'Fall upon distracted households when Cuticura enters. "All that the fondest of mothers desires for the alleviation of her skin- tortured and disfigured infant is to be found in warm baths with ICUTICURA SOAP And gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment. Ignorance is the corse of God, fenry VI, P I, Act IV. 7. the inure of God ! There » this expression. Be Ignorance in are no limitations It is not one of the curses. It is the eurse; the avil from which all other evils dpring. At first sight this might seem somewhat extreme, but .a little reflection will show that Shakespeare was right. A glance back over his tory will prove this. The nations steeped in ignorance have been the most Brutal and barbarous, Where illiteracy prevailed «in and disease found excellent breeding grounds. During the long period from fifth to the fifteenth century was intellectually in Stygian dark- ness; the little learning there was, was hidden in castles and /monasteries, The dgrk ages is the name fittingly given to that period of ignorance. Cruelty was a common practice , and superstition prevailed. It was not until the literature of the Greeks and the Romans, the explorations of the daring navigators of Spain and France and England had. made the world, ancient and modern, kepown to mankind, that the darkness was, in a degree, dispelled, What does the Renaissance mean ? A new birth! A birth to light and life. Man in the fifteenth century was thorn again. Science and art and literature worked together, to dispel the darkness that bhrooded over the earth. Shakespeare had no doubt about the nature of ignorance. There was 'no darkpess but ignorance" ignorance was "gross and miserable;"' it was 'the common curse of man- kind." Me was enormously in ad- the Europe pbe=3 | >] | al rs | | dp vance of his age. Writing at the end of the hyde century and early in the seventeenth, he had apparently completely broken away from the su- perstitions of his time. With a seer's insight he saw into the heart of things, and on: every great question spoke as profoundly as does the most advanced thinker in the twentieth cen- tury. It would be impossible to men- tion any question of vital importance to the individual and the state on which he has not uttered words of wix- Sowed soles. Sizes 2 1-2 to 7. Price $2 , Jennings, King Street. Women equality Dongola Kid, dull kid facing up } lace holes. Very pretty exten- High Cuban dom. He was a veritable lightbearer, a dispeller of darkness, showing kings and peasants, the rich and the poor, their duty. Where ignorance is thete is the curse of God. Illiterate Turkey is wun- speakable Turkey; ignorant Afriea is darkest Africa, Nations that remiin illiterate drop behind in the race. Un- less the mind is fed with healthy food the whole being becomes degenerate. A man may live frugally and grow strong, but if he wtarve his mind he becomes a sluggard, a butterfly, a brute. Such beings are mere cumber- ers of the ground. They are either JHINESE SAILORS, They Never Learn to Tie a Knot Properly. "1 don't know why it is," said the eaplain of the temp steamer, 'but yeu can't teach any of these Chinese sailors there to tie a real knot. "There isn't much need aboard a stéamer for the rope knowledge that used to be #0 much the part of a fo'e's'le tralping, but we do need splices and knots now and again just the same. "Those Chines th signed as AB's, « needed in the way of splices that would make an old tar green with envy, and they'll fix up deadeyes bet- ter than most of the men I've ship "But you can't get one of them to tie a right knot. Teach them again atid again and © y remember the les- son for half an | Fey Next time there's a sieaight everyday knot to be tind the Chinese fo'c's'le hand make? up the same old granny. "Every child that tries to tie a knot BILLIOUS HEADACHE who were do anything ey sos EOEee) ) kinds of gash, ings and Interior Ho h Lumber and Timber in o lock, Spruce and Pine, , Cedar Posts at all : Kilo-dried Spruce in Floor- Walaseotting, Caped and t [idiig, Dressed Pine and in Flooring and Sheet- COMES FROM LIVER DERANGE- MENTS WHICH ARE THOR. OUGHLY OVERCOME BY DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY.LIVER | Headache is said to be th must use- ful pain in the world. It is a sort of fire nlarm that warns you of some thing wrong with some organs of 'the | Most frequently the trouble is indi gestion and torpid liver and the pain arised from the poisoned blood passin jhrough the arteries. of the brain a | 'There is no cure for billows hea torpid liver and indigestion th 4 (i be compared to Dr. Chase's and Liver Pills for prompt and cer ain results. This has been proven by #0 many thousands of letters publish Tied from time to time that everybody should know it by this time. Fred. Hinz, Bradhagen, Perth Co., x Ont; writes : "I don't like to have. 5 | myname in | the papers, but feel ot roof the gout 1 ob 1 -- of Was troubled a great sick headache and was often THE: DAILY BRITISH WHIG, | | A A ATTN NOTIN) | | cast into. oufer darkness, or become mere hewers of wood and drawers of | waicr for those who have been careful cultivate their minds and keep | abreast of the learning and wisdom of | the ages. ; The Anglo-Saxon has attained the highest degree of civilization. Eng land and her colonies have heen in the van in the battle against "gros: and miserable ignorance, Ihe United | States stands at the highest point oly civilization; I j# true that in Eng- | Jand and Bu pe there are many minds who. are 2 oreeminent in philo- sophy, science. and ari, but in the United. States every man has equal} opportunity, Learning is general, ig-| porance thes ie, but it is the excep tion. Superstition exists, but it is in the owtlging corners where jgnor- ance ig still muking a stand. What knowledge ran do i= better illustrated in the United States and Canada than in any other countrics. The enslaved | and superstitious inhabitants of Europe come to America, They are seeking a néw material world; they find a new spiritual world. The Pole, the Armenian, the Turk, the Russian, 10 {the Italian, is not long in discarding his old idols. fippression has him in erass ignovance. Freedom, sense of equality with other men, lifts him to a higher plane. The shackles of ignofance drop from his wrists, the light of knowledge beams from bis eves. In the second generation it is hard to distinguish the American Jf European extraction from those. of native-born parents. Education a great levelfer. It is only kept of recent years that kriowledge has been able successfully to storm the forts of ignorance, It was not until the astronomer's glass explored the heavens, the geologists hammer wrested earth's secrets from her, that the world and the universe were truly known. Both had been objects of dark superstition. The scientist turned hi attention to the close stndy of plants and animals, Physical knowledge led to a higher spiritual knowledge. A God of fear became a God of love. The great forces of the wotld were studied and harnessed and knowledge turned the desolate places of earth to flowering gardens, There is still much ta he done. Ig norance is at work among nations building battleships and raising tariff walls. Ignotance is at work every- where, Strikes and lockouts, tyran- nous capitalidts and destructive mobs; are equally the outcome of ignorance, Hasten thé time when arbitration be- tween nations aml men will be the rule, when the ignorance that makes' for loss will give way to a knowledge and wigdom that makes for gain! q makés a granny, This kind of a knot' i made 'up by passing the ends around each other in the reverse di- rection, making the ends 'stand out at right angles. The ends should be wound around each other in the same direction. When they of "the the line on elther Such a knot Chinaman can't not he. "The Lasear and Malay and Kan- aka learn the right knot easily enough. In a storm that's one of the thingy we have to guard against if we have Chinese gaiilors,.--~New York Sun. EYE DEFECTS, side of the won't slip. But a learn it for keeps-- A------ Some Things Said to Affect the Sense of. Vision. Strand Magazine. Many eye defects, of course, are due to the bad habits of their possessors. Tobacco, for instance, .is generally held to impair the vision, usually in- juring the color sense so that gold and silver become indistinguishable. According to some medical authorities, again, the connection between eye and tooth troubles is more than an old wife's fable. In his book dealing with the aubject, Hancock relates the story of a boy who woke up one morn- ing to find himself blind. On exam- ination his teeth were discovered to be crowded together, and a few of them weérg removed, with the result that by evening he could distinguish between light and darkness. More teoth were removed, and in eleven days his sight was fully restored. Other cases which tend to show the connec: tion between eve and tooth trouble have also been noted. Very frequently occupation has much to do with one or other eye defect. Thus nystagmus sometimes known as the miners disease. Nystagmus is an involuntary oscilla- is ie and [that were fopmerly $3 a pair are now | 34. 50. Ptaxhtion imposed by the come out tunity knot' they should lie alongside | heavy and grievous to be borne!" knot. | SATURDAY, MAY 3 Je. n---- ---- PRICES THAT SHOCK WOMEN, The Cost of Living ving Has Really Gone '» Mabe! Potter Daggett tor for June So much has been said about the irise in the cost of living that a few acts about summer prices of women's {clothing may. be used to iflustrate just how prices have soured. A wo- man's ready-made' soit has cost '8 upward more this spring than {last, for the same quality. She can still buy the suit all aringly marked "$9.49 cut from $15," but it has so | deteriorated. in quality that it has 'ceased to be a bargain al any price. vtually the suit that is marked $25 to-day is' of the quality that sold four voars ago for $10. The woman who bought a pattern and made her spring suit had to pay $i a yard for com- mon blue sergh that she bought last year at 75c., or fer broadcloth. $1.50 a yard for what was formerly $1.25. Gloves that weve $1 are now. $1.25. Stockings that were a while ago be, are now '35¢. ' Shoes have just been marked up, The National Beet and {Shoe Manufacturers say it's not their fault. It is because the public that found meat too expensive reduced their consumption of that article of food. Therefore there are fewer hides on the market, which has increased the price' of leather in the last three years irom {17c. to 32¢. a pound. Therefore shoes in the Delinea- White Label Ale Is always bottled at the brewery by Dominion Brewery 1Co., Limited, Toronto fulness of the bottling as well. "White Label" has been awarded the highest honors for both Purity and Quality. INDIAN PALE ALE may be placed on the table of the most fastidious con- noisseur without {. ar of either criticism or comparison. INVALID STOUT; its assured purity and mildly tonic properties make it the -ideal "Stout" for those recovering from illness. For nursing mothers it is high- ly recommended by the medical profession. Women's sandal rubbers that were 20¢c. a pair a few years ago are now 75¢., and men's rubbers are $1.25. The manufacturers say one reason of it is the automobile, the tires of a single machine using a supply of rub- ber that would have made more than a hundred pairs of footwear: Ihe kitchen broom that once Was 25c. is now 40c., and a purchaser who recently objected to the price, was cheerfully advised by the dealer : "Bet- ter buy now. They're likely to go to 81 before the end of the year." Even a kitvhen apron costs more than it did before with gingham, which many a housewife has purchased for Ge. a vard, now retailing at 10e. © Staple cotton cloth once 7c. is now 12je. a vard; and standard sheeting has mov- ed up from 9¢. to 15¢, a yard. The cheapest woollen blankets have gone from $5 to $7 a pair under the opera- tion of a protective tariff. XXX PORTER always gives sitisfaction, It is both a nourishing and an invig- orating tonic, tones up the system and is guaranteed pure. DOMINION BREWERY CO., Limited, Toronto. RIGNEY &, HICKEY, Agents, 136 Pe ns St. Ning ston nN | & = Zn \ Pr HITS LIQUOR TRADE. i Wails of Victuallers Evoke Sarcastic Comment, London Chronicle As the time inexorable appromthes for "the tradé" to disgorge in taxes some- part of the extra money it has extracted in advance from the public, its shrieks of protest daily be coming more piercing. At a fully attended meeting of the board of the Licensed Victuallers' Central Protection Society of London, held yesterday, Edward Johnson, J. 1., presiding, a resolution was unami- mously adopted, viewing ; "With grave apprehension position of enormously increased li censed duties upon an already dis- tressed and ower-burdeéned | industry. The board reiterates its previously ex- pressed opinion that the additional budget must inevitably result in the fingpcial ruin of thousands . of licensed ttaders and thrifty investors in brewerics. and similar undertakings, and Hereby re: solves to ude every legitimate effort to sceare at the earliest possible oppor the removal of a burden too Zipped" Medicinal and Toilet Preparations are of the same high quality as those your druggist uses in filling your physician's prescriptions. The National Drug and Chemical We Could Not Afford Company supplies the greater part of the drugs dispensed by the physicians to use any but the finest and purest C materials in each and every dnd druggists of Canada, and it is probable that the i edients 1 used br NA-DRU-CO prep: aration, because on the qua'ity of each depen: your own druggist in his prescription of the whole line. Linked te fre work came from our warehouse S. 4 From these same warehouses cone thev arc by the NA-DRUL 0 Trade the ingredients used by our expert Mark, a single article found unreliable chemists in compounding NA-DRU-CO preparations. would go far to destroy your confidence all Every ounce of material used in every NA-DRU-CO " NA-DRU-CO goods. gi article is the best that our skilled buyers can select Ask your druggist about the quality of the drugs we supply to him--abott our facilities for compound from the world's markets, ing superior medicinal and toilet preparations--about We Can Afford our reliability. firey to use only the very best materials because, buying Goa little further if you like, and ask your phy- in immense quantities for our wholesale trade, we get Sician or your druggist what goes into NA-DRU-CO the best crude drugs at rock bottom prices. In our preparations. They can tell you, for we will furnish chemical laboratories these raw materials are refined 10 any physician or druggist 1h Canada, on request, a and prepared by expert chemists and subjected to full list of the ingredients in any NA-DRU-CO rigid tests both for strength and purity before being Preparation, used in NA-DRU-CO preparations, "Money Back" NA-DRU.CO Cod Liver Oil Compound, Furthermore, if any NA-DRU-CO artic instance, is made from the best of materials, by on does not epmirely satisfy vou, return it and expert chemists, and is consequently the most p druggist will refund your money tonic. NA-DRU-CO Nervozone is another s It your druggist has not the NA-DRU-CO article example of the results our skilled chemists get fron vou want in stoek he can get it for you within two days front our nearest wholesale branch good mgredients. A Few NA-DRU.CO Favorites: are ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS TRADE MARR the im- in Huy We reported yesterday a similar Foul resolution passed by the Brewers' ciety, In the tory papers "inspired" articles are being published to chow the "'colossal burden" on this "suffer ing" industry. But there is nothing about colossal monopolies and the colossal profits, |. and--=above all-there is no hint of how, last summer, prices were put up to the consumer to an extent that gave the brewers a very handsome profit on new taxes. Ro- Toilet: Complexion Cream Talcum Powder Tooth Paste Witch Hazel Cream "ns For Childre: Ointment and Saves: Baby's Tab Carbolic Sab ve Stainless lo lets Sugar of Milk Dyspepsia & fund gestion : Dyspepsia Table ee ver Ol Componad, Tasteless, [1 sizes) vozowe Liver Oil Emulsion {2 sizes) National Drug sna Chemical Company of Canada, Limited Wholesale Branches at: Ottawa, Kingston, Regina, Calgary, Nelson, Ton Ce ine Ointment (y sizes) Nog File Ointment Cand JAPANESE Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Winnipeg, ENGLISH. Toronto, London, Hamilton, Vancouver, Victoria. Sample Circular Composed by a Na- tive Tradesman. Boston Transcript There comes from a correspondent in Japan this example of circulars in English that Japanese tradesmen some times compose : "Dear 8Sir,--1 have the honor to write a letter for you that 1 have now established the meat market and its branch to deliver the meat as one of the branch of my slaughter house, as which I have many cattle, their pastures, their markets, milk housés, and a slaughter house, eic., and I wilt have a fresh meat with the most cheapest price from my slaughter house than other butchery and espe- cially make you many reduction for every day purchaser for month. | beg you can soon make me vour or der without vour servant's commis: sion, as vou know vour servant is always making money by your meat. I will make you the pass-book for the creditor only. Keep your eye on your Hotlogg You'll have to watch your Kellogg's mighty closely, for children simply love it. It has such an enticing flavor; such a tender crisp- "THE SWEETHEART OF THE CORN" tion of the yveball to and fro or round in its orbit. In contradistinction to glaucoma, it is a young defect, having | been noticed in infants, but sometimes | it attacks miners after forty. Miners are inclined to attribute the failing to the bad light, but it is more likely to be caused by® the continual upward -- so often necessitated by their occupation. All Right TH! He Talked, In a railroad office in West Philadelphia there is an old and trusted clerk of Celtic extraction who keeps his associates in a con- stant state of good humor by an un- ending series of witticisme, inter- spersad occasionally with "bulls" so glaring that evem he himsell has to join fn the laugh thal invariably follows suth a "break" on his part, says the Philadelphia Times. -- There was some trouble on the telephone one day recently, and Mike, as he #8 called among bis friends, lost much of his usual good nature in his efforts to get the gist of a message that was being seat from snother office. The man on the other end of the wire finally be- came exaspitated a asked Mike if Ire was losing ring. ny ttn you oy Tight until you "said Mike, "and Shen Toa a -- a word you say war is tar bed of {from your servant while yop ars mak- ness. 10c. a package. Made in Canada. : "WON ITS FAVOR THROUGH ITS FLAVOR" TOASTED * "PS. ~H von handled bad meat ing purchases the meat from my mar ket every day, vou will soon tor let it exchange by the servant without any hesitation. Please make me your or der, and if you can make me order by letter 1 will have the portage redus- tion from the count of meat with kind regirdsYours truly." The Same to Her. The ¢»wtor's very young davghter, Alicia, hd been to Havana, and some one asked her where it was "Jus' look In your bacteriology am' you'll fin' it," was the reply -- The Delineator for June: You are assured of solid comfort tiie - An Insurance Policy in Solid Comfort: Io.ae swe ot wlis emit th Pen-Angle retains its superfine softiess, smoothness, comfortableness, wear. Jesiting a ae and a. perfect shape after many trips to the Laundry-- after ordinary brands have wilted and become irritable. Pen. won't, shrink--it is knitted into shape, not stretched. Fresh, Seats vn washes et easily. A wide 'variety of styles, styles, shapes weights, Pen-Angle is 50 reasonably priced be v fad [ithout 31, Wha a a et Be a Pes-Angle costs po sore ?