x eats THE DAILY DRITIS! NOT A LEE THERES COUNCIL MOTHER AND DAUGHTER |, oases |. SIVED BY BIN PILLS |. im SOI Cnc Xed Lee won the father Laff oll in the . Lee neighborhoad in {Erusitowa wownship. - He Jocated on bd No. 28 in the fourth THE CITY 3 - ; i TCE Homeseekers' Excursions To the Canadian North-West, April Sth, 10th: May ard, 17th, 31st; June 14th, 28th: July 12th, 26th; Aug. oth, 23rd; Sept. 6th and 20th All tickets good to return within 60 days from -going date Settlers One Way Excursion to Western Canada Mareh 15 22, 29, Apell § and 12. PARTIOULAR ATTENTION. {x called to ti'e fact that these rates apply te points on Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway. 8 new territory full of golden opportunities. Low Rates to Pacific Coast , One-way Second Class Celonist Ticks ets on Sale dally until April 15th. "ICTITD BY A LANGE Din vi PUTATION | The Famous Kidney Remedy. 44 Woollrey Ave, Toronto, March 21st, 100° LONCEE KIN, [ifys and five gisds, grew up, married, | hd. families, save two, who died in { enildhood with. ssarlet fever. Vlen {he frst died and foends gathered for the funeral "the--other child passed sway. The funeral was postponed {il the nest duy and both were buisd ia one grave, « The seven boys settled on farms between "Odessa and Sharpton { and, commencing with ithe ald home- | stead farm, going east, there were five {farms all owned and occupied hy the Lee brothéws, hence the Lee neighbor: thood. . Strange to say, though that = » « ' abd aA : Use it to finish x whe a bir Bow a Alien engaged as assistant at Sier. | when the country Bas a mass of brush floors with ai , 2 fing Mines, Gray's Liding, Ont. 1 became wood and stancidg timber, to Few : » { Property Committee Report Was familiar with the merits of Cin Pile. lout for himself a fortune in the «beautiful and withdrawn. | On leaving Taroute, 1 eft my whe woods. He started with a determine ; i o ; \ 1 (aged. 61) my daughter {x 21) in tion to suecced wand he did succeed. i om % : i ¢ y Bb | most durable] The «ty council was in seshion about | ra hedlth, The former Ar oh ali | Jie started, cngle-handed with: bia surface that ou >" hour and a half Jal evEn:nZ- d : sorts of remedies for her ailment --hliccle young wife and whea he died he had y [large deputation from. Cataragul WeTe | Age or Change of Life, Thejointsinhe: lene of the best cultivated farms ia can keep clean »» Agr * Alter tr pein hands were badly swollen and she suffered | } raestiown, and much moncy besides: : asc of the Allen marsh. As o% I much pain. my i He had a family of thirteen children, most easily. ground, but was nal given: an upper | it to me that Gin Pills wou! and it we mid hist hn a tunity to present its case, avse | help her and soadvised her. This Wes: | chen these thirtesn children sabound- Ald, Graham, chairman of the oty} bappy thought, for my wile wrote Lac. {od the table three times a day for property committee, withdrew the | to say she was trying Cin Pills, Lmunls; These thirteen hidden, eight ithe committee's report recommending i er mem letter sal that fhe pills wert A | the purchase of the marsh; and ex-! d ref , and the segafd, that tin | Chui that the council of Kingston, | £Wol joints were fast disappearizg | tow nati had notified Him that i Also, her general health and color wa: 3 it) x a § it 1 Lwould reconsider ite decision regard: | vastly improved. Now, she cannot su | Use it instead Ing the use of township property for | too much in favor of Gin Pils, M : : : daughter has zlso derived much benef city nuisances grow * 3 " 17 ¥ of paint or var-|* After some discussion it was decided from their use. Vu. B. CRAIC nish for vehicles to authorise the | Shangig |e Mparocin. and. a the | $ chemical engine to fire station No. 1,1" pol a Yr aC of every sort. {and tranaier the hose waggen 10] pinchave proved heir freat valus, rt | station No, 2. Enix gtréet extension | ypem at your dealer-- Jc a box, 6 for £2.20. 7 A - Pa i : dw "BEAVER" FLOUR You see, she can 'depend on *'Beaver" Flour. She knows its uniformly good qualities. She knows what white. homemade flavor bread --what light, delicious Cake and Pastry--she gets when she uses "Beaver" Flour That Fob full particulars, apply to J. P. WANTJIY. Arent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Streets. CLE GLU RAILWAY \ attendance at the meeting were: It withstands byl were passer. 1 the weather, {Mayor Couper end "Alds. Bailey, Car-1 Use it to renew the looks of old furniture and every sort of ,- woodwork. Qet it in tine--chocse from 17handsome colors in solid Enamels, 7 shades of Lacs to imitate hardwoods, or Transparent Lac for nat- ural finish. Ask about the hundréd uses M IL Floor. glaze has in your home, in our Free Book. conts 500 sq. feet. Tmperial Varnish & Color may Company, Ltd. Toronto A Ci te W, MARSHALL «A, EF ALL, BN. BONY ® to oi --- AFTER 'SUFFERING by Lydia E. Pink- ~ ham's Vegetable Compound § Lydia und, made from native roots and: :rhe, sontaing no narcoties or harm. 1d and today holds the record rv the largest number of actual cures female diseases we know of, and ousandaef voluntary tostimonialsare h file in the Plukham laboratory at n, Mask, from women who have n cured from almost every form of plaints, inflammation, ul. mn, displacements, fibroid tumors, Re sad roi. prosiTaton {very suffering woman on ih to her ve L! 's Vege- LIMITED), DOF. QUEEN STREET. Sian i & Fiott, u statement was ordeted { son, Chown, Clugstom, Givens, Graham { Hanley, Harty, Hardison, Hoag, Kent, | | MéCann, MeCarthy, McCartney, | Xo-| I Kay, Rigney, Robertson. { } These econtmunications were referred | {to committees ! W. (i. Craig tendering his resigna-| tion ax alderman. ' | {John Friendship re extension = of | { Mack street. = 1 { J. BE. Heaslip, making application to, erect two signs on Montreal street. Sesretary Doard of Health regard-! ling construction of sewers, . | Napoleon LaRose re changing name of Wade's Lane ta, Elgin street, i W. Pillar, secvetary cheese board, | asking for use of council chamber. i Light and Water Commissioners, Pic | ton, re electric power. { | Mrs, Anna B, Harvey Dobbs re the fares tion of a drinking fountain south west eorner 'Albert and Earl streets. t Heoretary Kingstop Yacht Club ex- { pressing appreciation of grant to the !elub, 5 ! i John Kelly re eonstrigtion walk on! Fwest, side Alber street, i PY ry : 3 | Dominion Textile company, Smythe, HE introduction of two Underwood Condens ed Billing Typewriters by a firm enabled them to do better and more accurate- ly with four employees work which previously re- quined six. L 2 A : ; UNITED TYPEWRITER C0, LTD {King & Smythe, representing : * { Carrington and othérd -* protesting + 4s Bs ©. DOMES, {against the Allen swamp being used | "KINGSTON. as a nuisante ground. - ' City Baseball league . asking for 4 f is grant of 350, for making improve | M-- 3 ------------ ments to the baseball'diamond on the | ua cricket field, } " 33° These recommendations of the i One Million Dollars ance committee were adopted : h On the communication of Ls uf good S 3 Reid asking to, emt a stall in the or a tomac murket that this committee regrets | that they are unable fo provide . the {This Offer Should be a Warn necessary funils, : On the communieati from the Ing to Every Man and - Chinese laundries re laundry tax, that - Woman thi tegen be Ev 1h hg 4 Ald. Carson obj to the clause} T 4 - medical. jour: on the fire committee's repurl re com- Fd om + and, y 7 meneing the changing. of $he chemical on famous millionaire"s offer of i (gine to station No. 1 and the {howe mil' on dollars: for a new stomach. waggon to station No. 2. He "t] This great multi-millichaire wos tog think the -chief's recommendation a busy to worry about the condition wins one. Ald. Hoag agreed with Ald. ! of his stomach, He nllowed his dys Carson, Ald, Chown davored the | pepsia to run from bad to worse until change, explaning that the point was fin the end 'it 'became incurable, His to get to the outlying districts as | misfortune should serve as a warring quiealy ns possible with the largest to others. Every one who suffers pos-inle amount of hose. In fighting | with dyspepsia for a few years will fires, the quick arrival of hose meant{give ine he owns for a new a great deal sometimes. stomach, Mayor Couper thought the chemical | Dyspepsia is cansed hy an abnormal engine could do better service at the |state *T the gastric juices. There is upper station than at No. 1. | one element missing--Pepsin. The ab- {he clause recommending the change | sence of this destroys the function of was earried, Ald. Carson's amendment | the gastric fluids. They lose their to refer it back being defeated by 11 !power to digest food. to 4, We are now able to supply the pep- Ald. Graham announced the with: |#in in a form almost identical to tht drawal of the city property committee | naturall- created by the system when report regarding the Allen swamp amd | in normal health, so that it restores the large. deputation in attendance fil [to the gastric juices their digestive wl out, quite satisfied' that Cataraqui power, and thus makes the stomith ward woul! be saved from being the strong and well. We want everyone troubled with in- On tecommendation of the industry, | ¢izestion and dyspepsia to come to the tentler of the Whig publishing com- | our store and obtuin a box of Rexall pany to publish 5,000 copies of an | Dysgepria Tablets. They contain Bis advertising pamphlet for $105 was ac { muth-Subnittate and Pepsin prepared bv a process which develops, their greatest power to overcome digestive nuisance ground ward of the city. cepted. By taws were pussed for the exten: |®! sion of Broek street from Vietowia to disturbances. Toromto street ; of Mack from Nelson Rexall Dyspepaia Tablets. aro very to Vigtoria, of Patrick, from Stephen | Pleasant to take. They soothe the 110 fot wouth and from: the: opening | ir1itable. weak stomach, strengthen of a street hetween Earl and Union; j and invigorate the digestive organs, from Collingwood to. Alert. The lat. | relieve nausea and indigestion, pro- for street, it. was to call {Mote nutrition and bring about « feel Couper, after the mayor. An smend |" of comfort, ment was made to the scavenger by- 1i you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- Taw, Segunding the cost of removing lets a réasomable trial we will return night soil. your money. il you are not satisfied --- motion of Alds. Givens and With the result: ; Tiares sizes, he. Soe. council accepted an . Remember you can obtain William er the ke i Rexall Remedies in Kingston at our pinfiat to Cotntagui bar or 4tare, the Rexall store. £3: W. Mahood. On Motion of Alds. tted to council. wrt showing what 'much to say relative to; Tralued at was only about seventy yedrs ago, | there is nota lee or one of their i posterity in alt that secudn of coun- ie , even up to Odessa. Rev. George {ee it a grandson of "Uld Untle Ned" Jee. The writer of this artic'e has a | icture of a group of the seven broth- irs of the Lee family, large, stalwart ! men, eech being the head of a fansly, lind 'each having wore or lées gray | hai a. 1 prize this picture, for = their mother was my mother's sister and 1 givw up fro fnfaricy and phildhood {aid 86 on a ine years, even seventy { viars," with nothing but a line fence | dividing the farm on Which this Lee family "was z#sed and my father's Harm, where 1 Tived for Many years. Ira Swith, Odessa, Ont. || | WHIG' FASHION HINT. : i | { Tulle hat with aigrettes. SEEDING WAS DELAYED -- Around Philipsyille on Account of the . Cold. , Philipsville, April 11.--Miss L. M. M. Blackburn hos returned home from nursing the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone during a severe at- tack of pneumonia. W. H. Ludbrook, who has been on the sick list for a few weeks, is able to sit up. There is rejoicing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tackabery, because a fine baby boy has come to their place. Nr. and Mrs. N. Carr were the guests of Mrs. Carr's Tather, 3. Whalen, at Cros by on Sunday last, Stevens and Hal laday are making improvements to their cheese factory by adding a new whey tank and new pipes. Owing to the cold wave, there . was not @s much send put in the ground last week. There has not been mimeh growth in the grass owing to the Want of rain. The open winter did not af- fect the clover. 13 has come oil beautifully, R._Gc Haskin bas hid new saw mill enclosed, ready for the rool. He has been sawing all the spring in the open. W. Chase is getling ready to open his brick and {ile vard for tha season. There is very little hay moy- ing this dpring. Almost every one has enough feed to carry them through un til the grass grows. There is great sorrow among the farmers on aceount of the shortness of the hog crop, with pork: at ten cents a pound, live weight. TORONTO FIRM INDICTED. Smuggling Wool Rags Into the Un- Buffalo, N.¥., April 12-An indict ment has been réported by the' federal grand jury, which charges. that MM. tanalstein & Sons, rag dealets, of Toronto, Ont. have been engaged inn scheme to defraud the United States through _ the customs offices. IL is alleged that in shipments of Woollen rags 10 Lopenheimer & Co. Huffalo, rag merchants, the Toronto firm bas listed the woollen stuff as cotion rags. Two months ago the customs in- at the International-Bridge they fond that car No. 15578 on the Grand Trink confained = "ten bales of woollen rags packed in be- tween bales of cotton rags. he way- bills represented - the whole shipment cotton rags, on which there 1s na dat . The duty on woollen rags © is prohibit] : . woollen rags contained 10,470 poonnds and were about $3,000. The duty slone would amount io £4,000. is why she always orders "Beaver" having it. Do you? Dealers--write for prices on Peed, Coarse Grains and . Cereals. The T. H. Taylor .Co,, Limited, Chatham, Ont. 0 In Coanection_ With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Flour and insists on . Romes«ekers' Pay a Fair Price And Get the Best The grocer who gives the greatest number of pounds of granulated sugar for a dollar, naturally won't give "the best Montreal granulated." The only way you can be gure of getting the best, is to insist on having oft Sugar The analysis of Prof. Hersey, Covernment Analyst, shows that 'St, Lawrence Granulated" contains 99--99/100 to 100 per cent. of pure cane sugar with np impurities whatever. to Western Canada Low round trip rates good going April 5th, 13h; May 3, 17. 81; June {14¢h and 28%; July 12, 26; Aug. 9, 23; Sept. &1'%, 20th. Good for 60 | days. 1 | KINGSTON ---OTTAWA. Leave Kingston 12.01 pan, arrive Ota itawd » pan heave Ottawa i Kingston 3.656 pm { Full particulars at K. & Pr. and CPR. iTicket Office, Ontario Street, F. CONWAY, General Passenger Agent, FS PR 10.46 am, arrive | 1 ! BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, | Train leaves Union Station, Ontario | Street, 4 pan. saily (Sunday excepted) tor Tweed, <vdenham, Napanee, Deser- | 3nto, Bannock urn and all points north, | Fo secure quick despatch to Bannock« burn, Maynooth, and Jyants on Central mtario route yous shipments via Bay For further ti. ¢ - DICKBON, Agent. "Put up by the Refinery in 20 pound Cotton Bags fof Quinte Rallway. culars, apply ER 'Phone, No. | $2088. Anan Bermuda New Weekly Service by 6.000-Ton R. M. 8, PF. "OROTAVA" 0 . From New York every W Pier 50. North River, 10 a.m, Orchestra--Migh-clans Culsine--Electrio Fans in all rooms. SPECIAL TOURS OF 12 DAYS $45 isfactory way to buy Granulated | sican ers are in bloom, Sugar is in 20 pound Cotton) visits to Bags. Every bag Lears the registered brand as shown nj this cut. MANUFACTURED BY TH rn! Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd TREAL. MON A nourishing dish for luncheon. Triscuit, the Shredded Wheat Wafer, contdins in the smallest balk all the muscle- building, brain- producing qualities of whole wheat. Delicious with butter, cheese and marmalade At all grocers, 13¢. a carton, iwo for 28c. ws | | | Wirel Tel hy--Milge Keels. | relens Telegraphy oe i The right trip at the wight time for a short vacation. April apd May when lilies nod This includes The cleanest and most aati! Durin hotels, drives, | transportation, meals, Uvaves and Sab Stalaetite {marine Gardens, elo. {The ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO, Sanderson & Som, 22 State St, N.Y. Now the birds are singing Sunshine"s warm ard | bright ; | Nature 's to us bringing Something to delight, {Grab at all the gladness 'Neath the heavenly dome; 1 Get a Wormwith-Weber | Piano in your ho ne. | 232 PRINCESS ST. : Is where the i WORMWITH we" *| WEBER PIANOS lare sold. Some bargains in |seconid-band pianos . and i jorgant. Wormwith-Weber Piano Co., Limited 282 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. . Olives Plain, Queen, Manzanilla, Btaffed Nut, Celery, | Pimento. Ripe Lyvola in {tins 3 MONUMENTS 2 et pn {> | ) { | Handsoment _ aud. Newest py CQL) 'ER"S, Granite and Marble Phone 76. ws Prompt Delivery, Raised letters a specisity. 1 HutesIesstusiiatetsnnny SCRANTON COAL Finest possible execution by pneumatic machinery, much superior to band work. | B ¢ Cor. tequip Bagot snd Barrack Sts, & an Toron ibe i BRBIY sae. } $8.1 KILPATRICK & 00. | WALLACE & PARKS, All Kinds of Wood & Lumber, Try 8. BENNETT & 00. {Night "Phone 235. Day 'Phone 230. 'All kinds of Cut Flowers snd Plants "Tin seapon, Wedding and Funeral De- {signs 8 specialty shipped to all parts. I King Street Real Es: Ate T. 4. LOCKHART 1 ¥ Welllagton Street.