4 Mins Mary Hora, Mis« Lily Norton | Earl street. He returned to Toronto S000 OROROOS AMBERGRIS WORTH $30,000. avi Captain Fdouard Panet, | this afternoon : | % + : aptain Hammond, Mr. Ernest Daw-| * + % 18 The M is ® | Found in St. Lawrence River on wi, and Mr, P. '. G. Campbell, the The engagement is announced of s e Fishing Trip. fc At Thursday's meeting - the | Miss Eva Naomi Casselman, daughter o 0 J 3 a » ¥ A . hile o ' ng ip in Car 2 Bere Major and Mrs Henri fof Mr. and Mrs. A. UU. Casselman. of ¢ n Watch. : He "a § np NM a 20a besa Peed + hdd ebee it was the good fortune of a hes Mi Frances Sullivan Miss | Morrisburg, to the Rev. August Roh- 0000000000000000000000 |i. \ Ii pai to pick up 530,000 - - old in Bi il * ht l ig Swift, and Mr. T. Mackie rig, M.A., of New Britain, «onn. The > > 2 marriage will take place in June Scene of the town doctors use bicy- : HPI LEI I | An informal aed enio | : - - - "cles t take them about on this a bv Mex. © . 6G. Grout, Mr. and Mes. F. H. Treton, of Winni- calls, the Lampman says, and sone of their use automobiles. The horse and cax- -- worth of ambergris in the St. Law rence river. - The man, who did nol Sead tad diate - : give his pame, called st the state [was give ; | Brock street, on Thursday, !n honor ¢ anuounce the engagemen Miss Agnes Macmorine, Miss Goer, | io, Miss Fdith M. Bothwell, young- riage is still commonly used, but the lispeused tea and | e of Mr. Jobin Bothwell, of other day he noticed a revival of the 3 0 . \ . ter Ge the With his brother, the painter Vith the sfiernoon sunshine stream laboratory in Concord and learned, in, Mrs. H. A. Betts' pretty home, Vibert street, looked very attractive |" . I ant Miss "Bide v di on Wednesday, when the hostess gavel h Pwr Dal ) o at kl ar. HB id Avl- ancient means of locomotion of } ' ' om Stafford, Miss Leta g . 3 p aro ' a 2 « ' a <miscellancons hower" for Miss |! ibis . Drummond, Ont. to Mr LPO ¥ \ £ holt . : SAAR . a . ajout on the S Lawrence, w nes Macmorine. Luxuriantly growing liot and Miss Lillian Mundell helping | oin of Rathwelll Man. The marriage country Hoetor. He viewed alo 0 t t : : strange gray obk ¢ y them he guests uded Mrs. A. R take quiet Ay fih ' - ' firns were in hallway and drawing hen Ihe gue include "will tak piace quietly on MN room and the whole house had a de Miss Mildred a Mr. lreton's residence, Winnipeg tightfal air of having been lived in till \t Constance Cooke, Miss (Continued on Page 2.) it had attained an individuality. Teal' vias dispensed by Miss Maud Betts at n Loucks, Miss Katie and Miss : -- ------ arrie Wilson, Miss M. Gong, and Worthy of Special Notice. table docked with ferns and daisies, | her mmsistants being Mrs, Herbert Hor | Miss Aileen Rogers. In these days oi coeap mone when * 4 9 investors are content to receive five Mise Mildred Jones, Miss Milly \ marriage of interest to Kingston | ani wix pe wnt on their money, thie Forrie, Mise Molly Richmond wnd | People Was solemnizerl in Ottawa re: | exceptionally favorable terms offered Miss Daisy Ferguson, Refreshment over jeently, the wedding being that of Mrs. lbhy the Maple Leaf Milling company the guest of honor was placed in al I mzer, Jr Me Rorman - Drum are worthy of special n pies. Thix con . i W" wy have Jet fo we west. a . offerin Wir T per © . large chair, Miss. Mildred Macmorine | ™7 ny * pay are offering their 7 | I ot htive stock at pat and Leing seated beside her. A very large : {fervid eumuh T . Mis. Neil Polson, University avenue, | giving : of 25 per cent of com clothes basket, filled 16 overflowing, | : e, | giving a ho of 25 « with fascinating, mysterious parcels, T x fa n _ Sony a Sl altiruoon, in mon Slack Wily a share of il war then placed at the feet of the! Hor lean daughlier in-law, Ts ei. As the a Ft teak Son yu Pullman are posing for the camera in nerman is credited with this stor bride-elect, and amid the most inter | ? es tWike over he ARR nds i i ®, My "Mike Kennedy's prison, The only A head ofa hose: had complained sted excitement she unwrapped each ' 3% pr - , Shaye y y ALAC ghiection, in the Lampman's mind, tolto three friends--an Englishman, © an* gift, Miss Mildred Muemorine reading'. Ihe ( Fosliet Club has held its meet- | stment. It is fucther guaran ier of the justice department 35 | Trishman, and a Scot-that hix ser the verses which accompanied it, ing, electal the same officers and } Be mt the | referred stock 18 re Lo. it doss mot exclude a cer. There were all sorts of lovely ~shings-- jb to begin play about. the middle | deemable at ¥145 IRiring the last Bix =i ie a) | months, the earnings of the old com u brass fern pot, exqisite lace $b | * from State Chemist Howard the value of the substance. town doctor guing about on horseback | saw a visiting his patients, and he was pe | Water Fhinking it was minded of the times when the goodjthey fired two shots at it, and physician used to ride old Nell o hauled Yit inte | the boat. Th along the country roads to | stance weighed alt pound tend. the sick. Unaware of its v , the finder to ---- the ambergris to Boston and was it is a pity, indeed, about Dullman, {fered a small sum bi a man who was the mau who would have blown up| interested in the find, The painter ve the Welland enanal, and sent some peo- | fused the offier and returned to Man ple to their death, the Lampman says. | chester He wa finally advised to go hy should gnyone express sympathy | to the state laborilory i for a fiend of this type, breause he -- ------ rebels against having his picture ta The Solution. ken in the penitentiary and is sentiM A. P., London to the dungeon, WHetter men than The late Sir Henry Campbell Ban vant broke a great deal of china tain type of prisoners from the photo-| The matter-ofdact Englishnian gave . eoraph requirement. It is persoes of a t of 4 rion) vio } ras ve snl to over 13 per cent f i . I thi wort bit of practwal adv "Hnwes vere « & « « X . » § 1 1 > 5 : . " . er d'oyleys, and a filmy lace collar, beau-{ yy. ; 5 Harty, Bagot street (je i wer lo le Bullman 1% Liat ought to be "Dismiss him. tiful pocket handkerchicks, a frame of antertain at dinner on Maondas : 4 m4 3 pg, phtdiiral hed and placard through ! "Fake : pntertain nner o ony ' pan 8 Oo trv i beafen brass and eo onthe articles | ' >» } out the. country, the thrifty were yuite "Loo nameroy to aw | Shes. WW. J. Robinaon, Cletgy stroe To Erect a Warehouse. : Oblestion, to the ues course Wa tion." ¥ guests present include ; , : : | damiths . made on the ground that the wag is stavime witis Miss M. Nicol } IT ' 4 ¥ ] Mes, T. W. Savary, Mra Alexander 4 H The contrait for ithe new warshouse were less than the amount of the dam ¢ street before going no e 2 y : : stence, - he ced she , : Kirkpateick, Mes, Iva Martin, Mrs treet before going north to join her |; \aoors. Robertson, Nicolle & Co, iin of exi hes ao he hat to of s "lage. The Irishman at once came Hevhett Robinson, Mrs. Bernard aN wholesale grocers, Kingston, has been petures ee k a rH Lia Bink han the rescue with: "Then raise on : 5 2 ake . 4 s thi frowns, Mrs. ROH. Tothill, Mrs, Ars} AW tot tc M. yan. The building will be TWOP aC. take notice, Te thnts tha i} Kia \ My Archibald: Young the city with her mother, Mrs, J, ( 1 the pictures were pretiy strong, and , o .. ch \ Mes \ Rr n Millia on Rr " sherk, who underwent a very serious { that the morality association might ea : as" * Yope ati a few days ¢ 2 . gr east have met and passed a res Gann, Mrs. R. K. Kilborn, Mis fo h ot " . ws ago at the gen at least have me wd passe 0 era. ORD nL . fa Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Harcourt Mise Mattie: Robertson ons Tal the Callaghan, Mrs. Robert Henderson, | (,, i : Aven i ni -------- E ' : s : Jueen's girls, who has been staying . . It is evident to the Lampman that Mrs, Joseph Pune, Miss Gertrude with Mrs. WW. 6 Anglin, Earl street, b Didn't Quote 3 a Sir- Jumes Whitney and Dr. Edwards hick. 2 ne Frau am Power, Mex. Love, Mrs, Jolin Ciwillim, left, to-day, for Peterhoro. : \ 3 Weide machine nan has wen | ve very different views concerning faving in a a) ; - - mn ei ¥ Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Waldron, he Rev. G. H. P. Grout, archdeacon | 10°C 3 df a guinea for a too VigOrous|g,, pPrench-Canadians and their loyal r. Drew began. wd the honor o Miss Frances and Miss Carrie Wilson, § 6 Deihi, N.Y., and Mrs. Grout, will is of fun 2: pons, He hutled & vl tv Sir James was throwing his meeting a ng This Policeman, Mies Etta Richmond, Miss Alice King, he over in Canada the second week: in ms o them at his Wife Soa arms around their \necks ut the Nice » hoa I te ok my Separturs, SOO ny Paik or « s } r ie v wart and gave ry a oO Miss Anni Fairlie, Miss M. Going, | yia0. They will spend a week ing a ? on ih ar Hi 3: hi B : A kle banquet and telling what a fine] "0 he ay is a1 Wei em 5 t Dy hay Miss Constance Cooke, Miss Nan Skin Kingston and Prescott it was describe as a handsome vol-1y 0 of péhple they were, while "Doc" an i patronizing slap on the back : " . - ol " ner, Mise, Nan Patterson, Mise Louise Miss Mahel Lake and Miss Hiatt me did nit seem to mitigate the pa od "Gould like to tramp on Jacs,' he said. 'do vou kmow, ye'v PEERS AS WORKING MEN. | Ax Courtenay Vernon, before he eam Kirkpatrick, Miss Amy Ferguson, Miss | pyvidson left, yesterday, for Re 'na, ault t their gpeckd and disfranchise them if ma - u good hit with the boys in our , Carcie Beard, snd Miss Annie Wren- 1g, he could. It seems that a local mili- | 1O%D you was only to give up the shall. Mrs. Joh Brooke, the hostess' |' ak. Ethalwyn Mowat 35 in. town tary man of French-Canadian extrac aunt and her sister, Miss Ada Bates, {{ 'or ¢ ' : tion was told that the Frontenac ynem- . from Taronto. =| I would like to call your attention hy shi 3 ® Frontenac yiem were great assistants in making the Mrs. Mackenzie,! who has been here| (, 3s : the ve Yitest thing ber had introduced a resolution into charming little tea the success it {with her daughtér, Miss Winewood et Inaciame ates oe Ty atest Whang tthe house to disfranchise hig fellow L ' } ot : wis Mac zie : . FF . ds , leitizens of Quebec province, and this * + % Ras he ie; hay wh Jou is hime; in Wis. Rounder (absently)--1f there's military m An Noa been erin : n ~ MAS S8 ackenzie a : \ 12 1 p! P| I A yo . A oma : fackenzie will be|anything out later than my husband . : ping . Phe senior bridge club' had its final | here till June "H take it. if x for . i open for the county doctor ever since | =o to } t. when 'th botto } inv." tid not do than whi ake , if only for a curnicsity, - . tents mto hig cart, when the bottom | hairs a day RTE. Th nan . REAR aE to tell him what he thinks o Efe : n ho AY, ried Tor Xie Oh Pus ny ' ve Tah : ih ks 'B of hm of the can came oul Ethel saw it | svmpathetic companion in no : eM a he, J " A he ; aptain Mrs. W. F. Jackson returned to Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Pays. THE TOWN WATCHMAN and ran in and told her mother. fellow-peer than the late Marques an .. de 2 ) ing its : ' . a « deo OWhIaY eng its | Brockville on Wednesday | Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure iE CR 1 hope vou didn't listen to what | Salisbury, who in his young das host and hostess. The elub member Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gurd, Montreal, | any case of itchiog, Slind, bleeding or he said," the mother remarked ed from sunset to sundown § for medrinal gpd in- ship has been twenty-four, and usual- after a four months' continental | protruding piles in 6 to 14 days on The Worst Part. "He didn't say a word to me," re-| for gold at Ballarat, living in a voo ternal use, , We, De. . bot- ly some outsiders were asked to the | tour, saal for homeggn Saturday Mr. | money refunded. 50. . Clini plied the little girl, "be just walked en shanty and boiling bis own 1H drug stores; Her of fortnightly me . he regular play urd's sister, Mritad, S. Smith, ------ 1- "Have Mr and Mrs. Squinchly com- {right off by the side of his cart; talk ye id Brock streets and gorner ers were © Colonel and Mrs. J, H. V. [Johiison street, will go down shortly An optimist spends a lot of time promised their patrimonial troubles ling to God.' : Put thee have heen scores if cess and Montreal streets. rune, ( alonet Su 2 re nD a to prepare their home for their com- | dodging the good things that con yer 1 : : : 5 | sme Sn sere ti ep tish noblemen who have known - i - enunthg, Lolonel an re outing} ng : his way. ot quite. They agreed readily Liguid Veneer, makes old furni'ure| it is to work--and work hard Lhe wan who ds after something Young, Colonel and Mrs. H. E. hn Mi lohn A. Cooper, the energetic Protect vour winter garments by | enough as to which one was to have | look like new. in a few minutes. Sold | with their hands for the bread they (lor? ge bound to get it in the stall, Major and Mrs Norman Stuart aditor of the Canadian Courier, of | vsing cedar camphor, 26c. a Wh., atl the enstody of the children, but they | at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store ate. ¢ Leslie, Captain-and Mes. Bell, Mr. and | Toronto, came down, vesterduy, to | McLeod's drug store. don't seem to be able to decide which The devil is quick to observe yous Few mon of any class have had a uy your oil dloths and linoleums Mrs, James Cappon, Mrs. Arthur see his sons, with their goindparents, | Phone 147, James Reid's, for repair | is to have the choice of the automo- | first inclination to do business with] more varied experience of ° éarpet squares, laid free of Flower March, Miss Lois Saunders, | Lieut.-Col. and Mus. ww Massie, | vig and upholstering. --tbiles." #} him. it" than the present Baron vveden. | charge, at James Reid's. it out of his wages, poke Seo. ed I'he Lampman wondered, this week, if the town merality society had gone A. JJ. McBritle, Montreal, ix in wages." ---------------- Policeman's Compliment to Drew. THE CHAN TECLER GIRL. lotion. Whshington Star i . : John Drew, at a hurheon in Phila Roosters on er head, her parasol, her handbag and her stockings, Ee delphia, repeated a compliment of has the up-to-da*: maid fow--att this exhibition of poultry being, of which, he said, he was proud course, owing to the influence of Rostand's play, *( hantecler." Some of the big roosters sit comfortably on wide brimmed straw hats; others, like the bird in the photograph, are poised on small toques and have the appearance of nestling cosily on my lady's coiffure, the tail feathers sweeping her neck. The Chantecler adorning her parasol top is of carve ed wood, the cockscomb being painted bright red. erected on the corner of Herbert an Elizabeth streets, near the CC, P, station. Work will be commenced at once ) any extent p---- it i le } be to hisf title he turned Lis hands to a Have Turned Hands to all Sorts of | score of different forms of menial las Labor. | bor lle took the Queen's shiling as a The Emr} of. Hardwicke, who has | Private soldier, was a strolling; actor, Talked With God. been recounting his experiences as wwered the "Steward!" un hali-a- Everybody's Magazine worker of mines, from Tasmaria Pell. slaps worked before ih The ashinan was rang a can of | Montana and Alaska, "working for gold, egret abl ashes above his head to dump the ton- | trade-inion waged at rock-drilling in fact, it is momost: cpscr Latest Things Out. Polite Salesman--Here is something perfession and opem a saloon Lere blest if 1 don't believe ve'd do well." ' might have arn his bread Olive ON PE-- | Sensational Sacrifice Sale All This Spring's Suits and Dresses To Be Sold At 1-3 Off :: Regular Prices :: 1-3 Off Commencing Monday, May 2nd, we offer the greatest cut in new and fashionable garments ever made in Kingston. : $1200 Suits, One-Third Off, Now $800 $1500 Dresses, One-Third Off, Now $10.00 be. -. " 1000 17.50 ¢ « 110 1800 © io "1200. 2000 " y "« * 1A 20.00 '6 6 6 ; 1 3 34 22.50 " "" " Be 15.00 25.00 i 16.67 21.50 " " " "BY ~ Ete., Elec. Etc,, Etc. We Guarantee Every Garment to be This Spring's Latest Style Many of these costumes are genuine New .York Productions and are now offered at less than the cost of manufacture. Owing to the heavy losses on these garments any alterations will be charged extra. A Pleasure to Have You Examine These Offerings. > . ~ Sale Commences Monday , R. WALDRON | -- \