Daily British Whig (1850), 10 May 1910, p. 1

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YEAR 7" ~NO, 100 ONTARIO. TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1910, 19 LAST EDITION (HOSE PLACE: 'Where His Romans Are To HEART FAILURE FOLLOWED | BRONCHITIS, Many Kings and Potentates to At- tend Funeral of the Late King--- Prince' Pushimi Will Represent Japan. London. May 10-<The Lanéot says: "In view of the prevalence of incor rect barad upon the presents at the us bidikde of a well-known laryngologist it is right to say that the canse of denth wus oardine failore (heart failure) Tollowiag upon bron: chitis. The last' hourd of the late king ete, absolutely pesoeful nied pain The Republic of France probably will be represented at the funeral of King Edward . by former President Loubet, KING GEOR V. although there is alk that President lists may some ron iter also sentative will Henry. Dering git to Windsor Castle! the late reh visited the poy he Jute no in Si. George's Chapel when it is said lie selected the spot in which Ke wizhed his body to Be drew up plas of Lives oh e up ) © \i vaults for the | clade, Extensive preg An ... made at ¥ha oaskie Tor the ACCOPIMO- ------ ti foreign al families who will attend the -- The the. cing is lvi . the: A ol waoden bed Jittle bedroom, " pveiooha the pa ot Buckioghat. There is no military £5 royal page sat at the door, thes hurse who atiend i a 'ronant on his 3 s ral of | King George has enused JS much of its former vigor. ejectad, Mes. Mary Millerstedt, on Sun: 'who was given a purse of 8250 by the econ: 1yracuto Pritits Bags Ambassador his uncle; the late King 4 ward. This dedision was resched only sfter an bitimation had heen conveyed to the Gernan ruler that the English royal family would be greatly pleased by His presence at the fune ral. The kaiser, while in London, will be a guest "at Buckingham palace, where Edward died. Let Public Events Go On. London, May 10.-One of the first official acts of the new sovercign shows him to be possessed of = ihe same kindly thoughtfulness for his subjects. that characterized his dis: tinguished father. In his desire to mitigate, as far wae possible, the dis nutrous effects of the sudden mourning messages to be dusted expressing the wish that public recreation shall not be curtail: ed more than ean he avoided. This amouaneement from - 'the king has brought joy to the theatrical managers and thousands of actors and actresses who fared ten days of on forced idleness, Hie majesty also made it known that be wished the Ascot racer. 10 be held as usual. Tha royal enclosure will be open as vue tomnary with the exéeption of the royal pavilion. This will entble mem: bers of society to attend, but it will be a sombre . gathering ss mourning dresses will be indispensable. King's Oak Also Died, New York, May 10.-The death of King Edward VI1 bas set the folk in Cantral Path to talking about the! comparatively recent death of the! king's oak, which Edward planted in Central Park at the time of his visit to this country in 1860, when Jo was Prince of Wales The death of the oak took Jae a ear ago; it was a vear ago that the bing's health is said to have started on the decline. Park employees re called that in 1902 the oak was thought te be dying. Samuel Par gond, the landscape architect, reported to Park Commissioner Wilcox that he did not think the tree would live much longer. At that time PBdward, then the Princes of Wales, was seriously ilk. It was after the death of Queen Victoria and befors the poronation of the new king. An operation was performed | upon the prince nnd be récovered. At the same time a sort of operation wag performed upon the oak. Some of the decaying parts weve cut away, the soil about ihe roots was freshened and other: things done to stimulste Veoalthy growth. The tree recovered MADE A SCENE 1% CHURCH. , St. Peter's " Catholls ech, from which he bad to be|W day, endeavored to throw hersell into the harbor. The wnforiunate woman wan caught by one policeman = and taken to the police station, where she was pronounced insane. Her condition was due tn the Jose of her husband, drowned at sea some time Ago. To Send Roosevelt to Funeral. Washington, May 10.--President Taft, in response to an unofficial suggestion, is considering the advisability of ap- rointing. Theodore Roosevelt as envoy of the United Btates to attend the fun- oral of King Edward, It was saggest- «d that Roosevelt, an a former presi denit would be a most fitting Xepieeet tative, The president said he would probably not reach a conclusion until after, had communicated with Roosevelt. Gets a Purse, Winnipeg," May 10.-Rav. Me. curate of Holy Trinity church, Burch, was ation on the eve of his departure tiawa, Shere he will be married Wig week. HAD NO AUTHORITY THE ¥ is BISHOP. 18 BLAMING YANKEE CONSUL. Lolshman Was to Blame for the Pope-Rovsevelt Incident, Syracuse, N.Y, May 10.<8¢ the da: Bishop G thecal, Grimes Jove out a hitherto unpublished portion 4 FE Theodore Roosevelt from made w mistake," bh in in the Bo fo to ur eve ont 'a |G HE SET SAIL On A Couple Of Logs And dy Biscuit Box A STRANGE CRAFT, ON WHICH A FINLANDER START ED ovr From Kootenay Landing to Rossland | The Man Was Picked up by a, Steamer and will be Examined as to his Sanity. Kelson, B.C, May 10.-On its voyage down Kooliony Lake yesterday the! steamer Kuskanook' sighted a strana} crit, a raft made of a couple anail Jogs and a biscuit box. Neank Karee, a PFinlander, had 'set anil from Kootenay Landing for Rossland to koe his beother. His onrg consisted of a singly pole, to which was tacked a shingle and his provisions for the voyRps consisted of five old bones ans a hag of salt, Havored by the urinh the lonely pa Ygator had thei made four mile of his "voyage. } Witer landing passeigers for the Crow. the Kuska- rook put about ;and overhauled Karen and took him aboard. He was evi cently demented, and then ensued one of the most interesting courts that over gat in the county of Kodtemay. The 'boat returned to the Landing to wait for the wekthound trafn, snd Charles Wright, justice of the peace of Kootenay Landing, and Harry Me- Cepthy, JLP., mate of the Kuskanook, held court on hoard the steamer, Constab o Jenson laying the iutorine- tion. The magistrates, committed Kar ne for exgmination as to his sanity and accordingly the adventurous mar- mer wos brought to Nelson last might on the boat by Constable Jenson and | committed to the proviavial await examination ovder, Kare is forty-five yoars old formerly worked on: construction the Great Northern at Elko. WEDS ACTRESS, jafl to and for Heir to Millions Marries Daughter of Swing Skeleton, New York May i6~-Qupid dipped his siiew in a strong solution of. good common, sense before he pistesd the Lents of Joste dhiShue Ingersoll Hoe, ng shelton. Phat in aby their Shick wadding in nehington on April 23nd bore none of the taint ol secrecy and family hos- tilities. The bride was weldomed to the household of the distinguished family whose name she now beers, Anh the young man got admiration instead of disinheritance, which has come to le almost ux rule in such romances. And yet, ageording to his friends, n, vouth 'Waa ever 'more desperately mitten than Mr, Hoe when. he met for tha first time, four vears ago, the beautifal Evelyn Perry, 'Whosbtas Sing ny: then With "Tha Rogers Brothers in Tralarid. » fore the close of the theatre sea- toy they wore engaged, but there was no dasiing off to chireh, with plans to Jet the old folks know about it inter. Little Miss Porry, whose life Haas been & romance in itself, was too sensible for that, She was as much in Tove as he, but she declared that: she would not be married until she was fitted to be his real compamon--to be a friend of "his friends, "He has alwavs lived in luxuey 'and with cultured people," she is reported to have eaid, "while mother has had to wotk very, very hard just to bring me up io where | epuld ear a little myself' So with her finns velectant -con- tthe voung woman departed for school, sad. sha hos besh Wappily do: voting to her sctisiblo whim ever since. When young Mr. Hoe told his family of hin love affair and his swentheart's determination, there was no longer any sign of objection to the match. That sort of girl was worthy of him, | thay said, + mother of the bride is Mine. cot reader of palms and prac ner. ol hp im, and the father living ite! or mah yenrrs Seno BOSY IN 1 pans, -$40,000,00 of Rallway Bonds on the 1 Market. Paris, M ay 10.~Moxgan, Haris. & let have pl hued Lake Shore Rmiroad inotes to the amount of een million there and confirmed the statement thai they are about tc place ten million, o of *Rig Four" bande. It ix also under #tood thaf the bouse i8 arranging for thé sale of twenty of the bonds of ihe West Shore Railroad, &f forts to place dssues by other fhter- ests are aetively in Progen, Tueladed fe ihess latier Bos eS Louis and San Erancisco railroads five per cont. bonds. 'The presence hein of J Pierpont Morgan is believed to hive given fresh stimulus tc the sale of Ameri tean seeucities in the French = market. Rumors are afloat that the presence of the financier is alse connected with the new effort to list shares of the United States Steel vepiration on the { Hourse, | WY REV. 0. C. BLEIOTT, Pastor of the Centre street' Baptist church, St. Thomas an ! a J tive Kingstanian, an only brother o rs MOCRrtney, Ts Ald. Willlam Mo- u fil 4 PUNISH Am MASTER. 1 Cartney, Pumice and Kiok Tek. Kisser-~Factory Men Hold Doors, New York, May 10.-A tattered and dishevelléd youth, hix back scratched, and limping from bruises that coveren bis body, was rescued from thekloteh- es of ficy infariited woman, one of whom, it" was Sharad, hé had tried to. embrace, Harlom court, Leone Dagistule G Corti ths yon sai he 5 : ho she said, when Lom: hardo stepped. from behind a pillar and seizing her about, the waist, plant: od a kiss on her lips. She seized him and screamed for help. Then her girl friends and a group of men workers came io ber rescue. "We. girls did him up good plenty," said Miss O'Connor, men stood about and prevented one from interfering with ue until they thought we. had tunght thi young masher a lesson, We beat and sordbched hiv until we were tired and then 'we kivked him." Policomun Sullivan said the men Kept the glass door o the factor closed on him, and hs witnessed the beating, but was powerless to rescue Lombardo until the door 'was unlovk- x Lombardo denied the chiprie and was mich. concerned over the damage to his elothing, When sentenced to five days in the workhouse Lombardo said be would rather stay there a tnonth than encoimtor the sume girls again, COULD'NT GET AWAY SACRIFICES FOOT FOOT 10 SAVE HER LIFE. r . : Miss White, UCnught in Railroad Frog Exhibits Great Presence of Mind. ~A Thrilling Episode. Trenton, Nid. May 100-The pres ent of mind of Miss Fleano: White, twenty-five years old, saved her Tile whon in walking along the tracks = of 'the Pennsylvania near Seud- ders Falls, Bor foot became caught in in a hallway, and es T he any who i year ie, managing the A ub, has fallen Tanal sian oie tis church... They LATEST 1 NEWS Despatches Fion From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE SRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re membered, Si Thomas" Shaughnessy has been elected chairman of the board of the CIR Rufus Weoedmark was committed for win} at Smith's Falls for the murdes of his wile, Rev. B. Guilemont, Logon, Ont., died "hi ile visiting his son at Niagara Falls. N.Y. An effort will be made to raise $30, 900 to endow a ledtureship in English in MeMaster University, Toronte, Over a thousand liquor dealers will erly meet at Quebec to protest agamst the erly closing movement. Westen crop reporis show the wheat seeding is finighed, snd rain is needed at Edmonton and other points. The Toronto Y.M.C.A' campaign raised] $685,792 and the organisation hat conducted it will pow raise $150, 000 for the Y.W.C.A. The congregation of St. Andrew's hurch, Toronto, accepted the resigna tion of Rev, bx, Milligan and decided o pav hin a retiviem allowance of 2,000 per year. Constable O'Connell, at Montreal, fied, 'on Monday, of his wounds amd Iimothy Canby fins been arvested on suspicion of mwdering O'Connell "and Constable Fortin All the train crews on the NTR. bout Winnipeg, went on strike Sa: tarday. A thousand ballasting men are held up. The train crews want a re-arrangement of hours. Dr. Uharles Barker, the physical in structor of President Taft, Na bgton. i% nursing a sore chest which he sus tained in a wrestling match with President Taft at the White House, Jack Hendricks, the lawyerdacross: dayer, who, last season, managed the Fory Wayoo Central League team, id Jen [an aunt in Cagle." ---------------- Wolte Istane Wedding. Wolfe Island, May 9.--On Wednesday wening, May 4th, a pretty wedding took place at the church of the Sacrec Heart, when Migs Elizabeth Furlong became the bride of Andrew. Reyan, of Lomhboro. = The bride was becorning ly gowned in a travelling | suit ol stone green, with hat to mateh, The wridesmaid, Miss Sayde Furlong, sls ter of the bride, was handsomely at tired in old rose rajab silk andd black picture hat. The groom was ably as sisted by Hugh Ryan, of Reekwood cousin of the groom. After the weil iing breakfast the happy couple leit dy 'the ove o'clock boat. They will take up residence in their new home st Longhboro Lake. Mrs. Hicks, of Bloomfield, N.Y., and W. J. Furlong, of Mendon, NY. ¢ame to attend th wedding of their sister. Want a Respite for Muarderer. North Bay, May 10.T.'W. Me Garry, KC. counsel for Walter Ross, conderonpd to die on May Zlat, for murdering his chan, Perey Parkinson; has Been in commigneation' with the nunisfer of justive, endesivoring to get a commission of enquiry ag to the privoner's sanity. - Doctors have jpifo nounced Ross a moval degenerate, bil all the same the minister of Justice refused so gral a commisdion. The privouer'y counsel 4x pow making w= Jast effort to have ihe case rotopsid: wed, Want Words Cut Out. London, May Y0.=Jolm Redmond, leader of the Yrish Natlonnlists; hn sent a letter to Premier Asquith in regard to the removal from the voya acression onth of the words which he says ave so very oliensive to Romar Catholics." He asks the ime go tr to take steps to 3 thon (deorge of 'using them méncement of ts reign. guage which must wound the and outrage the faith of Catholic : throughout the empire and the world. : Havelock Church Change. Havelock, May 10. hy 8 ® congrogs- rg iene, i id Mr. 'and Mes; WH. Cortis were a purse of gold, and 8 com address at a banguat ch a | yesterd ay 3 Shon "felonivus sssault as the we lear np the counterfeit and omg i. schigh pin. 1 gor him by vib was too Inte" Struck 1 he ¥ resiiy tor ion er Xe x. | the : and not ensily. factored into yesatler SUPDENLY EXPIRED, Plight of Companions Scared To Death. Portsmouth, 0., May MW.One man disd of fright, and two wuffered sevious injuries whep a of a -Mgh oh, on which they Her Wo Gthers ledge wore Mrs, FS, Carter, sixtv-five vears old, wile of a Chicago dentist, and Miss Minnie Albright fell HO feet with the mass of earth and rok. They es: cape:d death, hut Mrs. Carter's condi tion is serions. Mrs. Emma Miller, South Portsmouth, the third woman, sprang back in time to aveid tbe fall, but she dropped dead when she saw her companions hurtling down the ehiff, Guilty of Perjury, Cleveland, May 10-U. G. Walker, president 'of the defumot South Cleve land Banking company, which failed a few mopthe ago for more than 21,000.000. was found guilty to-day on the eadrge of perjury, The failure of the bank was brought about by the erash of "ihe. Werner company, of Akron, (a large printing firm, which was heavild: indebted to the: South Cleveland Banking. company. NEXT GOVERNOR-GENERAL ese Likely be the Uncle of King Georg, to LUKE OF CONNAUGHT. London May 10.--The Daily Express is authority for the statement that Earl Grey will be suctesdod as --gover: nop-general of Canada by the Duke of Connaught, brother of the Fete King Bdward, 1t is ndded {Ht it was the particular wish of Edward that the Juke take the position and the gov. arnment agreed to the appointorent, gramme and that the AnOOUICAmMOnt ly, Hf the prediction proves trus it will be the ficst time in history for a royal prince to govern aR oversea jominion of Great Britain, Railway From Owen Sound, Owen Sonud, Ont., May 10.-Lleve and capitalists are interesting them: elves in building the long propos allway hdtween Owen Bound and Meaford, and will also give Owen Sound a street railway fervies, The Jeveland syndicate are alo 'nvesti- gating the possibilities of 4 through and frome Owen Sound te a pom neny Orillia, which will give them onneciion With the C.P.R., GTR. and CNR. through lines to the west, herides conmecting with the new C.1, R, short line from Victoria Harbor to Montreal, Hand-Mude Corset Nearly Fatal, Fatersburg, Tl, May 19. trick the handmade and sorn corsel of Mary Tavio most. ended her life, The annted to wear corset. wed some cans, shipped at nnd shaped stays.' rawled under the porch, truck, When und: essed Mary's [eo soli was réveslsd. Ons .of the "Stays Sed been melted by the digh tning. Joghining | secretly | and al Ttide girl i a She gath: | awny She which was | and | tin | CORPUS DELICTI AN EXSJAILBIRD BATS COUNTE Re! FEIT BILL. Unredeemed Jailbird Scared Befoie| He Could Swindle an Tunis --Cuigley for Warkhouse, New. York, May 10-- Thomas (Juig- : fey, recently veleasad from Sing Sing after serving seven years for burglary, was blore Magistrate Wadow in the | To. bs convl, shargetl with working | the "dropped leathier" game on mime | nts. Betective Mugpey salil that Quigle and a pal dropped a wallet in Wash: ington streét in the neighborhood of | hates of immigrants, Ori gley plekad it up I view of & paseer by, said Muggey, and feigned great joy at "Janding it staffed with a 81,000 roun- gerfeis bill. Qhigley was willibg 10 t with the hill for a small am, se $1,000 hills are great burdens carrency. The victimelict. failed 10 bite, and {uigler amd his confederate fled at the hoof the detactives gi gr haved Cuigley in inte a door way," "and saw. bin swallow the throet, bat} swallowed the seid Mogory, ¥ be nas wi standing, erumbled beneath their feet. | of the appointment will be made short. 3 cord Ww WEATHER PROBA RILITIES, Toronto, Ont, May 1b, 10 a.m, Ottawa Valley and Upper St. law. rence---Fresh to strong west and north-west winds, A few scattered showers, hut mostly fair. ednes- day, fresh north-west winds; fair and cool, © To get acquainted 'with the best LINEN STOCK In Eagtern Oniarie, makers whose bought from ideal is to produce none but the best. Liddell's, for instance, and the celebrated Old Bleach Linens for which we are sole agent. Old Bleach Linens In Towels, Towellings, Pillow Cloths, Embroidery Linens and Dress: Linens. Every plece guaranteed grass bleached. Sheotings, LIDDELL'S LINENS '(GOLD (MEDAL). Table Linens, Napkins, spreads, Pillow' Cases and Table Pleces of all Kinds, Bed- Faney SPECIAL TABLE LINENS From be to 81.75. Special T24nch Cloth at. 78¢ Yard. BLEACHED TABLE NAPKINS Very Special Lines at 88 and 83. BEAUTIEVL TABLE In Mexican, Taora, Irish Crochet Lace. PIECES Battenberg snd ¢ SEE OUR MATCHED TABLE SETTS Table « Cloths and Napkins mateh, hemmed and rendy, 2 or sizes to choose from; $06 to $28. to 3 We Invite Inspection STEACY'S BORN. At Rapalieo My and Mew, son Kingston and' Mrs Ehter M. ARRIED. ACMORINEG At Bp, Himes Burch Tuandiy Muy 18th, 1818 Ale Mucphall to Anes Mury Fo Anaghter of tHe Venu rable Archdeacon Mac norine on Ged May H May John Bik, Me NMACPHALL, DIED, 5 In Oxiesin. on May fth, thin, Puwiley Braden, widow of Robert Breen aged 91 Velork on Wednsaday. Fro vn the penidenes of ir James I Dawson, Lh Parsdhage, Avis. an "May ELH. TREO, Mrs, Fiitait] mother of Min 18 Stilwell, sged 27 yolire, Punerat will: 1-ave the GT. MW Station, Tharstay, ax 4 velock $or Uata- ont, an Tagui Catitote ry Sunbury, Elis Shannon, ate Chelmiopher Lankwith, in Ber Sist year. Funeral will take place from Ber late residence, Runbury. Tharsday, Bi 0 CIork. Friends ane ATGUATAEY anos wre rennneituly avited tu attend ROBERT J. rsa The Leading Undertaker, . Phone, 877 Basilio BRBOEX Harriet ithe Years weal al ong afternoon so -inslaw late i could vine ture sad Cook $3] mee nuiie's a

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