oT . 2, 1910. ERUP TION ir ealth | A ------------ NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE | Jas. B. McLeod, Agent. ~ ANOTHER Twelve pew craters havy Mount Fiona and Nana and are opr ted Monte Fagyi pon ny of Tava, which have between united near the base of the mountain into a solid river metres deo, it i de vending rapidly viready reached the vicinitv of Belpasso, eigh teen kilometres from Catar/a The head of the stream j& pow peanting divectly tor this ety Lava streams lave reached the villages of San Leo and Rinazzi, destroying wine vards and overwhelming several small hous. Latest reports state that the village of Borrello, six kilometr s from Belpass), has been overwhelmed Fhe prefeet has gone to the the disuster. , From/ Catania a corre rondent mo tored in the direction of the tain Passing the village of Mascal uela, twelve wiles In a direct line {fom the erater, a thick curtain of {*moke was 'encountered which entirely concealed Mount Etoa. At Nicolosi i 3 -- and was entirely |, oy Tile from the = , a G - i os © ® erater, ty months' use of tnd after go population had gathersd in the Ww RF. D N 1 Box 29, square to wateh the volcano, which 5 1 As, .. « D. No. 14, x appeared as a black phantom - above, No woman should submit to a surgi. Rw and dhea it was illuminated with mean AEDES of ght, appearing almost red. a psration, whish dE nah death. Higher np the rain of cinders became Vegetable Compo made exclusive. | thicker 'abd estended like a veil ' 1y from roots and herbs, a fair trial. This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and renewer of the female organism. Women resid. ing in almost every city and town in the United States bear wil testi. mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia | E. Plokham's Vegetable Compound | It cures female ills, and creates radi. | ant, : buoysnt female health. If Is as Woreams three and has By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Gardiner, Maine.--*" I have been a sufferer from orgie troubles » scene of moun- enlire VERNON'S QUEST OF MUSE ------ are ill, for your own sake as we 5 3 you love, give it a trial. - By JANE OSBORN. & Mrs. Pinl:ham, at Lynn, Mass, 2 fnvites all sick women to write | LOOGOFOVIGOOHOOGOOGL * 2 hersop Mvine: SF advioo 18 Tren, | Frank Vernon had and always » wely his masterpieces. Plot, cha - boo oan incident had all dbagad SE ---- ti meelves in his mind, and Je wo SEND THEM Our sure that two or three months of TO § "MY VALET" men's uninterrupted wogk would wee (he book veady for 'the publishers, "But. 1 can't write the here," he said to the young man who shared his small boarding house roons. He gazed Cisconsalntely at the assortment oh cravats, ink bottles, pipes, slippers, hooks, pen: cils and shaving mugs that clatter ed chairs, beds, bureaus, desk = and "M V 9 table, "Some of the old dufiers ¢ Y s ALET who tutned out good staff lived n FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER garrets, but I'll bet eu the price 30 Adelaide St. WwW. T nd, of a good lunch 'that the garrets n didn't have much in them "You ought to get married, old Ge said Jimmy, his rgommate, . . man, WOZEMA EXPLAINED cheerfully, as he searched nearest : em "alley for a handkerchief in the pel Germs Fester {1 (he Skin and Blood case. "It's great' the way. a girl Cares arg Impossible, {ean keep things in order." Alter vears of debate medical wit *F couldn't afford it, and, besides, thorities are now' agried that eczema [1 don't want to. But really, Jim and other ckin diseases are not seated my, Um in earmeft. 1 want to got in the blood, but are caused by germs out in the country, away from all in the skin. Myrviads of microsopic stractions, and in the cool green animale gnaw the flesh just below the 'ani of the fragrant woods pars "epidermis. The patient is perfectly the fleeting muse of litevature, If 1 healthy, it i= only the skin that is can't catch her Tl come back and diseased, Hence, scientists "are now take that position the Daily Cour. agreed that you must cure the «kin ior people said would be ready for through the skin. me next fall." = The medicine must be in liquid form | Jimmy laughed, I know just the in order 10 penetrate properly, as Place for you to go," he said. "A salves and ointments clog the pores | Quiet farmhouse on the edge of a without reaching the inner skin, wooded hill. Two of * the quietest The remedy that will search out and PeoPle in the world hve there and destroy the disease gorms, stop the '8ke boarders 'in. summer. : itch nod soothe the healthy tissue is ' Thats all right, excepting the that mild, . lean compound of oil of y other haatelgrs. They'd be a "distrac- wintergveen, /thymol, glveerine, ete, '% all nc as cravate and slip- known as I, I 1, Preseription. pera al over the furmture. The instant vou wash with this | '1 edn fix that up," 1 soothing liquid vou will find the itch i dtially, Pete Spee tak p, Hivelv } y o write a livres We positively assire you of fetter ad tol her a friend of mine;who's Write the DD. Dh. D. Laboratories, engaged to a girl who's traveling in Dept. K, W., 23 Jordan St., Toronto, | FUTope, is coming to seek pear and i jt {tomifort in solitude, I'l} ask her to put for a free trial bottle, and prove it the' others an, 'so they'll let you a yourself, . » For sale by all druggists. thing ° the express charges WAY on Pot Pongo ne WRITE FOR OUR NEW BOOKLET, IT TELLS ALL ---- CAUSE OF fone." Thom, it Ro hat, a couple of ERNE VBA a aw - (Necks later Prank Vernon, with two : Beno" PREVENTS BALDNESS. | suit-cques containing a winipnm of The Fatdl Germ amd its Remedy-Now T0730 and a maximum Pads, y ncils® and pens, reached the peace Facts of Science. ha, comfortable farmhouse where It is the varest thing im the world Mr. and Mrs, ray took | summer for a man to be nécessarily bahl. - No boarders. é . man whose Bir isnot dead at the The first evening of his sav, roots, ny od be bald if be will use New- Frank met Patricia, Jimmy's sie bro's he new scalp sat tec iri woman, with septic, ) destroys the perm | soft hair A eyes, that cuts the hair off at the. root; The next day Frank started and leans the soalp of dandruff and in quest of the muse, his pockets Jeaves it in a perfectly healthy condi- lane comfortably with pige and tion. Mr. Munhett, in the Marvlami tobacen pouch, plenty of soft pen- Block, Butte, Mont., wax tively bald cils, paper, and a bundle of sand. In kes: than a' month Herpicitle hal wiches, He struck joviully from the removed the enemies of hair growth, road, up the wooded hill, determin. ani rature dhe de work by covering od to ont a, comfortable spot cde Head with: Bick Bir an inch long, where he could come every dav to - and in six weeks he bad x normal suit, work. : L Almost at the crest of little hill of hair, ol Sold hy leading drmgvista. Sond 100, he came to (ie very spot he was a Ce Troe the forpicide seeking. A grewt. bouldee jutting ov. Co., M ry hots jer the of the Will a A Wo Mal Spe | In ¥ charming forth or outlook, giving a 23 : up and dows the -- - - valley, : Your dedting comes' vere near be A clhinbed up fo the Nat sur. dng the work of your o%n hands. face of the rack, From a 6s i "A lot of poodle whine over trials the middle of it grew a that are not worth esnsidering. pine tree, and in its de is hein debt for threw Dwmselil down on the soft dar ' : pot of mss and vones The distant decided to! anngunced * re in : plucky Little Youthiul looks. Ferrozone is the ideal lage. In short, ' more than eighty per shade he MT. ETNA IN ERUPTION ---- ARRESTATION OF SIE LAVA FLOW UN THE ERUPTION mountain. A deep rosr-'to continue. The hot cinders cov- ing was heard and detonations like ' cred the ground like a thick carpet, | the sound of artillery followed one rendering walking diffienlt. A peasant another in quick succession, whilds the wank encountered coming down, He earth shook under the foot. {said "The fire is rushing One of the guidis cried, "An earth- | bt raing everything. quake I" and could hardly be induced {a red hot river." across the i down, | The lava is like i - " i When lunch time came they shared pastures below. Bird calls came from | their sandwiches and," Neait. "rank | {the branches above, a gentle bréeze Fhrought water from the little brook: | 'rostled through the trees, and ato. drink and Patricia gathered flow | | nearby brook muttered pleasantly. | ers for festiveness. | | "MH the muse I'm seeking lives in! The summer passed © as summers | these parts at all," sa'd Frank, as will pass. Frank's masterpiecn fared | he sprawled in the sunshine, 'I'm badly. Far between doubt us to vheth- sure she lives here, 'Hello, he said, "er he had better admit' 'i-{ Angelina' suddenly sitting up. "There she was a. myth, and so lose Patricia's COmes pow!' { filendship or persist in the deceit Ming od with the bird , and so lose a chance eof waking bec | anid brook dnd rusthng leaves came eire., for ham, bis mind was jn po! a mrl's dear voice, smging. Present. state for stoady work, W ly over the boulder edee appeared al Every day. he sought the home of * jbrown cap, a stray etirl or two, the muse, and sometimes ho wrote, | fond then two surprised, dark eves, © Hut be found impassioned odes and The voien stopped saddenty as gentle sonnets more to. Ins liking | Jisimy's sister recognized Frank, {than "the sfirring romance of adven- | "Well, how did you find it* = I s {ture and life that he hgd planned' ming," she anid. tor his masterpiece. Sometimes, Pat- "Fm in search of a muse and I iricia came to read to hw, and to {thought she might Five here," tkeep him from grieving too _ deeply | "Ym the only muse that lives here. for Avgelina. Bat whenov ye he | 4 {tH Pm not the muse vour looking for the conversation from Angelina in vou can go. | <han't, for this is my [particulas = and the county side in thouse and | come hore every day." igeneral, to talk of Patricia and i She unpnoed her cap and fastened [homself, the muse wonld laughingly | 't 'to one of the branches ghove her, {don her hat, pick up het books and | deposited a basket of fruit and his- | desert him' for the days. : cuits at the foot of the tree and sat | Toward the end of August, Frank down. (decided to confess, and © then go | "FH keep yoai from gettiag love home to' the waiting Faanw posi-i some, af tien. announced. "What's her name®" } Patricia,' | he i Whose: name?' fing, "lI came up } "Oh, Jimmy told me olin search ob . i; : i tinkle o* cowbelis sounded frem the sound of von're ging to stav <he { began one morn- here this summer amuse, and I haven't ahout hor Pm going hack to the vou know {lomd her; so I "Oh, oh sa'd Frank, flush work." ting as he recalled his role of en- | "F suppose vou and gaged man. "It's--oh, it's Angelina." 'hella will have a dear little flat," "Benutiful! ls she little or hig* {said the ganng down on the "Um--~why; Arabella"s not exactly [sleepy litple vallew. "i 'she home either; sort of hoth" said Funk yet?" desperately. \ | That's "Well the: girl. "1 know hopefully, **You see, she is never just what Arabell Angelina looks'ecoming back. In fact, like"! She Jooked at him anit herlsei, there n't any Angelina dark eves sparkled with laughter Patricia turned te dm an tavgh "1 call 'her Arabella for short." (ed. "Do vou suppose that [| ever stammdred. Frank boldly. { believed in the . dear thiez for more "Never niind. Some day vou must than five minutes' she asked. "Don't tell me about hey But 'lt vou suppose 1 guessed right away, not tease "vou any more today. Shall! and made Jimmy tell me she was a I read 10 you?" fake?' Do you wuppose, if IT hadn't And «6 the "morning passed. Pat:é- | known all about' her I should have (in reading from a "hook of poems | let you" She stopped, blushing; and a mugnzine she had brought | and turned away \again. i with her wnd Frank lving on the | "You mean fall in love 'with the ground listening asd watching her. | muse of these woo rs, Patricig" ask- | Ved Frank, going to her: { COLD FEET AND HANDS| 'to smiled tho mu, 1 imake the muse fall a lov, Tells How. to Care. vou," course,' [Civ to Angelina-Ara- muse, another thing," said Frank, said she's--you ¥ more ¥ : mean i with "My etrenlation " was co weak that A TERRIBLE WASTE. in summer both hands and feet ware almost con<tantly cold, and in colder weather | suffered intolerable discom- fort." Thiv is the way Mrs. R. 1. Pennington describes ane of the more | Civilized people have come 10 a common symptoms of lowered nerve [realization of the fact that disense energy. She proceeds 10 say ©: "It [constitutes the greatesi bar to human took me so long to get warm on re | progress, and that nation which first tiring that sleep was delaved, and this [frees itself from the of dis- coldness | am sure was the cause of feast will dominate all others. fn that my eady waking. land the superman will first be born. "Refore 1 begun to take Ferrozone | {Two conditions are essential before any was getting nervous. Little things [nation can free itself from disease. In would make me start. My hands | the first it musi possess an adu- would grow moist, and J had flashes leated, scientific medical profession. In of heat and annoying . twitches in | the second place, the nation, as a various parts of the body. I was | whole, must be guided by the advice of 5 i 1 even scratched mv din fits best medical men. With either of gir it wopld bleed aud bleed, so my [these conditions wanting no people blood must have been watery indeed. [will be able to advance. Are. the peo. But Ferroznne put fife into me quick: of the United States held in the ly. 1 became stronger and stronger, {bondage of disease? One ott of every and my dolor came back. 1 soon iseven die of tuberculosis: fifty thou could take Jong walks, and this seem! sand perish annually of typhoid fever, od to help the medicine do me good. laid ten times this number lie stricken Farrotone was my "life prevorver"-- [for weeks each year, with 'this diseas; that js what 1 call 31. I gained near | but ultimately recover. Preumonia dis. Iy forty 1 ds. Ferrovone has made {putes with tuberculosis the Fight to be me so. I do not need to take any [called the captain of death. Rome i "allel enjoy perfect, robust [50000 die acnually of cuneer, and health." . vt San other malignant growths, more than No other tonic will so sively hence [twenty-five per sent. of our children pou up. bring back your vigor and {die before they wach five wears of Eighty Per Cent. Die From Prevent. ! able Disease, | Prof. Victor CO. Vaughiah in Seience, | remedy for all sick and well man, wo fosnt. die from causes that ae. pre fmen and. childeen, Tey iL. 30. per ventable, and which the. "box, aix for 82.00. All dedlers. [nation of the futan Song & MONIN --the cleanly shaven face --the fresh, smooth skin glowing with-health and unmarred by cuts or gashes ? . That is the «GILLETTE" face--the face of the man. who values personal cleanliness--the prokperous business and professional man. You see the « GILLETTE" face at the clubs, in the banks, in the directors' rooms, wher- ever really «big" men meet. When you see a «clean shaven" man, think of the «GILLETTE" Safety Razor. «GILLETTE Standard Sets and Pocket Editions--g5. to $7.50. Gillette Signs show Gillette dealers, Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada Limited Office and Factory, MONTREAL. ee . il --_ RADE 3-8 -- -- ---- ag Vis ee? 129 ra Robin Hood FI PINT our nt If, Madam, we could take you right into our Model Bakery at the Mill, where ll our tests are made, you would see exactly what we mean when we say, " Robin Hood Flour is Different." You would see how favorably it compares with other flours in respect to color. Its superior quality would be plainly visible to you. You would quicker realize why you are to add more water than usual when using it. The bigger loaf made by it would lie before you. Seeing it, you would note its closer texture --no waste. Tasting it, you would admire its finer flavor. In short, to start using ou would surely decide that you ought obin Hood Flour right away. But, Madam, if you cannot come to our Bakery we can help you to have better Baking Results of your own. Use Robin Hood Flour yourself, and prove that what we claim for it is true. We supply the flour-quality. We give the guarantee. It is up to you to get the benefit. Have you asked your grocer about our Money-back-guarantee yet ? Saskatchewan Flour Mills Co. Limited, Moose Jaw, Sask. " easy to keep clean, (soap and water won't hurt ML Floorglaze). Doesn't get cracky; doesn't , Show scratches; lasts amazing ly and holds its beauty. Surpasses paint or varnish or stain Renovate your whole house with M L Floorglaze at small cost--a gallon coats 500 square feet. it yourself to-day and it will be dry to- morrow mo-ning. Get ML. Floorglaze now. ommended and For Sale by » H. W. MARSHALL, J. B. home -- ask ahaler os ger new fron ue direct. Imperial Varnish Color Co., Ltd, Toronts, Ons, BUNT & Co