YEAR 77-NO, 81 MILLERS BL Antl-Gambling Measure is Likely To Pass TARE WILL SENATE GET IT? IT MAY BE HUNG UP TILL NEXT SESSION, An Objection Overruled by the Speaker--Vote on the Appeal Sus- tained the Speaker's View--Dis- cnssion on the Measure--G. M. Hendrie's Statement. Bpecidl to the Whig. Hiawa, April 7.~The Miller anti gambling bill, fs reportal without amendment by the special committee, which had it under consideration for six weeks prior to Easter recess, came up for g long discussion in the com mons, yestetlay. In moving the second reading, Mr. Miller at the be- ginning of a lengthy speech in sup- rt of the hill was met at the ontsel an objection raised by Mr. Wilson, Laval, that the evidence taken be fore the committee had not yet been reported to the house in French, He declared the bill could not, therefore be proceeded with. Speaker Mareil rul ed that this was no reason for not proceeding with the bill fintling the rmting of evidence in French. Mr. Filson appealed against the speakers rulibg and was supported by nearly all the French Canadian members of the house, whb are not in sympathy with the bill in its present form. The speaker's ruling, however, was su stained by 9 to 55, the members of the government and R. L. Borden vot. ing with the majority. Mr. Wilson the proceeded quoting at length from the evidence and giving an exhaustive summary of the argreements in favor of the bill, Tt is believed that ever though the bill should pass the com mons in its present form it will not get through the senate before pro- rogration and will be left over until next session for final consideration, Mr. McCall, who was one of the members of the committee strongly opposed the bill. He entered into" -an exhaustive review of the evidence given before the committee, and con tended that the operation of the Hughes' law in New York state hac largely « increased the gambling evils. Mr. Miller had said that two million dollars had been taken out of the country byt United States bookmak- ore, As a ter of fact the evidence all went to show that the bookmak- narrow-mindedness of of the bill, some of the and dedling it the so-called public opinion on this bill he quoted the words of Spaltling: "There is no worse tyranny than the public opin fon that oo s innocent pastimes' He believed that there was a genuine public spinion in favor of the general principal the bill, but as to actual provisions of the bill he said there was no public opinion because the majority of the public did not know what they were, ; ~ Mr. Wilcox, (North Essex), dealing with the retin of public opinion, said nearly of his constituents, comprising Some of the hést citizens, had sent a petition asking him to o the provisions of the bill on ound that it was too drastic in its , Of these signatures 400 wore represetitatives of the agricul: tural classes. to deny the ac made by Mr. Raneyregart ing the Windsor race track. Mr. Raney had asserted before the select commit tes that the track in question was controlled by foreigners. Mr. Wilcox a statement by George M. Prd stating that was 'as good a Can 'and British subject as Mr, Raney or amy other person who is supporting the bill." "1 wish to resent," the statement proceeded, "Me, Raney's slurs that the Windsor sssbeiation is a gambling wroposition, sted by refugees rom the Uni States. I -am a Can- ndian breeder of thoroughbred horses and have a number of mares, yearl- ings and foals at the Valley Farm, Hamilton. The raving associ: ation is a p ' consisting of a, - oir 0 extent in that partflership." Mr. io's DAILY MEMORANDA. Fire dnd light committee, 4 pam, Friday. Ladies' Al First Bait urch, K at ne Sire. He, £ vo | day ternoon, 3 NE as = gt J | doing, {nection with jo Baiy statement went on to show that i wns on medical advice that he was unable tp attend and give evitlence be- fore the committee as he had heen or- derel south. Dealing with Mr. Raney's argument that "the men who control these tracks have been careful to keep themselves apd their gecount books and money books away from the com- mittee," and that "being foreigners they are not personally amenable to this committee," Mr. Hemdrie says in reply that W. A. Hanrahan, the secre tary, was summoned by Mr. Raney, that Mr. Hanrahan went to . Ottawa, and could have given all information 'regarding the owners of the Windsor race track. As a matter of fact he was not called. , ------ Picture Hat Burns in Church, Pittsburg, April 7.---While singing a solo in the Grace Episcopal churciy at Hopedale, Sunday evening, Miss Min- nie Smith, a beautiful society leader, struck her head against ao lighted gns jet, igniting a large picture hat. Immediately the feathered plumage of the Easter finery was a mass of flame, ] 'Cries of horror wexe heard throngh- out the church, and a panic was nar- rowly averted. The soloist, however, wolly removed her hendgear 'and handed it to ope of the male members of (he choir, who hurriedly carried it outside, but too late to save the adornment. Little Girl Terribly Burned. Cornwall, April 7.--The eight-year- old daughter of Emmanuel Brunet, Dalkeith, yesterday, spilled coal oil on her clothing. She endeavored to dry it by standing ® front of a stove, and her clothes took fire. The mother quenched the flames, but the girl may die. She was terribly burned. GETS C.N.R. BONDS. Victoria, B.C., April 7.-- James Dunsmuir has purchas- ed four million dollars worth of Canadian Northern bonds, it is understood, thus closing the deal for the sale of his Vancouver colliery and coal interests, on which an option was taken by Mackenzie and Mann sbme weeks ago at fif- teen million dollars. He is himself & director of the Can- adlan Pacific R.R. PEPPER PVP EIPPCPOIRS PEEVE PPP ebb Spain as Peacemaker. Madrid, April 7.-- The Spanish cali- net dispatched to the cabinets of I'eru and Ecuador telegrams enjoining those overnménts to adopt a conciliatory attitude toward each other, The Spanish government considers that it was its duty to tonder this ad- vice as King A i trator of the boundary which gave rise to the ill-feeling and sulwequent war talk among the people of both re- publios. Follows Father Fallon. Buffalo, N.Y., April 7-Official an- nouncement is made of the appoint- ment of the Very Rev. J. W. Smith, OM.J,, of Lowell, Mass., as provin- cial of the First American Province of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, to succeed the Right Rev. M. F. Fallon, bishop-elect of London, Ont. n NO BLAME ATTACHED REPORT OF MR. AYLWARD ON TRENT LANDS CLAIMS. He Finds There Was No Collusion Between Messrs. Clarry and Dick- son in Assessing Damages, and That Interests of the Government Were Well Looked After. Ottawa, April 7.--The Jegiort of H. W. Alward, of the legal branch of the railways and canals department, who was commissioned by the minis ter to investigate the charges | made v Mr. Lennox in the house before the Easter recess with reference to alleged collusion between L. F. larry, acting for the justice depart ment, and James Dickson, acting for the railways and Sante depoiftment, in improperly assessing amages for Inde. io y the Trent canal works, was presented to parliament. Mr. Alward, after examining so >me seventeen witnesses, including land owners, municipal assessors gnd oth- fowners, munies asseésors. and oth. t which the claiths for damages were judicated, finds that there was collasion between Messrs, Dicksos and [Clarry, that there were no Uluims im- properly paid, and that the interests of the inion were in every in stance propurly looked after. H port, on the evidence of the parties in closest touch with the legal gt, efciorates both Messrs. and shows conclusively both the department of justice the department of railways and als have nothing to defend in the, case which Lennox tried to make out. priogfield, Mass., April 7.--The wan- last Thursday, of Miss that and enn con Mr, no i Clarry of any wromg- |' { WILLNOT ASK For Guarantees From The : Throne. THERE IS ALARM AMONG THE EXTREME LIBERALS AND LABORITES, The Irish, as the Upshot, Will Vote Against the Budget and Procedure Measures and the Government, solution Follow, London, April 7.--The rank and file of the liberals, especially the more extreme section, as well as the labor- ites, are disturbed over a report, which semd to be well founded, that the government has decided not to appeal to the throme fps guarantees enabling it to pass the veto resolutions after these are rejected by the present House! of Lords. The followers of the govern- ment had assumed, from the utter- ances of Premier Asquith and Home Secretary Churchill, that guar anton | i | { i would be certainly asked for and they consequently are keenly disappointed at the change of programme. A radi-| cal paper, which accdpts the report, | learns that the Irish, as a result, will! vote ageinst the impending budge and procedure resolution and the gov- ernment, being thereby necessarily de feated, will resign forthwith and the dissolution of parliament will follow. Tho resmwit says the radical press can only be a triumph for the lords. In consequence of the abstention of the nation lists from voting in the House of Commons last night the government's majority sank to 33 on a division on a resolution favoring a tariff. ¢ War Secretary Haldane moved the adoption of the resolution limiting the veto power of the Lords in connection with finance measures. It prohibits the Lords from vetoing or amending a money bill, It is beliovetl it will carry by a majority of at least 120. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From AR Over The World. Daniel M. Defoe, chairman of ronto court of revision, is dead: The poor health of Andrew Carnegie is causing considerable anxiety in New York. . | Laval students and the police had a serious encounter at Montreal on Wed- ny ght. Builders' Exchange has entered a protest at Ottawgy Egainst the éight-hour day bill. At the sale of the Yerkes #rt collec- tion, in New York, forty-three paint- ings brought $769,200. ~ The first message sent from Port Ar- thur wireless' station was from Mayor Matthews to President Taft. Fort Churchill district has been thrown open for homesteading hy the Dominion government. Albert Adam, a blacksmith, of Weis- wenburg, near Guelph, shot and killed his wife pnd then took his own life. Milwaukee's new socialist mayor has anhounced to the citizens no attempt will be made to force a millenium on them. It Is said the Nipissing mine will show a cash surplus of $1,500,000 when their annual report is presented to the shareholders. Galt school board is considering the installation of a stereopticon in each of the public schools. The total cost would be about $235 The Monetary Times estimate of Canada's fire losses for March is 81, | 076,253, an increase of #224 563 over the same month last year. Mise Carlyle, factory inspector in Toronto, declares there is a girl fa- mine in Ontario She says~10,000 are wanted by factories in Toronto. The gross sales of the Dominion Tex- tile company will be in the vicinity of $10,000,000, representing an increase of abotit $2,000,000 over the 1908 figures, Sir G. Reid, the high commissioner for Australia, intends starting a great emigration campaign in the fall, pay- jog special attention to men with money. It is stated that the Western Union company intends to remove all ite wires from bucket shops in all To- the course of the next few days. W. €, Hawkins, a Galt newspaper icitor, who several weeks ago fell on the icy sidewalk, and his arm, Was given $400. The sidewalk town hose. Yield a Profit. Clevetand, iy April 7.--Three dent Sissel raileay | ha of onl ved on ven * pro' A paying venture but, after = Month's oper ation, promise to give a band "ome wutblus 1a the tailuay iy. Be Blgorsindy aed 0 4 0 ons for ¥ month of , shows a profit of Voted Out, Will' Resign and Dis- salam Wolgast,| the new= lange cities on the continent within wad made slippery by water from the jh, on the Cleveland |' FELL ON CIRCULAR SAW, Employee of Ottawa Sawmill May Lose Both Legs. Ottawa, April T--William Fleury, while at work in a saw mill at Meach's Lake, was terribly mangled and it is believed that he will both of his legs as 8 result of the accident. Fleury was feeding a huge circular saw when the chute ecarryin, off the sawdust became cl He went to clean #t out and was probing the opening with a pair of tongs for the purpose, when he slip ped forward and fell on the saw. One leg was amputated and it may be necessary to amputate the other. WILL HAVE TO WAIT. Wolgast fo Fight Baldwin in 45 Rounds. . | | Milwaukee, April 7.--Battling Nel} will got the first chance at ight champion, as had been expected. A Jetter from Wolgast says has signed up for a battle of forty- five rounds with Matty Baldwin June 27th. Baldwin's share of the pro- ceeds is not stated, but Wolgast says be will receive 35,000 and training expenses as a guarantee, Roosevelt Will Give Presents, Paris, April 7.--Colonel Roosevelt sent word to President Fallicres that he would be pleased to present the French executive with the skins of some of the animals he shot in his Alrican hunt. The president was de- lighted with the offer and immediately telegraphed his acceptance to the colonel at Rome. It is inferred from this that Roosevelt will remember all the European rulers and presidents whom he meets with similar souvenirs «1 bis hunt. | | GRAFTERS TO ESCAPE. Montreal, April 7.--Pre- mijer Gouin having declined to prosecute the men named in Judge Cannon's report, it looks as if the eity council would follow suit. The city solicitors opined to-day that there ia no obligation on the part of the council to take either criminal or civil action. They also declare that the two forms of guilt mentioned in the report are not mention- ed in the criminal code. PEPPER PP PPO S bey eee ET Rev. J. Anderson Died. Goderich, Ont., April 7.--Rev. James A. Anderson, B.A., for the past twen ty-two years pastor of Knox church, Goderich, died yes at Ottawa, where he was. 3 i attended the of the Be of French E izat at Montreal, and to-day wad to have received the honorary of D.D. fi the Pres. byterian College at Montr where he received his theological training, had it not been for the attack of la' grippe, which resulted fatally this morning. He is surtived by a family of five sons and one daughter. Robert Wright Dead. Montreal, April 7.--Robert Wright, who retired from the trensurership of the Grand Trunk railway in 1898, af 'ter thirty years of service, died on Tuesday. He way born in 1843. WITHOUT A COUNTRY JOSEPH UBERALL SEEMS NOT TO BE WANTED ANYWHERE. He Might Have Been a Citizen of the United States but for a Half-hour's Excursion Into Canada. Joseph Uberall No. New York, April 7 ! connected with a law firm at ! 37 Broadway, seems to be in .a fair way to nval Edward Everett Hale's famous 'Man Without a Country." More than that, the only place in which Uberall seems to have any right to reside is on some ly of water dividin the United States from Canada, Sais predicament is the result of having taking a half-hour trip into Canada last October. : Uberall + arrived here from Austria on October 30th, 1906. "The Austro- Hungarian consul has recently alleged that he will not make a desirable eiti- #¢n, he having been in prison in Aus- tria. Under the law he vould not be deported. on this ground after he bad been here three years. But after he had been here two vears eleven Jaonths ond twenty days he went to Niagara s, crossing into Canada, and came back. There was within the three-year limit, a immigration authorities at ¥ Island ordered him deported. He ap- pealed to Washington and the decision was confirmed, Then be took the case to the federal * courts, "where Judge Hand is i Fit KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, fore, his last arrival in the country 4 Jdegree of D.CL. will be n ' M 4 of ; {densbirg, in points 1 © i 1910. LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And - Distant Places. THEWORL'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. 'New York city £60,000,000 on about to spend new subway constrye- tion. tresident Taft has cancelled his engagement to visit Indianapolis on May 35th, * Ao decision has been reached by the Canadian Pacific as ' to the building of new Atlantic liners, That the Sovereign Bank may again open its doors before long is the announcement made in court. Mrs. J. K. Currie, wife of Postmas- ter Currie, Plattsville, Omt., dropped dead in Neal's store on Wednesday night. : ; Alired Hazlett, G.T.R. baggageman at Chatham, has been arrested on a charge of stealing a package of jewelry. Sir Robert Anderson admits author- ship of the famous Parnellism and Crime series of articles published in the Times in 1887, George H. Stephenson, a barrister of many years standing, in Toronto, sen- tenced to four months in jail on a charge of the theft of $480, Mayor Nathan, Rome, presided at a dinner given in Mr. Roosevelt's honor by the municipal authorities in the Capitoline Palace, on Wednesday night. 'the senate of Toronto University has decided to abolish the "honor course in connection with the arts de- partment and the term "special" will be substituted. The beautiful Hadley Wilmot, was destroyed by together with its Nothing was saved. At Dover, Del, a charter has just been issued to the International Ele vated Railroad company, of Washing ton, a monorail concern, with a capi tal of $50,000,000, The British Protestant Alliance has sent a letter to Ambassador Reid, Loudon, = applauding Mr, Roosevelt's refusal to accept an audience with the pope under conditions. A petition for commutation ,of the sentence of Earle B. Hill, condembed to be electrocuted April 18th for the murder of a Chenango, N.Y., farmer, was sent to Governor Hughes. Advices from Addis Abeba express the belief that open hostilities between Ras Oli and Ras Michael ave imminent. the governmeni is preparing to send troops to the aid of Ras Michael. One of the most disastrous fires that ever visited Mount Forest; Ont., occur- red Thursday morning, when Leslie's planing mills were completely destroy- od with several piles of lumber, The Sovereign Bank's indebtedness to the assisting banks is now about $4,000,000. On the 15th of January, 1908, the assisting banks loaned be tween eight and nine million dollars. At Moosomin, Sask., Inspector Tay: lor, of the Moosomin sub-agency of the RN.WM.P., died on Wednesday, after an illness of four days, from pneu monia, Capt. Taylor was in his for- ty-seventh year. Empress Alexandra, at St. Peters ourg, furnished the best possible re: futation of the recent sets thgt she was in serious ill-health when to day she received United States Am: bassador Rockhill. The Toronto bill to compel a rail: way company, issuing a commutation rate on any line, to give a like rate to other points in the same district, was killed by the commons railway committee on Thursday, Five masked men, after binding the night marshal and the pumping sta- tion engines, blew open the safe of the hank of Coal City, Il., wrecked the building and escaped with = more than 85,000 in woney and sta ; A fatal duel was fought at fers, between two candidates for the French Chamber of Deputies. NM. Houbs shot and killed. M. Robert. The men went to Africa especially for the affair. Newspaper recrimination led to the ranch house of Sir at Crawford, B.C. fire, on Tuesday, valuable contents. uel. Archbishop Bruchesi bas received a letter from Dard Strathcona, enclosing a cheque for $5,000 for<® the enterisin- ment of the guests to be accomoda- ted in his lordship's residence on Dor- chester street, Montreal, nt the euch: anistic Sofyrecs, ; ' Sh baies The tr Pomme i has renewed an contract with the Union Steamship company for the Australian-New Zealand service from Vancouver and Victoria for one year | from June next on the same terms as the existing contract. a > Spencer has confess: al 10 the muir of Mis Martha B. Blackstone, at the home of Mes. Rarab J. Daw; Springhda hy Ham, Jan Thursday wight. Spencer also fessed to the commission of a Jong weries of masked 1 Rev. Herbert Symonds, DD. Ei BR Greenshields, HT. ' Laporte, Senator nd and Sir Archibald Douglas, Danduca for fof Montreal, will be given the degree of LL.D, by MeGill University. The conferred on Justices Dunlop and Nartineas. The greatest ball éver given in oe and was, in here will Htin's Roman Catholic church in CATTLE AND MEATS. Washington, D.C, April 7.--Flatly declining to precipitate a "tariff dis turbance," by ing a mecting bf the ways and means committee of bouse to consider placing (atils meats on the free list for ous year, torelieve the high price ot fonds, Chairman Payne, in an open letter to esentative Foelker, of New Yuk declares that a majority of the « m mitiee opposes any amen fuont to the! vew tanfl law. | Mr. Foelker, in a rep's esks the committee to reconsider, ani i it wili not grant &@ hearing and i: upp) ot, the bill, that & wail seport the Lili adversely; and thus give the members of the whole house a chapre to sav | whether they are in favor of or against this measure, the and a COURTS OF MONTREAL. Four Additional Judges for Superior Court. Ottawa, April 7.-Mr. "Avlosworth has at last taken the preliminary stops Lo remove the congestion in the courts of Montreal. © He gave notice of a ie solution on which a bill will be based providing for the payment to four additional judges of the superior court in Quebec provinee of B7,000 euch por annum. May Form Montreal Co. Montreal, Apnl 7.1. L. manager of the Montreal Transporta tion company, discussing the insur ance meeting at Detroit, said that if the rates rontinned to go up the in land shipping men would discard com pany insurance and form a mutual company of their own, : : ; NAVAL SERVICE OFFICE. Ottawa, April -7--S8ir Wil- frid Laurier has given notice of a resolution upon which a bill will be based, creating a department of naval service It is provided that the depart. ment will be presided ovér by the minister of marine and fisheries; with a députy mini- ster drawing $5,000 per: an- nam, and such other officers and elerks as are required $ererrststssrrssstsisessed SHOOTS BETRAYER. CPEB PPP Oe Ie d ii Bullet Follows Statement That He is Married. New York, April 7.--"Well, Jim, said you couldn't do anything for me. This is what I can do for vou." With these words, Henrietta Uorri- gan, nineteen years old, yvestarday, shot and fatally wounded James MN. Brennan as he was leaving his home in Paterson, N.J. A policeman arrest ed the girl as she tried to kill her self. The shooting is the sequel to atten tions paid by Brennan to the girl for a year, which ended, Saturday, when he declared that he had a wife. To prove his statement, Brennan arranged a meeting between the women and tragedy resulted, Investigation re vealed that Brennan was not married, but, tiring of the Corrigan girl, ranged with a woman to pose as his wife. A MONSTER PLANT WHERE SOME TWENTY THOU. SAND MEN WILL WORK. vou the Eight Hundred Aceves of Land Secur- ed at Erie, Pa., by the General Electric Company on Which to Rear Structures. Schenectady, N.Y., April 7.-Ti (ieneral Electric company, to-day made public plans for a monster plant ut Erie to give employment to 20, 000 men. Eventually the plant be made one of the largest industrial centres in the world, The work of enlarging the local plant is under way and soon the number of employees be 20000, Eight hundred acres of ground have been secured a Erie and the initial floor space will be 150 acres. Twenty large build ings and thirty-eicht smaller ones hie erected. The lay-out of the plant is declared ideal by engineers. | fopain tions have been going on three years and construction» work will by started immediately An von foundry and pattern shops and v archon will be put up first wil four A WASHINGTON PRIEST. Says That Roosevelt Waterloo, Washington, April 7" Theodore Rooseveld, the politician, has met his Waterloo,"! declared Res Father Eugene Hanning, pastor of St. Mar thie city, in discus the vatican con troversy. "Lake » mm a chins shoy he has attempted to'fump into the vatican and override the stiguette of the most august court the world has ever known. "The cotrt of Rome not given ty assisting in political ex Flats and has surely let Rossesslt now it in to uncertain manne: - elt is the greatest pres ot the world has ever known but r of Europe have not mach pas for the press Agent in polities. He may" swing the "big stick" iy this country to his heart's sontent, bt it is folly for Bim to attempt to ride rough shod over the vatican." Has Met Mis = Chairman Declares Against Placing | Them on Free List. 4 Henderson, . LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES. 19 ow 0 nie i : th wes ex bul me Si pd cnldl 4 made of fine Wroadeloth, Coat strictly tallored, semi-fitting, single breasted, and lned throughout with fine mercer- ized fabrics, 13 gore pleated skirt; colors," Navy, Oreen, and Black. . SPECIAL AT $15.75. Smart Suits of Fine Black, collar and tri moire, Nned gore-pleated Panama, CORt in Navy apd with rolling mmed with black throughout, 13 gkirt SPECIAL AT 812.50. OTHER GREAT LINES AT '$12.00 to $87.50. Something New and {interesting to dll who TUNE paper pavers MISS RICHARDSON, of New York, in the rest of the Ladies' irnal Pat tern Co., a demon-~ stration at this store APRIL 11th and 12th. AAAS SAILS, 5 NN 5 I 3 AP PP Fif JN Sofood ANS ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone, 577 227 Princess Street, The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 and 234 PRINCESS STREET. Thone M7 ¢ THIS ov™ a pretty good Furs on, for which 1 wi ed. J Tark., ' "FROM New Pare and Good. Jas. Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries, What Will be Dene. New York, April 7 -lmprovemect apd increase wages: for yer rather than melon for stoc are to Iw sme of the Western Union Telegraph company hereafter. 4 resolution to this effect was adopted vestarday, at & meeting of the exe comitiitiee off the oompany New York. tive Enron Bobbing [Hen Houses. Hen house thieves have bom te in thetr work the past few w , 8 cording to reports which have bee mecde, and last sight « vesident of Victoria steest was robbed of a hal doren finie bivds "Flower Reals' son's Ral Cross Drug B William MoGulness choked to death in a Brooklyn ressursnt, trying 74 swallow & large bite of & ham san wich. He was lortidive veats old. # ing of every description, ni regsonable prices, The British Whig J