Crippled With Lame Back THIS RESULT OF LONG STAND- ING KIDNEY DISEASE WAS OVERCOME BX ~DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. This letter gives you somes idea of th: definite and certain results you ootain by using Dr. A. W. Chase's hidney and Liver Pills for kidoey disease, - This medicine is very prompt in ac- tion and very direct in effecting cure. You do not need to keep up the treat ment long before you find most mark- ed improvement. Mrs. Richard Patterson, Haldimand, Gaspe Co., Que,, writes: "1 want to tdl you that I was cured of kidney disease of long standing by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. I used to suffer a great deal mot knowing just what was the cause of the trouble and got so bad that I was almost crippled with lame, sore back. "Before 1 had used two boxes of these pills I found my back better and less than three boxes made the cure complete, I have never had a sore back since and believe the cure to be lasting." ache, headache, bodily 'pains, scanty, painful urination, deposits in urine after standing, fickle appetite, indigestion and irvegularity of the bowels are among the symptoms which warn you of serious frouble from kidney disease. You can be practically certafn that Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills will help you and help you quickly. Make the test for yourself to-day. One pill a dose, 25¢c. a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Write for free copy of Dr. Chase's Re- - We have secured the Agency for a Pulp Plaster that does away with lime, sand, and hair. It makes a hard, solid, denss, wall at low cost, A nom-conductor of heat and Lo her of sound. makes a wall that will not crack or crumble, It: ¢ontaine no sand and can be cut into Ike wood. It dries In léss than one-fourth the time ordinary | plaster. can the Carpente plaster without any delay. It is only one-half as heavy as othér plaster: it will go twice as far per ton, ||! reducing gpst. : Call and see sample at FrontesagLunber & Coal Company, Successors to the Rathban Co. required by rs follow WiLL BAX. cent piece, the bugbear of currency, gists, metallurgists have their way. the adoption of a nickel coin worth | the same amount. of money would be hn {and other adopted and why not Canada, a country where nickel is a characteristic metal, where sixty-five per cent. of the nickel But who wants to talk business when the fishing's good, anyway? REVOLUTIONIZE NYCKEL. |Our Smallest Coinage Coming insfor Discussion. The elusive, five Canadian is doomed' if many geolo- and mining men that little Canadian It is claimed improvement. Germany, France, European countries have nickel for coinage purposes and world is mined ? pil 3 J HRY / pat UA = POOR SAMUEL. the mouth of the fare box would have to bé enlarged. ) ig is FORCED TO TAKE FOOD. Indigestion Banished by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Victims of indigestion, have small choice between two evils--on the ong hand a starvation diet, which means great weakness and depression of spirits, and on the other hand forcing themselves to take nourishment = in spite of the acute suffering inflicted by each 'meal. In the search for a cure they find common medicines upset the stomach and render the food more difficult to AA A LITTLE HUMOR. Jor: Tsee old Smithers has taken up golf. Bill: Yes, and he's taken up auto mobiling and .two new clubs and yachting and race horses. and near ly *everything else that it . is possi ble for him to take up, except his note for $100. I stil} hold that. "What made t ed his whip?' so nervously when (the driver "He's used to jumping when Mwhip cracks," "Js he in a circus?' 4 "No; he's in the legislature." stout man jump erack- the [Correct Breathing and Proper Poise Will Rout thé Hated Corpulence. | There is nothing more important in frying to get rid of that extra pound of flish than correct breath- ing. The very corpulent do no breathe any mote than is or {to sustain life! Mand correct first, with wn in, shoulders back, shoulder blades flattened and chin out. To exercise at home the {body showld he loosely clothed, and {the room flooded with fresh air. | Ater assuming the correct ° posi tion, practise drawing in' long breaths, through the nostrils, balance. jing the weight upon the ball of one foot, then the other: Corpulent per- sons are often heavy walkers, com- ing down flatly wpon the = entire lenggh of the foot. Elasticity, lee sides adding Fra to one's. carriage sets: up a vibratory action of the muscle fibres that prevents fat. Practise, therefore, decp, abdomingl {breathing, while balancing as stated above, and a pleasing change in the |general contour of the hody will 'soon be noticed.--Delineator, A Tipless Curse, New York Press ] "Talk' about the tip evil," sgid the traveled girl. "Now, last summer, Just before I lelt London, | got cursed awfully. It was like this: I had tip ped everybody on the place--the man servants, the maidservants, the slavey, the bootblack. Then just béfore I got ina cab a man up and threw an old soiled cloth over the wheel to protect my skirts as I got in. Nobody asked him. It didn't protect my skirts, be- cause it was worse than the wheel, so I didn't think it was necessary to tip him. : "I wish you could have seen his face. It scared me. He swore an- awful oath. Then he said, '1 honly opes the hoat goes down wig ve, that's what 1 opes |" q Wie Jrotty wabbly all the way over, thinking it might, didn't go on 8 but the boat Contains antiseptic and whiten the teeth as no other dentifrice IRON BEDS Tooth Preparations are different. Their absolate Purity isas essential to good health as Pure Food or Pure Water, SANITOL TOOTH PASTE 2S5¢ 1s pure white and contains no coloring matter. Not only thoroughly cleanses the teeth and keeps gold fillings bright, but permanently destroys the germs of decay. SANITOL TOOTH POWDER 2Sc perties: which cleanse It arrests decay and tones up the entire mouth and gums, leaving a refreshing cool ness and a lasting benefit. 2369 IRON BEDS | LET { Tr - ) SPECTAL--JUST ARRIND-$2.00. 43.50.. SPLENDID VALUE AT $4.70 SPRINGS AND MATRESSKES FROM $2.50 UP. "R. J. REID, LEADING UNDERTAKER. 'Phone 577. _ Good for clothes as well as a germicide-- both cleanses and disinfects (A. Chadwick, Manager), production of the [they ask. The word wickel, as ap- plied to's flve=cent piece in coinage | vernacular, i a misnomer when Can- 'adian coins of that denomination are referred to. Canadian five cent pieces | do not contain any nickel. United States five cent pieces are composed of an amalgam of nickel and copper. Dr. W. G. Miller, provincial geolo- gist and ex-president of the Canadian Mining Institute, is an enthusiastic advocate of the superiority of nickel for coinage purposes. In his presiden- tial ress he made the following refereffce to the matter : "Heretofore the dominion mint at Ottawa has been. turning out copper and silver coins and DPritish sovereigng. Now it is to mint Canadian gold as well It is 40 be hoped that eer long Can- ada will have a pure nickel coin, since this metal has been used by several Furopean countries for coinage and found to be well adapted for the pur- poses. 'The present Canadian nickel is the smallest coin in the - current coinage. It is also, perhaps, the most handled, and its size makes the hand- ling of it extremely awkward. It is «0 near the size of a ten cent piece that it is not 'an easy matter to distingtiish the two, unless by care ful serutiny. "Pure nickel can he stamped now," Dr. Miller stated, "and why can we not use it for coinage? It wears hard and would be between the size of a ten and twenty-five cent piece, and ¢| thus would be more easily distinguish- Shovght | able. The United States mickel wears lgrensy. That is because it is not {pure nickel, but copper and nickel amalgamated. The pure nickel coins are superior to the amalgam coins. Nickel has a value of forty eents 'a und and is not as heavy as silver. The proportion in weight between the two metals is about ratio of one: to Ywo. Silver is of great deal more as might be expected, an ounce CHATS im) expert ts others-with ¢he desirability of having a real nickel five cent piece coined in Canada. Nothing has been dove I but the disciples of the " nickel " are as enthusiastic as ever pect that the question will be taken up seriously in the mear future. Can- jada sixty-five per cent. of of mickel, digest. Laxatives are violent and | weakenibg, and socalled "pre-digested foods" merely evade the cause the trouble and the stomach steadily grows weaker. he common sense way of curing in- digestion is the Dr. Williams' way the making of new, rich blood by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that' gives tone to the weakened system and invigor ates the stressed digestive organs. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured thousands of the worst cases of indi- gestion through their simple tonic treatment and one excellent example of these cures is the case of Miss® M. Y. C. Roberge, Sorel, Que., who says: "For upwards of nine years 1 suffered almost continuously the tortibes of indigestion. At times I had no ap tite; at others there was a craving for food, but whatever I took caused me |what does "'B"" stand for? the greatest pangs. As the result + of | Johnny--Baked apple. the trouble 1 wdffered from violent headaches, and I grew pale and V "Mrs. De Spinster has wlak, 1 tried many different medi- [new chantecler hats!" cines; some gave me a little relief, but | "Well, if she put none gave me any permanent benefit {dozen at once they until 1 began using Dr, Williams' Pink {her look like a spring chicken!" Pills. 1 had only taken these a fow : r-- weeks when I found such help as 1| A contemporary says that had not found before. The pains [Wedding ring is worn on the f after eating g¥adually disappeared, my hand because the t is symboli- appetite. grew better, and after using cal of authority, and the left of the pills for a couple of months 1 ghadiefice: That Poeuliar nie you / a ansed simultaneous found myself completely cured, and action of 100,000 wives In. shifting have not since had a twinge of the the 71 to +30 proper. hand atelier. trouble. 1 gratefully recommend Dr. The sunshine lures us to regret. Williams' Pink Pills. to all who suffer from any form of indigestion. As chill: winds. bri conf atidh; time is as yet Through their action on the blood ; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such The ee. 1 troubles as anaemia, indigestion, sick aplica sion, headaches, rheumatism and all forms of nervous troubles such as neuralgia, St. Vitus' dance, and partial paraly- sis. These pills are especially valu to growing girls and women and cure the headaches, wideaches and other pains known only to them. Sold all medicine n or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxed for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., "Do. you subscribe for a woman's magazine for your wife!" asks the man with the monogram on his vest. "No, #ir,"" stoutly replies the man with the square chin. "And my wile doesn't buy my socks for me, either." The Hen-#Get hout, yer misera- ble, crawlin', RE is only one way for you to prove for ourse Asepto Soap Powder -- for you DA I oii not ¢ germicide, but as a soap compound as well--you must try it ¥ can say would not ishes, the Asepto laden tive : wear ou yo youhalf as quick 'wash-water down the J) « ERA Shad for for the next few _ Bad work - : ir ever waists little worm! If yer] 10 Be Soup ou an £0 Odor! was 'arf a man harm! yord r 08p you are i or come an , erything dirt and turn the mangle fer yer poor slav- Asepto Soap Powder Faas -- in': wife." can--will--take work off 'washes Vodding, The Worm--*No, Sarah; 1 may' be Joly ton mers. 1 you will » it. 3 Rae ul an ~ASEPTO clothes in renee SOAP POWDER sweetens the home. ... for it. does ST. JOHN, N.B. With Asepto, there fs no fabrio i 3 dishes, wood work, ton, mbar A single" | of it wi e two' gallons of the best soft soap you eversaw, All et 3 Re HH -------- » Teacher--Tommy, whit does the Jet- ter '&" stand for? Tommy---Apple, for ong thing, Teacher--That's right.' Now," Johny! he i i for a Ask a dozen the Medicinal Preparations Are Not "Cure-Alls" Neither are they intended to take the place of your physician \Reasonable Claims To claim that any retnedy will cure half a dozen, or even two or three, totally distinct diseases, is to at once discredit that remedy with every thinking man or woman. To claim thet any household "M any a man," home-grown philoso) courts i There are over fift te and distinct NA-DRU-CO Stedicinal Pres tions. Bach one is 5 ALWAYS LOOK FOR TIS TRAGE WARK f EA DED for NA- £0 remedi But we do claim that in when od doctor quieidy, and on the many other household remedy is needed, preparation is the safest and you use. or tian ii ote a re tent y ree applications of CO will check it once, just as NA-DRU-CO Wild Extract bowel oothathe' a cure Somplain t or NA-DRU-GO Ta Gum stop Ifany NA-DRU-CO preparation you try, whether medicinal or toilet, does ; ] Y. . not entirely satis, the druggist from whom you bought it will willingly refund your money. ' ? Joe Your druggist can supply you with any NA-DRU-CO preparation, for even if he has not the particular Thos undeg the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark you can get a thoroughly reliable household remedy each 0 put t iability of the NA-DR) Pre. © parations Weyond doubt or question, we Te A ah tn Ju Shysicien or in full Jat of thy ingredisnts cinal or ra in files PIFEe Ese F any Ask these men, who are fully qualified to i and in whom you place implicit Soundeets wif shoaisg the NA DRULO line. y a 3 1! ; Fr® vii 5 if 2 F 1 fl! 2 # iA F i 1 ls oF i i] ihe f : i I £ 0 b g it (Tablets) 2 tik, if ) | Gmherles Bebe Taw Dywerdia Tobe EA EE a a drticle you ask for in stock, be can get jt within two days from our nearest wholesale branch, Headache Wakers & > . National Drug ud Chemical Company of Canada, Limited 'Some NA-DRU.CO Preparations You Should Keep on Hand Here T abete T ! ] ! £Ff 1 to J: i Eg? sf £ i ; i H 5 7 : of 2 ¥ kr