-------------------------- MR. HERMAN DY OF STONE IN THE BLADDER, *Four years ago 1 was taken down with what he doctors called Inflamma- thon of the Bladder--intense pains in th~ | back and Joins, great in and difficulty S i was greatest in of the bladder, and the attacks, f me more frequent, amount to unbearable agony, and 1 became 30 that 1 could not walk across the Doctors could do nothing to help in the paper about a box, = ry ) The pain was the attacks were u six weeks the Stone | came away and the pain 1 have had noreturn of have not lost a day's of it. g i work, I feel I should tell ey sufferers of my ex i Pills, ; JOHN HERMAN. Youdon't have to b 1 write Dept. B, Toronto, a free sample will be sent you by return and feel that at Jase you have found the Ti that will do you then buy Gin Fle at $ 6 for $2.50." Rememher, please, that Gin Pills are sold on a positive guarantee of a cure or ycur money back, And this guarantee is backed by the largest wholesale drug house 2 ry who will take your unsupported wor if you want your money ehaaded. 8 PIER Drink ' £13 James St, Hamilton. | et of the wonderful merits of | When you have used the sample | your dealer's--50¢c. a box, | MARK TWAIN. The order for the release, I] ~ po a \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1010. KIDNEY TROUBLES Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills The kidneys have a very important work to perform in preserving health. All the blood passes through them over and over again and they filter it, removing all the impurities and worn-out muscle and tissue which the blood gathers up, in microscopic particles, in its flow through the body. These impurities are then When the kidneys for any reason fail to perform this function, and the impurities are left in the blood, about the most distressing series of ailments which afflict mankind follow. First ¥ there is the aching back and a feeling of " weariness, and then, as conditions grow worse, ) comes Rheumatism, Cravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones, Inflammation of the Bladder or the 5 dreaded Bright's Disease. f + fy i J - # reid The man or woman who allows kidney : trouble to develop into any of these diseases is doing himself or herse f a grave injustice, particulariywhen a cure can be had so readily. One of the constituents of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills is a Diuretic, which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys, enabling them to do their work thoroughly and with ease. These Pills also increase the action of the bowels and the pores of the skin, which remove some of the impurities, thus lightening the work of the kidneys. Mr. Ceo. Whitney, of Buffalo, N.Y.; says they worked wonders for him. He writes: "Your Dostor Morse's Indian Root Fills have worked wonders in my case. I suffered for six years from liver trouble and kidney ailment. If I tried one medicine I tried a dozen, but without good results. Your pills were recommended and they cured me after using four boxes." : f Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills should be taken x at the first sign of back-ache, of rheumatism, or of any difficulty in urinating. expelled through the urinary system. } i TO THI TRAVELLING. TLE FIRST ANNUAL HORSE SHOW Ottawa, Ont., May 5th to 7th ket will be fasued, in. jon to the Harse $4.20 5 May Sth and good to rel ain M Homaseekers' Excursions NADIAN NORTH-WEST, d, and second er during the summer, 0 days For full every +3. PP. HANLEY, Agent Johnson and Ontario Streets. AL CCL ALCL RAILWAY In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, FIRST ANNUAL HORSE SHOW . OTTAWA, MAY 5-7th Round Trip Tickets will be issued, : one admission to the Horse $4.20 May Oth 41h Good going Good to re turn until May HOMESEEKERS = EXCURSIONS May 3 1 aud 3 12 and 26 August 9 and 23 Good for 60 days | June Ialy & I and C BR Ticket Office, Ontario Street PF, CONWAY, General Passenger Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- ynto, Bannockburn and all points north. Po secure quick despatch lo Baunock- i 'ull information at K i Ewe do not expect to take money from | angane, We ne your position, but you will have to give it to somebody ir- Pro alize else." bute to I thought this a splendid the young men in the vince of Ontario. - ONTARIO RICH IN | BEER MANLY YOUNG MEN at meal times. Pure, PEE sparkling, appetizing and full of life Salvador aids digestion and nourishes the whole system. Spe- cially recommended for family use. Brewed, ma- tured and bottled by REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO You will be curious did with the m to know what i I happened upon this scheme. 1 | | burn, Maynooth, and points on Central . mtario route your shipments via Bay put y, FE L yh up a notice oh a bulletin board, "To May Concern the fate W. H. sum ¥ Guelph Herald | stallments, until now ic i I do not know what to do iz this, 'bat 1 vent stadenns body ' out what NJ DR:MORSES y x if Quinte Rallwa or further par culars, apply N R. W. DICKSON, Agent. 'Phone, No, 3 Cure Sick Kidneys ILLS WORMWITH AND Ee For Sale Everywhere at 25c. per Box. 2 Le WEBER PIANOS In Artistic Designs FEEPEEE Musical Merchandise Violins 1f there i one thing more than an other that strikes one forcibly about | The story is is hig resolutencss iu reach- | ly through the ing for a position for himself and his letting them find i that he can a complish it | Loat, to see who w the average Canadian boy of to-day it | and I unaided if need be in due time, For | tunate it is that there are so many | opportunities to aid in carrying such things. President Creelman tells stance of this sort ol thing w He relates wilh 1 earveful- without 1 Whom it will of the through Massey, a the assis and girls at There must be some this of purnose f monev to be used for tance of worthy this Institution. young men of women in hoys reasoning + the worl girls, becaus we were ast \ then. 1 wanted to find ! th students who were borrowing | mont high rate somebody who would want itt hack i boys who by f hat the ome along and required a 1s boys ! school by virtue of the fact that cir | cumstances have changed at home or | they 'want to take a > ol but their money has run out virtue of fact} | than vounger bovs at home had | oy y oducat ound less fund available for I picked out twenty arraigned a private . interview each one in my oflice. I said, I want to have a confidential chat" and | women of Ontario would not accept they were quite open and | it as a gift, but they were w hog to told me where they their | + uke the money as a low, and while money and how hard it was in some! 1 ot has been going oc for Jive years instaneds to get it; and then 1 sin ® yo have never lost one cent yet and "f want to help you; I have a fund in) 46 note has ever gone over the time my possession which will help vou ond | when it was due. | want to make vou a ptosent in the Many of us can the days name of W IL. Massey, of fifty when such opportunities for self-ad- apiece, vou twenty men taking Way not forthcoming £1.000."7 | want to say thai not one | when.th: road to success wes pay: that whole number would with everything but kindly of y gift and 1 as | fers. It is, however good to know nonplussed. These young men sud 10 | that s Bova are all right--do not me individually, for each one had seid TI but will refuse "assis it in different words hut «ll leadiug up | tance. : to the same thing: "We © expect 1 ~ MANY out {either at of interest or from longer course, sooner they expected, require additional money. If there be any such in tudent body, T would be glad to lend them up to $100 on their notes without interest, to be paid back in their own time." 1 bave had 164 ah- plicatiofi«, Ihe young men and Only Gloved Hands Pick "Sunkist" Oranges We use great care in picking the (J famous "SUNKIST" ORANGES. "4 I Each "SUNKIST" ORANGE is picked + from the tree and packed in the box by a gloved hand. No orange that falls to the ; doved hind, Na avuugo that full o the groune a packed ; . x, "Sunkist" Navel Orangés Are Seedless We grow 60% of all the California oranges. Three- fourths of all the lemons. Most of them are sold in bulk, but the choicost selections of this great quantity are wrapped in the "SUNKIST" label, so that if you would be sure that you get the choicest pick, insist upon the "SUNKIST." Beautiful Orange Spoon FREE not heen brought out before. in these words: When I came to this institution five yoars-ago, | found that in the safe of the President's office ther cheque hook on a bank in Guelph with a deposit of $1,000 in the bank to my credit. It looked to me that that wus pretty nearly found money for me. 1 went on further in the investimation and. discovered by writing tg, Dr, Mills that the will of the late W. iL Mas- sev the man who gave us the building, «nid that a ceftain number of the Massey-Harris shares the interest of which would be sent to the Agricul tural College, was to be used to as sist worthy boys and girls to get a bet ie ter understanding of rural conditions, so. that when they went home they would be better citizens. 1 considerdd this very broad and wrota to Pr. Mills and said, *"I have two ar ibree ia on | the them, young men and with was A Cornets Guitars Accordeons Banjos Harmonicas Mandolins -- Strings ant Bargains In Organs Sheet Music and Music Books. PEEPLES with me wore getiing Sold at all liquor stores L and hotels REE : *, Kingston. Local E. BEAUP 1 18. Diseases recollect dotlars vancement were man in such opt the money as work eur way through this school and 'PHONE GIRLS MARRY. Skin i Under this name such troubles as Salt Rheuns, Ecsema, Tetter, Since 1 tried SENSE Vermin Pasts for the bugs A il A STUNNING DRESS -- Pittsburg Companies Find it Hard to Keep Employees. The matrimonial bee finds into the heads and hearts of sixteen per cent. of the 1,200 or more tele phone operators smploved by the two operating in and about Pittsbure. Statisties furnished by those in authority a few days ago substantiate this claim and this is of the reasons telephone compan- to keep their training schools 'busy from day to day. Most of the gicls are taken into the employment of the telephone compan: des between the ages of eighteen --and twenty-three, although ¢ ns sixteen, while others are past 1 The eompany this' is a young woman's ite way companies one 108 are obliged some are as three, realizes most advantageous age from a matrimonial standpoint, although' some have tinued in the Service fourteen years or more before braving the storms of matrimony, The greatest drain on the service oceurs in the months of June or December, or just at the close of Lent, when many of the girls leave the service, con -- Chicago's Oldest Cat Dead. Chicago News. Od Ben, declared to be Ghicago's oldest eat, died recently, The death of Ben, who for almost nineteen years has been regarded as a fixture in the store of the Merz Drug company, ¢West Twelfth street and Ogden avenue, has brought sorrow to hundreds who had known and petted him, He died of old age. But sorrow is not | every where in evidence on the West Side, ly on hearing that he had passed away. Every dog in the neighborhood is rejoicing, for, although a staunch friend of mankind, Ben proved himself a veritable thorn in the side of every dog within blocks of his home. His reputation as a fighter, it'is said, far eclipsed that of any feline pugilist on record, Peck's Foot Powder, A positive relief for aching, per suiring feet, coolig, soothing, antisep- tie, in sprinkler top tins, at Meleod's drug stores, price 26c., corner King and Brock, and corner Princess and Montreal streets. The power of praver is diminished in proportion to the eloquence of the speech through which. it is expressed. Never say the older I get. Say, in- stead, the longer 1 live. WII Be found very soothing to shat- tered nerves--Try them-~They won't for there are some who feel different- Some dealers may claim the oranges they sell are the Jutpons SN that they have removed the wrap+ per. Insist on your dealer giving you oranges and lemons | in the SUNKIST"* wrapper. If you do this we will give you a beautiful orange spoon==one of Rogers' best standard AA quality, Just send us twelve "SUNKIST" orange or lemon wrappers, with six 2c stamps to pay postage, packing, etc., and receive one of these beautiful spoons by return mail. . The choicest quality of lemons also go under the "SUNKIST" label. You can easily se- cure a whole dozen of these beautiful orange spoons. Get a dozen "SUN. KIST*? oranges or lemons today. wv Sendo California' Fruit Growers' Exchange 3 Church St., Toronto, Ont. * : MONU Handsomest and Designs. Granite and Marble ATS Newest Raised letters a specialty, Finest possible execution by pneumatic machinery, much superior to hand work. Best equipped shop between Toronto and Montreal. S.J. KILPATRICK & (0 Cor. Clergy and Princess Streets. Kingston, 'Ont. ICE CREAM The Finest and Best VANILLA ICE CREAM CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM PINEAPPLE FRUIT ICE CREAM Ia Bulk or in Bricks Take home an Imperial Pint Satchel ONLY 25c¢. at Wormwith- Weber Piano Co., Limited 232 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. Sardines, 6 tins for... ... 3 tins for 2 tins for . «+ 2Be 10, 16, 20¢ per Tin. 40¢ per Bag. Apples. 15, 20, 25, 30¢ per Pk. Pure Milk and Cream de- lHvered with milk waggons, also with grocery orders S. T. KIRK, 277-281 Princess Street, 'Phone: 417 Agent for Asselstine's Yarn. Sardines, Sardines, Salmon, Potatoes [20 | YyeoeeYss Sowards Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? 'Phone 155. AA AAA AAAS alll sss STPIIVFVITIETEYY . THE CLUB HOTEL | WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. -------------- {| There are other hotels, but none | approach the Club for homelike sur- roundings. i Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, . -