-- HIS SUCCESS DEPERDS ON HIS BEALTH Gin Pills Quard Both Think of being stricken down by illness ot a lonely ranch--or all alone, in the great north woods! to nei fields, one of thest brave men 1 making a name and a fortune for himself in the far West, Unfortunately, Mr, James overtaxed his strength and for a time, it looked as if he would have to give up his claims and Vis work, : Monro, B, C. "I have much pleasure in testifyi to what Gin Pills have done for ne divide the year about equally, working on the ranch and on v logging claims, being Sonsaueily entirely de: pendent on bodily fitness for a living. At times, I have suffered like many others in this country from Backache and Weak Kidneys, sometimes to the extent of being laid off for weeks altogether, Having tried many rin vy I have pleasure in stating that your Gin Pills are-the only remedy from which I have received any permanent benefit , I had using Gin Pills only a short time when the pain and trouble left me and have not returned since, 1 take care to always have Cin Pills by me, though my present condition does not require medicine, 1 have recommended Gin Pills to other men with similar results." bl J. EDWARD JAMES Gia Pills have proved a friend in need to thousands of those suffering from Kid- ney and Pladder Troubles, Lame Back . and Rheumatism, and the Constipation and Biliousness that usually accompany these diseases. So great is our confidence in the merits of Gin Pills that we let you try them be- fore buying the regular 50c. boxes at our dealer's, Write the National Drug Chem. Co. LimitedDept. B. Toronto, and you will receive a sample box, abso- Jutely free, by return mail, 0 1s not artifi- clally charged 3 with gas (carbons fited) as are some ales, but is allowed to mature in the natural way, Not pasteurized, retains the delicate and aroma of the hops and malt Taken be- * fore meals, it stimu- lates, the appetite and prevents gonstipatioh, 9 wh it flavor AGENT, JAMES McPARLAND, - 339-341 King St. E., Kingston, $3.50 Recipe Cures Weak Men --- Free Send-Name and Address Today-- You Can Have It Free and Be - Strong and Vigorous, 1 have in my possession a prescription f nervous Aedility, lack of on, in nea manhood, failing memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, upnatural drains, or the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn and 'mervous men right in their own homes--without suy additional help or medi- cine~that 1 think every man Tiyan n his manly power and virility, and quietly, should have a copy. determined to send free of charge, in a Yalope to any man w This presort cones from a physician who has made a special stu Di, fuien and I ~ac am convinced it is combi- nation for thie cure of ent Tmanfiood and vigor failure Jver put together. think I owe it to my fellow man send them a Sopt Jn confidence so that any wan anywhere who is weak and d with yw ted failures may stop di by th hatatful patent eaten! secure. w believe jckest-act upbuilding, SPOT as --_-- Many times, this ,| bardy pioneers | iv the three years ending with 1907. have Hungary, on the a | Gips For | Farmers i | BY UNCLE JOSH. | | AlMalfa w jeost « ) other crop that can ill do more to cheapen the pork production than any Alfalfa should not, | cheaply produced but cut and fed | however, be pastured, | green or fed to hay. The harrow is at once the cheapest and most effective implement tivating both corn and potatoes the early stages. Corn can be safely harrowed until at least three or four inches above the ground. t in Hoard's Dairyman saves that a ton of clover hay contains 110 Ibs. of protein, a ton of alfalfa, 220 lbs., and a ton of bran, 210 lbs. Well cured al- falfa is, therefore, very nearly equal to bran in feeding value and bran has for some years past been costing buy- ery over $20 per ton. It is not an uncommon occurrence, when corn is too ripe when put into the silo, for patches of mould to ap pear Here and « there. If a liberal amount is water is added to Lhe corn { when Lhe silo is being filled; Thin-trou- {ble will not have appeared. Conditions in West. A remarkably early spring in. the west was followed there, as here, by unseasonable weather. In Alberta, however, the most serious injury was caused by drought. This caused very grave damage to winter wheat, and much of this has been plowed up and the ground resown with spring grain. On YN odmndny and Thursday two ing ches of snow and rain fell in that province. This prevented further damage from drought, and the ther- mometer did not go low enough to cause damage in another way. In Saskatchewan and Alberta, where a long-continued dry spel had begun to cause apprehension, the drought was broken later in the week hy a very heavy downpour, and it is now believed that the crops of the whole west, with the exception of winter wheat, in - Alberta, are safe from any serious danger, Cure For Milk Fever. A small separator is a paying in- vestment, even if a man has but three cows in his herd. Any plan which robs the farm of its skim milk is destructivé to the best welfare both of farm and farmer. no one ever saw a [&km, with a good herd of' cows, the milk of which was fed to 'voung stock, that was not growing more fectile and productive. Ninety-nine. out of one hundred cases of milk fever can be cured by the use of the air cure. This consists of inserting a tube into one teat after another and inflating the udder with an air pump. Care should be taken to see that the portion of the tube inserted into the teat is sterilized and the udder should not be filled too full, ' Hoard's Dairyman says experiments show that cows fed exclusively on po- tatocs shrink in weight, but the flow of milk increases. If fed in this way for any length of time they take their feed with repugnanee. The sane is true in a measure of anv sort of feed. In order to get ani- mals to relish their food, a mixture is necessary. Not more than twenty pounds of potatoes should be fed to a cow daily, Phe Toronto Sun says: : There appears to have been, during the past few years; a large decrease in the number of cattle and hogs in the world. In sheep, on.the other hard, there has been a very considerable in- crease. In the United States, in the four years ending with 1910, there was a decrease in cattle other than mirth cows, 10 the extent of four and one; quarter million. In Germany, in the seven years ending with 1907, the last 'year for which figures are available, there was a drop of one and three uarter millions in the same line of ive stock. In Russia there was a de- cline of one and one-half million in n other hand, there was an increase in nearly a million in the three years ending with 1908, and in Australia an increase of one and one-half million in the three years end- ing with 1907. Lumping these figures together thgy show a net divreas: of five and "half millions in. cattle. In hogs there was a decline in the United States of 7,000,000 in the four years ending with 1910. In Ger- many there was a decline of five and one-quarter millions in the three years ending with, 1907. In Great Britain there was a Ring 1908, and in the thrde 1 and in Russia 300,600. [n° Denmark th was an increase o47800,000. SL tunging these figures together aga they show a net decrease of oy and three quarter. millions in the number of hogs in 'the five' countries named. 3 In sheep the increase was mainly in ustralihy wh :hishows an addition to the number oi+ 13,000,000 in the three years ending with 1907. There was an increase also in Great Britain of 2.- 1000,000 in the three years ending with 1908. On the other hand Germany shows a decrease of 2,000,000 in the seven years h 1907 and the United States years ending vidi 1910, i "hep was thus 17,000,000 > ho . : wide shektage in Jest products be grown. With nu other crop either can butter be so | for cul- | €Wts there THE. DAILY | dows in words. This maternal mani festation has an important bearing on | suceers with the litter and the dam's ! promise in this regard should have weight in her purchase. In making a !selection the teats should be examined to discover that there are a dozen, well formed, not too small or obscure, {and ging" indications of supplying 'abundant milk.--From Coburn's Swine lin America. Produce and Prices. Kingston, May 21.--The market clerk reports as follows : Carrots, Sc. to 60c. bags apples, I80e. to %1; turnips, 45c. bag; gabbage, | 80c. to iv. doz; omions, 31 bag; po- tatoes, J0c. to due. Meat--Beef (local), carcase, Te. to { Ye, prime western beef, $11 to $12 per by esicase; cuts, We. to Tic, hve hogs, $9.50, dressed hogs, Iv. a {1b.; pork, 13c. by carcase; mutton, 12c. {ta ldo lamb, by carcasé, $06, ducks, $1.26 to $1.50 each; turkeys, 20c. to 22; chickens, 9c. to ¥1 pair, - but- ter, 25c. and 26c.; fresh eggs, 15¢. to 20. Jd. A. McFarlane, Brock street, re- porta flour, feed and grain selling as follows : Oats, 4b6c.; local wheat, 31.1%; buckwheat, 65¢.; barley, 5c; rye, 65¢.; peas, ¥1; yellow corn, Tv; flour, bakers, $2.80 to $4; tarmers', $2.80 to $3; Hungarian patent, 3; oatmeal and rolled oats W per barrel; corn meal, 1.90 to $2; bran, #22 to $23 ton: shorts, $25; straw (baled), ¥; straw, loose, #9; hay, loose, $15; pre ssedd, 315 to S16. John Mchay, Brock street, reports as follows : Wool, washed, 18¢. to 20g; sheep skins, 31; tallow, rendered, 6c; dekins, 77c.; veal skins, 15¢. per lb, hides, No. I, Ye.: No. 2, Re.; No. 3 %e.; horse hiaes, $3. Dominion Fish Co. reports . prices as follows :- Salmon trout, 12ic. to 15¢. a lb.; skinned digby herring, 20c. Ib.; white fish, 124ec. to 13¢, tb.; pike, 0c. 1b.; Chinook salmon, 30c. lb. kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. doz.; perch, 3c. doz; Atlantic salmon, 3Ue. Ib.; salt codfish, je. to 15¢. 1b.; halibut, 124e, to Me,; fresh haddock, 10c. 1b; bullbeads, 12§c. Ib; red herrings, 20c. box; mackerel, 15¢. 1h.; lake nerring, Sc. lb; finnan haddie, lc. to 124c. Ib,; fresh lob stars, 20c. lh; sea bass, 12ic. lb; pickerel, 12}. Ih; mackerel, 5c. 1b; smelts, 10c. to 20¢c. A TAILOR'S REVENGE. He Made a Back Bulge Like a Para. chute. Fitter and Cutter. Terrible things, things as fear-com pelling as any that Alice found in Wonderland, are liable to confront those who give offence to an indignant tailor. Such an artisan, in New York, the other dav, developed a "spite suit"'for a customer who paid his bill semi-occasionally. The coat had nar row shoulders, long sleeves, and a back that bulged like a parachute. 'Fhe waistcoat fitted at the top but flared grotesquely at the bottom, thus in a manner matching the trousers, which, though tight above, stood out below, belld{ashion. Tailor and cus- tomer. 'went to the floor," as the pic. turesque language of Ireland puts it, over this sartorial composition, but the police magistrate, having laughed his fill at the two pictures of misery that confronted him, advised the cus men away. The legality of spite suits remains, therefore, an undecided ques tion. Shape of Sun Changes. Harper's Weekly One scientist, as the result of much study on his part of heliometer nea surements, said to be confirmed . by solar photographs, has made the re markable suggestion that the sun periodically changes its figure, being earth, with exceeding the pelar, and sometimes a pralate spheroid, having a greater polar than equatorial diameter, His idea is that the solar globe is to be regarded as a vibrating body, hav ing an equatorial diameter on 'the average slightly in excess of the polar, but changing at certain times so that the ratio of the two diameters is tem porarily The + period variability, it is thought, is the same as the sunspot period. The changes of figure, if they really occur, ave small that only the most delicate ob servations can make them manifest. 'reversed, of 80 How to Stop Hiccoughs. New York Outing Hiccough is a distressing and some times a dangerous complaint. Many times a swallow of water will stop it, If simple measures fail the following has been found very efficacious : The nerves that produce hiceough are near the surface of the neck. They may be reached and compressed by ! i | { tomer to sue the tailor and sent both | sometimes an oblate spheroid, like the | its equatorial diemeter, / placing two fingers right in the centre | 'of the top of the breastbone between | |the two cords that run up either side 'of the peck and pressing inward, down ward and outward. A few minutes pressure 'of this kind will stop most obstinate hiccough, FA BRITISH WHIG, Be -- CTS ABOUT ALES AND PORT ~ White Label Ale Is always bottled at the brewery by "Dominion Brewery Co., Limited, Toronto % who know ex2ctly when and how to handle it, and who carefal- ly guard. not only the goodness of the brewery, but the cares fulness of the bottling as well. "White Label" has been awarded the bighest honors for both Purity and Quality? INDIAN PALE ALE may be placed on the table of the most fastidious con- noisseur without f ar of either criticism or comparison. ; INVALID STOUT, its assured purity and mildly tonic properties make it the ideal "Stout" for' those recovering from illness. For nursing mothers it is high- ly reccommended by the medical profession. XXX PORTER always gives satisfaction, It is both a nourishing and aninvig- orating toric, tones up the system and is guaranteed pure. DOMINION BREWERY CO0., Limited, Toronto. RIGNEY & HICKEY, Agents, 136 Princess St, Kingston. the | : ¥ Robin Hood Flour ES IE A {-3d-000¢ If, Madam, we could take you right into our Model Bakery at the Mill, where all our tests are made, you would see exactly what we mean when we say, ** Robin Hood Flour is Different." You would see how favorably it compares with other flours in respect to color. Its superior quality would be plainly visible to you. ~ You would quicker realize why you are to add more water than usual when using it. The bigger loaf made by it would lie before you. Seeing it, you would noteits closer texture --no waste. Tasting it, you would admire its finer flavor. In short, vou would surely decide that you ought to start using Robin Hood Flour right away. Rut, Madam, if you cannot come to our Bakery, we can help you to have better Baking Results of your own. Use Robin Hood Flour yourself, and prove that what we claim for it is true. We supply the flour-quality. We give the guarantee. It.is up to you to get the benefit. Have you asked your grocer about our Money-back-guarantee yet? Saskatchewan Flour Mills Co. Limited, Moose Jaw, Sask. a LAL TL RA --_---- PAGE FLEVEN. \ BARGAINS Used Five Octaye and Piano Cased Organs ranging all the way from $20.00 uj Easy terms of payment can be ar- ranged. ircharer of any organ be allowed full" value within two years' time should they decide to purchase a piano. We also have a fall line of usical Instruments, including Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandol Strings, ete N¢ trouble to show goods. Kindly call and in- spect our stock Company, Limited RETAIL DEPT. 242 PRINCESS STREET, Every Jack Tar afloat could stay afloat ten years with * Salvador' on the boat. The best lager brewed and just as nourishing and harmless as itis good. Brewed and aged in wood by REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO SOLD EVERYWHERE solo E. BEAUPRE,; Tel. 313 Local Agent, Be oA &/Inql 4% g Angle trade-mark before handing the clerk the purchase 'price. better if they were made to order. your whole family. Every garment guaranteed. For clegance of Style, Workmanship 'The Strierd Shoe FRANK W. SLATER has proven figelf a leader in Ladies' and Men's Shoes, H. Jennings, a esisestttesstivivetth Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC, PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. Finkle's Livery and Sales Stab Having purchased the [very and good-will of A. Mellquham, 120 Clar- ence Street, and having added a num- ber of naw and up-to-date vehicies and fresh horses, also a 20-passenger sight. seeing Motor Car, we are repared to furnish the public with first-cinss lmost any kind upon short. « We have a man at the of- t night, so that calls may be at- tended to promptly Soliciting a share of your patronage, We remain, Respectfully yours, THE FINKLE CoO, EE -- UNIQUE LAUNDRY | fl HAS OPENED, i | Call and 'give us a trial or ||| | gend a card and we wili call |i! for goods and deliver prompt- Hi i ii it I i i il 73 Clarence St. THE CLUB rOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. | | | i 5 There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur- roundings. Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. | Paraded gic ttle van wriel arouses [ttle vn A Pointer For You Yoia can save yourself a lot of "underwear annoyance by simply remembering to ask for the Pen. Pen-Angle garments couldnt fit Any weight you want from light to heavy. Sizes to clothe'