Ze Reserve Funds $4,818,871 KINGSTON BRANCH: : 107 PRINCESS STREET, Brass Craft ew Art Work YOU GAN 1O 17, Designs sll ready In Pleture Frames, Boxes, Panels, Candle and Lamp Shades. We A. Mitehell 3 Hardware, ..NOLAN !" FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 338 PRINCESS ST. Our Coffee at 25¢ and 35¢ cannot beaten. a, ik WEE INJURED | AT - SARNIA. It is Believed a Small Amount of Water Found Its Way Into Tank in © Which Casbide Had Been 'Placed, Casing Generation of Gs. Sarnia, Ont., April 14.--Shortly af- ter five o'clock, yesterday, an explos- ion which could Be henrd & mile dis tant took place at the wharl of the Reid Wrecking company, injuring two men. Two iron gas buoys of the a cha with ide, preparato to being placed in the river, the work be- ing under the direction of C. F. Ste wart, of the marine department, It is believed a small amount of water must have found its way into Jie tank, causing gas to generate. r. Stewart and a sailor named George Day, Sarnia, were standing at each side of the aperture and were thrown several feet and picked up burned and bleeding. Dr. James wad semmoned and found Stewart badly burned about the fade, neck apd head, and ordeted him "to be taken to the hospital, His eyesight may be affedtedl. Day's' jue jes are less serious ami he was tiken to his home. smemonEE-- A MARATHON WALTZ. Seventeen Couples in Mad Competi- tion in New York. New York, April 14.--The band in a Brooklyn dance hall struck up a speedy tune at an early hour, last night, and seventeen couples started in a mad waltz, which, it was annoupced, wits for the Marathon dancing chdm- pionship of the world, Ti pers, scorers and sdconds were stationed along the hall. J Morrissey and Alice Dunn POR oh lead at the start. Some of the dancers went down at the corners pearly in the contest. Tn fifteen min nutes the ¢ "hegan to revive the " dancers. By = throwing sponges in + In ball an hour dancers had quit the floor , wet and very tired ; hour's race was very 8; but. Morrissey and Miss Dunn' passed under the wire hall a lap ahead. They had covered «five milés in the hour. y | TWO BOYS POISONED. it 14 Work of His Enemies. Pittahu by April 14.-Two sons of Philip Badali, a wealthy Italian - of Wilkinsburg, were found dead in bed yesterday. The youths, one eighteen and the other sixteen years of age, were the vistims of poison, according Jto the coroner's office, either adminis: tered by some one or taken by mis. take for medicine, When Badali learned of the death of his two boys he fell in a faint, de claring wildly that the deaths were due. to his enemies to whom he had refused to pay money. Two years ago adali's summer home was burned: 'or months after the incendiary blaze the folise gunsibd the, Radaii home, | day and night, Letters have been re- towed by the family demanding money for the pgst six months, Father Says aves is ? ix men tod and warrants are out : others. Eight girls testi t thal pri , They had 'of maving pic- WIFE DIDN'T KNOW. Lived With Husband After He Se- cured Divorce, 2 New York, April 14.--For six years after her husband obtained a divorce with him in happy ignorance of the fact; she says. arch 10th last former husband, Louis" Schwartz, her and her vhild and took the Hurniture with him. rs. Schwartz Jwenit to the courts to compel him to support her. In defence Schwartz pro- duced a certified copy of the divorce detree, Dog Leads Searchers. i} Newburg, N.Y., April 4.--The body of James, Malloy, aged sixty years, was found in a pond, yesterday. It is not known whethér he was a suicide or accidentally fell in the water. His pet dog, which accompanied, returned to his home, and afterward fed a patty of friends to a t on the shore where Malloy had disappeared. Beautiful Stock to Choose From, type were belig i Mrs. Dora Schwartz continued to live] Prevost, Brock street, has & fine as all ; A CRAZY MAN. \ He Got Into Telegraph Office and 14d, Damage, Niagara Pulls, Ovv; April M.--4An apparent] ogr ' at Marshvifle station, on the Waku<h railway, about ten mi west of Welland, this morsing, and flaw at the ticking mmtriments and pulled them off the fable. Ths opera- tor, afraid of the man, rushed from the office to get assistance. The man, after tearing the telegraph switch board, which contained three wires, from its fastenings on the wail, put- (ting all the wires out of business set i semaphores at danger and de camped westward. The cable passing under the canal feeder just west of Welland Junction - was found the other morning torn from its fastenings and ken and this is supposed to have been the work of the same i } ---- Arrested the Man, Marshviffe, Ont, April 14 The man who entered the station here, this morning; and threatened to kill the agent, and broke the telegraph wires, was arresitd by Constable Shafley, of Montague, after a hard struggle, about four miles west of here, and taken to Welland jail. He is supposed to be insane. . Hix name is Copeman and he belongs to Ridgeway. ; AN HEROIC PASTOR Contributes His Salary to Pay Off Church Mortgage. Cleveland, ©.; April 14.--Rev. Thom- ae 1. Frases, pastor of the Clark Avenue Friends church, has contribu- ted his salary of #15 a menth to pay off the mortgage on his church, while he earns a living for himself and family by working as a mechanic in a motorcar works, By May lst, $1,500 must be raised. PALACE OF AMBER TONE. Buildings in Livadia"of Fairy-like Ap- pearance, St. Petersburg, April 14,~The czar's new palace at Livadia, in the Crimea, will be 'a wonderfully beautiful build- ing. Tt will be built entirely of Bala- clava stone, which, when polished, re sembles pure amber, giving buildings of which it is constructed a fairy-like appearance. The new palace will be completed in 1912, Railroad Befrauded. . Chicago, April 14.--President J. T. Harahan, of the Illinois Central RR., after wens of investigation by de tectives, is declared to have acemmnu- lated evidence of a gigantic system of grafting, which, &f made public, will startle the railroad world. According to reports, which officials of the road refuses to affirm or deny, the Jlinois Central RR. has been de- frauded out of several hundred thou- sand dollars and the total loss may reach $1,000,000, According to persistent rumoss . the investigation has been concerned in part with the Illinois Central's car repairing. by The Greatest of All Exchange. ~ The men in the Pullman ear smoker were arguing as to who was the greatest inventor. One said Stephen- son, who invented the locomotive and made fast travel possible, Another man declared it was the man who in- vented the compass, which enabled man to navigate the seas. Another contended for Edison. Still another for the Wrights. Finally one them turned to a little man who re- mained silent: *Whom do you think?" "Vell," he said, with a hopeful smile, 'the man who invented _inter- est vas no slouch." had Angry at Taft, New York, April 14.--President Taft, by promiging to address the woman suffrage convention, which opens in Washingion to-day, has aroused the wrath of the "ants," who have sent him a létter of protest. The eom- munication is #gned by nine members of the New York State Association Op- posed to Woman Suffrage, . 'Raises Wages of 6,500 Men. Sorafiton, Pa., - April 14. The Dela- ware, Lackawanna & Western railroad annouhdss a six per cent. incréase in wages to all employees in the trans portation department. This takes in employees in the department on the entire system from Hoboken to crazy man entered the tel-| lew} Were Caught by LOST * THEIR LIVES AT HAVEN, CONN. Back Drast Which Slammed Doors and Shat Them in Burning Building - Wikre They Were Fighting Flames, New Haven, Cons, April 14.--Trap- ped by metal docks and barred win dows, six fremen who were fighting flames in a workshop were caught by a back draft amd burned to desth dur- ing the partial destruction of the New Haven county jail, yesterday. Threa of their comrades were saved through the heroism of firemen outside. The bodies of the six men were found after the debris had been removed. Many other firemen . were badly burned, but re mained at work. 7 The Adad are: Capt. 0. L. Chap man, William Doherty, John Buckley, T. Callen, James. Mortell and Thomas J. McGrath, Six men from track No. 1 were fighting their way through the cell room of the iail into the workshop, when an explosion of a gasoline tank caused a back draft and slammed be- hind them the iron daors separatiig the (wo buildings. Three of the men were hemmed in a corner and burned tar death, while the other three made their way to a barred window, to which they clung, with sirens of water playing on them from the out: side. Soon after reaching the window the roof fght in, and the ladders were put from the outside apd down the inside and the men taken out. The other three firemen were caught by the same hack draft as they were working at the ather end of the Building and were carried down by the roof when it fell in. A THRIFTY NEWSBOY. Wonderful Story of Roumanian Lad at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, April 14. ~The story of the remarkabife thrift of "& Title foraign fad, aged fourteen, was revealed when he applied to the Superintendent of Neglected Children for a newsboy's li cense. It appears that he ¢ame out here feom Roumania two years ago, uiable to speak a word of English and since that time has succeeded in mastering the language to a certain extent, has attended school and has not only supported himself but has soit ten dollars per month to 'his widowed mother in Roumania to as- sist her én support of the Hetle fam- ile. Besides this he has saved £35 towards the 2100 required to pay her passage to this coungry. All this he has - accomplished by selling _newspa- pers. BURNED IN EFFIGY. Indignant Over Pardon Issued by Governor, Germantown, Tenn., April M4.--La- belling figure with these words, "Ham Patterson, you nist obey, the law," a mob of irate citizens set the torch to the figiwe last night, burning the Tennessee governor in efligy here, a few miles from the place where Gov: ernor Patterson was reared. The purn- ing followed an indignation meeting of the citizens in the public square after news "Wag veoeived of the pardon of Col. Duncan RB, Cooper, convicted of the murder of ex-Senator Carmack. May Have a United University Club Ottawa, April 14--~The Oltawa branch of the University of Toronto Alumni Association have just held its annual meeting and elected these officers for the year : President, T, C. Joville; vice-president, Thomas Mul- vey; librarian, E. J. C, Farster; coun- cil, Mesars. DD. R. McD. King, W. R. weene, Charles Morse, S. J, Mclean, and R. 8. Smart. Plans are untler way to confer with other university clubs of Ottawa, (Queen's, McGill, ete.,) for the formation of a United University Club, A Better Wage Rate. Pittsburg, April 14--~An advance in the pay of thousands of employees of the various subsidy companies GF the United States Steel Corporation, eal to about six per cent, is said to have been decided upon, changes are generally for laborers and employees getting less than 2100 a month. Brisk business and increasing scarcity of labor have sided in bring- ing about a better wage eate. The PITH OF THE NEWS. - . ------ The Very Latest Culled From All 'Over The World. Rochester, N.Y. 'vas chosen us the nest meeting place of the laperial| Council of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Western University, London, Unt., is looking for a new site for the future. fhe Huron College grounds are favor- ed by a majority. i Mrs. Jane Mapson, who resides at 210 Talbot street, St. Thomas, was | hit by a MCR. train on Thursday and Jdnstantly killed. Cecil Griffiths, arrested a week ago, on a charge of bigamy, was commit- ted #8 a lunatic in Toroate police court on Thursday morning. | H. L. Drayton, K.C., former county crown attorney, was appointed by the forento Beard of Control as corpor: at'on Counsel at S10.006 4 year. «John Prodgers, Lomdon, who shot Miss Frank, April 5th, was remanded by Police Magistrate Love, owing to Ne absence of the principal witness. Charles = M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk railway svstém, has re- turned from his trip abroad. It is sgid it had po particular business in- terest and was more of a holiday na- ture. James Macdonald, York Wills, whe, by the tipping of a dump cart at the CNR. consiraction * works, Secarbero, had an arm so badly crushed that t had to be ammitated, died at St, Michael's hospital on Thursday morn. ing. : Two special immigration trains ar- rived at Toronto on Wednesday night with about 350 immigrants on board. Abaut one hundred of these stopped in foronto and the rest went through to the west, Only Oil, "They're a little slow on the other | side," savs a New Yorker who spends a good deal of his time on the conti nent, "and while the stuffy little Eu rapean railway carriages are now lighted with electricity my memory goes back to the remote time when oil was used. "Ome might in Austria, Jurinz s ial storm, {| was aboard an expres: just pulling out of Vienna, in a first-class carriage, when we sprung a leak. Drop after drop, warm and dirty, fell upon my hat and coat. «See here, guard," said I, after a long wait for that functionary te ap- pear, "This won't do, you know! The rain is coming through the lamp hole and ruining my clothes.' "The guard investigated, assuringly, he maid: " "That is not rain, sit. It's oil. The lamp leaks a little, nut roof is quite sound, 1 assure you.' "Yhen the whistle blew, and he dart- | ed away." Then, re- only the Aspirants For Stage. The want advertisement in the Underskirts Whig to-day is calculated to feelings of exultation in the hearts of local aspirams for stage honors. The local Thespians will be called upon to fill the following = roles : Soldiers, Phedrisees, captains, gentinels, priests, mob, guests, courtiers, boys, children, councillors, attendants, envoys, Nu- bians (colored), girls, court ladies. All of the supernumerarigs will be dressed in magnificent Oriental costumes and will be made up by experts who tra- vel with the company: After being carefully trained the local supers. will have little chance of going wrong in the play. Besides being well drilled in advance they will be surrounded aml Lgssisted by capable performers who travel with the company, arouse Victory of Temperance Advocates. April 14.~The temperance | advocates of the state carried their successes in the upper branch' of the legislature into the lower branch yes- terday, where the so-called bar and bottle bill was passed to be engrossed by a viva voce vote, all amendments being killed by wide margins, The bill must now pass both branches before it reaches the governor. The temperancd® workers concentrated their efforts this year on this measure, which divorces the first and fourth-class hi- quot licenses and forbids the sale of | bottle goods by those who sell liquor to be drank on the premises. If the measure becomes law it become eficctive May Ist, Joston, will Prof. © 1. M. Lanos, of the Military confined to room through illness, and will be able to resume 'hls dut till bis nn- next College, is $1.25, 1.50, 2.00; 2.50, 3.50, 4.50 - Woman's Separate Skirts There are times and places when the Separat> Skirt is most needed-- bound to be wanted with the Shirt Waist. -S0 we have ready a fine 1ange of new style Skirts such as will satis- fy many tastes. Some are made from Panama,others from Broadcloth, Serges, Voiles, Venetian Cloth. There are Black and Navy in the main, but. in some materials we have Green, Greys, Browns. PRICES $4.50, 4.75, 4.99, 6.50, 6.95, 7.50, 8.50, 10.95. Black Silk Made from a good quality Taffeta Chiffon finish and made with a wide flounce and dust frill. $4.50, pil 4.75, 5.75, 6.50, 7.50. 0 Th | TR en An Black Moreen i it gb aN Te Underskirts Royal | Black Roman . Underskirts Made from good quality Sateen, with deep dust frill, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. New Spring and Summer i Raincoats Ladies' Silk Striped Rubberized Coats, made semi-fitting with high Military Col- lar. Special $10, Ladies' Rubberized Mohair Coats, made semi-fitting, with high Military or Coat Collar. Colors, Black, Navy, Grey, Fawn. $11.50, 12.75, 13.50. "Jos cvemm bricks," Neilson's from i Ch Toronto. Fresh at Gibson's Red Cross 5 J drug store, 200444040 0,.000088 House Shoes and Slippers 4 ' ---- 3 as as iting a Ril Whig, sortment of twecds, serges pnd che- jo Southwestern Traction com viots. Anyome in need of hi rh contract fr the bi wil do well to call on him Pn tion + a dock at Port Stanley 0 clothing and - y made gents' furnishings Frosh' aramels," apped and ! - : + oar 8, wr a : chocolate couted, McConkey's, at Gib- Otficers Made Responsible. ; Red s drug store, fAbany, N.Y, April 14 -By a vote bride's father jx a meniber of the law p, - Rossmore, 98 to 84 the 'passed thei firm of Hurry & Gallup. erof Perkins bill, making officers and direc tors of racing associations personally responsible for professional betting on rare tracks, > pairing and upholstering dome Reid's. promptly at James Buffalo, numbering about 4,500, . And Seon They'll Be Made Fast. New York, April 14.--Lawrence Swift and Elizabeth Maria Hurry, got . a license to marry on Wednesday. The The Kingston & Pembroke railway morning 'train into the city had a spe cial ear for the dairy produce. A large vrowd of buyers were at the station when the train arvived, and some quick sales were made. Bookbinding of every description, at reasonable prices, The British Whig. -------- brick- veneered residence on street, near Mack, A gossip believes everything she hears, and takes the rest for granted, "A new lot of Ladies' Canvas House Shoes, Leather Boles and Tips, 50c. Shoes that will wear and are comfortable, Kid House Stippers, Elastic Front, at $1 and §J.25. : Pranella Housz Slippers at 60c, $1, $1.25. A large variety of Slippers for houss and street. The Lockett Shoe Store ' P.S.--A new lot,of Trunks and Suit Cases Just received. - RASS SASARAEEAEASAL SASS 0 Styles that are different. not the common sort of every ir the town offerings, when it comes to Pifteen Dollar and you seea vast ditterence in the styles and