mere A -- -- BRITISH FIGHTING CRAFTS USE OIL Purest, best and most economi. «<al for you. Polishes the , teeth and keeps them white, Tones u P the ms and keeps m healthy. ,., Buy a tube to-day. i i i i THE TARIAR . Supply& Demand Certain investors prefer securities which = are readily convertible into 'cash, and which veritably are as good as gold. To such investors we highly recommend the purc . now of bonds of the Am- CHURKA oo algamated Asbestos Cor- poration. The bonds at present price nearly 534%, and it planned to list thet or the = Toronto, . Montreal, New York and London, Stock Exchanges, | g them readily con. vertible into cash. We will gladly send yon our special circular, G-3, which fully shows the vir- tue of thé investment. Bonds are in $500 and $1,000 amounts. ENIIUS JARVIS & CD., (Members Toronte Stock Exchange.) Toronto, Ont., Vancouver, B. C., London, Eng. London, April 30.~As soon as the feasibility of generating motive power by liguid fuel with smokeless consump- tion 'wax conclusively established the British naval authorities went ahead fast. They decided to combine the use of oil fuel with water tube boilers and turbine machinery in two classes of torpedo craft. - The private construeture with whom lorders were placed were given great liberty within certain limits of dimen sion and the conditiotis were viringent ak regard structural strength habita- bility and range of action, Of the two classes, one was to be a big and swift vessel seagding quallties which war. ratited the appellation "ocean going," and the other a smaller for coastwise use, Twelve vessels of +he class are now in active thirty six of the latter. The ocean going vessels, known the tribal class, because! they called the Ghurka, the Cossack, Mohawk, cte., cost a little more * C heapet vessel hirst service named and as were the than ems chin | FIRST IN NEW WORLD. Pioneer Hospital was Built in Mexico! 1524. | For Aged People Old Folks Should she Careful In Their Se- ; : the revenues obtained from the proper- lection of Regulative ties conferred on Mim by the Spanish Medicine > feeown for his secvices in 'the conquest of Mexico. The endowment was so ar- With advanced age comes inactive ranged that it still exists, and is Yaid bowel 'movement sand sluggish liver, hit the present po A superviser ia Nature is unable to perform her pro- | named by the lineal descendant of Cor- per function® and requires assistance. | tez at present. In this hospital wo- Otherwise, there is constant suffering [men occupied positions as nurses and from constipation and its attendant physicians, and in their care were all evils, Old folks should never use [cases of obstetrics dnd women's physic that is harsh and irritating. leases. GQonsiderable was known by the We have a sald, dependable and al {Indians of medicine. together ideal remedy that ds par-| The Mexican hospital is a fine nuild ticularly adapted to the requirements|ing, with arcades and courtvard. It of aged people and persogs of weak |ic an interesting landmark in the his constitution whe suffer from constipa- | tory of hospital construction and ad. tion and other bowel disorher. We are 'ministration. . ko certain that it will completely ro-| lieve these complaints and give abeo- lute satdsfaction in every particalar that we offer them with our personal guarantee that they shall cost the user nothing if they fail to substan tiato our claims, This remedy is callid Rexall Orderhies, Rexall Orderlies are o ton like candy. They have a sodthing, healing, strim- It is said that the first hospital ever {built in America was erected by the i {Spaniard, Cortez, io the city of Mexi co, in 1524, Jt was endowed out of dis ------------ Holleford Happenings, Holleford, May 2.--A quiet took place on April 2Ist inst., when Miss Adella Ewing, daughter of Mr. land Mrs. John Ewing, of this place, was united in marriage to Garfield Rice, of Winnipeg. The ceremony took {place at the Methodist parsonage, Sy- : 1 IM {denham street, Kingston, and was per- gthoning, tonle and regulative action formed by Rev. C. 'A. Sykes. 1 he | upon the dry mucous linlng and the {happy couple loft on the noon train relaxed musotlar cont of the bowel, | the next day for their home in Win- They produces 4 natural, Siecessve inipeg. The groom was a student at contraction and relaxation of the Queen's college, muscular fibres, of the bowel walls, Dr. Spankie visited the school this generating a wave-like motion which | week and wag well pleased with its forces their contents onward and out progress, NS. Babcock is iH with ward; thus simulating nature in imeasles, The Richardson mica mine fect bowel movement. 'I hey tone up fiw turning 'out first class mica aguiry and str ngthen the nerves and mus- they are now using steam. Visitors : cles and"u#tore the bowels and asso- | Miss Cora Rogers, Hartington, at R. ciate organs to more vigorous and | Babectk'ss Mr. and Mrs. J. Donnell, healthy activity, They may be taken Kepler, at Alfred Redmond's: Mr and at any time without inconvenience: do Mrs, Jenson, Sydenham, at A. Col- not cause any griping, nausea, diar- thins Mr. and Mrs. J Whain, Sud- rhoea, excessive looseness, flatulence bury, at R. J. Curslake's; 0. Babeock, or other disagreeable efioct. Try Rex- Wilton; at James Walker's: Mrs, James all Orderlies ono guarantee; 36 | Walker, at J. Deyo's, Harrowsmith tablets 2 o., and 12 tablets 10c, Re- (Miss. Hattie Collins has returned momber vou can obtain Rexall Reme- home, dies in Kingston only at our store The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood, H.PARKS & SON, event per- i -------------- 4 » Let a man sit down and siz himself Hp as others see him, and the result is apt to be more or less discouraging, It is difficult to convince the chap who has a monopoly that competition is the life of trade. A ------ Q, THE MOHMAWRK $700,000 each. On an average displace ment of a little less than 900 tons they avs fitted to carry about ninety of fuel oil and were designed for a speed| of thirty-three knots. The Tuel consump- tion was not to exceed one pound per square foot of heating surface, and the conditions of trial were most ont. All the boats of this class these contract requiremen string passed , and the . VARICOSE ULCERS Healed by Zam-Buk. Mrs. Alex. Young, Martin's River, Lunenburg Co., N.B., writes as fol lows "1 feel 1 must acquaint vou with the great benefit I have received from Zam-Nuk, For years I had been troubiod with varicose veins and sores oh my kg, and could get nothing to heal these. The family doctor treat ed me but instead of getting better the trouble deemed to get worse. I then teed various remedies, but still to no avail, and 1 almost gave up in despair, thinking I would nover get a cure. About three wecks ago | heard of Zam Buk, and what a derful healer it was, so 1 laid supply 'and gave the Zam-Buk treat- ment a fair trial. It surpassed my! highest expectations, and only a few boxes" were needed to effect a complete cure, "Not only in my own case, but in the case of a friend of mine, to whom I recommended Zam-Buk for the same trouble, Zam-Buk has done what everything else, previously tried, fall od to do. 1 recommend Zam-Buk very strongly and I think it should have place in every household." For ulcers, abscesses, eczema chaps, salt-zhenm, ringworm, blood poisoning, chronic and all other skin juries and diseases, Zam-Buk is out equal. It alse cures piles, mg sores god inflamed patches, druggists and stores sell at Sle. of post free from Zam-Buk Co. ronto, for price. You are against harmful substitutes cheap imitations, won- mn 0 a Sores, in with: fester- All box, To- warned and Killed Wife and Shot Himself. Louis, Mo., May 5.2While three polivemen stood at the door of the home of John Briscoe, Briscoe fired a shot from thé house, killing his wife After ten policemen had besieged the house for of alice ('Mallev, with drawn reoolver, bbe in and found Friscoe dead. He had shot himself. St half an hour, Captain -------------- Had Bad Ear Trouble, The skin became hard and dry, caus- ed frighthul itchiness and nothing help- ed till Dr. Hamilton's Ointment was used; it cured. Nothing known that is so hegling, so antiseptic, iso sure to allevinte all skin irritation. Try Dr. Hamilton's Ointment yourself. Sic. 'Phone 239. All kinds of t Flowe a Pl in season, ding 'and Faneral Be Rh, ty. shipped to all parts. Florists | Night "Phbne 235. per box, at 'all dealers, NEW GRAND 2 knot s | Tartar, built bv Messrs. Thornveroft & Co. during a six hours' trial made 34} knots on the At time she exceeded 37 knots. On figures the vessel has a radius of tion at 'fall power of average, one these AC~ more than 400 nautical miles, and at the economical speed of 14 knots could stedtn consid- erably more than a thousand gooura- phical miles." They are inexpensive ves- sels, but high speed is always costly. eT ------------ INTERVIEW A FAKE, --t------ Von Buclow Fabricated Utterance of Emperor, May 5.<A. remarkable at Von Buelow, the for imperind chancelior, in connection with the memorable interview with Emperor William. published in October, HWS, hy the London Felograph, is con tained in a lengthy volume, which ix about to be issued by the ex-govern- menial councillor, Ruttolf Martin, Tho chancellor is necased of treason to- wards the emperor, . The author of the book asserts that the interview never occurred; that table talk, the gist of which the om peror. communicated to Prime Von Buelow, w® put into the form of an interview hy the German foreign of fice, reaching the Telegraph from the hands of the journalist, Harold Spen der. London, tack on Prince mer GOES TO PENITENTIARY. president of Brewing Company Sentenced for Larceny. New York, May 35.~Charles Katz, president of the Eastern Brewing com pany, found guilty of larceny by a ary in the supreme court, was senfenced to serve an indeterminate term of from three to seven Ars in the penitentiary. A cortificatd of rea sonable doubt was granted, and bail was fied at $35,000, pending an ap peal. Katz waa charged with Donall Persch and others with selling $110,000 J worth of copper stock put up with the Windsor Trust company 'hy an agent of F. Angusutus Heize as security for the loan of 250,000, Will Take Proceedings. Montreal, May O.--L. "J. Ethier vouches for the truth of the rumor that he is to take proceedings against those mentioned in Judge Cannon's report as guilty of malversation. The idea in this is merely to recover the expenses of the enquiry, which have been apportioned among the different men, ---------- A real blonde is always open to the suspicion of knowing all 'about the action of certain chemicals, Being smart i= tha spatial proroga- tive of all vouihs and some men. | | he PAGE SEVEN. ---- ubscription Lists Close Monday Next, May 9 for the $2,000,000 of 7: Cumulative Preferred Stock With a Bonus of 25° of Common Stock of Maple Leaf Willing Company NINETY YEARS WED. Florenee, Colo., May 5. turns of this place include a pair remarkable schedules in the Census re of case whe! claim to be 110-whd 107 old respectively and to Jinve married 90 years. According to the information bv their granddaughter, Mrs. Montoya, with whom they live, E&pat, who is of French parentage, was horn in what is now New Mexico in 1806 and his wife was born in Taos, Mexico in 1803. They were married -at Santg Fe in 1820. One son, the surviver ten children, still lives in New Mexico. 'He is 85 years. okd. WARNING Since {ts introduction into the sales of Parisian Sage phenomenal. This to many imitations given has in success sid lar name genuine. See that the girl with Auburn hair on every package You can always get the genuine at G. W. Mahood's, Parisian Sage is the quickest acting and most efficient hair tonic in world. It is made to conform to Dr. gerbond's (of Paris) that dandruff, ness and scalp germs Parisian Sage kills these dandruff germs and removes all trace of dan- drufl in two weeks, or money back it stops falling hair and itching sealp and prevents baldness. And remember that baldness is caused by dandruff germs, those little hard-working, persistent devils that day and night do nothing but dig into the roots of the hair and = des- troy its vitality. Parisian Sage is a dalntily perfum- ed hair dressing, not sticky or greasy and any woman who desires luxurians and bewitching hair can get it in two weeks by using it, 50c, a large bottle. IT San falling hair, itch are caused by HE Typewriter is no longer used for cor- respondence alone, In the modern office the keeping and other records is done almost en tirely by typewriter, a A of accounts UNITED TYPEWRITER ©0., LTD. 4. RC. DOBBS, Both Now Over One Hundred Years of Franciseo Esper and his wife, Rafael, vears been Julia | of | Canada has been led Look out for them; they are not {ie tha the proven theory J bald- | CAWTHRA MULOCK At Par, $100 a Share ALL APPLICATIONS SUBJECT TO ALLOTMENT. Prospectuses and Forms of Applica } | LIMITED -- eee now being offered by & CO. tion may be obtained from, and applications for shares should be sent to Any Branch of the Imperial Bank of Canada or the Royal Bank of Canada Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto, or to Cawthra Mulock & Company Members Toronto Stock Exchange Royal Bank Building Torongo, Ont. s for Young UP TO-DATY Extra Clever Shoe WHO ARE LOOKING FOR TH! No ped wit} wno d Carry a or 60 n ing Store {« faith swell Shoes for n NEWER) MODELS, PRICES, $3.5 Eo TREN CIID J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. NT YE Domion Lie Assurance Company of Canada Safe, Economical, High laterest Earnings, A Good Company to hi J. KX, CARROLL, R. F. FORNERI, General Agent § al Agent (On 'he Market Square). 14 MARKET STREET, ATT ire In, i i i H i g if CLLLL0800000000000 000000 -- totesssten r. Lead Plpe, 9 iw and Bends, ¥ Write for our ® sasssssneS PLUMBERS -- iis latest Plumbers' List and Quotations : THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD. TORONTO, ONT, Leng Distance "Phone, M1720. FIIFIIIFINIvIIvvsirentaasssetisiitbteten ee -- UNIQUE LAUNDRY send a card and we wil i for goods and deliver prompt 73 Clarence St. CITY. DON'T FORGET T0 TRY M. NOLAN FOR YOUR GROCERLES, 333 PRINCESS ST. w Our Coffee at 2 be begien, ¢ and 35¢ cannot Pere sh WL MUNKAY, Auctioneer, Eales given special st. Jountry Bales of Farms, BLO . BRYe besn my specialty OF Jong years. If formers want the Ligh dellar, get services, : MARKET SGUARE L444 40 204400 1500000009 OUR SALT IS ALL SALTY. If you want that kind bags or bar is, Tine or coarse, call at \ wi AEN NA ian Sires.