YEAR 77-NO. 124 KINGSTON, ase, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1910. NO FEAR OF IT War Is Not At At All Bio. bable SAYS MR. CARNEGIE WHAT THE TRONMASTER HAS TO RETAIL. Declares Talk About Germany and England "All Tommy-Rot" -- Throws in Some Hot Air About the U.S. London, May 20. --Andrew Carnegie declared to-day that he knew positive ly that even though called the "War tore * Emperor Willinm did not want war with ingland, and he declared, *"There is no danger of such a war. What on earth would they go to war for? That talk about Germany want. ing more territory. as an outlet for her 'citizens is all "tommy rot." Ger many has pemly a mellion square miles of lgnd now. She does not need more, and eanuot get it even if she diel. 'I Bdtein, Germany and the Uni ted States should form a peace com- pact, that combination would reign supreme and universal peace would ba assured, President Taft is for it, so is Roosevelt, and the Gorman emperor, - S---- -- PHYSICIANS PUZZL ED. Time. London, May 30.--A puwle io phy siinns was M. Petropoviich, a law- yee who died a few days ago gr oto -Unsurisk, Ruesia. MM, Potro novitch had hardly enjoyed a wick of | sleep since he fractured his skull years ago in a train collision. For some wecks he was av the | brink of death, but his stro cone stitution triumphed and he recor red and. was discharged as eured from the hospital. A eurious phen meson | iben manifested itseli. He found could not sleep, but that did not\worry hing as he did not feel the need of it, After a while, however, he !ng.n urbroken wakefulness. 'The strong. est soporifics had ne effect on "him, They made him ill, but did not bring sleep. For weeks at a time ie rev- er closed his eyes. Then he wouid three hours' duration and wake perently refreshed, This lasted some years and he began to complaiv of inte se tigue. the only remedy for he discovered, was vigorous of the bead. As he was fairly todo he could afford to consult ern! eminent speciglists, but his baffled them all. After his hie skull and brain were which, vehi: insted, | istent insomnia. BOGUS BARON. to explain his per ghar. New York, May "Pwo distin- by attending King Edward's funeral, made it an easy way for George V. ANDREW CARNEGIE to follow his father's example, and fa- vor a peace pact, "I would not favor a disarmament all at 'once, It is well to be prepared for war. The United States, 1 be lieve, has proved in her Spent un Jee . fot war that she 2 the t prepa of any nation. is the only country, I copsider, absol- and on iavigcible. Her enomies might borders at the same cs a al he inland for a distance he 4 hundred miles, but hare they would meet annihilation at the hands of our trained citizens." Oarusai Man Deported, N. Y., May 30. --Henry w Ro oF Gonowall, Ont, 'has been de- by the ¥ rant officials, hite was taken from Auburn prison, where he served a sentence for bring. ing Miss Edith Good of Cornwall, Ont., for immoral purposes. He was arrested i n a hotel here. While at An: burn White learned the plumbing trade, Cashier Mullin Sentenced. Pa... May 30.-Charles sushion, who was dating funds of the failed aay and Merchants Na- tional bank st Mount Pleasant, Pa. way sentenced to five imprison- ment in the federal prisan at Leaven- worth, Kan, by United States Judge 0 whom he Islands--Rochester Str.Conpian Jeaves Sundays at 10, B am, ri, Tiand pointe and at 5 pom. for ; agent . . . » Two mr Geaby' a and Michel, § mi the murder of Mme, oe -- of Fules | Fdounrd Gouin, 14 vernor of the Bank of convicted in Paris, by Graby being sen Michel to Awenty years' who served | floods in ey tive foe" Bact a mine in Spain, eandi- | of : Vy mild weather end abel an a fl So, a guished looking Be who arriv whom, Giambattiste Tedeaco, the older of the pair, told the customs inspectors that he was a baron and had come to this coun- try, looking for an American bride, were held up when their baggage came to be examined and were arraigned be- fore U, 8. Conshissioner Deneditt, in Brooklyn. Customs inspectors charge that un- den, a false bottom in his trunk they found several of jewelry. and in his baggage that of Girolamo Bi Lettero, his com. | panion, and on the persons of two, dutiable jewelry of a conic able value was found. Naples, one of | N HE GETS NEW NOSE. Fight. Indianapolis, Ind., May 36.- Henry ond, whose nose was sliced off in a fight a month ago, appeared in the po hil Cart wearing a very serviceable icing done So pai ame Tas been in sinve the fight, and the surgeons from Boud's ewn leg. The result of their work is tory to Bond, and actording satisino- to nose, A Roman Catholic College. Chatham, N.B., May 30.--A new pro- vineial college is to be opened here for English-speaking Catholic students in the provinee, under the direction of the the Basillian fathers of Toronto, who direct. the colleges "at St, Michael's, Toronto, and Sandwich, Ont. The college will provide educa- tion for both boarders and day stu- dents. It may be afliliated with the University of New Brunswick. THE BAD WEATHER IS SAID TO BE DUE TO HAILEY'S COMET. An Interesting Table--~Fogs, Floods, Hailstorms and Topsyturvey Ate Man Never Closed Eyes for Weeks . i | yl i | THE WORLD'S TIDINGS ie GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. | : revi i He Proved to be a Smooth Smug: | LATEST Dispatches From Nea NEW §- r, And Distant Places to be uneasy under. the strain of this| Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From AN Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. It is suggested drop off into a light dose of two or! coronation Lp {next yeat Mrs, then! of Stamford, fo | 4 railway crossin Borden, th ne viange or, will give one df the dates of R. {dune leonard Yarmarn was fatally injured' Lhenvy sicke "ning odor in ease on the steamer de: th being caught in the shaft, Wilfrid but the surgeons could find noting | from Toronto, was stabbed and killed | mouths, inhaling the stuff having the i hy a negro in Uindinnuati, i Fdgar that King Geor take place Empire tour to Toronto. Dundee Jones said to go's day Mary Jolmson, sn aged widow | now was killed by a train at | craft passed through the tail conservative lead- his | , at Toronto, be Seventeen thousagd personis have en- gaged passage to Purope from York in the mooth of June. Silas Martin, Dundas, was killed by falling Army lodging house at Hamilton, Harry himsel in a bush near Brantford. Hungary ing novelist, eatated valued at $22.500 in honor of his Jubifus. a Creek, Mich. {in Capt. was bu Pern B. Kalman Mikszuth, 1} 3 rned to death at New down 'stairs at the Salvation Southwell a voung English- ed here on the steamer Mendoza, from | man out of work and despondent, shot has presented to her feud res Luce, seventy-five years Battle She fainted 'while carry- g a lighted lamp. ver, of Arctic fame, is ceiving recognition from Canada. It Lie nC is sta the |foneral with at. Ar ., 18 receiving ted its purse. drew Muleay, re- For hundred dollars worth | the sum of $1 Le has been granted 960 and #eres in Baffin's Island. that King Edward's attendant expenses or cost aver $1,500,000, which will be de- {frayed from the public Victoria, the congratulations of hosts of friends on his reception of nay Lake, struck Ainsworth and wank. The Surgeons Replace Organ Cat Off in a commission in {Artil lery. the Royal Canad ian The Great Northern steamer Kaslo, beween Nelson and Kaslo, on Koote a sunken pile crew passengers were landed 'safely. Co Withelwine vie waking perio- og visits to some of the chief cities mospheric Conditions Ascribed to Celestial Tramp. Rome, May 30.--Spring weather is! still practically unknown in Italy this! vear and low tem ntaires prevail ev- en in the south, w n of May. broly sists deny that the present abs atmospheric conditions are due ® to to Halley's comet, but the public gen- erally is inclined to a contrary opite jon and the following table has heen' compan] on its a hpoatances: 1065--Fogs Roughout J ad a s pete sermany. Floods and storms ar famine in Austria and soardity in G ny. 1292 Heavy hailstorms in Germany a great eart vinces and in northern Italy. The cit the world i Heavy fogs. Nd winter, famine and ue in Germany. nt od and jong winter, wet ob and » when over 70,000 per sons were kil famine in 1683--Hot and rule the! summer heat sets in with the 'month Halimn Agtrangmers and met] | the city TosgSial lof the kingd sy. faut Prince ranged the substitute by graftiog siin'sent her to time, The two hundrell and all! niversary of the death of Dollard and | Kng in the basement of his om nnd is taking the Juliana with her to the people for the fiftieth the Iroquois diane, was celebrated in Montreal, Sunday. The marringe took place at Roches- Yer, Mifin, to-day, of br. Don ine pre an who saw him he now has a handsome! his heroic band, who saved Ville Marie from an attack by In- on Bal- four, a prominent voung physician of Hamilton, Ont., Mayo, daughter of Dr. J. W. the famous cancer hy Sir Wilirid Laurier's western to Miss o arrie Louise Mayo, tour will begin about July 7th or duly Sth when the party The present will leave Ottgwa. plans contemplate spend- ing sixty davs west of Fort Willinwm. Ca iritroduce a sensation in the aerial world, at Toronto exhibition will make all Ontario, and this year. ascensions from will never fly over exhibition grounds. Rev. W member of a British Columbia ; . Clifford, B.A. B.D. ference of the Methodist church, been afpainted professor of classies in Columbia ster, B.C. College, Prof. Gifford has had The trip will take in Prince Rupert. Baldwin and McCurdy, the diun aviators, will na- new the They ake the a oon has | at New Westmin- a thorough training at Toronto Univer wk rll Anna Borden, tricked when of Buffalo, was she married ' Geotye Borden at Niagara Falls, N.Y., on July Mth, applying for marriage. After 1904. The woman an annulment of is the living with Borden only four wionths after the wedding, she claims she of phensmena which have ac- Borden had another wife. in i e in the Rhein pro- + Pag { fe + a dn famine. r |e 4 and antumn very wet! # and stormy summer. Great earth-|$ » Etna. 1607 Mild winter in Furape ER wave in Flanders, great smelt and ® then discovered SENTENCED TO DEATH. Vienna, May 30 It is re- pored th richter, Lieut. Adolph Hof- ho recently confess- ed to having sent poison to a member of the Nemufal staff, one of found whom «ied, has been uilty at a Beg, ona conrt- land 4 Jnienced to be announce- . t of the result of the trial, wever, has not beeh made as yet. sequently § tor. died in great agony. Heavy former Canadian Si aption years of age. Jog ME of New that A TINY MAX DEAD, | Canada Loses Smallest Man, Weigh- ing Thirty Pounds. Halifax, N.8, May 36 -Fdward Hopman, probably the smallest man in Canada, died at bis home in Al lendale, Nova Scotia. He was thir ty-eight years of age. His height was two feet nine inches and he weighed histy pounds. He had been ill for five months with stomach trouble, but the immediate cause of death was paralysis, with which he was stricken I% Sunday. His sister, who is now Jabout twenty years of age, also is of exceedingly small stature. During the (construction of the public wharf at {Lockeport Station, Hupman, was em- ployed as time keeper. THROUGH TAIL OF COMET. Sky Tramp Takes Place of Sailor's . Sea Serpent. Montreal, Mav 36. Capt, the schooner Minnie Maude, in port, convinced Rojwert, of of Gaspe, that hi of the the 17th, Point de 250 miles below Quebec watch became conseibus of a the air. Tt came oppressive that he could stand it no longer and called the crew {AH tied handkerchiefs their comet. On the night of when his schooner was off Montz, about i the sO over {effect of making them feel bilious. Af ter half an hour a cold puff of north wind cleared the air. LORY KITCHENER, wil be the next Viceroy ot tndia T May rf Biifialo, N. ¥., May 30.-The body of Leung K known by a half dozen al- rst jases fn the Chinese colony, was found | Wan, ging by a small fish cord from a | hoo! that was attached to a woant- laundry at 2,067 Niagara street. The local po lite gay thay believe he was the man who®was implicated in the murder of Elsié Siegel, in New York , year ago. DOING BIG DAMAGE THIRTY MILES OF TERKTORY FIRE- SWEPT. Swan River District, in Manitoba, a Prey to the Flames--Construction Camps Wiped Out--Loss in Mil- lions, . Swan River, Man., May 80.--It was learned that the village of Mistitany, in cluding mills and camps, was burned to the ground. Fires ave stil ra; ing at Mistitam and Timber Inspector } New i bist, Swan River, is now in that dis {arict. Word was received that fires | were originated in the Baden timber limits, owned by Mulchenbacker Bros. of Mafeking, and all men were sent to Baden to fight the fire which is rapid- ly traveling down the east side of the Pordupine Rls towards the Canadian Northern railway. The Cowgaf tom struction tie camp was also burned out by the fire, with considerable loss, In less than thirty psnutes from the {time the approach of fire was first { noticed, it had swept across the track and completely destro; the sawmill, seventeen Canadian Northern box cars, camps, the stables, Stores and other ruildings and a considers ble quantity of lambhar. The mill and lumber were insured. "The mill will Nely be rdbuilt, There is a summer's ent of 1 left in the untouched by fire. With the a- mount of timber Seatroyed in the bush and the ues burned he track the loss will be hon vy, and may exceed 5 million. Trains have been unable to 3 a YT Ti through the fire for the last hotrs, and the ph TH ed down in many alsa burhed in sever s spreading and rm running ot a northeast wind, and | ing that Shaw Bros.' fil i Fe Eis £ § 7 gv FE "T5i i hile} fe frsiieily Tibree {wor bors A FINE FLIGHT Made Faster Time Than n Railway WON $10.000 PRIZE AND MADE AN INTERNATIONAL RECORD, The Biplane Split the Air at Speed of Sixty Miles an Hour--The Winds Were Good and a Finer Day fo Record Making Could not be De sired. New York, Mas 30-~Olenn H. tiss speeded down the air lanes, Albany to Manhattan _Ikland, 137 miles in 152 minutes, better than any Timitedl on the New Central ever made Mr, Curtiss only won the $10,000 prize offered a New York newspaper, but he alse made an international record for sa stained speed. There were times wher his little biplane. which is only. hal as big as Paul Hans" famous flyer split the air at more than a sixty mile wn hour clip, and his average speed vas B.S miles The winds were gond to Curtiss anc a finer day for breaking space nan ime ould not Le picked from the alendar, But the he Highlands nearly The airs, warmell hy an eager sun an twisty ways up the mountain sides, Swinging around Old Storm Kins the aeroplane dropped fully fort) feet like a plummet. But it soon got nto kinder airs and went steadily or the finish, Although Paulhan the Frenchman astonished the world by flying from London to Manchéter, 186 miles, he took more than twelve hours and he made two stops while Curtiss stop ned once only, yesterday, at Camelot below Poughkeepsie, before slapping Manhattan lsland with his heels, anc he went a lot faster than Paulhar travelled. ' TO FIND COOK RECORDS. Cur from doing tim York not [A mischevous air currents o' got him onve to Beecroft Will Sail With Bernier Ex. pedition, New York, ' Mav 3.--Chester Bee croft, of Pelbam Manor, N.Y, an nounced yesterday that he will sail fot to June 15th with the expe on "a the Arctic in of finding the records wich he. A. Cook says he loft in the north, HT is said he will be supplied with fond: by Dr. and Mrs. Cook. Beecrofl has been interested in Arc tic expeditions some time and it wa through his efforts that the PFskim¢ hoy, Mono, sole survivor of the Pear axpedition af 189%, was sent baol north, RC SS RIFLE. Sir John French Declares it Unsur passed. Montreal, May 30.-Champions o the Ross rifle would have been «¢ lighted ut the end of the brigade re view by Sir Johan French, who declar ed that the rifle supplied to the Can adian militia was a weapon of unsur passed range and power. Speaking o the militia department at Ottawa the general said : "Your government has done a great deal for you soldiers ir the past few years. It is the best guarantee vou have in vears to com that they would do still more." HAD A GOOD YEAR, - The Report of the Dominion Textil Company. May )~The financial @ the Dominion Textile company presented at the annual meeting, to-day, showed profits Tor the year, after providing for hetterments, ete., of $893.311. The addition of the dividends received on stocks of De minion and Merchants' bills brought the total up to $1,016,307. Alter pay ing charges there was a surplus of $35,732. Sales for the year amounted to 8,743,706 vards; increase, 2,500,080, The old directors were re-elected. Montreal, statement i BACK TO ENGLAND. London, May 30.---Jeseph Chamberlain, with his wife, arrived from Cannes, Satur- day evening. Mr. Chamber- lain looked frail, as with the asgistance of his wife and an- other member of the party he made his way from the train to his carriage. He was somewhat tanned. His stay at Cannes appears to have been benefited him. As Mr. Chamberlain drove away he ralsed his hat to tae saluta- tions of the Sympathetie on- lookers. CAPA WERI SOB EEI SP i Queen Mary is not without ambition Tt is already intimated Thal she will imitate the German and Russian em- presses in military honors foreign regiments and that she will hecome the honorary colossl of the Hussars, { "Fle three-vear-old son of W. Nichol son, Toronto, a freight handler, who. was taken to Isolation hospital ten weeks ago with scarlet fever, has wines had x, messles and diph- EE bss tion, Whitast's snd bred ---- Yo LAST. EDITION EE WEATHER RE ---- Toronto Ont. May 30. 10 sm--Ot- tawa Valley aad U pper St Lawrence Variable winds: cloudy. with ocoasionsl : showers. Tuesday, cloudy and Soler. ENTHUSIASTIC OPENING of . SUMMER SUITS AND DRESSES « NEW Est TREES ARE DWARFS. Fruit Plucked From Above Instead of | Below. May always | old Beamsville, 2M, Time's urd yy -gurdy brings arc wet | something new and strange, aod exp | in nature, where the growing things seen every day the selfsame to 4 casual eve, there ie -am occasional trespassing. Down among the voung fruit at the provincial experimental farm, near Jordan Harbor, some real freaks of man's and nature's eralt. Five years ago, and hardly that Bad peach orchards in the Niag peninsula, av the growers often "sweeping the skies." Now it different, as far as the coming wehards are concerned. On the farm they have trees of this variety that a person ean look!) down upon, may walk over in a step, and lay the palm of your hand -on their topmost veack of branches. The lowest limbs of these dwarfed. grotesque little freaks of trees start right from the top of the ground, and the cemtre of the tree n most cases is hardly two inches wbove the surface. Any of these three vear-old trees that will begin to bear some fruit this summer could be placed very handily and grow in an ordinary flower pot. And this is the idea to be carried out hereafter in bls anting peach rees. There will 'be no more climbing of step-ladders or falling baskets of rait. Instead of reaching up for watches, the pickers, inside a couple of vars, will be reaching down. The new peach trees pruned down to the neely of those at the Experimental | Station, are already making their ap >earance in many places, and they ndeed a curiosity to visitors listrict. Whatever may be said to the sontracy with reference to the buds wing recently frost-touched, the re sort is nil as far as the Grimshy, Win wan, Jordan and Beamsville districts ro, trees! are we ara say, is all peach new 3 Ime Place AND THE Prices Summer's late coming. 'Has one bright side anyway~---it foreed the producers of ready attire to unload their lovely creations at big. redue- tions, much leas than expected and reasonably expected, too, because no such engaging style has ever been ghown in Womans' or Misses' Sum- mer Dresses and Suits Even the lowest priced garments possess an astonishing amount of "snap" and "smartness.'"' As a Fashion Show our display will call crowds. We invite you to call and see these beautiful garments. The Low Prices will as tonish you. are | in the We are values in offering Extraordinary _., SHIRT WAISTS, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, VEILS AND VEILINGS. SPECIAL TAN HOSE, Embroidered, at 25¢, * + & DIZaLY'S S BORN , on Monday, May 30th, and Mrs. Edward M CROWN PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM, Fhe next ruler of the German Empire King's Birthday a Bank Holiday, Ottawa, May 30. The government has decided to take no action to can el the observance of the King's birth- | day. Therefore, Friday next becomes | witomatically a public holiday under | : In Ottaws he bills of exchange act. ad Dr. One Year for Cruelty. Cobourg, Ont., May 30.--Jokn Liv- hgston, tried before Judge Penson! on a charge of cruelty to animals, | was sefitenced to one year in the Cen tral prison. | MARRIED. CLARK At Saskatoon, May 1916, Robert D. Thomas to ark, both of Orandors, Sask, HERRON On Thursday 26th, 1810, at her hpme, Miss 1, youngest dasghier of sun ere Toronto, to Bassi! W, THOMAS 151) PATCHING OF ROADS IS TO BE GIv EN EXTRA ATTEN. TION THIS SEASON, DIED. Kingston, fe Gertrude 30th age op May Wright t, Cataragul to on May eh iin Adalr, belovs son of Charies F. and aged twenty-six 1 Intermen o | ADAIR. rest One Patcher Will Pay Attention to] Ci the New Roads Recently Con structed---Little Can be Done | Princess Street at Time. om 8 late Wome , Tuesday, May Kingston, on Winkin wif Wiskin to Calaragui, > fis the Present) : Muy oth, the is ederiok + vd years fers irony her late residence, Cols Hingwood Streef, Tyesday after noon, at 230 o'clock Friends and wintances are respecifully re. ted to attend 1 ING--On Bunday, May 39th, y Dowling, aged 40 yenrs wiil Lake place from her late dence 19 the Chureh of the Holy Name, Cushendall, at o'cloak, Wednesday morning, where » solemn réguiem mass will Be sung fur the repose of her sont. Inier- ol Bt. Mary's Cemetery, are ACqBaintanices are re- vy Pequestied to attend This season, the city engineer will | put on an extra road patcher. One of | the street scavengers has been given the duty of keeping the new roads, re- | cently constructed, in repair. He will go over them, and wherever a depres sion is found, he will dig it oat, pur in some etal and pound it solid. | Thus the new roads will be kept from | running down. Two other patches | will be at work spreading stone, be sides the citv's stone contractor. Road | atehing will be given more attention | real ter, ! As to Princess street, the city engi neor does not yet know what will be done to it. Of course, he recommends | that the necessary underground work | be started this summer, so as to get the street in condition for reconstruc | tion next year with whatever material | the city council may decide upon. All | that can be done this year to the! road is to cavefully spresd stone around the railway tracks, and in other depresdions. Jt would be 5 waste of money io rebuild the road | while the underground work remains undone. So far this season, the city engi neer's department has constructs 1 Hi | teen wooden crossings in cerfain por | tions of ithe city. Probably tweniy i COFFEE Our NE and during the summer. few old as) : phali crossings and walks will be re | 1s roasted and ground by : red; le thus etsuring perfect freshness. The With respect to the report that the | { price Is 40 cents the pound. The CPR. has bought the Washington | value cannot be expressed In figures, County railway in Maine, 8ir Thomas | We would like you to try it Shaughnessy anys thin is A ose of Sone one buying a railway for CPR. * 4 9 ac 1910, we Conk Bloves, ir Thien 1 wii {HL ressonable prices.