Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1910, p. 8

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1} - TMP DATLY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY. MAY 2. 1010, 3 IT YOU DEPOSIT $10 MONTHLY in the Bank of Toromto at the end of seven and a half years the Bank WILL PAY YOU $1,000 As this would be the sum of your savings with compound interest for that time. Is not the result worth trying for? BANK OF TORONTO Incorporated 1833. teri Paid-up Capital, $4,000,000. Reserve Funds, 4,800,000 KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. George B. McKay, Manager. YOU CAN DO nd Make Lovely Work IT, Complete Outfit for - 25¢ Designs all ready in Picture Frames, Boxes, Panels, Candle and Lamp Shades. " W. A. Mitchell's Hardware, 85 and 87 Princess St. Goose of the "Coldstreams." Perhaps the most curious regimental pet on record was Peter, the goose of the Coldstream Guards. Poter served with. the regiment throughout the re- belon in Canada, and was a rare fa vorite with the soldiers. When the guard was mounted each morning Pe- ter always marched with them. One of the most novel sights in London, when the Guards came home, was to seo Peter strutting at the head of the regiment when on parade. Unfortun- ately Peter was run over and killed by a eab while doing '"'sentrygo,'"' as was his custom, in front © the guard house. His remeins are still ed, his neck being decorated with a collar bearing the words, "Died on duty." An Honest Confession. A well-known divine was one Sunday morning on of "Tioi Great and of Creation," To illustrate his thought that nothi ng was either too vast or too tiny to be of interest to Provi: dence, he proteeded in these words: "The creator of this immense uni- verse cveated also the most inifini- tesimal atom in it. The architect of these vast mountains fashioned also the tiniest thread of cold run- aing through them, The God who made me made a daisy." --lit-Bits. ~The North German Lloyd Rolland went ashore off the coast of North Carolina in a fog on Monddy morn- ing. Sha caries a crew of fifty men and transports freight between Bremen Cuba, 'Tugs have been Jimmoned in an attempt to save The Lord's Day Alliance will peal to the railway commission stop the running of Sunday cars the London & Lake Erie railway. April cuktoms, returns for the do- minion were $5,054,770, as against $3,961,678 last April. John D. Sharman, for-e' ant postmaster, died at London, A---------- C preach- the Small ap- to on eR - atspaw Rabber Heels will steady you on your pins. Don't Jot your foot slip-- Wear Catspaws. All shoedealers and repairers. PUT UP HS -- CASH THE KING PAID HIS INCOME TAX. Didn't 'Wait Until the Budget Was Signed--Followed Queen Vie- toria's Example. Xew York, May 2A cable despatch to the Sun from London says: King Edward did not wait until he had given his assent to the finance bill on Friday, but paid his income tax in full at the rate of fourteen pence in the pound beforehand. The payment was an entirely volun- on (he queen's, who as equally prompt, since there is no powér to levy upon the erown. For several duced, the sovereign did not pay it, but (Queen Victoria introduced the enstom in order to share the people's burden. ; King Edward, when the treasury ap- proached him after. be came to the throne, decided to follow his mother's example. The tax officials rigorously guard as a secret the amount of the sovereign's private income. BASEBALL RESULTS. The Games Played on Saturday and Sunday. Eastern League~Newark, 6, Toronto, 5. Montreal, 5 Daltimore, 6. Puf- fulo, 6, Providence, 7. Jersey City, 2: Rochester, 1. American Leagie--Dhiladelpbia, 0 New York, 2. Washington, 8; Boston, 5. Cleveland, 2, St. Louis, Chica vo, 1. Detroit, 0 Natlonal League--Pittsburg, 15 Chi cago, 0. New York, 9 Plaladelphia 1. St. Louis, 4, Cineinnati, 1, Sunday Games. Fastern League--Newark, 4; Toron- to, 3. Jersey City, 8; Rochester, Bb. Buffalo, 2: Providence, 0. American League--Cleveland, 5; Louis, 4. Chicago, 4% Detroit, 1. National League--Cincinnati, 0, Louis, 5. Chicago, 2, Pittsburg, 1. Standing of the Leagues. Eastern League--Newark, 906, Buf falo, 300% Toronto, SUG, Baltimore, 500, Provide AUB: Rochester, 33%; Jersey" City, Montreal, S300. National [Bague--New York, Pitsburg, .700, Philadelphia, 636; Chicago, .636; Cinelnpati, 400; Hos- 333 St. Louis, 307; Brooklyn, St St LT, a7. Amettenn League--Detroit, 616; Phil adelphia, 600: New York, Ohi, ten, 038%; Cleveland, 5: 'Chivago, 00s Washington, Louis, S00, Yos- Nt. RUSSIANS FOUGHT POLICE, Demanded Release of Four Arrested Leaders, Honolulu, May 2.--Following the ar- rest of four Russians on the charge of inciting disorder, a mob of 400 of their countrymen surrounded the police sta- tion and a battle with the police fol- lowed. The mob demanded the relénse of their leaders and defied the order to disperse.' The police brought the fire department to their aid and a stream was turned on the mob which had massed in front of the fail, with women and babes held in front as shields. The fire hose failed to break the mob entirely, and the police drew their clubs and charged. The mob dis- persed. : The Russians were brought here by the immigration hoard of work on the sugar plantation, but refused to work at the wages offered. nc RECOVERING LOST RADIUM. Minute Particles Were Mixed With Dust on Floor. A good deal of resource was shown by aon attendant at the Prince of Wales' hospital at Totienhant, who found that the glass of a tube con: taining £60 worth of radium ~~ was broken, and the contents, hardly enough to cover a three-penny piece, had vanished. The man immediately excluded daylight from the room and groped about on the floor with a fluorescent screen until he discovered fugitive particles of the elusive ele ment mixed with the dust on the floor The radium was then earciully extracted from the dust, the greater portion of the missing substance be- ing thus recovered. The cause of the breakage is a mystery. It is thought that the glass may have become smashed through the agency of the element itself. : mat Cheese Markets. 8t. Hyacinthe, Que., April 30.--Thir- ty-nine boxes of cheese at je. Watertown, N.Y., April 30.--Cheese sales, 3,000 at 124c. Canton, N.Y., May 2-700 boxes of cheese at 12]c. The motion to quash Strathroy's local option by-law was dismissed. Have One Of Our ew pring erbies It's one of the shapcliest and most dressy pieces of headwear a8 man cau get under. . _1t's_the season's fuver- ite. Two grades only. tary' act on the king's part, as it was years after the income tax was intro- SHOULD BE DEPOSED A KNIFE WAS USED | IPABBE CASGRAIN'S VIEW 1 PROF. MACNAUGHTON. i i i 1 | OF A STABBING AFFRAY LAST ol NIGHT IN BAMILTON. 1L'Abbe Makes Public Announcement Peter Ambo and Maurice Mundy Got | | About the ex-Queen's Professor-- into a Quarrel Over Remarks | {| He Refuses to Make an Apology. Made While Ambo Was Passing, | i | Special to the Whig. b Hamilton, Ont, May 2-Peter Am- {| Montreal, May 2.--Controversy over bo, twenty vears old, employed at the the "Person of Jesus' article written Gurney Tilden foundry, is in the hos- iby Prof. Macnhugiton, of McGill Uni- | pital and Maurice Mundy, sixteen years |versity, the former Queen's professor, old, is under arrest as the result of a {will not die. I"Abbe P. Casgrain, of tabbing afivay which took place at | Quebee, who has taken a distinct stand | the corner of Simcoe and Mary streets | aguinst the McGill professor's' views, {last night. Ambo and a companion ix not satisfied with Prof. Maecpaugh- | were passing the corner when Mundy, | tcn's latest explanations in the Uni- land some other youths, made some re- | iversity magazine. In that explanation | parks which Jed to Ambo striking apelogize for the stand he had taken: knife and stabbed Ambo in the body. | Far from that is the reply. The Que |The knife entered the latter's left | bee city theologist throws out hint that jun, and also slashed him in the left i oue holding the views that Prof. Mac |, Ambo is expected tq recover if! naughton, professor in his own cele (here are no complications. Mundy ad- brated, article should be deposed from | 11s the stabbing, but says he in- | the university. Canadian university |ianded merely to scare Ambo. i students ne feels should not be expos- | : ed to such danger of losing faith in | De Lo kes . | Louisville, Ky., May 2.~George J. JAbbe P. Casgrain makes a public |p gr nd, «x business man, early this anhouncement, He SAYS In parti | morning," fired three shots at his Notwithstanding wae limigation, thirty-year-old son Edmond, killing P'rof. Macnaughton was permitted to | im 'almost instantly Young Red-| trunsgress the scope and purpose of |, is seid to have displeased his the magazine (university) for. the sake father by his extravagant habits and! of contributing a regretiable paper |i ability to hold a position and earn which has given pain to many good |}is support. The elder Redmond] and simple people, and has ealled | (yjetly eft the house as the son was | forth * strongest protests from dying. When arrested later, by the Christians of various denominations. |nglice, he enquired what they wanted | Why one may well ask, was an ex-|ywith him and when told for the map| ception made in favor of Prof. Mac-| wm said : "Sure, that's nuughton and why was he given space 1 did kill him." in the magazine to proclaim his dan- | gerous views on the Seriptures and ! thereby expose our Canadian students | to regard St. Matthew and St. Luke] as 'poets and painters" who at times | They Are Saying Aud Doing. "flatly contradict" each other, | Prof. J..M. Lanos continues | 'hat, sir, is a very grave question, | vw ted Til. in : to which the editorial committee have | PE ys Clergy street not yet given an answer. Their silence | Fe nf ato toda on Trisigo » is' ominous and is my sole reason for | Prof William Baker is leaving lirtorlering in this unpleasant | England ut if Prof. Macnaughton believes the Sunday gsionary work. | grit mystery of the Incarnation, up on which the whole edifice of Christ | oot Col. Hemming, D.0O.C., at] ianity rests (and it in revealed truth |p nded the church parade of the 15th] which cannot be hali believed or dis [ooo in Belleville, on Sunday. | belicved--his paper becomes as unintel | prog NM. B. Baker leit, to-day, * for ligible as it uncalled for and 19 nto, and will later proceed north | should therefore never have appeared | to investigate an' alleged find of coal. ! in the University Magazine, for nol john J. Tobin, jr., Westport, "has one will contend that it is caleulated | sanpurad a position as guard in the to foster a belief in - this profound [agojum, and has commenced his du-| mystery. tes, | ft is utterly incomprehensible that Ww, W. Gibson returned to Toronto he should have been allowed to publish | {4-day to continue conducting the ex-| his lamentable paper in the accredited | ap dnntions at the College of Phar-| orpan of three Christian universities. | macy, ( With his pedsonal views oi the Serip Mrs. W. W. Sands and kttle daugh-| tures, we have no concern, but when ter, Earl street, left, vesterday, for] he writes under the "imprimatur" of {Toronto to visit her brother, John | the distinguighed men, who compose (Gaskin. | the editorial committer of the Univer Harold sity Magazine, his statements cannot has, been be ignored, eaves, Happil- there exists in Canada, a act pumber of earnest Christians, men of | undoubted scholarship, in whose bers of the special committee on le- mouths the extravagant utterance of [jvslaton in the Canadian Fraternal, Prof. Macnaughton, would he unthink- | sssoviation. i able, and it is to them 1 appeal to| Bb. Pulloek and family, Gananoque, unite to protect our Canadian student passed through the city on Sunday in our universities from being exposed jon their way from Toronto to Gan- to the danger of losing their faith in tanoque, in a new McLaug the Scriptures, by Being erroneously car. | led to believe that they contain many | {detit.-Col.- Macdonald, of the North- inaccuracies and hopelessly irreconcil- West Mounted Police, who is 'down able contradictions, So much so in- | from Winnipeg for the staff ride, spent deed, that to quote Prof. Macnaugh- | Sunday in town. Col, Macdonald is * ton's own words, "Any sensible man In ex tadet. : \ will just renounce the attempt to get | John McKelvey, accompanied by| any detailed story of the birth - of he Hrlghter; re, He Wilkinson, Jesus," I Miss Beatrice Birch, left, to-day, Unbelief in the Word of God, is the NJ, great enemy threateping Christianity | 80m to day, and it behooves all sincere | In ) Christians who have at heart the wel- | Montreal, Rev. Charles A. Mullin, B. fare of their country and the future | A.» preached in the morning at Sy happiness of their children in this denham street church, and Rev. F. A. world, and the next, to use every en- 1 & assidy in the evening. deavor and to implore the divine as- | I'he marriage of Miss Kathleen Anas- s'stance to combat this terrible evil | tasia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. and prevent it from getting a foothold | Smith, Brewer's Mills, to James in our own country, whose religious | Franc s Boyle, Gananoque, is arranged traditions are very dear to all true |'° take place in June. Canadians, : | Miss Jennie Mahon, daughter : Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon, Crow] Lake, left, on Saturday, April 30th, | {to enter the Brockville general hospi- { tal us nurse-in-training. The Labor Organizations Appear to| Nye H. Casey, ny spent the win-| be Satisfied. {ter with her son at Syracuse, N.Y. | Montreal, May 2.--Montreal is hav. { has returned to Kimgston and will ing a peaceful May day so far as la- | spend the summer with her daughter, bor troubles are concerned. The dif- l=. R. J on, rock vet. i ferent organizations appear to be | Mims )' Rielly, wife of Judge 0- pretty well satisfied with donditions | Reilly, and her son Harty, Corn-| at present and there are no strikes in (wall, are with Mrs. { . Bermingham, | prospect. There was some talk of the |Barrie street. Mrs. O Reilly and her | painters demanding higher pay, but [son were through the terrible fire at) nothing has materialized. There is j Cornw all en Friday. . 5 | Tso talk of masons seeking better | Miss Spooner, "The Elms, Glen-( wages, but their contracts do not ex- burnie, who has been nursing in! pire for another gronth. { Kanaston for some time, left for Ot-| Labor in Ottawa. tawa this morning to take an opera-} fs} the! Ottawa, Mav 2,~Emplovees of Ot- | capital. tawa Electric street railway have | Larry Ryan, Chicago, and Bro. Al- agreed to a new wage schedule after a |hert Ryan, of the Alexian Brothers' {week's negotiations with the com- {hospital, Flizabeth, N.J., have return- pany. First year men will receive led to their homes, after being pre- nineteen vents, and second year men gent at the death bed of their moth- twenty cents per hour, an increase of ler, whose funeral took place on Wed: half a cent in each ease. Third year {nesday morning lass men will get twenty-two cents, an in- {| Mrs. John Chisholm and family, crease of one and one-half cents per iQuésn street, who have resided here hour. For Sunday work two cents per for the past few years, left for Mon- hour in advance of daily rate will be treal, to-day, to join her husband, paid, On sweepers and snow ploughs {Rev. Mr. Chisholm, who hay been ap the rate will be twenty:two and one pointed in charge of the Presbhyter- half cents between 6 am. and mid- ian church at Point St. Charles, night and twenty-four cents between | Mri. Albert Clay, whose hands were midpight and 6 am., irrespective of | badly burned through putting out the vears of service. fire which caught in h'r child's dress, was treated at the general hospital instead of at the Hotel I'leu, as re- portal. She came home on Saturdas | morning, having been with Fer child tin her last moments. Father Slew His Son. | the of his son, i tight, 1 believe { PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What | to im- left for for miro iy an early date. Harrison was at Latimer on delivering an address on mis-| was Renton, home for to-morrow, as a lire ranger, +4. Behan and R. Meek are mem: | a dental student, | a few days but] for Sudbury to! for | Atlantic for! City, remain time. the absence of the pastor, to of, A PEACEFUL MAY DAY. who in ftion ease for Dr. Leggett, one of the leading surgeons Cirenlar Talk. Surcess Magazine. The judge's son had just Qnished his course in law and tame home triamph- antly with his sheepskin in a fine frame. The old judge turned to his son with some wholesome advice. "My | son, when vou have a case in court and your opponent has the law on his wide, you must talk facts. and when hea has the facts on his side you mast talk law." The young man sat and awhile and then asked, "Ga- ther, what must a fellow do when his {iRcnent has both the Jaw and the s on his side?" The Judge looked wish and replied, "Just talk around and around, my son." Manitoba Elections. Wihnipeg; May 2.--Manitoba general elections will be held in July at as early a date as possible, following the period required for, the revision of the i voters' lists, 1 a -- Tt ia semi-officially announced that the Ocean Limited will be 'put on 'the TCR. between Montreal and Halifax | _about Jude 5th, or some twelve days, earlier than last spring. Peter McKenzie, for many years =o L -------------- promigent official of the Hudson's Bay In the Toronto police court. Alfred company, died in Montreal, on May Wallace, an Englishman of - fifty-five 2nd. He was horn in 1538. : years, was convicted of an unnatural | offence a was batonnier of the bar of Montreal, "succession to B.C, Smith, K.C. wl THE DAY'S EPISODES Jowes! prices, at James Reid's. | 3 | Willian Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | gk received at McAulev's. Phone 778. { Ex a c prof. Macnaughton called on L'Abbe to! Mundy. The latter, thereupon, drew alt covered with white blossoms on every twig, drag store. {day | covered | pnetinonia., executive will be held on ening | cheeks human teeth, {made the bites, [the mother she screamed and fled hiin touring | the arms of a court! gttendant. mother she could « and | Wife a bit. school. doubt in bad, but the girl was bad, too. bad &f the judge sends my wife Ky lprison, that it is feared blood-poisoning {fresh butter. F. J. Basaillon, K.O., was elected ba ! LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS - GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Viclalty gio k : rane Kes. |mportant k . i> Bedding, the latest and best, at the) \ brushes," extra good val} we, at Gi n's Red Cross drug store. ! Reith Sutherland, of the bank, left, on Manday trip to Regina. The drill for the bearer f the ith regiment will t the Armouries to-night, Humphrey's specifics, pellets and] tinctures, a full assortment, at Me Leod's drug stores. Cadet M. Cosgrave, Toronto, return- ed to college today, after being away on a month's sick leave, ! on | Gib- Shavin Standard noun, on a companies | Black Silks To-Morrow Commencing at 9 aun and continuing all day. oo commence | *}ifty Tabard Inu Hbrary sale for special price, books" y at « 25 | son's Red Cross drug store. i A part of the new Hotel Dien build- | ing now in course of erection will be | devoted to lving-in purposes. i "Ics creagy hiscks fram Toronto," | sold in Kiagston only at Gibson's Red | Cross drug store. : | II. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's, -- leave Auley's bookstore. . Men from the city engineer's ofiee are at work laving out the new base! bail diamond at the cricket field. ! Launch . supplies, cushions, chairs | and steering chairs, as James Reid's. | A fruit tree on: Brock street been in bloom for over A A A At A Aa A EN PA HNN | from! orders at Me { THE REASON An Importer of me Dlack Silks found himself oyerstocked and having pressing payments to meet, sold a portion of his stock in Montreal at a sacrifice in order to get ready money. We suceceded in getting a portion, and some of these we will offer To-Morrow. 137 Yards Wide Black Chiffon Faffeta Silks A beautiful Soft Make, full 36 Inches Wide. This quality and width usually sells for §1 yard. YOURS TO-MORROW 355c YARD a week, being Garden and flower seeds, fresh good, at McLeod's drug stores. "Fifty Tabard Inn. library books" sale at % each. Gibson's Red Cross | and Saturds great also mon ww was "moving day" for citizens and Monday ing day for many more, were a busy lot as many wi Pho men result, wpoiring and upholstering promptly at James Reid's. The many friends of Mrs. Alexand- Muckie siilmour street, Ottawa, will be pleased to hear that sae has re from a attack of Very done er BOTI0US A meeting of the aty baseball league pn A AAA AAA A A AAAI Fuesday in the College Tun cigar At this meeting the schedule for both senior and groups will by drawn up and all teams should be re presented, ev. store, nor 100 Yards Imperial Chiffon Taffeta A soft bright make of good weight and | EXTRA WIDE, being full 39 inches. This Accuses Mother of Grossly 1l-Treat. | quality is regularly sold at $1.25. ing Her. YOURS TO-MORROW 74c YARD CHILD BADLY BITTEN. Niw York ght vet Rosa April 2. % old, appeared drooklyn court with her arms covered with the prints and her right al most torn off, She said her mother, | Mrs. Carrie Petito, had kept her lock- | d in the cellar for two days and had Petito, nl and | of | ent ! When the child was confronted by to The | 1 130 Yards Black Duchesse Satin i sha had to be held bedore Extra wide, 36 .inches, just the right ale In siauit of | weight and make for Dresses, Waists, wil 8 S88 to and her | + ¥ x ull $l was stint, to Jail and hoe | Skirts, etc It is good value at $1.25. samination postponed. my | Yours ToMorrow 90c Yard. shrieked that 80 lent be searched The father, Giuseppi Petitio, a street cicaner, said: *'I don't blame Rosa would not go to] She grabs a fence and no- | body could tear her lore. My wife noj loses her temper. That was! Too | to We and | they need her. | Rosa's arms were have six children, so badly swollen | mat 100 Yards Black | Duchesse Silk Two Attempts Made to Poison Mar. | A soft, serviceable make, of good color guerite Carre, { 'y ACE y Paris." Mav. 2.~Marguerite and weight. The width is the usual wife of the director of the 20 inches and the quality is excellent Comique, received a few days value at 75¢. Yours To~Morrow 49¢c yard set im. HER LIFE IS IN DANGER. Carre, Upera says the Journal, a parcel containing On tasting it she re- marked upon the bitter The butter was sent for an analysis, which | proved that it contained oxide of | iy | On Saturday night, after playing in| a general rehearsal of "Le Marriage de | Telmague,"" by Jules Don i lay and Terraese, Mme. Carre 1d al bottle of port wine which she invited | her women attendants to share with | her. One woman drank and imme | diately shrivked : "Po son! Pm burn- ing." A doctor wus summoned and} he used a stomach pump, after whic h | the woman was pul to bed. Mme i Carre only tasted the wine, but found | that it burned her mouth. The bottle and its contents ware sent to the municipal Inhovatory. The police are making an investigatipn, It is thought that the would bet' poisgner | is a member of the Opera Comique company playing a minor role. SOCIETY WOMEN'S It Truly Fascinating--G. W. Mahood Guarantees It, taste, i i | ayo, | i [ emaitre --_e ts SLL0E0060086008800008A0688R008000 astt0etttl » @ CHILDREN'SCY FOOTWEAR 2 Nowadays every up-to-date has radiant hair. What a fodlish creature would be if she lost the to add to her attractions. Yet in Canada today there hundreds of thousands of with harsh, faded, characterless who do not make any attempt improve it, In Paris most women hav hair, and in Canads all wom use Parisinn Sage have lus 8 taxuriant hair. And An woman read r of the Whig can have attractive and lastrous hair | in a few days' time hy awing® this great hair rejuvenator, Parisian Sage. | €., W. Mahood sells a large bottle! for 50 cents and he guarantees it lo | banish dandruff, stop falling hair and | itching scalp in two weeks or money | worsan SHOES FOR a woman opportunity A tt L GROWING GIRLS: AP NSN SS The nrg women hair to } \ Nice looking Shoes, wear. Made in varions styles with flat heels. . only Bhoe sutiful they shou a Kid, 3-strap Slippers, turn soles, low heels. Patent Ankle Strap, | Kid Oxford Shoes, It Chocolate Oxford Sho Patent, Tan and Vici i i |= Lockett Shoe Store 2 , Btreet or House Bhoes 2 ow heel , Euod soles 2 soles good » * - = z Kid Oxfords. » w - 2 z A A NN ANNAN, VEVIVIIIIIIIIIIIN HIIIIIIIIVINNIIIE oR. Parisian Sage is an ideal hair tonic, wot sticky or greasy. Swevy :

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