Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1910, p. 5

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3) meme ---- PILES QUICKLY GURED AT HOME Instant Helief, Permanent Curt-- Trial Package Mailed Free to J All in, Plain Wrapper. Many cases of Plles hive been cur- ed by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure without further (treatment. When it proves its value to you, order more from your druggist at 50 cents a box. Simply fill out fres - coupon below and nail to-day. Save yourself from. the surgeon's knife and its torture, the doctor and his bills. THE SPORT REVIEW' LEAGUE BASEBALL WILL PROSPER AGAIN. Teams are Getting Down to Practice --Long Distance Runners Are Jogging Along she Roads These Fine Days. The baseball teams are now "wettling down to good hard work, and every day sms them at hard practice. Some practice at the © ieket field, some at victoria Park, and as for the twirlers, they work out any old place, not be ng patticolar as long as they have some ong to catch their curves. Dur CITY FREE PACKAGE COUPON. PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 264 Pyramid Bldg, Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile Cure, at once by mall, FREE, in plain wrapper. Name .. Display of Gasoline Engines They are the kind you require for your new launch. The Davis Engines are he- coming more popular every day because they are the most re. liable and give you the best re- sults. Our motors others promise. Ask us for prices and speeifi- cation on the type of motor boat which you require for this season. Our prices will interest you. DAVIS DRY DOCK GO. 'Phone 420. perform where we have in varied styles---nickels Jhated on brass--non-rustable, hey are not confined to any une manufacturer's productions. Towel Racks, Sponge Holders, The cinmutey's at. Tat : pay prices. See them. $ DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. Sessssstttssesseessess Oh mir Did you hear it? How embarrass- ing. These stomach noises make you wish you could sink through the floor. You imagine everyone hears them. Keep a box of CASCARETS in your pubrsé or pocket and take a easy-to Ssescessstsessesttl | promises to be divided by the ' tims galore, and all are entered toy the wister thete was unusual io tere t displayed in hockey, but this great There are in | cither senior or jusior eity league se- rie and all have four or five (xtra interest taken in baseball. "men signed for the season. There has been some fine chasing and scouting for I.yers this season. (woket field presents a very' busy appearance every day, especialy after four wv elock, when the grounds cre simply crowded with fellows play ing hall. xen rliyed off lately between the students, feims from different toard- ing hous 8 coming together for a f iendly gome.: There are a number of cood ball players going to Queen's and the city teams would be indeed for- tunate if They remained the season. I! : ---- Long Distance Men Busy, Every everfing now one meets or two or perhaps as many as runners jogikg along the road, ting in shape for the first runs, ove pul in some easy jaunts, around the outer station, out around the penitentiary, and many «ther reads of as great a cistance are eoy- cred. This year is bringing out. = me new runners, who will no doubt show wp well in some of | the coming con- tests. The local men are now all getting in trim for the road race om Victoria Day, and will accept outside dates clter. one gel The Sporting Notes. Seotland won the association jntér- national with England by 2 to 0. The Alberta Association has twenty- five football clubs in membership. Cleveland is out with a boom eatch the Olympic games of 1916. Harvard défeated Yale bv 3 to 2 their association game on Saturday, It's a pretty safe bet that Johnson will_be either in jail or in a. bug house on July 4th, Philadelphia Jack (Brien and Kauffman ave to go Pittsburg April 2st. The biggest and Hest gymnasium in the world to cost a million dollars, is being planned hy the Harvard Alumni. Twenty thousand balls "are used annually by the major league clubs ! during the training trips and cham: pionship campaigns. It cost Ottawa Hockey to jump from one league 10 another, not te mention a cup or two they dropped in their excitemen:'. The governors of the Man vba Ama- teur Athletic Association have under' consideration a proposal to secure permangut athletic grounds for Win- ni "Packev® McFarland," Phicago, knocked out "Dick" Lee, Englis welter in mine rounds at the Cosmo- politan Club, of Plymouth on Friday , fast. : John Kling, the Chicago National catcher, who has just been reinstated by the National baseball commission, reported for duty on Sanday with Chicago. Frederick Cameron, champion ama- teug punner of the mmiitime provinces, with his manager, Thomas 71. Tren holn, left Amherst, N.S., on Monday for Boston where Cameron has enter- ed in the twenty-five mile Marathon fo far one. has. heard nothing lo- cally about lacrosse. Surely the game 8 not going to be drop pped after get- wg along so well for 'three or four yenrs. Last year the team was a good one and won many hard games, Onl, a little hard luck kept the team from Crest honors. It is hoped that the right hunch will come out snd take an sc tive intersst dn Incrosse and give +f a wood boost again, to in Al six rounds in Club #1 vo part of one after eating. It will re- lieve the stomach of gas, 918 CASCARETS 10c, a box for a week's treatment, oll druggists, Biggest seller in the world Mill boxes a month. em gp GORMALY, 1 IL 8 0, A mE Sh : TORONTO, Members Standard Mining and Stock ' Exchange. Write us for up-todate information on listed and unlisted stocks. > wi DRUNKENNESS CURABLE, Prunkenness is no longer considered a worime. eminent scientists and ar clans have agreed that it is a disease und must be treated as such, an home treaiment that Jas been sed for a number of ars Kod t 8 itive garantie that If it oct a cure Wr fant: M . Rite tor eee he ve Washi Tone So ol 3 by aw Mah nm, DA wess Bt reels TN Oring Ba Sold in this city . cor. Bagot and Prin. Pe 1 earsall's Millinery ~Singston and Yarker the past week it has been MOVING STREAM or ga Dassing Tough our Wrooms, barel ¥ time to become ACoalplat, ae as we are, each will add beau to oT Shot Pao new Ries "Call and see them. Peatualls A Link Between East and West. A remarkable example of the ad: vantages of making reliable goods ix to be found im the demand which comes from the great Canadian West for the pure wool tweeds made by the Howsons of Nova Scot. So many seople have gone West from Eastern homes where the name "Hewson stands for all that is best in cloth und knitted goods, that the call comes back for the good, strong, comfortable woollens: that the boys used to w "at home." Steamer Salaberry Overhauleil. The steamer Salaberry; formerly the propetty of the Lehigh Portland Cg. ment company, undergoing repairs during the winter at Deseronto, and recently purchased by "Capt Collier, und company, Picton, will yo into} commission Just rs soon as nav gation opens. The vessel will ply as a senger. boat betwéen Fiimyer's Cove and intermediate points to Pleton amd Napanee, (2 Masried in Boston. "A mardage. that holds considerable. ihtergst for the place in Boston, Pe on Saturda bem; at the ome. of Her, Pa hig only Sanghter. ¥ Miss Roblin, wo Barrett McMullen. of Mr. and Mrs. George W. le every-day Met phases Fi in i hie American academy on car | i people of Picton tak, aes; af dust, B YACHT CLUB PRESENTATION jaipper Henry Cunningham the Re cipient. A pleasing event took place at the annual meeting of the yacht club, on Monday evening, when the veteran skipper of the club, Henry Cunning- ham, was presented with a testimonial from members of the regatta wommit- tee, in recognition of the splendid services rendered the committee and the club in his successful suiling of the Kathleen last season in defence of the George cap. Chaiman kK. E. Burns, in making the presentation, re ferred to the great assistance Mr. Cun- pingham rendered the committee last reason when they were looking for the best possible man to uphold the honors of verhting for the Kingston club, also fo past vears when an n- portant race was to be sailed' it. Was Henry Cunningham who was sent for f i Some interesting gams have Six down HENRY CUNNINGHAM. to take the tiller. He hoped that the genial skipper would have many pleasant years yet to enjoy ls favors ite sport and win more victories for the club, Mr. Cunningham was then handed a pale of handsome polished brass side lights, for use on the Baby Grand on her future cruising. The old skipper Was greeted with loud applause on rising to ¥espond. He thanked the re 'gatta committee for their kindniss in "1emembering him and prowised that in the future as in the past he would be always ready to do what he could in the interests of yachting, Thre: [hearty cheers were given for the hen: "ored skipper by the assembled yuchts- men. STRANGE MAN ABOUT TOWN {Vie Pid Strange Things--Entrained For Ottawa. Kingston was visited to-day, by Thomas ()'Brien, who adéording to his own story is better known as *'Bad- 'man Murray.' "He arrived at wig | might, Mohday, aml left at noon to , day for Ottawa, buf although his stay + wus short he caused quite a ripple or exc.toment, keeping everyone even to the police busy. When he arrived ai tha outer station he engaged a cab ito drive to the city. When about half way in the cabman heard the door of his enb swingihg open, and called to 'the man in the cab to close it. When he received no response he got down off his seat and wms greatly surprisen to find the cab empty. The driver turned around and upon his arrival fat the outer station again found his fare sitting on the platform, and when be was approached said he left the cab because he was afraid of being toabed. Later he came to the city, istered at a local' hotel, spent the might, leaving early in the morning. His next ap pearanve was at the Kingston and , Pembroke railway station, abont eight o'clock, with his face coveral with blood and his clothes dusty. He was Hooking for a constable to have one mrrestel but woulil not say whe it was. He then made a visit to the police station, it no one could make anything out of his story, as he wanted too much. *I do not wan' | any trouble, smid the man,' but | {wll resist arredt anel will defend my- Yeolf if need be." Fin ally he left she police station went over to a bank, drow $75, and made another trip to {the police, who azaim patiently list Vened to his story. The Jost seen; of i ths mysterious "had man" was in the K. & 5 vogha waiting for his train jto pull Bat for sthe capital, vowing vengeance ow some one with a black moustache. Just before noon the man becam: noisy on the street and was taken to the 'station by Constable Arniel. He | was searched and a thirty-eight eali- jbree revolver apd a hox of cartridges were found on him. These were con fiscated apd the man. was seen aboard the noon train for Montreal by offi- cers. He could give no satisine "tory reason {or cmrying the weapon. Waiting fe for Rai: Rain, city engineer's depariment is awaiting a good rain so that street se¥aping may be commenced. Ax soon {as the streets get a good soaking the ; ftabor will he put 10 work agd the, cleaned: of their overload of LE amd where the reg he jaca Hn Until this, scraping takes plate | will continue 10:be great 'yuanti- Lo : "Gost of "of Life Wawurs Wsurance. Life Instirance does'nt begin to cout Blip hue as Ahe 'cost of being without i, ared costs meh less in the Policy. "| holders' Mutual Life than in an¥ other regular stock compant-. Hate talk' with or write T. H. Purnell, 5 A of "ae. Reminiscence HR. of J cantain Grove; & ws the troubles of 1566 Adthat he Nas In his possmsion a copy Tihs \ British sinless dated Kingston, June 21st which tells of Some of happenings Ae that Als. The has sent his xesignation {» ton JONG DEAD ENS, OF WATER MAINS | 1s LIKELY T0 BE RECOMMENDED : Rh : By the Watermarks Committee to the City Council---Some Informal Dis. cussion by Committee Members as to Striking Off Certain Rates. The water works' committee did not have a quorum, yesterday afternoon, and, therefore, did not do eny busi- ness. Tt was 'recalled that when the late C.F. Gildersléeve was chairman of a civic committee years ago, and when the members did not attend, he would sit down by himself and trans- act the business demanding attention and would see that Kis fndings were endorsed hy the 82 'council, Thay present: at yesterday ys meeting Craig "harman » arte snd McCarthy, The former] although the mayor, as a protest against the pon- fiscnation of the water works surplus, by the city council, in order to pre- vent a raise in the general rate of taxation, is still adiing ay chairman until Wis resignation is dealt with. Ald. Craig said that he was sorry there wns not a "quorem present as he would like the committee to mcom: mend 10 council the connecting of cere tain dead enths if the mains and some other work that had been recommend- ed by Superintendent Hewitt in a re port some time ago. The cost of the work would be about £10,000, It was advisable that this work he done. An 'informal discussion took place upon general water works matters. Ald. NeCarthy suggested that the hose charge should be struck off in order to encourage the people to keep their lawns in good order, The chair- man said that one time he had been in favor of this, but he had come to the conclusion that it would not be the wisest thing to do as there would be a tendency .to waste much water, and the cost of pumping would be too great for the plant to stand. He wail prefer to see the charge for baths struck off, In. conection with baths, he pointed out a funny circumstance. People who had taps connected with their baths "had to pay the special rate, but people who had baths in their houses and bad no taps con- nected with them gould fill them with water with a hose or a pail and they did not have to pay anything. Then the city council's grab of $9,- 000 of water works funds was men- tioned by some one, - Ald. Craig said that the reason why he felt so strong- ly in regard to this, matter was that the aldermen lad not acted honestly, They had taken money that was set aside for a specific purpose and voted to spend it for somethipg else. There was nothing honest about that proce- dare. - lle spoke about officials of Poterboro being surprised when they had heard of the "action of the city couneil a. week ago. The same thing was tried up there somit: years ago, bit it failed. Peterboro council pays $9,000 a year to its water works de- partment for fire and street purposes. Ald. McCarthy, suggested that the council send away a deputation of the water committee on a tour to collect valuable information as the light, heat and power committee had done. Ald. Craig thought, t " would be secured Wp ile any trip be- ing made. +r HAVE BEEN SUMMONED. Theatovium Proprieteis to Appear in Court, As the result of a visit made to the local theate riums, on Saturday night ihe po. rietors of three of these places of amusement, have heen summoned! to appear in the polive court. The cases will be heard on Wednestiny morhg, by Magnstrate Farrell, Thee are the first cases of the kind to come before the court, antl they will attract a good deal of mterest. Complaints have been made from time to: time, shout the houses being crowded, anid as a result of these cc plaints, the police took action, Saturday night is always the busiest night of the week at the theatoriums, andl it was this night that 'was chosen for the inspection. The thestorivms charge are the Bijou, King Edward and the Princess. ger B.A. Hotel Arvivals. J. CU. Foster, Boston; B. T. Davey, Napanee: W. J. Nunn, Wyandotte, Mich; H. E. Ball, W. Murdoch, Mon- treal; B. P. O'Laughlio, Mrs. J. V, Born, Miss Bessie Benjamin, Yarker: B. H. Davidson, Boston, Mass.: J. Griffin, Buffalo; L. W, Rogers, B. F. Selby, W. = Milligan, W. 0. Wright, Toronto: J, W, Rablin and wife, Pie ton; W. J. Carter, E. G. Jackson, To- ronto; M, MacMullen. Holloville: Pp. Danby, Toronto; JJ. H. Wilmot, J. 9: Otterbein, Woodstock; J. H. Meade, D. Lowery, Montreal: G. G. Doi, Birmingham: James Devlin, J. A. Kackenzie, Monteenl; L. II. McKellar, Toronto; W. F. C. Turnbull, Montreal: TF. J, Parsons, Toronto. information FEVER. Returns Given For Past Years by Pr. Potter, Dr. Henry -Potier, Cape. Vincent, XX.in ter to the press, -defend- ing the St. Lawrence river from the | charge that is a. breeder'of | typhoid | fever, issues reports fyomr towns along | to typheid comditions. | ) { | the river as These are two of them: | Kingston--Deaths from typhoid from Janusry Ist, 1900, te January lst, 1010, 38; water system installed, 1830, new, 1587; sewer sysfem mstalled 1886; source of typhoid last ten years, principally' well water and milk. City | obtains its water supply' fom Lake | Ontacio by an intake pipe extended | southerly 2,600 feet, and that bactero- logical tests of the water taken from this distance by this pipe" have: al ways shown to be free from amy "bac. teria causing typhoid Gananoque--Number of deaths, two from Javuary lst, 1590, to January lst, PHO. Water system imetalled, 1905; sewer system installed 1905; source of typhoid last ten years, wells and milk entirely, Resnlt typheid tests in ten yeare-St, penve free from bacilli typhoid and bacilli colli communis = in last five yeari at bur' intake. and taps. Water supply from St. Lawrence river. Re marks : In the [last fifteen months not one vase of typhoid has orcarred in our town, the population of which is 4,000. We have had less typhoid since institlling water 'works and sewerage system than before. The only epidemic we had was traced thmough the milk supply to milk vendor's house, eases, Mn SUMMER COTTAGES NEEDED n Kingston for the Use of Summer Tourists. J'There's wobey for sofiw one will erect a number of catteages in this city for the benefit * of" summer tour- iste," said a New Jersey gentleman at present in Kingston.!" . There are many people from the states who world gladly come here for thet summer if they could get accommodation. They don't want hotell accommodation, but péusive. Plain, roomy structures woul ne quite sufficient and they needn't be nishing to a cottage; they want only the bare necessities amd could get these themselves whan they gome here." It is understood thate during the | coming summor there will be no less! than fifty people from Texas in King- ston to remain during the hot weather. fhese people are anxious 'to get eith- | er furnished houses or cottages, Home Seekers. The Grand Trunk ning excursions railway is plan to 'the Canadian North-West, These have beén christen: | ed Home Seekers'. Excumions _ and bring to mind, the thought that there | are thousands of new homes vet to be found in this evergrowing country, particularly along 'the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Grand Trunk Pacific has acguir ed sufficient land to make nearly 100 town cities between Winnipeg and Fd. mopton. The lots are now placed on the market for sale, and are rapidly picked up. Since last September, between. Win nipeg and Edmonton, the G.7.0, has been operating passenger "and freight | service. This i a distance of + 703 miles, and 'all along the line there are villages and towns springing up with surprising activity. There are four or five divisional points within this mileage that are showing marked development, and would well engage the special atten- tion of those secking a home or an improvement of their fihancial condi tion. These excursions will be run on ril 5th, 19th; May 3wd, 17th, June Tith, 25th; July 12th, 296th: Au gust $th, 2nd; September 6th, 20th fi00d for return within two months of date of issue. (Other and Ap dst; full pgriiculars may be obtained on application to J. Cuin lan, district passenger agent, Mon treal, or any other GG. representa tive. T. Is Your Forehead Pimply. Hard red lumps and pimples on the neck and fase ronder many Voung oeople very unsightly, if not almost | rapuldive. This condition is sé speed ly eureel by Dr. Hamilton' Ointment | that thousands it! Thiz healing, | ourifying skin balm Has penetrating , qualities that enable it to reach th very root of the trouble, and bv a one destroying the efuse of Lhe irri tation, by restoring natural activity to the glands, the skin speedily be comes healthy. For a clean, soft, tinted skin, amotinit frequently with | Dr. Hamilton's Ointment, He. ., at all} dealers. i use ter H. W. Watts Got It. taking away the old plumbing struc ture on the water works property. He | offered R12 for it. ( Aenderer want: ed to be paid S100°T0¢ emoving it. juke was frozep up from Hs of | Law- | who | cottages. The structures needu't be ov | 'urnished either. People who come for | the simmer do not require much fur-|~ being i H. W. Watts repeived the privilegs of | | THE STANDARD BANK Easblibed 1873 OF CANADA 00 Branchee A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is réce'ved in our Savings Balle Department; and is suffici. at to ah account entitle Depositor to a puss Book. The bet tumrent rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch, a KINGSTON BRANCH H. E. RICHARDSON, a janager FC rnvwm mem Pel vo sea Bb WB . New ; Tailor Costumes New Lawn Waists, 'New Underskirts, New Trimmed Millinery CT i i aL D.M. Spence ~~. The Leading Millinery Store | CHANGED THE MARKS ENGAGED IN STREET FIGHT. | Local Minister Succeeded in Separat- i ing Them. | There wee a couple of fights on fy por Princess street, on Monday af- 'ternoon. They occurred late in the af- terhoon, when the street was crowded, land attracted a good' deal of atten | tion. The men waxed very warm over some trouble, 'antl they took to the {middle of the foad, to have it out, | Blows were coming thick antl fast, {when a local minister was pessing along, with a fried, 'and the gentle iman of the 'cloth st out to stop the fight, He succeeded in separating the met, but as soom as the minister passed on his way, they went at it again, and kept at it until one of them cried "enough," and ran away, Two other men' aleo engagekl in a fie Fattle, but they were fot stop that FRUIT EXPORTER' FINED ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Robt. Coyle, Jun., of Colborne, Tamp- ered With the Grade Marks on a Shipment of Apples on the Way to Boston. Ottawa, Apel B.-The de parts nt of agricilture draws attentd in a special bulletin to the Tats that Ro- bert Coyle, in, apple exporter, of Col. borne, Out., pleaded guilty before Ma- jevtrate Miller, to The" charge of tam {ering with the grade moths. on a shipment of 'spples after 'they had Yeon' passed by a Domipion fralt ine spector. Acting on _ipfermiation which had reached linea Montreal inspéctor held up the oar containing the apples at. Coteau Landing, as it was en route to Boston for export, and found the evidence of the eniyinal grade marks aving been Ov marks for ote [nin hh ed, Coyle was fined rape apd costa. fis pect in their battle. It appears the police were not notified, IN MAINE © CIRCLES. Two Weeks Yet Hef Before MT. Lois. Fleet Will Move. It will be two weeks yet béldre the 'boats of the Montreal Transportation ' company are on the move. The lower canals will not he open until May Ist, s0 thix will interfere with navigation to Moutreal. The Welland canal opens on the [1th of April, The first of the M.' clear will be the steamer Advance and { the barge Ungava, and they will clear for the Welland canal. The Windsor 'and Béthinia will clear across the lake Po load coal for Montreal, The steambarge Navajo cleared | Oswego, te load coal for Napanee | The Scott has placed the lights on | Four Mie'snd. Nine Mile Points. Chamois, Rubber Sponges, Bath Mitts and Bath Spemges. A good aw sortment at Prouse's Drug Store, op- posite NS, Andrew's oburch, Why is it thas . we invariably hear F, Cols theet | Taian maws, bad ulosdasfung belare : the The 652 registered tude unions of Great Brituin hive "a total 'ember- ship of 1,973,560, Ho Clean, élear out Pridting the British Whig gfe." Dollar seckitig™ i tbry often any- thing but happindsd "igeking. Find Out If ¥ou 'Have Catarrh Don't Wait Tl. Consumption Des velops, Cue Xeursell Now. i » at for | | HORSE FELL IN A DRAIN. | tisha Came Near Being of & Seri- { ous Nature. A horse owed by 'the city, and used iby Thomas W. Timms, foreman of | streets; fell juto a drain, near the cor nec: of Nydeaham and Princess street, { on Monday afternoon, and the mis | hag edie 'within ar ace of resulting és {a Yhry serious accident. Horace At wood, etnplayed by the city, was in he ain, and hat just come gut, f when the horse walked into it. He | was infer] a lucky~man, as had he re- mained ithe drain, at his work, he woulll have been trampled upon. The horse was frightened by a num {ber of bays, who were coming along rm «hool. The animal was taken {out of the drain with very little difi- wulty, CATARRHOZONE. In the discovery ol this wonderful curative medicine the entire race is freedom from Chtarrbal duress, pluding Asthma, Bromchitis and Throat Weaknesses, 1s ditarrh in nose 7 Poes" it affect hearing ? Is your ky ? Are your iy? your { youe throat hus. eyes was ' Is your breath offen «Nome Cold Winters." In 1260 the entire width of the Bal dc sen was cro by sledge. In 1339 a great' many persons were frozen to death in England. In 1409 the Dan sores to i's estuary en the Black Ses. In 1469 all vides in France were killed by frost. In 1609 and 1639 the port of Maisei' es wds frozen over a there was reat suffering and dis tess. ln 1799 France was locbound froma north to south, the ice extending for miles seaward. Birds and animals died of cold. At the Princess, Last might a great show was seem at this popular place of amusement. The aude, Aslrews and Randall, is one of the best acts now om the road, ecousisting of singing snd dane ing with fine comely, The aot remains in the city only two days longer, with a new programme of good motion pic tures every day. The Princess is put- Hing on the best. show in Canwda or | give 1 These 'sre the indica- tions of ostarh-firtt Ww tontinue Yo Live a when cure is aptieed with Car fers 7 Bo sure hozone to j thousands re ital of ite i } : i I many of my friends to ase it glso, My catarrh was so bad a year ago that] despaired of ever getting cured. | am sure my lu Ts sonitwhat aficctad also, from Catartho- one was fives I improved un- the der this treatment very. quickly, and was cured so bly the disenss has never returned." Get the large dollar size of Catarche ozone; it contains a beautiful hard rub. ber inhaler and medicine that lasts two months. Smaller sizes, 25¢. and SOc. each. Bewdre of jmitations--se- U. 8. A. for a nickel, Twe Women Summoned. Two women, both living on Bay street, have been summoned. 40 police court, . Une heen char, by the other with attempt at Sarge ing. It is sisted that the whole air was a neighbor's squabble. The ease. will be heard by the trate on ga magls ». Sn There fen "e, 4 deathe in Kingatok pe 5 lb hd by al

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