DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1910. THE , Sawyer Shoe Store Daintily devised Foot Dress for the most wistful wish of womanhood. INI AN iN BEEBE ASE PEL REL FSF Aer A "From the factory of Utz & Dunn, makers of the famous BR Sd Bb shoe for women, + The Sawyer Shoe Store ¥ Sole Agent for Kingston, succended, provide THE WHIG, 77th YEAR. EPR BRITISH HID. 1 16 a ublahed in arts on Monday ursday morning st 3 a Yo or a. Shitrae ries of of boviger, mad $3 to be added and of Weekly 5. 5 of the Vest t the best job Print- stylish, Attached is one of ing as in Ca and cheap work: nine mproved presses. . The British Whig Publishing Co., Lud. TORONTO 01 OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St, Teronto, H. E Smalipeice, 7 P., representative. Daile Wing FAILURE OF A LAW. The state of New York has endeavor od to meet the cry of insanity which is raised in so many murder cases. The provision in a law, which has just been sigued by the governor, is 'that when a murderer appears to be | insane the government may order his removal to the state hospital, théve 10 remain until he iy cured of the malady. Thereupan he will be sent back to the state prison "to suffer sentence given him. under the law." One wonders what the effect of this law will be. The murderer who is adjudged insane, at the time of his trial, is not sentenced to death. He is mercifully dealt with, and sent to the asylum for an indefmite period. The case in which one has become in- sane after he has been sentenced has et 40 be recorded. 'It may be that nin empt has been made to reach of the Thaw type, but it has not. To do so it would have to that recovery. from brain storms shall not exempt the conviet from pudichment and protect the peo- ple from a recurrence of his offence, The man is a hopeless degenerate, and the asylum for the insane is too good i for him. CARRY DISEASE GERMS, Screen Them Out © Our WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS are made to fit They dre always ready for use and do not need to pe removed every time you snut the win- dow, Ornamental and Useful. S. Anglin& Co. Wellington St. N. fe 'here are no aneilonts in Mature. The wvalanche. that without a mo- fc $ warimy rashes headlong down the mountain side is not. an neck dent. = For years previous tiny atoms have been crystallizing and adding their F minutd weight to the mass which left its base when the accumulation reach: Fell a ortain point. Neither is balduess an aceident. The "anpnitesiially small germ whien is the cause of dandrufl and baldness feeds i lently and long before the result 1s sen, The small germs which thrige on the soalp and which are the causdof bald: shwss and dandeafl cannot exist, how. Boe: when Néwbro's Herpicide is ap- * Sold by lending dengpisia, Send fog, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Uo., Detroit, Mich. 81 bottles guae atid. G. WW. Mubood, special agent Painful Stitches in the Back | No one but those who are afflidted with the dreadful Kidney Disease knows what this means, and yo who are so afflicted will forget all "abont it- in a few days If you are only wise enough to. take FIG PILLS. FIG PILLS are guaranteed # to cure you. If not, your money a % 260 a box, a» all leading drug i atores. ¥ i and climb up between the cars. it ll more than usual interest. ll work of the schools, f throughout, | portupity is if tricity and ll open for wi] he i cars as formerly. The air brake ART IN THE SCHOOLS, Picton has had an eshibition of It is of the by grades, and so arfanged that it is shown in all its progressive stages. It is excellent and only when the op- given for' cemparison ean this be seen to-advantage. The high school is lighted with elec the exhibits have been inspection in the evenings, and when visited by a representative ll of the Whig was well filled with peo. ll ple who studied and discussed the work in an animated way. The meet- ing was very good, but lacking the form which one expects when a director of writing is employed. Kingston tried the result of penman- ship in the schools with each teacher ah an instructor "of it; and it was not a success. colour work in the Picton schools is uncommonly good. Here the tante of the tenchers, nnd the aptitude of the pupils is cléarly apparent, and here the exhibit is charact@¥istic of the town. It 48 a question whether a similar display could be made in any of the schools of Eastern Ontario. It follows, of course, whether the colour work is of absorbing importance, -and whether it is deserving of the close at- tention which is given to it. Granted that art is worthy of'y the high place it has been given, and that it adds to the general qualifications of the individual in the varied ocou- pations. of life, Picton has achieved a distinction of which it ought to be very proud. in PERILS OF RAILROADING. The Grand Trunk compgay eanvot be blamed when young men are killed while indulging in the most perilous of ail excursions--a free ride the bumpers of a ear. It may not be geaerally Snown, but it is stated as a fact, that the freight trains that pass the city east and west, daily, carry boys and men who find a di version in riding twenty-five or. fifty miles in positions which are most dan- { evous, The train officials do not ses the unwelcome travellers, They lurk in the vicin'ty of the stations and watéh their 'opportunity. When they are not sen they catch at a passing train Here they sottle themselves 'while the train travels mile after mile. They are ngt detected because the trainmen no longer travel along the tops of the is in charge of the engineer, and he con- | trols the speed ui" the train, and stops it, somolimes with a jerky mio- tion, which is disastrous to the in on Hi It is not so long since a party. of fl four, all youths under sighteen, left, lf the sity for a ran te Brockville. They | reached their destination in' due time, widiA a SH. 1G. biished at RA Ra, that the one who tempts the fates by riding on the outside will, sooner or later, meet his end. The heart of mapy a parent is made sad by the perversity of his wilful boy, and in his sorrow he Was a sympathy that i sincere, RE 'EDITORIAL NOTES. Theres have been many tributes to the late King Edward, but none which surpassed or équalied that of "temic Asquith. It can well be treasured as a sample of the best literaturs of owt day. There is only one way in which the ¢¥press compunics are really up 4 date. Their charges will be the. limit every time. There is need of a straining power, and the railway miss; is supplying it. ecm The place to east out the unfit, as immigrants, is not on board th: ship and sme days' sail out for Canad, but mn the shipping departments England. Canada's law is now very exacting, and it should be nig'dly en forced. of Some people do not like a parade of thes volunteers for churn scrvice Why not? Cannot the young men enjoy the service as well in uniforms as out of them ? And a parade of the troops is pot in the same cluss wilh the men and women milliners, The women of England who hold or property that would qualify a man will be given the franchise--if porliament will accept the hill thay propose. This is a long wav from the franchise tne suffiragett:« demand, but it is a start in their direction. -- comes the information that a harrister of Johannesburg, South Af- rica, who adopted Sinclair Upton's own Now 'cure, by starvation, for dyspepsia, has died. The cure was worse than the disease. The only salvation for the medical profession lies in the fact that it was prescribed by a layman. The Mail is disappointed with the jromises of Hon. Mr. Pugsiey. He intimated his willingness t5 recom wend government aid to the ing of the loronto harbour city would contribute to the purpose, and the Mail says he a shock whicn is to be regretted, the name of goodoess what vl Mel expect ? Jeepen i "the samc gave In y thi KINGSTON OLD BOYS. Wil Come From Toromto on Satur. day, July 23rd. The Kingston Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, at its meeting on Friday evening, decided to make its annual pilgrimage to the Limestone City on Saturday, July 23rd. The usual ex- cursion by G.T.R., will be conducted, and it is expected that 1,000 or more will come down _from the Queen City. The association wishes the city coun vil of Kingston to fix the civic holi- dav here for Monday, July 25th, This will be done. The home committee will, no doubt, arrange some kind of programme for the reception and en teetainment of the old boys. 'The Toronto association intends to visit Cutaraqui cemetery on Sunday morning, July 24th, and place Wreaths on the graves of the late E. B, Pense and J. B. McKay, who were the leading figures in the Kingston old boys re-unions for years, the former as head of the home committee and | the latter as president of the Toronto association. The names of Pense and McKay will always bo cherished by the old bovs of Kingston wherever they are. At the Toronto association's meeting, many of the members spoke in kindly .terms of the Mate Mr. Pense and of how good a friend he had been to the pld boys. Pity the Poor Cowboy. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the food ex pert, said at. a dinner in Washington apropos of the meat boycott and the (ola storage discussion : "The trend of modern life scoms on the surface to be toward preserved in- steud of fresh foods, but there is no such real tremd save among certain deslers, "Who would like to be in the boots of the cowboy in the barren sagebrush eriniry, who used to send - in. weel after week the same order to the store keeper : * "Canamilk, canacow, canacorn, can abutter, canaserapple, canacorn, gana ham, canaplums.' aetrnt amseisn as Walk Out of That Store. Certain manufacturers, who have faith. enough in their products to ad veriise them in this paper, are entitl- ed to at least fair consideration. If vou ask for any of these advertis- eo) goods and a substitute is offered or supgested, you had better walk out of that store and find oy that will value your patronage highly enough to sell you what you ask for without question, Corns Uprooted, Pec"s Corn Salve kills the corn, lotsens it from the healthy flesh and takes it out root and all. No pai, or coreness. In bie boxes, 15 cents. Sold by Jas. B. Meleod, Druggist. : Mre. Elisabeth G. Richmond, coun- vieted of killing Stewart MeTavich, Charlottetown, PEL, at the Hotel Mass, July Wed last. Mrs. Richmond, in a fight with McTavish, shot him Shruugte the head and then crushed his ski DIED AT GANANOQUE LATE WILLIAM ANTISDEL, AGED SIXTY-THREE, Gapanogue. Horse Racer on Domin iva Day---Masons Attended Graco Church eremonics in St. Jolin" Charch. Gasanogque, May 30.--Anoiner sunoque 8, eldecy and highly tecmed residents passed to rest family residence, (oner Uharies Wendngton steeels on 'Saturday, n the person of William Antsdel, mn uh sxtyrthurd year of bis age. Uegiased nas been for more than quarter of 4 century a valued: employes of th ubhunogue Hpring and Axe coming. \ fe weess ago be was taken 1 and Jracunily safk uatic death cio nen wim, He was married to a Miss Mor cison, sister of the late Capt. ait Mcinison, who with two sons, (lL «de at Olympha, Wash, and Berd, of fa «cmu, Wash, and org daughter, Mrs, e rederics Grattan, of 'this town, are {cfc The funsral took place vesterda | oftecnoon to St. John's church, wher ! a solemn libera was sung oy Fev, | ¥r. Kehoe snd the remains laid to rest in the Roman Catholic burying ground, Ou en th The oa leeds Chapter, No. 132 Royal Mich Ma:ons, to the number of 50 pavi aed to Grace church, at 11 a.m. vesterday, for divine worshi;. The sermon preached by Rev. J. T. Pitcher, Lodge, No. 201, AF. & worship in St. Andiew's June 26th, » - The steamer Britannic, Kingston to Montreal, is making regular calls here ior freight and passcngers this sea: | son. The coal schooner Britton clear: ed light for Oswego, yesterday morn ing. The coal schooner Horace Taber, | airived yesterday morning, from i Oswego with a cargo. The hcrse race committee in cons nection with Gananoque Dominion Day eclebration has arranged for the fol lowing events : Named purse 210%; 2.50 elnse,. purse, class, puree, $400. Ip the Sun lay adult Bible ¢lass Gananoque loads, 34; Smith's Falls, First' cofimunion 22 boys and 23 gurl Saturday in St. John's Rev. Father Kehon and Sunday after high mass the 40 hours adoration commenced, Rev. Fr. Cul inane, of Trevelvan being in charge [ the evening service. Rev. Fe, Spratt, of Wolfe Island, will conduct ¢his evening's service and Rev. Fr, I'ranor, Brewer's Mills will be in charge to-morrow evening. Frederick Potter lost a valuable horse from the effects of injuries, su stained by stepping on a garden rake. Rev. Dr. Lucas, Toronto, preached at Bethel, on Gananoque vesterday morning and filled the pit of Grace church Inst evening. Lucas is an; extensive travellér wili lecture this evening in church, on "Australia." Mrs, Johnston, Deseronto, is the guest of her son, William Johnston, Market street. Dr. Fo J. Donevan, Seeclev's Bay, was the guest of his parents, Mr snd Mrs. Jas. Donevan, Victoria avenne, over Sunday. Mrs. J. Arthu Jackson, Stone street, is spending » wonth in Pelé with relatives, EN, Palmer, DBrockviile, spent the woek-and in town the guest of Mrs. C. E. Boer mau, King street, Miss 8S. A' Cross, North street, spent the weak end with riends at Ivy Lea Mrs. J. 0. Neill and daughters, the Misses Eva and Bessie, who have resi dell in Kingston for the past year, have returned to town. Mrs. E. H Hurd, Charles street, was summoned, to Brockville, on Saturday by the ill ness of her granddeughter, Miss Veda Miller, serioasly ill with pneumonia Dr. and Mrs. II. A. Parker, Church street, have returned from Chicago. 1 Evans, Montreal, was the guest of his sister, Mrs, A. C. Hudspeth, days during the past week. E. Hurd. King stree?, spent the week end at Ivy Lea, gnest of her friend, Miss Lena McNeill. Was Leeds | will} en i chure h, race, £300; league, for an average of | Kingston, 80. | for a was celebrated op church, In Rhoaume; om School extension May | with Nt class of | pul Mr, and 1 race for a few Miss Lila {stor Wor ed was forty-two y Efst circuit, | "It cures any cough," Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup. Take no other. I ministerial salary. | The after-dinder Coffee and Ice Cream will be (ar better relished with these doiaty cosfections. PATERSORN'S Caombridge Wafers A delicious new biscuit made from ercam of wheat and sold by all gro~ cers. In tins only, always fresh end crisp. Youll like their favor, Made by Patersoa of Brantford. 22 4 THE Ww HIG'S PU 2ZV. KE. ------ U.S, MAIL What vegetable? Answer on Tues | day, nswer | € himpanze 0. to Saturday's puzzie-- NOTES FROM NAP. ANE ¥. New Station for Bay of Quinte Rails way Well Under Way. Napanee. Mav 25.--AbL the bh ard, vesterdav ternoan, four factories hoarded 2.2% cheese, 1.7 white, and 675 colored an: 485 at 10 15:1 je tance sold on arb, at 10ge. Smith spent Vietomiy Day in with his brother and his mother. M. J, Smith, returned with hum, and will spend the summer in King and Lanark. with her daughters Gicorge Grange, London, spent this week with his brother, A. W. Grange, Joh ste 34 Cornelius resident of cheese twenty 3 boxes of ol Edward the Deseronto Road, the past ten. or twelve years Shanghai, China, died at Suniicy, Friday, on Lis way hai, to visit Roach, a formes but m last home from Shang his former Decens The re brother's home. ws of age. muins were hrought to his home, DeSergnto Road, and the funer- al took place on Tuesday, 24th inst, Inter ment 'was made in Deseronto com etery. Mrs. Vrooman, of Bufiale, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, Meteor. Mrs. K. J. Stron; . went to Brockville vesterday, to visit friends for a month, when she. will leave to spend the summer with her brother, in Mam tou, Man. Mrs. Gray and two daugh ters, of Winnipeg, spent a few days in town visiting her brother, Henry Lane, on their return from where they spent the winter Mrs. Denis Dalv underwent ong operation in Toronto, this We are pleased to say she is nicely. Mrs, Fuller, Mrs. CC, H. Ed- warde and Mes. MeMurrin, are tele gates at the Presbyterian meeting be ing held in Kingston this week, Rev. J. R. Conn and Mrs. Conn leave next week to attend the general assembly in Halifax, The: will be absent two wecke. The Bay of Quinte railway have their new station and freight thed well under way When completed, it will be very neat and up-to-date. The station will have a ticket office, with ladies' and gentlemen's waiting rocm. ahd other conveniences, Thev expat to it completed about July lst, Bermuda, geri- week doing n have Sentenced to Immediate Death. It happens every corn with er returns. time you treat "Putnam's" --corn dies Nothing so vertain painless as Putnam's Corn try it. Fifty -years' antees its merit. a nev- and Extractor success gunr- I do not believe that he. God is ever heard of in an increased voice -- PS ---- bh ARRANGEMENT FOR THE JUNE BRIDE. wedding ceremony the shoulders in front and. to the waist at the head and removed bef. in turn ovine may adjust her wedding veil to show if she desires to have her face covered in a separate length of ee #, 1 ros ed BIBBY' Our Store Closes Saturday Evening at 10 o'clock. GOP EESGRIP IIIT SIOIRIISIISY # Young Men's Clothing We're showing some smart and snappy Suits for smart dress- ers, clothes that are fairly bristling with new style kinks. The Summer Models are styled in an inimitable way, aud are made from many fascinating fabrics. Cloths that are distinctly young for young fellows that fully appreciate clothes cleverness DON'T MISS SEEING OUR THREE SPECIAL LINES, Positively the Best Suits in Canada at the Price. SUITS, SUITS, SUITS, $12.50 $15.00. $18.00. New Soft Hats. The H. D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. FEUER RRR EERIE IRE RR RRR ee New Eanamas, New Straws. i i i : i : i ; : i : : | 8 i | : i i : * : $s v Shoes Men's Swell Tans---Putents and Gun Metal $5.00, 4.50, 4.00 AND 350 Women's Black Suede--Grey Suede--Patents and Tans also Gun Metal--Pumps and Oxfords $4.00, 3.50 AND 3.00 Boys', Girls' and Children's Low Shoes in all the new styles $3.50, 3.00, 2.00, 150 AND 125 This is the store for LOW SHOES GRANULATED SUGAR The cleanvst and most rath isfactory way to buy Granulated Sugar is in 20 pound Cotton Bags, Every bug bears the ~régistered brand as shown this cut. MANUFACTURED BY THY Canada Sugar Refining Co , Ltd MONTREAL. Hn We Manufacture Solder, Lead Pipe, Lead vo Bp ead Traps and Bends, Special Lead Bends. Write for our PLUMBERS - y latest Plumbers' List and 'Quotations. : ; : THE CANADA METAL CO. LTD. ONT. a Loug Distance "Phose,