Daily British Whig (1850), 31 May 1910, p. 2

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X of the store have we ¥ shown such High-Class , Designs and lower oon i Carpets, Draperies, 3 Linoleums. R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. rr mt | 1 = We have seoured the Agency for a Pulp Plaster that does away with Hime, sand, and hal r. It makes a hard, solld, dense, fire Rroot wall at low cost, It and I non-conductor of heat co A deadner of sdund It makes a wall that will not erack or crumble. It contains no sand and can be eut Into like wood. it dries in less than one-fourth the time required by ordinary pinaster. Carpenters can follow the plaster without any delay. It is only one-half as heavy as «Other plaster, It will go twice as far per tom, reducing cost § Call and ses sample at i 1 { I Frontenac Lumber & | Coal Company, Successors to the Rathbun Oo. (A. Chadwick, Manager), FINKLE'S LIVERY AND "SALES STABLES Having purchased 'hes live f good-will of A. Mecliqubam, 126 Clar- ence Rreot. and havin & num- bar of new and up-to-date vehicles and fresh hoyses, sleo a 30-passenger sight- seeing Motor Car, we are prepa to furnish the public with a first-class turnout of almost any kind upon short. notice, We have & man at the of- #0 that calis may be at and a - Soliciting a share of your ting your patronage, "Respeetially Jour co. For the man who shaves him- self The Junior Gem Safety Razor gives a quick and easy shave. PRICE, $1.50. We have the largest and best assortment of Shaving Brushes and Strops in town. 4 ~~ PROUSE'S DRUG STORE, Oppostie St. Andrew's Church. "We give you just what you ask for." Exclusive Furs John McKay, | joe THE FUR HOUSE, Brand. absolutely sanitary $5.50, $4. and $6.00. Ostermoor is the name of the only Best on Earth Mattress made--$15.00 LAWN SWINGS, $7.00 and $12.00. VERANDAH CHAIRS, SETTEES and ROCKERS, , $1.00, $1.75 up. PARLOR, SUITES. --That. hand- some $30.00 and $35.00 American Suite has no equal. Our Solid Ma- 4 hogany $65.00 Suite is a beauty. RUGS, CARPETS in Wilton, Ax- minsters, Brussels, TAPESTRIES, ete. § » i - LINOLEYMS, all widths: and. de- signs. Cy I CURTAINS in Laces, Tapestry, Chenelle, ete. + Repair and Uholstering promptly done, "Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. aaaesabsmaibRGLEa Make the Liver Do its Duty Nise ime ia ten whet the er if right the womeeh ad bowel ars Age ll Recom- ¥ mended by phy- sicians for nervous people. Taken at night, it acts- as a harmless and very effective hypnot- ic, nourishes and strengthens. Palatable and without any dis- agreeable after: effects. 4 |THE DAY'S H guest of Mrs. W. Glidden's, | Newmarket, has iy setae, GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Vicinity --Other Items of Interest When in doubt these days, take your umbrella. AM. G. XY. Chown 'has gone on a | | received at McAuley's. Mrs. James Weir, of Riverside, Cal. is on a visit to relatives in the city. Mrs. 'A. Bright and daughter, of Ingersoll, are on a visit to relatives is =a Brock Miss Donald, of Burnbrae, street. Dr. Dennis Jordan, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs." W. H. son, of Peterboro! | J. Seunders and Edgar Baiden, of Kingston, spent Sunday in Belleville, Chickering Auley's bookstore. " Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roughton, of Kingston, are with Mr. and Mrs. 8 Burrows, of Belleville. Lieut.-Col. Hemming, D.0.C., leave on June Yoth for the big mili tary camp at Petawawa. Andrew A. Moore, of the Morning Albertan, Calgary, is in the city to spend-a couple of weeks. Miss K. Daley, of street, has left on 4 tri Wellington to Toronto, '| Hamilton and Fort William. 8. A. McCammon, of Rochester, was in the city over Sunday, visiting his mother and other relatives. The comet could be seen last night, urgl quite a large number of cituens [were out, getting a view of it. The friends of Mrs. C. A. Martin are pleased to knov she is able to bw about after Ler recent illness. Dr. R. 8S. Minnes. Mrs. Miomes and children, Ottawa, will remove shortly to Roenliffe, for the summer months. "For the children's cough, Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup has no equal. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mrs. Russell Hale, of Kingston, visiting her father, Dr. Montizambert, in Ottawa, has left for Quebec to visit her father-in-law. Seven men are quartered at the Queen's hotel, awaiting the arrival of Gen. Sir John French and party. They came ahead with seven horses. Mr. Knopfi and family, New York, are expected to arrive in the city on Thursday, whén they will leave for thei? summer home on Milton Island. Miss Mary A. Lyons, of Ordiance street, has returned from spending a month with her sister, Mrs. T. Fitzgibbons, at Watertown, N.Y. It looks as if the Grand Opera house season was about ended. At present there are no furthér bookings. The house, however, lias not yet been closed, The friends of G. B. Nelson, who had his hand injured in the Ameri- can Ahell company's boiler shop, To- vonto, are glad to hear he is again at his work. AE R. Copeland; organizer for the Woodmen of the World, who has been spending a few days in the city, went to his home in Bowmanvilly to spend a few days. isaac Keenan and wife, of Perth, hate been visiting in the city on their way from a trip to Manitoba. y algo made a trp to Oswego to renew old acquaintances. Se It was inadvertently stated in yes- terday's Whig that H. W. Richardson had been elected chairman of the board of directors of the Cataraqui Cemetery company. B. W. Robertson was elected chairman. There was bo meeting of the light, heat and power committee this after- poon on account of the power confer: ence at Belleville, which is being at: tended by Alds. Elliott and Harty, and Manager Folger. The Montreal Methodist conference opens in Brockville on Wednesday. There will be no ch in the King- ston churches, save Sydenham street church, to which Rev. T. W. Neal, of invited. it has been definitely decided that ths « wiil be no ball this year to mark closing of Royal Military College to- wares last of June. This is chiefly due of King Edward. the: agreed to forego the pleasant function. ' : "Tce oun bricks," Neilson's, from Toronto, are sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Rhone 230 =f i: E g £ i 7 $1 E : : i LOCAL NOTES- AND THINGS IN'; : THE DAILY Never in the history of Canada have been offered at such low prices as they will be sold at for the next ten days at Carnovsky's. ape pm Hand Cut With § Saw. Jumes-Baxter, of Barrviefield, while running a circular saw, on Monday, su a severe cut on the Jeft hand lang had 8 very narrow eseape from losing a couple of fingers. His in' | juries were dressed at the genergl from 's, Leave order# at Mo will | 146 | ho a |judge in chambers. He will hospital after which he returned to his home. . _ Kodakery. The art of Kodakery is at once in teresting instructive. . "See the Kodaks at 's and get busy. You will take many snaps with a Kodak price ' 3100; Brownies, $1 to $12. Will Not Work on Holidays. Union of. the city held ey evening, when question of working on holidays came up for discussion, and it was decided not to work on holidays. This means that if the shops are open the bosses only will be working. Tt was decided to impose a fine of $10 on all viola- ting the rule. . Is Hereby Ackmewledged. David Purdy, treasurer of Frontenac county, on y, received 810, evi- dently conscience money, to go .to the eredit of the county, and oblige, yours trult, "H. B."" The typewritten letter was dated Toronto, May 9th, 1910. In acknowledge in British Whig news- paper." 4 Died in General Hospital. The death occurred in the general hospital at ten o'clock, on Monday evening, of Willimsa Coventry, the four- Jrarad son Frederick Coyentry, ing street east. The little fellow was in hospital only a few days having been taken there with an attack of mensles. Bronchia'-pneumonia set in, cansing death, Needless Anxiety. The Ottawa Journal says: King- ston is worrying over and passing re- solutions about the proposed closing of the Rideau canal from the deep cut, in order to give the C.P.R. access to the Central depot apd the projected tupnel. Kingston's anxiety is need- less. The proposal of the C.P.R., so far .as the part concerning the Ridean canal, is shout as improbable as if the road proposed to purchase the parliament buildings Er a round use. / re ---- Will Return to Kingston. E. FP. Trimhje, secretary of the Y. M.0.A., has received a letter from Mr. Farrand, the English capitalist, who was in the city, recently, and who was considering the establishment of an industry here. Mr. Farrand ex- tended his thanks to the Kingston gentlemen, who had taken him in hand while he was in Kingston, giving him all the necessary: imformation. He, is' now on kis way %a Port Arthur, but says that he will pay. another visit to Kingston on his return any WILL ARRIVE TO-MORROW. * Three British Generals Coming to x Kingston, At one o'clock Wednestlay afternoon, three Pritish generals will arrive in Kingston on a tour of inspection. The distinguished military men will be Gen. eral Sir John French, hero of the Boer war: Setwrat Six Porey Jake, fue spector-general t 'anadian ili- oe igadier-General Hender son, staff officer to General French ; Major Matts, ADC. to General French; Liout.-Col. E. H. T. Heward, staff officer to General Lake, and Col- onel F. IL. Lessard, adjutant-general of the Canadian forces. These officers will be met by Lieut. -Col. Hemming, D.O.C., Lieut.-Col. Young, D.A.AG., Lieut.-Col, Burstall, R.CH.A., and other permanent officers. The visitors will be at the Hotel Frontenac during their etay in the city. During Wednes- day afiernocon, they will inspect the armouries, the two barrhcks and the station hospital. MISREPRESENTATION CHARGE. George Barker, of Arden, to be Tried by Judge Price. George Barker, Ardem, is ander ar- rest on a charge of wrongfully re. presenting that he sent in a postal letter bight dollars to one Coleman Clancy, of the same ace. Barker pleaded not guilty and on Tuesday morning elected to be tried by the appear tedare Judge Price on Thursday, June th. a J. Gullivan, eft at moon, to- ¥ on a trip to Lethbridge. -Miss Frahtes Baiden, Kings with Miss Wilkins, Belleville. EA "The House of Hats." tom,. is handwriting "were these words, *Please | ™ Jno damage to the windows, in the vic cautiously. | will probably be one of tructed. Corset ; In Ione Of Long Corsets in white $1.00. Special sale price only ildren's Wash Dresses from 30c up. 0000000000000 08000100080000000000s00ssast REMNANTS OF Cover Embroidery varying from one and a quarter to one and yards. Your choice for : Special Sale , cut in the latest style, always sold at Pee 25¢ each 75¢c . $000000000000000000000 600000000000000 IN MARINE CIRCLES. Arrivals and Departures of Vessels at This Port. The barge Hector, of the M. T. Co., ie in the dry dock for repairs. The steamer Beaverton arrived Swift's wharf on her way west. The steamer Alexandria passed down on her way to Montreal, on Monday at ht. Fhe schooner Katie Eccles arrived at Newcastle with a cargo of coal for Uswego. The steamer Missisquoi, is at Rich- ardson's slip. An electric light plant, is being installed in the steamer. The sloop Maggie L. is loadmng grain at Richardson's = elevator for Collin Bay. She will afterwards load brick at Trenton for Bath. * The yacht Florence, owned by John C. Eaton, Toronto, is expected at the dry dock, in' the course of a day or 80, for a general inspection. The fine yacht of the Thousand Is- land Steamboat company, the Ramona will go on the ways at once, and be put in shape for the season's work down among the islands, The 8.8. Keystorm, a new lake liner is in charge of Captain Collins, King- ston, late mate and pilot of the steam er Dundurn. The mate, William Me- Laren, is also a Canadian, and has a good knowledge of Canadian waters. The strike 0; s union on the great lakes, involving several thousand sail: ors, marinefiremen, and marine copks, has been in progress over a year: The strikers allege that recent disasters deaths - were due to incompetency of crews engared. Laborers and boy are very largely employed. Tbe steamer Fairmount nrrived from Fort William and transhipped into haljes, 120,000 bushels of oats for the + X: Co, cleared for Oswego, and will lear from ther: with the barge Ungava. coabladeu, for Fort William. the tug Bronson, clearal for Montreal, witl. three grain barges; the Glenmount is due from Fort on Wednestlay, with grain. steamer William, neni HIT IT RIGHT. Predicted Reign of Gearge V. When Prince Was Baby. | The Daily Graphic prints the follow- "CORRIGAN'S. 0000000000000 0000000 00000000000' Eczema Ointment | Cures all distressing skin dis- eases. A well-known Kingston lady told us on Saturday that she had suffered for years with eczema, She tried all remedies without success until last sum- mer a friend in Rochestef re- commended Rexall Eczema Ointment, which cured her quickly and wonderfully. This _ ointment is guaranteed to cure or money refunded, 50c BOX. MAHOOD DRUG STORE scosonnebosecee 0000000000 00000000090 000000000000000/0000000000000s00bepste Ladies' Home Journal for June Fashion Number \Now on sale at Gibson's Red Drug Store. Best's Drug Store. The College Book Store Popular Electricity tor June Contains Thomas Edi- son's great article, "The To-morrows of Electric- ity and invention," 10c. COLLEGE BOOK STORE Cross 'ng rathey gdd paragraph : "Alred John Pearce wrote in July, 1567, and published in the following | Uctober in an annua! which he then! edited, : the following opinion on the | talents and destiny of Prince George | of Wales, then only two years of age, | now King George V.: " "The regal sign of Aries occupied the eaglern horizon at the moment ofubirth (namely, 1h. 18m. am. of June 3rd, 1865, according to the offici- al bulletin), and Mars is in Leo, also io 'regal sign. The benefic Jupiter, strongly posited in his own sgn Sap ittarius, was within 6 deg. of the up- per: meridian. Venus was in her chief dignity, the sign Taurus in the ascend: ant. Saturn was in the descendent, in his exhaltation Libra. So that in this truly royal nativity we find three planets dignified; the gloriots Jupit- er close to the midheaven: the sun and moon nearly in mutual trime (120 deg.) | aspect; a royal sign ascending, and! Mars and Jupiter in royal signs. From these positions we may conclude and | predict that this prince will, if he live, become king of England, under the title of George V. . a, " "The prince will, in mind and taste, greatly resemble hiz grandiather, the good and great Prince Albert. Indeed, England will be proud of her fifth King George, and his fame shall de- soend to posterity "ss one of the best and wisest of monarchs, * "The position of Jupiter pre-sig- nifies a very prosperous and peaceful reign," " " a ---------- WORK PROCEEDS SLOWLY, -- Bagot Street Drain Will Not be Finished for Two Weeks. The city engineer expects that it will e the sewer on Bagot street, close account of the engineer's desire to do inity, HM the excavation was some distance away from buildings, it would' be completed ins very short time, but the workmen have to blast very For its mize, this sewer the most cost- The excavation has heen proceeding shomt two weeks, and will confinue m all probability a nother two weeks, if not more. Every half gn hour or so, trafic past the Sotuel a stopped till the blast goes F.Maund, who has been visiting at] his 'home in this city, returnad to Haileybury, at noon, to-day. He has What ix supposed {o be the tallest flagpole in the world is now in Bat tery park, New York, Tt is 1650 feet tions have for taki in TOE Ake Bint sony edhe ae monwealth of Australia. rt ote ttn Werte] . Will be even more attractive if she procures her Outfit at tifs Store. We show the swellest range of Dress Goods in the trade. The Newest ideas In Wash Dress Goods. The Latest Whitewear. White Waists in a great variety of dainty styles priced at $1.00 and up. Novelties . in Fine Table Damask, yard and up. 50c¢ a Fine Table Napkins, 75¢ to $6.00 a dozen. Fine Damask Tablegloths, with Napkins to match, reason- ably priced. Tray Clotns, Sideboard Searfs, Pillow Shams, Dresser Covers, Hemmed Sheets, Hom- med Pillow Cases, Towels, Quilts, Comforters, Lace Cur- / tains, and many other articles to make the new home cosy and complete, - REASONABLE « PRICES ON ALL LINES. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE, take over Two weeks longer to com- to Princess street. Blasting is slow on |; taken a» position with the T. & N. 0. J railway. ; "STRAIGHT BACK" SHOULDER BRACE The "Straight Back Brace" is light and cool An ideal brace for the sum- mer as well as winter season. Affords a Chair Back Rest in addition to effecting a Straight Back and Erect Car- lage. Instills oxygen into the lungs, elasticity of step and a moreJyouthful appearance. Stays are light, flexible and non-rustable, © covered with Tubular Web. Pure white, thus insyring 3 a ust any fading or disclors COSTS LITTLE, . DOES MUCH, LASTS LONG, For Women, Men and Children. PRICE, $1.50 EACH. ° se0cs00s0000eses0RR el SLM 00000 0000000000044 CLOCKS YoY Every Description TEES re Hee From the smallest Travelling Alarm Clock to the large Oak or Mahogany Tubular Chimes Clocks in Brushed Hrass and Porcelaine with White and Gold Decorations for the Bedroom. "Clocks for the Mantel and for Dining-room in almost endless variety. Rd hve Prices to suit all purchasers. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opti 830 KING STRRET, Issucrs of Marriage License, 5 Ww BOUDOOPOEPP HL OH Chip lath PEER POY Remodelled and repaired also stored for the summer. 0 W. F. Gourdier. Why, "that's one of our fortes--washing | Jace curfains, 7

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