Promoted by CUTICURA SOAP Assisted by Cuticura ove AL Antin; FEE pin 2 AF fog one or Ay Am Ee EE IAG Tir. o0 a Care Champion 7 Belts Nw 12 BLEURY ST. MoNTRuA, THE MUSKRAT. or More People Teas Trap This' Jitete Antmat BFS. In Rn 10,508. people trap the musquash, or rauskrat, every © year. Move fenp: this little ani- mal Shan any other." Tt i tas. number muskrat olific. In itudes, a Pur Kew, it has litters young in a sammer to five voung in each i 4 nocturnal i deed will continue 1Monday. W. G. whrid Merchant of Venice, Act V, Be. 1 There is no mightier force in the world than good deals. Whole Ybor, ies have been written on how to act; the pulpits have been teaching truth and righteousness, charity and love, but one noble deed has more far reaching influence than any book or sermon. The net of the Good Samari- tan has been spesking eloquently for two thousand years to the civilized world, A good deed has a twofold influence, It blessoth him that gives and him that takes. A light within a house enables the inhabitants' to sed objects distinctly, It seafiers the physical darkness. So a good deed illuminates the soul of the doer. It makes him realize that his mission on earth is not self-pleasing and self-serving. It is to do goed. A light which shines out into the world aay not dispel the outer darkness, hut it serves as a beacon to the traveller, He knows from it where rest and food and warmth are to be found. So a good deed is a beacon to humanily. The dullest eve can see it. The weakest heart would fain erect similar lights. History teaches how wonderful the power of example. A short time ago Operator Binns stood by his in- strument sending messages for help for his sinking ship northsand south, east and wedt. If imminent peril of his life he stuck steadfastly to his heroic task. How the story of his gallant act thrilled. There was not a reader or hearer of it but felt an"impulse to do likewise in times of danger. That to shine forth so long as stehmships plough the ocean. If the world weré to be asked who was the fgreatest hero of the Crimean war, it would not select a. British or French or Russiap géneral. Florence Nightingale was fhe true hero of that war. She fought disease and death. A ministering angel, she left the ecom- forts of home for the discomforts of the tented field und trying march. Her good deeds shine out with dazzling brilliancy in a very naughty world, The example she set has been followed and in every great gvar since the Cris mean war hundreds of tenderly-nur- tured Women have. been ready to fol- low her example. Thes Anglo- Saxon seaman has remarkable coolness and daring in time of 'danger, stoical in- difference to death, a stern sense of duty, When his ship strikes, the first thought is of the womef and chil dren. There are hundreds of examples of hardy sailors calmly waiting death while they helpsd others to escape. 19 They remembered such scenes as that on the Birkenhead. Seamen in the past x HW 8 OF N EW BORO. Larne Park to be Open This Sum- h Newboro, May 25.~The municipal council has decided" that the 'gates of Lorne park should be left open this summer ant all persons are ai liberty to drive on the track. . The steamer Victoria, of Smith's Falls, brought nearly one hundred ex- cursionjsts to Neboro on the 24th. The Rideau cornet band, Smith's Falls, was on board and furnished music. At a special meeting of the council, held this week, the contract for Lhe building of the new granolithic side- walks has been given to John Caw- lov, Tontractor, Westport. Work is to be completed before July Ist. William Farr, Brockville, who has been here for some time building fire places in the bungalows on Newboro Lake, completed the work,on Tuesday. Master Frederick. Kerr is recovering from a severe attack of appendicitis. Miss Florence Proud, who has been critically ill with typhoid, at St. Joachim's hospital, ' is recovering and will be able to return home this week, Newh®o lodge, No. 360, LO.O.F., attended divine service in the Metho- dist church here\on Sunday. Several brethren from Westport and Delta were in the Procession. Rev.. &. E. Wood] and J. F. Gallagher attended the dig- triet meeting of the Methodist church in Athens last week. J. W. Shaver, of Smith's Falls, who'has been the guest of relatives here for a Mw days, returned home on Tuesday. Mrs. M, Russell, Seeléy's Bay, and Mrs, Ed ward Mills, Ottawa, who have been attending the funeral of their mother, Mrs. S. Bilton, left for their homes on Southworth, Taronto, spent a few days this week, the guest Horse Distemper 5 ------------ Prince Edw Farmer Solemaly De- clares Is a Specific. "After fift ox ing Han fy yess' etpafistos in sais remedy gives such good' results for an all-roi stable hniment as Nervi- HAS "day yh line." Thus opens the. very earnest letter of J. J, Evanston, who lives near Wellington, P.E. "I had a very valuable horse that took distemper a month ago, and was afraid 1 was | ing to lose biog His throat swel and hard § mips developed. His nos tele ran and be had» teveble cough tried different remedies, oe was unable. to ve Nerviline lieve oy horse of his : pain and suffering till 1 Cures started to use Nerviline. Quickly. cil poke Betis a oa viline sweet oil a rubbed the mixture on the throat and hast three times . = wou seareely believe that "Boree | up. Nerviline used Nerviline es ro) in Rath and tnd and earn- SAVATAIRTNTA SAA A AN I So shies a good deed in a naughty | (gughtd them 'how to be brave. It is ile was on earth enforced his teach? ing 'and stj shine out with growing ¢ recommend it to every man that stock." ; tl pd DAILY AE WHI, {not only John Brown's soul that goes marching qn. There are hundreds of snilors whose bodies rest in the depths of the ocean, hundreds of soldiers whose bones lie in' alien earth, who, by he forge of their good or brave deeds, are sfill marching along lead: ers of men. 1t is not every one who has the op- portunity to be a Florence Nightin- gale or a Jack Binns, but every jone has a chance to do good deedsin hum- ble life. The weak child may need a helping 'hand, the feeble old woman in the erowd may require a supporiing arm. When strength helps weakness, When wealth aids p®verty, when sym pathy soothes suffering, how sweet tis! The spread of Christianity has 'been due pot so much to teaching as to example. ~The self-sacrifice, the self- denial, the courage and confidence of professing Christians in times of dan- ger, suffering and death, their integ- pity and trustworthiness, convinte a world, slow to believe, of the truths of the teaching of Him of Nazareth, Chris} tis), taught the brotherhood of mang he hdd indly word for "Jew and Gentile alike. He taught that God is love=he fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted those in sorfow. His immediate followers during his life time could not have comprehended | any complicates system of philosophy such as Plato and Aristotle gave the cultured Greeks. He added a pew commandment. to the ones known to the dews; the sum and substance of His tefiching was that men should "love ome another." His deeds while splendor if a naughty world. Our hospitals, our lunatic asylums, our in- stitutions for the degf and dumb and the blind, are largely the result of fol- lowing the light set up in Palestine by Christ. For many centuries that light burnt with a feeble flame; mists of superstition almost hid it from the hu- man eyes but the good deeds of Christ- ian men and women have kept it burn. ing and, of recent years, have czused it to shine forth to the world with un- wonted splendid, In writing the line, "Qo shines a good deed in a naughty world,' Shakespeare may have had in mind the words of Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount mav hava suggested the ex- pression. The doers of good deeds were: the light of the world and Christ's followers were commanded to lot their light so ghine before men that they might see their good works. By the power. of example society is made better. Kindly acts make ten: der hearts; heroic deeds make heroe:. relatives here. Miss Mary Holton Delta, returned hole on Tuesday af- ter a_shorivigit with relatives hero. Sharbot Lake News, Sharbot Lake, May 25.----Memorial services were held in the churches hers for the late king. Mrs. (Dr) Kil horn, who has been ill for some time, is much better, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hetherington have gone to Toronto to attend the funeral of Mr. Hether- ington's mother. Miss M. Scholes, spending a few days at hor home in Kingston. Mrs. J. Reynolds, Verona, visiting Mrs, George Jones. Mis; Thomas, Lavant, spending a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burnham visiting friends in Kingston. Miss Jennie Allen visiting her sister in Peterboro. Miss Elliott, Montreal, i: spending a few days with her aant, Mrs. Kilborn. G. Smith, J'. Allen and H. Pappa, attending high scoool, spent the holidays at their homes here. Mrs. Staflord, Perth, is visit ing Mrs. J. Meighen. Miss Render, of Bishop's Mills, is spending a few days with friends here. Miss Kane, Ganan oque, is visiting Miss M. Cornell. Mrs. H. Roberts, Kingston, is spending a few days with friends here. Mrs. J. Lyle is visiting friends in Perth. Tho ball held in' Edwards' hall on Tues- o day night, was reported a success bv those who attended it. Mr. Carvey, Omemee, is visiting his ddughter, Mrs. A. Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Gop- don are spending a few days in King- ston, Sad Death at Erinsville. Erinsville, May 25. The sad and untimely death of Mrs, Thomas Hayes occurred on Tuesday, May 10th, after a brief illness from neuralgia, On Friday she was th*hatened with a pain in her head, which later develop- ed into facial neuralgia. The de conned was forty-three gears of age and had won many warm friends by her gentle and affectionate disposition. Besides her hushnd she is survived by three children, Marcella,- Mary and George, who are leit to mourn the loss of mother. She is algo survived by her mother, Mrs. George McKeown, of Erinsville, three sisters, Mrs. Michael Roach, of Montana; Mrs. Michael O'Leary, Fiaconsin, and Mre. Ervesy Mich and five hrothets, wn; Ki roma, Willan Sud and large funeral was hold on Rr morning to the Church of the As- sumption, Trinsville, where 'a igh muss was by Rev, after Carey, Paced § ment, a devoted wile and loving | SATURDAY. ax 28, 1 Whit: Lab:! Ale Is always bottled ut the Lik wery by rewery ICov, Limited, Toronto who know exactly when and how to handle it, and who ¥areful- gly guard. not only the~goodness of the brewery, but the cares fulness of the bot ling as well. "White Label" has ben awarded the highest ho iors for both Purity and Quality INDIAN PALE ALE may be placed on the table of the most fastidious con- noisseur without fear of «ither criticism or comparison. INVALID STOUT, its assured purity and mildly tonic properties make it the For nursing mothers it is high- ideal "Stout" for those recovering from illness. ly recommended by the medical profession. XXX PORTER always gives satisfaction, It is both a nourishing and aninvig- orating tonic, tones up the sysW stem and is guaranteed pure. DOMINION BREWERY CO., Limited, Torok, RIGNEY & HICKEY, 136 Princess St, Ningstor ---- -------- a... A 1 O th your grocer, buy a A package of Asepto-- it wil on you five certs t home and dissolve "a sings. teaspoonful in a pan of dishwater, That's what you do--then see the result. how it cuts the Grouse vease--how it leaves your china and glasswate bright and shining --how clean and: wholesome it leaves your pots -- ydpr pans -- your cooking utensils, : It does all that--and more. It of the germ life that exists wh tena these microseopie trouble breeders to feel upon-it sterilizes and renders every- thing antiseptically--surgically, if you will-- clean. Thats why you should always wash glass, ch hinaWware, cutle ~-- any article used for eating or drinking with Asepto, it makes contagion impossible. Note troys every trace pver there is sus- Perhaps the very quickest way for you to realize how it cleanses is for you to note the way it sweetens your dish-cloths. Tell your grocer to send you a package of Asepto -- all good grocers sell it at five cents. 3 THE ASEPTO MFG. CO. ST. JOHN, N.B. SOAP POWDER sweetens the home f 0 00 TOTO VVVTOOVDOPO00000 0000 Q000000 CHILDREN'S SHOES We febl confident that our Shoes for Children will satisfy the most particular buyer, We have any style of Shoe, one strap pump. laced, with buckle or tow Gibson, from 75¢ to $1.50. H™ J ¢nnings, KING STREET. If you want the best box of Chocolates Agents, Agents for Kingston. A ------ 00000000 DOOOBOOCO0C0OFOOVOOOVCOOOVOTOCOCOOP Etfiott Bros, Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. # Give us a call when jou require Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Relrigerators, Gas Stoves, Coal Oil Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of the above goods at the lowest prices. Tile Sewer Pipe and Fittings Constantly On Hand. QOOOOOO0 QO GRANULATED SUGAR The cleanest and most sab- isfactory way to buy Granulated Sugar is in 20 pound Cotton Bags, Every bag bears the registered brand as shown to + this eut. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL. 4 » The Crimp In the Zinc . Is theeffective partof a Washboard EDDY'S 3.UN 1 AND 2 IN 1 WASHBOARDS Are so named because the Goed Features of the Crimpingofall others are Combined, consequently are the MOST IMPROVED AND UP-TO-DATE. Ask for them. Give them a trial, Also EDDY'S FIBREWARE Tubs, Pails, . Handy Dishes, Etc. THE E. B.EDDY CO., Ltd, Hull, Canada