Off Ladies' Suits These suits are all new styles and many of them have jast ar" rived in stock. your savin suit : Note g on each $12.00 SUITS NOW $9.60 $1350 0.00 ° 'Don t miss this oppor- tunity to © $0.80 i Al secure a stylish suit at reduc- ed prices. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, BEGAN PASTORATE REV. E. Le ROY RIC i AT FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. > A -- g His Initial Sermon Was a Strong Ape peal for Service--The Church Fail ed to Realize the Glorious Oppor- tunities Offered for Service--Belf- Seeking a Prawback. Rev, E. LeRoy Rice began Mie pas tornte at the First Congregatiodal ehareh, on Sunday, and was listen ito by a good-sized congregation, both "vice WE WANT MORE THAN TRIAL ORDERS, FOR THAT REASON WE a. 0 * 0% 9 SELL ONLY RELIABLE GOODS. BRFORE YOU START YOUR BUYING.DON'T BUY WITHOUT SEEING WHAT WE OFFER. Here are & " Hines of Goods that are real good value for your money: Bedroom Tollet Sets for only. . $1.65 97-plece English Dinner, Tea and Berry Set for...... .... $5.50 Pretty Fancy Bedroom Lamps... .. : «+ 13e and 25¢ Clover Leaf Napples;, 2 for...., B¢ 1hc Serub Brushes at 2 for... . 13 PE Long White Curtain Poles for 2 ju Madras Curtain Muslin only 15e¢ Yo. and 7 §{ Wide Curtain Net, lace both sides, «++ 10¢ and 123 1-2¢ New Lines o fallesd' h mhTTA New lies © of Ladies' Corsets at 50c Jarge 1 Turkish Towels only 12 1-2¢{ Black iT White all-Silk Gloves. 50c¢ 25¢ Bo Linen Notenapar ang Bove Lisle "Thread "Gloves, Tan, Black and 20¢ Pair. opes now... 5% 1-3 San White. . . "xe CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN FOR FIREWORKS AND FLAGS. ir. Mc ntosh Bros, Synopsis of Canatian North-West Land person i th sole head of hE ht ears o worth $3 & pure int ricts. Price. Deputy of the nister NR Unauthorized ARs ade Semen will not be paid for otf. . orry TER, of the Interior, publication of & worries do nat many house! their Rouseturnishin warks fo for clean Sieaning aud hat we oan a the ork i ie 7 can, nes at the morning and evening service. Kev. Mr. Rice, a young man, is graduate of the Congregational Coli lege, at Montreal. He is a fine speak- er wud mabe x. fine mpression on all his bearers. At the morning service Rice. preached a strong sermon 2 'Humanity the Gateway to Service," and made an earnest appeal for ser "to Lhrist. His test was taken from John 13th chapter, Mth and 15th verses ©: "KH [| then, vour Lond and Master, have washed your feet, ye! wlso ought to wash one another's feet. For 1 have given you an example that ve should do as 1 have done to you." Before dealing with his theme Rev. Mr. Rice winde n few remarks, relative fo his taking up the irk the church He said tiat he not come simply bueauge be been n Rev, M at had had Lr reel, "I some to you because I am cone wious of a direct call from Cod to take up the work' he sand. "1 come « LE ROY RICE. BA. to vou besavse 1 have faith who know the sityation here, belivve that vou hive, in a measure, faith in me, or you would, rgt have invited me to come, | trust that time passes this mutual faith we have in each other may not be discontin- wed. I ask for your hearty ch-opera- Son in the work of this churth, you will realize that we must.extohd our encrgy, and that we must work if we are to suceeid in performing the task God has laced, upon ws, "Phore is nothing better that 1 cold speak of than service, and the one thing: whieh 1 wish _ to emphasize throughout my ministry is the need four Bevvide:: 1 the Christian church ix failing it is largely: because. it is not parforming the wark it should; be- cause it is not teking advantage of the privileges offered for service." Referring to his subject the speaker spoke of the way Christ had sacrificed for His people. HH. there was one les- son which aki have been impressed upon the disciples it was that of ser- vice, but still at the close of Christ's ministry they had not learned this. They were still as children kindergarten. thing which required a great deal of time. A mushroom would grow in one might, an oak would take a cen- tury, Christ understood the hearts of His peopl, He understood their selfish- ness. How often selfishness barred the way of progress. Men would be looking for higher places, and in so doing they could not see the humble places, "One of the greatest reasons why se much of our work is ineffectual, is be cause of the selfishness and self-seeking that besets us," added the speaker. "Jesus performed the slave's task, in washing the feet of his followers. There 1s need that we, as a Christian church, should gaze on that scene in the upper room. I will not say that the 1 is failing in its mission, but 1 will say, that it has never yet realized the glorious opportunities for service, that are open to it. "You might say that you would serve iif you were given the opportuni- ty. You say that you have not serv- ed, because you had not a pesition of prominence. Friends, this church doeg not consist of its pastor and board of mansgemant. You are the church. The church does not exist simply to-day. The kingdom ie in you, whether you are in the office, on the street, or in the home, and the opportunities come to you for service. Every day, people are coming to our land, from across the sea, people of various ideas, and how are they to be gathered togeth- er ? True, we have our schools, and they are of great assistance, but there is no force like the Christian church. "The church of the next century is to be the church whose influence shall xtend to all classes and conditions of men, The church must serve both the | TUE dich and the poor; the church of the nest eentury is to be the chureh whose influence shall extend not omly to the home life, but to the communi- tx life ax well. We must realize the services, if we would succend. is a great danger of ua forgetting the mall opportunities. Remember that all service ranks the same with Gad, We must be humble, and rid ourselves REV. E. in you, and 1 as! jn a Soul growth BEDI but man would take a lifetime. |A. MONDAY, MAY '0, 1010. Himusements. | GRIFFIN'S ORPHEUM THEATRE os May 3th 3 Reels New Piétures. 3 High Class Vaudeville Acts. Omar Dervish Dancers Lovett & Falls Novelty Comedy Act. Special Added Attraction, The Royal Japanese Trio Matinee at 2.30 Daily, 5c. Evenings: Adults, 10¢c; Chil- dren under 15 years, Sc. BIJOU Exclusive Program TO-DAY AND TUESDAY, A WOMAN'S SWEET REVENGE A splendidly acted andl staged scomedy drama, with Florence, Turner, "Phe Vitagraph GIFL™ In the leading role An exceedingly clever piece: . "THE WRONG GIRL" One of the most amusing comedies shown In & long time. A VISIT FROM MAMMA The amusing story of a young mar- ried couple who gave up boarding too soun COW PASTURE Good Pasture for four cows; conveni- ent locality. 'A RuCormiek, 102 Centre Street. "Phone ! Look For The. Date 4 on the bottom of COLUMBIA BATTE Oars are fever ove 4 WEEKS oLD. W. A. SPRIGGS, Electriesl Con tractor, 147 Princesa Street (near b Bagot). "Phone 68, ah Allisonville News. Allisonville, May 6,--Mr. and Mis. Willet Valleau left on Tuesday for a month's visit with their eldest daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Hazzard in Flint, i Mich. They, , wets. . accompanied by their daughter, , Mrs. S. Rankin, Sal mon 'oint, and their granddaughter, Mrs. Ahlms, of Minoesota. The fatter is returning to herihome after dpend- ing several mouths visiting relatives in these parts. Mr, and Mrs, John MeFaul left Inst week for Detroit, Mich., where (hey intend making their home. They rented their home here to Mr. and Mrs. E. Marvine. Miss Teen Lucas, an invalid the last eighteen vears at the home of Bruce McFaul, has had a bad attack of grippe the last month, bat is improving slowly. H. Marvine is able to be out now after an illness of two months. The rain has put the farmers back three weeks now and a good through seeding yet, Expels the Poisons. People who suffer from Neuralgia amd. other ailments rheamatic nature say that if muscles were being pulled te pieces with red hot pinchers the suffering could be neo. greater. The nerves ai- fected are in a state of acute inflam. mation due to the presence of irrit- ant poisons in the Blood. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure relieves these affec- tions promptly and cures them per: manently because it neuralizes and expels the poison from the system. It is & certain cure and relief is usually given by the first few doses. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure is a great blood fier and spring tonic. In bottles, manufactured by Jas. B. Druggist. Sciatica, of a their Mcleod, ------------ Marine Intelligence. The sohooner Keewatin is coal at Oswego, fof Swift's, The steamer Aletha made her regular trip from bay points to-day. The steamer City of Otldwa passed up Sunday, from Montreal * to Fort The schooner Julis B. Merril ar. rived. at Anglin's, : with coal, from The cteimer Westmount, and bar Ungawva, grain inden; from Fart Will- ian. ae in t sod = sanal, and Bee due oi the M.T. om Slavator, on sda, Dorie. grain-lad- en, from oe William, is also on the way to the M.T. Co's elevator many are not foes! = | The People's Forum CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion Ic a werd. Each con secentive insertion thereafter half cent ow word. Minimum charge for ome in- sertion, 35e.; three Ingertions, S0e stx, $1; one month, $2. GENERAL I. SHEVA AND. ABPLY TO J. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO WORK every Sala ice cream Danan Ap ply, 184 Princess Stree AN GENERAL SHRVANT, REFER- ences required. Apply, Mrs Samuel Birch, 136 Bagot Street. A inmates --------------, -- STENOGRAPHER AnD SrPRE Assistant; state experience, Box 5 this office. A ply. GOOD, SMART Box TO LEARN Blac ksmithing. pply to Wm Cockburn, 257 Oniarie Street. A AN EXPERIENCED nd Lay Carpets, Offcloth, ste. Be job to the right man. McFaul's Carpet Warehouse, MAN TO SEW "" FOR . FINISHING the knitting mill steady work; fod wages, | Apply to Kingston {osiery King Street West YOUNG LADIES underwear in INTELLIGENT PERSON Sarn $100 monthly eomasponting or newspape Send for oh particularh, Prose cate, 3,989 A SMALL GOLD NECK CHAIN, o tween the 3rd sed 6th of May wilt the linder kindly return the same to $8 Frontenac Street. AN IMPORTANT TYPEWRITTEN jetter, enclosed in an envelope on which the owner's name was writ- ten with lead pencil. The finder will please leave it at this office. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C. KPATRICK, GENERAL N 5 PRL nt und Ocean Steal arence yr Ticket A t, br Cl 8st Kingston: Palephone. bobs. Sel ACCIDENT HEALTH RE LIER, Tat i ® Hana a es. T. T Boon, Agent, 16% Wellington street. A CUSTOMS Tmo, A BATEMAN COTTONS, Mon: Ah a one cent. stamp on It wd dro ah Batre the "RT nde tal Fa Fhcne 39." [1] a ay Fo Bp, N87, aie sgn Arable to re olders have fo Stcurtt ty 2 ni un hos Hablifty_o of stookho Fares city GE | insured at Towest Be a. Sagi renewing old iness got nL Fates TO LET. wh WANTED, FIRST-CLASS and a good sold- tinware man: steady job. 114 TINSMITH man: must be fast erer and pieced none other need aphix: State wages to P slie & Son, Scott Stréel, Ottawa. WANTED--GENERAL. PROPERTIES Carroll & cry AND ~ FARM steed with us for sale. ry 14 Market Street ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, §) OUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO 8 Ur Scripts, Cobult Stocks, Bonds. and Debentures. ary, 10 J. O. Hutton, 18 Market St ing ston. HORSES & Kin, Apes paone 0 RCHASE: 1 WILL BUY Aull horses. Will be In on for the entire winter. L A oo 687. Princess St. Tele: FURNITURE COVERING, RTC DONE hy the day at custamers' homes. For Saribor ar iSuTare, enqul Pmarly street, or calls will response; to letters. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made £2 into ite up- to-date suits. Price and wor an guaranteed to please. Pressin repairing done on the short: Fe i Tales 0 Bon fru ¥ ad INFORMATION. LEADING. TO. THE discovery" o the author of the lines, "Stone walls de not a prison make, or iron bars id cage." 1 want to get after him with a club the first thing my term eRpires Address, No. 28128, Kingston Penitentiary. | SITUATION WANTED. GENERAL HOUSE WORK WANTED, by day. Mrs. Holden, 127 Montrea: Street, YOUNG MARRIED situation; man butler, caretaker, ete. cook, or would do at family washings and splendid city references. Hox 12, Whig office, Ont. COUPLR good SEEK coachman, wife good own home ironing: Address, Kingston, DENTAL. ARE Poss Bo Rineston Phot DR. C. CGC. J. aibeon, street. L ssaatant. 184 Pons LEGAL. Paw Oftion 16 CUNNING 3Bang, Shore . Kb ANY! a re) A i Lo business ky Sh ER Ne ho Steifag Siler Fine Cut. Glass THE'RE 1S PROBABLY NO JEWELLERY .. ESTABLISH- MENT OF SIMILAR SIZE IN CANADA WHERE THERE I8 OFFERED A BETTER SELEC- TION OF ARTICLES SUIT- _ABLE FOR GIFT GIVING THAN AT KING ST., KINGSTON, OUR VALUES ARE UNSUR- PASSE Rodger & ea? ERY Birange, PHORUORAER GALLERY. APPLY TO iw. J. Bs Pease, EARL ee HOPKE. NO. rick RO § reoms, for cooking. Apply at 234 "Bari 5 TWO UNFURNIRHED ROOMS, SUIT. able for Hght housekeeping, $8.00 per month, inghuding gas. Address Box 36, Whig orfice. mx 8 doors; Fa BOAT HOUSE FOR LAUNCH, ft. deep water; siding Rathbun's Dock, Grove Inn Midland Shoe Co. PURNISHED AND UN: Stor, for Fur: ann's, Brock, Cor Lockett, DWELLING, furnished, Store: Rjuke. ete. M King street. FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN oT ry rooms, absolutely, me poe tf, your own lock and keX rost's Cin storage. 299 Queen No. 1837 UNION STREET Phone § West, at Street Car Junction; nine rooms; modern conveniences; possession May 1st. Apply on pre- mises STORAGE HOUSE. PART OR THE ENTIRE HOUSE, UN furnished or furnished. with or without use of plano; seven rooms. pantry, ete. Stdart Street, near University Avenue. Address, "A Whig Pegs FROM MAY 15, UNTIL September 16 of for shorter term, eleven-roomed house; modern im- plovements; fis range; elegiric light Apply. 53 Alfred Btreet, or at Whig of FURNISHED, THAT LARGE STONE SHO ON corner Queen and King Strests suitable for garage, m ine sho sales room or factory of any kin {har ames Laturney, Carriage aker, 8 Princess Street. 5 PRINCESS STRERT, NEW BRICK hotse: modern Improvements; eight rooms. furnished If desired: auto- mobile shed and horse stable on ply to C. treet premises A 621 Pripcess W. Grass, TWO FURNISHED HOUSES ON Wolfe Island, five minutes from post office and ferry; pleasant out look; veranda, balcony and lawn; terms Reashable: also furnished house in city, PRIX P.O, Walle Island. or Box 2d yhig office. BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST-CLARE BOARD AND LODGING either together or separate may be had at 214 University Avenue, con- venient Lo cars; bright, airy rooms; gas and modern conveniences. 4 OSTEOPATHY. "--R. GO Ashcroft ai Dr. Still, Osteopathy, * 435 corner Division charge for con- literature. Office 2tob,86t08 'HEALTH WITHOU Ra DRY GS Asheroft, DJ ea E. DO, Cindi the Founder of Princess Street, 'Phone 447... No suitation and hours, 10 to 12, FOR SALE OR TO LET. BOATHOUSES FOR LAUNCHES TO rent. Ciascline, Batteries, Olls and Grease for le. A. C. Knapp, Boatbuilder and Boat Livery, Cataraqul Bridge. "Phone 767 SEY fori: ROOM FRAME HOUSE, BATH an w.c, clothes as cellar and large yard, No. 234 foe lan Road, neat bl Viton os posses. sion May price J1.ab0; rent, $iz 5. Opty: 255 Division St T™WO NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSES, jnee ern im TR: corner SHE | ee lots and furnished sam: tages at Fast View ba oO Kin on RAL Apply, i 108 Pine Street. ARCHITECTS. HENS King street Phone ibTC" PHOTOGRAPH a ALLERY ment. Address, Edw a FRUIP- LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR A ings and Tents at 162 Ontarie F. X. Baseau SKIFFS AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR sale. Particulars at win's Ine ot Square. suran Emporium, Mar! ™O SRCOND-HAND LADIES" wheels, in best of condition, one at one at $12, at Turk's. "Phone 105. GOOD STRONG HORSE AND STRONG Spiing Waggon {platform rpRingl. and a avy Arness. dwin own ONE BRO AND MANURN Ei 2 gonna vu 26 Clarence street. SENATOR DUNLOP STRAWBERRY lants in any quantity. Write Jooke Bros, Cataraqul, Ont, or orders taken on the market Sats urdays, $1,900 WILL BUY DOUBLE FRA house: seven rooms each; bat w.c.; Nos, os and 228 Raglan rent, 331.0 per month. Apply, Division Street. HOUSES AND LOTS IN ALL PARTS of the city; good farms in differ. ent localities. bonds, life, fire and accident insurance. - Carroll & Forneri, 14 Market Streel FURNISHED FROM MAY 15, UNTIL September 15, or for shorter term, eleven-roomed house: modern hs provements. Ras range; eloatridl light Apply, 153 Alfred Bireet, or at Whig office. YOU WANT A PATENT GBA Roller Awning, of Boat Awe Canoe Boat or aggon Cover, Cor Fenders or Life Preservers for your motor boat, Capt. oF 24ebh ix, 211 Nelson Streel, makes good o LARGE SUMMER COTTAGE. FUR- nished, containing 1% rooms and ex» tention Kitchen and ice house 1, Baleany; opposite C.P.R. stat Sharbott Lake. For particu apply M Doyle, 8t. Lawrence al Quyon, Que, . ' SCHOLARSHIPS (ANY SUBJECT) IN International Correspondence Schools of Heranton, Pa. would. make a handsome and profitable gift for anv young man or woman, wit dispose of at reasonable price if taken at once. Apply, Box 43 Whig office CHEAP FOR CASH, SEVERAL MAR- ine Engines from 2 to 10. h power, various makes: will se! a bargain; five full particulars as to style and horse wer requirdd W. H Martin, Sporting hoods Cesler, Woodstock, Ont. : BOATS. --15 PT. LITTLE 2 h.p. engine, complese. 3 2 hp engines, » hp. Palmer eng he, $16. RAIns, spark p atten Inkgneton, A oer hing for AL the price dealers stuff. d all at Coward's Boat Fant: ary. Phone bey, TPE POOL TABLE. IN GOOD CONDI cheap for gash 'Frontenac Loan Society," Yielding an improved cheap for quick turn; t e Last So Valle) in t of Saskatoiawahy Ha trict stocks, bonds and deben ures; houses and lots any part of ton; fire, life and accident nee. Apply, J. O. Hutton, treet. naur- arket MEDICAL. IBAAC WOOD, M.A. Mi JL LYML ie Mi 0 Sto d 263 pttieg J. F. SPARKS, BA, M.D d Bory Jos Noel gion | Prone Hs 4 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL: ONTARIO gpposite GTR. station, one Otani from Of straet th line; hotel lately remodelled gherged moderate; cial rates week. John Cousineau, oy PATENTS. cM. w.). oy it ours, e do 1 EB one cs. i Utfice hours: 10 10 and 7 to § pm Ih FOR FULL INFORMATION. ON patents, send 10¢c for booklet and maganine, Ben. B. Pannett, Patent Attorney, Ottawa, Ont. | n A CARD Hp or fo Spices doy Srany. Jo BRCKWI H & GODWIN © ing ineers and hitegts, Agents | or Bulide Hpac Sydenham Street ps Street. Plans a and esti. mates given for sll classes of work. ATRTERd Festuca 191 Ualversity Aver WM. NEWLANDS & ROH. tects, ete. Office, 25% Bégor street. "Phone, $08. POWER & SON, * Bank Bilan corns Ra ehant and "Weltington hiding ESTABLISHED 1866. sound, * Monee Well S Our Wood is all pew per pent Our Coal is fresh mined, Out prices are the fairest. - SWIFT'S