A REVIVAL OF RELIGION| | WORSHIP 18 THE SA SAVING RECOURSE | FOR SOCIAL REFORM. There's a Reaction Against Laxity in Social | Conduct and Opinion----Religion's Main | Concerns Is More For Social Well-Being. Century sagazing ] Carel stadents of social tendencies report a reaction against the prevailing laxity pj ecinduct dnd opinion. This is sometimes call- ed a wera} renaissance. It goes deeper; it is| nothing Jess than a revival of religion. Yet it does not appear 1g be the result of any of the wrdinary evangelistic efforts or agencies. it is springing wp in unwonted places, and is ar Ww ng msramce by unprofessional and un- BL ar vo.Ces Any «ome who has ears to her must citeh, now and then, in the com- on speech of men a note of unusual serions- ness The facts coming to light ecting the terrible inhdelity and abuses of power in high places have Couched the heart of thel- common manu with a sense of solicitude. One phase of this revival of religion is cignificaunt. 15 main concern is less for in- dividual than ior social well-being. The twd exninot well be separated, and doubtless those earnestly promoting it have a consciousness of their own personal need of deliversite from the engrossing mammonism. Bul the emphasis rests on the common danger, and the salvation sought is primarily a social sal. sation. The idea grows that moral health of the individual cannot well be preserved in a fetid social atmosphere, Heretofore . there has been much prstest against any close, coh: tact of religion with business or with politics Now it seems to be assumed that nothing But religion con renovate brutajided busines: ind. corrupt polities, . It ig a great enlarge ment of the, papular conception of religion. The mere readjustment of ethical formu: laries is not enough; a deeper note must be truck to restore the lost harmony to the human soul and the social = order, There must he something to wotship, something that kindles onr piirest love ind marshals our highest loyalties, The call is heard in un. expected quarters, A wvewspaper, published in Wall street, declares that there is nothing 'he country needs now £0 much as a revival of old-fashioned religion. A paper, published inn the interior, has taken every morning for a week the subjects of its leading editorial from the phrases of Paul's praise of love as the gregtest thing in the world | : In Another Communion. | : Saving the babies' lives as the chief work of a New York church is a novelty of pracs tical Christianity, in' the teeming [farlem sgt tion of New York, where infant mortality is high. The great apartment house district just below Morningside Heights has 'a large infant population. Rev. "Allen. W, MeCurdy, of the Morninglide Presbyterian chureh, found that babies fell ill and died from in- fgctions disehses. when apparently they -had not been exposed to contagion. Enlisting the iiterest of the women of the congregation, he set up in the church parlor a plant for babies. Many of them walk over a mile to get their day supply. inewdentully, the work has become an in- spring factor in the fife of the parish, bring- mg Toe oJugregation mito touch with the ma- fiend needs ol the people, bringing women i leisure mite relation witn the mothers oi tne. poor, setting' idle hands busy making lothes tor babies that otherwise would have acked Ihe Mormmgside courch 1s pot a ich one, but the work has been enthusias- tsally mamtasned apd enlarged Utner hurches have becom interested, and the multiplitation of church mulk stations is be- coming an .ateresting and hopeful possibility {mm New York. : . op rp ------ GOSSIP OF THE PARISH. A certain man, fettered by his instincty, married a certamn woman, whose instincts likewise left her no alternative. After a while they discovered the! amount of it and grew restive. "I am your slave!" protested the woman. "i do nothing but osck for you and mend your clothes." "No, I'm your slave!" retorted the man. 'For whetl 1 have eatned* so much as will buy your hats avid drésses 1've no time left for anything else. Just here, Rowever. a baby came' along. quoth he, And in that view the nian aud the woman forgot their bickering, and lived happily ever ter. A friend once said of Joel Chandler Harris: "No man ever maintained his life at a higher level of perpetmal good humor," The day before he died, when he was already begin- ning to pass. into the valley »f death, ong of HE sons inquired, "How ave vou this morn- ny, father?" / "Well," responded Mr. Harris; "I am about the extent of a testh of a gnat's eyebrow better." ® Who of us wbuld not owet the absolute grit of this'man? But Joel Chandler Harris didn't begin in old age to cultivate the grace f cheerfulness. It was a life habit A Toronto woman who employs a char- voman of undoubted industry was recently surprised when the latter referred to 'the crest of the family. "What do you mgan by & rest, Mrs. Jones? : "It 5a crest what belongs to my husband's family m'am--a sort of eagle withvits 'wings flapping." ; "Why where did your husband get the crest?" "Oly he's a. real jgentleman, he is. dle ever dope a day's} work' in his life since .we were married, bledsilim, Ie's the real sort, Ad the honest ébadrwhbman beamed with oride as she Rurned: 4 once ntore to her scrib- biug: Ses sus Willie Foster is'a small Canadian whom his ther is endeavoring to instruct in the best methods of becoming 'a good citizen. The other day, Mri Foster gave his son the advice which Josh _ Billings 'has expressed forcibly: "Consider the postag «stamp, my som tg}. success is 'gained by sticking to one thing until it gets there." 'Hush! You're both of you wy slaves!" 'them for the*hill.| ; 2:0: OUR TIN PAIL IS TH E LARGEST PACKAGE MADE IN CANADA, CONSEQUENTLY THE LIGHTEST BISCUITS. THEY ARE THE WINNERS. DON'T ACCEPT ANY THAT YOUR GROCER MAY SAY IS RQUALLY AS GOOD. HAVE THE REST, AS THE PRICE 18 THE SAME 'AS THE "NOT QUITE 80 GOOD A MAKE." him to 'the train. The Lrishinan's horse was going very slowly and the, Englishman. stuck his head'wut of the cab 'window and said: "Whip-him up. Give Him the gad. Hit him in a vital spot." "Ah; sure," said the cabby, "T've hit him in every vital spot bint the ears" and I'm: saving ny héar "that So rec cnfment: fisheds a x salel able brain food)" remarked: arvichduel oubg person'ito-a.dector. "THen, 15 ger 'ailvice on the cheap, he asked, "In what quaptity 'wo you advise ome .1é6 take dt at first? "Of, retorted "the indignant medical man, "yon "had better tart with a small whale.' = ' bio 4 : fin Lord Palmerston once. offered the Bishop. ric of Oxford to the celebrated Dean, Joly Byll, who wrote as his_refusal vf: thé offeg: "My dear, Pam, it is extremely kind of you to offer mie the. Bishopric. of Oxford, but: | have too long signed myseli 'John Bull. to. now H spiré 'them with an ambition for the higher Jd. Crothers WORKS OF MERCY. The: Great Good Heart of the City Churches. Twenty years.ago a few earnest young men constituting St.\Paul's Guild of Christ church, Hartinrd, Connecticut, 'became - deeply © con- gérned about ther unfortunite conditionvof the Tdrge number of victims of drink. whe resgit Ba the establishment, 'of 'a home for, the 'Wan aired assoeiatpms, The, effort af the, 1 Qpen. Ilearth has 'been to receive the. most wretched and miserable specimens-of humin- ©. band, as far as possible, to'restore: them to fréspectability 'and self-reliance, also' to' ind' and 'Better life. "That the work has been sticcessiul is proved. by - the number "of poor, Joét mien restored to home, family, and friends. ' In' the lunch-room a 'meal may be pur- ¢8lring "to get away. from: old assaciaies. and |' - ~~ wh Company Limited, er ---------- Ter -------------- pe inp a Annual Spring Excursion | «NEW YOR 1 aw AEE SEA | '§ GREATELT WAY » Em? oe Thursday. April 14th, 1910 Single Fare Plus $1 for Round. Trip. (MINIMUM ROUND- TRIP FARE $7.00.) From Marcy, Blossvale, Phoenix, Fulton, Oswego, and ventions on Ontario and St. Lawrence Divisions north and east thereof Tickets Good Ten Days wl "That's good advice. Willie," said Mr. Eos: | _: . y > i chased for either' "money" or work"; a plain / ign niySelf Joltn: Dxan meal, consisting of a bowl of coffee, plate of| beayls, and. four slices of bread, costing only modifying, "bottling and pasteurizing mk. Fier "Dont ever forget it." Qn July 12, 1909, the supplying af the milk} Buy father," said Willie, with a certain Z vio a ; bhgan. . In a short time the capacity of theipensive sadness. "The postage stamp doesn't Arry--"Wot's yer 'urep, Bill2" five cents. - No sick 'or physically: infirm man plant was reached, and now 117 babies arel ct like that until aftec it's been licked." Bill--"I've got to go to work." is 'ever refused a free meal. A bureau finds fed on this milk. Mothers are eager to get * "Arry="Work? Why, wot's the 'magteg|places for men out of employment. Large : x s safe milk, adapted to the needs of their{ ay Englishman hired an Trish cabby to get with thee misses? Ain't she wel? sfnambers of men find temporary or permanent . positions through' this agency. Many men'on | feaving' jail find their way 'to the Open Heath, knowing that if they desire to do better, a 'chance is always given... These men, as 'a<rule, are 'wot bad, but weak men scem 410 she incapable of 'resisting any teinptation. Like pres; oh, the Jeean oF Yife hey are Ww. H. NORTHROP, General Agent, Watertown, NX i pis a -- ee Aa i driven here and there by wind and tide. -- : An annex of "Waylarers' Lodge" is ory oo : 4 i : 1 ducted, with accommodations for tramps. He 8 4 ; oo ey ! is, in many cases, like the poet, born, not : ! 'a made, . A chapel is also sustained.' 'Rev. J. H. y wo. are told is fast a . : ' A ! . y pproaching the Jackson is reétor of the parish. Halley 8 Comet earth and is now visible with the aid ) Sacrifices in Humble Life. DE powermal glasses. The Best in Vaudeville EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES Allow me tp enter protest against the ex- ploitation of great gifts of wealthy men as Are visible to the naked eye. They are the Leaders of Lights. i -- -- f-- --- - ------------------ > Apply to nearest New York Central Ticket Agent "tor completa information, or write to "5 the exceptional record of good deeds, They give of their overflow, denying themselves absolutely nothing. In wome conspicudus cases the wealth has been gained by extor- tion. 1 know of a sick girl who has been kept for hye years by two poor girl Triends dividing her ie between them. 1 know of a girl wha" works cleaning offices from six o'clock » 9 . in the morning until six o'clock in the eyen- / \ WOr S inest . ing, and ct night freely gives her services to t J wash and ion for het frailer sister's family of six.' | know still another who, after work- mg in a factory all day, gives the last half pr oduct in Motion EE (phe Sows. re oa Pictures. : : : HTknS jrusbang. these nnsiing benewlences Complete change of programme every ay and Thursday ALWAYS VISIBLE EVERYWHERE IN CANADA Ask your grocer for them. Insist on having them, THE E. B. EDDY CO., Ltd., Hull, Canada. Always everywhere In Canada Ask for Eddy's Statches ~and they mount much nearer heaven than those that conspicuously occupy the centre of the stage and receive the fulsyme praise of imen, Swiss Mountain avd Ribbon Cake, two. very Rothschilds Alphabet of § five cuken. ' ; s uccess. . 3's + The subpined alphabet, printed on a card, Try one for Sunday night 8 tea. iis hung up in coffee houses and places. of re- sGrt and business in Great Britain. Why not FRR. H. 1 OYE, B02 12 Ring St. follow the example in Canada? i Venture not upon. the threshold of wrong. |. -- AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA A A Witch carefully over your passions. Ext:ad . . to, everyone a kindly saluation. Injure not another's reputation' or business Join hands only with the virtuous Kefp your mind from vile thoughts. Touch not, taste not, handle not intoxi- cating drinks. se your leisure time for, im- profement. * Yield not to discomragement. Zealonsly] labor for the right and success is certain, - Respect the counsel ' of. your parents, | Sacrifice money father than principle. Be, prompt in all things. ; % Pay your debts, promptly. | Question "not the veracity of a friend. + Gy: not inth the" sdeiety oi * we vie | Hold - integtity sacred: der 2 $5,000.00 policy it assured should be killed while travelling N jsut bo Houpltat ep at yi he 1AGeMSNY, HOTS" ivan 93 ot of 8 re Toe A ACCIDENT Gai ¥ CoRFORETONS 1 Marit Sip City. : ¥ i » Hii Saha