Jt Fogel silt of foal miners ha 0000 bus The German steamship lives running 'into the house with a man i go the St. Lawrence will "amie, the Nels, EAD LD J15 00 "ew first-class 2 : is sy face, w : RE wisi: efor the dog'éjlarge and wmall rip could be loowed. Miss Clifford i - Ef F "School Boots will bu It's because 3 : 1 An En Toa 12 Bats. . 3 : We have just received : : y. i's ut 2 I cot : ns 5 1 ' g - i 0 especially for school o ale oan oi) The mymire rom pe When a man starts ont to buy Shirts, ies," Collars, Underwear, Gloves Sex 'or any other Furnishings, he wants every penny's worth of value HH out patrons. 3 | pik most ick wie a Back of fiom fiand 0 Coney in amar ami J) 8 Uf RB » lot of Girl's antl Boys' Calf pt 108 SEE pu ; i : : "gaara » A who % (® X % es Boots, garantie] solia he x » van, has ; , «> 3 soles, insoles, ete.- Boots that will wear, ar ability to. in return fo gh retin | ede in) Git' i , 11 to 2. Boys' sizes 1 to 5, tm ag 1, pana + 90 ®