THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1910. Dib NOT STUTTER . BEFORE HE MARRIED HER. fo Fleteherized Speech Base For Divorce FOR MEN Because of its delicate, emollient, sanative, antisep~ tic properties derived from' Cuticura, united with the purest of saponaceous in- gredients and most refresh~ ing of flower odours, Cuti- cura Soap is unrivaled for shampooing, bathing, shav- ing and for every use in preserving the hair and skin. Assisted by Cuticura, it allays itching and irritation and tends to prevent clog- gine "f the pores, a frequent cause of facial eruptions. fod pour: the sod, pups. London, 2% cae: Come Hows Hint De a skin. Hn. Aftien, Lennon, ro Dik he oF-I%-pace Cutivura Rook, nost-free a Ode to the Best Care and Treatment of Skin and Scsip Champion < Belts of all An Unprecedented Offer For $6.00 we will sell, during a limited period, our $40.00 ' Electric Belt. J hia offer is ade fo any man of women whe wishes to regain their energy, str and vitality, This Elecric Belt is the best secitc. belt 06 the market: It is fully guaranteed. A week trial with it will convince you, and if after this you do not want the belt, your $5. will be returned. This Electric Belt is sold complete with all its amtachments. This Belt cures nervousness, organic wesk- ness, cheumatism, kidney troubles, backache, indigestion. No drugs required, The Belt will '~ forwarded you securel packed on receipt of five dollars and o full receipt for forty dollars will be sent at the same time. Order at once, or if you have any doubt 8s to your disease, write us and ark for our quedtion sheet and free booklet. Our dodors ive all Medical adviceabsolutely Free. We not sell belts to anyone who have incurable diseases. This wonderful belt pours electro. vital force into your weakened System and works while you are sleeping and supplies vitality upon which health and courage depends. Thisis a chance of a lifetime. We have thousands of testimonials. Letters strictly i ADDRESS: DOCTOR McDONALD ELECTRIC BELTS wo. gn Offices, Consultations Rooms and Laboratories No. 12 BLEURY ST, MONTERAL. The Comet A WIFE Action--Talks on instalment Plan. Nor May 21. Married who fletcherizes hi of from to Mrs wk, witl ith ar w i being a joy foreve Amelia Spinddh, for { Bpeci ording Paterson, N.JF., whose ¢ heard Monday by Henry Marelli. Among grievances she charges hor husband with erueity and stuttering." suit athe orted Hexces She that in the months that have been {married he has become the champion fof champions in the art of shredding | peach. ve asseria four Lhe her In complaint she admits that ther husband was a silver-tongued ora- : thes margied, She he had no difficulty in un- him when he asked her him in carrying his pame, but that swoon after the ceremony hia talk becas statement hich ha her husband's law- ver to assert that his client acquired habit through an in- ta get a word in edge- appearance the didn't help his ease any. The {opposing counsel asked tion, hut before 'court had adjourned ar befor s that were dey nding 10 st ne tattered, a cattsed the shorthand | effectual »fiort wise, Spinelli's at hearing him a could and ques- he answer everybody had gone home, "It was® simply, horrible," Spinelli in igh her "UH he had stanM¥hered in English wouldn't have half so bad, he has an Italian impediment in aratory. It approach of His attempts the word sounded like the announcement follows the arrival of a new egg. Mrs, experience, it but his said been got the comet has made it worse to say amet {tha Ask him to =a 'Not "I promised my wife I'd be home to . » comet, vour honor. to-dav,'"! said the court. dinner," "Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu,"' interrupted is he saving," said Mrs, Spinelli's lawver "He hasn't interpreter. "He is trying to say tut, volunteered Mrs. Spinelli, "but get a shave and hair cut before he finishés, an waiting for him to say good night hefore went to sleep 7" said it vel," said tut," vou Car vou imagine vot | Gananoque Pastor Praised. Ciananoque," May 21.--At a gstion of the quarterly official hoard of Methodist Thursday evening, the fol- resolution was moved hy Favior, M.P., by 0. Britton, and hy inanimously trustee Grace hurch, owing on Cloi seconded Byron 5 car: vals of Grace church] desire to place or record our high appreciation of the rvices rendered the cause of Method ism in Gananogue by J. Tallman Pitcher, closed { the our pastor, The the most Grace veal hai t has heen hist ory ked growth not Land nooverieally, bit HCces of reially only fim in the church work, In expressing our prati ade to the groat {fo - the prosperity we enjoy, we it incumbent the untiring zeal manifested by {pastor in the promoting of the cause of Chri in our midst and for the ( able and fearless presentation itrith from week to week, We that he may be permitted to i tinge his work here, and we hereby ex | toad him a cordial invitation to re i twn as our pastor far the coming con- trust { ference year; also that a copy of this {resolution be forwarded by the record ing steward to the chairman stationin + committee." PRINCE RUPERT, Government to Sell No More of Its Property. Victoria, B, C., May 21.--The British i Columbia government has decided not ito sell any more of its property the townsite of Prince Rupert, and it Lie understood that the Grand Trunk Pacific railway company will follgw ithe lead of the government and with- hold its property at the Pacific tee minus from the market. The railway company, it is understood, will not be too exacting in regard to the prompt {meeting of second payments, when idue. The company has some $800,000 falling due this year on sécond pay- ments for lots sold last summer, i jeansed by a landslide on Thursdat, twas cleared so that trains got through ton Friday. z | McLeod's drug store. < Uigars and cigarettes in proper con- dition, at Best's, No, Alonzo, a trustworthy person may not have anything to do with «a trust. life to be unbearable. The | Spin: | the special and a standing pd. "We the of- Rev. ul in church and shows increased {terest in the various departments of head of the church, feel upon us to acknowledge our of the oon - of the inj The K. & P. railway track blockade Ask for sample Wade's Ointment at THE WHIG'S JUMBLE | [Tells About a Lot of Things General. Job dinner sets, at Robertson Natural gad has been struck at Fort William, Iros Saskatoon, Sask, Williara Swaine, piano tuser. Orders i received at McAuley's. Phone 778. One happy feature of Fridays crowd twas the absence of drunken men. | Eat and enjoy Best's loe Cream, Fmude from pure unmixed jersey cream. Mrs. John Moran died in Oswego, .Y., Wednesday. She known in i iN was | Kingston, E ' "Lime Juice Cordial," 2Be. {30c. bottles, at @ibson"s Red 1 drug store. . H. Cunningham, piano tuner | Chickering's. Leave [Auley's bookstore. | "Allan Elliott, son of Rev, Dr. James | Elliott, Winnipeg, was the i medalist Wesley College. studying law. "A good safety razor for $1.50," tha {| Gem Junior. Sold in Kingston at } Gibson's Red Cross drug store. I The fourth child of Queen Victoria j and King Alonso of Spain, was born {on Saturday but the infant prince died within a few minutes, Taoth prushes, He to 26¢c. at Best's. I A free 25¢. one with each Na-Dru-Co, | tooth paste. : Suitable - for confirmation, slippers { and shoes, special shoe store, 200 Princess street, William Lovelock, Ont., is under i and Cross from orders at Mec- second He is ol i Niagara | arrest in Pontdac, Mich, | eu charge of stealing 85% from is i ; > { employer in Niagara Falls. i "The Gem Junmar Safety Razor," a {good one for 81.50, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liddle | been in Harrowsmith, giving their {house a couple of coats of paint. and {other improvements. | Invitations for the big kodak exii- bitior. for the asking. at Best' [vy ut Vicrna, say that the Jews are | be ng expelled from the pale of Ps sig with the utmost brutality. Sale now on. Fine lisle . stock | ings, black, white, navy, rose, tan, champagne, sky wisteria and pink, J Dutton's, 209 Princess street, fn mynday night, in Stewarton church, Ottawa, the preacher will he i Morison, of Queen's. He will {preach on "Christian Imperialism.'" "Peppermints; chocolate coated," Huyler s. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Howard 8S, Folger's fine gasoline launch, Caprice, run up fron Clayton on The little boat now in good condition. -- Special bargains in babies' bonnets, 25¢. and up; undervests, children's, 10¢, and up' ladies, 15¢. and 20c., ex- tra value. Dutton's, 200 street, Clifford Pain, a Toronto retail but cher, was fined one hundred dollars and costs for fraudulently putting the government stamp "Canada Approv ed" on meat "Crea of Violets," for rough, chap- ped skin. Sold in 25¢. and 3c. bot; { tles at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. br. Griflith Thomas, principal of Wyclifie Hall, Oxford, expects to take up his duties as professor of apolo- getica in Wyelifie College, Toronto, in October. : Our motto: A little better for your money than vou get elsewhere." Men's working boots, #1 and up. Children's strong boots, rubber heels. Sole agents. Dutton's shoe store, 209 Princess street. Kodak films developed and printed in two days, at Best's.' w Stricken by apoplexy while about to start on his rounds, John Phillips, £3 years old, 5 Hamilton letter car- rier; fell down the stairs at the post- office and died before a doctor could be summoned, "Egyptian Lotus talcum powder," x Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The late Mrs. E. B. Ryckman, of Kingston, left a bequest of $1,000 to the Woman's Missionary society of the Methodist church Another deceased friend in the city also left $100 to the same society. | An interesting game of baseball was iplaved on Friday morning at the athletic grounds when the Owls de- feated the "Grove Inn" nine twelve runs to seven. The game drew a large number of spectators. Ordered corsets from $2.25 make from any patter, guarantee perfect fit, abdominal supporters, hygiene waists, shoulder braces. No cily agent, 'Phone 270, Dutton's, 204 Princess street. Could it not be possible for school teachers to impress .upon their boys that the first note of "God Save the King" should be the signal for caps off ? There were few bared heads, yes tevday, when George V. was proclaim- ed. Trunks, suit cases, bags, telescopes, less than cost, to make room for rummer stock. Dutton's shoe store, 209 Princess street. 5 "Chocolate coated peppermints," a5 0c, , Prof, was Friday. ™ Princess up. We May contain a great many gases and have a long tail to tell you about 8 a.m. when you are taking observation, But GET WISE, take it frog us, that the only Gas Problem you want to consider seriously is to arrange about getting the pipes in your house before the warm waather gt rives, ey Ask Pete Hunter, or eall up 19 7 and we will send a man to give the necessary ine formation os " HINGSTONLAL& POWER DEPT. $. C. FOLGER, Gen: - ~~ Real Estate and Ins urance. 'T. J LOCKHART 158 Wellington Street. Harry Tomple, a GTR Detrait, arrested on a charge of om. $ lernent, admitted takmy money aie is emolovery and stated that meh of it had heen lost in pool clerk, at A New Idea In Medicine Which Accounts for the Enormous Success of DR, A JW. CHASE'S Nerve Food. To tear down the diseased was the old principle of medicine. To cure by building up new, healthful tis sues is the new method, De, A. W. Ubase's Nerve Foad is a splendid. illustration of whe new met- hod, for it'cures by increasing the quantity aud guality of the blood, by creating mew nerve force, and by new vigor, asw energy and pew vital tissues ty. The time to begin using Dr. A. W. (Chase's Nerve Food is foo strength {fails you and vou find yourself ont of isorts and lesing health and vigor. { It is easy then to get back to norm- al condition by using this great re i storative treatment. The blood is en Eriched, the merves revitalized, new firm {flesh and tissue is formed, sad you deel the gnap of new vigor as it fs rig instilled into your system. | Don's wait for nervous prostration tar paralysis, but keep the system 'at i dich water mark, A.W, Chase's ; 00. n box, all dealers, & Co. Torcute. "Huyler's," sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Twh drunks were before the magis trate, on Saturday morning, and, one who had been before the magistrate on several occasions, was called upon to pay a Very heavy fine, that of ¥2 and costs. The other was taxed 32 and costs or twenty days. Dance at City Hall, Victoria night. in order to give every one a chance to hear the band concert at the park that night dancing will not begin un- tl after the concert. doubtedly be a large crowd hall, as the managément has arrangements for 2e.; gents, 35c. Nothing #0 pure or wholesome as at 5 we cream. T The following programme has been officially adopted for the celebration on Tuesday, Victoria day: In the morning the main events will he the military parade snd review and ihe motor boat races In the afternoon at the fair grounds there will be a baseball match, hetween Victorias and Irishmen, the horse races and the mounted military sports. . Then in the evening there will be a band con- cert in Macdonald park Dy the R.C. tA. band, go Corns Cared--No Cure No Pay. "Na-Dri-Co. corn fails to tute vour bargains, Dutton's | Falls, | i have ' Advices received by the Semitie par- 85¢. and up. Revolving | There will un-| , 'thie | works for Veterinary Surgeon Nichols, made | Clarence street, sustained a fracture 300 couple. Ladies HALTS THE ATTACK {COMMANDER SERVES NOTICE ON I WARRING FACTIONS. A $175,000 hotel is to be built at' Nicaraguan Government Mad Sent Steamer to Open Fire on the City --insurgents Won't Surrender, Washington, May 21-Commander IW. W, Gilger; USN, commanding of- Hiver of the gunboat Paducah, now at Biuefields, Nicaragua, has served no- tice on the two factions that no fight {ing will be allowed in the city of Biuefields and that only such armed forces not exceeding one hundred men shall be allowed in Bluefields as ave necessary for policing the town until a stable government is established. | Commander Gilmer will not allow Senor Irias, the commander of the steamship Venus, to bombard the city as there is no armed force in Blie- fields, i Such i : a bombardment, Commander Gilmer believes, will only resnlt in {the un ssary destruction of the {lives afd property of American and other foreign non-cémbatants. | Senor Irihs bad served notice {the revolutionary forces that he | tended' to bombard the town if insurgents did not surrender. on in- the i miei | IN MARINE CIRCLES. 3 death {Arrivals and Departures of Vessels i at This Port. The steamer Dundurn passed hown to-day from Hamilton to Montreal. The steamer Alexandria arrived at Folger's wharf, from Montreal, Frida, | meght. The sieambarge Westport arrived from canal ports with a general car- go. | 1 'Fhe schooner Oswego wigh coal for Mary Apn Lydon ar- rived from R. Crawford. The steamer Kenora was at Swift's, Friday, on her way from Montreal { Fort William. | The steambarge Kenirving passed on her way from Oswego to Smith's Falls, coal-laden. The steambarge J&dhn Randall pass- ed on her way to Oswego to load coal for Smith's Falls. The schoonér Bertha Walkins load- ing feldspar at Richardsons'. wharf, cleared for Charlotte. { The steamer Yepneck arrived from Gananoque, Saturday, with passengers D. J. Kenney is the captaip. The schooner Ford River arrived from Charlotte with coal for the M. |'T. company, and Richardsons'. The barge Jennie, of the M. T. is loading bags of grain, for {treal, at Richardsons' elevator. : I'he steamer Mississiquoi will run an 'excursion from Gananoque and Mal | lorytown to Kingston on Victoria day. | The steamer Sowards arrived from 'Oswego with coal for Sowards. Max. | Shaw, the genial captain of the Sow- jards, is laid up through illness. His host of friends wish him a speedy re- i covery. I John Tuttle, writes: As a pilot of { the Rideau river, I would like to say {a word regarding the old pile dock, opposite Anglin's mill. Last Monday | night we came very near running into {it, which would have been. serious for tes, We think that there should be, at least, a light on the end of it. If any- | thing should happen to a boat here the city would be held responsible. At M. T. Co's elevator : Steamer { Omaha, from Chicago, 50,000 bushels tof corn, clem d for Oswego to load coal for Chicago; tug Bartlett, from [Montreal three light barges, cleared {for Montreal, with three grain-laden barges: tug Bronson, from Montreal, three light barges, cleared for Mon: treal, with three grain-laden barges; tug Mary, from. Montreal, one light barge: steamer Canadian, due Sunday imorning with wheat and flax seed from Fort William. 10 Co, Mon- Helpless Litle Babies. | Ask any mother who has used Baby's Own Tablets and she will tell {von they are the hest thing in the | world for curing stomach and bowel | troubles and making teething easy. | Fhus is the highest praise a medicine can get. And we give vou the guar- | antec of a government analvst. that this medicine is. absolutely safe. "No other * medicine intended for voung | children give mothers such a guaran- {tee. Mrs. Robt. Mieth, Hotham, Ont., says --*1 cannot tell you how much | goon Baby's Own Tablets have done my baby. 1 am sorry I did not know {about them earlier." Sold hy medi- {ene dealers or by mail at 25 cents a {box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. A Troublesome Dog. { There is! a storekeeper on Princess | street who has a dog which is a great {sourer of annoyance to the neighbors nd people pussing that way, and a | great many complaints have been imade about, the camine. It appears i that the owner, who prides himself on keeping a fine lot of chickens, has ibeen suffering from the work of | thieves and on this account he has | trained the dag to attack every per- 'sm who comes near the yard with ithe result that many people have been {attacked by the dog. say that it is all right to have Idog dor burglars think that i should suffer, {quite right. | a but they deo not it is right that otNers and in this they are His Leg Was Broken. Reginald Pidman, a boy who of the right leg just below the knee about 8.30 o'clock Saturday morning. lie was clearing out a horse stall,/ and accidentally touched the horse with the end of a fork. The animal kicked and the result was a fractur- ed leg for the boy, who was attend- ed by Dr. Hanley, and removed to the Hotel Dien, where the fracture was reduced. -------- Death at Spaffordton. The death occurred at Spaffordton, cn Friday, of Hannah Silver, wife of James Brawley. Deceased was torn on-September 27th, 1838, and 'ied on the 'fiftieth anniversary ¢f her wedding. She is survived by 1er husband, four sons and three furehters. alio by three brothers get volt 'monev back, 250 Best The. neighbors} BADLY BURNED. Had Carbelic Acid Spattered Over Him, Word reached the city today Luther Dongelly, first mate on steamer Kenora, was badly burned with carbolic actd in Montreal, Mr. Donnelly and some other men louding a number & carboys on ship, when in some manner: one of them burst, and a large quantity of toe acid spattered over the 'mate's face, hands and acms. He was remov- el to the hospital and given every at- tention. His brother Foster Donnelly, received a lettér on Saturday morn ing, from a relative in Montreal, sav- ing he was badly, but not dangerous ly burned. It--is nct thought that his eves are injured. Mis mother, Mrs, J Donnelly, left to be with her son. that Are Being Deported, Immigration Inspector Devlin "left on Saturday for the United States with two penitentiary prisoners who are being deported, J. H. Driscoll, alias Kelly, and W. J. Lawson. The former was sentenced to three and a half years in Belleville for shop 'breaking, and the latter two years from Windsor, Ont., for bigamy Died at Fergus. Rev. M. Swaum, father of Mrs, Sellery, Colborne stredt, died at his howe in Fergus, on Wednesday of this week, after a brief illness, at the of eighty-eight years. age For the Holiday. 1 kinds of outing hats, from up, at Campbell Bros', Me is believed the C.P.R. board will either pay a higher divi- dend a few months hence, or issue further capital on terms representing a substantial bonus: to existing pro- prietors, Rev. Charles C', Salishiry, graduate of Queen's will be ordained and in- ducted as pastor of St. Paul's and Oxford Mills Preshyvterimn congrega tions on Mav Gist In London it HEAVY DRINKER CURED. Others. A man who has been released from the awful cravings of drink, and whose first thought is to help others, shows the spirit true brotherhood and philanthropy. Read his letter : "Phe Samaria Remedy Co Ont.: "Will f ol book on your i vou please send me dgink, also circulars relating to valued remedy for the drink habit. wish to hand these to a friend who is going to ruin through drink You will rememher that 1 have taken your remedy. and 1 find it all you claim it to be. I never think of taking or using strong drink in any way, as all desire for it haf left me. I cannot speak too highly of your wonderful remedy. You may use my name in any way vou wish in public . 3 " op I Lilywhite, Brigden, Ontario Samaria Prescription is tasteless and odorless, and dissolves instantly in tea coffee, or can be mixed with food, It can be given with or without the patient's koowledge. It removes the craving for drink, builds up the .sys tem and restores the nerves. Drink becomes distasteful and even nau seous, Drink is a disease, not a crime: drink "of whiskey alwavs invites an- other. The inflaned nerves and stom- ach create a dpaving that must either be satisfied by \more whiskey or re moved by scientific treatment like Samaria Prescription. Samaria Pre or ce-ful use by Physicians and pitals for over ten years. Ii you know of any family needing Namarig Prescription, tell them about it. If vou have a husband, father or friend that is drifting into drink, help him save himsell. Write to-day. A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Samaria Prescription, with booklet, giving full particulars, testimonials, price, ete., will be sent absolutely free and postpaid in plain sealed package to anvone asking for it and mantion- ing this paper. Correspondence sacred. Iv confidential. Write to-day. THE SAMARIA REMEDY CO. 210 Jordan Chambers, Jordan Toronto, Canada. Also for sale at J. B. McLeod's Drug Store, Kingston. street, */\NW/\® - tab LVL Flower Bed Border from Je ft Fences and Gates of all kinds manu- factured., CRESCENT WIRE AND IRON WORKS (Partridge & Sons), 'Thone 380. Eoceryone T hought She Was Going Into C onsumption. i : i ; the} were | the | Samaria Cured Him and He Helps) Toronta, | {CRAWFORD & WALSH, One scription has been in regular and suc.' Hos- | Don't Have apd 'the stomach sweet. surest, and pleasant, way to do all this is to take Abbey's Salt. It's the best spring tonic. 25¢ and 6oc a bottle. i i y i save Your i J "Spring Fever" "Spring Fever" is just another namefor Bilious- ness, Irregular Bowels, Upset Stomach. What you must do is to get the blood pure--by stirring up the liver--making the bowels regular The quickest, and | During the Warm Weather Fuel By Using RANGE MEAT Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. eas Ee | hbbbhbbdhbbbdd BEERS Leading : Tailors, | f SEALED TENDERS® to the undérsigned, and endorsed "Tender for addition to the Kastern Departmental Building, Ottawa," will be received this office until 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14, 1810, for the | Sonatruction of an addition to the Eastern Departmental Bullding, Ot- | tawa ADDRESSED Plans, specification and farm of con- trict can be seen and forme of tender obtained at this Department I Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on ihe printed forms suppiied and signed with thelr actual signa- tures. stating thelr occupations and laces of residence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, thie nature of the occupation and place of resi- dence of each member of the firm must be given. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque om a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public orks, equal to ten per cent, (10 pe.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon ta den so or fall to complete the work contracted for. If will be retdrned The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender By order, NAPOLEON TESSIER, Secret Department of Public Works, ary = Oras May 15, 1810, eWHpaApers w not he paid fo advertisement if they Inner it Jor hia authority from the repart ment PE Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land Reguintions, ANY persofi who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead (a quarter-saction of available Dominien land in Manitoba, atehewan or Alberta. The cant must a ar in person' at the jo minion Lands Agency or Bub-Agency for the district. Entry grain may be made at any dgency. on n oon ditions, by father or, Won, - tar, brother or pister of intending home- 3 ; Weather ** * 2 ¢ + + Prepare for it by ordering , your Suit from Warmer the tender be not accepted the cheque CLLLLLLRLLLLLLLL00LLLLLRLLLLLLL0L0000000000Q PROBABILITIES Princess and Bagot Sts | SSSRIISII ISSIR IPF IISIII III IIS IIIS IIIIISOy : MONUMENTS :- Granite and Marble Latest Designs and Highest Class of Memorial Work, We have modern equipment mhnufacture of or Marble, for anything in Granite Our business success is due to fur- nishing first-class work. 5.1 KILPATRICK & 0. ES Cor. Clergy and Princess Streets, Kingston, Ont, JAS. MULLEN, Importer and Manufacturer of all kinds of Cemetery Memorials First-class Work Guaranteed. A call of inspection solicited. 372 Princess St., Three doors above Barrie St. 00000000000 OCORROOORES hree years. A homesteader ma within nine miles of his homestead on farm of at least 80 acres solely own and occupied by him or b mother, son, daughter, brother or wiser. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt & quarter. section alongside his homestead. Price' Wi) $3.00 per acre Duties---~Must resid six months in each of six years fro date of homestead entry (inciuding the time required to earn homestead pats ent) and cultivate fifty acres extra px A homesteader who has exhaust i his homestead right and cannot ore) 8 & pre-emption may take a purch bomestead in certain districts. Pri $3.00 per acre. Duties--~Must reside months in each of three years, cult) vate fifty acres and erect a ho worth $300.00 W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister he Interjor. ubljcatio advertisement will 4 be pard oO o 5 i WN B--Unauthorized of #! this for STV) YY Standpoint YX» should exercise every care--your health de mands it--and see to it that "Have Good PLUMBING I fn this day of modern ideas, there is no excuse for con- tracting disease from germ- breeding cesspools or poorly constructed lavatorfes. In Our Work We Keep Abreast of the Times ence upen in each of ¥ steaders. ge bo Duties --8ix he reside: and legit Yhant the land % DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. Phowe No, 336.