Never in the history of the store have we shown such High-Class B Designs and lower ) prices, x b> oO) J * 99 R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. It is the Quickest the Cleanest the Cheapest Enquire MANAGER C. FOLGER, At the Works, Queen St. Carriages For Sale Rubber Tire Runabouts, Top -Bug- ug Waggona, Parcel Delivery ies, Spri and Low" n Milk Waggons. Also "Two Second-hand Runabouts © gons and Buggies, Rubber Tie a Specialty. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. THE PLACE: James Laturney, aX SE ROPIEE in good order, Socand-hand Spring Wag- THE | FATAL BANQUET . ish § doyrivg, COMMON SENSE Rat EL nator. 3 peste hot only Sos a bniid- results pli Bb a t all dealers', 8c, 25¢, 80c and $1, at all AT 1. ay Rat Killer. Commaa AX: o hy West, Toronte Bol. oh fordih ST eth Sh wi Cures Nero. hil nd. B Km ie hava and Effects of nase or Shere Lory ky Rffet ¥ Price $1 per One will Sold I on pied ¥ v Wir dared Wil ow ists or 1 nindn co, = New pani Haid Madicineg Co. fo Toronto. Ont, Safely on Hand "A plece of paper that every wise aan should strive after with the "mst delay. Why! Because it safe- i¥ blankets his home in case of fire and gives him a cash value for all - destroyed. Add (o this ease of mind . morn, noon and night. Show us a _ better investment for the small sum charged on a policy for Furs Sore ohn McKay, 149-155 Brock St. WE CAN HELP YOU, THE LARGEST STOCK AND VARIETY AND THE LOWEST PRICES. Large Stock of New Style of Demsers and Chiffoniers just In. Oak and Mahogany and Imitation. The small Princess Dress er is and the large Ladies' Cheval Dresser. Our new $25.00 Mahogany Dresser is a surprise. fine to PIECES, some $3.00, $5.00 up PARLOR ideas, $2.00, $75.00 each. Our American Design 3-Plece Suite unequalled at $30.00, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Linoleum, a full store and at lowest prices. Repair work and Upholstering promptly done. Our New Domes " are replacing Castors. Slide easily and do not mark floor. + + "Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. + THE SPORT REVIEW. Notes on Baseball and Other Field Events, Seven American runners have entered the Spectator Marathon race at Ham- ilton, May 24th. A demonstration proposed for May Mth by the Cornwall lacrosse club has been abandoned. Zhysco and Dr. Roller, the wrestlers, have signed articles for a finish match in Buffalo on May 16th, Gold Ring, a Canadian bred trotter, twenty-six years of age, was, last week, sold in London, England, for twenty guineas. 'ee Many may recall the scenes at Ep- som in June, 1900, when the king, then as Prince of Wales, led his horse, Diamond Juldlee, winner of the Derby, "0 the paddock, and out amongst the rabble on the course. He also won with Persimmon in 1396 and last year landed the prize with Minoru. There are a great many good five- mile runners in the game this spring, and the Canadian record is apt to get a shaking before the frost is on the pumpkin again, 2h Wherever manly sports are partici- pated in by English-sporting people the sudden demise of His Majesty King Edward VII will be profoundly regretted. A successful participator himsell in raging and a patron of al- most avery athletic pastime, no won- der the late monarch was beloved by his people. It was on the race track that the king was best known and 'most popular. John F. Scholes, one of Canada's greatest all-round sportsmen, is lying at the point of death in Toronto. Though Mr. Scholes is known best as a devote of the manly art of seli- defence he won the highest honors snowshoeing, winning the world's championship, March 17th, 1857. He was also a hrstclass middle distance runner, and as a rifle and sporting shot was second to none. The ease with which Jefiries toyed dnd trifled with Choynski, in their first bout, Friday, has made a re markable impression on the latter and he ix «tll singing the praises of the big man with whom he fought a tweaty-round draw in Sun Francisco thirteen years ago. "His return to form," said Choynskl, "is nothing short of marvellous. Jeffries' foot ul and his ect. 1 will t Jeffries could lor Ms fight with John- a week. Few people realize the splendid condition he is in at the present time." Charles Smith, Railton, was arrest ed on Saturday by County Constable Smith ad 1 Fe, the county jail Lassa a young Eng lird girl. An account of the assault, which occurred near Cataraqui, ap from in the hig of Friday last. The prisoner wi given bls first hearing on Thursday morning, o Col. Hunter. A meeting of all the committees of the Victoria da; i RALLY | HELD MONDAY NIGHT IN BETHEL | ew. ¥, Le Roy Rice Delivered Ad- l THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,. x TUESDAY, 'MAY 10, 1910, cn a OF YOUNG AT THE ORPHEUM THEATRE. A Fine Bill Under the Griffin 'Management, Once again the Orpheum theatre changed hands and once agam the decessor." This time the Griffin circuit control the house, the name is suff dress on Call to Christian Citizen- J cient to guarantee a ship--A Keen Contest for the Banner--One of Best Attended Rallies. The quarterly rally of 'the young people's societies of the different churches of the city held, on Monday evening, in Bethel church, was marked by a very large attendance, in fact it was stated that it was one of the best-attended rallies held in some time. The gathering Neue a most rofitable one, a special feature of - v the evening being om aujrens. by Res packed io the doors, Toews vaudeville E. LeRoy Rice, the new pastor o | turns, three reels rst cla First Congregational church, on Te and two illustrated songs, Cail to Chaistian Citizenship." | > { are shown for five and ten There was also a musical pro- gramme, with the presentation of the banner to the society having the best attendance of members at the rally. Bethel church captured the banner, in a ver keen contest, in fact Bethel and Princess street were about equ so near equal that when the banner kad been handed over to Bethel church the president, H. W. Newman, suggested that Bithel church have # session of the banner for hall the if} 4 possession of E and from the stunts they do, do not time, and Princess street church the © am to have a bone in their perfectly other half, a month and a half each, m little bodice. Their nct Is one until the next Sussteriy pally. ed of the Fu acts bordering on the sen: church reported 36 on the roll, 35 ] R Aas ; present: Rep ow street, 3 on thy, sutional: ithe! overdoing any part roll, 34 present; Sydenham, 26 on jw . a Giaca roll, 22 a Brock, 36 on roll, | Fhe Omar Dandie Peis: is good, 21 present; Cooke's, 23 an roll, » in luct ph parts. The whirlwind Prshent, Calvary, 26 on roll, 21 pre- EO - Io this dance the Rev, F. H. Sproule presented the | man turns on an average 450 times banner to Bethel church, Robert Tre- and at the Suish js Bot too dizzy to dr gl Sproule bebalt a hel Fick up = Tin ily turn Bet on. by Prine street cou Levett and Falls, was ahove the aver- cure the one absent member was due age, some pew aud novel stunts being to the fact that 'the was suffering from | introduced, including some paper tear- a contagious disease, and Mr. Tre ing by the female end of the team neer reported that Bethel's absentee that was quick, neat and attractive, bad been called out of the city by|A few songs, a few new jokes, and a the death of a friend. few tricks make up a good turn, The Dr. J. Lake and T. F. Harrison were | moving pictures were of the best and elected honorary presidents of the (he illustrated songs by Howard union. Cameron, the manager, were a real in his opening remarks the presi-| (reat. The new manager has a very dent, H. W. Newman, noted the very | sweet tenor voice of good range and large attendance. He was very much quality. pleased to see such a goodly number x ee seen of .the members present, as it demoted IN MARINE CIRCLES. Lié and aetivity in the work. He re- ferred to the grace of obedience, appealed to all to be obedient to! their pledge., There was no principle | which was more holy than obedience. The future depended upon the boys and girls of totday, and all must learn to be obedient. The president also referred, in feeling manner, to the death of ing, who he said was without doubt! 7, mk the sreatest monarch of the present goiteuiint owdionday mghy on her ite, His Sreat love for, hia people Fhe aia Turret Cape arrived at oa tl 4 es i . Ki iy dered Prayers pichardsan's elevator with 75,000 bugh- or. the new king. Ring Edward's in. | Cf heat, 'from: Fort William. fluence was so great tnat he could] ~The M.T Co have 'several grain Keep a3 poare all the ends. of the vessels on the way from Fort William, The speaker referred to t and they were due to arrive in a evangelistic campaign which is to be Sauple of dave. Owing da-the hold-up carried on-in the city in the fall by hove at ore ie ite | the Evangelical Alliance, and also] #19; the vessels were given quite a anounced that the next rally, that to | aot back. ne held in September, would take the NF" i ports to" Toud a form of a banquet. 'gencral tdrgo." Capt. John Tuttle Rev. Mr. Rice was given a warm 4 4 H : . has been making good time on the welcome by =the president. He deliv- Mary Louise so far 'this season and ered an eloquent address, dealing 1%" . ada} 'wi 9) with the call to Christian citizenship, [ i expiented thir Fu Vessel wit have It was a great thing to be voung, he - - TRIBUTE TO MR, PENSE, formance. During the past week that made and all lean to completion. "A on the side of changes have been jor arrangement more perfect mirror erected 0 house is a great aid to { no longer refuse to remove \ The a presented. at the re-opening on Monday evening Ww " ers, and at every house the place was a date house is thrown mn. The main act on the bill was the Japanese trio, a father, who stands and looks wise, while his two daugh ' ntly about fifteen years of es i Bving. These diminutive human beings were ~ simply wonderful, and kept the entire house on its toes at every performance. The two little at This Port. The steamer Ridean for Ottawa Monday. The schooner Keewatin is unloading { conl at Swift's from Dswego. a! The steamer Dundurn passed dowh the Monday from Hamilton to Montreal. The steamer Alexandria was at Fol bit Mary Louise arrived a dr pF : | said, to know that one had all his life to give to God's work. He re ferred to the many thousands of peo- ple who were taking up their home, in this country, and pointed out the work that rested with the young peo- ple. Could they realize the big prob- lem ? Ome great trouble was in the His Death Referred to at Young People's. Rally. At the young peoples rally, in Beth- | el church. on Nenday evening, the { president, H.W. Newman, paid a fact that we looked upon ourselves as WAM tdbune ® the late E, 1 B. citizens of Kingston and not of the Pense, He said that on a Saen whole dominion; "we considered our- | "®°! ly deplored Nis death. The speak. Celves 'a member of local church, Made spoil seers othe work . 5 Monti Dao | cary CH P fF 3 sade on rey Shue Sxiversnl and of his_interest manifested in the sympathetic could we accomplish good Laymen's Misaionary Msvewent. Ia There were three great thing We the death of Mr. Pense this movement mist ave, (1) pacsonality. 0) pare had lost a valuable exponent. pose; (3) power. A great deal de- pended on the power of human per- sonality. The standard of morality must be set for all these newcomers. We must set up high ideals, and have a purpose in life; a great many lives were wasted, just through having no purpose in life. There were many op portunities, but many young people had no definite aim in life. They would start out all right, but when they, came close to the enemy, a gap would appear in the ranks. We must have a purpose, and fight stub- bornly for it, for without a fixed goal we would be a failure. Prayer was offered during the vice by Rev. .J. Waddell, Rev. H. Whitmore, Rev. T. Mr. Roy. The Methodist Ministers Meet. At the meeting of the Kingston Methodist ~~ Ministerial association, Monday morning, Rev. Dr. Ryckman gave a very graphic and pleasing de- seription of his recent trip through tha south. All the members of the as- sociation greeted hmm with manifest delight. As it was the last meeting of the conférence' year and the chairman of the Kingston district, Rev, (. A. Svkes, B.D, is transferred to Toronto conference, a resolution of appreciation of his successful efforts in organizing the association and in carrying out ite work through the year, and re 'wret over his departure from its midst, was carvied by a standing vote of all present, Mr. Sykes replied in u fow well chosen words. ser nh. E. Barke and Rev. musical part of the programme . was contributed by Miss Laid y, Master Harvey and the Bethel male quartette. » At the close the national anthem was sung. When a woman with a | sent, the future verned. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778, 1 past is pre- is very much con- Macphail-Macmorine Wedding. Alexander Macphail and Miss Agnes Macmorine were married, today, at noon, in St. James' church. Miss Macmorine was given sway by her brother-in-law, Rev. J. H. HW. Cole man, of Merrickville, and attended by her sister, Mrs. Coleman. The ser vice was vead by her father, the Vene- rable. Archdeacon Macmorine. Mr. and Mrs. Macphail Jeft for Prince Edward Island immediately after the service. Woman's Chance. without exception admire beauty. The - new hair toni Salvia offers au exceptional chance to ladies to have beautiful hair with no risk to themselves, as the price (50c.) paid will be cheerfully refunded. It cer tainly is a wonderful hair and is sold only at Best's. Drape Government Buildings. "The House of Hats." Women Two heads are better than ome. but not under the one bit. Your head couldn't be under a better two-fifty hat than our well known . PICCADILLY, "The Hat of Perfection." 1 has | change is an improvement on its pre- | good, clean, | vaudeville entertainment at every per: | the house has heen closed many little | in the inter-| large | tne | he ladies who | their hats. | ere all ringlead- | oonts, | when a comfortable seat in' an up-to- s are acrobats and haud balancers, | and 'Arrivals and Departures of Vessels King cleared i [evetonttessanasnssnssisssssentsnsensetesteseasiesissssencsrsarauens For the Balance of This Week we Will Offer Big Ladies' Trimmed Hats We have secured another lot of the extra large size LACE CURTAINS, the same as we sold special last week and will sell them at the same price. om Reductions On All 98c Pair. ' Why Olive Oil Is Healthy Fat in some form is an in- dispensable part of the human dietary. Olive Oil is the most wholesome of all fatty sub- stances because the most easily digestedy and assimilat- ed. It is highly nutritious and more wholesome than animal fats. It is invaluable for liver, kidney, and intestinal troubles and as a renewer of wasting tissue. It must be absolutely pure. Ours is guaranteed in all sizes and special values, 25¢, 35c, 40¢, Boe, 60¢, Toc, $1.00, or bring your bottle and. we will sell you any quantity, 50c¢ Pint, MAHOOD'S sro: PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS, CORRIGAN'S. LATE MR. PENSE PRESIDE] OVER LAST MEETING Of. the ' Society, Which Was Faithful Cause. to the A well-attended and intercsting mept ing of the Humane Society was held George's hall, last Thursday noon, when the president, the Edw. J. B. Penge, presided, little imagined by the members sent that it was 'the last time would preside at any meetings. busy man as he was, he always show- ed a warm interest in any cfiorts protect helpless dumb animals from the cruelty of human selfishness, -- 1h his recommendation it was unanimous- ly resolved that the Kingston society should at omce affiliate with the minion Federatiowr=of Humane Soci ties, which, it strong influence in favor principles and legislation. A number of new subscriptions were handed in, but more are «required to carry effectively the societies work. Attention was forcibly drawn by member present to the practice at >t, after late pre- to of human on n with a nature small creatures and subject them what it is not too much to call ture, for the purpose of scientific ob- servation thus adding a small addi tion to the head knowledge of the pupils at the of making their hearts callous toward suffering. Many thoughtful observers feel that there seems to be a sort of "'dare" of bru tality spreading over our country and too much care cannot be taken to im tor- cost and merey in the hearts of the chil dren. In consequent: v lamented death of ~My. turday, a special executive meeting was held on Monday and a resolution drafted, expressing the deep regret felt by the members over the loss of their late president, so faithful to the cause whose place it will be indeed difficult to fill. and Sa sudden Pense on of the Twelve Blades And a guaranteed safety razor for $1 at Best's. On Monday afternoon a post mortem of the late Jobn Langdon by Dr. Keyes. Death was found, as was at first supposed, to be due to apop- lexy. The remains were removed to his late residence, Concession street, Monday evening, and the funeral will be conducted on Wednesday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. Look over your lawn for hald spots, Then buy Kintucky Lawn Grass Seed. Sold in Kingston only, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, "phone 230. It ix understood that (bl. Samuel Hughes will be camp commandant sat Barriefield this season, Col. Hemming going to Petawawa as chief staff ofli- ver. The camp this year wiil be about three times as large as last year, being made up of three brigades, where last vear there was only une Lieut. Walter Macnee, Jr, and Lieut. Laughlin Hughes, of (he 4th Regiment, left at noon, today, for Petawawa for the summer. They will both be attached 1o the engineering sorps, and will be absent unfil the end of September. R. H. McKay and his daughter, Mra. S. McKay; who have spent the past six months at 157 Alfred street, left the city, yesterday, the former for Fulton, N.Y, and the latter for New plant and foster a spirit of humanity | HUMANE SOCIETY ) Greatly Mourns Its President's Death--He Humane executive of the Kingston It was he hut, Do- | is hoped, will exercise | said | to exist in some schools in connection | study, of encouraging | the children to cateh insects and other | to! | examination was held over the remaine| _ ork. Delicious 'and satisfying. Best's ice 0000000000 00009/0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 Royal Military College Kingston General Hospital Collegiate Institute We have received a shipment of very fine Pennants, Pillows y and Lounge Covers and Hangers of the RM.C., KGH. and KC I. at prices ranging from 85¢ to 83.50. June Magazines now on Sale: -- Blue Book. Smith's Magazine. Gunter"s Magazine People's Magazine McCall's Magazine (The Queen of Fashion), A full line of English Weekly and Monthly These will, of course contain full reports and death and funeral of the late King Edward. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 4 260 PRINCESS ST. 'PHONE 910, 200000000 0000000000000000000000 he PubHeations illustrations of the 0000000000000 P00000OED PLOVPIOICIGOUVS | Rostand's Chantecler Hustrated in Canadian amelled Jewellry, & veri Amm------. te cer lO Sm ----------------". ARE. We have the CHANTECLER himself in Btooches and [elt Pins, The The The The Ask to See The line of Bleached Table Damask that we are showing at 49c a Yard 76) - Crows, Owls, Rabbits, Peacocks, 'and The Pheasants In Blouse Sctts and Veil Pins, These are very new, are made in Sterling Silver and Enamel led in. correet colorings Are not expensive. See our window for samples. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians, 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. COPOVOIIEEP9IVIVVEP44 02000000900 VOONs * $0000 90000200000004¢ It is inches wide, easily laondricd, a choice of dainty pat- terns and big value at the price, 49c a Yard Hundred of pairs of Lace Curtains at 25c to $6.50. 'Remodelled and repaired also stored for the summer. + + 3» & Shaw W. F. Gourdier. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. =o Everything for the Doctor. iverything for the Sick. } rere Trusses and Supporters We carry a Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, etc. Truss Repairs and parts constantly on hand Private office for fitting. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phoze 343. Eee Everything for the Sick. Room. Everything for the Nurse. Up to Your Neck in Luck That's what you are patronize our laundry hose to collar we perfectly, large line of if yom From launder Garments torn ?--No! Buttons missing No! Faded Shirts ?---Na! Frayed edges?----Xeo! ALWAYS OX TIME 7--YES, Aren't you In huek? {Kingston:{ aund ys Cor, Priucoss and Splenbam Sts. ti 1