Haid a a wn eH "languid and weak, w a3 ws PAGRPOUR. ~~ THE DAILY ~K BIL OF ADVICE ER ® 3 ~ist--Ton't Delay, . Experiment. gr or dizzy spells; if you rest poor by dnd ' are langwid in the mornimg; if the kidney wecretions are irregrilar antl upfiitural in appearance, do not He- lay. The kidieys are calling for help. Slight symptoms of kidney troubles . bit torerumners of © more serious . cofiglaimts, They should be given at- tendon, belore it is to, late, "4 . Booth's Kidney Pills cure kidney "treat, Are Pec oleh _thoasamix. ('an Kingston residents desife more « onwinecing proof than the statement of ou Kingston citizen. Mrs. Tans, Moore, of 225 Division = . Kingston, Ont., says "Very often 1 woulil be unable to stoop or lift any- thing with the dull, bearing dows pains that were almost constant in tug small of my back. 1 had tried many yemetliés nt could find little or no relief for this. The kitlneys were disordered and inactive and 1 Wow 1 would awake wore titel (and unrefreshed than op going to hed, I triedBooth's Kitlney ¥ille om recommensdution of a friend procuring same at Mahood's Phar- macy. of daon found them to benefit me going directly to the cause of the trouble. My back strengthened andl the pain deft +. The languisitess had Roim some. 1 have not had: the least trow- bla gities. amd ean conscientiously re commend Booth's Kidney Pills." 'Sold hy Dealers, Pricé 50 cants. The R.T. Booth Co., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont. Sole Canadian Agents, i fl heel the" ineins of appealing disputed | Ml ii<.Is running fall time. We make | i i yavlety-of other things, tod i TORY: Fittings SHOW CASES, COUNTERS, il, STAIRS, FINE WOODWORK- # - ING, Ete ; " | | 8. Anglin&Co. | . | i Wellington St. N. Il: hose se. : Troubled Moery Winter With tr Severe Colds. Be Weod's Norway Pine Syrup Cured Her. a ts Pasunaia wad Consumy- wp in a yellow wrapper; three : the trade mark; price 28 ' only by The T. ama Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont can Buy or Sell * Written in best companies, CLIFF Becond<~Bow't| oobi you safer from, backache; heads t ll presenfilives on the committee ll would have' been serions trouble. i thing up to a certain point, suddenly | missioners were represented by T. WHIG, 77th YEAR b, BRITISH WHIG, published at 306- King Street. Kingston, Ont 3 $6 year. Editions at 2.30 and ock s G, 16 Ck sririen wi Pi grsday horving at 1 a year. United States, charge for posage be m Ww price of Ty $3 of Weekly §1. F year, y ri 5 Capade Pp ono % arrayed presses. eap work; nine Ce., Lud. and ig The ih } is P PENS * Jidnaging or TOROETO OFFICE. Bulte 19 id 20 in Cit; Sam. bern 52 Ourch se Foronts, E Smalipelce, J.P., representative. Dalle Wibig. MAKING A BIG NOISE. The opposition has not improved its position, or "strengthened the regard wilh which ite members are held, by its 'pecformance: on the Lumsden charges." The special enquiry which is now in progress grew out of a state ment by the chiel- engineer of = the Grand Teuok Pacifie, namely, that he resigned and 'so closed bs connection with the enterprise because he had lost" coffidence in his under itqff. Some of them were not carrying out | his arder of they were not interpre ting lin specifitations as he expected, and he felt Rurried and annoyed, Hot." Mr. Grillam expressed the idea of the average individual when he said "that Mr. Lomsden should have steed "his ground and insisted upon an 'bl servance: of bis jdeas. He had the power ta assert. his authority. He i ' points so that there might be a prea- sonable" and ooFreet application technical milings. He left the howeyer, and Décause there was presumption ;'of wrong doing in letter, the 'government ordered they be brought to light. The opglosition had its opportunity to makgimost of the enquiry. Ita fo are and had any one fnsinuated theré were incompetents of work, the his that lawyers, that Yet these men, though agreeing to every dideovered that they could not muke seandal out of the enquiry without the help. of another lawyer, The com- coun- sel; the "ehel 'engineer, who made the + charges, - was offered counsel, and. de- 'clined 'assistance; a liberal and a con. servative were named to elect sore one to repressnt the people (as df all the members 'of the committee were 'not. acting in' this capacity), and have in Jvhere the row began. The opposition accepted the position, reflected upon it, and then objected. The lawyer who wna to represent the opposition--for it turned out that this wis the plea--~hud to be the choice of the party, or it would not play again. And the three stalwarts, Messrs. Len- nox, Barker and Crothers, laid down their ease, and have been since actin like children. : ' Public opinion has been heard in ¢ndemnation of them. It is apparent that wht they wanted was not more Inwyers, but an exense for retréat from a committee "which did not promise the party any comfort. The greater dissidents have been airing their grieve ances in pacliament. Therd has been a great noise, but nothing mors, A ---- i p-- A POLICY OF PEACE. There is an oveasional whine from the partizan or jsdepeadent press aver the alleged sarrender of the govern: on the frit question. . There was the prospect of a tariff war, Am- bassadors from the president hod visit: ed Ottawa and discussed the situation. They returdéfl 'to Washington and "there did thot sebm to be any altérna- tive thatf"put into force the maximum would have interrupted the trade shat now goes on between Canada and the United States. As Hon. Mr. Fielding pointed out in A's explanation in the commons the 'government could have stood pat; could with some degree of assurance'. i refused the overtures of peace, conild have, with the support of some . peo "ple, declined to make any concessions, and so forced the result which My. Taft desired to avoid. But the Laur ier government, as Hon. Mr; observed in his Toronto addrégs, there}, true value. Coscilistion hae dls ip' tues, and it wins when war snd the mutterings of war, lead only dto con-| flict. The people aud the press = that! tion, do not, therefore, represent in any "sense, the pedce" society of Can A 'VERY RADICAL MAYOR. ° Mayor Gaynor will, fo time, reform] New York, aod secure for the city honest and economical goverament.: He is unsparing in his attacks on unrighteous methods, , matter whom they are practi One of latest acts was to order that a su prema court. judge abandon the ap. y sg for Api +3 pro a ings, ih public works' eases, of Linve who hal been removed from a public offide for cduse, » i The mayor, addressing the civic law department, wrote = 'If the cours does mot substitute forthwith - & une' one in place of Mr: Huflen on the com- missfon, | pk it will be our duty to [ay the matfer before the Boule ot tha legislature, as tity have, upder the] constitution the supevision of ihe conduct of fadges, 'and power to re move them. We may as well have this matter out now, and once for all." . The judge was disposed to resist the interference of the mayor but the com- demnation commissioner realized he meant business, and respectiully de- clined the appointment. It requires courage, a high sense of responsibility, and nerve, to act as Mayor Gayvor fs doing. Tammany Hall expected he would be eccentric, 'and the people had faith in his integrity, but it is safe to say he is surpassing all sur. mises, There ls not a man in Canada who is so inconsiderate of political effeets. Governor Hughes, of the state of New York, was radical enough, but he is not fn the same class with' Gaynor, + his. EDITORIAL, NOTRS. ett denies that ipg fren public life or that Nr. Borden is engaged in cleaning house. Are all the reports to the contrary merely moonshine ? " ee ---- The 'three members of the Lumsden committee, who 'wold not pliy | ily more becuse 'they. could not run the enijliiry," should 'be "called "the * three noise makers." They. can make a fuss but" who is impressed by 'it ? shout "surrender" on the tariff ques. {ion and' [bound 10, he. subservient toward teu, CAUSING SOME TO REBEL IN : PARLIAMENT. Actions Decided on in Conservative _ Cumcus. Afterward Abandoned-- panto: World. a il 3.-The split in the conservative party is much more pro- tnounced. than outsiders imagine, 4lt is byistated by {hose who ought 10 know 'that quite a. number of conservative metubers: are insurgent because pro- 'irises given in' caucus of certain act- colirse of criticism fin the Houde 'on certain = measures were broken. 'It is even specifically stated thaw prothise was given to move the six months' hoist on the naval bill, spd to the surprise of all the follow- ing. ing else was substituted. Pr atlempt of the Toronto News to' . a outer, Haggart, and Mond foster and the other whips, all "remnants of the old sonservakive party," is dlso resented bere Thane A are. not nsible the pa ary policy that the fdonservatives have pursued in late os ind ¥ ainst this tars be tll. those who made jv and floated it qut, more than against discredited conservatives = so- called. It is Nr. Borden's house policy that is in question, and those who ware lgssociated with. him in making it! Nook did not make it. This is the main issug. : The gelectioni of Mr. Doherty, ¥oi Nontreal, to act as deputy leader, the first 'step in 'the re-organisation an- nounced by. the Toronto News, is re gardad_us quite' in kéeping with what 5 happened in the past. : One outstanding mistake of those who cobtrolled the aflairs of the party was, the acceplance of a salary for the leadér 'of the opposition. Mr, Burker, of k Stamilian, negotiated this. matter with the ainister. / of justice of. the time, and Mr. was cognizant Mr. Borden ever 'since 1 in some way hé was the been tannti and asying administration. "The News-Willison plan of hing abéad without 'Any further consulting of French-Canadian also resented here. Ev , § oi Rorainto Street Market. Térotto, April 4.--Whedt, white, new FUSER; wheat, mrad; new, $1.08 chliewh ti 31.02 to $1.04; .. oats, af, & LW6 43e.; pens, per hush, je." 46 Tes barley,' per brish., Ble. to Be. rie, bushl, 68¢.; hay, timothy f y thay, mixed, per wu, $23; hay $id to $16; straw, per ton, $14; "The Ottaw Journal cfllls the Lume: to make it'such'? The three bril'adnt lawyers who 'quit servige upon it. he cise 'they' could not have & coundel to'help them make a fuss. i Why wai the education departinent-- the - most autocratic branch of labal recent' convention ofthe . Bduvational Association 2+ <1 "ie; a question' the teachers have asked with some eons cern. ran NN Sa -- Mr. Borden has under contemplation a change in the leadership of the party--so far as his Neutemants are concerned. * Some én will be sat upon some of these days. It would they had been suppriesed.a long time ago. Hise ey oa bith w Coal 'in ApHI Lowest. New York Herald. | . Consumers . of coal 'of | the' domestic: than they have been. September . 1st, 1980, tor yesterday: The reduction is custo dor i season of the vedr, and is the result of the action mn by the wholesale coal dealers of ManBattan in reducing + the pricgt of coal to the retailers. Egg, stove and $6.50 a ton from government of couciVation in ak tional as well as national affairs. "Th idan personally invited a recon ation of the question, and den endlitty a"arce, "Afld who helped {ret Pid [gg gOVernment--not represented ot the have been better -for. Mr. Borden ie sizes will she able to buy thei ily [Pi fuel fifty cents a eis : 3 {bonds in all dressed hops, 819.28 to $19.75; reclean- od 132 'to: sel a Peicon "oh t; 0 to $11; i. sah, ho to s "bush. or frish., $12 to' Ha " "31050 to. $11.00 bush., $3.95 1. : ie 0a to Ne; or F8e. for 20c.; turkeys, We; fowl, om Ih, eq, per bbl, $1 (0 : ; fain. bag, by load, 10e. to 1 8, per bag, $1.20 to $1.25 ; quarters, to. $8; ehbice, rca 3 ta $10: beet, medium, oir . $7.50 to $8.50; mutton, per owt. $12: veal, . ge, per owt. $1 ; Jah, Hy ho 170. e Roly ar v a | an s tm instar Garette. © $ Berlin are iff an ov. & A sed expenditure: is "in which Berlin &ap- victims of ww - or 'idleness. More than a fifth of the Hving in the orphan ums ve both parents living: town shelters support thousands who have no _ claim upon the town: wvaga- parts of the empire hear of Berlin's reputation for indiserimi- nate charity and Growd thither. fa -- i ------------------. Says Mayor Took Bribes. . Victoria, April 5B. J. B. Perry, itician gab. testifiell $10 ¢ to porte al sorte st tupe Henry Taslor, Mount ry Elgin, the tellar with ali tad lamp §lor and a son were Jan trying to help her. ym . "Serapegoats" Not Responsible for Polities. lof 'what was going on. The Globe has | conservatives is y q wc 300, to 40e.; cab i per one to Bc: wel, quarters; $9.58 to $11; beel, fore- bef, asy- Taft "sould not the "United States newspapers suffer from take in a very short time to TO COIN $5 PIECES To Safeguard Interests on Navigable Waters, Special to the Whig. : Ottawa, April 5.--~In the house of commons, vesterday, Hon. Mr. Field: ing introduced a resolution to amend the currency act, providing for the coining of 85 gold pieces in Canada the intrinsic value of which would cor respond with '85 gold pieces of the United States, which are, at pres=it, light tender in Canada. 'The resolu. tion was passed and a bill based there on introduced and read a first time. y e was a good déal of discussion on the second reading of . Hon. My Pugsley's bill enlarging the scope of the navigable waters' act in regard to the construction of booms, etc, . The hill propos:s to enable the government 10 etercise a control over the on. struction of bridges, booms, agquednets on navigable waters. Several members of the opposition thought the. gov ernment was taking to itself powers that might work a hardship. upon those who desired to construct pro- tection walls or small wharfs. Mrior Currie regarded the hill as an invasion of provincial rights. H. declared thet the Ontario government had granted peemission in some ccm to erect dams, Hon. Mr. Pugsley replied that if {he Ontario govegnment had granted such permission they? had encroached upon the rights of the dominion parliament which alone could give the right to erect structures mavigahle waters, The only object "Bf the bill, he ey. 1 1aided, wag to saféguard the interests of navigation. : Mr. Rorden suggested that that ob- Jett might be atcomplished by a s¥ght rmendment and. in order that the min- ister of public works might consider the shggestion farther consideration of HN was postponed. 5 A Famous Family, Of tawh Citizen, t now looks as if Hon. ston will resign his Alberta ticeship and enter the wnment as Al, Sif chief jus Alberta gov prime minister. These Sif ton boys seem bound to get tn the top. The father, Hon. J. W. Siftong was speaker of the Manitoba legis ature "years ago, end" had a long and "honorable political career. The | public career of Hon. "Clifford Silton, as minister of the interior, is 'known by everyone. "And now the on ly other male member of {he | oomn fated to become thus doing better than either er or elder brother. Like the Canadian family of Oslers; of each of the four hrothers became famous "in his own line, the ~Siftons sem bound to reach the top des nite the difficulties of the race The latest the Alberta to attain fame, Mr. : Sifton, 'possesses' one valuable {quality hardly possessed in as great measure hy his famous brother, (hat of great platform: and personal mag- netism, and it 1s probably this Huak sty which jnduces men to follow him night or wrong, as well as his in questioned ability that the ~~ Alberta Hberals are reckoning upon in' in viting him to Be their leader. family a premier, his fath famous which , . The Devil's Night School. Brantford Exposifor, " <The devil's school is the night school, where not only boys, hut girls learn the "first "lessons in vice and | immorality. It is dangerous for boys to be allowed. to roam the streets late nights, but that practise is rus in for girls, While it Envariably takes the delicate edge off maidenly mod sty, it happens that very speedily {if there is any modesty "left it is not maidenly. Ruin, more or less "complete, is sure to follow.. The term "street walker" is a term of 'reproach, but if it does not apply to every girl who frequents the streets at without escort, in the vast maj otity of cases, if the habit is persist- ed in, it is not long before the term will apply iniits 'offensive sense, ' --------. | Uncle Sam Has a Remedy. Hamilton Times. Buffalc News complains bitterly be- cause President' Taft did not secure from Canada free access to our pulp wood. That is something President purchase. That the {the exactions of the per combine may be very true; but on blame Can- ada? Uncle Sam can remedy "hy lowering or abolishing his on pulp paper. To havey given our raw paper material fr the mini- mum Payne-Aldrich schedule would have been too much. Let our United States contemporaries jokin in com- pelling congress to give them re- lief. Tt eat Canadas will under- supply quantity of the evil torifi up Uncle Sam with a vast "finished paper. Order soon. "FlakeCamphot"' and Moth Camp- hor Pglls. Buy them at Gibwon's Red Cross Prug Store. Frederick Wilson, a well-known in- surance man, and the first town clerk of Parkdale, is dead. ik ASCOT SHOES saps BOL ASASSISSESLLL00008 HII IPPIF IIPS IIIPEOY i BIBBY'S p Our Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 10 o'clocl . 8 tp tr a tt HN 5 ' : » : . Here's a Suggestion ! Before you select your wearables for thie @omin. season just look over the situation carcohudly. Just ask yourself where you will be apt to do the best? Ask yourself what Store turns out men or boys? 7 Ask yoursell what Store has the reputation for Clothes and giving the best values? After the matter is settled, we're sure yaw: come your Clothes. % See our $13.00 Suits of Eng fee $18.00 8k Fae lsh Worsted, Blue, Black, ¢ havi pining Overcoat real waulLy Grey and Browns Elegantly Spring Overcoats in .Grey tatlored garments Cheviois, SK, 810, $12.50. S15. The, Keunel Coats, in Fancy Greans and Hrownk, $12.60 wr $15.00, : Grogvenor Eaglish Ram and Tan thing $12.60, the best dressed patroy gelling the he here" {oy our VOIP PPI P PEST PII RII IIIT REINS ITII PIII III TI IVI IOI IN ITI ITI See our Hand Tailored Suits, $18.00. English Worsted English Cheviots, and English Rerges, ete New colorings Y New designs Gat, Urey S01 pecial { 3 The H.D. Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. SHS IIIESIIIIIII SII VIP III IRI I IHF HIN | { { ( { SELLE LEE | cece No A Great Song The entire country has taccepted Pat Your Old Grey Bunnet.""' From childhood to old a everybody who has a dar fos tausic and Sging 1s thig great sony. It IAT Oite especial ly in the homes Sentiinent as pure as gold in every line and the meknly is delightful, You should not fal to Have a copy of "Put Can Sing It-- Ne On Your Old Grey Everybody fons WILL Sing It. Published B Jerome NH, Remick & Co. New York & Detroit enipoy ig Ask Your Dealer for I. - 1 ------ COELEIEOIERIIRIRESEALAILARIRAREREIIIEISRS Brass Castings, Bronze Castings; Aluminum Castings. WRITE FOR PRICES, THE CANADA METAL CO, LTD. TORONTO, ONT, Long Distance "FPhane, M1729. WPI P FIT IIIT PIII PPV YI PIII I VIP VII PIII rev s TO EFFECT p OMPROMISE. Finkle' 4 Liv o alk d Sales Stables ---- Lhe r » A ro0etneend Likely Terms Reached Between Min- ers and Workmen, Pittsburg, April 6.--An dfiort to settle the strike affecting 40,000 miners was made, yestertlay, by a conference bftween representatives of twenty-five mine owners and the workmen. Pro gress in reaching an agreement wa made. The conference will be continu ed toMlay. What the miners want i "a straight ran of the mine basis," while the operatoge are willing to have the old stale std and give sn in crease of five eonts and in addition furnish the new dynamite explosive at the same cost ax the black powder. A compromise is expected soon. ---------------- Neckwear novelties at Waggoner 's MEN WHO CARE] SB man at 2! calls ma Hollciting « siNere of your patronage Ne emir) Hespretiinily yours THE VINKLE CO, "*CARLINGS LYS STN rs -_ EE Tans Patents. Gun Metals and Box Call, all the latest patterns--Low shoes and high ! shoes - NIFTY STYLES, E