£ -~ da & i i | fy : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1910. nn pi ms -- -- -------- mai CR eg EE a . [-------------- Ct ------ | 52 . { ans. iy us ude Lh a ; 00 YEARS AGO THE || i Abbeys Salt 30 A Sr | What You Should Take ! Fev TC C0 0 vantipation EGYPTIANS CURED Any physician will tell you aud Stomach Trouble, will rid ' 9, ' - that the constant use of liver you of these distressing com- DISEA SE WITH FRUIT 4 pills, purgative tablets and To-day, Canadians Are Doing ft With "Fruit-a-tives" plaints--and at the same time, powerful ~The Famous Frail Medicine -- -- EE Te 3 app; po, al > y i awyer Stioe Sto pg &, damn whole system. Abbey's Saltis pleasant to take and does not it 25¢. and Soc, at all dealers. Daintily devised Foot Dress benefit the We are apt to consider the age we live in as the most wonderful age that the world has ever known, It is, in many respects, Yet the ancients surpassed us in some things. Engineers of our 4o-story sky-scrapers still marvel at the massive pyramids and the sphinx. So, too, the Egyptian physicians of 3,000 vears ago, used fruit juices as a medicine for treating blood 'trouble, liver and kidney disease, and stomach weakness. Their method of mixing fruit juice asa tiedicine, is also one of the lost .arts, A well kyown Camadian physician, wowever, perfected a method of utilizing t juices, which is one of the greatest 8 ies of modern medical research. ruit-a-tives" is the natural cure for Chronic Comistipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Torpid Liver, Kidney Disease, Pain in the Back, Bad Com- plexion, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Headache and Neuralgia. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trjal box, 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives . - shoe for women. ; $ Limited, Ottawa. The Sawyer Shoe. Stor "Bole Agent for Kingston, ' Prom the factory of Ulz & Duna, wakers of the famous boii aa ok a i 5 on THE MARK WHICH MARKS THEIR HIGH DEGREE Is noticeable in every line of The Sutherland Shoes. It takes "many years of shoe experience to enable a dealer to gather to gether such a Splendid assorfment of swell Shoes for MEN AND WOMEN as we ave showing this season. But, then, that's just where we are strong---in experience----consequently we assert our leader ship so readily. 'DON'T OVERLOOK OUR PLAMATE SHOES FOR CHILDREN, Sold only at this Store, J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. ARE WE HOLDING HUMAN LIFE TOO CHEAPLY ? i NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. (he Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are olng Aid What They Are Saylug. Morven Murmurs. Morven, May 31.--Crops are looking wed. The fruit erop also is promising, ler, of Brockville, is the guest of her visiting in Brockville. mother, Mrs. M, Root, "elfer Ten-|'Tedford, is visiting her nant was home 'with his parents over | J Sunday. Timothy Gpild lost a valu- |g able horse on: Sunday. A Masonic sermon will be preached in the Me- thodist church hy Rev. F. H. Sproule, of Kingston, cin June 19th. Mrs, James mother, Mrs, . Fair, Escott, who is seriously ill. . Ferguson, Sand Bay, spent Sun- day at R. Williams'. Mr. and Murs. C. Hamilton, Elgin, spent Sunday at Mrs. B. Gavin's. W. Sullivan, of Chi- cago, is visiting relatives here. - Mrs. John Bolger, visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Keyes, Gananoque, has returned home. A. McCormick spent Sunday in Warburton. James. McDonald visited | his daughter, Mrs. J. Elliott, Water town, who is seriously ill. 0. W, Landon spent Thursday in Brockville. Bath and Nursery Preserves and beautifies the skin, soothes irritated and itch surfaces. Opens the Jord, thie bastesiog the a of urities that cause eczema. Faden, ete. The daily use of Hay's Ba is the surest means of possess- ing the fairest complexion, the softest and whitest hands, Its peculiar healing and tiseptic ers, possessed no other a uid gy tals eth Fog in the ursery, refreshing in the bath, 28¢c. at aruncists or on of price, : : Fein oF otn Electric Irons in: order to Introduce our 1 lee Irons we have decided : 10 a Free Trial to any "aléetic light consumer In the 1 "They can be attached to any electric socket, and are al ready. you wish to try one 9, A Child's Death. Hartington, May 31.--The infant son of Mrs. McDonald, Kingston, (now re- giding here for a few' months), «ied last Sunday merning. About a week age the ehild had contracted measles now so prevalent in this neighbor- Sand for our Toke. * The care of the Shin and Hair® PHILO HAY SPEC CO, Newark, BJ, U, 8. A, Bay's Bair Health over fails to restore sray Hale to its natural color and When You Feel Played Out Mm Toa aa $1.00 and 04 | REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES Jas. B. McLeod, Agenv. § LL Lutting. in fodder corn is the work -on hand at present. Samuel Wilson. and sister have taken possession of the property that he lately purchased from hood. Pneumonia ensued and death fol- lowed in a short time. The funeral ser. vite was conducted by Rev. A. Fokes, at the home of F. Conway, on Mon- day. Mr. Fokes spoke very touchingly Mrs. H. Fleming, Chaffey's Locks, Mrs. W. Polger, Westport, and Miss Lillian Fleming, Montreal, visited at James P. Lappan's. . Reports From Cannifton, There comes a time when your grip on things weakens. Your nerves are unstrung, the vital forces low, the stomach is weak and the blood impoverished. You feel old ie ereepingi over you. Be careful of yomrscf. - Take Cannifton, May 30.--Th# board of health met on Wednesday for re-organ- ization. The township council held court of revision on Monday, The ladies of the W.M.S. will take charge of the services in the church on Sun: doy in the absence of the pastor, who B. Jackson, on Broadway. James Itt man has purchased Lan's i n, and is. taking pow. Charl Smith, of Moston, is visiting his par- onts, Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Smith, Miss Marian Kaylor entertained a couple of schoolmates from Napanee collegiate, over Sunday. Allisonville' News. Allisonville, May 30.--Danford Ains- worth has purchased the property that belonged to tiw late Mrs. Enoch, John- son, East Wellington, and is making | teparations to move. J. H. Young] Consecon, moved his sawing outfit to H. A. Anderson's, on Friday. He is sawing timber for his new bern. Mrs Lewis MeFanl, left to-day for Detroit, Mich,, for a few weeke visit. Mrs. G. "| Fralick, of Picton, is spending this weik with her niece, Mrs, Grant Val-! leau, Mrs, Emerson. McFaul, is im- proving after a few weeks' severe ill of ness, AL H. Marvine has had a relapse and is not getting along very fast. | The village is still without a black- smith, from the well-known words "Suffer the ittle childrén to come unto Me." The Jntexment took place in Harrowsmith cemetery, Rev. A. Fokes is attending conference. After the league meeting last Friday evening: at which the topic, ""'Respossibilities of Intemper- ance" was 'very ably discussed by{wiil be at conference. At the last John Snyder, assisted by Adrian | meting of the auxiliary Mrs." C. A. Reveils, the company repaired to the | Callery was made a life member of sohool house, where starting from |the society in recognition of faithful Kingston they' proceeded on a "trip! service, : arcund the. world." Visitors: Mr. and| The theme at Thursday's league Mrs. Clogy, Flginburg, at George{meeting was "This Canada of Ours: Trousdale's; Mr. and Mrs. FE. Martin, {The meeting was presided over by of Florida, at KE. Revelle's; Miss|the literary vice-president, Miss Ber Saunders visited the school, yesterday, ' tha Fraser. An interesting map talk, in interests. of Student's Reference bristling with information, was given Work. The school flay is hoisted to- [by iss Rush. Several patriotic day in commemoration of founding of | songs by the boys, readings and reci- witish Colony, in South Africa. tations and a solo by Miss Lawson mie Lrow on reti MeicomBe Matters. brought an enjoyable meeting to a Melcombe, May 81.--Mr. and Mrs, | On Wednesday, May 18th, Marshall Benjamin Gavin, Sand Day, have the | Bovay, of Bloomfield, and Mrs. 4 sincere sympathy of the entire com- Barnes, of this place, were quietly munity in the loss of their little son, |Married, jn Belleville, by Rev. Mp John Harold, aged five, who passed Myers. Miss Lulla Black, having fin- away on. Tuesday last. The remains | ished her year at Queen's, is renewing were placed in the Roman Catholic acquaintances here, Miss Evelyn ceruetery here. Mise Celia Ralph is Norke has returned to Eldorado after sponding a few days under the paren- 2 tal roof. Royal Mason lost a valu able cow last week." Mrs. G. Hammond, of Campbelliord, Silk, oA . % ams oY the 2th kere. Miss Florence ak " of boro, is the t of Miss Eg Bell! Lorne Reid ant ittle daughter, of Baneroft, were the guests of Mr, and Mre. T. Farnham during the hol: dee Sn i nen ik F oT apy Didier' Auth Pain rerio, ure ALM cow] Orange Meat andMilk is.a Perfect Food, Pills with mé alf the time, and for aches and pains there is nothing equals them. T have used them for rheumatic pains, ¢ | headache, and pains in side and has returned from Colborne and Mige : Bell from Toronto. William Ellis and back, and in every case they give' tisfaction » pir 845 KING STIUBT. HB bois > fd 4 Al Nongest Established Electric 4 , Firm in the City. Hl hy La . by . a at once; there is need to renew the life forces. Weak nerves, wearied brains, sick stomach, feeble blood, torpid liver, sluggish bowels--all feel the quickening effects of Beecham's Pills, Their use makes all the difference; The tonic action of these pills upon the vital organs is imme- diate, thorough and lasting. 'Fheyare Nature's own remedy For Run-down Conditions onl Beetham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. SoToran & 1503 1a Canes and U.S, America, In boxes 28 conta No one need gxpect to be healthy if the bowels are allowed to bgome clogged up. | A free motion of the bowels daily should be the rule with everyons who aspires te and Plano Pi all the 00 up. Easy rent © be are be' allowed full 4 Jwithin, two years' time J i y @ to purchase plano, We also have a full a 1 instruments, PRC Guitare, dolls, Strings, k res to ' show Yonge Mills Notes. Yonge Mills, May 28.--Miss Carpent. er and Miss Ross, Brockville, and Miss Ralph, North Augusta, were guests at Jas, Purvie' over the 24th. Miss Helen Purvis, visited at Dr. Shaw's, Lans- downe, this week, K. Burnham and Miss Bennett, Brockville, spent Tues. day at B. Burnham's. Ross Purvis, Junetown, visited friends here, last week. Holmes Eyres, who is working in Ottawa was home this week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Burnham, Brockville, were visiting at A. Burpham's redently. Mrs. McMullen and the Misses Mo Mullen. Brockville, were guests, at R. 16, Steacy's, this week, Mrs, Maria RoSth Seelev's Bay. spent last week wi rs. i. McLean: Mrs, Flynn is visiting friends her, before moving to Irogiieis. Mr, anid Mrs. Chas. Dickey, Brockville, ate visiting at J. C. 5 ' spent it is made from the whole wheat and is easily converted into rich, red blood. son, Thomas, left, yesterday, for Brandon to join his wile. J, " Haight spent the 24th in Newbingh. F. Corby's litte som, Joseph, is wiry low with pneumonia. : MYSTERY OF. TELEPHONE. 08d and Myserious Case Near Cal gary. k Calgary, Alte., June ].~That Thom. | {as White, whose body was found on the. trail near the Sarces reserviction; met with foul play, was the opinion of Coroner Sanson. vieeamstanees Sohuection with the ease am wavin ee "A telephone jthage wad ve-eit ol ni the mounted Solice 5 Satur day, fiating t thére was. a dead ody on the reservation : trail. wan who. t=1s honed would not his name. i Q Sn Dickey's. ' ANZANILEA, A td Reorganized School. fo ; Holleford, May 31.--The pastor, Rev. A: Pokes, and members of the Sab- met on Thursday Srening the $ame. The fol i to be cleaned quickly aid thoroughly use "WONDER-SHINE- "Wonder 20" does its work quickly end perfectly injury to anything. Ose Xe. package will lest for months. Sold by dealers everywhere. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCE CO, LTD. TORONTO + MONUMENTS : | Granite and Marble Riside sop # . No rubbing or serbbing, just dip the po ah fot wish to _clesn into hy a. ents TASER Lot hot water and Wom. dor«<8hine " snd sway gore the tersish snd out comes the The original lustre. Sseson went fie Sx SOREN athe iing and' could mot. find the after 5 : ave: the measles. 1:18 ev a San . Jrorpe. . He went back Sundsy i it ahd brought Fld Bh o p » A rich, yet, mild, brew, lke REGAL Lager, fs good o for the nerves, 'heart and stomach. Your physician knows this, and will tell you the! REGAL'IS $imulant Memorial Work. that cannot harm you. Try We have modern squipment for yd : is visi : : . ; 4 ¢ 1 i . g RR | manufacture of suything In Granite it a ' re. Th was | wl ig SATE pr veld Wp t was 1 ; a. Eh ar Marble, Our business success fa due to for nishing first-class work. Latest Designs and Highest Class of