- race marr. 33 esti Have You Any Money? The best place for ; yotr savings is the BANK OF TORONTO . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. . BECAUSE: Money deposited there is safe. It can be added to or with- drawn at any time. It will grow through your ad- ditions to it, and opr in- terest payments every six months. YOUR SECURITY ------------ Paid-up Capital, Reserve Funds, $4,000,000. 4,800,000 KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. George B, McKay, Manager, Brass Craft A etme ae te Ae 1% New Art Work YOU CAN DO IT, Make Lovely Work Complete Outfit for - 25¢ Designs ail ¥eady in Pleture Frames, Boxes, Panels, Candle and Lamp Shades WL. Mihels Hardware, 85 and 87 Princess St. i ® In Tan, Pat. Colt, and Gan Metal. Latest Designs. Many Attractive Styles, 4.00 450° i 1f one married man knows a thi ery woman in 'the neighboghood w | vilepe of butchering in Battersea, un: |der the conditions 'spiring YOUTH AND IDEALS THE SUBEOE OF THE BACCA- LAUREATE SERMON Princhedl fi 'Convoration' Hall to the Gradaating Class of Queen's by Rev. Dr. Symonds, Vicar of Christ: Church Cathedral, of Mont- real. : Inclement weathér prevented many | from hearing the hacealavreate sermon] in convoeation hall; Sunday after noon, by Rev. Dr. Symonds, viear of Christ church cathedral, Montreal. Those who were present profited much by the inspiring remarks of the spenk- er, who those for h is text, "What doest thou here 7' 1 Kings xix, 13.1 'The address was a scholarly produet, delivered more directly to. the students of the geaduating class, about ome hundred and fifty of whom were pre- rint. The substance of thé sermon Was youth and its ideals. The preacher pointed out the two-fold nature of | youth, individualistic and socialistic, | maintaining that individualism was the most marked characteristic; a side | of the nature Very apt to run to ex- cosy. Its development is a period in which ideals are essential. "It means," said Dr. Symonds, "the in- cessant warfare between the higher and the Tower self; the battle in which the standard must be kept forever high, in which the ideal must ever connect~Sgell with the higher side of nature, It is here that 1 offer the universal ideal truth; that truth of which the Psalmist speaks when he makes mention of imith in the inward parte. We bave the differentation . of truth in all right action as is revealed in justice, goodness and heauty, and it is only through these that the life of God can be revealed to us." In bringing his remarks to a close, the preacher made an inspiring appeal to the graduating students for the eternal maintenance of highest ideals. "I'rinl, temptation and sorrow shall | surely conic to you all, but at all times cling close to your ideals and be trie to nothing lower than the high est and the best." Storrington Township Council. The council of township of Stor rington met at Sunbury March 28th, at 11 a.m, with wemnbers all present. The minutes of previous meeting were adopted. On miotion of RitchieShep- he resolved that W. P. Smith and' William Lambert's statute labor be changed from division No. 2 to 43. On motion, Shepherd-Hanley, resolved, that John Taylor examine the roag near Alexander Teepell's and repair if necessary, On motion, Ritchie-Tay- lor, resolved that W. E. Hanley ex- athine culvert near William Jamieson's and repair if necessary. On motion, Ritchie-Shepherd, resolved that 8. Aunglin's bill for lumber, $3.08, 'be paid. On motion, Ritchie-Taylor, re- solved that by-Jaw No. 430, permitting the Leeds Rural Telephone Co. to ex- tend their line into the township - of Storfington, also bydaw No.43l, ap- pointing pound-keepérs, fence-Viewers and road overseers, be given their se cond and third reading and passed. On motion, Hanley-Taylor, resolved that A. Ritchie examine road near Wdwards and repair if necessary. Un motion, Hanley-Shepherd, resolved that Fred. Balls be granted the pri- i of the sanitary Jaw. Jumes Shepherd to culvert on concession near Thomas Lowery's and repair if necessary. Collector's time extended to the Fant. Monday in May. At 4 p.m. council adjourned to meet on the last Monday in May as cour of revision, . ---- Fine Pictures at the Bijou. #Saved By a Cow Girl," or "Brand- ing a Cattle Thiel," is top-liner ct the Bijou to-day and to-morrow. It i& a thrilling, rattling, exciting, in drama of the far southwest with cowboys and "greasers'" in evi. dence all the time. Tt will he ac companied to-day by a fine war drama "A Traitor to the South," and 1t0- morrow by other pictures not yet announced, Miss Nellie Spooner, Colborne street, left on Saturday for Dundhen, Sask. where she has taken a school for the summer. » During this week about 13,000 new comers will pass through Montreal 'to the west. Sir Sandford Fleming, K.CM.G., chancellor of Queen's, reached the city this afternoon, "Ths steamer New Island Wanderer had a number of passengers from Cape Vincent to-day. George A. Mackie, Frontenac street, is visiting friends in Oshawa. Catspaw Rubber Heels dre a mice habit. The step is soft, sure, springy. They won't slip. All pon hear about it. ; $ you Shoemen. at 422.00 or you may want to Len. | Pk proved, to-day. She SETTT SN § WHERE Is FREDERICK M.ISALS. BURY? He His Béen Gobe Over a Week--- His Widowed Mother Anxious-- The Police Have Been Notified. The polie whereabouts the Sals- are looking up Frederick M, bury; 301 Division stieet, wha left home on Monday noon last and has got been seen or beard of nce. The missing man is about twenty-five years of age, dark complexion, with a black moustache, He was employed for some time as a boiler-maker at the Locomotive Works, and worked stead- ily up to Saturday noon last. His widowed mother reported the case to the police as she is woriied about him and would like very much to hear where he is or what he is doing, Inquiries were made at the Loeomo- tive Works this morning and it was found that the man had not drawn his pay, some money still awaiting him there. Constable Arise is look- ing after the case and is leaving no stone unturned to find out where the man is and relieve the mother's mind. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- porters On Their Rounds. Kingston is getting her share of the April showers all right. Repairing and upholstcring promptly at James Reid's. Ladies' Home Journal, May number, 10c., O'Gorman's, King street. Gi. Kent Martin, New York, done spent { Sunday, with friends in the city. Williara . Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phoue 778. Charles Livingston and wife return. ed home from New York on Saturday. "Cnlakash Smoking Mixture," in 3 sizes, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. On April 2th, 1885, Gen. Middleton defeated the rebels at Fish Creek after a severe conflict, H. Cunningham, piano tuner Ckickering's. Leave orders Auley's bookstore, The sanctuary boys at cathedral sang in splendid Sunday evening. "Carling's Malt Extract," fresh, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. A good tone for invalids, The site council meets this evening. There is very little business to come before the aldermen, A company of boy scouts will organized in connection with George's cathedral. Humphrey's specifics, pellets and tinctures, a full assortment, at Me Teod's drug stores. Loo Millan, Rarl street, has taken a position as clerk in the Kingston & Pembroke radway office. "A good Invalids Tonie," from at Mec St. Mary's Vole on be St. Carling' | Malt Extract, 25c. a bottle, at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. A medical paper declares that a den tist"a fingers may carry disease germe. Moral : Boil vour dentist. R. McFaul will erect an extension to his carpet warehouse on 'fincess street, at a cost of $4,000. "U'alabash Smoking Tobmeeo," in' J sizes, at Gibson's Red Cross Deng Stare, } - TT, Halligan and Master Henry Pow- ors sang finely this moriing at a mass in memory of D. Corrigan. Harris Lockett left lust week for Copper Cliff, Ont. He will fill a va- cancy in the teaching stall ubtil July. Lady Docrell has said that women are mote economical tham men. Quite wo. That's why a woman marries a man. "For Rough Skin," Almond Cream, soft and delicate to use. Sold in Kinston, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, "Sone men's idea of heaven," said Uncle Jerry, "is an everlastin® ball game, with the home team forever winnin'," Prof. Lanos, Queen street, confined to his room for the past two weeks, is a little better, to-day, but still very ill. Several motor boats were out in the harbor, Sunday morning. The alter- noon rain prevented a large numbex from going out. The Port Arthur News finds after an exhaustive examination of various trout pools that the best fishing in found in the railway folders. On Sunday Rev. Fathers A. J. Han lev and J. McDonald and Dr. Edward Ryan left for London to attend the ceremonies connected with the . con secration of Bishop Fallon. The Cape Vincent Yacht Club has been admitted to membership in the Bastern Lake Yacht Racing Circuit of Lake Ontario. This club is preparing for a busy season this year. - "WW. F. Nickle, M.P.P., is giving dinner, on Tuesday night, at the Frontenac Club, in honor of Sir James Whitney, premier of Ontario, who is to lay the cornerstone of the. Wednesday afternoon. For house cleaning use our furniture restorer, at James fs. Miss Ruth Doyle; who was so seri- ously injured in the street railway ac cident «a few days ago, was much im- is still in the Hotel Dien, but will be able to go home shortly. The wound in her, face is healing nicely, and it is hoped that no sear will be left. . 230" for drug store wanls, a Cross Drug Store. A farmer's team ran away on Brock street on Sat new chemistry building at Queen's on | THE PROHIBITED LIST IF BARS - ARE CONTINUED? A Moral Refériicr Declares That the Whiskey Vendors Should Form the Prohibited List. Kingston, April. 25.--(Te the tor) © Two very interesting appeared in April 16th's issae of your paper, one to the effect that as fast as one name is taken off the "prohibi- ted list" of inebriates another goes on. | understand there are between Kingston list--men and women. - more that should be on. seem a crazy thing, ceonomically, not speaking of any higher reason, to tolerate in our ity or country a sys tem which makes it possible to per petuate sach a condition ? ~ Then the question arises in the mind of every parent, if this condition must be perpetitited, where are the recruits to come from ? = Must Mr. Editor, or some of mine {I have several} 7 Would it not be better to close up the faetories--the bars--where the inebriates are made and per- petuated ? But one says, *it is hard to reform the indbsate; once addicted to drink he will have it, as evidenced bv the men and women on the Indian list arrested from time to time for drunkenness." This proves the ad- visability of putting temptation out of the way of the voung, thereby less ening the danger of their becoming in- ebriates, The other was the report of an out- burst of indignation en the part of one of the leadimg hotel proprietors at the possibility of one of the "pro- hibited list" trespassing upon premises. He is reported as threaten ing to bave him or her arrested forth- his WHO WILL RECRUT Edi. i Price. items | pinety and one hundred names on the! sides these there are, no doubt, many! Does it not' it be vour boy,' 5 tas rpnder 5 THE MONEY HE STOLE FROM THE CHINAMAN, Peter Andre Allowed off on Sus. pended Sentence--He Was Found Guilty of the Theft by Judge of | i i i i { Peter Andre was found' guilty robbing the premises of Dun Ree, a ( hitiise laundry man, at the corner of Barrie asd Brock streets. Andn it will be remembered, was arrested two weeks ago last Sunday by Con. stable Arniel as he was coming down stairs in te Chinaman's in his stock: ing feet, He pleaded "not guilty" in| wlite eourt but the evidence was sullicient for the magistrate to com- wit him for tal. J. McD. Mowst appeared for the prisoner and J. L. Whiting appeared for the prosecution, before Judge Price this morning. Eridence of Constables Arnel and Mullinger and the two Chinmmen was taken and the accu was found guil- ty of stealing about" §25.12 from the Jaundry. He wus given a severe Jee: ture by the judge and then allowed ont on suspended sentence on condi tion that he pay back inside of fifteen days the money stolen by him. The prisoner agreed to do this and was allowed his liberty. PIivi OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. W. F. Duckworth died a few after reaching Toronto from thanines, S. Wicks, hours St. Ua- a doniinion immigration 1 iHness. The Unionists in Britain are anxious now to defer the clection as long as| with if' sueh trespass should occur. Why such indignation ? These poor devils are but the finished product of his own institution. The law does fiot forbid their frequenting the legitimate and respectable part of the premises the hotel proper. They have as much right there as anyone if they ean pay for the accommodation required. The law only forbids their frequenting that pestilential appendage--the bar. Would it not be wiser if the law would ap ply the 'thou shalt not" to the other side and banish the bar. Then the "prohibited list" would not be the poor inebristes, but those who have heen engaged in their manufac ture.-- MORAL REFORMER. ee ---- BASEBALL RECORD. ---- The Games Played on Saturday and Sunday. leagtie-- New Prooklym, 4; Philmlelphia, 4, 0: Pittsburg, 7, St. Louis, 4. American league--New York, 0, Wash ing tem, 0 (sixth inving, darkness); be troit, 5, Clevelantl, 0; Philadelphia, 5, Poston, 3; St. Louis at Chicago, *alkd ven ther. Vastern league--Newark, 1, Roches ter, 0; Baltiv ore, 3, Buffalo, 1 (first same): Buffalo, 1, Galtimore, 0 (bi: rings, second game); Toronto, 4, Pro- vidinee, 1; Moutosl, 2, Jersey City, 1 Sunday' Games. National league~-Cinoinnati, 19, { ouis, 6. ' Pastern league-- Tersey City," 3, Mon weal, 1; Roobader, 5. Newark, 4 For: onto, 4, Providence, 0. League Stmatding. National league--Philaslelphia S67 pe: cent; Pittsburg 833; Chicago 0667; New York .571; Cincinnati 500; Brook- lyn .286; Boston 286; Bt. Louis 125, American league--Detroit 714 per cent: New York .600; Philatlelphia 571; Cleveland 500; Boston 500; St, Louis 500; Washington 375; Chicago .200. Eastern league--Newark 750 per cent: Montreal 750; Providence 500; Balti- more S00; Bufialo 500; Toronto 500: Rechester 250; Jersey City 250. STOLE WHEELMAN'S WATCH. York; Bb, Boston, National t. But Thief Was Captured and Gave it Back. Thre was a great flutter of excite ment, on boasll the steamer ver ton, on Monday morming, when it be- came known that the watch, belonging to the wheelman, hatl been stolen from his vest, in the hotise. The wheelsman and three other mem- pers of the clue immediately bot busy on the case, acting as their own de toctives. Theygot a tip that a certain mariner had slipped on board the boat and purloineal the timepiece, and they set out to find him. They found him and the watch too, ms he Was very glad to give it up, and thus avoid prosecution. A MOVABLE FEAST, M. T. Purse in Harper's Weekly. She has a biscuit colored hat, With plumes of olive green. Beneath the mushroom crown so flat 'A bunch of cherries may be seen: "Tis perched upon her chestnut hair Abuve her shrimp pink gown, And from her little neck so fair A chain of oyster pearls hangs down Her coat is made of Persian lamb, And frogs are all the siyvie She doesn't mind at all the "jam." Because she's got 'em beat a mile And sealops, points of every size, wo fipating round her feet When she goes mincing down the street ¢ looks just good encigh to eat. Canadian Mardered in Mexico. Toronto, April 25.--Fred Begbie, the 17-vear-o'fl son of Mr. Frank Begbie, a former resident of Toronto, was mur. deted by bandits near San Luis Potosi Mexico. The lad had been sent to the Zupo Tillo ranch to collect a small ac- count for hia father. The trip would not have taken him a day, but he did not rettirn inside of several daye. A search was started 4nd the body of the bov was found, with a knife thrust in tha heart. Seventy-eight dollars which the boy had was missing. : ------_ Sons of England Cottage. St. Catharines, Ont, April 25.--The Sons of England, of this city, pre- sented fo.the (rustees of the Tuber- | | prison for nine months by Magistrate possible, i Rev. W. A. Cameron has been ap-| pointed assistant pustor of Bloor streat Presbyterian church, Toronto. George P. Barns was struck by a train at lageasoll and rolled over an embankment, He escaped with afew bad bruises, Graham White, who, attempted the flicht of 156 males from London to Manchester, was compelled alight afterefhing 115 mules. George Britton, for striking an Ot tawa policeman, was sent to Uentral to 0' Keefe. He had a bad record as po lice beater. A terrific rain and wind storm, early Monday morping, did considerable damage along the beaches, the island shore and harbor front, Toronto. The wind blew at fifty niles an hour, Miss Nellie Priestland; whose sudden disappearance from Montreal caused considerable talk, is back in Mon- treal. She was engaged to be mar: ried and was away making the ne cessary preparations. The Albardan revolt in the Sanjak Pristina has hroken out again with redoubled fury. The fighting bas been the heavicst yet reported. Huondreds have been killed. Fhe government is rushing reinforcements. Maj. OC. F. Winter, D.AAG,, of the headquarters' staff, will be transferred to Montreal to . become DAA. of the Quebec command. Lieut.-Col. Dunbar, of the Quebec command, is to suceved him ir Ottawa, Hon. Mr. Brodeur, minister of ma- rine, is expected to return to Ottawa early next month from the New York sanitarium, where he has been so- journing, having been almost com: pletely restored to health. H. R. Pousette, Canadian tirade agent at Durban, South Africa, writes suggesting that May 31st, the date of the South African union, be. observed in Canada by the flying of flags to denote the greatness of the empire, A letter was read in all the Roman Catholic churches of Quebec, wiitning the faithful = against a publication coming from Dublin, Ireland, and de signed, it is claimed, to injure the encharistic congress to be held next autumn in Montreal. While returning to his home at 46 Park street, Chatham, Ont., Saturday, Wilbert Wood, a market fish mer chant, was held up by an unknown negro. Wood, after a few words, man aged to escape without losing a large pile of bills he had on his person. The marriage took place in Ottawa, on Monday morning, of Thomas VP. Gorman, sporting editor of the Ot tawa Jowmnal, to Miss May E. West wick, sister of Henry E. Westwick, the noted lacrosse and hockey player. They left for New York on their honeymoon. Mr. Gorman was a mem- ber of the Olympic lacrosse team. The big Zeppelin balloon is with no oné aboard and may be a total loss. Returning from Homburg to Cologne, it came to earth and was anchored at Weilburg to await the passing of a storm. Extra ropes were fastened to it and it was promounced safe by the crew. A heavy gust of wind, however, snatched it from its moorings tnd it went rapidly upward. To Hold Croquet Tournament. A parlor froquet tournament is to be held at the YMCA. during this week which gives every promise of be ing a very interesting one. The game will be married men Vs. single men. The members have been at practice for the contest and some very warm games are expected. His Loyal Irish Supporters. The great' baritone, Signor Fok, | when in grand opera in his native tity, Cork, had to sing one piece from a stage balcony. The arrangements were not. perfect, and the manager, fearing the carpenter had not made the bal cony sirong enough for the big man, told off two assistants to hid it up from beneath. The lenvthy signor was only hall through his song when one man said to the other : "Be j s, Mike, this: Oitalian moighty heavy !"" "Let's dhvop him, Pais He's only an Italian, afthcr all!" : Voige from the sigror above : ye, yo divils, will ve ¥' "Tarc-un-"ounds ! Pat, he's an Oirishman; hould Wim up for the loife . is "Will eulosis hospital, on behalf of the city, the eotiage which they have just The frompleted at their own expense, cottage ix located on the hospital and cost the lodge abou S00 to build, The trouble with the wnexpreied is "that it too often refuses to heppeu. 5 of yoz I" Miss Kate Best, formerly of Vrok- ville was married in Chicago, to Carl MM. Staples, of that city. Fven a truthful man 1s sccasionally guilty of exaggeration. There is something else in the world besides a salary. a officer, died, in Toronto, ufter a short. aloft SPECIAL. SALEY vo --0OF-- EMBROIDERIES To-Morrow 0 a.m. and all day or as long as the lot lasts. Te a a a tg 250 Yards Pretty Flouncing Embroideries 27 inches wide, in a vange of dainty de- signs, These ar¢ worth usually from 60c to 75e¢ yard. Your Pick To-Morrow 39c Yard. 150 Yards Corset Cover Embroidery Very neat designs. Special To-Morrow 23¢. lo» 125 Yards Allover Valanciennes Laces Some very fine real French make and a small quantity of the square mesh German designs: These range about 18 inches wide and are suitable for yoke and sleeves ; also for complete Summer Waists. These Laces range in value from 90c yard to $1.25 a yard. Your Pick To-Morrow 335¢ Yard. New Curtain Scrims Many pretty designs, 25c yard. Curtain Nets, 20¢, 25¢, 35c. Curtain Muslins, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 35¢. Grenedine Nets for Short Curtains. Pretty Madras Muslins. Art Cretonnes To match the new Wall Papers. sotettblAbidile Baby In Town THEREFORE THE BEST BOUGHT . NOXE TOO GOOD, SHOE TO BE 18 We have the largest and most complete Stock of Bables' and Children's Goods we have ever shown a CALL EARLY AND FIRST CHOICE. 50c up to $2. tt Shoe Store oy GET