Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Apr 1910, p. 8

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" PAGE BIGHT. ) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 1919. the was not going as fast as it had POLICE COURT = made out by Mr, Gordon. B | Mr. Gordon stated 'that the horses . . AT i | were going as fast, il not faster, than, Il YoU DEPOSIT $10 Fou vba COR Ft ; EN : z | they would be travelling if on the way | (RLEBRATES | VARIETY OF CASES BEFORE THE Ere. He did fof pren hear the] = MONTHLY MAGISTRATE. {xong sound on the waggon. Another | ! -- {witness, A. Burns, who was with Mr.| ten 7% | Fireman Was Fined 81 and Costs for 'Gordon at the time, said that the! Kingston Presbytery Presents the i Fast Driving When Exercising horses were travelling very fast. He | Aged Minister With an Address-- Horses--Owner of Auto Had to Pay Fine for Speeding--Cyclist thought at first that there must have Mr. Yaird Was Forty Years in | Taxed for Using Sidewalk. - fEp---- en INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re-| porters on heir Rounds. "i Picture : sale at Knox's, on Satur | Jin day Lo Sh P Fo va III Col. Young is in Linds, i . ES 11 a ant insc efwinciay a tou inspection L b Lt Strawherriesi the red, ripe, re ne flavored kind, at Carnovsky's PO Dr. J. B. Hutton, has complet: ! kis ve. r's srvice, as house surgem, tne general hospital { Aun extra large number of Wolke ls | land pesple were in the city to-day, | snopping and attending market. i Father dartigan, eseconto, read a paper at the euchary: c¢ gress in Montreal nest September. Flovd Miller and wife, of Bigelow, St. Lawrenee County, New York state, are visit.ng the latter's lather, Horace | Attwood. . Sale of women's leather house shoes, Slc.; men's working shoes, $1 and up. Save money by jomng our boot club, Boot laces, 12 for 5c. Dutton's shoe store, 20 Princess stwet. The police received a call at o'clock to-day for some {ramps wera banging around Bailey's broom factory. Sergeant Nesbitt with officers McCarey and Mullinger responded. ihe Regiopolis sue Cillegi ste teams played a six innings exaibition bas ball game at the criciete tield, cn Tuesday afternoon, the former win- ; AE. eS ning out 6 rune to 4. Awther game | . Bp, 3 W h G | : as oods FIFTIETH ANNI VERSARY OF INDUCTION. full in the Bank of Toronto at the end of seven and a half years the Bank WILL PAY YOU $1,000 As this would be the sum of your savings with eompound interest for that time. Is not the result worth trying for? been an glavm of fire, but found that Active Service of the Chureh. this was not the vase. He gonsidered it a very dangerous practice' | The Kingston preshytery, at a tea to Fireman Roberts pointed owi that be given it by the ladies of Chalmers the horses had to be given exercise; of church, at 5:30 o'clock, this after- inot, he could not get them to travel! noon, is jo present an address to fast to a fire. He did not desire to Rev. Robert Laird, Sr., of this city, go at an immoderate rate but when 5 honor of the fiftieth anniversary of | pened to just the horses became overheated they his ordination asta minister of the I made this statement to Magistrate wanted to keep on going. Ve stated Presbyterian church, Mr. Laird is | Farrel] in the police court on I hurs- | that he had the horses under con ow eighty-thiee years of age. Two trol, tof his sons are Rev. Prof. Alexander | day morning. Thursday was his Jo-| Lee i tank day all right, and it was all i. Asked by City Solicitor Mclutyre the Laird, of the Roval Military College, no an-i Rev. Prof. Robert Laird, of "five me jist two minutes and 1} twill be out of the city." George Johnston; with no particular | address, who was on bis way from | Montreal to the Cobalt, and who hap- drop in to the city, . { brough? about by his fondness for li- accused said he had received and | quor, the same old story. rstructions as to the speed he should | ueen's theologicdl faculty. | "But I'm going to cut it out, sure," |E% but was using his own judgment.| "po. Robert Laird, Sr. is Incorporated 1853. i remarked Johnston to the court, Hall} Ne. McIntyre said that he had been| New Glasgow, Prince ; | I need is the chance." informed yy the five chief that it was land. i ete " Paid-up Capital, $4,000,000 The magistrate gave the accused ajthe customof the Toronto fire The! tained a high school education in the . ' ¥ ¥ » Lu 81 he : vo! partment to gallop the horses. . v hance to fulfil his promise, to leave x {Central Academy, Charlottetown, now Rn e Funds, . 4,800,000 | |the city inside of two minutes. {fire and light committee was now en- | x vor ¢ | the Prince of Wales College. He then { The next offender to make his bow | deavoring to get the ghts of the | was a hievelist. He admitted haw. , FA50. % J ' ! ling wheeled off the road to the side-| 1ne magistrate disposed of the' case | walk and was assessed ¥1 and costs. | by imposing a fine of $1 and costs. | Other bicyclists beware. + +1 A young man was fined $3 and costs | Wiiliam Hoberts, a fireman at the | for runuing his awtomobile - at a speed | {Brock street station, had to answer to | greater than ten miles an hour on | ia charge of driving his team at an | the street. Constable Mullinger was| | immoderato rate, while having the the complaimant. : i | horses out for exercise on April 26th. i Constable Mullinger swore that in | W. S. Gordon, the city assessor, was |his opinion the car travelled at the] a witness in the case. He said = he rute of cy twenty-five miles an | { noticed the team galloping on Broek hour on agot street. The con-| |street, 'about 8:45 o'clock in the | Stable pointed out that he had taken | imorning. He considered that the (rides in automobiles with a speed in-| | horses were travelling at arate which dicator as a test, and th/s was how] par- he was able to fix the speed. i ' 3 1 | tieularly so because there were a large | Frederick Bibby, summoned as al } number: of children passing on their | Witness, suid that he noticed the car! {'w » to school. At one corner, where | £0 past, admitting having the team passed, there were twelve or { Constable Mullinger that the car was] fifteen children on their way to school. going some," but said that he was | The accused said that he was driv- {not ina position to state how fast ing at a pretty good rate but that it was travelling. However, he would | I . not contradict the evidence of Con-| $100 Reward, $100. {stable Myllinger. | I - a native Edward Is After reaching manhood, he ob- 2 30 who ------------------ A KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. George B. McKay, Manager. Brass Craft wil' be played shortly. « We manufacture to order from any pattern, perfect fit guaran toed, from $22 up. leave or 'phom 270. No'l 'Have been holding a reception to a large York Prius Reform, number of admirers during the past week. Many handreds of yards have been sold, and everybody who have scen them have spoken in the highest terms of their beauty. We never before had such pretty things. The waves, designs and colors are all winsome, and being washable, you will find them the most economical materials for summer wear. This is the time to buy when assortments are complete. : We mention here just a few of the many we are showing : corset prices vour order now, city ag New 200 Panvess street. Lillun Russell, the well town ac- tress and famed beauty will appear at tiv Gand on Wednesday, 18th, followed on the vest night by the "Gr. "rom Rector's."" Miss Russell villi present "The First Nigh." Allan Studholme, M.P.V'., 0 Hamil- ton, wih was in the city for the ceve- | at Queen's paid a nsit to | hdl, and was given a wam wel- | M. Studbolme is the laber can- didate it the legislature, from Namil- ton? sw during a recent city election in Kingdon, delivered addresses in the intersts of a labor cawlitlate Nay Tr | was decidedly dangerous, more k stated to! New Art Wo YOU CAN DO IT, Make Lovely Work | n or es ja o come he readers of this paper will be | Constable "MeCarey said that a com- pleased to learn that there is at least! jqint had been made to him about one dreaded disease that sclence has| Hea had alc no- heen able to cure in all its stages, and | the For omg fast. 5 : ae that is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure Is | ticed the ear on this particular rip REV. ROBERT LAIRD, SR y ve © ow | Th : | SV. JE 4 , SR. the Suiy_ positive. cure BO arn peing | And would say that it was going at BIL | emmm------------------ snr rf 6IE FS - Re The Delicious Dandelion. a constitutional disease, requires a con- {immodferate speed. He even went 80 | attended five stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh|far as to say that the car was Cure is taken internnlly. acting direct. | I¥ upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroyin foundation of the disease, and giving Complete sessions of the . Outfit i : tra- 'River Seminary, in connection with : yelling about twice as fast as any ear} the Presbyterian church + of Nova for > 25 {ne had of Toi in the city. 1 | Scotia, studving also theology under the patient strength by building up|, chi Ii h. ne at, whe gregh % | Prof. Drs, Keir and Smith. In the |leaves thoraghly, ghen place them in Date n a ie the constitution and assisting nature in behall of the accused, said that M tiaqpumn of 1867, crossed the Atlan- la saucepanfull of boiling water, ner. , Degigna all ready Picture | itz work. The proprietors have waa all on level road he might : : TI + : P > a term of the Free i mitling it uv boil for an hour, after acing its work 860 | tic, and attended 9, Ya 8 mueh faith in its curative nowers ar © re iia. \ ences . } 3 Frames, Boxes, Panels, Candle and |*¢ 1 fa « how the car could travel as fast asic. 0 College, Edinburgh, Scotland, | whith the laves are drained and plac- 1 p Shades. na ed in a fryng-pan with butter, salt that they offer One Hundred Dollars : hi ts that ar ecsldi®® alsog the following aut it as his opinion hat a cor 0 | and pepper,and the mixture is stir- W. A. Mitchell s Hardware, for any case that it fafls to cure, Send had been stated, but he would give | ; : i sion of the U. P. he ere, not go over the crossings in this ity Th LP, hull there H 85 and 87 Princess St. for list of testimonials. at that rate of speed without break- | In December, I83S, he was licensed |red until throughly heated. i BLLLLSLL44040000000080800040400800080000004 Address ¥. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, n {to preac p gOSpe the presbytery | 9€ h pgg or wi ing the car, Mr. Mowat offered to t¥ preach the gospel by the presbytery |Served with an egg or with We Manufacture Solder, Lead Pipe, » PLUMBERS - 0 Sold by all Druggists, The. i take the police magistrate and City of Pring Edward Island, and Lead Waste, Lead Traps and Bends. § latest Plumbers' List and Quotations Take Hall's Family Pills for cons Solicitor McIntyre out in his car to {doing this some time, was called Svecial Lead Bends. Write for our THE CANADA METAL CO,, LTD. stipation. make a practical test. be. pastor of the congregation The magistrate said that he was sa- Princetown, P.E.L, and ordained TORONTO; ONT. Long Distance "Phone, M.1729. FERRE RYE NER er EERE RRR Myopia Repp Suitings, 6 shades, 25¢ and 35c yard. French Cord Suitings, 8 shades, 20c yard. Linen Suitings, all the new colors, 26¢ yard. It seems as far as an outsider may penefrate the secret, that the wusual way of prearing the dandelion iis to the cut off all the roots and wa the in he RS It sliced after | hard-boiled ags. | to| Another method is to beat one egg | of | until light, ad half a_cupful of cream io | Stir this over the fire until it thick- jens, then add a small piece of but sr, two tablenoonfuls of vinegar and! t and peppr. The dandelion leaves washed ad cut up, after which hot dressig is poured over them, mixture ling stirred over the Marathon Linens, a rough 'weave in Linen Suitings, 35¢ yard. French Foulards, many stylish de- signs, 25¢ yard. Scotch Ginghams, in" plain colors, Pinks, Blues, Lavenders, Nile, ete. Also in Checks and Stripes, 12}e, 16e, 20c, 25¢. English Galatea for Ladies' and Child- ren's wear, in both plain colors and stripes, 20c and 25c. Fine Shirting Designs, Imported for Men's Fine Shirts, but now used fos Ladies' Blouses, Waists and - Dresses, 25¢ and 20c. White Grounds with excessive rate and imposed a fine of twelfth day of June, 1360, and induct. | $3 and costs. ed into the charge of that large Froderick Hayward, arrested on a important field. the charge of attempting to dispose of a |lies of thal old and difficult charge |, horse and rig at Napance, which he | Nineteen years; and was afterwards | hind rented at Andrew Mellquham's | pastor some years of the stagrean.] IF? until the laves mre wilted : ; : congrega-| A. x salad @nddion usually is livery, was remanded a day. tion of Little Harbor Graut in the presbytery of and Risher's prepared like lttuey, though instead CLOW, 1of the . mayomise dressing popul S h ol an] , is popular he Ph Oe tober, 1887, he "was in- | elsewhere a dresing of hot bacon fat ucted into the pastoral charge of the is sontetimes preerred. congregations of Storrington, Pitts- burgh and Glenburnie by the presby- tery of Kingston. He occupied this : : wh " 3 Nen Sot Wa : ae wide field thirteen vears, and then re- |. '* oth ale, is farthest from London as the cow flies, 10,120 miles. tired from the active duties of the ; re. . . Ir is a great . ministry, after forty years service, at ole : Hit tha the chap whe and | tisfied that the car was going at an the office of the ministry on the i are He performed the du om : ® NEW RAILROAD FOR PANAMA. © Connect Two Cities on Isthmus 274 Miles Apart. Secretary of War Dickinson has au- thorized the Panama Railway 'com- pany to enter into a contract with the Of all places o importance Svidney, to } very s and durable Jor fair weather wear. 5 . You'll be proud to wear one anywhere. ] fr the prices of meat, eggs and other food products. you do not believe it, look at your meat bills and grocery bills. If you are going te cut out meat, you will want a good, nourishing, strength-giving substi- tute. Vey >tables are too stardhyfor a steady diet. Try for ten days and notice the difference. Tt contains more real body-building nutriment than meat or eggs. Is more wholesome, costs much less. Always the same price--always clean--always pure--always the same. Your grocer sells it. Shredded Wheat is made of the whole wheat, steam- cobked, shredded and baked in the cleanest, finest food factory in the world. Two biscuits heated in the oven and served with hot milk and sugared or salted to taste supply all the energy needed for a half-day's work. Delicious in combination with vegetables or fruit. All the "Meat" of the Golden Wheat. CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., LIMITED NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO THE government of Panama of a prelim inary survey for a railroad to connect the city of Panama with David, a city on the Pacific coast, in the province of Chirlqui. In general the route recommended by the International Railroad Com- mission in 1893 will be followed, the distance being 271 miles. A committee appointed by the government of Pana- ma will arfange the details of the con- | tract with a committee appointed by | the president of the Panama riflroad. The engineering force of the Panama | railroad will be utilized in this work, and if necessary. it will be expanded in | order to carry on the surveys. | FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. No Sales Made on the Board om Thursday. The president, William Craig, oc cupied the chair, at the regular meet ins of the Fromtenac cheese board, field on Tharsdey afternoon, in the 'ity council chambec. The following cheesk were boarded White--Battersea, 60; Colfl Springs, 5: Exvelsior, 25; Forest, 35; Glen burnie, 30; Glenvale, 20; Keenan's, 30; Bay View, 60; Latouer, 35; Sunbury, 30; MeGirath's, 30; Collivs Bay, ; Pine Hill, 60; total, 490. Frederick Valleau made the only bid, that of lle., and this was refused by all the factories. Only (wn buyers were resent, Messcs. Valleau and L. W. Nerihy: Budget From Portland. Portland, April 26.--Pexey Allison, of | Chesterville spent Sunday in the vill age. Miss Myrtle Bolton and W. Lyons went Sunday in Delta. Misses Ewxtella You should see our New Assoriment of Handsome Engl Waterproof Coats just arrived from Lendon. They are made up omobiie and Driving style from very light-weight Pure pautiful fawn shade. These coats are dry, warm ene ein y weather; also beéiag dust proof, are excuilest your clothing when driving or travelling, and withall Well cut and $7.50, $19.00, $13.30, Jessie and Mamie. Hawe, of Perth, spent the week-end with friends in the village. J. Carnwith spent Sunday ot Forfar, the guest of J. Barker. Mrs. R. Morris has returned home from Syracuse, where she has been with her son Charles, +h der Seif an operation for ietis. Mr. vg A. Gallagher spent a fow days of this week in Harrowsmith. Messrs. Oharles and W. J. Dowsett launched one of their speedy boats this week. They built a great namiber fine laurches in the winter. Lewis Kennedy has moved to George Elliott's farm and Mr. Elliott has moved to the village. Miss Nellie Bennet weck-ond, at her homs week's visit in Lombardy. ron and family have returned from Serv: York state, where they have been for the past two Years. wy intend remai here, V. Walle, of Smith's "Alls was in the. village on Saterday. brought the Ledy Et his mother-in- invented trouble didn't wake out a per- the a f seventy-three e has : he age of seventy-three, He has since petual patent on it. resided in Kingston, LOOSE TEA LOSES FRESHNESS and flavour quickly and is soon quite un- fit for use. It takes on the odors of other articles. It deteriorates by exposure to the sun and air. It is uncleanly --dust and dirt get into it. "SALADA" is sold only in sealed packages--in all its native purty and gar- den freshngss. "SALADA" costs no more than comnon tea. EE ---------------- e---------- = You Can Have a Model Kitchen as cool and white asTa dairy. § No smell, no smote; no heat, no dust. + No old-fashioned contrivances. Tle dainty stripes. English Prints 200 Patterns to choose from, includ- ing many new designs in Light Colors and Dark Colors. 12 1-2c¢ Yard. WHITE P.Ks. White Mercerized Waistings, White Indian Head Suitings. White Repps and many other White Materials. THEREFORE THE NEST SHOE TO BE BOUGHT NONE TOO GOOD. IN We have the largest acd most complete Stock of Babies' and Children's Goods we have ever shown. CALL EARLY AND GET § Oc up to $2

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