YEAR 77-NO. 125 { : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1910, 7 EDITION - --_-------- TLLINOIS GRAFT CHARGES. RAIN QUENCHES FIRES. TO DIVE FOR SPANISH GOLD. R PROBABILY . State Senator Broderick Indicted Immense Andunt of. Timber Lost in Will Begin Operations in Nova! tawa Valley and Vopr Bh Tampons \ for Bribery. Manitoba Scotia Waters. al Winds; cool and cloudy, with Springfield, Ill, May 30.--Within a A ' anal showers ' : Na Dauphin, © Man. ~~ lid, (8 k 31. ~The ' ow, hours alter, Untad atc. Ding phin, © Man May 81.--Heavy Halifax, N.S., May 31.--The recovery pr ; : rains in the t sti , tor William Lorimer's specth at Wash- lina pF Rag UX, airy bn the 2 Sanken Measure estimated to . hae N $ . % ) LH worth between $250,000 and £500,000 Has Been Instituted In ing hie atop Joba Broderick, Dispatches From 'Near and Swan River districts have prac As To The Late War is the object of an expedition which is | ; . dicted by the grand fur here * A d Di Pl tically extinguished ? the forest fires = Wi h S . x to begin operations in Port Murray | South Africa. deat oy Tuy have, n 18tant Places |which have been raging for the past ith Spain Bay, Annapolis county, within a few a rect result of a contusion, he to few days. The great 'West Lumber com a-- days. The treasure has rested for a "ithe grand jury bv State Seater D any lost three million logs. The vil nearly a century, it is believed, in the W. Sioitaay y Tako Tl we ive ace of Mistatim, including mills and, cabin of the Spanish galleon Don THE ACT OF UNION Broderick paid him $2,500 to vote for camps, was Lurned to the ground. The Gigra, which was sunk in Port Mur- 3 Lorimer hs senator. A capias was| ' {Cantan eanstruetion tie camp was al ' : tay Bay about 100 years ago, Yordered at once for Broderick and a S------ . i= burned out by the fire, with oon- RE A company of Amnapolis business ---- hoa warrant issued for his or- GIVEN IN THE BRIEPEST POs. "lerable loss. In kes than; thirty |MOREYON FREWEN REVEALS|men has engaged two dha, woo nem : x minutes from the time the Approach . arrive at Annapolis from New York rest, H h ERE iv ! ) or HAS COME INTO FORCE AND Sho 'unoxpettod Such in. the Lorimi SIBLE FORM. of fire was first noticed, it had swept SOME SECRET HISTORY. within a week, bringing with them mo- COLONIES UNITED, a |séandal fishoot Stat | -- across the track aml completely de-| y ders, wrecking, dredging, and diving SUMMER SUITS arty rh, ot of -- Matters That Interest Everybody-- [Stroyed the sawmill, seventeen (an. | Ultimatum Was Never Sent--Quotes appliances, ' teged graft in a legislature furniture Notes From All Over--Little of | %!iau Northern hox cars, camps, the Statements of Senator Lodge and| The Don Gigra lies in neatly twenty. The British Provinces Will Now bel..; "solo "Hofislaw had 'been! ygerytling Easily Read and Ree | '2Dle%: store and other buildings, and| Mr. Wayne MacVeagh Made in| five fathoms of water, and is swept membered. : Under One Government, With indicted on a perjury charge in con a considerable quantity of lumber, 1905. by the strong tides and cross currents General Botha as Premier--He nection with the furniture contract, The will and dumber were, insured. : ; 31, lich Sourse ihe shorss of tis Buy AND DRESSES Has A ed Those Who Will2nd, upon the advice of his lawyers, { A great Btorm is raging on lake Vancouver, B.C., May 31.-- That foi Fundy. These conditions have nRguneS when ofiered immunity, agreed to make Superior i Spain would have relinquished Cuba | hitherto proved ineur mountable .bar- be in His Cabinet. 3 a confession, Then he told the grand Hobert Witherspoon, one of the cid- Fam \ without a war and that the Spans riers to the recovery of the treasupe. i. "w k Eo . : 3 © American war was an accident, is 3 Cape Town, May 31.-To-day, the [jury that he had received $2,500 for est engineers in the Grand Truak em- v hy Am oh > a ---------- : oi iy A of the conclusion his vote for Lorimer; $700 as his share pov, Ried at. Cornwall. believe, correct, says Moreton Fre- HERE IS A FISH STORY. ; ia or peace at Vereeniging, is South [of a legisldtive "jackpot," and a The National Fi.s Roofing o., of : wen, of London, England, timate : ; t-- \ + . Africa's natal day. Royal proclama- [Promise of $1,500 as his share of the Pittsburg, has decided to establish a friend of the late Sir Julian Pauce- | Connecticat Man Caught a Trout in tion will be made; the act of union |¥tate house furniture deal. - Canadian branch at Hamilton, X fate, Great Jixituin B, Smbassados 3 His Well. : will come into force and the Cape of Senator Holts#wew's confession & Owing to non fulfilment of regula- ¥ fhe United States when the Spanis : Winsted, Conn. May 31.~-While mak- Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal and [garding the furniture deal was cOr-|¢.,ps many veterans' claims in North- Me. Previn b issued a statement |I"¥ improvements at F. M. Trabise's | & \ T . mt + uni- |roborated before the grand jury bye, 0 i bei neeled Mr. Frewe as a statem house, in Burrville, E ni hiks 8 fom a . the Orange River Colony will be uni Utto Freier, who, as samt Tor thy "5 Biyrio ize Jain ca H ed. i 3 - giving what purports to be some se | "Ue; in Burrville, E. R. Beckley took « THE x ted in legislative union under one gov- ¥ hac Al James Reynolds, ort Hope, has _ s be 4s vith he | Measurements of the well for a new 3 ord-dohnson Furniture' com any, of i ents for h alk | 3 cret history in connection with the ad 5 x erament. e Ri . p » complete arrangements or his wi % . . * 2 x curbing. He iropped a pole down the . Gen. Botha has been asked to form Chisago, obtained the furniture vom: |y, Jaron and return on June 20th. : heginning Dia, and indissing well, and it was suddenly knocked out . Bh, voi 3 Inti p existi c, - He 3 pind toh : is J by something in the wat- 4 ] a government and has announced that The two confessions regarding the _ Until the existing conditions are con with Spain with the understanding | © "is han : eliiing in the wat his cabinet will bes oe of . |furniture contract Teonited id ad: sideratly improved, there will be $uo that an ultimatum had been sent by |: Peckley's curiosity "was aroused Brie Minister aid minister of agri- 1 jitional indictments on a vonspirucy { culture, . Botha. 3 } . charge, These were State Senator S, ivi f the hite slav ] Minister of intemal affairs and de- i Representatives of the white slave RS Kiley had withheld -the ultimatum] The hook had only touched the wat- LU. Pemberton, republican, of Oakland, trafic are at the present {ime . Ritiley w eld e a er when Beckley felt a bite. Ho ye { 8 ® fence, 1. C. Smuts. and Representative Joseph S. Clark oS { T frewen says : ; ¢ 3 Minister of railways, J. 3¥. Sauer. democrat, of Vandalia. Ph *Jengoged in St. John, X. B, They are "I - was 8 member of a dinner | discovered he had 4 trout so large that ; 'y ICES well. According to one of his work . EF change in the dog muzzling regula- dy a Ao on | 80d vext day he took his rod and li p . President McKinley, but had not yen with: him: of) and hing : AND THE tions, answered, when, in reality, Mr. Minister of education, ¥. 8, Malan. -------- boing watshod abo principal of the ? " . party at the home of Senator Lodge it hardly could turn around in the iniste finance and mines, H. C. HS AN 3 sremiah Su Ys». PR 5. Others sent inclu ; svisler of finance a . GOING AND COMING, Berlin schools and head of the _ model : in 10 Ne here prcnl, included Hx men, he had to remove the old well Minister of native affairs, Henry People Who Are Going tothe 'West gilival Tar _thisty-theow years, died sud- since mayor of New York. The con. |SUrb before he could get the fish out. Burton. \ to Li } denly on Sund ox i t Castile; dea versation turned on the then recent * Minister of lands and irrigation, A. in 1dve, i Stenmer Lrown, of L-astile, sy GENERAL SIR JOHN FRENCH, war, and Mr. MacVeagh had this to a N t 3) ned McCrae on obstruction in the St. Law mee nyt Fischer. Napanee, May 31 --James McCrac ken chunnel, near where the Grampian was { Who Comes to Kingston on June 1st. [98Y } a Schumann-Heink Gave: Concert i Minister of public works, posts and |[Oakland, Cal, arrived home, on Sat- a on Bo ha an was iain ti 'On the Friday before the declara- a MEert Wm. thelr lovels creations: at big. reduc telegraphs, G. Rofl. urday last to visit his father, Robert samags » the 0 her ay. TWAS THEIR JONAH DAY. tion of war | went to the White Penitentiary, » ' . sted 'and Minister of teade and commerce, F. | McCracken, Selby. After an ahsence of So, yg gas " fee wiped out a House to see. the president. I found Detroit, May 31.--For the first time | 10%, much less than expected an R. Moor. twenty-three years. Jumes McMath, Ru dk & Dyyre 8, plement Tee Thrée Out of : Five Soon in the him in a state of the utmost anxiety, in her long career - as prima donna, | Té8sonably expected, too, because mo Minister of justice, Ren. Hertzog, Empey Min, lovee Sodan for couple $5,000: insurance otily 8600 Pr ma, Prink. Walking his room, oul wringing his | Mme. Schumann Heink sung Sunday such engaging gtyle has ever been : by wi y . pA oy 2 3 # S. E83 - E War y i oni tinrv a , o - : . aR' - Minister, without portfolio, L'. 0. 0f months in the wes Edam. | Objections to the proposal of the C.| Napanee, May 31~Threo.collsgiate hore: makes war inevitable. © War, en | 1,8 Pevitentiary, At the Marquetta| shown in Womans' or Misses' Sum Gubbi Jeteronto, left this week for Edmon- 4 hore makes war inevitable, ar, - As I'state prison the singer gave & pro mish 4 ubbins, ton, Ath. IP. R, to use the bed of the Rideau|institute boys aml two voung bankers She: said, is hell. I have be : Boe 8 Br mer Dresses and Suits Even the Gen. Louis Botha, the new Premier, | O08, Al. : : . o ] Ty [Sherman sad, 1s hell. have hl gramme consisting of seven of her "the jor of the 1 v al. Mrs. 8. B. McKnight, Vancouver, B, | canal as a portion ofgtheir' road have the 29th of May down in their there. We are in no sense prepared regular concert numbers befor lowest Priced parments possess w mier ¢ ¢ Transvaal, | AT*: 5. B, Meh ver, 1B, : > Daiting 3 . . . ps ia \ ] - ar concert m org before sever : - Ger Bn Luin) Mr. Hull were re-{C:- arrived on Saturday, to visit her | through Ottawa, are gaining in nume|mcutal note hook: as a day of mis bpain may possibly be prepared. On hundreil convicts, many of them ou an astonishing amount of "snap" and . x v, i on. 1 DEE. haps. On Sunday afternoon they strol- |. her fleet is equal . ow t ' pp - "hk i inl sec j jmether, Mrs. Wagar, and. sister, Mrs, | Per i ; paper her fleet is equal to our own. | derers serving fife sentences Be smartness As a Fashion Show ou spectively the coloni secretary anc C. V. Anderson, 'and other. iriends. The troops of the Niearagman cov- led to the river and espied tWO canoes [inir very coast towns may not be {wen the abe, Mr Neel. EMBL " A , We Invi treasurer of the Transvaal. Messrs. Mrs. Booth and family leave to-day |[eFPment, on Monday began an gher {which they promptly appropriated and defensible. Whatever is (0 be done?" | Hein made 1 1 eh chimann | display, will call crowds, e Invite Sader and Malan were respectively >. intima wi attack on the insurgent lines. at Fiue- [soon were serenely on their wav te | i id: Preside : . it mace a little speech 10 the you to call and see these beautiful whi: and for Prince Albert, where they will make | ® a 1 said: "Mr. President, if yon | audience. w ho- received her roma commissioner of public works a 2 Itheic home. Mrs J F. O'Brien, and | fields. 1 f Spook Horn. They had not proverded are quite at the end of your own re- | with cheer nd after oo TIMATRS | garments. - The Low Prices will as retary for agriculture in the Cape fitel: som, OY P io: NAT Justice Lanctot, in Montreal, ruled |very far, when "Tommy lost a stroke" % d 'regard war as inevitable . ers Abd after the concert \ Colony cabinet. Gen. Hertzog was at- | Som, Ulegg, Yassaie, NJ. ar that a mother had a right to thrash | and quicsly shi. over' board: to pick sources an egard war as mevitable, was over presented the entertainer | tonish you, a in the ministry of the dig Friday to oy a couple of 7 ! let me write a despatch and you sign | with a huge bunch of yoses and a let. 0 u 24 her daughter's suitor if the latter |it up. This® thoughtless action upset | : ; # , or :C , a ithe with her father i James Persist in hin attentions. cominy tolire Toor tl Mick' a wes a io Jt pan, at lenst, 20 no harm, even Lic of thanks signed by every man. We are offering Extraordinary The union parliament, the members | : : the parent's wishes, the chilly waters in his Sundiy dothes, |" .) "The * prelident relied ; "Write ; MANY WERE KILL ED, values in sont eo THEREIN SUMOMITY. ii or fh --_-- ok a, La fod Lwhat you Please". 1 waote. 5 whOR Maltin msm 0 : rte snd 3 hd BSH TE of the Nev. Brunswi 1it was hol mien or their . OC , Ty ruit] ; . : ; La n will be the seat To Know What Message Was Sent] cal Society, is dead, aged fifty-two {chums to tow them to terra forma. elegram, making ua A Somahily a Ina Fruitiesy hghuie Upon Blue SHIRT WAISTS, . ture, and Pretoria the by Pope. veers. He was physician at the Dor-| Another of the party : was paddling shoul 1 be tne 1 tins 5 an a I ; . jg SUMMER UNDERWEAR, of the executive government. |; ofa 31. --Thete is much | chester penitentiary. around, when he: too had 10 take hi o ik te Hi la on 4 vata, to | Port Limon, May 31.-- Despatches ro . : Botha 'has sent ihe following sndan. hos - - om ih Tiv-laws. 'were: carried by Peterhe-o's | ducking, making three out' of five in iret eitain, D3 she Sony 8 ar ceived say mops than 100 soldiers in VEILS AND YEILINGS., natal day message to the Cape Times: a_letter from the pope, presented to (¥atepayers to give the William Hamil- {the drink, inside of an hour. . fraishice Coral aoe combatants. (3) | the army of Madriz were killed in' a SPECIAL TAN HOSE, Lt : a : An international court of enquiry as | fruitless mes 1 Bluefield i « union has Be es . . " on » qv 3 riitiess assault on Bluefields, to day. We rejoide that the King George, yesterday, by the Duke | 0" company a fixed assessment for to the blowing up of the Maine. Mr. | Provincial President Estrada, it ished fact, May we \ ' feud " ten years and to sanction expendi- ry + at i E . : 8 Shy red 25¢, be a united people with hearts united of Norfolk. The missive was Sliven tot "830.000 om an exj POISONED NEEDLES McKinley read it, signed it and said : declared, has ordered an attack to Embroidered, ut Bc q .jat a special audience granted i Rninlles "That afiorde me no ground of hope. |drive the pe rular tr p n as well as lands: » peaceful, ProgTed duke. As Great Britain has no diplo- ,, a Sieially, youn from feguiar troops from. the relation "with the vatican, Summer's late coming. Has one bright side anyway-it forced ' the SANG TO CONVICTS. producers of ready attire to unload matie Johnson's headquarters that ' It i » > og i " + va - : "pill, ni : Pa " a agree. is war. n msi iey. The si i a Juke, ot Connaught will open] bore is Bo matter for surprise in the ie La rainer hy lr, IN MOMBS WEAFONS OF SEL Ib wer = En Nad wirieys The hres of ion . fact that the letter was conveyed by negro's training for his Bght with TIOUS HINDUS. ply from Madrid, accepting unveserv- | be serious. . ; : : the Duke of Norfolk, as the Duke is {19008 : edly all the conditions, with some scsi esas GEORGE HAM OF MEXICO. not only Earl Marshal of the empire, All the leading trade guilds in | Mest Device to be Used Against the | jicht addition just to save her face.' GOLDEN WEDDING DAY, but also recognized lay head of the China were notified. by cable from English--Outrpgeous Incitement| "Then Senator Cabot Lodge took : -- A ed Bankrupt. : She. chist Suriguity in So know whether goods * 'until: the United States re] London, May 31.--Cocoanut --sheli} the Chaitin of the Somuiiten of for deacon and Wile. -- tm Tos Angeles, May 31.-An echo of Diessa: Re ed oad moves the restrictions against Chinese {bombs filled with poisonous needles [P80 relations, anc ny to the Ottawa, May 31.--Venerable Arch- SUTHERLAND Reelox's Boy. Mh the sensational failure of thes United ge Ol ghoecs : immigration. are the latest weapons used by. the White House, Sa Ment ny MOFING. {deacon Bogert and Mrs, Bogert, . are, | 2ist, 1019, John H, Sutherland, aged States Banking company of the city FUTURE OF ELECTRICITY. At Gouverneur, N. Y. in all probab-' seditious Bengali against the English. | We saw Nour eSpa and ithe reply. to-day, celebrating the golden jubilee | 87 years. ' : of Mexico was heard in the United ility another new tale mill and a new|A copy of what is dvecribed as *'the|l said: "Mr. President, this will not | their wedding. Their eight children Puncra Inok Jace un Monday te Saud | States district court here. Attorney Will Corréct Deficiencies in Haman | company will be organized. Upon the! most outrageous incitement to mur- | satisfy the mood of congress. Spain are present and the 'aged couple are | DOWLING. On nas May 29th, 1910, ; 3 Nan yw of the bank, filed g petition asking to System. lor is. loehted one of the best mines Indian press" has just reached. Lon- | this hemisphere has been inhuman. | hat Funeral will t piace from her late , have George Hain, former Koad of the] London, May 31.--Sir James Grant. | of tale ygt discovered, don. It is held fully to justify the |Our people-are finally asking for her et haie many trish, Lesidence ¢ Church of the oly involved bank, declared bankrupt. interviewed, stated that the action of] Ap aeroplane flight from New York | recent rigorous application of the] trial and a verdiet. : Pominion. Pak oben dns n IR, White Th A citation was issued for Ham's ap-| eloctricity on the human system 'was|to Chicago, with no more stops than {press law in India. : 'The president said: "1 had an er rh phen. ass will be sung pearance before Judge Wollborn on} only in its infancy. "The day io not ave made by the fastest trains to] This production, which originates at j ticipated your objection, Senator," Fire in Coal Bunker. Wi ; Rares mL Ty June I7th hut as he is now held inf far distant when thousands wio are, change engines, is considered a possi- | Delhi and is being circulated in vari-| and he rang and asked for a despatch Ménireal, May: 31.7 i 2 fends are IRIBIANCAS are re- a Mexican prison ow a charge of | suffering from debility as the result of bility in the light of Glen H. Cur-{ous parts of India, is headed "Killing which, he said, "I am now sending." ontrea), May 31.--The Allan liner tluestad to attend EN of aA a " 3 x # u : a = . offence under the Mexican law, it is]fectivo power of the blood will have| Spokane is spending more moneyifor | reads : showed us. 1 was'a categorical "de Jy ag feports that while 200 miles | ROBERT J. REID. not probable that | will appear. | such deficiencies corrected to a re-| public improvement than any other| We once mors appear before you tolmand that Spain should evacuate the | 2" dh wy Om: £88 1m 4 soak Sank ! The Leading Undertaker, But. after' dus. publi nin the] m degree by the scientific ap- cit of the 130,000 class on the com- preach our revolutionary doctrines tol islands at 'once. : er exp Ore ane stared fire which was "Phone, 577 227 Princess Street. papers, the bankrupt proceedings | plication of electricity and massage to|tivent. He announces that more than [all for the redemption of our, Mother! " 'Senator Davis asd I went at once aut) hy Joaten dhmage was dove. -- can go ahead just as t the al-fthe great ganglionic blood centres, 1185 000,000 will be expended on bridge from the atrocious hands of the fio the capitol and in secret RP Stoker do n Reid was blown across JAMES REID nkrupt were here, feel confident," he said, "we are at{ani street work this year, Feringhis (foreigners, more 'particular | told our colleagues that an ultimatum |<" nd injured anc part of he stost. | The Old Firm of U , J t is set forth in the application] the commencement of the discovery of Miss Rogers, St. John, N. B., ajly the English). Your 'life is had gone. Tuesday passed, no yeply, | 0 op Piers Wore wrecked and some 354 and 256 PRINCESS STREET. sive portion of the empire.' Spain, a proud nation, will never {eastern coasts, changing the defence * + 9 Petilon Asking to Have Him Declar-| Roman Catholic church in England, San Francisco to boycott American to Murder Discovered, up the tale. He said: 'Senator Davis | Long Years to the Venerable Arche Tucion Gray, counsel for the receiver old Henry [Johnson farm up in Fow-|dering Europeans yet published in the [must get out. Her whole history in spending (he day quietly receiving the aged 19 years "hy imperfect assimilation of food and de-| iss" sensational feat. no Murder," and a passage from' it |The copy, all wet from the press, hs |1onian, which has arrived in port from } pe mantis oreenitn that Ham viade 'an assignment on | the uses of electricity, which for years| nurse of the Victoidan Order, has been 10t worth even a dust or a straw ii Wednesday, still no reply. Then, be | 2 the passengers hurt, but not ser "Phone 147 for amb iously. The accideni occurred gi night, to T. 8, €. Saunders of | has been employed more as & tov than! selected to go to New York for ajyou do mot soil your hand with the ljiving that Spain was using the very | (horuic results might have been mor "FROM THIS OUT" 9 v y 8 1 ave Dre last moments to be ready to attack February ud, ' the city of Mcxico for the benefit of % three months' course. On her return/blood of our oppressor, the Ing : : an olin ered and in so doing committed ------------------ + |she will devote her time to caring for lish. ' : us first, we declared war. eluin with a crowded deck. Care and Cock Srv oity Sood Purni. ) s Roor consumptives in their homes. You toust kill as many of these] « 'But the ultimatum the president Died i Perot. Petroi, iy reasonable prices. J. Turk. 'Phone Ottawa, Mav 31.~The government \ white sheep as you lay. hands on, had put into our hands was never ; hr yi: avidin has given a shield for competition ARRESTED THE MAN. whether men, women or - thildren. This sent.' > Detroit, Mich, May 31.--~John W. catlel corps. It goes to the S-- sort of killing we al Zo murder but : Stoughton, sixty-seven years of age, over 5,000 lation | Who Sought to' Run a Matrinionial |® sacred duty that devolves on the amouy as the builder of Canuda's : ich: alite of Pop Auency shoulders of every Indian for the lift. KING'S "LAST ACT." greatest and most artistic bridge, the . 5 . mg up of our Bharata Mats - to the St-- Victoria, which spans the St. lawrence very lofty 'pedestal filled with glory | Was Sending $10 to Mother of Trip- | river wt Montreal, is dead at his home Our ava and Ri ------------ Mi ---- ] splendor, ; vo : lets, ors ofiiboploxy. Mr. Stoughton was | ise up ! Rise up D0 sors of 3] = on the | ®éction siperintendent of the Domin io india 1. Rite up Sear. Foursltoe |, oconucs ty 1 de eal on Che [1.1 CPE entent 2 the omin- | ocha with bombs despatch White | )rs are. different sfories goigg con. | OV Is roasted and ground by ourselves, asuras soon to Yama's abode: (Yama ¢ Pig oO i -------- J is the indian Pluto). i 1 emioR She Kins [daat act, ond . that Was Well Known Hereabouts thus ensuring perfect freshness. The I you are in need of money loot gives at the hme. time another proof] london, Ont., May 31.Rev. J. j | Price 18 40 cents the pound. The the oppressors' houses. It is the that his majesty mctually died in har. | Teasdale, peranniated Methodist value cannot be expressed in figures. nees is to the effect thmt King Ftlward | minister, died, this morning, after » | We Would like you to try it. 4 gay a jon May 6th, shortly before his death [long illness. Rev. Mr. Teasdale was | Then fur 4 Sirectiong se to how sent o gift of $10 to Mrs. Keasly, an [formerle connected with the Methodist | +89 arms 3 hii niin ven. Irishwoman of Galway, who gave birth | church in New Brunswick and Nova Li amen, sha: Beith soldiers" mag Eien Uf Die, whe 2 Scotia; taking « very promimee ort | JAS. Redden & Co. Ron suggestion In: suth cases it is customary for #16 [in the church's affairs in these pro- I of a servants may assist in k to Sha, on application being | vines, i= Spo roceries. irpati iow - fm channels, a . - i : o Sxliepating i a gift skmown as the "king's hount: Fined for "Joy" Riding, THE SIFTON CABINET. 'the smooth When the remittance rémchod ite desi). Ottawa, May 31. Bevan more suti- | ¥ v nation the royal giver und the tier fmohile vis were before the polies | ravseant oo Alnerta Mintury To Be babies were dead. cours, this morning, charged with ox. | ; ARBounced, X ¥ the speed limit. Two worn: Edmonton, Alta, May 31.-1¢ ia sta In Session on Wednesday. fined or and costs and the other five | tod on good authority that the fol- The Hague, May 31.--The arbitra |» a. The police are waging an | Wing will be in the eabinet which Gon tribunal, before which will be active campaign against | auto speed. | Premier A, L. Bilton will rr tried (he isshe between the Unitmi|ioh and within the past week face | Wodnenlay: Promise and minister - H. tabi : 3 < {| education, A. }. 8 5 i a ritging ne oh canvicted a round Gyan, : pt rr A. TO mitt Newlonndland feheries freatc of 1918, Sent to Penitentiary. of agticulture, Duncan Marshall will hold es cont at fow | Toronto, Mav 21. William Ronger, | hd by Ye a ie 5 oH w afterboon. a young man. with & bad police re- | belived sssared and Marvhall, while s : . : cord, pleaded guilty, hefors Magis: | woibor of the Rutherford. adusinistrn- trate Deaison, to three charges of | tion, ils hot 5 'recruit entering the house Breaking Pocus. + mod [as or tr he Ta temeginey 1 g] Zor aumet afier the "hoire of the premier iv Dr. nih of Piocher Crosk,