PAGE POUR. SLEEP WAS AT mpossiLE "ALMOST DRIVEN DESPAIR UNTIL CURED WITH USE OF : Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. ? Nousymptom of nervous pro#tration is more to be dreaded than the Inabil- 4ty. to sleep. Man can exist for oon smebiierable, fnse without food, but with- "out sleep, add the restoration' Whish t brings, he soon becomes a mental hysical wreck. WHR yon cannot sleep and rest look to the nervous system and remember ing cure can only be obtain ed from such treatment an Dr. Chase's here Food; which naturally and gra- a ally restores the exhausted nerves th and vigor. ; am Graham, Atwood, Ont, writes + 'My wife had been ill . for some time with nervous prostration # and we bad two of the best doctors fo wolld g0, eink a her any good. § ally worse 'and worse, could not sleep and «7 fost energy and interest in life. She ~ syliwas almost giving up in despair when fii a friend advised the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. wi, "From the first box my wife used we noticed an improvement and ° after "using six boxes she is completely cur- "Bed and as well As she ever was, eats rrymell, sleeps well and feels fully re "90 stored. 1 cannot sgy foo much in MO THE WHIG, 77th YEAR. Pry hy Ontario: shal an aE and 4 WEEKLY WHIG, 18 priest HE of al United States, che: Ba Sora. had 10 be od oF rece or Bis 31 and of Weel $1. year. ¢ Ly ad § ons @ best Job Print. werk; nine in presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. TORONTO OFFICE. eR © Daile Wing. CURE OF THE INEBRIATE. Mayor Gaynar, of New York, is to be eredited with thé movement which alms at a cure of the individual who hgs abandoned himself to drink, or who has b&some a helpless inebriate. A farm and hospital are to be secur- 'ed, and here the poor drunkard will be sent and kept until he is cured of his craving for drink. This will take time, and time will be given to the work. Thefe is no, greater or better way of restoring men to health and usefulness. | 'The inebriate is generally run down. Im physique, in afrength, in capacity for labour, The Gaynor idea is to cut off the drink gradually, and to derpaid and Blled with petly annoy, ances. Some people are becoming aw- fully éhildishoror churlish., Which is in? Here's a pretty go... The clergy of Pitishurg have consen¥éd to baseball on Sunday afternoon, on one condi- tion--that the people attend the morn- ing service. This sounds like a com- psomise with the devil. One way to make people sick of politics - is to give it to them at every meal, in season and out of ses- son. 'The machine is loading up for 'the next municipal election in Toronto and it may sulier a severe smashing. Toronto wants wading ponds for childress, Montreal has them (iv Westmount), and the children can waddle about in them, and sail their boats in safety. A pond in Maedon- ald Park would save many a parent anxiety. 3 ---- : Lord Kitchcher will not submit to any action on the part of the war council which means the putting of bis light in obscurity. He is too valuable a man--Britain's greatest soldier--to be put in hiding any where, : On dit, that Hon. Mr. Sifton did not! advise his brother to leave the bench and become premier of Alberta. He REGULATION . CROSS TRE BOUNDARY. "merce Commission. Ottawa, May 3!--The proposed in- railway traffic crossing the border be- «ill be established shortly. Mubee, chairman hoard of railwsy commissioners, has nembeér of the tribunal. The States reprosemiative will probably be a member of the interstate co 'ommission. The tribunal, which is sing established or the initiative of he minister of reilwaysi Hon. 6G. P. iraham, will des! with such matters as through rates on the international ail tra with.a view to securia as far ms possible some mniformity of rules and rates for shippers. Canadian rail vay board and the in- terstate commerce commission! have action in respect to continuity of con- trol of railway traffic passing across the border. The new tribunal will en- able the | Canadian and _Aderican poards to bridge this present hiatus in government control of the rail- way opmpanies, THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. OF LINES THAT ---- International Board to be Chmposed of Judge Mabee snd Probably a Member of the Inter-State Com- ternational iribunal for the control of tween Capada and the United States! Judge of the Canadian ready been named as the Canadiun United eroe 2 The now no medium of securing any joint' {EEE not only cleanses the teeth but arrests decay. At all Druggists, 25¢ =m A LIBERAL OFFER G. W. Mahood Guaran- "tees a Relief For' Dyspepsia. If The Remedy Fails It Costs Nothing To unquestionably prove to the people that Indigestion and Dyspepsia can be permanently relieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will furnish the eicine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to any one using it. The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill weed in devis® ing their formula as well as fo the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby the well known properties of Leese se de: BIBBY'S Our Store Closes Saturday Evening at 10 p'clock. To-day we have marked down about 75 Suits for boys ranging from 6 to 15 years, Nor folk style. raise of this valuable medicine for 1 . Jue Beliave my wile owes hier life to its build up the man in every way. His use." : ! system will be cleansed of the liguor; Every dose of Dr. Chases Nerve ic tissue will be renewed; his recrea- Food goes jo the formation of tion and rest will be recuperative; in Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recognized Suits that are sold and intended to be sol 1 for $3.50, 4, 4.50 and 5.00 i: had reason for it, Politics are va vexation and a curse, and the average man wants®to get away from it. The 80 much rick; red Bldod and is, therefore, bench offers service, but no humilia- geertain to do you good, EN sc-gledlers; or Edmanson, Bates & oronto, Write for free copy of | mind he will be improved, for with a box, six boxes for $2.50, all 'restored constitution will come new Go., | agpirations and purposes; | The scheme is 'more sane than some that have been experimentetl with. B® Ehase's Recipes. CARRY DISEASE GERMS, Screen Them Out Faas 24 8 eRe Ae SCREENS are made to fit. "They are always ready for. nse and do ngt need to be rémoved every time you saut the win- dow. ' ' WH . Sraaientat and Useful. S. Anglin Co. iy we Wellington S.'N. i ane 88. a li month will not suflice to cure il men of the drink habit. el |The sanatarium has been tried, and | wondrous cures ate said to have been But the treatment of a some The craving for liquor may be | checked, but it is 'not entirely remov- | od. The New York farm will be made: if the home of the man long enough | to wean him off his failing, and he Our WINDOW. AND DOOR Hi will start oul jn life with some ex-] pectation of making the best of it. The marvel #till' remains that people will legalize that which damns and | destroys #6 many of the race, and ll that 1t is necedsary 'to spend mil- lions in offsetting the disastrons re ll sults of the trade. } ERGY OVERLY CRITICAL. 1 Methodists of Toronto Were ll somewhat overheated when they voted I on a resolution which condemmed don. ! Mr, Aylesworth, the minister of ¢ / tice, | and dem jus- his retirement from the government. His offence was 'the pardon of Skill and King, 'who © pleaded guilty to o 'whaige of selling and - distributing immoral literature, and were sentenced to a yodt in the ofr ientral Prison. The minister's ex- J ir the plaviation in the commons was that 'the men were not legally guilty of offence, and he pardoned them. .Jhe attorney-general was understood ~ to approve of this decision. : The pulpit and the press have 'not accepted the minister's explanation. Men who have examined the books in question declare that the reading is | vicious and indecent in its quality and that no one can peruse it and mot suffer in mind and thought. The best friends of the minister, politically, vhave not hesitated to say that his action was impragdent and unwise, and against the public morals. They have gone further and insisted that in view . of this experience something should be done to restrict the use of the executive clemency. No one prior to the meeting of the Toronto district Methodists had gone so far, however, as to demand the gir ESTABLISHED 1882 ~ DIiff's Real Estate Agency © cteate. any impression. removal of the minister. The mem- ber who intimated that this suggestion .savoured of political animus was right, for some clergymen are troub- led with partisanship and occasionally fet their zeal run away with their wits. Nor is the demand likely to : It will not make any effect upon Mr. Aylesworth. ! Hedges nuvtiong for public offico, and g discharges his duty without fear, fa- ll vour of affection. His judgment may i be defective--no ome is perfect--but it is his unbiased conclusion, and ho | The only helpful influence will be i. that proceeding from {he discussion, : it in which liberals as well as conserva- il tives participated, and generally with if temperate language. It has romained ff. for the clergy, as usual, to overda the if} thing, and a from the merits of the issue #0 far as they ave com: ; tions, to the men of ability. The conservatives of Toronto are going to run the municipal elections on political lines,' The civic contests are not controlled, however, by the political bosscs. They have already discovered this, but they may want an experience that is harrowing, and they will certainly be accommodated, in LATE MISS MARY E. HUNTER. The Funeral Took Place on Monday Afernoon. On Monday aftefnoon, the funeral o the late Miss Mary E. Hunter, too flac, from the fatily residence, 14 'olborne street, and the cortege was a very large one, many turning out to pay a last tribute of respect to the departed, who was beloved by all he acquaintances. Rev. S. Sellery, pas tor of Queen street Methodist churel, of which deceased was a member, con- ducted 'the services, and at the close of the service, took occasion to refer to the kfe and work of Miss Hunter, stating that in her death, Queen street chiivgh. had lost a devoted worker, one who took an active interest in ail branches of the work, and one who wotld be much missed. The patlbear- ers were W. Jackson, M. Coward, John Pigion, Capt. Geoghegan, kh. Wright, and Blake Thompsoa. e casket wag covered witn beauti- ful floral tokens, and included the fol- lowing: 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Tigion. Toronto, spray of carnations: re. J. Oappon, spray: of lily of the valley and roses; r. and Mrs. William Jackson, sheaf of 'roses; Miss Macnee, "gray of car nations; Misses I. & BE. Mowat, spray of carnations; Mrs. William Gunn, spray of carnations; Mr. and Mrs, George Hunter and Miss Chiff, spray of roses, Miss Heane and Mrs. Patt, Montreal, spray of roses and lily of the valley; wreath of roses from staff of main exchange Bell Telophone Co. Montreal, 'Mrs. J. D. Thompson, sheal of roses; Mrs. M. Coward, spray of tulips; Mrs. William Nicholls, spray of roses and margucrites; Mr. and Mrs. J. Pigion, sheaf of carnalisns , and white lilies; Miss E. Pigion cut flow- ers; Fdward Pigion, ilaadton, cat flowers. Taylor Tidings. Taylor, May 30.--Miss Josephine Marshall has returned home after vieit- ing her sister, Mrs. T. Driscoll, Howe Island. The Misses M. Murphy and ¥. Honan spent the holiday with Mrs Joyce, Kingston, Mrs. J, Redmond has returned home, after being with her daughter, Mrs, T Matthews, Leeds, who was seriously ill. Miss Elva Berry spent Saturday and Sunday at New. bore. Visitors : C. Sly, Gananoque, at his" father's, L.° Sly's; Miss Myrtle Street, Kingston, at her home; Miss Eva Gallipeau, Smith's Falls, at J. 'Marshall's: J. Clement snd sister, Miss Jennie, Pitteferry, at J. MeCalpin's ; Rayniond Berry and Ross Ruttle, at Battersea. An English pEysitian has placed on record a case of malaria which re mained latent for thirteen years, The Chinese made paper from silk W vears befofe the Christian era. What bird? Answer on Wednes- day. Answer to Monday's puzzle--Let- tuce. i Candy Company's Novel Idea. Confectioners' Review, H D. Foss & Co., Boston; has inaugurated a note! idea for candy factories by employing a competent physician to serve as medical examiper at the company's big factory, in an effort to have only the cleanest and most sanitary oorditions. underlying the manufacture &f their goods. Twice a month each employee in the depart- ments handling t1% candy itself, dergoes a careful examination hy the physician t6 determine if. they are in as good health and as careful of their personal appearancte as the company requires of its hands. A detailed re por: is made out*dnd furnished the company regetding each employee and the effect of all thiz careful watch over everybody hag beeti 'hirhly beneficial, It makes for entire cleanliness, and lessens the, chances for carelessness. Again, since the physician in ! charge is there so regularly, he treats all the people affected by slight ailments such as colds, Rev. W. H. W. Bogle, Son of Ontario. Chicago Canadian-American: Rev. W. H. Wray Boyle, who spoke on "A Supreme Neel of Modern Ameri esn Life" in Orchestra Halli before the Sunday Evening Club, last Sun day night, has been pastor of the Piesbyterian church of Lake Forest, fo: the past five years. He was called to that pulpit after having served three years in St. Paul, Minn., and ten years in Colorado Spring, Colb. Rev. Mr. Boyle began his work as a minister pf the gospel about .twenty- fivy years ago at St. Thomas, Ont. He was born in Toronto, Unt., fifty vesrs ago and received his education in Toronto University and Queen's College, Kingston, Ont. Wherever he has lived he hut taken part in "move. ments for the suppression of vice and for bettering the conditions of , Jthe people of the community, tbo Something Should be Done. Ottawa Journal, The average man finds a motor car sufficiently hard to manage while in his full senses. Yet a few nikhts ago a chauffeur, absolutely~ineapacitated by drink, drove in the dark over the worst possible roads for several miles without harm to himself, the car or his passengers. The two reflections arising save, first, that there is a spe cial providence for a certain class of fools, and, second, that, if there is no provision in the motor law for the ob- solute and permanent cancellation of a chatiffeur's license after an escapade of this kind such should be added to the law at the earliest possible mo- ment, Opposition is Very Weak. Montreal Star. ; A of premiers in Alberta is not quite the outoome of the ing of an ill-smelling railway deal. liberal party in that province will fortunate - indeed, if the damage revealed i Jt, thre ting by the entire medical profession as in- valuable in the treatment of indiges- tion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used ip Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is prepared hv a process whiok develops ita greatest efficiency. Pepsin supplies to the digestive apparatus one of the mosy important elements of the digestive fluld, and without it the di gestion ant wesimilation of feod are impossible. he carmingtives possess properties which aig in relieving the disturbhnces and 'pain caused by undigested food. This perfect combination of these in gredients makes a "remedy invaluable for and dyspepsia, Trae Tablets on onr own persénal guaran ten, and £1.00. btain Rexall Remedies in Kingston we at our store,--The Rexall Store. Mahood. un-§. ; the complete relief of indigestion We of this that we Rexall Dvapepsia so certain to try are vou sizes, 50 Three 2h cents; Remember vou can cents G. W. Viade exclusively fromthe high= grade'parts of the hard wheat berry.. Stronger, finer, better flavor E Beilks fists vd 5 E 5 it sre | ii ih Bibby's: New Price $2.50 Don't miss this opporttinity" ¥o get your boys togged out. Boys' Knickers Special 50c Sizes 22 to 33. : a ; CY LL] 3s Over stocked wlth: Boys' Grey Tweed Suits, bat not for long at these prices, Boys" Knickers Special 75¢. Sizes 22 to 32, The best values in boys' knickers in Canada to-day. We are not going to say what these knickers are usually sold for, but would say don't miss seeing them. Made by one of the best in the clothing busines. : The H. D.Bibby Co GOEROVRIIEREI ERR IIR REPRE BERRI ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE : : | : Low Shoes "FOR ALL Men's Swell Tans--DPatents and Gun Metal $6.00, 4.50,4.00 AND 3.50 Women's Black Suede Grey Suede--Patents and Tans also Gun Metal--Pamps and "S400, 350 MND. 300 Boys', Girls' and Children's Low Shoes in all the new styles $350, 300, 2.00, 150 AND 125 This is the store for LOW SHOES # The Crimp In the Zinc Is theeffective partof a Washboard EDDY'S 3IN1 AND 2 IN | WASHBOARDS ==} Are so named because the Goed . Featuresof the Orimpingofall others are Combined, consequently are the MOST IMPROVED AND UP-TO-DATE. Ask for them. Give them a trial, Also EDDY'S FIBREWARE Tubs, Pails, Handy Dishes, Etc. THE E.B. EDDY CO., Ltd.; Hull, Canada