ET ea . drive, "left on 0 as Te Will Continue Until Saturday OWING TO THE GREAT DEMAND BY THE RESIDENTS OF KINGSTON, WE ARE COMPELLED TO CONTINUE OUR WONDERFUL" WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENT TELL US, The Tidings From Varioud Points iv Eastern Ontario-- What People Are "Joing And What They Are Saying.' To Build Concrete Walks. Westport, May 23.--R. W. Leech still continues seriously ill. Honry Grant, réemioved to the St, Vincent de Paul hospital, Brovkville, on Tuesday last, is doing gicely. P. J. McParland, proprietor of the Wardrobe House, is repainting that popular bostelry, It is meatly improvedi Contractar J, Cawley will commence the building of voncrete walks here on Monday of this wenk. Plevna, Notes, Plevna, May 24.--A surprise party at Mr. Barton's was much enjoyed. John W. Bring and sons, Ernest and Wesley, returned from Snake Creek PD. Parson is at Me. Ostler's. Miss Kathleen Ward has gone to Wensley for a few days, G. Ostler and daughter, Sylvia, have gone to Kingston. Mr, and Mrs, Sallans, of Veunachar, at their daughter's, Mes. A. Lemkie's. Notes From Flower. Slower, May 23. --Quite "a crowd from here attepded the memorial ser- viee at Clyde Forks Sunday afternoon. Miss Derick is spending a few | davs at Oscocola, Miss Sadie Cameron, of Tatlock, is at home for a few days. Miss Thompson, of Snow Road, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Long. A, Cain and H. McGonigal have gone to Murvale to work for the K. & P. railway on the extra wang, A. Bt. Pere spent Sunday at home. Echoe Lake Echoes, Echo Lake, May 24. wag very sick for covering slowly, Rutian and Mrs. Cox, who some time, is re Mr. and Mrs. David children, Path, visited at William Hick's last week, John Switzer and family moved to Bell Rock. Thomas Buckley and Charles Fox have gone to work on the rail road. A number from here visited at N. Leghe's, on Sunday. Mis Aggie Hicks at Mr. Goodberry's; Mr. and Mrs. L. Switzer at E. Mc umber's; Mra. W. Rutian is stopping a few days at Mr. Cox's. -- Lines From Lombardy, Lombardy, May 2M, --Miss - Nellie Dooher, Detroit, Mich., is spending ' a few weeks' holidays at her home here. Miss Alice Newman went to Ottawa on Monday for a few days. Declan Dooher, Ottawa, came home for the week-end. Me, and Mrs. M. Keenan and childron, Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting Mrs. Keenan's mother, Mrs. T. Breen. Miss Annie Breen, Detroit, Mich., is also home. Miss 1. Prescott, Thursday for: her home in Montague to remain till after the 24th, News From Wilbur, Wilbur, May 23. Service was: ducted here on Sunday by ville. T. Richardson, Raton is visiting at his howe, Mclnnis Bros, who were employed building the ore shed, have left. Miss Mary Thomas, who has been away for the past week, has returned home: M. Reid, who has been employed at the iron mines, has left for his home. Miss Clara lee, visiting at Wilbur on Saturday. Miss Minnie B. McInnis, visiting at J, Rollow's; H. Paul at W. Thomas' on Sanday; Miss Ethel Prasky at W. (, Boyd's on Sunday R. Gibson made a flying trip to his home on Saturday; 4. Melonis at J. Rollow's on Satur day. con: R. Sommer: Mallorytown Reports, Mallorytown, Ma, 25. Mrs. Charles Bate is viciting at Morrisburg. Ernest Purvis, of the Uaitern hospital staff, stent Sunday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guild and Mrs. George Goodall, of Lansdowne were guests of Mr. and Mis. Jonu Mallory, on Sun- day. F. H. Mallory is Bome from the hospital. where he has been a patient for several wedbks, Miss Libbie Dolan, of the New York State hospital, is spanding her holidays with her sister, Mrs. William Ferguson, Sr. Miss Annie Cocdbody, Lansdowne is home for the ith. John Tabour, of Rochester N.Y. was in®the village last week. Miss Aggie Clow is visiting at Lansdowne and Gananoque. Rev. W. Wells attend- ed the district meeting at Athens, on Wednesday last, 'A Little Girl Injured. Walnut Grove, May 21.--Farmers are pretty well through sawing and plant ing is the order of the day. Miles Buck has returnel home aftef com- pleting his contract of painting on the island. Mrs. Sharp's little girl met with a very painful accident on Friday of last week. The little wak following her father in the field wheh in same unaccountable wav a large stone rolled off the stone boat on COULDN'T GET STRONG Digestive and Liver Troubles Cured. "1 was never actually sick," writes Mrs, La Pierre, wife of a well-known resident of Laheniene, "yet I never could strong like other womens 1 enough, but somehow blood ate {rich and red 1 could never make. When 1 married I took a great pride in my ing, but it kept me tired all the time. Mrs. ""Lechance, my neigh- bor, well--she told me 3 health had been made by Dr. Hamil- tons, Pills. I only thought of pills as a ic, but now I know that Dr. on's Pills are move, for they quickened my stomach, liver and bowels--made me stouter and strong: er, gave me such color in my cheeks as 1 never 'had before. They do good to parts in ways 1 need not mention in this letter, but I sincerely believe _ Dr. Hamilton's Pills should be used at vegular intervals by every womsme- that's why T write this letter." No invigorates a woman tot' (ientlemen-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. ---- -- Cut-Rate Optical Sale of Gold Filled To the People of Kingston. . The International College of Opthalmology, « L/ Regular$3 OO Eye Glasses & -- 0105.00 One Dollar MONDAY; WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, May 23th, 25th and 26th. April 27th, 1910. Shots of Canada has been so in Canada in my mind, and t satisfactory that I ean hon- estly state that you are certainly the best Optical people horoughly reliable. . GEORGE FITZGERALD, I desire to state that vour method of examination which your Firm has condueted with the Crack Rifle Peterhe * If we cannot satisfy you tell us. If we do, tell others. If you want your money back, give us the ceived it during the Sale. rough Carriage Factory. Spectacles for REMEMBER THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO SECURE SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED GLASSES, BY THE MOST SKILLED OP TI CAL PEOPLE IN CANADA, WITH A POSITIVE GUARANTEE OF PERFECT SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED DURING THE SALE. To the People of Kingston. April 27th, 1910090 This is to certify that I know the International Clot lege of Opthalmology to be very skilled optical peo le. They have supplied me with shooting lenses for my vii tary Shooting for the past number of years, and I an satisfied they can fit the most diffienlt cases of oye trouble. Dr. J.B. PENTLAND, Dentist = goods you purchased, and we will refund same as cheerfully as we re- Sale in charge of the Directcrs of the International College of Opthalmology, who do the largest retail optical business in Canada. CONSULT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE THE LEADERS IN THEIR PROFESSIONS, AND ACT QUICKLY OR THE OPPORTUNITY WILL BE PAST. Regular Prices Friday, May 27th, 1910. her leg, iracturing limb broken dition with inflammato but we the gain, May 21. nursing at Outlet, burg is Fodey Tuesday. Mr. visited Mrs, Ve and . Mr Mitchell a is building a new Rose Fodey and Mis Falls, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs. Evans Stacey downe, spent morial service at day in honor of and Mys, J, UC, and Mrs. the . At Kepler F Kuler Fast, Ma, x thi are preparing the pla superiptendent, . Miss trained nurse, tives. tho parlor social at Thursday night. G few days at A. to Glenvale; E. A Croer's; Mrs, A. at J. Knight's; J. sten's, | Railton: Johnston in Elginburg, at A. Mr : At Brewer's Prewer's Mills, May occurred, on Saturday, ailing a short time and four daughtors. place at of Edw. "a. R. tors : Miss Pearl Pense J. Murray's; J. at James KRanna's. week; T. Smith and Trevelyan, an, Athens, E. Flood, Lansdowne, the guests of Mr. and one visited friends in family, of Warburton, and and family, Saturday A number from here attended the me Webster Mitchell, of 1 spent the 24th at their cottag district haves finished, ses came ns a shock to his many He is survived bv his wife, three sons : Tatermont took | Nahood will guarantee Hye bone. | | Northmeore was summoned and sot the | and. she is doing wall 4 Little Jessio Thompson, danghter ot | called' on friends on Mr. and Mrs. b. Thompson, has been, i for some days, in a very vritical cow | ry rheumatism, | are pleased to learn she is on | | | Outlet Tidings, Mrs. EY nino. Procky 8. Albert nd fami Mitchellville on Sunday. George Stace whe ad herve, s Josie |spent the 2th in Kingston, antl some of the voung folks spent it at W. Stacey Mr. on Lansdowne on late king and nse ast, 3 fin nting Fie Sabbath school has been organi ed for the summer with J. Alma Boston, has and Kingston: J Furgeson's: M. Ovger, at J. Sherman's, Latimer; Miss E. Wilder and T. Law son, at home, Mills. 24. The of a and lug Battersen cometery. veaders of the Whig regret the death 3 Recent visi Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McDonald, Murray, Lansdowne, Miss M. E. Tierney, Seeley's Bay, at Boyle, Gananoque, Smith's; Sister McKanna, Hotel Dieu, Kingston, at Mrs. F. IW. Murrav and FT. Dockrill called on friends in Seeley's Bay last sister, Se Bay, at John Dockrill's. Tidings From Trevelyan, May HL taken advantage of the fine weather ahd N finjshied seeding. cedertis the guest of her sister, Mrs. { Nr. and Mrs. spent Sunday gy Thomas Flood. Miss Ages Lappan spent Sun- ¥ in Gananoque, the guest Farmers Wise an. Me, the J Farmer g a 164 Master ground Lawson Johnston, | arrived | home to spend the summer with rela-| A number from here attended | ° Elginburg, i | Perry, . spending a { So Does Catarrh, Croup, Hay Fever Upton's, has returned Haggarty, Renfrew, at Gordon, Glenvale, Reid, at I. Mrs, respected | tole of air through your nostrils Hyo- pore »] : resident in the person of John Suth-| Mei will open them up and give relief | erland.s The deceased had only friends. of her Sheatown, spent Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jose eph Flood, James Coby, Caintown, Sunday. John Flood spent a few days in Smith's Kaludar, Falls, the guest of his sister, Mrs. { le, homas Foster. R. Dixie made a busi- ness trip to Prockville on Saturday. lorn on May 20th, to Mr. and Mis, Jumes McAvoy, a son. Dr. | Mrs. William Flood, B. Danby and daughter, Mary, Soper- ton, were Sunday visitors. Kaladar News. May 24.--Miss Addie Pres and G. Rendell, Northbrook, were guests of Miss Fleming Saturday and Sunday. P. X. Detlor, Arden, spent Sunday at the Carman House. Mr, and Mrs. Bongard and family left during the week to take up their re sidence at Napance. Mis. Vogel, of Cleveland Ohio, the guest of Mrs. Ovland Benn for the past month, left house for her home Saturday. Mr. Pot returned hone] PT ningston, registered at the Cur Botsford Gs home) P20 House during the Dr. 3 : : ! WHE | Geddes, Perth, was here on Sunday. Melife {108 ® few days. 1D. as Jad sister, bribe hatel having changed hands My. rs. "7 avanagh, spent Sa \ . ' . 3 z ) » [evening and Sunday at Athens. Mi and Mrs, ryan, gb Arden, Jone ander Charleston Episodes. Chavieston, May 23.) MeKeaney, f Athens, who has been working at J. Kavanagh's | past couple of weeks, Mi . | on Saturday. IL. Janie: '| ile or ! Creer on new for the ly at | week, aster, are at and hostess, Myr. and ing his house with a fresh paint; also Edward McMaster, J. Jackson and Mr. Wendburn, R. Wend- burn and family, Cape Vincent, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wendburn, Alex andria Bay, spent Saturday and Sun Oliver Prittie's. J. Rankin has gone to do some mason work in Leeds, day al Rockport. Miss Edna Root, Reports From Rockport, May 22. Prescott, is her home on . Star Island, A girl hag come to stay at the home of D. Williams. Mrs. James Waldron, Escott Centre, spent Sunday witn her brother, E. Stevens. Mr. aod Mp Charles Patterson, Alexandria Bay, spent, Sunday with friends here, A . {resent host and i moridl services were held at Trinity | y, g. Soth, Friday _evening. i ak lo i and | church, Oak Lea, riends on Sunday, : {The church was nicely draped the a purple and - black for ihe families of T. Hefiran and John Hudson ave ill with measles, Mi Gladys Johnson, teacher, of Reclev's Bay, is holidaying at her home and at her Mrs. C. E. Frye, Soperton, Mrs. J. McKenney has re turned to Athens after spending a week with Charleston friends G. spending a few weeks with s 1 $s u , M. He , who is ill with nd nes Helfvan hurt quite badly bv being tanglid Northbrook, ealled on | Mr. and Mrs, F. | Sedore are spending a few davs at | the Ring Edward House, the guests | of Mrs. Banker. Mrs. Myers, who has pent the past two mouths with her! daughter, Mrs, Jokeph Forbes, re turned to her home in on Monday. on with 1.1 occasion Inke. ae i | here Bannoekburn i tamil ister" lows : At Larbort Staion. Lavant Station, May 21. Frood, teacher, is very low at home in Renfrew with typhoid She gave up her school over J ks ago and went home very wick up in a land roller. Mr. and Mes. McArthur, of Renfrew, is suppl . TTT rT teacher in Miss Frood's ub i t sence. Clara B. Lee spent the week ¢ end at her home and retwned to AS | { Kingston aga yesterday, Some. of i i---- the young people of here and Wilbur i went to Kingston the 24th. i Robert B, Robertson has charge of ul few men for the xploration Syndicyt of Ontario, opening an iron mine o the old nelly farm, near bere, A. k. Jackson has started to build his new table. John Thomas spent Saturday und Sunday visiting at D. Crawford's and other friends at Snow Road, Miss Mary Thomas spent last week at i. } "I. Burnham's, Sharbot Lake, Thomas Lee amd William 'Thomas bought horse, buggy and harness from Ro bert Gemmill for the studént on the | mission field. | { } Miss her fever three | weeks - to spend and Bronchitis, Hyomet is a confidence ervator. The fast time you breathe in this power ful yet soothing antiseptic air will know that it has marvelous eura tive virtues. There is nothing dis agreeable about Hyomei. It is a very pleasant and prompt remedy for ca tarrh, colds, asthma, croup, bronchi- us, ete, Hf your head is so stuffed with mu caus: that you cannot bréathe a par-| 4 Cran- H, Silver, you ine death ---- | in five minutes. Why will sensible people suffer long- er, why will: they wheeze aud hawk! Pittsferry, May 20. Onite a number and spit and smother, when Gi. W, from around here attended the rv ei to cure | opening of Woodburn church, Sunday The' Or money back. 3% is all G. W. Ma- | evening. There were no services gt St. hood asks for a complete outiit. !John's church, as the Rev. Mr. Reede "We know Hyomei to be a fine and; was asked to assist with the service «floggive remedy for croup and asthma, {at Woodburn. The monthly meeting Our nine-vear-old boy 'has been promt of the Ladies' Aid was held at the lv troubled with asthmatic croup and | home of Mrs. William MeAdoo. Wiss wo found no relief for it until we used | Clara Grant loft last week to resume | | Hvomel, This remedy does fully alli her duties at Rockwood hospital, that is claimed for it and give | Kingston, after attending her mother same onr hearty endorsement i seovered from her recent il often recommended it." Mrs, sanc mess. Miss Ella Geeenizan has re Prout, 725 Radbomn street, Wourd- | ¢: ned home after visiting her sister stork, Ont. . | Mrs. Abrams, Lavsdowre. Mrs. Om. ---- | stead, Alexandria Bay, has come ispend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Prettie. John MeMaster and | : \ i + Pavid H. McClement spent Wednesday | Olive < Haat in Kingston. Miss Edith Mamie Lane have ro giy i from an attack of chivken-pox, Miss Pe Stewart, Miss Purcella and Mrs. | IM. Clarke at D. Melloment's. Our | | stage driver, If. Wendburn, Wad the | ! pisfortane to fall from a waggon and break his leg. J. is revew- been Accident to Driver, death and we Me eeley's to have and recoversd Your money back if it don't. Gives jm relief from heartburn, sour stom- and' | attending the branch { improved { Star Island for Mr. Cline, | As™Many a Kingston Reader number from here attended the funeral of Richard Adams; Alexandria on Tuesday, May 17th. Miss Tear, Glen Buell, spent the holiday at her home at Poole's Resort. - Mrs. William Dixon and Mrs. Thomas Edge ley spent last week at Smith's Falls meeting of th Th Pay, women's missionary society, many friends of Miss Florence Burteh | are glad to see her here again in health. Mrs. V. Slate, irindstone Island, spent Sunday with daughter, Mrs, Frederick Hu k, ( Andress is building a cotiage ofr The congregation: of in Latholie church is alt in the cemetery here. the building a Parland Jottings, Portland, Ma. A number of peo ple are spending a few holidays at their the lake. Miss Nel lie Dennett spent Sunday at her home MATURE TELLS YoU 9 cottages on Too Weil, When the kidneys are sick- Nature tells you all about it. The urine is nature's calendar, Infrequent or too frequent tion. Any urinary trouble tells of kidoey ills, Boothjs Kidney Pills. cure all ney ills, Kingston people testify to this. J. Johnson, af 330 Brock street, Kingston, Ont. Says : "I would leave my bed a number of times each night. The desire to urinate very frequent and the secretions uncontrollable. The urine was highly colored and contained deposits of sandlike sediment. There was a dull, heavy pain across the small of my back, and if 1 would do an. stooping or lifting | would searcely be able to straighten 'myself up again. This was my condition at times for over a year. Lad tried numerous remedies with little or no relief. Booths Kidnev Pills were advertised at Mr. Mahood's Drug Store, I tried thém and" found them to benefit me. I continued their use and in less than Wim kid- Was wers one month the urinary disorders were* on the face snd ezulated. My. back strengthened and the pun left it. '1 have not been troubled since and can recommeod Booth's Kidoey Pills highly." Bold by dealers. Pris Be the R. T. Booth Co., limited, Fort Frise, Owe sole Canadian agents. ; Bo coat of spending the holidays at | little | MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE, - Oba ad his 8s, Tic hoe of Rod | Little Digesters Cure or your money back. At all Druggists or direct from 25c. a box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto Amelia | | much | i | Alexandyia | Ro- | | | i | i day | { here | { i ' » Knows | K. Purvis, Smith's Falls, is the guest i ¢ and Miss Kate O'Neil, Mioaville, vicit- | minber { The Rideau every morning will for ten days and you convinced that be Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food. When the Liver is Out of Tune | the whole system is off the key --stomach upset, bowels slug- gish, head heavy, skin sallow and the eyes dull. You cannot be right again until the cause of the trouble is removed. Cor- rect the flow of bile, and gently stimulate the liver to healthful +4 action by taking BEECHAM'S PILLS the bile remedy that is safe to. ~ Rain | nse and convenient to take, £% ea Yuewday night hatgied 'hel A dose or two will relieve the ¢ § ie a great des Jonn Le Who a * : putchased a farm not long ago in! nausea and dizziness, operate Massassagn paid a visit to his oki the bowels, carry new life to home here. P. T. McParland hae been | the blood, clear the head and £3 destroying a great many woodchucks improve the digestion. 3 which are causing him bother. Albert These old family ills are the Cooper was on a business trip to natural remed: or bilious Westport. Darcyville baseball team wil] . : play with Narrow Locks in a few | COM laints and quickly help the liver to weeks. While plaving with a dog be longing te P. Hian, of\ this place, - frike the Key- note of Health Myrtle Hian, five year-old daughter of Sold Everywhers, Mrs. W. A. Singleton A. Milne, Crosby, spent Sun Miss J. McDonald. The Ri veau King is running an excursion from to Jones' Falls on' the 24th. from here intend taking it in. cornet band gave a few elections on the street Saturday evs ening, Fhe plavers are progressing end the citizens of the village encourage them all they in Westport. and' Mis with should can, Miss of her aunt, Mrs. H. §, Toffey. The steamer Vietoria brought her first ex- cursion here Friday last Smith's Falls. 'A pumber of children to the house with measles, salmon being caught tir the lake here, Alice Cabanagh, of Mon treal, is guest of friends in the village. A. Rogers still Continues very low, on from are confined Soma fine are Miss the Mrs. " Doings at Darcyville. Dareyville, May 23.--Frost has stroyed a great deal of grain' which fell Tuesday night de Westport wae summoned, who pounced it not serious, Mrs. J, Meatland = smpros ing the appearance of her house. 'E. J. Crenpon was om a husiness trip to Dareyville, Thursday. Miss Sarah Quim visited A. Martin's J. Hian, postmaster was badly bitten a A To of ro i Dr. Slagleton, of In Boxes 35 cents," aaa ed Mrs, Midel White and P. T. Mew Partand. Miss Kate Kelly visited Mes, Michael Cooper. 1 Uj J 4 & con :