a en VICTORIAS WINAGAIN [13 a DEFEATED TRISHMEN ELEVEN RUNS TO TWO, The Junior Victorias Won in Need of Practice--The mond was Soft. The baseball of the and junior league were played Saturday, 'again the torias away honors both. seni eit runs to 2, fro the after game, a of Friday had made the diamond soft at by date the field was well laid out, the ropes and was some of the errors Ax on the opening and soggy in spats, countable for both sides being string around and this time th crowd remained behind the ropes ver well, causing very litte trouble © t the oflivigls. The game was light] late in starting due to the need ¢ one or two who were playin with the juniors. Thix - was nen played this year, and they make a very good showing, men, not th Vics. having a very easy victory, never being in danger of losing the the first innings, The on opening day, played snappy Wall. On the other hand Irishmen were ag times all to bad. They were not hitting, after as th wer making a few glaring errors, and the Vie in . were hitting Turcotte guite har spots, The Irishmen have prac cally a new team, and practice would "pt of good, lob bat, i% the genera dg a great amount Tilson, behind the of the organization, and a better one and should Turcotte, Stokes, Joyee, Hunt, Doyle, Williams, Anderson; Tilson, all who have played is not needed, so with practice "Rob's" coaching, the team pull up very well. In for vears thers is good material, At Saturday's and purely & runaway; that was abou all one conld say of it. Capt. Cotman certainly and hig eight fiends were tearing things loose and rolled up a over were playing Nicholson, all putting eleven men The Vies. Genre, the qubber, "great ¥ ball at all stajes. MeMahon, Corfoan, Pounds, were hitting well, "Coty" getting back hi fine batting eve from the fest game, and were all playing in 'the field they faultless ball, The Vics. now tend to hold the winning streak. Th teams went to bat as follows : VICTORIAS. Crawford, vr I... Nicholson, ¢ 1 McMahon, 1 ff. Cotman, © .. ows ee DRRK. 3 30h x pa Poubd, 8 K sdailivan. 1 b Sn MoCammon, p< MeCartney, 2 b.. dH oy | ret som ® eo | cot amma} ad ID DWE Joy ¢ fos Williame, 1.b Dayle, =. 8 Loo, J Tilson, €.. .. Turcott, p and 8 8 . WwW, THson, 3 bh and p Calne, 2.0 000 Palmer, 1 1 .. McGuire, 3 b.. Total .. *Reninced hy Umpire Their, Game by 5 to 4--The Irishmen are Dia- second games series on and Vie- carried in The sen- iors won by 11 Irishmen, and the juniors, won out by 5 runs to 4: The heavy rain the first game the Irish- winners, fast, the game it was «imply have a good start, having won both games played, aud the wearers of the blue and white in | = wl ome rooTwie? Frederick Lumb gave every held in the YMLA, rooms on Mou day evening to discuss the advisability of forming a baseball league embrace would be a fine 'thing in many ways, especially for the junior boys and should be encouraged in every way. er Junior Game on Tuesday. the Victoria On Tuesday mong is juniors will juniors and the Regiopo field ut ten o'clock. After fighting out s0 close a game on Saturday it should battle roval and draw crowd of spectators. sw (be a a y Picton Yacht Club. These officers were chosen at the an- nual meeting : H. 8. Miller, commo dore; B. R. Hepburn, vice-commo- dore: '. RB. McMaster, rearfommo- dore; E. W. Sherriff, secretary-tredsur- er; executive committee, Mayor Porte, W. J. Carter, N. D. Gilbert, J. DeC, Hepburn, J. U. Tobey, I. Frith, Fras er. J. Del'. Hepburn was appointed ¢lub representative on the eastern circuit council. \ The regatta will be held this year on thé Pietdn Pay, in front of the golf grounds, about 25th or 26th of July. me Sporting Notes. Lajoie is hitting at a A30 clip the Cleveland Blues. Sebert and Watson will be the Canadian relay team to meet the Am- erican team in Toronto June 4th, President Lynch, of the National baseball league, annowmdes the release by Bt. Louis to Toronto of Lew M gee Sifirics is going on the stage one more performance before the ficht. . Berger happened to of some mone that had been overlooked in "Frisco. The attitude of the law officers San Francisco towards the Aefiri Johnson fight has been definitely set tled by District Attorney Fichert, who declares that there is no legal ground for interference, d Consalvi, the Italian i- | ner. who defeated Dorando at the Coliseum in Rome in the presence of the Ring of Italy, has arrived with his | | representative, Eliseo Aglinti. Consalvi will meet runner in America in a race fron fifty miles. He is only twenty-two yegrs of age and weighs but 110 pounds, In a try-out he made ten miles in the fast time -of fifty-three minutes and showed up great form, SONS OF ENGLAND for w y o v i g on fa : fon « i think game in io . Marathon ron- anv one Lo 1 Jrock Street Church. The members of Leicester lodge, Sons of England, held their aninal chureh service, combined with a memorial service for their late brother, Willinm Davies, on Sunday morning, in Brock street Methodist church, which church Bio. Davies had attended regularly for a number of veers, and whose wish it was that the society should attend there last year, Rev. T. E. Burke, {although, ns he said, being an Irish- man) preached a patriotic sermon- to the Englishmen, and also spoke in feeling. terms about the loss which both the society of the Sons of Eng- lind, and also the church, had tained in the death of Mr. Davies, Mr. Burke took for his text the fol lowing passage of siripture, found in the first chapter of the epistle of Paul 15 the Philippians, the Bth and 2lst verses 1 "For God is my record; how greatly 1 long after you all in the howels of Jesus Christ." "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." I'he choir furnished special musie. The society, including the juvenile branch, marched in procession to and from the church, -------------- Attended Methodist " fs A most unusual story is Samson Miller's "The Shipbuilders," a tale of the west coast of Africa. [It ing teams from the schools, This leagie play an exhibition game in the cricket! large, big | 1 1D Thomas | , THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1910: AT THE GRAND. sd » "Huster Brown" Was the Attraction ever JAMES DELPH MET LATE KING The aki N i attraction at the Grand EDWARD VH. { Saturday afternoon, matinee $d . mace. : ight, and delighted two g ! Kingstonian : Accompanied His edi ig ns a od Majesty on His Trip Through Can- different roles being in able hands. Of sda When He Was Prince of the went Master Wales -- Accidentally Tonched , eed, as luster, who proved himseli | Prince ome Knuckles With His i be a « y N. Br aer He wis dog Tige kep we audience in a Drum Sticks. e roar of laughter by their amusing Kingston has one citizen who well 3 Ek os. 1] § ' i HE oe I trick and anti Fhomas Colton had Edward, then Prince of Wal th # most difficult part in taking the role | Edy » On « A Pp " i i ¥ s, on the Tige, but he ably filled the bill. occasion of his visit to Canada, ¢ " 3 to Kingston, as he filled a i Fhe i by es Shorus contained fat that time which brought him face many ok -timers, ut they were 1to face with the prince every day, and appreciated. There are. many of from time to time had conversation old time songs people would like to fwith him. He is James Delph, of No, hear once in a while. H. A. Barrows, ii Stephen street, employed as a who took the part of Mr. Brown, has {awiteiman on the Grand Truck rail- 8 five and well-merited the 'way, near Tete du Pont barraeks, warm applause bestowed upon him, At the time of the visit of the in his different numbers. Connie Mack prise. through Canada, accompanied and GG. 6. Clennent) ax Miranda and by the Duke of Neweastle, Mr. Delph, Seth, were an amusing couple. then a boy of thirteen, was a deum- mer with the Royal Canadian rifles, of Montreal, in which two other Kim: Very few plavs the Americans {stonians were also members, the late stage are ever heard afus thi second" iW. Carey, a former bandmaster of the or third year, excepting that they are Hth regiment band, and J. W. Tren sometimes given presentation by some dell At this time Mr, Delph gas four permanent stock company, as the thea- feet in height, a typical little drum- tregoing people are very fickle, and mer boy. The band was chosen A want a change. Among those that gunrd of honor, meeting the royal are produced year after year with un- party at Quebec and accompanying varving = sy ' may be mentioned then on their tour through Canada. " "Way Down East," "In Old Kentu | Mr. Delph is d of good ky." "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Monta imeory and he can tell many inter. 53" and *East Lynoe." » stories of the trip. "'Momtana" from 'hs pen of Henry! Asked as to whether the prince land- ), Carey, is now in the fifth season of ed in Kingston, about which there has and bids fair to be been much controversy, he it long-lived as the others mentioned. as his opinion that the prince did land The reason for the popularity of making a short tour of the city, with "Montana" lies in the truthfulness of members of his party. It the story told, its vein of deep heart- secret, however, interest, the theme old, vet ever new, "1 well remomber the night we were of the love a fair maiden for a at Kingston," said Mr. Delph. "With handsome, manly man, who, though some of the other boys I went around only a foreman of Buckthorn Ranch, is the prince must have left the surely worthy the love of any woman. | they would not have allowed "Montana" is the attraction at the to ashore. However, when we Grand on Victoria day matinee and 4 ived back to the wat we gat or night. dbra to remove our shes before going on hoard. The prinee had then | re- | tired for the night and there must not | be any noise." popular "Buster Brown' ax the and audi the course, honors to and songs the voice, "Montana," Victoria Day. on as Coss pos on esting unVarying success, as NO) gave was made of town; boat us or a0 Heed Persistent Backache. Dull, heavy pains in the back | cide as wo'l as a sudden "Cateh" The prince took a great fancy to the = "Stitch" in- the back shows some con druges, and on many occasions Mr. ! jested or irritated condition of the Delph, who was the smallest drummer, | muscles or kidneys. The trouble is us often had (he prince and members of | unlly called hwmbago and may dis} the party around him. One day, | appear at times. But these trouble: whilé the prince, was near Mr. Delph! are signs of a poisoned condition watching him attend to hig dram, af- the blood that are apt lead ter a eoncert on the steamer, chronic rheumatism or serious Kihey of the sailor chaps on board ' came disease, The remedy nd sded is br along. They were always bent on fun Hall's Rheumatic Cure, It removes the and on this particular oceagion thev. source of the trouble. Jt expels uric amused themselves by pulling at the acid from the system, helps the Kid-| plumes in the little deummer boy's hat poye and enriches the blood. Dr. Hall's| and algo pulling at the eord on his Rheumatic Cure is a great blood puri i drum. The little drummer took it all fier and spring tomic. In bottles, 50} in good part, and by way of a joke ants, Sold by gos. B. Meleod, Prug- | pave one a few tape on the side With oie - { his sticks, Purely by accident one of ttn Sebi { the sticks wrapped the prince on the Auto Ride for Orphans. nickles, He took the fun good-na On Tuesday morning the children al turedly, however, and afterwards gave (he Orphan's Home, Hotel Dieu and the drammer boy a sovereign. House of Providence 'will be'taken out y Mr, lelph came into close touch for a run by the Kingston Automo | with the prinec dvere day on he trip. ji'e club. The cars will go to the dif-| The Duke of Neweastle also had some- fopent institutions and then meet in | thing to say to him. He was the wa, donald park, where the start will | small st drimmer, just as "smart as a pmanade, up Bartie to Princess, to | or ket, as the aymg goes, and one Ning, to the Penitentiary road, to can readily undergtand how = snch a. princess street, to Westbrabke, where voungster would be noted. a turn will be made, and & run hack | At Niagara Falls Mr. Delph had the over the same road. "There are about honor of also serving as a special i padven to he taken and about | constable for the party. It appears (ji 4. five ears mre available. that they had some trouble in keep- . int» back the crowd of people, so the! : drummer, who was in the front ranks, | Watertown Soldiers Coming. not only had to beat the drums but | The steamer America left al four o'- also act as constable. He carried out ' (1 ,ck this afternoon for Cape Vincent, his duty well. | ant was due to leave there at 7.40 o'- Me, Delph was a born drummer and eloek, this evening, with a large with his training at the Royal Duke dursion from Watertcwn, and other of York College, london, Eng. he points in northern, New York, includ or of to to some ex i | | To beat a dram on Saturday Afternoon. { EA all time be Jecided to run through Will Lous comdition for some years, {had been adopted Iviots., twill do well THE CITY COUNCIL| IS CABLED TO MEET THIS ~ EVENING. Board of Works Recommends That the Street Railway Company be Allowed to Pull Up Williamsville Rails. The council is to meet this t has transacted mo regular r four weeks, as it adjourn- a fortnight ago after passing reso- | lutions, of condolence. One of the chief | matters to be eonsidered isthe recom mendation of the board of works that the street railway company's offer to tenr up its tracks on the old Williams- ville branch on Princess, above Alired street, be acceptel, the company's stip ulation being that it retain the right to relay the track should it at some ed tnmsville,. The cy engineer recom mends that the offer be accepted, "as the road up thers hadZhoen in danger owing to the track. If the rails were removed it would be easier and cheaper for the eity to maintain the roadway. Turner Down Good: Offer. Ex-Ald. W. H. Carson, who several oeccasiond chairman Board of Works, says he spend any money the street. roadway for macadam. that street is his advice. He the fact that twelve Years ago, got the street railway company agree two-fifths of the cost of paving Princess street between its tracks, provided ii was given the right to double track, but the arrangement 4 turned down by the efty council. Princess street, would have beer paved long ago if the Board of Works recommendation at that time Was On of the wouldn't Princess Pave recalls he to on to pay wa he says, Beautiful Stock to Choosc From. Prevost, Brock street, has a fine as sortment of tweeds, serges and che Anyone in need of clothing to call on him. Ready made clothing and gents' -furnishings never bett.: assorted. | At St. Mary's Cathedral. Yesterday at high Mary's eathedral, a solemn Te Deum was sung in honor of the gecession of King George V. The rector, Rev. A.J, Hanley, that, on next Sun day, would be held Ly race, the archbishop. 9 mass in St announced confirmation Miss Reede, a daughter of Rev. R. Reede, of Pittsburg township, rendered a fine solo at the evening service Coone's church. Starvation Amid Plenty. Not Uncommen To-day--The Reason is Explained. period last sammer the thought of food excited feelings of mpausea," writes Mrs. C. A. Dodges, of Bloomsbury, 'The heat had made me listless and the distaste for food re duced me-to a condition of semi-star vation and brought me to the verge of norvous. collapse. Tonics were use- less io restore an active desire for food. Th: doctors told me my Tibergnd kid neys werd both at fault, but the med- icines they gave me were too severe and reduced by strength so that 1 had to abandon them.at the suggstion of a friend who had Been cured of blood and skin trouble, I began the use of Dr. Humilton's Pills. The difference | first moticed was, that while they cleansed the system, instead of feeling weaker 1 felt better after taking them Indeod their activity was so mild it was easy, to forget T had taken them at all; they seemed to go right to the "For qa Positively cure Dy P : Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Drugs' sts or direct from 23c¢c. a Box. New, New, New, Parisian Mull and Muslin . Princess Dresses = Latest Styles Ia five colors, Pink, Mauve, Sky, Kern and White, all daintily trimmed with lace, tucks and embroidery, at $4.00, 5.00, 5.50, up to 10.00. New Two-piece Wash Cos- tumes, in Grey, Blue, Tao, Eerq, Mauve and White, at $5.00, 6.00, 7.50 up to 18.00. Latest Amd rican styles. D. M. SPENCE, The Leading Millirery Store A TEN DAY EXCURSION NEW YORK VIA 'S GREATEST ILWAY SYSTEM" Tuesday, June 7, 1910 Single Fare Plus $1 for Round Trip (MINIMUM ROUND TRIP FARE, $7.00.) From Marcy, Blossvale, Brewerton, and stations and St. Lawrence Divisions north and east thersof, "Tickets Good Ten Days Apply to nearest New York Central ticket agent for complete information, or write to W. Hl. NORTHROP, General Agent, Watertown, N.Y. "AMERY on. Ontario is one of several stories by the same author, all located in the same little known corner of tHe world that The Red Book Magazine is publishing from time to time. satisfaction, The Junior Game. The junior Victorias pulled out a neat vitory over the Regiopolis nine, became an expert. was his hobby, and he was ever at it, and even to-day, although he had | {the misfortune to lose his right hand, |i railway accident, he can handle jin a the sticks and will not take socond in; thegcompany of American soldiers | fiver, andin 4 very brief time not only from Watertown. The steamer 18 due "gid all source of nausea disappear but over about ten o'elock, and will be J pegan to cravg food and 1 digested met by a delegation from the different | it reasopnbly well. Then 1 began to comforts of the visiting guardsmen | months I was MAKING UP Morris Levy, a Hamilton junk deal- 7 city units, who will look after phe Jus on weight until within three brought to a condition When our Beds are made up they in the junior series, winning out june to Bb, after a hard game. At the wisth innings it was 4 to 0 for the Regis. With the bases full Bostridge hit a home run for the View, and this spiving them hemrt they went in and wot. The teams: Victorias (7)---Sleeman, ¢; Muckler, pr; Walsh, 1h; Dunlop, 2b.; Brouse, s.s. Comper, 2b.; Robinson, LI; Dick, mI; lostridge, rf. . Regiopolis (5) -Hunt, e.; Caine, p.; McCammon, 1b.: Ferguson, 2b.; Joyce, 8.5; Ryan, 8b; Kennedy, Li; Millan, mf: Bayer, rl Umpire- "Dick" Mathis, place to any person. For a short while they are in fhe city. / jof goal health. 1 urge Dr Hamil {time he was engaged as instructor fori a | ton s Pills for all. who are in health." look smart and neat. Quality watchword. er, sent to penitentiary for three years for subornation of perjury, has been released after serving six months, The minister of justice decided that Levy had been done an injustice, for he was convicted on false evidence. Mrs. J. Derry and children, of Na- panee, are on a wisit to her sisters, the Misses Williamson, Alfred street. "Miss Fannie Wills, of Cape Vincent, N.Y., has been spending a few days in the city, the guest of the Misses Kathleen and Marion Little, King street, Miss. Pessie Gleeson, of Wolfe Island, i= at her home on King street, for a few days. Even a charitable pugilist to be close-fisted. poor and durability 48 the Our mattresses are the best Hair and Felt Ostermoore and Marshall Sanitary and Woven Wire Hercules Springs. > at secure The Leading Undertaker, 'Yhone 147. useless to James Reid's, vot PO0EE00000000000000000000 We Manufacture Solder, Lead Pipe, PLUMBERS - Lead Waste, Lead Traps and Bends, Jatest Plumbers' List nnd Quotations Special Lead Bends. Write for our THE CANADA METAL CO, LTD. TORONTO, ONT. Loug Distance "Phone, M1728. F0TSOII0I4000 000094000009 Trenton's Memorial. Chief of police Samuel Taylor, had! i charge of the procession at Trenton, which took place to the opera house, | { for the union service. The Trenton | band turned out, the military was re- is sure and Market the drummer boys in the 14th regi will Not Build This Year. {ment band. Mr. Delph served in. the | There seems to be no chance of the| Get this best of all medicines to-day { Fenian raids of 1866 and 1867 and is Nicol Metallurgy building, at Queen's |and refuse a substitute for Dr. Ham- drawing a small pension. . He served Upjversity, being erected this year. The ilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butter ton venrs and eight months in his re- | £10,000 donated by Prof. Nicol was | nut. Look for the vellow box. . Sold giment and for hig able services should ' additional amount tg put up a geod-siz- | by all dealers. ; 3 receive a larger pension. | Ki ; y and that building at present cannot gm a -- There was no person in Kingston® he constructed for much less than $69, who received the news of the death of 000. The School of Mining board will The Best hiz majesty with a sadder heart than hitve to wait wiltil it. ean ani did Mg, Delph. The sad event at once diitional amount to put up a good ar IS the Cheapest recalled to his mind his tour with the ' 4 girueture. Tt would be king, when he was the prince. He re- . oi 4 smaller bullding than the one You can get the best at the membered how. the members of his f+. which plans have been prepared. UNIQUE MEAT MARKET AND band Bad the honor of sitting in the GROCERY. same €hair the prince used when on, Choice Western Beef Arrived the old steamer Kingston on the trip to-day up the St. Lawrence river, and how Choice Roll, Print they had used even the same knife Creamery Butter at and fork his majesty had used. Asis Prices. ' [he case with the pasting Bway of any wrson incidents in their lives are re- . : . i ' C H. PICKERING, ealled and so when Mr. Delph had the presented, and the mayor, town coun . Cor, Princess St. and University Ave. 'Phone 530. : : cil. firemen, members of the schogl y is son, who! =" ' : x Rews brought to him by 8 SOR, 9] hoard, dergymen and citizens were in is a member « regiment . that the king had the 1 i * | the line, also members of local lodges. the t 1 I At the opera house, a number of ad . 8 s as he thought, id tears came into his eves as hi Ou dresses were delivered. of the time whon, as a little drum- mer boy, he had the honor of being | Er MECH i-- il - VELOX DEMONSTRATIONS AND PRINT EXHIBITION Under the direction of three Kodak experts from {he Canadian Kodak Factory, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday May 25th, 26th and 27th : Afternoons and Evenings .. For ipformation call at (> The Kodak Stores | erm 4 -------- ; rp oR gerve from the package with cream, sometimes 'with fresh or coaked fruit. "The Memory Lingers" 'Packages 10c and 156. _ Postum Cereal Company, Ltd, Battle Creek, Mich. or F. J. HOAG! . L. T. BEST May Form a League. A inceting of the representatives of § all the city Sunday schools will bel Yes ® The sweet, delicious flavor of 3 Riding Master for R.M.C. near him. i Loi the Roval miliary Mr. Delph says that the band wad A riding master for the Royal military : well remembered by the prince for their . College, with rank of lieutenant, is to sorgices, receiving a good sum of be appointed. For the past. few years, money. The bandmaster, W. Carey, | the riding instructor to the college has Iwas presented with a gold pen and [ been Hoegt. Major imblest, one of the} neil by the prince. very best in the Canadian service. Noj Put for his accident on the railway} eter appointment could be made, Mr. Delph would have stayed in the but whether the Royal | Canadian # military. While engaged as a brakes. ! Horse Artillery would part with him man on the G.T.R. on Dec. 12th, 1574, » a question. His appointment would he met with an acvident and as a re he Welkom y a . sult lost his right hand. He has an SA -------------- 04S 16S artificial hand, however, and can still His Twenty-fifth Anniversary. ; play the drum with the same old vi-! Archdeacon Macmorine has just cole . gor, in spite of the fact that he is brated the 25th anniversary of his | Does please most "every-§ now sixty-three years of age. Lincumbeney of St, James' church. He ------ f was 1o have preached at St. James' : | church, at the Sunday morning ser-| body. Easy Qorn Curing Evien but as he was suffering" from na! : : an a box of Puk's Corn Salve re cold, wns unablete do, so. Dean Bid-| Ye Apply Mt a3 8. and a 'ew 'I occupied the pulpit in the evening. Fully cooked and ready to davs hence all your corms wifl be en- i we occupied the pulpit in ening 0 tirely removed. In big boxes, 15 cents, | Rev. Dr. E. Hooper, Toronto, will | manufactured by 'Jas. B. Mcleod, pihably be selected by the Adelaide' Druggist. street Baptist church, London, ns its! The Famous Gonoral French, Loin 0 ated m medi-| , 'in on. medhi- | General Sir John French, who is to cine at Queen's. : } i ot the garrison troops of King: Mrs. Walter Fleming, Ottaya, is ston on June Ist, 2nd and 3rd, is coming next month to Kingston to] g General French who won spend the summer with her sister, i ick Mra. F. Strange. 8 7. i Ask for sample s Oiptment at + Meleod's deng stove. Miss 'Neta Smith, Napanee, visit to friends in this «ity. is on al