[Building Brick Just received a con: signment of Hard Veneering Brick A limited quantity for quick sale. S. Anglin& Co. Wellington St. N. Phone 98. HEADACHE "My father has been a sufferer from sick peadache for the last twenty-five years and never found any relief until he began taking your Cascarets. Since he has begun taking Cascarets he has never had the head- ache. . They have entirely cured him. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. 1 will give you the privilege of using his name." --E, M. Dickson, 1120 Resiner St., W, -- apolis, Ind. alm. JLalatable, Potent, Juste Do Good. Never Sicken, Wea Sod. | 10¢c, 26c, B0c. Never ord Ed The genuine tablet stamped Guaranteed to cure of your money 92 Carriages For Sale Rubber Tire Runabouts, Top Bug-' "Jes, Spring Waggons, Parcel Delivery | and Low Down Milk Waggons. Also two Second-hand Runabouts in' good order, Second-hand Spring Wag- gons and Buggies. Rubber Tire a Specialty. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. "THE PLACE: "James Laturney, The Oassiace Mobo. "890 PRINCESS STREET. co UNIQUE LAUNDRY WiLL OPEN Saturday, April 30 First-class triten Heo give us a running = Lata' ope you will Goods delivered to all parts of the enyr SAM & LEM, LTR CLARENCE anes. 5 DRUNKENNESS CUR ABLE. Drunkeénness is no danger considered a erime; eminent scienti and physi vipa have agreed that it = o disease and must be treated as sue iy 4 home. t hi Li ia sear Pe ul, Otrine. . positive guarantee ai oh it Steet. dure our money wil refunds heu siting to give urchase Orrine No. ang in take treatment, onboe No, be given. Orrine costs but $1 atled on recel price. Hent Shaul pt of Whe, Tor {ree booklet on "Drund "n- Orvine So #87 Orrine Build. fie ton, I J. £ 1d in this eity "i ood, co agot and Prin- SOMA, TLT 8 0 ;% 83:84 ADELAIDE STREET KE, .. TORONTO, Members Standard Mining and Stock Exchange, * Write us for up-to-date information on Hated and unlisted stocks. Gis Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. Where you can Buy or Sell Property. Also Insurance written in best companies. _GEQ, CI CLIFF, Lom they won't get you good Good coal costs no more ! than the ordinary kind. In the men don't know where me CL a | United i te of Cre $l i in ll | Raiipetcs, Fo SSwreditable to the 5 ve § able will fall as the sum _ ol the money will not decrease. 161 £3 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308-31¢ King Street. Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per Tear. Editions at 2.30 and 4 WEE KLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 page a" ubiish in parts on Monday an 'hursda rning at 31 a year. a 3 es, charge for postage had< be add making price of Dai ly $3 per year, ¢ Attached is one of the best Job 5 Print ices In Canada; rapid, stylish, work; nine improved presses. The Brish Whig Pabishing Co., Li. EW. a sector. TORONTO OFFICE. A Suite 19 and | 20 - bers. 32 Chur Te a TE Baile Whig. INNOCENCE IMPOSED UPON. The business men, the elergymen, and others, whe signed the petitions which {| went to the justice department, asking for the pardon of {wo men who wer convicted of selling indecent "wterature and pictures, must realize the man- net in which theyshave bem imposed upon. They subscribed to what is row alleged not to be a fact; namel; that the books were classics, all of them, and that they were to be found iin the leading public libr aries, It is remarkable how some joople van be prevailed upon to sign anyili-g and men have put ther t emes documents they "have not read later have warmly repudiated The, Toronto people, who find sdves condoning the offences «i ! fosned criminals, must feel chagrined, but is their reproach likely to remembered. More remy kable still was the declaration of 'he minist » of justice, that he had conferred with the attorney-gengral for Oubs-io, and that Hon. Mr. Foy had coazarrzl in ithe opinion that the conviets--the | men who had the benefit of good ad vice and pleaded guilty--should never {have been put on trial. | Had Mr. Foy conferred with the (rown attorney ? Had he seen the { evidence whieh thie official -a unm: 'ted for use had it been necessary ? I 'not, why? The clemency of the gov- ' crnor-general has been used in vain in 'this ease, and with an effect that deplored. 10 amd thems. them con- be | i in A VERY ROOK BARGAIN. There is ane feature of the railway scheme which the judicial tommission is now investigating and that is not Alberta government. The guarantee given to the Alberta ond Great Waterways gompany ed- i abled it to float a loan of $7,000,000 at one time. The J. P. Morgan Co. negotiated it in the British market, with The result that the interest, whieh the province must pay eventually, amounts to $300 per day, $9,260 per month, and $111,000 per year. That ie caleulating the difference between the bank interert on the deposit and the bond interest on the total issue. Still the work of construction has not been begun and cannot until the" litigation now commenced has been completed. When the construction of the road Leging and the money is being drawn from the banks, the interest receiv- remaining with them decreases, and will event- nally cease when the principal has all passed out of their possession. Bat the iuterest payable to the lenders It 'remains steady at $370,000 per year, or $30,833 per month. As the interest receivable dwindles, therefore, the shortage between this and the interest payable must mount month after month, until with the completed road there is $30,833 interest to pay per 'month and no interest incoming with which to pag it. "We may' congratu- late ourselves," says the Edmonton Bulletin, *'therefore, that however lit tle we relish the present results of the transaction things will be worse farther on." The Alberta government is new in railway building, otherwise a better bargain would have heen made, Us. ually the bonds which a government I guarantees are put on the market and sold when the road, or part of it, has been built. That was the proceeding in the ease of the C.P.R. It is the proceeding © with the GT.P. at pre sent, It means that at the earliest date possible the couniry is getting in the service of the railway a return | for its guarantee. It means, also ll that the burden of interest only dates i from the time the rosd becomes re: i munerative, and in a position to i l meet its obligations, = Apparently the | Atherta government is paying for its will i a ---------- PENSIONS AT A DISCOUNT. The only satisfactory way of reward what the recognition shall be. be 241%; 57] ie Torlmnuman ure - ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. APRIL 26, 1910. Why these religious wehools or aca demies or colleges should be outside the pale of Mr. Carnegie's phil anthropy ix not apparent, but some of the best schools or colleges are not subject, to aid in the way of pensions. The second shock occurred when, ac- cording ta report, the trustees of the Carnegie fund decided that even all the secular colleges were not eligible for relief. A college which peeded as- sistance, and had every reason to ex- pect it, was refused because, in the opinion of the board, it was not situ- ated %0 as to invite financial support. Here was a new contingency--the pea- sion board assuming to decide whether the college indeed had any reason to exist. It is only another step--which may be taken at any time--and the men who direct the philanthropies of great men, will' presume to dictate the poli- cies of colleges. The question will not be presently, Which colleges de- serve the consideration of the pension bureau ? but, Which colleges are pur- suing the courses the pension trustees can approve ? Moreover;- the trusices for Mr. Carnegie or Mr. Rockefeller, having the power to do so, may change their plans from time to time and ereate heart burning that acts of, coneiliftion may not assuage. Fducation--higher education -- may seem to the money kidgs to be the one thing which they can sustain by generous gifts, but it is possible th err even in that direction, and to serious and irreparable mis commit takes. p---------- EDITORIAL NOTES. In New York and Boston it is dis covered that raw milk lowers infant It is barred at the Jewish Passover. It is gradually but surely becoming a fad, and will presently be abandoned. mortality. -- John T. Javing, of dead. Aged 100. He an elector in the city of Kingston in the days of Sir John Macdonald and' Sir Oliver Mowat, but he could hardly have been : their playmates. ---- Hon. Mr. Roblin has returned Winnipeg now that the legislature opposition cannot mand an enquiry into his connection with a state-asided railway, But the day of reckoning is simply put off. ------ Mark Twain, in his later years, was loaded with diplomas and honorary degrees, but as a contemporary, the Syracuse Post: Standard, remarks, "he took his degree in a printing office and became master of literature in the College of Hard Knocks," Toronto, is may have been to is over, and the de- The Forbes Robertson and Faver- sham performances were the best evi dences that ahsolutely clean plays do . The most profitable ventures of Ty dramatic season were as far re moved as possible from all that vulgar and offensive on the stage. 2 is Was it necessary for the premier of Ontario to hand out his opinion upon the Ottawa judgment on the power commission ? Wouldn't Sir James Whitney's dignity be more apparent if he ignored some things he hears and reads about his legislation ? -- It js intimated that Lord Kitchener did not visit Canada because he was Did he receive pressing in- Japan, China, ('orea, not invited. vitations from and the United States? He is out for investigation, not for entertainment, and Cangda is as open to him as any other land. The . Toronto News, having, in its mind, reorganized the conservative op- position in Ottawa, now applauds it by saying that "'the average ability on the conservative side is higher than that to be found across the table." That ought to salve some one's wounded feelings, Lena Cavalleri, the prima donna, and one of the handsomest women on the stage, will accept the proposal of Naiarriage in October from Nr. Chan- ler, of New Yark, if, in the meantime, his ardour does not cool off. She is not sentimentally in love with him. "Love," she adds, "is not necessary to marriage." She will sing away, whatever betides. And some people wonder why there are so many di vores. At a Most Opportune Time. A statement ment of the interior shows that out of a total area of 334,000,000 acres in | 0 the Canadian west, the surveyed area is is only 145,000,000 acres. The total homesteaded is only 41,000,000 oe -- and the total area Ae grain drop last year was less than 12,00, 000 acres. Of this, less than 7,000,000 produced 147,000,000 bushels of wheal. The total area chitivated is only about J28 of the total land area. Yel, upon this small area 147.- J0.000 bushels of wheat were produc twenty-eight 7 this amount of Jans is enitivated and pro- ducing wheat, output almost stag- estimation, Tt certainly goes | ~ that the fature of the _graio- to J GANANOQUE MAN FLIES From His Famuly--A\ Scale Weigher in Trouble. ian ue, April 26.--A well-known West Ward man is reported to have disappeared on Saturday last, leaving a note to his family, stating that they need 'make no search for him. He has not so far been located. J. Chapleau, of the department of public works, Ottawa, was in town, { yesterday, looking after the construc-i tion of a new scow to be used in this section for the deepening of the main channel by cutting out a large num- ber of shoals. Tenders have been called for by the Gananoque Cemetery company for the | grading of the road through the cemetery down the hill near Stone street gate and filling in the ravine between the hill and cemetery proper. An information has heen laid against i Samuel Steacy, who has been in Phas of the weigh scales at the market for ! oo time past,' charging him with | oghigeite in weighing two hogs, giv- nt their weight at 230 pounds, and when weighed some days after the weight was only 165 pounds. The case | will come up this week. i A large contingent of Court Cam- | bria, S.0LE.B.S., paid a Iraternal visit | Jo their Kingston brethren last even-| , leaving here on the 6 p.m. train, ! he local branch of the Children' 8 Aid Society met last evening. The society has been in existence for seve- ral years, and has done much forthe | betierment of conditions along their | line of work. : Miss Annie Kininmond, Charles street, is undergoing treatment in =, | Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville. | Rev. J. P. Kehoe, rector of St. John's church, left on Sunday to at- | tend the induction of Bishop Fallon in! London. Mrs. J. B. McMurchy, aod! Miss Forde McMurchy, are spending a | few weeks at the Welland in St. Cath arines. Hamilton Scott, Toronto, is] spending some timé with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, Broek | street, Mrs. J. J. Milliken, Toronto, spent the past few days in town, the guest of Mes. George Taylor, Syden ham street. James Kenney, located near bury, arrived home, yesterday, for a few days" visit. Mrs. C. W. Taylor, Chirch © street, and dadghter, Miss Florence Taylor, spending some time in Haileybury, guests of Rex Taylor, have returnetl home. Charles Beers, located for the past few months at Oakville, has returned to town to take a situation at the wringer -works. Mrs. J. Gibson, King street, is sh a few days in Toronto, Mrs. W. Y. Boyd, King street, spent the past few days in Kingston, guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Lane. Ss, | Hailey- GASOLINE EXPLOSION. Various Men Had Very Narrow Es. eapes. Lanark Epa. An explosion of gasoline occurred at Taylor Bros., Limited, hardware store Friday last and Ross Barr and Ephraim White narrowly escaped with tiwir lives. Barr received burns on the face Pow White was knockes! senseless, his face burned and his sight tempor- arily gone, Jt % that the gaso- line tank near the well iy the back yard leaked, the gasoline percolating through the stones into: the water. Bur and White were sent to clean out the well, the former going down to fill the bucket attached to a rope. Ile bad béen down only a few minatés when the fumes of gasoline became so strong he could not bear it any long- er and he had to come to the top a- gain for a breath of fresh air. Tt seem- ed but a moment after he emerged whet. a fearful blast of flame shot out of the well, accompanied by a loud report which coulktl be heard all over town amd broke the glass in few windows. Barr's hat was torn from his head, leaving only the hat band, and flying through the air into a nei ooring back yard. White, who had been looking into the well at that moment, received the full force of the explosion. He was thrown several, yvarth: back from the well, burnal and dazed. It seamed for a time that his eyesight 'was destroyed, but the doctor now hopes it will be saved. Mr, White was removed at once to the residence of the manager, T. Lett Simpeon, where he receiver! kind attention and is now recovering. The explosion is a mystery. No fire was near. One theory is that pieces 6f lime from a pail that stool near by had accidentally dropped iio the water amd ignited the gaso ine, PHILIPSVILLE CONDITIONS. Early Grass Saving Saving the Farm. ers Much Money. -------------- WHIG'S FASHION HINT. PHOTO BY FEL SECLEMTY COPYRIGHT, STW, | Rk WERALD 0g, Braided chiffon wrap- coll. A Thriv Amherst, | busy turid products rua are shod with Aw tweeds--in fact falwics find enterprise { apitol lawn gr tiful lawns, drag church. Embossing, printing store, app Toraut Nova Seotia, Canadian towns. with Hewson wuntlerwear, their workk-such is the result of down Fast ass Me. almost at the British Whis Several more eas iported in ng Town. is one Its m way all the n {coffins to railway palace cars wierst shoes, sweats Hewson all way ov hi, ite Pp Ar at St. che as ses of Maison pure small-pioy of the anafae fr om People clothed ws and wool er the eed makes beau rouse's whrew's an as re Dire | S600000040000800000 00000000000 00408080000080000040000008004 COLLLALLLLLALLLAL0A4N 1 mossssssesesssstisnsssesase Bibby' % YOUNG MEN'S SUITS DEAR HARRY, The Suit you had on yesters day was a dandy. I meant to \ ask you where yom got it, but forgot it. Put me next to yous Tailor at once.--8.V. Xa FRED, The 'Suit was ong of * our snappy Maynard styles, trod Lapels, Dip Front, Peg Trousers, The fabric was one of our new Olive Mixtures, with subduad stripe. The Price was $18.00 Young Men's Suits with refin- ed and patty style featnres in a great variety of smart and hand? some patterns. $12.00, £15.00 and $18.00, : } { } } AA "elm A tI PN NBN I THE BEST $2 HAT IN CANADA NEW SOFT HATS. NEW COLORS. NEW STIFF HATS. NEW STYLES, THESE HATS ARE SOLD THE COUNTRY OVER AT $2.50, BIBBY'S PRICE, $2.00, hus The H.D.Bibby Co Thé Big Store With Little Prices. "oes SSSI PIF IIISP IIIS PIV III TISP IPI IIIIII II po Walle Island, council met at 0 present, Minutes firmed, Digmeu, timber f $27; George dry dock, $1.16; of account, $7; road, $7.50; 3, Mrs, Philipsville, April 25. --Owing the heavy vains the fore part of week very little seeding was done, the low s are flooded again. meadows and pastures tng a preat growth. Clover ooking fine. The early grass is means of saving the farmers many! thousands of dollars this spring. Very little hay 38 bought or sold this spring. | Some of the farmers to! the | All! The | is was scarce, will be obliged to carry] it 'over now. One year ago some of | them held" their oats for 75¢. a bushel! and sold them for 40c. during the summer. Hundreds of young and; dry cuitle are being taken away to! the pastares William Thompson's /danghter, voung girl, just in the prime of tie, taking to her last resting place | last Friday, and on Sunday the re mains of t of Ne. and Mrs. Wesley ein Nola was | or- Pro. hat '\rhnicl mathers Te wine are already ! thelCU. who [days painting, bave a lot of hay on hand amd were days painting, 811.25, asking $16 10 $18 a ton because feed | days painting, S12.50; «| Rogers; « 'T. D. Minnes ter, anditors and bridges; § urer"s bond, $15. Steamboat acco and James Cummings, A. Bennett, £22.50. H. painting, $2 a si {thirty-two days Berry, A. Bennett, {HL Mrs. Davis, { Rattary, | Rattary, tary, | Waldron, amoun IMeRelvey & Birch, {90 Mrs. nine Malin, 853.99, twenty Gillespie, nh. Mrs Matier, MeAllister, Marlow, 3.9% seven days purser, 198 meals, amount of account, of aseconnt, Rawley two-weeks' old baby boy | { rawfond, one month captain, engineer, township Many Accounts Passed--Officers inted. April. 4-M Membw meeting a.m ast Township saceounts paid : Breaky dr iron for B. Card, Adair, Cadotte, charity to and James Ww. L + D. nw W. unts: TT. DL seventeen M. Watls, r J ames mute, $23.96, 6. t work chamty, auditors, amount account, eighteen days painting, ¥ \ i Ryan, E. Waller, £42.67; twenty-four days fireman, fine days deck hand, 36; Marlow, nive days deck hand, 86 days cook, i = $1.68. Broad Toe Shoes for Men, in Tans, and Patents Broad Toe Shoes for Women, in Kids, Tans, and Patents, y Broad Toe Shoes for Children in all leathers, All Prices. Latest Styles, Dressy, and give lots ef room for five toes. ABERNETHY'S WOLFE ISLAND COUNCIL. Ap unicipal all con- IT. dock, Breaky amount on v Norris; MeAllis- Allison, Staley, road trens Minnes $15, 05% days eleven nine ten Bavis, R $2 G. 4G. Rat- R. $4.96; amount of aceount, , washing, days Wolle Wir of $c Jan, £50, R. island, 1910 debenture and inter jest, Resolved thay ihe following woe, Jr: 2, 8. Yolt; 5, W. firimahaw: 7. W. Manning, 9, shaw, AM John Tarrant: 1H, { John NetGlvan, 1 x 5 Russell: 1 , Matt. Friend, 19, Jas. Daily; X », best, at the! thewson: 21, Those. O'Brien; 25, Hn. Eo gy provi pw the 39, R 'Walker: jn June and mare | pointed township offers © Pathmasters--Na. | # Taggart; 6, F. Thos. i, R. 3, T. Moran; Horne: Flyms; : 28, E. 20, ¥ MeAdao; 33. W. Walker; 36, T. : 1. Rogers; 38, | 16, 18, , Jos Mat: |» be ap Coreen Henry Grim- Connolly; | E. Saville; 12 14, Jas. Jae. Geo, ood; 24, M. Briceland; Jas. Mogan; 31, Jas. McGlynn; 32, Horne: 34, ¥. Robt. |! Casey; 44, John Hogan ; DISC ARDED STOVE WORTH S600, J. MeDonald: 46, Geo. Donald: 47, R. Holliday; 48, Arch Berry: 49, B, Irvin; 5, Morgan ; 51, Jas. O'Brien; 52, T. Digman; KH McFadden: 51, John agley; = Orr: 57, John T. Murphy. Council adjourned to Ist May, at 10 am. D, J Township Clerk. 13, Jas, Dune ---- 3 untas Package of Geld Pieces Will Go to Seller, York, April 26. Alter she had sold an old stove to a second-hand dealer for 30%. Miss Norah Sullivan, aged seventy, of Newark, N.J., loarfe ed that it was really worth $600. A package which dropped from the stove unnoticed by the purchaser was picks ed up by two boys and found tg coms tain sixty S10 gold pieces, The mom was turned over to the polio und will probably be retf¥ned to Mid Sullivan (300, 54, New 35, Monday in DAWSON, Many Visitors. April 25H, Webster, | i Green drove to Brock spent the day, Charleston, Slack and W. | vil'a, on Sunday ami I. Botsford has gove 'to Brodkville, |* whore he has sectiredd a position in the carriage works. Misses Ada and Nettie Slack have retried to school at Lyndhurst. T, Hudson bas gone to Grenville, Que, to make cheese. Two boats brought in cightess salmon on Thursday; on Satoday ene boat brought in eight. There are lots of fish in the lake. Among the guests ut R. Foster's are: Frank Wiser, T. i Melville and H, P. Bingham, Prescoty; W. Young and E. Lasidey, Brockeille: CC. Buell, Mallorvtown; (. K. Russell and HW. Crows, Toronto. Mr. aud Mrs, H. Bluek spent Supday at Lymibecet Mr. and Mea. T. Net'opue!l, Lynd hurst, spent Soraioy with the latter's motier, Mra. Mabiesma. A, Bradley, Escotl, spent Suisy, at bie home here. Mr. and Mrs, J. Thonipeon, A- thens, drove ws to (harleston, on Friday. Mrs, A, Johoston, Mrs, ¥ Webster ani Mrs A W Johnson wers in Brockville, on Tuesday. Mrs. CW Frye, Soperton, visited st the home of her parents, Mr. aml Mes. A. W, Joleen, on Waldemar, Mes. IL Beach spent a few days this weld with her sister, Mrs, A, Hulson, whe ix a patist at St. Viscent De Paul ioe pital, Brockville. Mes. A. WW. John ston, ill for a couple of days is heifer. oy ¥ Maypole, Dyola and Diamond Dyes, . s full stock, at Meleod's drag store. There i» sivd to be gg grien rath war between the GTR. and th: Like nay igntion companies, At Fair View aur View, April 29.~ irs Hadran's en and amuet MeNeil's evildrn from the saeasles, w. i Yeu of horses and bhoceht noother tears, The son brot'mrs ure deaw'ty reich Faw Aobs Penpott i» ilk for Mr. God Frank ie deanie ¢ Tor My, Shory. Me i aden All its flavor and str cugth is retained Mrs, Frets eatin! oan age.