¥ = Cabinet, Storage For Valuable Furs Ns Avoid worry-- Telephone 489 or send a Post Card Our Fur Waggon will call John McKay, 149-155 Brock St. House Cleaning THE VACUUM CLEANER WILL BE HERE ABOUT THE 20th. LEAVE YOUR ADDKERS. Your kitchen will be a pleasant -workshop If equipped with a modern Steps end tempefr saved day you have it. $6.50 to All good every 25.00. Our 1910 CARPETS, RUGS, CUR- TAINS and Linoleum are in. They'll please you. Pricer ~ve all right. Get your order in early and dvoid disap- ointment. Repair and Upholstering Work well and promptly done. "Phone 90. " Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. THE UP-TO-DATE HOUSE. OOOO III IO) Sees Never in the history of the store have we g shown such High- Class § Designs and lower ) prices. 3 Draperies, : } EEE 2 Linoleums. " * & R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE, 'Have You A Home ? Not simply a house, or a home of your own. Liet us sell you one of the follows ing Properties: $3,000 -- Detdched Brick, 7 rooms, "hot water furnace, all modern con- veniences, with good barn, York St. $3,200. -- Detached Brick, 10 rooms, furnace, bath and closet, . Street. $4,000.--Detached Brick; 9 rooms, hot wator furnace," modern; good barn, University Avenue. $1,050 Detached Frame, 7 rooths, stable, lot 60 x 132, Stephen Street. $1,225.-8ingle Frame, 6 rooms, Raglan Road. $2,300. Brick, 8 rooms, bh. & &, ood, arden, lot, stable; Princyss $1,700 New Frame, 6 rooms, 'bathroom and connections, good cellar, Johnston Street, 1,350. Frame, 6 \ a3 c--Bingle me rooms, b 'Montreal $1,850. Single RR 1 rooms, ~ b. & ©; new, John Street. $3,100. Double Brick, 7 rooms each, bath and closet, rent $13 each, For full particulars apply to S. R. McCann 4 BROCK sr. Phone 826 or eat. THEATORN'M MEN HAD TO PAY FINE For Allowing Their Houses to be Overcrowded--Evidence of the Police Who Made Inspection. on Saturday Night. Prindess theatre, fine costs unposed, a n Bijou theatre, fine of £5 imposed hing Edward theatres, and Costs imposed. The above was the result of the cases against the proprietprs of three of the local 'theatorimgms, who were summoned to the police comrt, on Wednesda' morning, charged with al lowing overerowsling in' tae places of amusement. The court room was crowded with inferestes! spectators, and the hearing of the case lasted until noon, The case of Robert Lipman, pro- prietor of the Princess theatre, was the first called. A. B. Capningham ap peared on nis behalf, and entered a plea of guilty. Mr. Chuningbam point. ed out the cicoumstances of (he, case, stating that there had not been more tickets soll than would fill the nec commodation given. The trouble was in the fact that the usher was sic) on the occasion when the police mak the inspection, and, on this account | the people cosild not be shown to the seats as quickly as when the ushe was on hanks ty . City Solicitor Melntyre, who con ducted the prosécation, called Con stable Arniel, so as to show the court the conlitions: Constable Arniel said that he visited the Princess about 8.35 o'clock Gn Saturday night. He counted. about twenty-five people ip " aisle, axl about forty in the oth of $10 and and costs £ o 2 fine er. The seats were all filled, Jd there was not room for people tofget omt on one side, Mr. Lipnian was called, and he ox plained Low he had been hanglicapper hw not having his usher on haotl. He had helped in the work, There were plenty of seats he said, to accommo date all who were in the house, There were about twenty-five people in om aisle and fifteen in the other. The magistrate held that there hac neon a violation, and imposed a fine of £10 and costs, J. L. Whiting appeared on * behalf 0 A. Burrowes, of the Bijou and pleadex "not guilty." Constable Arniel told about visiting the theatre, about 8.45 Saturday. night The place was crowded to the doors, and ail the seats were filled, as fa as he could see. The aisle was clea back to the seats at the rear, but in this area, at the back of the theatre, there were about fifty or sixty people standing, He counted about thirty and woultl judge that he had only count' ed one half of the number. The spac at the baex ~ould be about 9x16 feet To Mi. Whiting, witness said tha he knew Saturday night was a ba night to keep the theatre cleared o people. He had received several com Plaints ahout the theatres being crowd . Mr. Whiting wantetl to secure th on of some of the people who hax been complaining, but the magistrat said that he was not forced to give them. Constables Ndaylon and Timmermas also gave evidence. Constable Timmer man told the court that he counter gixty people in the space at the rear and then there were two or three left lhe aisle was clear, however, Mr. Burrowes said that he was no at the /theatre the night in question as he was compelled to stay doors as he wis suffering from a severe cold He had two men as ushers, and the pisno player was also assisting, & times. He always gave strict orders to allow no standing in the aisles. The space at the rear, he had never regardetl 4s a passage way, as it was not. guartled by iniling, but had, op account of instructions received from the police, complied with the request to keep this space open, hut found it very diffioult, at. times, to do so. He had on several occasions, to give the people their money back, and let them go out. Several. of the employees at the theatre 'were called. Gordon Staley said that there werg about twenty-five people at the rear, but it 1 crowded hy apy means. How®ver, he would not contradict the evidence of the constables, "when they stated that there were more. William Francis, the doorkeeper, said that there had been no limit plac on him, as to the number of tickets < he should colleet. He swore that there were only a few people standing at the back. Fdward Pound, another attached to the thea- tre, thought that therp might have been Sbout twenty-five people stand- ing, but not anv more. . r. Whiting pointed out that the doors were wide open, and if the peo- ple had occasion, to go out, they could do #0, without any trouble, The danger was all imaginary. The pro- regulations, but was doing his best to regulate things. H there was any violation, it was purely of un technical nature. Mr. McIntyre said that the charge was laid under the section with re gard to "egress from public buildings" and this pointed out that all ap- proaches must be kept clear. It was probably all right, in times of peace, when there was no trouble, to allow Deathly Cramps | crowding, but not | prietor did not want to violate all the | 3" spring n any other tina in the wistary of the i should be' a calamity, it would be different. The magistrate said that he believed that Mr: Burrowes had made every attempt to kedp within the leifer of the law, in making provision for over- crowding, but it was quite clear from the evidence given that there had heen overcrowding. He would, therefore, impose & fine of $5 and costs. Andrew (i. Simmons answered (o the against the King Edward. He said that he would admit that there were a few standing at the back of the theatre, byt would not gsdmit that there had been any overcrowding. Constable Arniel said that he went into the theatre sbout 5:45. There were about forty people standing up at the rear of the theatre. This crowd prevented people from going out. 'onstable Naylon counted forty peo- ple at the rear, and Constable Yim merman figured the number as forty five: William Ashley, the manager of the theatre, said that there was quite a few empty seats, but pointed out that it was a very difficult matter to get the people to go down to the seats, especially when they came in, near the nd of a show. The exit on Montreal street was always used, and a big crowd could easily be disposed of by this door, Mr. Mglntyre said that there was no doubt but that the conditions at this theatre were decidedly better than it the other two." However, he did not think that reason had been given or allowing forty-five people to stand at the rear, especially when there were vacant sents, us it had been pointed ut. The magistrate imposed a fine of $2 ind costs, and pointed out that he wd no doubt the proprietors were loing what they could to obey the re- gulations. He knew that it was hard to regulate the crowd, but the rofrietors would have to keep the sassngewnys clear. If necessary the floors would have to be closed and 10 more people allowed in until after me show was over. - charge AT THE Y.W.CA. Miss Gibson Resigns as Secretary---- Tea and Sale Held. The monthly meeting of the board of directors, of the Young Woman's Christian Association, was held® on Monday afternoon in the building Johnston street. The board regretted waving to aceept the resignation of Miss Agnes (Gibson, who has been act-) ng as general secretary since last Sep- ember, and wish her a very pleasant wliday. The vacancy is being w Miss Clara 8. Holmes, On Thesday afterngon a very suc- esaful tea and sale was held in the 'ooms of 'the association, by the mem- ers of the board! and a goodly eum vas, realize). The ladies in "haiye of the 'tea table were Mesdames E. B. Pense and H. Breck and Miss La mont, "with voung® ladies assisting, (ho home-made table, Mrs. W. H, Stevenson, Mrs. F. R. Robinson, Mrs. I. Sutherland, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. oJ. Wright. 1 fancy work table, Mrs, to Harigy, Mrs. W. Macnee, Mrs. A. itrachan, Miss Thompson and Miss Holmes. dire, Snelling received the noney at the door. Miss Ardelle Elder lelightiul songs, accompanied by Mrs. R. A. NeClellmnd. Miss Doritta' D. Stevenion renderell two very fine ngno solos, The board temder their nany. thanks to thosef two young adies for their kindness and to kina riends, who contributed to the sever- i] tables and made the sale a suvcess. HAD GOOD TIME. A.C. HA. Recreation Club Held Suce cessful Smoked, On Tuesday evening the Recreation Clubs of the R.C.H.A. held a pleasant smoker in Ontario Hall. About a hundred guests were present and every one enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The battery bund K was present and rendered fine selections during the evening. A lengthy programme of voces! and instrumental music was sue- wssfully carried through. During the evening a few boxing bouts between he soldiers were held, all proving fast ntevesting fights. Many of the officers were present, and enjovetl the smoker w much as the men. About ten o'clock refreshments were served by the R. C. H. A. caterer. The affair broke up shout midnight and was voted ono of the most successful in the history of the club. Prompt and Decided, We are as strong and vigorous as our blood is rich and pure. All power and' vitality comes from the blood. Many people always have impoverish: ed blood. All may have pure, rich, vitalizing blood by using Wade's Iron Fonie Pills (Laxative). The bemefit is prompt and decided. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. in boxes, 25¢. at J. B. McLeod's Drug Store, Lor, King and Brock streets, (Wade's Oid Stand) and Cor. Princess 1 Montreal streets. Money back if uot satisfactory. ' A Gift For W. B. Skinner. A very pleasant event took place at noon, Tuesday, at the office of the National Drpe and Chemical Co, when the manager and employees gathered and presented W. B. Skinner with a beautiful gold mounted silk umbrella, bearing the monogram "'W. B. 8." helore his departure for Mon- treal. Me. Gerow, manager, made » ver; appropriate address touching om the esteem in which he was held by those connected with him, to which Me. Skinner made ux very feeling re ply. The employees very much regret his departure, but wish him h i and Jru----. in his new field. Watering Carts All Ready. The fain fall at noon, to-day, was The strent watering carts are now al! ealy for commission and the «f welpipes lave been got into working order, wi that street Watering will proceed regula ly at Hhood 3 filleg] | avorcl those present with one of her | a great relief, but it was unioviunate: | ly of 100 short duration, this' 3 et i Ee . ial Saleof White Bed Spreads All This Week § The tew given on Saturday by Miss | Elizabeth Walsh, Clery street, for Miss May Wormwith and Miss Florence Séllery, the brides-to-be, was very pledisant. The hostess and ber. nieces, the Misses Lambert looked after the tea amd the floral adoroment of the house was very effective. Golden flow. ers, daffodils and tulips were mm the! drawing room, while pink carnations made the tea table antl dining-room centres of fragrance. The guests of honor" receiver with the hostess and | others present were Mrs. Chipman, of | Delta, Mrs. Sellery's visitor, Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Mrs, Edward Ree: Mrs. W. J, Crothers, jr., Mrs, J. Sparks, Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Mrs, 8S, Huntingdon Simpson, Mrs, W. (| Day, Mis. H. Crumley, Mrs. Perey | Chown, Mrs. W. Wallace, Mrs. F. Mrs. B. J. McKelvey, Lloyd Warren, the Misses Barry, Ada Jenkin, Miss Fdith Hazel Massie, Miss Mabel Bowie, Lalu Cavs, Miss Fpfira Nicolle, Mabel Meck, Miss © Mabel Milo, Misses Wilson and Miss Mildred le pry. TNSTe tease Testa rertraten * - - -> 'Goll has begun again, aml, there | fore; the joys of Battminton have be | 1 gun to fade in a way as untimely as |! the hot days we've had for March andl | ! April. No one van be expected to play indoors, when there's an opportunity of playmg out of doors. - - Mrs. Ive Martin, "Underwood," {ill gave a bridge party, last night, for friends of her daughter, Miss Phyllis Short. There. were six tables, and! some of Mrs, Martin's friends were in- | vited to make up a table, { - a we if The lunheon given on Monday, i Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, in honor of Miss Florence Sellery was a ||| very pleasant affair. Covers were laid for ten, the gvests be ving girl friends | : of today's bride. ! - a it! Mes, W. Leroy Shaw will receive for | {| the first time in her new home, 204 |i Earl street, an the afternoon an | { evening of Friday, April Sth. - a - | John Walton, will receive, at Stuart street, on the second third Fridays of the month. " ww Mrs. Hram Calvin is giving a tea this afternoon for Mrs, D. D. Calvin, - Mrs, D. Phelan, Johnson street, not receive again until the - > - Mrs. James Stewart, Stuart street, will not receive again this season. { - - - - Misg Not ma Elmer, Bagot street, gone to Macdonald College, where she will take mgstic science. Mrs. Austin Gillies, mother, Mrs, J, S. fori street, Master Roger Bidwell went down on | Mooday, to St. Alban's School, Brock- ville. > Ma Mish Norah Macnee has returned to school in Toronto, Miss Viola Allen, of Mississippi, ar- rived in the city, on Tuesday, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs, Frederick Clark, at 1156 Gore street. Mr. W. Elkins, who has beem out in helia for a yea¥ 'or so, is baok in town, and is again with his battery. -- - - HH } i 1 il 1 it [ {th 11 1} i - Mra, os - - will | auntumne | i ! has | M in do- a course her | te Jotm- is visiting R. McCann, nx Mr. need Mrs! Arthur Cogswell, who have been visiting the Rev. T. W. Sa- vary and Mrs. Savary, Barrie street, returned to Toronto to-day, Mrs. Russell Hale, King street, is back from a short visit to Ottawa. The news of Mr. Hale is causing his frientls great pleasure, for he has so far recovered from his illness as to contemplate a drive in a few days. * Mrs. 0. J. Stevenson. Albert street, and her sister, Mrs. Wilson, will leave on Thursday for Stratford, Mrs. Arthar Matheson and her little daughter are leaving Ottawa at the endl of the month for Kingston, where they will spend the summer. Mr, Matheon, who spent Easter week | br. with his family, Temiskaming. M a - - Mrs. R. H. Tothill, returned, on' Sa- turday, from a month's visit "in Peterboro. Mrs. David Gillies and Miss Elsie | Gillies spent with Mes, J. NR. Johnson street, onl their way home from Atlantic City and New York. Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, who is getting up what promises to be a at ne Sunday McCann, of losis fund of the Daughters of the | & Empire, has had her tants augmented by the addition Mrs. J. J. Harty. of | - + = MiE"Rgnes Campbell loft, to-day, for Keene, Miss Jean ( Tu mphell will be | M i A ard Insured at Reasonable Rates 'For further information "Telephone 238. A) |i Save Furs from Moths | any | ee in town till | Yates may be at the end of the week. |G ie irs. abeth O Brian, Guelph, | {John Harold White, | of the {of St. of Montreal, son, derson, of Ottawa will take place June. Massey and Mrs, The Thursday, During March nursing he refused, owing to pressure of work, eight of these patients were attended free, lected in fees. seven Roman {atholies, two one gationalist, "The weived : Poor has returned to Lake } nourisbine ont | Meck and Mrs, to Carleton Place, | parents, ery } { chard h parsonage, Miss Florence most enjoyable affair for the tubercu- | Taylor of the firm of T. F. {for Princess and Queen streets, biocked, them much had never been drain in the city, and caused a sensation. new rapper sold at hase had trouble getting a satisfac tory razor are mvited and if not entirely satisfied, turn it. Each razor is guaranteed keep sharp for 2 years. Time, Spec pects Lot No. Ladies' Trimmed Hats All the newest styles. , ONE DOLLAR we will lay aside any hat until re=~ quired. ' 1.50.8 BY USING Tarine Moth Proof Bags it We' have all sizes, prices from 40¢ to 75¢ each. inside each bag. A FRESH SUPPLY Moth Camphor Balls. Moth Camphor Crystals. Moth Camphor Powder. Pure Gum Camphor, Pure Insect Powder. fresh and strong. These are MAHOOD'S store | PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. WFrar the examinations. that Mrs. Oselavius home from New York, It is Pr Low has thoved to Ottawa, Edward avenue, street, a "Mrs. averly -> The marriage of Miss Jeannette Eliz daughter of Mr. John O'Brian, of L"Original, M.D., seventh som W. White, canon Kingston, Saskatohe - rs. late Rev. G. George's Cathedral, tusk place, at lLanigan, non Easter Monday - a The marriage of Miss Bessie Gordon, to Mr. Victor Ander- son of Col, and Mes. W. P. An in - - Mrs. - ' Mrs. Rout Delabhy, of Pembroke, announces the enghgement of her daughter, Edna, #6 Mr. Frederic Vor son of Lieut.-Col. Fred Massey, of Montreal: take place on m Massey, marriage will April 21st, Victorian Nurse's Report. the Victoyggn Nurse cases, paying 160 had to fifteen visits, Several cases tended paid, and 816 was col In religion there were two Anglivans, Preshy terians, Congre seven Methodists, two Salvation Army, and one following donations were re Mrs. Harriet Kirkpatrick, £3, for fund, V.O.N.; fresh eggs, W. C, Miss Roney. Clothing and from Miss A. Macnee, re. Cappon, Mrs. Waldron, Mrs. Cor JJieus Bermingham, Mex. Porter, Mrs, Frederick Reid. Married This Forenoon. On Wednesday morning the mabriage curred at the home of the bride's Rev. and Mrs, Samuel Sel Queen Street Methodist of their daughter, Lynetta, to Charles E. Harrison was performed U., per at Co. The ceremony stall of assis { by the bride's father, assicted Ly Rev. CC. BR. Svkes, | white satin Russian silk lace. {was bridesmaid, B.D. The bride wore payette, trimmed with Miss Mildred Seller and Henry Taylor, ontreal, groomsman. The couple Jeft Toronto and western points. What Bloc Sed the Drain. ¥ Men were at pork this morning drain on Sydenham street, at What they found surprise. The like found mn any of i other real # Men Only. Who chave themselves should see the Best's. Mem . who try may to one, Remanded Another Week Johi Hewitt, the immigrant, aml remanded of n before the on Tuesday morning, It is Snake Hunters at the Bijou. | "Ihe Snake King," or *A Shot In a drama depicting life among the Mexican snake hunters, is the Bijou to-day avd Thursday. on at It a find coe, » Regular price $ l. Lot No. 2, Regular price $1.25. Special at 98¢. Hanger I} WeAave also Ii extra | ' DRUG || from and to Iwetween which was caused re to wha was arrested on a charge of vagrancy last Friday night, jail, was given further remand week, whet he appenred magistrate, ibelieverd that he is of unsound mind. to A Nr Sy. + Special at 85c¢. We are showing ' By paying a deposit of RIGAN"S Riansenssnssssvensasinsansannstniing 369ssssscsassscesase New Century Library The Volumes of the New Century SIZE, printed in large type on the thipnest prigting paper in_the world. Volumes containing between 800 and 900 pages are Just 1-2 inch in thickness including cover) Por the first time book buyers can obtain each novel of Thackeray, Dickens and Scott com- plete in One Volume of large type and pocket size Library are of POCKET New Century Thackeray Complete works in 14 volumes Scott. Complete novels in 25 volumes Shakespeare, § volumes Dickehs, , 15 volumes, Longfellow, complete in ¥ volume Palgrave, 'The Golden Treagnry," 1 volumi Bunyan, "Pilgrim's Progress)' "The Holy War," and "Grace Abounding," 1 volum« Carlyle, "Ths French Revolution Rurns, with index and glossary Tennyson (1836 1859) The New Century Library is beautif: tilly bound in FHimp Leather with gilt top. All volumeg contain from 708 to 900 PAE fully Hllustrated, and contain index and glossary Price Per Volume, 60c. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 3 THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. : : 260 PRINCESS ST. "PHONE 019. VEPPV00PP0VL 20200000 POPP VP00000000 00000 » beauti 3 retrstIeeeieegs {DIAMONDS wk of Diamonds Mounted 'in Ring most com 1 1 [Heng Ring at $30.00 cannot he think $2 good, ssiure you that it is that a Diamond 00 or hut we The prices can go up into the hundreds of dollars if desired. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET Issuers of Marriage Licenses. CEPVPVIV0PCO0POVV ONO 0000 0V0VO000 0004 Of the many popular, styles in CORSETS that we are now show- ing. We keep a full range of the celebrated makes of Crompton and D. & A., and would be pleased to show them. Ask to see our leader at One Dollar. It's a beauty. Remodelled and eg af idl also stored for the Pepe * + + - W. F. Gourdier. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY TORE, : i FARMERS, ATTENTION! | | | | | We carry a full line of MILKING TUBES, TEAT SLITTERS. TEAT DILATORS, and CATTLE SYRINGES, | i ¥ . A. P.Chown, Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. 0000000004 00000 seessssstetessesss PEFTIIIIITIIVINISIIVIIIIVIII III Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts, Phone = 3 KINGSTON LAUNDRY