ree DAILY BRITISH WHIA SATURDAY. T---- MAY 21. 11910, CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, HEAD CFPC 01D V/ORKs.. JORONTO WINNIPEG CALGARY] VANCOUVER 4 ROSSLAND Ee kar oo ta T 7 3) hi AR * ld Monel vol Ea A pl (NYA 4) CANADA FOUNDRY COMP, TORONTG ONT IT Ph Nd And of oh my lan ae & left me but my bod oury VI, Part HI, Act thie battle of Barus hiewt 4 sd in England and powerful He had been settor-up and puller-down hy n Lis dying moments whe is wealth to save him. vears of energetic on Ry 'plots had left him wnor of just as much land hold lee body's length. The rood hoard: 8 dand- -geabbier should take it to «Man's chief cand is wot to hoard and possess. have a higher destine or ¢ies Kia Sadie and not warth. Wing. was natural that hsin terms of Tand, the teenth century wae stood. IVY USN AIPA PR PA NT] tural country. The ideal life for ev- tery Englishman was one spent, save when he was engaged iy, war, on his broad estates. He was a kang in Little; his retainers . and his tenants were his subjects. He was proud of hig broad fields, his parks with oak and chestnut shady. Tu was the ideal of the nation. Even an actor and play- wright like Sh%kespeare found las highest satisfaction (n returning to his early home in Warwickshire and taking up the life of a country gentle. man. Land hunger is stronger in the twen tieth century than in the fifteenth. Let a block of land be opened up for settle mens in Montana or Saskatche- wan an® there is a mad stampede for possessionrdg is something to own a portion of this earth; to that extent aro men kings. They have their sheop and their cattle, their men-servants, they command and are opeved. Despite the fact that Shakespeare was himself a land-owner he, in a wav despised wealth. It was so much "drt" to him. He "prized not uan- tity of dirty lands" for itself. Jt was to Mim a means to an end. The wealth and leasure it brought him en- abled him to develop lis higher na ture. Nations are as fond of the possession of territory as individuals, Tye snd Sidon, Palestine, Carthaze, ai cient Greece and 12mie, were nido rors ban i= grabbers, aver broadening thee terri tory. Where are they? Their greatness i» buried in the soil op which they They possess just so much land as holds their ruins. Yet some of thos: have immortalty. Fadestine, ireece and Rome are alive wnd< at work among the nations. Their gv gantic possessions, their zlirioas bat- ties by sea and by land, have lft but little influence behinds 1wt tde Epirit- nal conquests they made, the spiritual eftorte they put forth can never per- ish. That great library of - Jewish literature, the Bible, is still the main factor in the moral development of the human race; the poetry and phil-| my mophy of Greece and Rome still have a refining 'and uplifting influence, It is easy to kill the body and bury &t deep out sight. Spirit it is im- powmsible to kill. The nations, which, while over-antious about their earth- 1y possessions, at the same time devel oped a soul's life, bave immortality. Ponder this well! A man might own a whale state or provinces; he might Rg possess factories by hundreds and con- Sel armies of workmete he might be wealth, Food nel ork snd food to entthis sion ih I ion nm a womb, and naked shall I return thith- er," said Job, He was speaking mere ly of the flesh. His material posses sions he could not' carry beyond the grave. Wordsworth's words are near er the mark regarding the spirit: rralithg clouds of glory do we come From God, who fs our home." Every child is born inte the world with infinite spiritual possibilities for good or eyil. There is a potentially perféct being in every cradle. When the, man who has Hved a righteous life faces the grim conqueror death he can do so realising that in so far as he wrought to bring a- bout the brotherhood of man, in so far as he has cultivated a lofty spir- itual life, he can never die. Dust unto dust was never spoken of the soul. There are many graves in the world; millions upon millions of mounds, that tell that they who lie beneath had to leave their broad fields and hoarded wealth. Their names are lost. But thers ate a few shrinest- the eorave of Shakespeare, the son of an illiterate glover, and the grave of rin-oln, the som of a mere illiterate backwoods- man, attract the feet of many pil grims. Their spirits still preach to grims. Every man has in him im- mortal possibilities He may when he psses away, but six feet of land, or he may be a part of the In- finite, his words and deeds still at work for the uplifting of mankind. possess, Quebec Furnishes Asbestos. More than four-fifths of the world's supply of asbéstas comes from the province of Quebec, in what is known as the = serpentine belt, through the counties of Thetford, Coleraine, Robertson and Droaghton, about 100 miles from Montreal. While the history of the industry dates back to 1877, it has only expanded to its present proportions during the last few years, The province has already produced over $25,000,000 worth of asbestos, and is now averaging $2. 000,000 worth a year, Try and prove that kindness is con- tagious. i ACUTE DYSPEPSIA Restoration of Stomach Power Comes Quickly with the Right Medicine. food , Seediod to decompose in writes " Dalph Clem- Stamach Ay that? a & a in some way to serform: its' Bh hited fn Digestion poe A more or less grrsted and I grew thin, vellow, nervous. The stomach became distended and impeded apparently the action of the heart, for often at night it would do great stunts. At times I would vomit i mucus mass.and at these times my head ached most ter- ribly. A friend, who had ween cured of a similar condition advised me to take Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly, which 1 dda he awit in my. case marvel My running en ct 8 sp scarfs which come for this purpose. When You Have No Handy. "Bo you know how to take a tight cork out of a bottle without a cork. screw ?" was asked by a woman the other day at a gossip party. "It's a mighty good thing to know in an emergency. » "My sister and | were coming back from the mountains last week and she got faint on the cars. I had a bottle of aromatic spirits of ammonia in my bag, but when I ried to © a de the cork ing eet hl and using hix pwn with it Be remy od the cork in & ji He [bois 12a 1k" Se 10 DRAW, A CORK. o Corkscrew THIS YEAR'S ATHLETIC MAID. The smartness of a sweater depends entively on its trim and tidy fit, The shrunken, baggy orf stretched sweater of Inst season--no matter how expensive the garment was in the first place--should be discarded and one of the new models bought for this year's wear; model being kept for use over the bathing suit. will have a jaunty outing hat of softwhite panama, rolled saucily up anay from her face and wound round with one of the gay Persian or Chinese The athletic maid of 1910 ways and the cork came out without | since tried it on any trouble. 1 have It is a larger bottles with sucress. trick worth knowing." Chamois Tobogganers. Philadelphia Bulletin "Chamois toboggan down the steep white sides of the Alps with the «kill of Norwegian skiers," said a mil lignaire. "I know," he went on. "for I have seen them do it. | =pent last winter at St. Moritz, and on many a skiing trip 1 saw' a chamois lie on his baik and go skimming like the wind down a white precipice. A pretty sight. creature's paws would be oY on his breast: His head, uplifted and frowning, would keep watch, Thus he'd skim down a half-mile slope, -- cunller and smaller, and of work? tioh tions Kingston Representative, A the shapeless last year's" MONARCH ~ What other typewriter has such uncompromising durability? None or What other Typewriter has such all day, long day speed ?® sone What other None What other Vhat other and for The Monarch is the and for all purposes Typewriter is so rich in short cuts for all chmsses Typewriter has such a light, Typewriter can compare all purposes? None World's Best Ty 1 velvety touch? with it None under all condi pewriter under all condi THE MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY, LIMITED 98 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. W. J. B WHITE, . -- -- 254 Bagot Street, Kingston. ere different from any that Cowan's alwaysgive Housekeepers say that Cowan's Icings are uniformly satis factory. Fight delicious flavors 80 ~at your grocer's, THE COWANM CO. LIMITED. TORC ITO. other, In mS ae has Tn AS Or NALS