Plain Linen Collars. . Fancy Lace Collars, pretty soft amhraldigrol Collars, New Jabota. hy " New Ties . New, Duteh Pits ie New Frillings . . . # ; LADIES' FINE CASHMERE COTTON AND LISLE HOSIERY. Superfine, Lisle Hose, Fine Cashmere Hose guaranteed fast colors . .. . 25¢, 85¢ 2%¢, 35¢, Boe Fine Lisle Thread Hote, New Shades. Buster Brown Hose for Boys Positively the best Boys' Hoge made. PRINCESS RIB. 1-1 Rib for Misses, every size. CONFIRMATION VEILS, $1.00. CRUMLEY BROS LIMITED. THE we PIN OUR FAITH TO HONEST GOODS, LOW FAIR PRICES AND STRAIGHTFORWARD METHODS, RECORD VALUES FOR SATURDAY SHOPPERS. SPBCIAL. ~=100 Doz. Ladies' Sum- r Vests . 10¢ each SPRCIAL.--50 Doz. Ladies' Summer 2 for 25¢ SPECIAL job Line Vests, Fancy OPE, «ia... 18e, worth 25¢ Ladies' Summer Hose (stainless), .. 10¢ pair only... Ladies' Summer (superior quality) 2 pairs for ..... 2%e rge Terry Face Cloths, 2 for 10¢ tied Curtain Muslin only 10¢ yard, "Hose Fancy Blouse Muslin at 10¢, 12 and 15e¢, Fast Color English Prints. Your § choice .. 10¢ Yard. Pink ahaa Blue Linen Glass Cloths 5¢ Yard. 60 neh. Fable Linen at 25¢ & 30c Yd. 10¢ Tablets Tollet Soap, now 3 for. 10¢ be Tablets Totlet Soap, now 6 for 2be¢ New Stock of Hammocks ... rove 81.00, $125 up to $6.00 Enameled Teapots on Sale, slightly imperfect, Blue, Granite and White, 285¢ and 30e. RY OUR' TEAL 2VI TURKISH DELIGHT AT 10 OTS, 1-2 POUND. Melntosh Bros. Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land Regulations. the sole head of hn over 18 year od « ntry by proxy nay on certal - ther, mother. son, er or sister of intending home- ths' residence upon ation vot. the of 8 Jn an ead. pat. im or by his father, daughter, brother or sister. a ots a homesteader pre-empt a quarter 8 ree Years, heres and erect a house : # 15) We er Fk avert : or hte Hrd worth ANNATent Witt Bok Loy Sie of Fm 1 rmndy, WAY Bint, bad AN, CARA Phone «m2 EN, The Auctioneer. TT NOTICE. RETIN A on i Frome BEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- celved at the Office of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to Noon on Saturday, June 11th, 1910, From any person or persons willing to furnish 100 Tons, more or less, of Scranton Coal, to be delivered at the Court House, Gaol and Registry when required. The Coal to be of a good quality, well screened and free from dirt: and also for 40 Cords, more or less, of Hard- wood, composed of Maple, Beech, Hick- ory, Ironwood, to be sound and of good quality, and to contain 128 cubic feet per cord, to be delivered when requir- ed. The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. JW, Kingston, May 27th, County of BRADSHAW, County Clerk. 1919, SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE. ceived at the Office of- the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, u Noon, on Satunday, June 11th, 19 Sere . FOR PRINTING "10.000 Asvisatment Ratices. 200 Rar ors" He Tage. per Page. *ollectors' Rolls Pens id te il apply to County Clerk for of Forms and Copies of Rolls ¥ y lowest or any tender not neces aceept; JW. BRADSHAW, ty Ci Kingston, May 1th, csi0 Croerk. OTICE PERSONS HAVING ACCOUNTS to oe Patare the Counett of the County of Frontenac will leave 'them with the undersigned on or before Sat- ALL arday, the ¥th day of Jane. 1910. J. W. BRADSHAW, County Clerk. Kington 3 May 27h, me J the way _ they Frontenac inquest in The Man : On Watch. * Scstsasususesssedteten The Lampman has not yet seen the comet, and he regards the asteghom: ation of fakirs, an Te the inhabi- tants. [1 was prophesied that this gen- eratita would have great things ° to tel: jté grandchildren concerning the comet of 1910, but there will be noth ing to test about, exeept that the as- tronomers created a big comet scare for 1.othing. There is a by-law which says that fireworks of any kind must not be set oF on the streets ol the town, the Lampman says. e would like to Lnow why this by- Jaw is not enforced. Jt would have beer an easy matler for the peelers to Have arrested fifty or more boys lust Tuesday and filled the police station with them. The effect would have been convincing, The lads of the town are given too much lati- Fiade, and so are the storekeepers who sell dangerous fireworks, the Lamp- man claims. In some places not as large as Kingston the authorities will not allow firecrackers to be ignited on the thoroughfares, | At {he recent Methodisy district meeting, the Lampman is told that a discussion took place on the cost of keeping a horse. Une parson said he could keep his nag for seventy-five dol- lars a year, apd shocked his brethern, who wondered what kind of fare he gaye the animal. However, it is quite Cepsy to keen a Horse for that amount oi money when onc has a stable. The ampinan knows a townsman "who in horse on fifty dollars a year. The Methodist ministers' discussion re- winds him of a similar debate at 'ac Ontario Synod session ten years ago, when the worthy clergymen of the district became quite warm in their talk on the hors: questioh, and came to the conclusion that it was both cheaper and better to keep a horse than n wife, if a decision had to be made between the two, in a rural dis- trict. -- The closing of the whiskey dispen- garier for three hours on the day of the late king's funeral was noted by the Lampman, who was pleased to soe these drinking places closed.. He says that there are two days in the year ou which bars and saloons should be required by law to lock up tight. No bar or saloon, he declares, should he open on Christmas _ Day or on Ciooa Friday, and he hopes to see tho day when theré will be a law on Lhe statute book to that effect, The law forces the drinking places to close on Sundays, and those other two days should be added. watching the military parade throug tHe streets last Tuesday, the Jampman noticei quite a difference in the style of marching of the Military Coilege cadets and the men of the 14th Rifle regiment. Of course the cadets perform a kindof clockwork mardhing that it would be difficult for a volun- toer rifle regimen' to imitate without & eat deal of practice, ht the town teers did very well, "cadets Ei their feet 'higher -- the rifle- men and seem to be always marking time. The young redcoats also march- el through mud and water without paving any attention to it, and splashed their leggings and trousers as if they despised the dirty roads. The 1 volunteers were more careful of their government clothing, which they had forgotten they were wearing, and one could see the majority of them making eves at the mud and the pools, and try'nr to sidestep them if they could. f But the Lampman kad just as much reseed for the cargiul rifleman as the eadet for, in war, the man who takes care of himeelf is of more value than the man who does not, providing he does not turn tail and rum, THE TOWN WATOHMAN. In 12%c¢ Pineapples--Extra Fine--12%c¢ Extra fine pineapples, 2 for 25¢c. J. Crawford. Campbell Bros. is the Store For nifty 'straw and felt hats. Hugh Allen states that the Allan Line company hae invited tendérs for a liner for the Liverpool-Canads ser- vice of twenty-two knots, 700 feet in length, 22,000 tons, and with aceom- modataon' I for 2,300 passengers. The number of steamers to he ordered de- pends' upon the condition of the 1912 mail contratt. No ove will be admitted to Sunday baseball games in' Pittsburg except on presentation of = ticket to be ob- tained only at someé morning church #rviee The woodwork surrounding a G.T. R. locomotive, on the International ligited, caught fire near Broekville, pnd the mgine was considerably dam- aged pom made to order, any pattern, mm $2.25 up, Abdominal Supporters, a Braces, Hygiene Waists. No city agent, Datton's, 209 Princess St. The general assembly of the Pres- byterian church in the United States has acquitted the synod of New York on the charge of heresy. The Kaiser is suffering fromy a malig- nant abscess on his right hand. An operation will probably have to be performed. o-day--Special bargains in shoes, fr Dc haat tub cen us, tion's Stare 20% Princess street The oveannt 'has ordered a now the recent Athérley tra gedy ; extr 2 We, J. Plover ge extra fine, for 4 as FE =a i [ Finssemeare, | Cama oPemAY Woe TO-NIGHT Al, W. MARTIN'S BIG ORIGINAL Uncte Toms CABIN Band snd Orchestra, Good § 8 tn Sale. Cary 20 38, Sue ORPHEUM THEATRE H. H. Morgan, Mgr. - Phone 942 $$ +» Polite Vaudeville and Moving Pictures May 26, 27th, 28h, Farley & Farum, Comedy Sketch. The Rossleys, Novelty Scotch Act. Hal. Morgan, Latest Popular Songs. Little Bonnie, Hear Her New Songs. Roller BLOCK PARTY MONDAY NIGHT. Two Prizes. skating has a chance for Everyone these. prizes. Band in Attendance, Open every afternoon. Good skates and first-class floor the Journeymen Carpenters of Kingston and the surrounding dis- triet--Greeting. ARPENTERS WANTED. a . Journeymen Carpenters work by the day; wages, $2.60 per day of eight heurs, or will engage Journey- men Carpenters by the ecework, sys- tem, or if so desired will let work to journeymen carpenters in stated quantities or bulk contract for specified sum, material furnished, original geneé- ral specifications govern all con tract or plecework HUNTER & Po AROLD, M, BULLIVAN, BOOPER & SLATER, PUBLIC GREETING, KINGSTON LOCAL 249. As the contragtors have refused to comply with our demands; which are a cents per hour for this year and / 37 1-2 cents per hour jor next year, we are at liberty to take all work, large or small, by day or otWerwise, security to be given If wished for. Informgtion can be received at the corner of ock and King Streets, Labor Hall. CARD OF THANKS. We, the undersigned, wish to convey our sincere appréciation to our many friends who so Kindly resisted us both in words of sy mpathy and acts of love and kindness uring our recent bereavement Mrs. Mary E. Reynolds and Family, Verona, May 27th, 1810, AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE WEDNESDAY, JUNE ist, 10 AM. Cor, King and Earl Streets. Mahogany Parlor Buite in raw silk, B.W. Lentils Table, Tapestry and other Carpets, Ofl Paintings, Mahogany Case, Organ. Mahogany Table, Sofa, Rockers. Easy Chairs, B.W. Sideboard, Drop-leaf Tables, Sguare Heater, Mahogany Frame Plettres and Mirrors, BW. and other Bedroom Sets. Sprin [s, Mat- tresses, Fillons, 3 Bedding, B.W. Chests o TAWRrS, rigerator, Lawn Mow- er, Garden Tobls, Kitchen Utensils, eto. ~EN, The Auctioneer, To to to | Contractors. i AL "Phone 252. WEDDING GIFTS OF QUALITY Where the assortment is greatest. Where quality and value is never doubted. Where tlie newest cre- ations in 'Sterling Silver drelin abun- dance. © Where you, Are ever Wielou to look Rink The - 'People' A Forum 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES at tertiah 2 Je un work. Each con ecutive insertion herentter Ralf sent word. Minimum charge one im tian, 26e.; three at oe; six, §1; ote month, 82. % HELP--WANTED. r APPLY A KITCHEN GIRL, AT ONCE. to Iroquois Hotel, BOY TO LEARN DRY qooDs BUSL- ness. Apply, R. Waldron GOOD WAGES WANTED Welland BORERS; Snare fr roi and Steel Co, REFERENCES COOK: te 16 Sydenham GOOD PLAIN Apply required. Street, A HOUSEMALD. APPLY, IN THE evening, to Mrs. Howard 8. Folger, 85 West Strees. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: REFER- ences reguived. Apply at St. An- drew's Manse. AN EXPERIENCED COOK .BY JUNE Sth; references required APY to Mrs. W, Harty, Jr. 1 Emily St. GENERAL; RE- Apply te Mrs in the r------------------------ AN EXPERIENCED ferences necessary. Scott, Queen's University, evening. A MAID FOR "GENERAL work; references required, Apply. 96 Stuart Street, at foot of Unl- versity Avenue. 300 PER CENT. PROFIT.--$4§ WEEK- ly made putting up gold sign let. ters; samples partici ars, free. Met- tailic Co., 437 » 'lark. Chicago. $10¢ MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO travel and distribute samples for big manufa¢turer; steady work. 8. Beheffer, Treasurer, C59 Chicago. KL Y AND EXPENSES TO 8 orthy people to travel and distribute samples for big whole~ sale couse, C. MH. Emery, B44, Chi- CARO MONTHLY men to post samples for wholésale steady work H. Monroe, dent, R64, Chicago. EXPENSES TO distribute house; Presi- AND glgns - and AGENTS FOR DE- sirable article, which sells at sight 100 per cent profit; particulars free Fulop Supply Co. 1814, W256 tr et, Cle veland, Ohio. ARN AUTOMOBILE we teach by mall; week Job; earn $10 learnjog. Rochester 481 Rochester, N.Y. LMEN AND LADX BUSBI- get you weekly Auto nes 25 a while School, GENT PERSON MAY monthly Sorresponding No _canvassi ng Froas Syud INTE earn $10 for newspapers. Bend for particular cate, 3,969 Lockpert, FOR 88 No 4 HINCHINBROOKE, Teacher holding third class certifi- cute; state salary; duties te com- mence in August at the close of summer holidays. Apply to Geo Butterill, Secy., Cole Lake, Ont WANE D, LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; 'Work sent any distance, charges paid; send stamp for full particulars. National Manufacturing Co, Montreal. HOUSE- | STRAYE p OR STOLEN. A DAPPLE BROWN MARE. { YEARS old, standing abeut 15 hands high and weighing about 1.000 Ibs, with leather haltér and leather lead al- tached, on May "T6th Any persen knowing anything of ahove describ ed animal please communicate Rockwood Hospital for lasane. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENRRAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean Steamshi Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Street, Kingston. Telephone § Lrg. ACCIDENT AND HEALTH al policies dnd moderate rates ibe class on Agent, 159 W IR ellington street. J. RK. CARROLL, DISTRICT AGENT, Dominien Life Assurance Company also Fire pident, Sickness and Plate Glass ITpsurance, 14 Market Street, Kingston. CUSTOME BROK pur Involees in an envel- itn aC one cent. stamp ol ih vob in 'the nearest letter do the rest. 2) kinds of Fire placed on short tee 67 Clarence Bt, Kings- GRO. A. RA 2 SBE ompany. AND fans "RR Pai a ie ate security tha a aniiitr of all the st storkholders, hole Fa, 4 roperty re Fates. Fd Stange new > 0 'Phone, § -- - REAL ESTATE. ness get rates range, Agents GROW APPLES AND GROW RICH IN the glorious frutt district of South- ern British Columbia; our choice lands $10 cash and $10 monthly without interest: annual profits $600 to $1,000 per acre: orchard garden, poultry, scenery, hunting fishing, boating: grand warm climate; school. church post of Tice, store, big sawmill; dally trains; close to markets; unlimited demand for products; write quick for maps, photos, free information West Kootenay Fruit Lands Com papy, Dept. oP. Nelson, B.C 70 LET. HOUSE, NO." 230 EARL Bert brick veneered: 6 rooms, ga for cooking. Apply at Earl Bt FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD all modern improveme nts; nice Tocation. Apply, 176 Clergy Street BOARD AND ROOM, MODERN CON venience, for young man or mar ried couple Apply; 214 Willian Btreet DWELLING, FURNISHED AND UN furnished, Stares, Storage for Fur nijure, ete ann's, Brock, Cor King street. 203 WELLINGTON reet (next Crothers' Bakery) Sie moderate, App! Mr. CR Webster, 51 Princess Bireet. BRIG * STORE, FOR Ati BE, CLEAM abso! ntely mot! lock and ke) rost's City Storage, 29% eed . Phone B26b. S7TORAQ E a TWO PREACHERS FOR 88. NO, § Seeley's Bay, Leeds Co. for Junior and Senlor Departments; male teacher preferred for senior depart- ment. hen applying state slaty, J. F. Chapman, Sec Treas, Seeley Bay. JA FEW SMART GIRLS TO OPERATE sewing machines for the finishin of men's knitted underwear; goo wages paid to inexperienced while learning; steady joh. Apply, at once. to Kingston Hosiery Co, Ltd) King Street West, MOLDERS, STOVE-PLATE, FOR floor and bench work; open shop; the highest wages will be paid to independent molders and steady work guaranteed the year round to sod men, Findlay Bros. Co, Ltd, arleton Place, Ont. LIFE OF KING EDWARD VII Wanted, district managers to ap- point agents for this remarkable ook: best proposition ever offered to live men. For particulars, ad- dress Joseph B. Raven & Co, 125 Plymouth «Court, Chicago. IENERAL REPRESENTATIVE Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; sells for $15.00; successful single person on the market; biggest kind of profits; write for terms. Hutehi- son Mfg. Co, Wilkinsburg, Pa. FOR Carpet the only maehine AGENTS WANTED: BIG MONEY: EX- Penson pald; no experjence required; varfely poriraits, bromides, photo tillow tops, 30¢; frames at our actory prices; credit given: logue and samples free. Art Btudio, 1214W, Madison, cago, Til Chi- A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND ability to represent us in Kingston to sell our high-class ornamental stock and troit specialties; a per- manent position for the right man on lheral terms. Apply, Stone & Neliington, Fonthill Nurseries, To- nt. ronto, + + -* + + + : CARPENTERS WANTED. Wanted, Journeymen Carpent- ers to wark on different build- ings throughout the city: wages, $2 38 per day of eight hours, Apply, HUNTER & HAROLD, M. SULLIVAN, HOOPER & SLATER, Contractors. WANTED---GENERAL. ety for ran ba FU RNISHED ROOMS. FOR LIGHT onsakesnive y 218 Bagot Streets | A Nyems HORSES TO FURCHAS Ring inds of Pa. wt inte SRY 4 SOUTH ICA TH ATiigh Sips a a i ns, and Debentures, ppl 1.0 Hutton, 15 Market ot 8 Ran I WILL BUY Will be in A. Jenkins, tephane No. FARMS WANTED NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE with modern improvements, corue Quebec and Division Streets; ren: easy. APP, Rev. J. D. Boyd, 10t Pine Stree THAT SPLENDID RESIDENC 5 No. 1f Montreal Street, formerly Re lad by the late Dr. McCammon; con: venient location; modern Improve ments. Apply on the premises. ------------------------. va BRICK HOUBE, No. 15, COLBORNE Street, between Clergy and Syden- ham, with all medern conveniences possession immediately. Apply tL Lyons, 146 Ordnance Street. FURNISHED, FROM MAY 16, UNTIL September 15, or for shorter term eleven-roomed house; edern im- rovements; ge; alectric ight, Anhty. 53 Alfred Street, or at Whig office. THAT LARGE STONE SHO OM corner Queen and in treets suitable for garage, machine sho sales room or factory of any kin Apply. mes Laturpey, Carriage Maker, 3 0 Princess Street. A SPLENDID SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE with fine new bdrn, at. $8.00 pe: month, or without use of barn $7.00, from June 1st, Concession Bt. one block from Division Street. R Chas. Bell, 171 1-2 Wellington St. BOARD AND ROOMS, FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LODGIN( either together or separate may be had at 321 University Avenue, con venient to cars; bright, airy rooms gas and modern conv enlences. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH Inout. DRUGS"--R. G Ashcroft, D.O. na KE. Asheroft P.O. Aon pH Dr. Still, the Founder of Osteopathy, 438 Princess Street' corner Division. 'Phone 447.. No Chatge for econ- suitation and literature. Office hours, 19 to 12, 2 to 5, 6 to 8. FOR SALE OR TO LET. BOATHOUSES FoR 1 rant. a Te Grease Beg tbalider fala Boat Cataraqui Bridge. LAUNCHES 3 attetien, Olls an Knapp, Livery, "Phone 767. NEW BUMMER COTTAGES AND Bungalows at East View Park, on HY . kawrence, § miles from ingston! atl furnished and from i § Fooms; terms easy; also Rev, 1 fine lots for sale. Appl J.D. Boyd, 108 Pins Brey > DENTAL. PARES ANDSNES, PENG OR. C. Ga NASH, NL DE . mw, street. 'Phone. 738 LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MULE, " and Solicitors. BA [BRIST. arence St, Kingston. Law Office, 7 F ESTABLISHFD 1866. with | A LARGE VAULT, J. J. TAYLOR CO make. Apply at Whig offices for particulars LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR WN- ings and Tents at 183 OR ai Xx FX. Bazeay. L ADY S Ww H man's wheel order at Turk's L8O y GENTLE. good rysning 'Phone 706. A KODAK, ¢ IN. X § IX; ALSO.DUY- fit For further PA hp ply Whig office, or 40 Que! SKIFFS AND GASOLINE go R sale. Particulars at Ged SR ue strance Emporium, Market ONE ONE SBCOND-HAND MANURE reader, in good sha He wm horses ahd col are 8.9 128 Clarence street. Rideau Lake: wind mill medern conveniences: two land; best locality. Apply Dale Carss, Smith's Falls, Ont. en e------ Cis A COMFORTABLE FRAME DWEL- ling, 7 rooms; good celler, bath and splendid black lome garden, al Hanted; jot 132 x 133; cheap, k McCann, Broek, Cor, King St, a ma --------" HAVE YOU SEEN OUR "UNCONDI- tional Accident Polley? You have never seen anything to beat it. Full information by calling at 14 Market Street. J. XK, Carroll, Agent, UPRIGHT PLANO; in first «class condis guaranteed: at $85 on this is a bargain Apply, Box 170, SUMMER COTTAGE (FURNISH we] ° ine RICH ane; MASON & rosewood tion; fully GASY pPAYmMents: for quick buyer. Whig office IF YOU WANT A PATENT. GEAR Roller Awning or Boat sing. Canoe Boat or Waggon ara Carl Fenders or Life Preservers for your motor boat, Capt. Jose Dix, 211 Nelson Street, makes good ones, LARGE SUMMER COTTAGE. «FUR. nished, containing 12 rooms and ex» tention kitchen and ice house and aleony; opposite C.P.R. station, Sharbott Lake. For particula apply M. Doyle, St. Lawrence Hal Quyon, Que. $2,850. BRICK HOUSE, 337 EARL Street; § rooms; hot water furnace; , Kas. b & Spd on Jin first-class bondi 4 bargain at the above figure, Particulars at dullin's Geocery, Cor. Division and Johnson VERY DE SIRABL K 50 de RE FARM, part of lots 2% and 30, 6th Concess slon of Ernestown; good bullSings: i watered; well fenced; al deep land under good state of vation; telephone in house and anally rural mail deliveryy price plight and very easy terms. Apply to J. B. Sanderson, Owner, gb pres mises, Wilton, Ont SCHOLARSHIP (ANY SURECT) IN International Correspondence Bchools of Scranton, Pa: would make a handsome and profitable gift for any young man or woman; Rn ishese of at reasonanl price aken at once. iy, Whig office' PY a POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITION cheap for coash Frontenac Loan Society," yielding 4 3-4 per an Reap For au Saskatchewan or ar quick turn; tr nd fore a 19, 3, oF pa : MEDICAL, AA Neo 3.7 bain. » Son ae sur Fa : Gorges "E rhone hh a ra 0% 3 AE eS hors? ay Dow tn IL, sation. spe i TE oa Femddsiieds ¢ julie erats; ie Week: ohn 1 My Prop. FOR INFORMATION. Of PATENTS. al pu LL a ents, send 10¢ fer booklet an ma, 1 Ben 4 ATE Ottawa, . SAnnatt, Rent OARPENTERS AND B OROP A CARD TO CH A SAR an Builder, bi St, for reasonable ices na kinds of jobbi mp. 3 ng, all wi BECK WI H & GODWIN, CONTRACT ing ineers an hit gents | or Ballders' Specthition 1a" enham Street and 298 Karl Street. Plans prepared and esti mates given for all classes of work, ARCHITECTS. RE Ei PE A in, RT, WM. a eof Ben BC POWER BON, ITROTS, chan Bank Auiain and Wellington streets. ho JO LES without" waar rca | i YOUR PORTUNE TOLD; At. ters of love murriage, ele, earefully trented: -- date and 6¢ in Sam at Dumas, Box we JROMren-Cartn Le 5 P Que, BUSINESS CHANCES. & mall order ness Ee e---- Hot Kitchen In warm weather is not at all pleasant. and buy our Cut SOFT AND HARD WOOD SWIFT Avoid it