'es 0 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 81. EE er meee : een . hi ee Se pn p-- - -- ro ~~ Por anything you use paint for, mother nds danghtcr fought "Shem suc ; ' : : {oes ly Ww ker, ovel, tong - i # or varnish, indoors or out, land. axe. The mother then applied 30 : : P 0 e ML Floorglaze is the American consul who was an ) # V wer ; jold frend, and they were troubled no more lasting, more : TORONTO more ev would have been destitute sub for some gold their mother had Recalled' By Death Of J. buried in the gardew, David decided {not to remain au the enemy's country W. Purdy. land the whole family, with some of "As A Newspaper As An Advertising Medium | their neighbors, embarked in a yawl {on the Slack river and came to Can- " EWS is news in Tue GLone - O live Canadian business man MARRIED AGAINAT 76: where they took United Empire | {Loyalist farms. i without regard to the race, § oy can fail to notice the extent | 'he famuly were David, born Oet. 196th, 1756, married Abigail Osborne, creed, or political beliefs of § \ to which the industries from PASSED AWAY IN KINGSTON ON 2 Lo a ille Mary, born a MAY 21st. {1760, married Daniel Everett," sttied the parties concerned. This is one § Bl the neighboring Republic are {at Collins Bay; Gilbert, born, Jan. of the distinctive features that has v crowding into Canad with ti ¥ he Last Surviving Member of (9th, 1763, married twice, first wil . ~ . A Was ally of Twelve--The Young. | Martha Gadney, second wile Ann Eli given Tre Grose the right to the branch factories, branch stores, ete. {zabeth J ; Micuish, born M w Nah aki at Sam of the Tate, Hosen Purdy font eormntes Minh, ore (| title Canada's National News- Advertising is the surest weapon wees around yout home. Drice . ¥ and Mary Wartman. qui; khoda, born May 15th, 1768, » 3 = . * 2a . glass hard. Keeps ifalooks, 2 In the death of John Wesley Purdy, pion. first husband John Wartman paper. The idea that a party with which to anticipate or to meet 00, Coms Jittle--a galion coats 500 pe who passed pencelully away' this second usb Barnabas Day; Lath. - paper must necessarily allow the use ; this competition. Newspaper Pub- i i a" 'on. > Nels street, S ;, |arine, born g. » 1770, rie A : ' ; . : : . equard fest. Samed is lag of handy ss HH home $ ; Fo non on Saini Joseph Ferria 9th March, | 1789; Char, of its news columns to reports of the : licity will do for many a business 17 pretty shades in solid Enamel; hardwood i , May ' 3 f 4 . \ i Jn % J ected ye- |loite, born Aug. 25th, 73, marrie 3 2 : . colors in Lacs; and M L Transparent for natural : Wislely knows uel math geupectee iS David McCoy; Samuol, born March political doings of one side only, © what tariff -and travellers have finish. Make all your woodwork, furniture, vehicles, p aved in Kingston only two years he 25th, 1775, moved 16 Michigan; Hesse does not apply to Tue GLOBE. c 3 § : failed to do. lpok mew sgain with M L Floorglaze. Write us for had mapy relatives both here and Pusdy pi the gn, of ol bert Purdy Tn ialit ahd thought- SE : G dunt the BES Sul ou ce 0 tov nd coe erie NYE QPF oon fiz, ob; 2 ta gt in 7 | fulness mark Twn Go Tux Guons: during the pat ' Varmish & Color Co.,Ltd, Toronto. ham, May 10th, 1820, he lived on his 4 y » se : ve i's . iy . ; : ; Recommend znd for Hale by-- father's homestead until about twenty ber several hundred. : ; fulness mark Tue GLOBE'S handling sixty-six years has helped hund W. A. MITCHELL, H. W. M ARSHALL, J. B. BUNT & CO. years ago, when be removed with his ough 5 tolmntic. page lu the | of news. To no other paper in of business men to success. iy iy 1 A he ¥ 7 story oO i ar uw Ys 2 « - > : SE hy a ww 5 Sansys, Where he tures mn Purdy was the descendent of two Ger Canada does the saying "all the Ww it Th Gl 5 To-day Mr. Purdy was twice married. Inman princes--the Prince of the House news that's fit to int " apply with . rie e AN UP-TO-DATE STOVE . 1858 he married Emma Caldwell and |of Rosenberg "and the Prince of the s pr apply ' for Rates ' wm 1905 Jane Lowery Gaw, of King: [House of Wessenberg (now grand du such truthfulness as to Tue Grose. : Do i realize there is no longer any reason why ston, who survives him. His imme- | cal houses). hrthaldy Wessenburg, 0 4 " ada - : diate family left to mourn his de | the House of Wessenberg, born Janu usc a coal ra ? Oil is cheaper than coal; it -- are his widow, three sons and [ary 5th, 1698, married Louise of " s lighter and 'easier to andle, and gives an intense one daughter, Clarence E, Purdy, of | Rosenberg, August 2rd or 28th, 1737, .. Hanna Bron. Bridgebure, 4 3 Phos McAuley. 4 y Lincoln, Kansas; Herbert E, Clay, {was a notable student, held the as On rT : "Discontinue. b ou The College Book Store (1. Nash). heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more Urntre, Kansas, and Miss Ermina J tronomy chair in the German Univer Aw manty Machin Map ang X, Ming 1. Bucknell, Clarence Street News economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the who came from Kansas in February |sity, also a classical scholar and con flooded with answers" a F. O'Gorman, 363 King Street. 2 ° to be with her father through his | versed in five languages. Louise was . £ : the second daughter of the prince of ION the house of osenberg, born in g ; Rosenberg Castle, 1720, died, 1746 : Christinnna Wessenberg, only child of a Bartholdt Wessenberg, born Septem: -8 ove halo ti ber 17th, 1738, not having a son, her ; 4 4 father educated her highly. In 175% ib | "The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of : re she married Abraham Wartman, born You really can't appreciate it until you either . 3 a in Amsterdam, Holland, 1735, came ol i or talk to someons who has used it. It does everything that dl 1 a respectable Dutch family, and was a ange will do--except heat the room. The New Perf . ) y ' cooper by trade. He met Christianna Stove will do anything, from heating a { i Wessenberg, when he went to her kettle of water fo cooking a Squrse father's house, to make tubs and dingens DY Top. I buckets, it was love on sight. They ' : 3 ' x eloped and were married. Tradition al- can't get out of order. Light it and it bi Jowe him much more than the usual is ready. Turn it down and it is out. k ] : y Only women who knows the trouble share of manly beauty, and she was A SENSIBLE LUNCH of carrying coal and -cooking in a hot | . very fair. Her father disinherited her. kitchen can appreciate what it means to Fe ; They fled from®his wrath to America, have a clean, perfect stove that will f arriving in New York, 1738, : Ther - Between meals, For breakfast. cook anything, boil, bake or roast, and To | finally settled at Tunkaannoch, in the / . » a. . yet won't hen the kitchen. How is it be 3 Wyoming valley, on the Susquehanna Before retiring. With soups at dinner. done? The flame is controlled in tur- | river, Pa. Five sons and three daugh- uoise-blue enamel chimneys, and 2 CR ters were born to them, and they Just the best food for At the i. $e Sitectod aguinat the bottom of pot, pan, i prospered until the Revolutionary war : . : hi . kettle or oven, and only there. The Broke out. Siding with England they professional men and A most nourishing and flame operates exactly where it ig nevded suffered much persecution. Finally be- brain workers. delicious morsel. ! 4nd Howhate elge, . With this stove i os A ---------------- ing obliged to leave their home, they your chen cool. same y Vor The nickel finish with the bright blug" THE LATE JOHN WESLEY PURDY. To on Canale By en Cleve of the chimneys makes the stove orng i hg Cl Purd h stayed some time and two eldest mental and attractive. Made with 1,2 fine 88. afence irdy, who was aaah ried. . They and 3 burners; the 3 and 3-burner (also with his father in his last days, daughters were married. bey. . pro: stoves can be had with or without returns to Bansas with his father Seeded to Honseeu], hprpward il Cabinet, this week. . mgston, ere OO at phYsrs desistevaryube hd Rok at yours write tor | Mp. Purdy's illness, which lasted farms on the Front Road. A faithful ney 'about four 'months, was the first ill- | soul worthy of mention was Chris- ness of his Jife, On being asked to [tinuna's maid, Jerusha, who fled 'what ho ascribed his wonderful record {with her mistress and spent. her life in ot nearly exghty-one years of up- [her service, ur broken health he replied, "Temperate | The children of Abraham and Chris- habits." fle never used liquor or |[tianna Wartman .were: Susannah, {tobacco in any form. He also elimi- {born May 16th, 1759, married John nated pork from his diet, regarding | Secord, 1785; died September 3rd, {the filthy hog as'a breeder of di-|1830; (sister-in-law of the famous lsease. The writer would add as a |Laura Secord); Jerusha, born 1762, {great health factor his serene and |married John Comer, 1781; died 1830; {placid temperment, a sublime trust | Bartholdt, born July lst, 1763, killed {mm Providence that admitted neither | june 20th, by a company of Ameri- {doubt nor worry. Converted in his| an soldiers--Resultt' Massacre of tender youth he was a life-long mem- Wyoming: Peter, born 1165: married ber of the Methodist church. On com- | Eva Grass, 1786; died 1824. Eva ing to Kingston he identified himself {0 eldest daughter of Capt. with Princes street Methodist church, | a:b 01 Grass, received one thousand Rev. F. H. Sproule atid Rev. J. Road- acres of land from the crown, as did house conducted the funeral service, each member of Capt. Grass' family. | Monday aMernoon. Mr. Sproule re {I yy seed: from H.W. ! terred the departed " wh Information received from ti id pakle a8 file 0% | Richardson, great-grandson. John lite was largely developed along spir- Wartnfan horn, 1767, married Rhoda itual lhnes." Mr. Roadhouse, an old | M2" RR a Th #i¥ts be 1769 itriend, 'paid a touching tribute 'to Purdy, 1785; Christianna, born, Fb, {one we had lon learned » {married 'John Courtland, 1786; Hor- 8 ) g ago learned to love. 719: died 1784; B bas {The pall-bearers were all young men, | 8c, born 17 th 17 arnaias, {okutives of the docensed. The floral bors, agua a 15th h pg martied | tributes were handsome. anna ¥s ie : For The T Some years after the death of his | August nb, Js58; {Barnabas Fao {first wife in Kans: , P ris man spoke five languages, was a Me wrence 'Crystal Diamonds" are the perfection of sugar sr Par ised ep Panes His family g &nd a distinct addition to the tea table. These sparkling l\ater he returned to the bedside of wero: Louis, (married ' Jane Her- of the purest sugar are dainty and tempting in [his fast remaining sister, the late chimer); Mary (Hosea Purdy); Eliza- f 3 ~the proper accompaniment of delicate china, rich cut { Mrs. John Uampsall, of Godfrey, who [beth (Mrs. Lane); Jerusha, (Mrs. John HE ) % 5 g egy fue lipen, freat dealers keep Cryutal Digsrondn™ | rallied for a tite. alter his Goming, | Dawson); David .Christianna _ (Mes. i IF GP AN are 50 y the pound. {st was then he met and married hie | Joseph Ferris, Jr.); Malis, (Mrs. y 1 Dinumsnd Region n isecond wile, giving his pelatives a | John Herchimer.) The decendants of ly ee, In §1bs, cartons only. pleasant surprise in regard to which | these families are numerous. «» Montreal. {ho often humorously vemarked, "My | It was Mr. Purdy's wish that all | 000000000000 Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. Give us a call when you require arden Hose, Lawn Mowers, awn Rakes, Refrigerators, case 18 only one of many that goes | who, contributed data should have a Gas Stoves, Coal Oil |1o prove that man is never safe from copy of these ancestral papers, with 4 bid' : : oe k i : Buy your Groceries from 8S. oy Hmoreue Se que |e, eh Se ar" [| 3 Kine 31 Frineoss Bireet Stoves, etc. way, always maintaining that gentle ~A. H. C. 8B. 'And please see that you get a We c full line of the abov ood dnity which characterized him, pen with every Cash Pur- e carry rn He 4 B eg a Of United Empire Loyalist : a e lowest prices. Mr. Purdy took a Sively Wrisnost i FELT ALL USED UP. Return $20.00. worth of Pp everything appertaining to the early | Business Man Escaped Breakdown. |§ coupons and get 50¢ in trade Tile Sewer Pipe and Fittings Constantly history of his native land. During a free. his visi's he collécted much date i "It needs only the 'additional strain On Hand. | tending to compile a history of the |following a slump in business world |, T. KIRK, oh { United Empire Loyalists, when failing |like 1907-08 to bring many business 277281 Princess Street. BO0000000000000000G000 00000000000 00000000 vision prevented him from completing. | men to the very limit of their physi- : . ae {Mr Purdy had an interesting fomnily cal endurance. Things began to get history, of which we give a short [ti i in August, "07." p : Q OMOCOCC 00 00000000000 0000000000000000000000000008000000000000009 DAVIS LAUNCHES AND MOTORS ~ When you buy a Motor Boat get one that is sure to be satin factory. The DAVIS 1910 Model Gasoline Engines are always ready and sure to go. They run smoothly under all conditions in any weather in any sea. Put one In your new launch and you will have success. All engines are given a thorough test before leaving the shops, and they are guaranteed {6 work satisfactorily. We are Manufacturers of High-grade Launches, Gasoline Ea gines, Water Tube Bollers and Steam Engines. Ask us for prices before purchasing elsewhere. & We #lso carry a full line of Gasoline Engine Fitfings and Sup- » Ei i 2k andl : as the lant surviving momber 4 serve-=heat in oven, pour hot milk over A family of twelve, being the youn- am ! a of Hosea Purdy and Mar ; 1a ste. Sold by all grocers, 13¢. a carton; two for §5e. ' The dest neck and hapast; otia; "Nast to the King." John and William Purdy, two advinyrous youths, she me to America. | 0 mrr---- After their an they | it Jooked i Of Gas and Electrie Shades for parated. William got ; » Combination Fixtures just in. embarked (or paid hi Ee PORTABLE AND MISSION plies. 2 : LAMPS. + THE DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. - - "Phone 420. Lat ui Ga yous . a $906008000080000000000000000000000000000800¢ Fixing this house cleaning d sossesepsesevee time. iL W. Newnan Bestrc Co. ; 79 Princess Street. "Phone 441. k Reif Sundryarticlesfor géod house- keepers : Bissell 'Oar pete Sweepers ; Home kissed Race Curt Stretphers ; Tar Box|David, junior, rs ; Liquid of 2s Now is the cheapest time for Preservirg Pines. We have them, all sizes and prices. Strawberries Fresh Every Day tR. H. TOYE, *Giocfar" Pillow Sham board a British Veneer and Furniture Re- he] Fit £ i